Page 24

@SUPERSPARSTANGER Tel: 032 437 3000 Email: stanger1@retail.spar.co.za STANGER Hi I’m Sunny, We have an advertising package to suite your needs 14 JUNE 2023 times north coast X 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger Tel.: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia2009@gmail.com Grow your Business press BEE Compliant - Level 3 - 110% FREE! copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop If it matters to you, it matters to us These specials are available from Wednesday 14th June to Sunday 18th June 2023 *Maximum of 10 e-Coupons per customer, for each SPAR Rewards product /Multi -buy /combo featured. Specials available at SUPERSPAR STANGER ONLY from Wednesday 14th June 2023 to Sunday 18th June 2023, while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices include VAT. No traders please. SPAR IQF Chicken Mixed Portions 2kg 5500 4000 4200 2 2 2 BUY ANY BUY ANY BUY ANY WITH CARD BUY 2 FOR 2400 7499each WITH CARD BUY 2 FOR 2998 Sasko Premium White Sliced Bread 700g Spekko Parboiled Rice (blue Bag) 10kg 11499each Clover Butter Ghee 1.5kg 24599 each WITH CARD WITH CARD 2499 3699 each each SPAR 2ply Toilet Tissues 18s 10999 each Ariel Auto Washing Powder 2kg, Liquid 1.1lt or 1.5lt, or Capsules 14s Sunlight 2 In 1 Hand Washing Powder 2kg Assorted 5699 each Sta Soft Refill 500ml Assorted (Base and Premium Range Only) SPAR Dish Wash It Refill 750ml 2199each Rave Laundry Bar 500g Twinsaver Facial Tissues 180s Fanta, Sprite or Stoney Regular Range Only 2.25lt Black Cat Peanut Butter Smooth or Crunchy (excluding Sugar Free) 400g 2999 each Oreo Cream Biscuit Assorted 133g Bakers Choc Kits or Romany Creams 200g 2999 each House of Coffee Hug In A Mug Cappuccino 8s/10s 5999 each Ellis Brown Coffee Creamer 750g 3999 each Nestle Classic Coffee 200g (excluding Decaff) 8499each Nestle Hot Chocolate 250g Joko Tagless Teabags 100s Sparletta Assorted 2lt SPAR Pilchards Assorted 400g Savemor Baked Beans 410g Snowflake Cake Flour 2.5kg 3499 each SPAR Refined White Sugar 2.5kg 4499 each SPAR Brown Sugar 2kg 3299 each SPAR Sunflower Oil 2lt 5999 each SPAR Crispy Crumbed Chicken Bites, Fillets, Strips or Wings 500g 4999 each SPAR Crumbed Chicken Burger 520g 3299 each SPAR Daily Spread Tub 1kg 3499 each SPAR Full Cream Maas 2kg 2999 each Sea Harvest Large Prawn Meat 800g Rainbow Simply Chicken Viennas (Original or Cheese) 500g 5299 each SPAR Extra Shelf Life Milk (Full Cream or Low Fat) 2lt 3499 each 2200 2 BUY ANY WITH CARD 3399 each WITH CARD BUY 2 FOR 3200 2200 5000 3200 2 2 2 BUY ANY BUY ANY BUY ANY 15999 each Sunfoil Sunflower Oil 5lt 15999 each Omo Auto Washing Powder 4kg 13999 each Eskort Shoulder Bacon 200g Albany White Sliced Bread 700g SPAR Super Maize Meal 10kg 6999 each 7799each LOW PRICES FOR YOU Pringles Assorted 100g Danone Ultramel Vanilla Custard 1lt 2699 each WITH CARD BUY 2 FOR 6200 Riversmead Frozen Chicken Necks or Livers 1kg 2499 each

Bloodshed as 'drug wars' engulf Nonhlevu Secondary

Learners coming to school smelling of dagga, thriving drug market among the learner population, and stabbing incidents; this has become the frightening scenario currently unfolding at Nonhlevu Secondary School, prompting the School Governing Body (SGB) to make an appeal to law enforcement authorities to step in.

A few weeks ago a learner from the school was reportedly viciously stabbed near Shavin's Trading Store in Etete, on his way back from school, resulting in him being disembowelled. The perpetrators were allegedly fellow learners from the school. A few days later another later sustained several stab wounds near Umfolozi TVET College's Groutville Campus, also allegedly by a fellow learner.

That was not the end of the nightmare, as police arrested two learners from the school on Wednesday last week, after they were allegedly found in possession of drugs. KwaDukuza SAPS communications officer Constable Siphesihle Myeni confirmed that the two learners were charged accordingly and were brought to court the following day.

However on the same day the two learners were appearing in court, another learner was viciously stabbed inside the school premises, prompting parents to question the safety of their children inside school premises.

SGB Chairperson Xolani Skade attributes the problem to rampant drug trade at the school. Skade has however pointed out that indications are that learners are being used by adult drug dealers who apparently recruit them to sell drugs at school, for a cut of the profit. Skade admits the school is fast becoming a den for drug dealers, resulting in drug wars. Skade is has vowed stern action against

learners found guilty of involvement in drugs, or in other serious transgression.

“We have a serious drug problem at the school, which has resulted in the growing incidence of violence, as drug dealers fight for territory. However we are making headway in addressing the problem. We have established an internal disciplinary committee to fast track cases arising from all the criminal incidents, and we can assure parents and the community that we will not hesitate to expel those learners who are involved in drug trade, and those who are embroiled in police investigations. Our school is a learning environment, not a drug market,” Skade stated.

Police raids

Community members have complained of learners, both male and female, indulging in dagga just before entering the school

