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PACK UP: Residents are seen on the destroyed Azalea Road in discussingOceanview,the state of the road with Ward 16 Councillor Sanele Mthiyane

The municipality recently received an allocation of R109 million from National Treasury for flood disaster recovery, however this amount is virtually a fraction of what the municipality requires to carry out complete repairs.. In July this year the residents of Nyoniyamanzi also in Ward 16, rejected a R1 million road re-graveling project, as they had earlier been promised a blacktop road valued at more than R3 million.

Ward 16 Councillor Sanele Mthiyane who was on the scene on Monday when the residents ordered work stoppage, promised the residents that the municipality would return to the area once a new plan and funding for the road had been finalized.

September 7, 2022 XPress Oceanview residents reject “insulting project”

It's becoming a habit for KwaDukuza Municipality to be ordered to pack and go. This week the municipality was told in no uncertain terms to leave the area of Oceanview with its R1 million that was planned to “rehabilitate” Azalea Road, which was completely destroyed by floods. Work had to stop as residents were extremely unhappy with the scope of work for the road, which is

By Xpress Reporter

Branch Appointment System.“Pre-booked clients will be serviced at dedicated counters. To book an appointment, visit www.dha.gov.za and click on BABS. It's quick and easy. “The appointment booking system is one of the many strategies that we have introduced to fight the long queues,” the Department of Home Affairs stated. The introduction of BABS at the local Home Affairs is expected to ease the long queues and also protect citizens against harassment by paras who extort money for places in the queues.

Stanger Home Affairsbookingintroducessystem

Home Affairs patrons in KwaDukuza and surrounding areas can now look forward to making a booking before they visit the branch. This comes as the local branch will from Monday the 12th of September 2022 introduce the Branch Appointment Booking System (BABS) for smart ID and passport applications.“Citizensare encouraged to make use of the online booking system because in the near future, selected Home Affairs offices will process smart ID and passport applications only for clients who have booked an appointment through the currently a gravel road after the blacktop was completely washed away by floods. An official of residents,served(COGTA)TraditionalCooperativefromhadhoweverwasestimateDepartmentMunicipality'sKwaDukuzaCivilsadmittedthatthefortheroadrepairsetatR4million,themunicipalitynotreceivedanyfundingtheDepartmentofGovernanceandAffairsforthejob.Thisexplanationonlytoaggravatethewhothen demanded to know where had the R1 million come from, and why did the municipality deliver a R1 million project when the engineer had estimated the full scope at R4 million.

September 7, 2022XPress

Steadfast Commenting in the aftermath of the disastrous motions, ActionSA said it remained steadfast in its commitment to unseat ANC and to root out corruption in local government.“Bybeing the only

Continued on Page 6

As reported by this newspaper last week, simmering tensions between the DA and ActionSA had ultimately driven a huge wedge between the opposition parties, forcing some of them to jump into bed with the ANC. The DA, IFP and Independent Alliance chose to abstain from voting in the motions, however the EFF, AIC and ATM voted with the ANC in rejecting the motions. One ActionSA councillor was absent, which left only four councillors to vote in favour of the motions, eliciting much ridicule from other political parties. 35 Councillors in total voted against the motions, compared to four in favour of the motions. A total of 15 councillors chose to abstain. IFP Caucus Leader Musa Sibisi was not impressed with ActionSA. “Coalition negotiations collapsed because ActionSA acted too hastily, making its own decisions outside of the coalition framework. As the IFP we were not about to support a motion of no confidence without any formal agreement in place to ensure sound governance after the removal of the current office bearers. That would have impacted badly on service delivery,” Sibisi stated. The DA has shared similar sentiments, accusing ActionSA of demonstrating a “baas” mentality in the coalition talks. DA KwaZulu-Natal Chairperson Dean Macpherson said ActionSA had been warned about its overbearing approach to negotiations. “The DA has insisted from day one, that we cannot be part of a MONC without a signed coalition agreement, as this would create a power vacuum in KwaDukuza which would be filled by ANC appointed administrators. This is the worst possible outcome, which ActionSA has been willing to embrace at all“Incosts. the end, ActionSA has squandered an historic opportunity to be a part of a Macphersongovernment,”coalitionsaid.

