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each 12499 Aunt Caroline Rice 10kg *Maximum of 5 e-Coupons per customer, for each SPAR Rewards product /Multi -buy /combo featured. @SUPERSPARSTANGERTel: 032 437 3000 Email: stanger1@retail.spar.co.za STANGER 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Tel.:Stanger032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net FREE! copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Mandini, Isithebe, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop We have an advertising package to suite your needs BEE Compliant - Level 3 - 110% Grow Businessyour 14 SEPTEMBER 2022 Hi I’m Sunny, your Store Manager. SPAR Long Life Milk (Full Cream / Low Fat/ Fat Free) 6x1lt 7999 per pack Specials available at SUPERSPAR STANGER ONLY from Wednesday 14th September 2022 to Sunday 18th September 2022, while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices include VAT. No traders please. *Maximum of 10 e-Coupons per customer, for each SPAR Rewards product /Multi -buy /combo featured. times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us Nola 500g-780gAssortedMayonnaise 2899 each Rhodes Baked Beans In Tomato Sauce 410g Fattis and Monis Macaroni or Spaghetti 500g 1599 each Golden Cloud Cake 2.5kgFlour Danone 1VanillaUltramelCustardlitre 29999924 eacheach Nestle Milo Energy Drink 500g Red Bull Energy Drink Assorted 250ml Tastic Rice 2kg 2999 each SPAR White Sugar 2.5kg 3999 each Bokomo Weetbix 450g 2699 each Bakers Red LemonAssortedCreams 1699 each Joko 100sTeabagsTagless 3499 each SPAR Daily Spread 40% FatTubSpread1kg 3699 each SPAR Extra Shelf Life Milk (Full Cream or Low Fat) 2 litre 2999 each Emeraldene ExtraEggsLarge18s 3599 each 25002 ANYBUY FOR Get an extra off2 ewards Customers Pay 2200 Buy Any 2 2400for MULTI-BUY Get an extra off5 ewards Customers Pay 5499 each Promotional 5999Priceeach These specials are available from Wednesday 14th September to Sunday 18th September 2022 MEGA PRICE DROP These specials are available from WEDNESDAY 14th SEPTEMBER to SUNDAY 18th SEPTEMBER 2022 only SPAR IQF ThighsChicken5kg Power Play Energy 440mlAssortedDrink 21002 ANYBUY FOR Catmor Adult Cat Food 1.5kgAssorted-1.75kg Dawn Body Lotion Only (for Men or Women) Assorted 400ml Dettol BandedLiquid (750ml+250ml)Pack 150002 ANYBUY FOR Ariel Auto / Touch of Downy Washing Powder 3kg or Ariel Auto / Touch of Downy Liquid 2 litre 8999 each Ace Maize Meal 10kg each 7499 each 6999 SPAR IQF 2kgMixedChickenPortions 9999 eachTwinsaver 2 Ply Toilet Tissues 18s 45003 ANYBUY FOR Sasko Premium Brown Bread 700g Get an extra off2 ewards Customers Pay 1499 each Promotional 1699Priceeach SPAR Sunflower Oil 5 litre 19999 each Raid Insect AssortedKiller300ml 2499 each Handy Andy Cream Refill Pouch Assorted 750ml 2299 each Sunlight Hand PowderWashing2kg 5499 each Ingrams Camphor Cream 400ml-500mlAssorted 3999 each Pantene 360ml/400mlAssortedorConditionerShampoo 4499 each Nestle Dessert or Cooking Cream 290g Get an extra off4 ewards Customers Pay 2299 each Promotional 2699Priceeach Clover Tropika Assorted 2 litre 2999 each Riz Cut & De Veined Large Prawns 350g 8499 each Pampers Premium Care 44s-82sValueDiapersPack 300002 ANYBUY FOR Always 8s/9s/10sPadsSanitaryMaxi 50004 ANYBUY FOR Protex AssortedSoap200g 50005 ANYBUY FOR Royco Cook In 37g-55gAssortedSauce 39003 ANYBUY FOR1799each Freshpak RooibosTeabagsTagless40s18999 each 110002 ANYBUY FOR Jacobs Kronung Gold or Rich Aroma Coffee 200g or Jacobs Refill 230g 10499 eachFREETHISBUY GET 40g WEEKEND SPECIAL This special is available from Friday 16th September to Sunday 18th September Riversmead2022Fresh Whole Chicken 4299 per kg

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OFFICIAL: Seen officially opening the new Hesto Harnesses facility are (L to R) KZN Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube, President Cyril Ramaphosa and Minister Ebrahim Patel

In partnership with Yazaki Corporation, Hesto Harnesses manufactures wiring harnesses and instrument clusters for supply to South African-based automotive Original

By Xpress Reporter

The automotive sector in South Africa is one of the biggest beneficiaries of foreign direct investment in the country.

Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) Toyota, Isuzu, Nissan and Ford.