FREE copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop 14 JUNE 2023 BEE LEVEL3 EEACCREDITATO B B N B • • 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger • Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia2009@gmail.com Follow us on times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER • Car Services • Exhaust • 3D Wheel Alignment • Batteries • Tyre Enhancement • Suspension Repairs • Latest Styles Mag Wheels SPECIALISING IN: Hyper SUPERB PROMOTIONS DIRECTLY TO YOUR PHONE! 064 923 7879 WHATSAPP “ADD ME” TO 49 Mahatma Gandhi Str. Tel : (032) 551 1522 WhatsApp "Add" to 081 480 5521 for weekly specials FURNITURE DIY UNIFORMS Welding Inverter R1599 140 Amp R1700 MMA 160 R2300 Arcpro 2200 Gas Stove Table Top R315 Standard R375 Glass Top Rechargeable Light 24W Big Brass Lock (63ml) Shifting Spanner Hammers from R90 Yard Broom R50 R35 R24 200mm 250mm R70 R60 R23 6” R25 8” R30 10” R36 12” Extension Cord R40 5mt R60 10mt R75 15mt R95 20mt 300mm R80 R35 R35 3mt Brick Trowels Building Corner Tool from Flat Spade R130 Cane Knife R55 Carcass Hanging Hooks from R20 QURBANI DEALS STANGER Stanger A DREAM COME TRUE for lucky SUPERSPAR Stanger & TOPS customer SUPERSPAR Stanger customer Celimpilo Ngobese has won a brand new Special Edition Hyundai i20 after emerging as one of the sixty customers nationally to win the SPAR Win A Car competition, which is part of the SPAR Rewards programme. She is seen with Ashraf Ismail, Sunny Somduth (SUPERSPAR Stanger Store Manager), Mr Paul Rencken, Mrs Joanne Purdilwa (TOPS at Stanger manageress) and Seelan Pillay. Laybye accepted. We are contracted to major cards and medical aids. VISIOn Optometrist 92 King Shaka Street (next to Truworths) 032 437 8040 Multifocal Incl. Eye test, frame & lenses R1490 Bifocal Incl. Eye test, frame & lenses R850 Single Vision Incl. Eye test, frame & lenses R590 OPENING SPECIALS DRIVERS LICENCE SCREENING AND CERTIFICATES OFFERED While stock last. Terms & conditions apply. U-DOKOTELA WAMEHLO boston.ac.za Serious about Education. Serious about You. Postgraduate Degrees Diplomas Higher Certificates Occupational & Short Learning Programmes Accredited by the British Accreditation Council. Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs, United States of America.* Boston City Campus (Pty) Ltd Reg. N 1996/013220/07 is registered ith the Department of Higher Education and Training pri ate higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) Registration Certificate No. 2003/HE07/002 B t C t C p P y g 996/0 3220/07 g t d h h D p f H gh d d g p h gh d t i t H gher ducat on c 1997 (Ac o o 1997 eg st at on Ce t f cate *Candidate for accreditation of specific programs. Cand date accred tat on o spec c programs PAYMENT PLANS | TEXTBOOKS INCLUDED | Stanger 032 551 5566 | Stanger Mall, 55 King Shaka St. Entrance, Mahatma Gandhi St.
HEADWAY: Nonhlevu Secondary School's SGB Chairperson, Xolani Skade
Continued on Page 2
STANGER The SPAR you love, now online! DOWNLOAD THE SPAR2U APP AVAILABLE FREE ON Available on the Stanger SPAR2U is now available. Stanger SUPERSPAR & TOPS stores you love is now ONLINE. Download our delivery app today, for your convenience. The SPAR2U app is available to download for free on the App Store or get it on Google Play. June 14, 2023 PAGE 3 XPress

The Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings has selected and announced 9 young scientists from South Africa to participate at the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting dedicated to Physiology/Medicine from 25 to 30 June 2023 in Lindau, Germany.

The nominating partner, the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) in partnership with the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) hosted a pretravel meeting and science communication training on 15-16 May 2023 for the selected young scientists to prepare them of what to

expert in the Lindau meeting in Germany.

In Lindau's quest to continuously strive to increase the quality and internationality of the candidates, their scientific review panel has selected 635 of the most qualified young scientists from more than 90 nationalities to participate in this year's Lindau Meeting. The selected young scientists will experience and contribute to the unique atmosphere of the Lindau Meetings. About 40 Nobel Laureates are planning to attend the meeting and welcome the outstanding qualifications and the great diversity of nationalities of the applicants.

ASSAf, as the official partner of the Lindau Foundation and with funding from the DSI, annually nominates young scientists to attend the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings which are designed as a forum for young scientists from all over the world to have an in-depth exchange with Nobel Laureates.

The academy and the DSI would like to congratulate the below listed 9 South African young scientists

who have been selected to participate at the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting:

- Dr Martin Justin Page, Stellenbosch University

- Dr Velaphi Clement Thipe, University of MissouriColumbia

- Dr Nabila Ismail, Stellenbosch University

- Dr Kamini Govender, University of KwaZulu-Natal

- Ms Claudia Christowitz, Stellenbosch University

- Dr Cosnet Lerato Rametse, University of Cape Town

- Dr Sunaina Indermun, South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA)

- Ms Ramakgahlela Betty Sebati, University of Johannesburg

- Dr Gina Leisching, Trinity College Dublin

During the pre-travel meeting, the 9 young scientists interacted with the alumni of the Lindau Laureate meetings who shared their experiences and the opportunities post participating at this prestigious life changing meetings. The meeting featured high-level speakers from the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), and from partner organisations and entities i.e Mr Daan du Toit (Deputy

Director-General from DSI), Mr Imraan Patel (Deputy DirectorGeneral from DSI), Dr Aldo Stroebel (keynote speaker from the National Research Foundation), Prof Refilwe Nancy PhaswanaMafuya (ASSAf Council Member and Director at South African Medical Research CouncilUniversity of Johannesburg Pan African Centre for Epidemics Research), Dr Amitava

Bandopadhyay (Director-General of the Non-Aligned Movement's Centre for Science and Technology), and Mr Bheki

Hadebe (Director for High-End Skills, DSI).

In Lindau, the young scientists will experience a six-day

programme with numerous lectures and panel discussions. They will also have the opportunity to meet the biggest science names in physics when they are introduced to the Lindau Nobel Laureates. The young scientists are set to travel from 23 June 2023 to the Lindau Laureate Meeting in Germany and they will be accompanied by the Executive Officer at the ASSAf, Prof Himla Soodyall.

One of the young scientists, Dr Kamini Govender, would like to dedicate her remarkable achievements to her eversupportive sister, Dr Sovishnee of General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, and also to her father, Captain PV Govender.

KZN police seize hundreds of firearms

Relentless operations by police in KwaZulu-Natal have seen the arrests of 9 016 suspects for a variety of crimes including murders, attempted murders, rape and various types of robberies, including carjacking.

A total of 2 620 suspects were arrested for contact crimes. One hundred and fifty five of them were nabbed in connection with cases of murder, including a farm murder. One hundred and twenty two more

suspects were bust after they were linked with cases of attempted murder. With murders committed with the use of firearms having shown signs of increase in the province, targeted operations at intelligence-identified areas were conducted and a total of 325 firearms, inclusive of 29 rifles and 19 shotguns were removed from society in the month of May. Over 3 000 rounds of ammunition of various calibre were also recovered.

Open on Friday 16 June 2023 from 9am

The war against Gender-Based Violence has also been intensified and the police's efforts in curbing the scourge has resulted in the arrests of 213 suspects for rape, 27 people were nabbed for sexual assault whilst seven more suspects were arrested for attempted rape. Nine suspects were also put behind bars for sexual offences. Investigators from the police's Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Units (FCS) across the province have been hard at work and more than 11 life imprisonment sentences were attained in the month of May. One hundred and forty nine more people were arrested as a result of contravention of the Domestic Violence Act.

Fifty-seven suspects were arrested for house robberies,

20 people were nabbed for carjacking and 33 suspects were bust for business robberies. Still on contact crimes, 1 245 suspects were arrested for cases of assault with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm. Six hundred and twenty four knives, 28 machetes, 21 fighting sticks and 2 axes were seized in the process. On the stock theft front, 17 suspects were arrested for theft of all stock. Thirty one cattle, 24 goats and nine sheep were recovered.

Drugs have also been identified as one of the contributing factors in the commission of crime. Dedicated teams of detectives and visible policing have managed to arrest 1 577 suspects for drug-related crimes and 34 people were also arrested for kidnapping.

The Provincial Commissioner of KwaZulu-Natal Lieutenant General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi has

reiterated that high density operations have become a norm and will continue in order to create a safe and secure environment for all residents of KwaZulu-Natal and visitors alike. He challenged police officers to be patriotic enough to go the extra mile in ensuring the safety and security of people of KwaZuluNatal.

“Criminals cannot do as they please, lawlessness cannot be the order of the day and no one can walk all over us as law enforcement officers. We have a Constitutional mandate to combat and prevent crime and that should be in our minds every time we report for duty. No area is a no-go area, noone is untouchable and we must make our presence felt. We must enforce the law to a point where criminals run out of breath,” said Lieutenant General Mkhwanazi.