FREE copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Mandini, Isithebe, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop 7 SEPTEMBER 2022 BEE LEVEL3 BBEEACCREDITATONB••5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger • Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net Follow us on times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER • Car Services • Exhaust • 3D Wheel Alignment • Batteries • Tyre Enhancement • Latest Styles Mag Wheels SPECIALISING IN: No traders * E&OE Mon-Fri : 8am to 5pm Sat : 7am to 3pm Sun : 8am to 1pm OFFERS FROM 7 - 11 SEPTEMBER OR WHILE STOCKS LAST! A proudly women empowerment initiative 10kg UTD Potatoes (Gravy Soakers) 4 TULIP Cell:oppLINDLEYCell:STANGERROAD,MANOR0762133369STREET,David’sFishShop)0784077772 Many more instore specials available for the fasting period. 1st Grade Yams 2kgTomatoes 2kg 2500 Bananas kg 1200 Large Ginger kgMushroom Punnets 2 FOR 2500 Dry Chillies Packet Lettuce Cleaned Jackfruit 799 Each Wishing the Hindu community well over Pitra Paksha Red/Green Herbs 2 FOR 1000 NaartjieSweet 2000 Pack Large English Cucumber 999 Large Cabbage 2500 1699 Each 2499 999 700 Packet 5999 23B KING SHAKA ROAD, STANGER YUSUF 083 701 5477 Affordable Wheels R10 toVariousofficechairschoosePricesfrom im 49 Mahatma Gandhi Str. Tel : (032) 551 1522 Headboard Imported R999 Glass Divider Imported Local Dining Table Venus Padded 4 Chairs 3 WardrobeImportedPieceKitchenUnitImported3Door4 Piece Jupiter Lounge Set (Available in 3 colours) WhatsApp "Add" to 081 480 5521 to receive weekly specials R1399 4 Door R2299R1899R1299R3399R1199 Mayor saunters to resounding victory By Musa Mnyandu dramatic volte-face by opposition parties in theAKwaDukuza Municipal Council left ActionSA blanketed in shame last week as its motion of no confidence was debated. All the opposition parties in Council, OPPOSING: All ANC councillors voted to oppose ActionSA's motion of no confidence except for ActionSA itself, abandoned earlier plans to explore a coalition alternative to the current ANCTheadministration.motionsof no confidence in Mayor Lindile Nhaca, Deputy Mayor Thulani Ntuli, Speaker Dolly Govender and Chief Whip Ntokozo Mbatha, was brought by ActionSA, in a bid to set up a coalition government in KwaDukuza. The motion was heard in a full Council meeting at the Town Hall, on Wednesday last week. The meeting had been initially scheduled to take place at the Council Chamber however the venue had to be changed due to a large crowd of people who burst into and crammed the Council Chamber, forcing proceedings to halt.Outlining the reasons for bringing the motion, ActionSA Caucus Leader Nel Sewraj put the blame for Council's failure to appoint the head of MPAC on the mayor's door. However this accusation was quickly quashed by other political parties, who pointed out that all members of Council needed take collective blame.

September 7, 2022XPress

A high visibility crime blitz operation was conducted in the KwaDukuza CBD on Wednesday last week, targeting known crime hotspots.Theoperation involved KDM Crime Prevention, SAPS Business Watch, Salim Tootla of the CBD Community Policing Forum (CPF), Hawks Security,

By Xpress Reporter

Humiliation for

LAUNCH: Pictured at the launch of Senzalula Project are (left to right) Deputy Mayor Thulani Ntuli, member Njabulo Cele, Mayor Lindile Nhaca and EXCO member Colleen Mdletshe

September 7, 2022 XPress R696912x12 Open Sundays from 9am till 12pm. While stocks last. E&OE. T’s & C’s apply. Debit & Credit Cards Accepted 1 Mahatma Gandhi Street (next to Noorgats), Stanger Tel: 032 5522180 • 032 5514904 Cell: 061 418 9721 • 082 944 4517 • bosssteel@telkomsa.net SQUARE TUBE 5 RWaterproofinglitreplusmembrane125125 MUST FOR EVERY CAR & HOME 3 FOR Fire Extinguisher R100R100 R888816x16 12 x 3 Flat Bar 444(6mt)95954 Just arrived large range PLASCONof & DULUX PAINTS 2 Plate Gas Stove R899899 3 Plate RR11001100 4 Plate R16951695 Ravena Maharaj Bsc Physio PHYSIOTHERAPIST(UWC) P.R. 72000 0123811 Suite 2 Morgan Court 33 Mahatma Gandhi Street, Stanger Email: 2physio@telkomsa.net • developmentDelayed in Children • Head injuries • Headaches • Incontinence & Bladder problems • Joint pain • Muscle strains & Tears • Arthritis 032 459 1748 • Back pain • Chest conditions • Cardiac•rehabilitationOsteoporosis • Rehabilitationsurgeryafter • Sports injuries • Stroke rehabilitation • Whiplash & neck pain Also consulting at Isithebe Medical CentreAlso at Isithebe Medical Centre Consulting hours: Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm & Sat 9am to 1pmhours: Mon Fri 8am to & Sat 9am to Tel: 032 552 7181 Senzalula to reduce KDM's administrative barriers

Transacting with KwaDukuza Municipality should get easier with the implementation of the new Senzalula Project, a technology based administrative system that is designed to improve efficiency in the delivery of information and services. The project, launched by Mayor Lindile Nhaca at eBandla Hotel in Ballito last week is funded by National Treasury, as part of cutting edge interventions aimed at maximizing governance efficiencies at local government level.Mayor Nhaca said the system was aimed primarily at making municipal services more accessible, in line with the vision

BLITZ: Various security agencies conducted an operation in the CBD to target crime hotspots

Continued from Page 4 party to vote in favour of the motions, it is undoubtedly clear that ActionSA remained true to its commitment made to the residents of KwaDukuza. ActionSA has been and will continue to be a party for the residents of KwaDukuza. And in spite of the outcome, ActionSA is unashamed to stand alone in this matter because it's a commitment they made to the residents of KwaDukuza since their campaign launch in 2021,” stated ActionSA KwaDukuza Caucus Leader Nel Sewraj.Sewraj added that the motions had led to uptick in service delivery across KwaDukuza. “Residents of KwaDukuza have observed a drastic uptick in municipal services rendered ever since the motions were introduced, which unmistakably attests that when right actions are taken, the much needed results can be achieved,” Nel said.

Relentless efforts to crush criminality

JOVIAL: (L to R) Deputy Mayor Thulani Ntuli, Mayor Lindile Nhaca and Speaker Dolly Govender were jovial after attempts to remove them proved ineffectual

of building an organization that works better.

historic call of becoming a city by 2030.“This is also where we reaffirmed our commitment to embrace the fourth industrial revolution as part of our Programme of Action, with a key focus on digitisation and enhancing communication. “Senzalula is an umbrella campaign meant to enhance revenue, promote economic growth, whilst enhancing productivity, premised on ease, efficiency, speed, convenience, inclusive growth, and sustainable development.“Senzalula is a Zulu phrase meaning “We make it easier”, true to its meaning, it offers more productivity and value,” Nhaca said.

The municipality has identified two projects funded by the European Union via National Treasury, as a launch-pad for the Senzalula programme aims and objectives, which will ensure that red-tapes are reduced and an enabling environment created for businesses and individual consumers.“InourCouncil Lekgotla held earlier this year, one of our focus areas was on prioritising inclusive districtKwaDukuzasustainingotherdemocraticdevelopment,socio-economicintegration,governanceamongstissuesthatwereaimedatthehegemonyofMunicipalityinthewhilstconfirmingour

ActionSA as parties ditch motion

Eye Spy Security, Black Tiger Security, K2 Security and Taurus Security.Officers saturated eight crime hotspots with vehicle patrols. Areas that are normally used by drug peddlers and muggers were the main focus. The operation was a huge success as there were no incidents of crime reported in the vicinity of those areas and CBD patrons were kept safe. “Normally, given its month-end the community used to be targeted and become victims. Thank you to all role players that came on board,” stated Salim Tootla, Chairperson of the CBD CPF.


September 7, 2022XPress


Glenhills Secondary School was raided by law enforcement agencies yesterday (Tuesday), as operations continue to rid KwaDukuza of drugs. Officers were acting on intelligence about narcotics and dangerous weapons being present inside the school.The operation involved members of iLembe Crime Intelligence, Umhlali SAPS K9 Unit, KwaDukuza Special Operations Unit, KwaDukuza CBD CPF led HappyProfessionalsAdministrativeDay

Today we have so much fear for the "unseen" and for "darkness", but I have to remind you that in today's world, we have to be more wary of the "living" than the "dead". What is visible to our eyes is the creation, and that which cannot be seen is the Creator. We can dialogue with the Creator through the divine intellect or the spiritual eye. The animosity in society is caused by the vices of anger, greed, arrogance, lust and attachment.

Task Team, Fidelity SIU and Empire VIP“TheProtection.suspect failed to produce a licence for the firearm, which did not have a magazine. He was charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm and also being in possession of live “Theammunition.suspectappeared at the KwaDukuza Magistrate's Court on Friday, 26th of August 20922. He made his second appearance on the 2nd of September 2022,” stated KwaDukuza SAPS communications officer Constable Siphesihle Myeni.

A man who identified himself as Thokozani Cele (25) appeared briefly in the KwaDukuza Magistrate's Court recently after he was found in possession of a Beretta handgun with seven rounds of ammunition. The man was arrested on the 25th of August 2022, after his vehicle was located on the R102 in Melville, following credible intelligence about a man in possession of an illegal firearm.Theoperation involved EON Crime Intelligence, iLembe District

GUN: Thokozani Cele appeared in court after being found in possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition

Illegal gun owner appears in court

By Xpress Reporter

RECOGNITION: In celebration of ProfessionalsAdministrativetheDay (07 September), Xpress Times features Vimeen Ishwardeen, Secretary at Stanger Secondary School since 2008. Happy practitioners.administrativesecretariesProfessionalsAdministrativeDaytoalland

Pitri Paksh is the remembrance of departed ancestor souls by paying respect through prayers, fasting, performance of special rituals, chanting, fasting and austerity. Offering of water and flowers are common. The origin of the observance is wide and varying because of the diversity of the religion, the many languages, dialects and beliefs.

In conclusion, people should not worry if they have not fulfilled all their earthly expectations to their close relatives or society. They should practice the art of being detached, but loving to their close relations. They should practice the remembrance of God at all times and more so in their mature years of life. This practice will assist you in the remembrance of God when you are leaving your body. It is said that your inheritance in your next birth depends on the intensity of this remembrance of God in your last thoughts. We have the practice of remembering all the earthly treasures and the future of relatives in our twilight years and at the time of leaving the body. This brings tremendous pains and sorrows on the soul. You have to remember that you came alone in this world and you have to leave alone. When a soul is preparing to leave the body, it needs silence, prayers and good wishes. If we create an atmosphere of sorrow and grief, then the soul experiences great difficulty in leaving the body. This may seem unloving and cruel not to cry or express grief, but prayers or chanting mantras in silence is better for the soul. Pitri Paksh therefore, should be a time of reflection not only for ancestor souls, but your own preparation for future births. This eternal world drama is fixed and destined.Thisyear Pitri Paksh will be observed from the 10 September to the 25 September 2022.

Issued by Madhun Sobram SingSpiritual Head Shree Hanuman Temple Stanger Manor by Chairperson Salim Tootla, KwaDukuza SAPS and TaurusPupilsSecurity.wheresearched and the following items where recovered: Dagga, dangerous weapons and cigarettes.“Itwas a successful operation and one of many to come at our local schools. Thank you to all role players involved in the operation. Your assistance in keeping our community safe is much appreciated,” said CBD CPF Chairperson Salim Tootla.

RAID: Glenhills Secondary School was raided as security agencies continue to clamp down on criminal activities

The actions performed is judged and graded by the spiritual law of action and reaction. This law is known as the law of karma. This is a spiritual law that dispenses divine justice, and believe it or not, you are judge and jury of your own actions. You are the architect of your own destiny. You have to settle your own karmic accounts. You have to have mercy on your own self. Your next birth is based on your karmic accounts. Human souls remain as human souls, for there is no interchange with other lower living species. The quality of life may differ, but rebirth is in the human form. In the golden age, souls exercise the highest level of purity, whereas in the iron age, souls become degraded and dehumanized and experience the most gross form of impurity.