June 14, 2023 PAGE 4 XPress AFFORDABLE AFFORDABLE GROUP OF COMPANIES 23B KING SHAKA ROAD, STANGER 23B KING SHAKA STANGER CELL: 083 701 5477 • 072 207 8665 • Email: yardesai@affordablewheel.co.za Email: yardesai@affordablewheel co za CONTACT US BATTERIES AFFORDABLE WHEELS & TYRES WHOLESALE PRICES WITH A 12 MONTH WARRANTY TYRESSHOCKS ALIGNMENT SUSPENSION EXHAUST BALANCING While Stocks Last. T’s & C’s Apply. E&OE 155/80/13 from R650 175/70/13 from R750 175/65/14 from R750 185/60/14 from R800 205/70/15 from R1300 245/70/16 from R1650 195/50/15 from R800 185/60/15 from R850 225/45/17 from R1350 750x16 from R2650 615 619 628 R790 R850 R890 652/7 646 636 R1350 R1050 R790 Trade in your old tyres for new ones and only pay the difference QUALITY LONG TAIL LAMB, DORPERS & OXEN AFFRDABLE Full Tail Dorper Full Tail Merino Pick your animal and we deliver to your door. PACKAGE 1 Introducing our Full Service Qurbani PACKAGE 2 Pick your animal. Slaughter facilities available or We do services on your behalf and deliver to you. PACKAGE 3 Sponsor an animal, we will distribute on your behalf. Slaughter Skin Wash Cold Store Slice Pack in Trays Labelled Delivered Gents Metal Watch 8999 9989 manjras 29 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, Stanger Tel: 032 5522397 / 032 5511541 FOR YOU DAD R40 40 R45 45 LED Rechargeable Light from With FREE box Gents Leather Watch 6999 9969 With FREE box DAY GIFTS
Local scientist off to Germany
Pictured are some of the young SA scientists who will attend the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
Pictured is scientist
Desai’s CASH & CARRY 3 Enterprise Road, Stanger Tel : 032 552 3518 • Fax : 032 552 3179 • Cell : 076 734 4294 Email : info@desaiscnc.co.za • Website : www.desaiscnc.co.za Receive our Amazing Specials On Whatsapp. Kindly text “ADD ME” to We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices subject to change without prior notice. Pictures may vary from actual product. All Prices strictly cash. E&OE. WE ARE DELIVERING TO CERTAIN AREAS ONLY! T'S & C'S APPLY MINIMUM COST OF ORDER R250-00. 3 PER CUSTOMER ATMs available instore 076 734 4294 T’s & C’s Apply. E&OE Sasko Premium White 700g Sasko Premium Brown 700g 1350 5013 Days Specials FRI/SAT/SUN 16 - 18 JUNE 3 Whilst Stocks Last. First Come, First Serve SOSSI SOYA 400G 3 PER CUSTOMER Valid from 14 - 21 June 2023 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ONLY BAUMANNS SHORT BREAD 160G KOO PILCHARDS 400G CLOVER LONG LIFE MILK 6X1LT Rhodes Chick Peas 400g Saldanha Pilchards 400g ALL GOLD TOMATO SAUCE 700ML Albany White 700g 1495 9514 Albany Brown 700g 1150 5011 3 PER CUSTOMER 3 PER CUSTOMER 1295 9512 Simba Doritos 145g Daybreak Mix Portions Riverview Butter Ghee 1.5kg Ellis Brown 1kg Yum Yum Peanut Spread 1kg Golden Penny Rice 10kg Golden Cloud Cake Flour 10kg C&B Mayonnaise 750g India Gate Basmati Rice 5kg JUNGLE OATS 1KG 1195 9511 Steers Sauce 375ml 1195 9511 1895 9518 3295 9532 Clover Cheese Gouda/ Slice O Nice 900g Nutro Crackers 200g 4195 Liquifruit 2lt 8995 849 Lucky Star Soya Mince 400g 895 Zar Macaroni/Spaghetti 500g La Italiana Butter Beans 410g Ethekwini Noodles 5x65g Koo Baked Beans 400g 2795 Nespray 400g Clover Fresh Milk 2lt Chemico Toilet Cleen 500ml ONIONS BAG ORANGES POCKET APPLES 3KG 5KG CARROTS Easy Wave Relaxer Regular/Super 250ml 2795 9527 Stork Tub 1kg 15995 Bokomo Corn Flakes 1kg Baumanns Marie 150g 3795 4295 5495 5295 3295 1495 1195 1195 1195 1295 1795 1695 2595 2995 1895 2295 4695 2795 13595 11895 11595 7195 2kg 18595 5kg Coo-ee Cherry Pop Only 6x2lt Large Eggs 2.5 Dozen Tetley 102’s 5500 5995 9995 9599 June 14, 2023 PAGE 5 XPress

KDM to host Digital Literacy Workshop

KwaDukuza Municipality in partnership with the National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (NEMISA) invites local entrepreneurs to attend to the one-day Digital Literacy Workshop, aimed at empowering entrepreneurs with skills and knowledge to meet the demands of the 4th industrial revolution era.

The workshop will be offered by experienced NEMISA facilitators, through an on-line platform by using Microsoft app that consists of five modules as follows:

• Usage of computers and digital devices to market business services

• Access information through online platforms

• Maintaining effective digital

Mchunu accelerates interventions in water crisis

rapport and efficiency

• Empowerment on safely, impactful and responsible participation

• Collaborate and manage the content aimed at boosting the business operations

Details of the workshop: -

Date: 22 June 2023

Time: 09:00 -16:00

Venue: KwaDukuza CBD (actual venue to be further communicated)

Entrepreneurs wishing to attend are urged to confirm attendance on or before 19 June 2023 with : nomathamsanqan@kwadukuza.gov. za or ntombizodwag@ kwadukuza.gov.za

Water and Sanitation Minister, Senzo Mchunu, has reiterated the department's commitment to work with municipalities to resolve the challenges laid bare in the Blue, Green and No Drop Watch Reports, whose findings were released on Tuesday last week.

The reports, which were presented by the Department's Director-General, Dr Sean Phillips, indicated that there has been a decline in drinking water quality and an increase in nonrevenue water since the last drop reports were issued.

The Green Drop Watch Report indicated that 50% of the municipalities, whose waste water treatment systems were found to be in a critical state in the 2022 Green Drop report, have failed to develop and implement plans to improve them.

The Department of Water and

Sanitation (DWS) has issued noncompliance notices to 90 municipalities instructing them to correct the shortcomings identified in the Green Drop Report.

The 2022 full Green Drop Report, released in April 2022, found 334 out of 850 municipal wastewater systems in 90 municipalities in critical condition, receiving Green Drop scores of 30% and below.

Reacting to the reports, Mchunu said the Department would have to adopt a more robust approach in its interventions, especially where it deems it crucial.

“The Department is in the process of strengthening its role as the regulator of water services. This includes developing more comprehensive and more stringent norms and standards for water service and standardising its regulatory processes so that it is more consistent with its regulatory actions.

“The results of the reports indicate that legislative reforms may also be required to ensure that water service providers are professionally managed, capable, efficient and financially viable institutions. The Department is in the process of consulting with water sector stakeholders regarding such reforms,” Mchunu said.

To address the challenges highlighted in 2023 Watch

Reports, the Department is supporting and intervening in many municipalities across the country to improve water and sanitation services.