For example, in some cultures, there is great celebration to honor birth, but a solemn atmosphere is created at the time of death. In other cultures, the opposite prevails. The reasons are quite philosophical as well as logical.

Many are not aware of its significance and continue to keep observance out of respect as well as out of tradition, based and supported by uncertainty and superstition. It is a case of being better safe than sorry.

The important thing is to practice your belief with great faith, love and reverence. During this period, people generally do not start new projects, buildings or start investments. Marriages, engagements, pujas or occasions of merriment are generally postponed until a sufficiently long period has elapsed, usually a year, of their dear departed ones. Most of this is handed down and has become custom and tradition.

The Significance of Pitri Paksh

were protesting about, KwaDukuza police spokesperson Constable Siphesihle Myeni says there is no law in South Africa that provides for private citizens to set up barricades on public roads, except when it's done for operational purposes by law enforcement agencies. A number of vehicles were stopped, and a few tyres were set alight on the road.

By Xpress Reporter

SHELTER: Pictured flanking the beneficiary is (left) Dr Ntuthuko Mahlaba (ANC provincial treasurer) and Thobani Shandu (ANC Youth League regional chairperson)

MANAGER: Acting municipal manager for iLembe District Municipality, Cingisa Mbola Pictured are some of the residents receiving services

Welcome relief for harried motorists

former Municipal Manager Mr. Geoffrey Kumalo, whose contract ended at end of August 2022.

“Individual house calls shall not be attended to after 6pm during weekdays and weekends. Only emergency, businesses and area outages shall be attended to after 6pm weekdays and weekends,” the internal memo reads in part.

Unplanned power outrages have become a norm for certain areas in KwaDukuza, with growing frustration among residents at the apparent inability of the municipality to find a lasting solution to the problem.

The occurrence of outages also brings with it the problem of excessive overtime being claimed by electrical staff, who have to attend to power supply problems beyond normal working hours.

“Operation Managers shall be given KDM vehicles mobiliser key and be authorised to drive specialised KDM vehicles and conduct electrical network operation works including switching when artisans are not available.


The ANC in KwaZuluNatal, as part of its Letsema Campaign, delivered two decent houses to two families in iLembe District, one in Ndwedwe and one in Maphumulo.Theparty's provincial executive committee (PEC) was represented by provincial treasurer Dr Ntuthuko Mahlaba, who was joined by the local leadership.Thehouses handed over by Dr Mahlaba were built by the organization for the two families who had been identified by its local structures.

Ilembe District Municipality has announced the appointment of the Senior Manager for Technical Services, Ms Cingisa Mbola, as the acting municipal manager until the end of November 2022. Mbola has replaced the

ANC delivers decent shelter

September 7, 2022 XPress Free delivery in Stanger only HEALTHGOURMETMIXCRUNCH IN EVERY MUNCH! A gourmet mix of aromatic spices, nuts, seeds & all your favourite munchies 1L - R100 Gifting and bulk orders available 083 339 4214 Naidoo brings services to RA Moodley SERVICES:

Residents of the R.A. Moodley Old Age Homes were privileged to have medical services brought to them by IPSS. They also had the services of Ithala Bank at their convenience to assist outages

Illuminating paraffin has meanwhile gone down by 82 cents per litre.

Manager holds a B-Tech in Civil Engineering (B-Tech in Geotechnical Engineering and B-Tech CFO,”municipalthemonitortheadministrativehingesSingCaucusdecisionCouncilCaucusmunicipalityECSAmemberalsoSouthEngineeringTechnologistregisteredBusinessstudiesrecentlyManagement).ConstructionShehascompletedhertowardsaMaster'sinLeadershipandisaEngineeringwithCouncilofAfrica(ECSA)andappointedasCouncilservingonvarioussub-committees,”thestated.Meanwhile,theDAintheDistricthaswelcomedthewithsomecaution.LeaderCllrKrsnasaid,“Goodgovernancearoundstrongleadership.AsDAwewillcontinuetothedevelopmentonfinalappointmentofthemanagerandsaidCllrSing.

KDM battles to manage power

Taxi operators protest in Glenhills

Ilembe appoints acting municipal manager

BLOCKADE: Taxi operators blocked roads in Glenhills on Friday morning as part of a protest action Friday last week brought some problems for the residents of Glenhills as taxi operators blocked roads in the area, as a form of protest. Although it remains unclear hat the operators with converting to new cards for their social grants. “This will greatly assist as they will not need to take taxi' and wait in long queues for long periods of time. On behalf of the residents I wish to place on record my sincere thanks to Dylan Meyrick and the management and staff of Ithala Bank for the services rendered,” stated Cllr Kathleen Naidoo of the Democratic Alliance (DA).

In a leaked internal document, the municipal manager has advised all personnel in the Electrical Engineering Services Business Unit that, ththwitheffect from the 11 to the 10 of September, their monthly overtime cap was being increased to 80 hours per employee. The municipality would also be seeking Council approval for Operation Managers to be paid scarce skill allowances, in order to perform duties of artisans in the absence of the latter.

Based on current local and international factors, the price of both 93 and 95 ULP and LRP petrol has decreased by R2-04 per litre, while diesel (0.05 sulphur has realized a 56 cents decrease, with a 46 cents decline for diesel (0.005 sulphur).

“She is the first female to hold Technical Services senior manager position a position she has held since January 2021. Mbola has been with iLembe since 2012 as a manager

substantially last night. The Department of Energy announced that the average Brent crude oil price has gone down from 105-00 US Dollars to 94-00 US Dollars per barrel. In addition to that, demand for petroleum products has decreased as motorists drive less, due to higher inflationary pressures. “The magnitude of the decrease in diesel is less than that of petrol. The middle distillate market is still tight and there is a looming fuel switch from gas to oil for heating purposes as winter approaches in the Northern Hemisphere. This has increased demand for middle distillates. This demand will tighten the middle distillates supply even manure which could lead to possible price increases in future,” the Department pointed out.

By Xpress Reporter South African motorists are smiling their way to the filling stations today, after the price of all grades of petrol decreased

Frank “BelieveOceaninyourself, and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard, and there is nothing you cannot accomplish.”

As published on Tuesday, 06 September 2022

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

“Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.”

Brad Henry

o23 C

SunnySunny withCloudyrainSunny and(Academytoptank(leftannouncedBOSSwinnersluckyMegaStoreBossdrawMegaStorehasluckywinnerstoright)Mdu(Africawinner),Praveen(safewinner),Thawandahamperwinner)Ing-cot-shirtwinner

Gail Devers “Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and suddenly, you are doing the impossible.” Saint Francis “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” ?

Cycling against gender based violence

SUPERSPAR Stanger makes donation

September 7, 2022XPress manjras 29 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, Stanger Tel: 032 5522397 •UPGRADES •NEW CONTRACTS •PREPAID DEALS & LAYBYE 2x GalaxySAMSUNGA13LTE R289 PM 70REDx36FlexiPMx36** RED CORE MORE DATA TOP UP 1GB 500MB Anytime 500MB Night-Owl 50MIN GB5020GBAnytime 20GB Night Owl Includes 10GB Video Ticket Data R199PM x24 Itel R429V41 PREPAID 16GB Memory Dual Flash Dual AndroidSim10 (Go Edition) SIM ONLY R720 2x GalaxySAMSUNGA23 R349 PM 70REDx36FlexiPMx36** RED CORE MORE1GBDATA 500MB Anytime 500MB Night-Owl 50MIN Valid for new contracts 3G Free Power Pack * R29pm* Recharge gets you: 10min70Mindaily x7 days pm 100MB700MBDaily x7 days am YouTube500MB Date pm x12 Months Rand Currency exchange 5DayForecastXpress 15oC 14oC 16oC 16oC 16oC min.min.min.min.min. o28 C o26 C o30 C o26 C max.max.max.max.max. Wed 07 Thurs 08 Sat 10Fri 09 Sun 11

One Japanese Yen = R0.12 One Swiss Franc = R17.50

AWARENESS: A cycling event was held recently in Mandeni to raise awareness about a variety of social ills, including violence against women and children

The Gxoba Istibuli Cycling Club hosted a successful cycling event in Mandeni recently, to raise awareness about children's rights, gender based violence, HIV/Aids, drug and substance abuse, and the rights of the LGBTQ community. Recreational games also took place as part of the event.The walk and cycling event started from Sibusisiwe Hall and finished at KwaNgcedomhlophe Sports Ground. The organizers have expressed appreciation to the event sponsors whose contribution made the event hugely successful. “On behalf of the founder of the Gxoba Isitibuli Cycling Club, I wish to thank all the participants who took part in this initiative, and also to our sponsors,” stated Goodman Manqele.

One Indian Rupee = R0.21 One Australian Dollar = R11.64

Robert F. Kennedy

DONATION: SPAR South-Africa together with SUPERSPAR Stanger handed over free groceries to the local Thuthuzela Care Centre to provide care and support to victims of gender based violence.


One US Dollar = R17.14 One Euro = R17.07 One British Pound = R19.86

Ceremony STOP worrying about your debt. Increase your nett salary aboutordersloans/accounts.consolidate(double),allyourWewillremoveallgarnisheefromyoursalary.Ifpeopleareworryingyoumoniesthatyouowethem,comeandseeus. FINANCIALDYNAMICSERVICES LOAN FOR A CONSULTATIONFREE SUITE 2, DYNAMIC STYLES PARK 158 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET, KWADUKUZA TEL: 032 552 7291, 552 1617, 552 1613 CELL: 083 651 2815 Classifieds ClassifiedsMondaydeadlines:12pm Advertising that gets results For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165 WANTED Second hand clothes, household, dishes, mens and boys shoes, boots, takkies, curtains, beddings. Beds, TVs, fridge (working or non working) freezers, kitchen units, lounge suits. We collect and pay cash. Contact Usha 064 888 8757 or 078 408 whatsapp.0488 ACCOMMODATION Ayer Rock Guesthouse Stanger's preferred choice for quality, tasteful executive accommodation. Contact 032 551 6503 or 071 685 7126. www.ayerrock.co.za.ayerrocksa@gmail.com.Email PROPERTY FOR SALE Show house. Stanger Heights, Doktorskop. 923 Square metre vacant site. Plan are drawn. Asking price R490 000. No agents. Close to all amenities. Contact Mrs Singh 084 624 9570, 084 560 8157, 076 272 1724. SERVICEGUIDESERVICEGUIDESERVICEGUIDESERVICEGUIDE TO LET Bachelors