Mchunu said he has agreed on improvement plans with Mayors, and the Department is assisting municipalities with grant funding to address infrastructure deficits.

The Department and the Water Boards are also assisting municipalities with technical expertise and management support.

Mchunu said at a meeting called by President Cyril Ramaphosa recently, the President raised concerns on whether the department had adequate plans to accelerate service delivery, not just in terms of quantity, but to improve quality.

Mchunu said the department already had some proposals, even before the President called the meeting. These include capacitating the department to give it the legislative muscle it needs when it comes to intervention in municipalities.

“The Department of Water and Sanitation is responsible for planning, development and management of water resource infrastructure, and for the management of catchments, as well as for setting minimum norms and standards for water and sanitation services,” Mchunu said.

Glenhills Primary celebrates Fathers' Day

Food for Life gears up for Mandela Day

Mandela Day-18 July, South Africans are called to spend 67 minutes working for the good of others. Everyone has the ability and responsibility to change the world for the better. Food For Life Africa, KwaDukuza branch, takes on the task of cooking 108 pots and distributing over 27000 meals to the underprivileged on Mandela Day.

“You can help us honour Madiba's humanitarian legacy as a gesture of charity. This is when we offer you an opportunity to reap the full benefit of sponsoring, preparing, cooking

and distributing the love and mercy to needy people in our communities,” stated Food for Life.

Companies may also get involved by getting their employees together as a team building exercise. Families and friends o any other social group may also get involved, to sponsor one or more hundas of vegetable breyani at the cost of R1350 per hunda.

Each hunda will feed approximately 250 people. Food For Life Africa KwaDukuza is a non-profit organization

registered section 21company with a SARS section 18A certificate.

Those making donations are requested to send proof of payment to kwadukuza@fflafrica.org

Food for Life KwaDukuza banking details:

Name: Food For Life Africa


Account number: 4099685839

Bank: Absa (632005)

Account type: CHEQUE


Ref: Please use your email address or cell number

June 14, 2023 PAGE 6 XPress UROOJ RESTAURANT & TAKE-AWAY STANGER: 93 Chief Albert Luthuli Street Send us a whatsapp 061 907 2877 or call us, to place your orders. Debit & Credit Cards Now Accepted FULL CHARGA CHICKEN Meal for 4 served with rotis, salad, sauce and lemon R140 1/4 CHICKEN TIKKA with 1 Skewer Seikh Kebab all served with 1xRoti, Sauce, Salad & Chips R140 1/4 CHICKEN TIKKA + Chips + Salad + Roti + Sauce R40 Foot Long Hotdog & Chips R35 Chicken Pita Schwarmas R35 Peri Peri Combo - 1/4 Tikka with 5 cutlets of Peri Peri Tikka, served with chips, sauce, salad & 1 Roti R70 BUNNY CHOWS 1/4 Mutton 1/4 Beans R50 R20 Tikka Burger + Chips R35 Jumbo Cheese Burger + Chips R35 Burger Combo 2 Jumbo Burgers R35 Bombay Crush R20 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9AM TO 7PM Xpress SAVOURIES @ 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger Tel: 032 552 2165 081 744 8264 Monday to Friday : 8am to 4pm From the freezer to your frying pan CASH ONLY Mini Cup Pies Butter Chicken Rotis SAMOOSAS • Potato • Mince • Cheese & Corn White Brown R25 R30 per dozen per 6’s Patha / Vegetable Spring Rolls R45 per 6’s R35 per dozen R35 per dozen
Water and Sanitation Minister, Senzo Mchunu The Soul Buddyz at Glenhills Primary School reminded learners about the importance of Fathers and how to appreciate their father figures on Fathers' Day. Seen with the Soul Buddyz is Principal Mr H Hurilal, Mr M Govender, Mr MF Thabethe, Mr T Govender, Ms PJ Bissesser and Mrs T Naidoo
June 14, 2023 PAGE 7 XPress

Maphumulo hosts Youth In Business Workshop

Maphumulo Local Municipality held an informative Youth in business workshop on Friday, 9 June 2023 at the Municipal Council Chambers.

This workshop was designed to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs by providing them with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in business.

Pictured are spme of the participants in the Youth In Business Workshop to supporting the growth of our local economy and fostering a culture of entrepreneurship. I believe that young people like you are the future of our Municipality's economic prosperity, and I am excited to see what you will achieve in the years to come. We believe that young people have the creativity, energy, and passion needed to drive innovation and growth in the business world. This workshop is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to turn your ideas into successful businesses.”

The workshop covered a range of topics including business planning, marketing strategies, financial management, and legal requirements. Participants were given the opportunity to engage with representatives from government institutions, state-owned enterprises and private institutions who shared valuable insights from business funding, company registrations and more.

In addition to these topics, participant also had the opportunity to network with other young entrepreneurs, share their experiences, and gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of starting and growing a business.

Delivering a keynote address, Mayor Zibuyisile Khuzwayo-Dlamini committed to supporting young entrepreneurs to achieving their goals. “As the Municipality, we committed

Said Mayor Khuzwayo-Dlamini.

Maphumulo Local Municipality Youth Development Office recognizes the important role that young entrepreneurs play in driving economic growth and job creation in our community. By providing them with the tools they need to succeed, we are helping to build a more vibrant and prosperous future for our municipality.

This successful workshop hosted by Maphumulo Local Municipality Youth Development Office was held in partnership with the Office of the Premier, COGTA, EDTEA, Department of Agriculture, Enterprise ILembe, Provincial Department of Finance, ILembe Chamber of Commerce and more.

June 14, 2023 PAGE 9 XPress Prices valid till 18 June 2023 24 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET, KWADUKUZA UPSTAIRS ABOVE PARTY & HOME OPPOSITE STANGER SWEET WHOLESALERS TEL: 087 088 4420 WHATSAPP : 078 686 4777 E&OE. Ts & Cs apply NEW AND IMPROVED STORE COASTAL EMERALD DOUBLE BED R1999 ATHENA DOUBLE BED R3799 NOW ALSO STOCKING SINGLE AND 3/4 BEDS R4999 SLEEPER COUCH Prices valid till 18 June 2023 24 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET, KWADUKUZA UPSTAIRS ABOVE PARTY & HOME OPPOSITE STANGER SWEET WHOLESALERS TEL: 087 088 4420 WHATSAPP : 078 686 4777 E&OE. Ts & Cs apply NEW AND IMPROVED STORE R3499 R4999 MILAN CORNER SUITE CHANTEL CORNER GREY R7999 TIFFANY 3+2+1 LOUNGE SUITE was R9999 now PA for your Plasticware, Toys, Stationery, Homeware and Party Favorites 25 Mahatma Gandhi Street, Stanger (Opp. Stanger Sweet Wholesalers) OFFERS VALID FROM 14 - 8 MAY OR WHILE STOCKS LAST 071 278 9750 HOME RTY & Specials Self Stiring Mugs
Watch & Tie Set 14999 Mug & Sock Set 11999 Shield Range AVAILABLE INSTORE Vacuum Flask from 6499 Telepoint Flask
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House gutted by fire

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) has tested 6264 serum samples for measles since epidemiological week 40, 2022, of which 1060 (17%) were confirmed positive. In the past week (week 21 up until week 22, 24/05/2023) there have been 28 laboratory-confirmed measles cases detected across the country, of which the majority were from Limpopo (22).