Sadly missed by his wife (Neela), children (Vasanthi, Vanashree & Devlin). Sons-in-law (Rayvan & Veeran), Daughter-in-law (Romilla), Grandchildren (Nicole, Sriya, Kaitlyn, Kaidyn & Delvin). Grand-son-in-law (Lenny), Great grandson (Leneshen). Nieces/Nephews as well as host of family & friends. Until we meet again...Those special memories of you will always bring back a smile. If only we could have you back for just a little while. Then we could sit and talk again, just like we used to do. You always meant so very much and always will do. The fact that you're no longer here will always cause us pain, but you're forever in our hearts until we meet again. You & your family are invited to 15th & 16th Day Room with bathroom, Fully fenced. Available in Gibson Road, Warrenton. Contact 078 6772 786. 3 or 4 Bedroom house for rent around Stanger. Contact Ashika 072


Of the late Govindasamy Subbiah (Danny) Date : 14 September 2022 (Wednesday) Venue : No 8 Poppy Road, Stanger Manor Time : Supper from 5:30pm to 7:00pm Service from 19:15pm

152 2293 or Mishka 071 1786 144.Glenhills. 1 Bedroom with ensuite, open plan lounge, kitchen. 442Contactpm.balcony,rooms,R3200pmoutbuilding,Contact4THkitchen,841singleoccupation.ImmediatePreferablyperson.Contact0630700.Communal,1bedroom,toilet/bathroom.Street,No18Newtown.0823143912.StangerManor,2Roomlounge,kitchen.andupstairs2lounge,kitchen,passage.R3500Excludingwater/lights.0325512008,0609679. times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us The Square Gated complex, security on site, elevator in complex. 3 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom R7999.00 2 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom R6999.00 Roof Garden and Braai Area * Brand New Units Tel: 032 552 1625 / 032 552 1790 Cell: 063 688 9297 Email: nisha@liquorbarn.co.za Ajay: 078 228 7462 • Hemanth Singh: 082 401 0609 1. Hibiscus Road ± 200 sq mt with 3 phase power, prepaid electricity and water - R6000pm 2. Hydrangea Road ± 200 sq mt with 3 phase power, prepaid electricity and water - R5000pm 3. Hydrangea Road +/-100 sq mt with 3 phase power, prepaid electricity and water - R4000pm Contact 081 480 5521 / 032 551 1522 FACTORIES TO LET in Moollas Industrial Area, Stanger Will be closed for stocktake from 10 - 16 September KwaDukuza Library NOTICE 1. 2 B SEAVIEW ROAD Five star studio unit. Ideal for newly weds. Built-in kitchen units. Immediate occupation. 2. NO 9 GIBSON ROAD 2 bedroom. Built-in cupboards. Immediate occupation. CONTACT 072 629 6884, 032 552 5123 TO LET APARTMENTTOLET Hillcresent Road, near schools, mall & mosque. 3 Bedroom open plan kitchendiningroom,lounge,kitchen,built-incupboards,units,separatetoilet,showercubicle.Rentalexcludeslight/water. Contact Ismaeel 061 414 Salmawhatsapp,21660325511717 / 081 247 9029. D ENZOAUTOTEC 18 Clark Street Dawnside, Stanger Tel : 032 551 2582 / 083 340 0047 We also cater for all Toyota owners that have Toyota vehicles that are out of service plan! For more info contact Nireshnee or Anton Denzo Auto is now contracted to Standard Bank Fleet Management Services, the Innovations Group and Avis Fleet Management! MASTER TECHNICIAN DENZO AUTO TEC Chrome legs P.U. Foam in sheet Staplesform & brad nails Rubber webbing, etc Lounge Suites, Taxi Seats, Car Seats Wide range for upholstery at wholesale prices Stockists of : • Lounge Sets • Dining Room Sets • Bedroom Sets • Wardrobes • Kitchen Units • Mattresses • Appliances • and moreCar/bakkieloungeOld/favouritesuitesseatsTaxi/busseatsDiningroomchairs,etc FABRICS FOR FURNITURE RAW RE-COVERINGMATERIALS PROTECTIONFABRIC 2 Croton Place, Old New Guelderland Rd, Stanger (ex-Design 3 building, opposite Jacksons) 032 551 1470 zaffs@telkomsa.net 032 552 www.kiddyzone.co.zakidzone11@gmail.com54240835878687 REDUMVOTILABEL THE EVERYTRUSTEDSAMEQUALITYTASTETIME Enjoy the difference DR A.M. RUGNAT 032 551 4953 083 363 3692 072 272 8663 072 272 8663 Practice No.: 0056677 B.D.T. (Med. Univ of S.A.) BDS (Manipal, India) Dentist Consulting hours: Monday - Friday : 8:00am to 4:00pm Saturday : 8:00am to 1:00pm 75 Lindley Street, KwaDukuza Grades 6 and 7 Grades 8 and 9 MATHSTUITION For more information call me on 079 428 0345 Do you need help in Maths? RESERVE YOUR PLACE FOR 2022. LIMITED NUMBERS. DR LIKONDE Call 073 344 1114 Great job 100% and side effects if you want to lead a happy life Likonde can make things happen in your life same day. Don’t be ashamed your self, don’t let stress drive you. Don’t let poverty drive you, Likonde he is your best solution and he will never fail or let you down. Likonde can lift you up from zero to hero. TRADITIONAL HEALER VISIT LIKONDE AT HIS PRIVATE PLACE OPPOSITE KWADUKUZA MUNICIPALITY BY WHITE HOUSE FOR AN APPOINTMENT Here is some of the things that father Likonde can help you * Bring back Lost Lover * Casino or Lotto * Finish unfinished Job * Start afresh new job * Family Matters * Pregnancy problems * School Work * Court Cases * Special muthi for attraction to make someone come into your life easy (control) Cell/whatsapp/SMS:0820511819SCAFFOLDING HIRE 1.5m - 20m Towers Hiring according to Standards South Africa (SANS 10085-1:2004), a division of SABS. Daily & weekly rates available 7 days a week Email: sales@mmgmarketing.co.za visit our website / facebook on www.mmgmarketing .co.za to Builders, Riggers, Painters & D.I.Y.FOR HIRE: “DARE TO COMPARE”……. We beat any price. (T&C'S apply) KWIK STAGE SCAFFOLDING CONSULTING ENGINEERS NHBRC REGISTERED Our services: Structural Engineering - Dwellings, warehousing, retaining walls Civil Services - Road networks and reticulation design including attenuation tanks and soak pits. Storm/Flood damage assessment, remedial works and rational assessments. Project management - Turnkey services, project planning, project quality and construction management. For more information please visit www.sahcon.net or contact us on 1~ ML ALI (+27) 79 620 0374 2~ E ALI (+27) 83 233 7180 SAH BABA MUSA These are solutions powered by: Lost love spells, Love spells, Marriage & Divorce spells, Financial spells, Luck and money spells, Revenge spells, Evil spirit spells and Bad luck protection spells. DISCOVER THE HIDDEN LUCK OF YOUR ANCESTORS AT BIRTH. Contact : 078 259 0385 There is a solution for everything and love no matter how hard the situation can be: Your privacy is guaranteed! TRADITIONAL GREAT PSYCHIC HEALER September 7, 2022XPress