The percentage of samples testing positive (PTP) increased from 19% (11/58) of samples tested in week 20 to 28% (19/69) of samples tested in week 21.

In week 22 (week ending 03/06/2023), Limpopo province reported a total of eight (8) new measles cases, while a sporadic case (1) was reported in Gauteng. Sporadic cases continue to be seen in Mpumalanga,

South Africa faces measles outbreak

KwaZulu-Natal, and the Western Cape. North West and Free State province last reported cases in week 19 and week 20 respectively.

Nationally, the reproduction number as of 2023-05-25 was estimated to be 0.84 (0.36 1.6), suggesting that infection incidence is likely decreasing. There is a 68% chance that the reproduction

number was below 1 as of 2023-05-25.

Outbreak overview

confirmed measles-positive cases are shown in Figure 1. From epidemiological week 40 of 2022 to week 22 of 2023, 1054 laboratoryconfirmed cases were reported from eight provinces with declared measles outbreaks; Limpopo (476 cases), Mpumalanga (109 cases), North West (217 cases), Gauteng (176 cases), Free State (32 cases), Western Cape (16), KwaZulu-Natal (21) and Northern Cape (7) (Table 1)The number of blood samples and throat swabs submitted to the NICD for measles serology and PCR testing increased from 58 in week 20 to 69 in week 21.

A house in Ballito was gutted by fire this past Sunday. Two people were treated for smoke inhalation after a house was gutted by fire at a Ballito estate, on Sunday.

IPSS Medical Rescue, IPSS Search and Rescue and KDM fire Department responded to the scene, and found that the blaze had been extinguished by a quick thinking neighbour.

IPSS Medical Rescue

further revealed on scene indications are that the fire may have been started by an electrical appliance.

“IPSS Medical treated two occupants on scene for smoke inhalation. Fortunately both occupants did not require transport to hospital,” stated IPSS Medical Rescue.

No transparency in senior appointments

Ilembe municipality steamrolled two senior appointments (this week), the first being Senior Manager for Community Services, and the second being Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

The DA objected to the appointment citing lack of detail information of the candidates and scores. In normal practice and good governance the shortlisted candidates' qualification, experience and scores are the main factors when considering such appointments. To our surprise only the shortlisted candidates' names appeared in order of preference.

This is unacceptable. The agenda was electronically distributed ten minutes after the Council meeting had started.

The DA will pursue (this matter) through GOGTAsince the resolution will need MEC's approval. It is the prerogative of Council to make the final decision after following due process.

With the level of corruption in appointment and qualifications vetting it leaves much to be desired why these appointments were steamrolled.

The DA recorded its objection that was based on lack of detail information about the candidates.


DA Caucus Leader Ilembe District Municipality

CORNER COUNCILLOR’S June 14, 2023 PAGE 10 XPress OFFERS VALID FROM 14 - 20 JUNE OR WHILE STOCKS LAST Limited stocks available. Reserve the right to limit quantities 23 Lindley Street, Stanger 032 437 8044 072 786 2511 MINI SUPERMARKET (NEXT TO STANGER SWEETS SPECIALIST) Sugar Beans per kg 2990 Pea Dholl per kg 1590 300 Ginger & Garlic 1090 500g Brasso 2990 100g Osmans Taj Mahal Chilli Powder 1290 Brooms (Each) 2290 Solbol Black Shampoo Dye (Box of 10’s) 4990 Inecto Super Black 1690 OF INDIA POTS NOW IN STOCK NEW RANGE
The NICD is warning of a growing measles crisis in SA
From epidemiological week 40 2022 to week 22 2022, the NICD has tested 6264 serum samples for measles of which 1060 (17%) were confirmed measles cases. The number of samples submitted and the percentage of laboratoryPostgraduate Degrees Diplomas Higher Certificates Occupational & Short Learning Programmes boston.ac.za Accredited by the British Accreditation Council. Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs, United States of America.* PAYMENT PLANS | TEXTBOOKS INCLUDED | Stanger 032 551 5566 Stanger Mall, 55 King Shaka St. Entrance, Mahatma Gandhi St. Boston City Campus (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1996/013220/07 is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) Registration Certificate No. 2003/HE07/002 eg o reg stered th H gher pr nstitut on ct 1997 o eg stration Cert ficate o *Candidate for accreditation of specific programs. Candidate programs


Ayer Rock Guesthouse Stanger's preferred choice for quality, tasteful executive accommodation. Contact 032 551 6503 or 071 685 7126. Email ayerrocksa@gmail.com. www.ayerrock.co.za.


Code 14 driver for ready mix concrete with PDP required. Contact 083 419 1349 or 083 756 9996.


Stanger Manor, No 9 Warren Road. 2 bedroom house, lounge, kitchen, toilet/bathroom. R3000 pm. Excluding lights/water. Contact 084 704 4828.

Community Notice

Weekly satsangs are held on Mondays from 6:30pm - 7:30 pm.

Shree Hanuman Temple, 19 Rose Road, Stanger Manor. Transport, contact us on 073 152 8910 or WhatsApp us.



Director of

Family Day Picnic for Grade R learners

Bongimfundo Primary School held a Family Day picnic for Grade R class on Friday, 9th June 2023. Pictured are some of the learners with their parents.

Ilembe ward committees under scrutiny

The five Council Speakers deployed in the Ilembe family of municipalities met at the Ilembe Auditorium recently, to review the functioning and functionality of ward committees, and to plan for the year ahead. Pictured (L to R) are the Speakers, Mduduzi Cele (Ndwedwe), Phindile Sishi (Mandeni) Dolly Shandu (District Municipality), Sinenhlanhla Chili (Maphumulo) and Dolly Govender (KwaDukuza).

Cellphone found

A lost cellphone was found at Farm Choice, Lindley Street (opposite David's Fish Shop). Please call at the shop.


In the estate of the late ASHRAM SINGH, Identity Number : 580108 5180 087, Date of Birth : 8TH JANUARY 1958, Date TH of Death : 25 FEBRUARY 2023 of 58 VALLEYVIEW, INDIAN VILLAGE, KWADUKUZA, 4450 and Surviving spouse : SAROJ SINGH, Identity Number : 580117 0119 081, Date of Birth : 17TH JANUARY 1958. Estate No. 4101/2023

Debtors and creditors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof.



in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Portion 528 of Lot 56 Number 931 Registration Division FU Province of KwazuluNatal in the KWADUKUZA MUNICIPALITY AREA,


“Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you, until we meet again.”

You and your family are invited to the 15&16th Day Memorial Service Date : Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Venue : Stanger Siva Sungam Hall (Downstairs) Time: 5-6 supper will be served Service from 7-8pm Prayer will continue the following morning at 36 Primrose Street, Stanger Manor Sadly missed by his loving wife Indira,

& Kumeran, sisters and a host of family and friends.

(b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan which has been lost or destroyed.