September 7, 2022 XPress

KSST seemed to have reestablished their mojos when they came up against a steady Glenhills outfit in the league match under the auspices of the KwaDukuza Volleyball Association last Friday. KSST used to be one of the powerhouses a few years back dominating volleyball in KwaDukuza as well as KwaZulu Natal.Though the youthful Glenhills outfit gave a good account of themselves, they were outsmarted by experience. There was a steady start to the game as both teams tried to read each other's game plan. As the set continued, KSST upped their tempo at crucial stages and won the set 25-19. It was the same pattern in the second set as KSST tried to power their way through but were met with some diligent play from Glenhills whose defensive play and court covering proved crucial. However, KSST showed their superior power as the went on to lift the second set 25-20 and the game 21.

ISFK to participate in national championships

Comrades produces two maiden winners

The ISKF Stanger Manor team will be participating in the SA National Championship in Pretoria this weekend. History will be made when Arthur Nathras and Sensei Tarzan Naicker will also be doing KwaDukuza

The 2022 Comrades Marathon produced two maiden winners in Tete Dijana and Alexandra Morozova.

Women's race winner Alexandra Morozova was visibly flagging by the time she reached the Moses Mabhida Stadium. However, she'd put in a fair bit of distance between her (06:17:48) and second place finisher Dominika Stelmach (06:25:09), who is from Poland. Morozova's participation was clouded by legalities, but was cleared to take part on Friday.

The South Africa men's netball team

Comrades Marathon male winner Tete Dijana pictured with local sports personality, Adhil Khan

The duo came into the race on the back of different challenges that they needed to overcome. They won their races with a measure of comfort, pulling away from the respective second-placed finishers by some distance. Maiden Comrades Marathon winner Tete Dijana battled to hide his joy when winning the 95th edition of the ultra-marathon from only his second start in the race.

Dijana, who hails from the North-West province, crossed the finishing line in a time of 05:30:38, just over three minutes ahead of the second-placed Edward Mothibi, who also was the out trumps in their opening two fixtures. In the first game annihilated Antigua & Barbuda of Jamaica 7418. The solid start to the tournament continued when they demolished Grenada 58-28. Watch this space for further details on the progress of the team. defending champion. The 34-yearold Dijana, who quit his job as a security guard to focus on running, said winning the race meant a lot to him, while also thanking his coach Dave Adams for ensuring he was in top nick for the race.

Part of the ISFK Stanger Manor team with Sensei Tarzan Naicker (far right)

Local netballer doing us proud

Grove Ends dominance in the league continued as they kept their unbeaten record on track. They had complete control of their game as they overcame Cool Leaders 25-16, 25-13. Manor Old Boys, whose perfect start to the season in the hunt for the crown continued when they played Team Style in their league encounter. They blazed through to a 25-19, 2512.The game between Heights and Taurus reached its peak in the first set with nothing separating both sides as they attacked and defended with all that they have. With the game evenly poised throughout, it took just one blunder from Taurus to hand Heights the tightly fought set 28-26. Taurus had not given up yet. They turned the tables in the second set and went up a gear dominating play and cruised to a 25-16 win to level the scores and send the game into the third and final set. Once again both teams gave off their best matching each other point for point. Taurus held on to their nerves and won the set 17-15 and the game 21.