All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg High Court Building, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice.


hand clothes, household, dishes, mens and
We collect and pay cash. Contact Usha 064 888 8757 or 078 408 0488 whatsapp.
boys shoes, boots, takkies, curtains, beddings.
TVs, fridge
or non working) freezers, kitchen units, lounge suits.
Stanger Manor Secondary STANGER MANOR SECONDARY P.O BOX 952 STANGER 4450 1 School Road Stanger Manor Email : principalsms@telkomsa.net Tel : 032 551 3416/551 3409 Fax : 032 551 2455 The above post is an SGB post and will be effective from 18 July 2023 Applications with CV, Certified copies of ID, SACE Registration and Qualifications should be dropped at school from Monday, 19 June 2023 to Friday 23 June 2023 between the times (9h00 to 12h00) No late submissions will be accepted and Emailed copies will not be accepted. Should you require further information please contact the School on 032 551 3416 The SGB invites Applications from suitably qualified educators for the following post
Of the late
Funeral and
PROPERTIES Contact Aslam 032 552 2025 / 083 339 0464 2 x 250 sq mtr Mini Factories / Storage Units * Safe & Secure * A/H Security * Prepaid Electricity
R8000-00 EACH In Stanger MALLWOOD PROPERTIES Contact Aslam 032 552 2025 / 083 339 0464 PER MONTH R7500-00 PLUS UTILITIES
House to Let (Oceanview Stanger) 4 Bedroom (Incl. Built-in Cupboards), 2 Bathrooms + 2 Toilets, Dining Room, Lounge, Kitchen (Incl. Kitchen Cupboards) * Safe Secure Spacious Yard MALLWOOD PROPERTIES Contact Aslam 032 552 2025 / 083 339 0464 PER MONTH R5500-00 Stanger - 3 Bedrooms; Kitchen (Incl. Built-in Cupboards); Dining Room / Lounge; Built-in Cupboards in all 3 Bedrooms; Safe, Secure, Lock-Up Automated Parking; Prepaid Electricity. RENTAL FROM
FORM JJJ LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Registered Sectional Title No. ST277/1984(47)(13) owned by JACQUES DU PLESSIS, Identity Number 7207265210082 in respect of:An undivided 8/365th share in a Unit consisting of:(a) Section No. 47 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS 277/1984 in the scheme known as LA MONTAGNE
Margate 4275 Tel: 039 317 3021 Email:
June 14, 2023 PAGE 22 XPress


Legendary former Bafana Bafana coach Clive Barker dies at 78

Former Bafana Bafana head coach Clive Barker has died at 78. Barker had been suffering from Lewy Body Dementia. He is famous for coaching South Africa to Africa

Cup of Nations glory on home soil in 1996.

In March this year, it was revealed that Barker had been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia (LBD).

Barker's family confirmed his death in a statement on Saturday morning.

"It is with profound sadness that the family of former Bafana Bafana coach Clive Barker announce his passing on Saturday, 10 June after a brave battle with Lewy Body Dementia (LBD)," the statement read.

In January, Barker was also admitted to a Durban hospital where he was treated for an aneurysm, which affected blood flowing from his heart.

The late Bafana coach Clive Barker

The family statement continued: "We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the medical professionals who cared for Clive over the past six months. "He fought a brave battle, and we are relieved he is now at peace.

"Clive will be remembered by

South Africans for his role in helping to bring a nation together around the 1996 Africa Cup of Nations, but for us he was a loving husband, father, and grandfather, and he will be dearly missed. "We have been overwhelmed by the enormous outpouring of

Stolen bakkie recovered in Ndwedwe

love and support for Clive since he was first diagnosed with LBD, and this is a testament to the coach, friend, and mentor he was to not only several generations of footballers, but also anyone who crossed his path in the sport he so dearly loved. "We will provide details of the memorial service in the coming days and ask the family's privacy be respected at this very difficult time."

In a coaching career that spanned 42 years, Barker mentored teams including AmaZulu, Manning Rangers, Durban City, Durban Bush Bucks, Santos Cape Town, Wits and, as his last assignment, Maritzburg United, which came to an end in 2016.

Barker led Durban City to two back-to-back league titles in 1982 and 1983 and the Durban Bush Bucks to the honours in 1985.

A Nissan NP300 bakkie tha had been reported stolen in the area of Tongaat was recovered by Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA), on Monday this week.

RUSA says the company's r received a call from tracker requesting assistance in locating the vehicle.

According to Tracker, the vehicle's tracking device was emitting signals from the area of Mavela, in Ndwedwe. Reaction officers proceeded to the said location and found the bakkie abandoned din a small dirt road. The battery had been stolen. Police are investigating the matter.

Noty’s Laundry Service OUR SERVICES * Dry Cleaning * General Laundry * Commercial Laundry * Steam Ironing * Sneaker Cleaning * Duvet / Blanket Cleaning Laundry has you STRESSED? Let us DO IT FOR YOU! CLEAN-FAST-RELIABLE 069 515 6211 7 Blaine Street, KwaDukuza KISSUN & KISSUN & DENTAL PRACTICE 122 Balcomb Street Stanger Dr Sunira M. Kissun Tel : (032) 551 1778 Fax : (032) 552 2875 Jenitha M. Kissun (PR. No. 0486876) BDT (UDW) BDS (WITS) (PR. No. 0379158) BDT (UKZN) • Cleaning & Polishing • Fillings • Extractions • Surgical Extractions • Root Canal Treatment •Dentures (ie. False Teeth) • Crowns • Bridges • Veneers • Teeth Whitening Chrome legs P.U. Foam in sheet form Staples & brad nails Rubber webbing, etc Lounge Suites, Taxi Seats, Car Seats Wide range for upholstery at wholesale prices Stockists of : • Lounge Sets • Dining Room Sets • Bedroom Sets • Wardrobes • Kitchen Units • Mattresses • Appliances • and more Old/favourite lounge suites Car/bakkie seats Taxi/bus seats Diningroom chairs, etc FABRICS FOR FURNITURE RAW MATERIALS RE-COVERING FABRIC PROTECTION 2 Croton Place, Old New Guelderland Rd, Stanger (ex-Design 3 building, opposite Jacksons) 032 551 1470 zaffs@telkomsa.net XPress SERVICE GUIDESERVICE GUIDE Now available at 36 Hulett Street, KwaDukuza WONDER BEANS EXCELLENT FOR: * HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE * ARTHRITIS * 101 AILMENTS Perfect health for 10c a day For trade enquiries UMVOTI BEANS Tel.: (032) 5514175/6 Solly’s Pharmacy June 14, 2023 PAGE 23 D ENZO AUTO TEC 18 Clark Street Dawnside, Stanger Tel : 032 551 2582 / 083 340 0047 We also cater for all Toyota owners that have Toyota vehicles that are out of service plan! For more info contact Nireshnee or Anton Denzo Auto is now contracted to Standard Bank Fleet Management Services, the Innovations Group and Avis Fleet Management! MASTER TECHNICIAN DENZO AUTO TEC 032 552 5424 kidzone11@gmail.com www.kidzonejc.co.za 083 587 8687 DR LIKONDE 073 344 1114 Only man that can solve your problems with no side effect. Any challenge that you facing in your life Likonde he is the solution. Likonde can help you things like: * Bring back Lost Lover no matter how long she/he went 1st same day * Boost your business * Court Cases * family matters * Clean your yard or fortification * Body protection / property * Lotto and casino * Love attraction to have anyone you want in your life * Pass exams * Get a job / replaced to your old job * Lidibo / lucky charm * Body booster and many more INTERNATIONAL SPIRITUAL POWER FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Grades 6 and 7 Grades 8 and 9 MATHS TUITION For more information call me on 079 428 0345 Do you need help in Maths? PREPARATION FOR JUNE EXAMS Limited numbers PREMISES Contact: RAJ TO LET 072 669 6727 / 074 242 1395 Premises fully fenced with ample free parking 2 1 Main Shop 730m Multiple use eg. Ideal for Show Room, Furniture, Supermarket, Gym etc. 2 1 Shop Front 385m Ideal for Dialysis Clinic, Health Centre, Doctor and Dental Practice etc. 2 1 Executive Office 220m multiple use eg Ideal for Corporate Business, Lawyer Practice etc 2 1 x 55m Office 073 034 9898 MTN 060 695 1332 VODA BABA APAWO IS HERE TO HELP YOU WITH PROBLEMS LIKE.
* Bringing back lost or stolen items, goods, cars, lost love, goats, cattle etc. * Financial problems, if u need money urgently, too much debts, magic ring. * Court cases, diabetes, BP and stroke, you will be helped with a 100% guarantee. CALL OR WATSAPP BABA APAWO: CALL OR WHATSAPP 079 217 8979 THE GREATEST CHIEF BUBAH TRADITIONAL HEALER THE GREATEST CHIEF BUBAH “Follow me to achieve your needs. I do help a lot of people and you can be added to be a testimony to others. God did not create anyone to die in poverty. So don’t sit down and die in poverty, bring your problems for solutions. I promise you will never regret by meeting me. I can help those that are seriously interested. I do not promise and fail, remember disappointment is a sin. So if you’re facing problems such as (money problems, lotto numbers, luck of job, marriage problems, love matters, instant money, money commands, pot of riches, work problem, customer attraction, business improvements, pocket not dry, enemies protection, bewitched people,, sickness, luck of leadership, court cases, bring back your lost lover, swollen body, promotion at work and many more.) Traditional Healer SOLAR LIGHTING 082 730 3682 / 081 785 9405 Installation available INDOOR SOLAR LIGHTS NOW AVAILABLE SALE WINTER SPECIALS STANGER 032 552 1966 084 589 5537 ALL SIZES AVAILABLE 2 YEAR INSTORE WARRANTEE T/C APPLY WE WILL BEAT ANY WRITTEN QUOTE!! FREE BATTERY TESTING INVERTER/SOLAR DEEP CYCLE LEAD CARBON LITHIUM IRON BATTERY NOW AVAIL times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165 SERVICE GUIDE DEADLINE: Strictly 10am on Mondays
A stolen bakkie was found abandoned in Ndwedwe
June 14, 2023 XPress
PAGE 1 “A” Grade Shutterply 1220X2440 18mm R579.00 Masonite 2.300x1,960x3mm R229.00 Granite Top GRANITE ORIENTAL PEARL C/T 2000X600X30MM R1,299.00 Granite Top GRANITE TIGER RED C/T 2000X600X30MM R1,199.00 Granite Top GRANITE STEEL GREY C/T 2000X600X30MM R999.00 White Melamine 1830X2750x 16mm R649.00 Brookhill Melamine Lockeport Melamine Storm Grey Melamine Stonetown Melamine Customer Service > 032 552 5405 • Fax > 032 552 5406 We are open Monday to Friday @ 6am > 5pm Saturdays @ 6am > 1pm Sundays @ 6am >11am > Hibiscus Road Moalla Industrial Area, Stan All prices include vat • while stocks last • Strictly cash & carry • E&OE • Pictures are for used for illustration purposes only Quartz Top 2000X600X20MM WHITE R1,999.00 R799.00EACH WOOD GRAIN BOARDS SOLID COLOUR BOARDS R799.00EACH R799.00EACH R799.00EACH Super Whit White M i BOARDS PROFESSIONALCUTTING ANDEDGINGOFGLOSS BOARDSNOWAVAILABLE INSTORE HANDLES TO CLEAR FROM R5.00 G Postform Tops Top Comet Grrannitite e 0 X3.6 6 G GLOLOSSS S 00 00 s o 60 oalla Area, Stangger e MelawoodSupergloss 1830X2750X16MM ICEBERGWHITE R2,199.00 WELCOME WINTER
Marley Untertile Membrane R329.00 TimberSabsV4Treated 38X38V4P/M R10.90R29.00R29.00 Barge Board 3M R119. Fascia Board 3.6M R105.00 38X3 4P/M R2 M R 38X114V4P/M 50X76V4P/M M U M Plastic Black 2X30 250 Micron R279.00 Green 3X30 250 Micron R429.00 Marley Double Roman Roof Tiles Std Colours R7.99 ROOFING rd 00 PAGE 2 Brch Mesh Price Per Mt R25.00 Brickorce 3/9 Inch Galv 2.8mm SABS Galv R65.00 Flat Wrap Razor Wire 15MT Roll R279.00 Razor Wire 450MMX10M R289.00 Wire 50MT R89.00 Screws 90mm 100 Pack R59.00 Fencing1.8X100X100 X30M R499.00 1.8X100X50 X30M R879.00 FENCING 9 Sisalation FR43040MTR1,849.00 Nails 100X100 R9.50 100X150 R12.50 Nails 25Kg 3inch R629.00 4inch R629.00 90 Gang NAILS & SCREWS R IBR Sheeting 0.3mm Price Per Metre R59.00 Co GalvRoof 00