Our very own netball star Lucky Mokoena jetted to London and then Jamaica a fortnight ago to participate in the International Men's Netball Games. Mokoena was selected to represent South Africa at the games.TheSouth African team came

September 7, 2022 XPress gas Bringing Power to the People Your One Stop Domestic & Commercial LPG Specialist on the North Coast. FREE Deliveries between Mandini & Ballito .co.zawww. gas 7 Haysom Road Stanger, KwaDukuza 032 551 2055 www.simsgas.co.za Terms & conditions apply. CASH ONLY. E&OE. We reserve the right to limit quantities ACCEPTED ATM INSTORE ltRR24.1424.14 ADVANCED ENGINES NEED DIESELDIESELADVANCEDADVANCED wwithithTECHRONTECHRON 5500 withTECHRON 50 ADVANCED ENGINES NEED Save up to R1.00 per litre. R999 Offers valid while stocks last. T’s & C’s Apply.E&OEOffers valid while stocks last T s & C s Apply E&OE R999 1.6BranchesCorolla Contact Nikki : 071 173 1414 R999 BranchesPolo R999 1.3 BranchesTazzGolf Branch1 R150 R1499R150 R1499 OpelBranchesCorsa R20 RubbersExhaustfromTailfromPipes 22 King Shaka Street, Dawnside, stanger opp Tyre Track R1000 SystemExhaustfrom Valid from 7/09/2022 to 11/09/2022 E&OE while stocks last Offers for Ballito, Moffat Drive Tel: 032 - 586 0230/1/2/3 63 Balcomb Street, Stanger Tel: 032 - 551 4161 62 Main Street, Gingindlovu Tel: 060 676 1124 Raindance 3ltGrants750ml GordonsDryGin750ml Klipdrift750ml Black24x500mlLabel R69.99 R294.99R149.99R159.99R199.99 KSST back on fire

proud by participating in the over 60 category!Parents, well-wishers and KwaDukuza community wish all participants everything of the best.

Love from Mum, Sriya & Veeran y name is Nicolene Gounden, and I am 27 years old. My career startedMoff in 2012, when I studied cosmetology at Hair dot com academy in Stanger. Cosmetology is hair with a bit of nails, waxing, make-up, massages and facials. I always wanted to further my hair dressing career and that's when I started working at Carlton Hair Ballito, and I also studied further at Carlton Hair SA Durban. There after I started working for Rolf Offerman in Ballito and now, finally, I'm the proud owner of Nicky's Hair Studio and Spa. Carving out your own path in business takes a lot of hard work, dedication and endless hours. As a hairstylist with 11 years' experience to my belt I have seen all the pros and cons of the industry. One thing that is guaranteed in this business is that every day is different, and everyone who walks in the doors walks out with a smile; that is one of the reasons I love being a hairstylist. You get to meet people from all walks of life, all different stories to tell. The feeling you get when they express appreciation is priceless. It's infinitely rewarding to know that you have given that person so much confidence and joy, you can't help but feel like you achieved something great. My family and husband are my biggest body get a

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KING SHAKA STREET, STANGER TEL : 032 551 5699 DAWNSIDE SERVICE STATION CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO NICOLE ON THE OPENING OF YOUR BUSINESS! Nicky’s Hair Studio and Spa ALBERT LUTHULI STREET, STANGER TEL: 032 552 4382 PLANTERS SERVICE STATION DR ZAHRAA CASSIM MOOLLA BChD (UWC) Dental Surgeon PR No: 0979090 Tel: 032 551 1775 Cell: 082 049 3304 (Emergencies only) Dawnside Service Station, 27 King Shaka Street Stanger Nicky’s Hair Studio and Spa! EARTHPRO(PTY)RECYCLERSLTD WE BUY CARDBOARD, OFFICE PAPER, PLASTIC, PET. Cell: 071 930 9646 / 083 417 0295 Email: Congratulationsearthprorecycler@gmail.comandbestwishestoNicole! Congratulations and best wishes to Nicole on your new venture! Stanger: 2 Croton Place, Stanger Industrial Park (opposite Jacksons) (Zaffs) Tel: 032 551 1470 * Service * Installation * Breakdown Jones 078 229 1674 Air-Conditioning Congratulations to Nicole on the launch of your business. Nicky’s Hair Studio and Spa 140 Mahatma Ghandi Street, KwaDukuza • Tel: 032 552 2252 • 032 552 1755 • Cell: 084 841 7777 32 Russel NicoleNewtown,StreetStanger:0662857281 Hair Studio and Spa From Leon n Sandy Your hard work paid off finally. We are so proud of you. Congratulations! It is a success, you truly deserved. It is an achievement you have truly earned. We congratulate you on your success and wish you all the best for your future.

R300 and

High lites with trim, wash and set OR BRING IN TWO FRIENDS FOR THE SPECIAL AND GET YOURS FREE Congratulations on the opening of your business Nicky’s Hair Studio & Spa. Love your grandma & late grandpa Congratulations Nicole on your dream come true. We are so proud of you and all that you have achieved thus far. The sky is the limit for Nicky’s Hair Studio & Spa. Lots of love and blessings From Vanessa, Austin & Adrian Ajencu CONGRATULATIONS TO Contact Rayvan Varden C : 083 3844 710 E : info@shavar.co.za LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FREIGHT Congratulations to Nickys Hair Studio and Spa on the opening of your business! May your business grow from strength to strength! CONGRATULATIONS NICOLE! September 7, 2022XPress

Special hot stone massage 1hr full

supporters; they encouraged me to achieve my goals and become who I am today. I thank them for being so understanding as this career is not easy. I am so thankful and grateful to my late grandpa who sent me to the hairdressing college and kept pushing me to better myself in all I do.Iam so grateful to my husband for building up our salon and being there every step of the way, and putting in all of his extra time in the salon, and to my family for always supporting my dreams.

@SUPERSPARSTANGER STANGER Tel: 032 437 3000 Email: stanger1@retail.spar.co.za STANGER@ images vary from the actual product as these images are not an exact representation of the goods. September 7, 2022 XPress

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