PAGE 3 Conduit Pipe Sabs 20mmx4mt R19.00 Flat White Sabs Approved P/M 1.5 R15.90 2.5 R21.90 CEILING Polystyrene Cornices 2Mt Br2 R35.00 Polystyrene Cornices 2Mt Br7 R35.00 Polystyrene Cornices 2Mt Br8 R35.00 Alcolin Cornice Glue 5Kg R249.00 Pvc Ceiling Panel 30Cmx3.9mt R69.00 Marley Plaster Boards Price Per M2 R55.00 Batten Light 1.2M LED R159.00 Flood Light LED 50W R179.00 30W R99.00 Batten 1.2MLE A60 LED Lamp 6W B22/E27 R12.00 7 0 White and Satin Chrome Fitting + 6w Lamp + Lamp Holder +Satin Chrome/ White mp + ld D N Premium 1 Lever Switch 4x2 R25.00 0 Premium 2 Lever Switch 4x2 R29.00 0 Premium 3 Lever Switch 4x2 R35.00 Premium Single Socket 4x4 R59.00 et 00 Premium Double Socket 4x4 R79.00 i ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL
PAGE 4 Cobra Zambezi Basin Mixer R429.00 Cobra Amazon Basin Mixer R749.00 Quartz Black Basin Mixer R379.00 Cobra Zambezi Shower Mixer R479.00 Cobra Amazon Shower Mixer R699.00 Quartz Black Shower Mixer R379.00 Zambezi Diverter Shower Mixer R799.00 Cobra Amazon Shower Diverter R999.00 Quartz Black Bath Mixer Including Hand Shower R599.00 Cobra Arrive Square Basin 530 x 435 x 196 R899.00 Betta Courier Basin R299.00 Wooden Seat Cover White AB White Plastic Seat Cover HD Thermoplastic Mat R149.00 R189.00 SANITARY WARE TAPS & MIXERS TAPS & MIXERS 2Pc Betta Front Flush Pan, Cistern FREE Mechanism and Seat cover R899.00 BettaFront 2Pc Shortland Compact Top Flush FREE Seat Cover & Mechanism R1,699.00 2Pc Solo Maldives Top Flush FREE Seat Cover & Mechanism R1,599.00 2Pc Mirage Top Flush FREE Seat Cover & Mechanism R2,099.00 P Trap Pan R259.00 Geberit Plastic Cistern R599.00 PTrap Cobra Nile Basin Mixer R699.00 Cobra Nile Shower Mixer R649.00 Cobra Nile Diverter Shower Mixer R999.00 artz Q ra C r S SANI S
Marley Ug Pipe 4 Inch 6Mt R259.00 Marley Downpipe 3Mt R99.00 Marley Half Round Gutter 6Mt R219.00 Maksal Copper Pipe 460/0 5.5M 15mm R319.00 22mm R549.00 PAGE 5 Double End Bowl Dropin Sink Cam 1200 x 480m 40mm Excluding Wastes R999.00 Double Concrete Wash Through R299.00 00 Single Concrete Wash Through R249.00 ble crete h n ngle Cobra Zambezi Sink Mixer Deck Type R699.00 Cobra Nile Sink Mixer Deck Type R1,049.00 Cobra Amazon Sink Mixer Deck Type R1,149.00 Quartz Black Sink Mixer Deck Type R379.00 TILING Tal Goldstar 18 Hour 20Kg R95.00 Tal Goldstar 6 Hour 20Kg R149.00 Tal Professional 20Kg R65.00 Tal Porcelin Fix 20Kg R89.00 Tal Grout 5Kg R59.00 Ta 5K Tal Bond 5L R109.00 Tal Keycoat 5L R249.00 Tile Trim Aluminium Round 10MM R39.00 12MM R49.00 Tile Trim PVC 9MM 12,5MM R29.00 Double Bowl Combo Trap 300 R69.00 600 R79.00 G Golddstar m 00 M R29 KITCHEN Supahot Geyser 150l B Class 400KPA Including Safety Valve & Draincock g upahot r TANKS 2500L Vertical Tank Available in Grey & Sahara R2,299.00 5000L Vertical Tank Available in only Sahara Limited stocks available R4,999.00 GEYSER Ingco Jet Pump 1100W 1.5HP R2,299.00 1.5HP Automatic 9m Max. Suction 00 Sucti t (Incl Pressure Control Guage) 10000% rePur Copper Co C matic Aut Au A om o u um m Pump P Pu Con C trol m x axMa 250 Ver Ava Gre 00 Ingco Peripheral Pump 370w 0.5hp (Incl Pressure Control Guage) R1,399.00 Ingco Peripheral Pump 750w 1.0hp (Incl Pressure Control Guage) R1,799.00 PIPES
Sika Raintite 5L R199.00 Sika 5L R499.00 Membrane (PER MT) R25.00 Before After COLOURS PAINTS WATERPROOFING WATERPROOFING POWAFIX Abe Membrane Per MT R29.00 R549.00 5Lt Powa Coat + Free Mambrane Per MT R139.00 5L R249.00 Dekade Plaster Primer 20L R1,049.00 DIYEcoRubber Kit 5Kg Including Rubberiser,Membrane, Paintbrush&Scissors. R529.R299.00 00 2m² 5m² 0 White 20L R599.00 Dekade High Cover Whit Dekade Dekatex 20L Standard Colours Excl White R1,099.00 Dekade Dekaroof 20L Standard R1,449.00 Dekade Washable Sheen 20L R1,149.00 Dek Dek deDeka Dekade Ultradek 20L Standard Colours R1,799.00 Dekade Gold Label Sheen 5Lt Standard Colours R579.00 Satin Magic White 5L R699 Satin Glo Waterbased White 5L R649.00 o Sunshield Varnish 5lt Clear, Light Oak , Dark Oak, Mahogany, Teak R599.00 FIX e Super Laykold R899.00 Brix 20L Abe be Layko 20L ixseal S La e E DI I Gl S tinGlo tiGl n
Ingco Cordles Drill 20v R1,099.00 Ingco Rotary Hammer Drill 1050W Voltage : 220-240v~ 50/60hz R1,399.00 Ingco Rotary Hammer Drill 1500W Voltage : 220-240v~50/60hz R1,699.00 Ingco Cordless Rotary Hammer Drill Brushless 20V PS Battery & Charger Sold Separately R1,999.00 PAGE 7 Ingco 7.5kw Generator 4ST Air Cooled Rated voltage(V):220-240 Rated frequency(Hz):50 Max.output(kW):7.5 Rated output(kW):6.0 Rated speed(rpm):3000 Engine:4 stroke,OHV Displacement(ml):420 Cooling system:Air-cooled Ignition system:T.C.I Starting system: Recoil+Electric Ingco Aspirator Blower 600W Voltage : 220-240V~50/60Hz R649.00 Ingco Electric Planer 1050W Voltage : 220-240V~50/60Hz R1,449.00 Ingco Angle Grinder 950W 115MM Voltage : 220-240v~ 50/60hz R679.00 Ingco Jigsaw 800W Voltage: 220-240v~ 50/60hz R1,099.00 Ingco Impact Drill 680W 13MM Voltage : 220-240V~50/60Hz R399.00 Ingco Heat Gun 200w Variable Setting VOLTAGE:220-240V ~50/60Hz With 1pcs scraper and 4pcs nozzles R549.00 Ingco Impact Drill 810W 13MM Voltage : 220-240v~50/60hz R599.00 Ingco Angle Grinder 2400W 230MM Voltage : 220-240v~50/60hz R1,799.00 Ingco Angle Grinder Brushless Motor 20V 115mm M14 Disc not included Ingco Circular Saw 1400W 185MM Voltage : 220-240v~50/60hz R1,499.00 ngco R o R12,499.00 POWER YOU CAN COUNT ON! der M incllu ude ded
SECURITY Frame & Ledge Z Braced Solid Meranti Door R2,299.00 Horizontal Pivot Door 2.1x1.2m prehung in a complete frame R5,999 Silverstone Horizontal Door 813X2032 R3,499 Doortec Roma Door R1,049 Doortec Elba Door R1,049 8 Panel Hardwood Door R1,399 10 Panel Hardwood Door R1,399 S H D 81 1 Frame & Ledge Z Braced Hardwood Door R1,349 Meranti Door James 2X6 40X140 R1,149 Meranti Door Frames 2X3 44X60 R479.00 3X4 44X85 R629.00 Solid Brass 8Pa 00 00 Jaguar Lockset SABS 2L R79.00 3L R89.00 Union Lockset 2L R299.00 3L R359.00 3 lever Lockset ONDA MATT COFFEE R269.00 ONDA SATIN B/NICKL R269.00 ONDA MATTE BLACK R269.00 Yale 3 lever Lockset CUNEO MATTE COFFE R269.00 CUNEO SATIN B/NICEL R269.00 CUNEO MATTE BLACK R269.00 Customer Service > 032 552 5405 • Fax > 032 552 5406 We are open Monday to Friday @ 6am > 5pm Saturdays @ 6am > 1pm Sundays @ 6am >11am > Hibiscus Road Moalla Industrial Area, Stanger All prices include vat • while stocks last • Strictly cash & carry • E&OE • Pictures are for used for illustration purposes only PAGE 8 Silverstone zontal Townhouse Door 2 PANEL DOOR R479.00 4 PANEL DOOR R479.00 6 PANEL DOOR R479.00 T h DOORS 8 Panel Solid Meranti Stable Door 00 R2,299. 5 Panel Solid Meranti Door R2,299.00 8 Panel Solid Meranti Do Deep Meranti Door R2,699.00 Gro Solid Do Frame & Ledge Z Braced Solid Meranti Stable Door R2,199.00 r Lockset 269 9 ale ockset et 0 R269. OFFF F B Hingge 1000XX75 75 Hinge 100X40 0 B Sinkless P ar set le lev ON D O

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