FREE copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Mandini, Isithebe, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop 14 SEPTEMBER 2022 BEE LEVEL3 BBEEACCREDITATONB••5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger • Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net Follow us on times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us Continued on Page 6 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER Promotion partners: Stand a chance to win an instant prize in store when purchasing Monroe Shocks or Ferodo Brakes into the season with Monroe and Ferodo! im 49 Mahatma Gandhi Str. Tel : (032) 551 1522 Door Lock CoastalSetEmpress Bed Double WhatsApp "Add" to 081 480 5521 to receive weekly specials R499R60HammerClaw Rough Cast Machine Basin Mixer R2199R60R210 3 ImportedSinkDoorUnit R1450R3199CutterKnife R40R15 10WFloodRedissonLight R130 SideProfessionalTradePetrolGrassCutter42CCRoundTable No traders * E&OE Mon-Fri : 8am to 5pm Sat : 7am to 3pm Sun : 8am to 1pm OFFERS FROM 14 - 18 SEPTEMBER OR WHILE STOCKS LAST! A proudly women empowerment initiative 7kg Soft PotatoesCooking 4 TULIP Cell:oppLINDLEYCell:STANGERROAD,MANOR0762133369STREET,David’sFishShop)0784077772 Many more instore specials available for the fasting period. Tomatoes 2kg 2500 Bananas kg 1200 Dry Chillies PacketLettuce Cleaned Jackfruit 799 Each Red/Green Herbs 2 FOR 1000999 700 Packet 4500 Mint Shallotor 1000 3 FOR PrepackedRuganiCarrots 999Kg Spinachbunch 1000 (Pocket)OrangesSweet 2999 Prepacked Green Peppers Pack 2 FOR Red Apples 1kg 1200 1200

Ramaphosa added that the investment by Ford and Metair underscored confidence in South Africa as a key link in the global automotive supply chain.



opens massive manufacturingHesto factory

resident Cyril Ramaphosa visited KwaDukuza yesterday (Tuesday) to open the new Hesto Harnesses extension factory that has created thousands of new job opportunities. The visit was part of the President's investment oversight in KwaZulu-Natal, as government forges ahead with its efforts to

Speaking at the event, Ramaphosa said reindustrialisation was a key pillar of the country's Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Programme. He said the disruption to the global supply chains, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic had highlighted the need for companies all over the world to diversify their sources of supply.

Competition Ebrahim Patel, KZN Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube, KZN MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA) Siboniso Duma, iLembe District Mayor Thobani Shandu, KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca, the top executives from the various companies that have a direct and/or indirect stake in the new manufacturing plant.

This facility is one of five capital investment projects that form part of a R1.4 billion commitment by Metair Investments Limited to support the expansion and localisation of the new Ford Ranger.Thefacility in KwaDukuza has created 4 000 forceofsubsidiaryopportunitiesemploymentwithaemploymenttotal7200.70%ofthelabourisfemale.

September 14, 2022XPress

“Despite all the challenges, 2021 was a significant year for automotive investments. According to the National Association of Automotive Manufacturers of South Africa, last year seven OEMs invested a total amount of R8.8 billion, the second highest annual figure on record.“The components sector also invested a significant R5.7 billion last year. Our country remains one of the preferred investment destinations in Africa and is an important gateway for markets and other business opportunities throughout the continent.“TheAfrican Continental Free Trade Area will further open opportunities for the development of export markets, the growth of industrial bases and economyAfricanchains.regionalexpansiontheofvalue“TheSouthhas

Father drowns while saving daughter

DROWNING: A father drowned while saving his daughter at a beach in Ballito

A man lost his life after he drowned while saving his daughter on a beach in Ballito, on Sunday.

The President noted with satisfaction that the new facility I set to create over 4000 andNcube,Ministeropportunityfemale.centdrivenpredominantlyHestocandidates,strongtrainingrandincludingacrossthatskillsiLembeinjectedmilliontranslatesopportunities,employmentwhichintooverR30spendinsalariesintotheeconomyofDistrict.“IamawareofthestrongdevelopmentmandateisbeingimplementedtheMetairstable,anewmulti-millionbursaryandapprenticeprogramme.“ItispleasingthatthereisafocusonfemaleasisthefactthatHarnessesisafemale-operationwith70perofemployeesbeing“IwanttotakethistocommendPatel,PremierDube-theMayorsofIlembeKwaDukuzaandiNkosi

Huge boost for job creation in KwaDukuza

September 14, 2022 XPress Open Sundays from 9am till 12pm. While stocks last. E&OE. T’s & C’s apply. Debit & Credit Cards Accepted 1 Mahatma Gandhi Street (next to Noorgats), Stanger Tel: 032 5522180 • 032 5514904 Cell: 061 418 9721 • 082 944 4517 • bosssteel@telkomsa.net 12 x 3 Flat Bar (6mt) 44500005 Round10mmBar 70000070 COMBO DEAL Ing-co / Fragram Angle Grinder + Impact Drill R799799 20lt Plascon 20ltNUROOFPlascon R699699 R11501150 50’s BlueMasksDisposable(250) R1005boxesfor 5 litre Sanitizer 70% alcohol 50’s Adults Black disposable Mask 4 boxes per box 100’s Nitrile Gloves 6th COVIDWaveR100R100 R135135 R99R99 Be prepared for JAW’WAL INVESTMENTS cc. T/aARMEMO TRADING cc. t/a AFF AFFRDABLE AFF RDABLE WHEELS & TYRES While Stocks Last. T’s & C’s Apply. E&OE 615 R790 619 R790 628 R890 500 12C R590R590From 155/80/13 From 215/70/15C R1490R1300From 245/70/16C From Many in-store specials on all makes and sizes Trade innew ones pay difference your old tyres for and only the 175/65/14 R800R650From 205/40/17 195/14C R1099R990From 195/15C From Scrap boughtboughtbatteriesforcashScrapbatteresforcash R990205/70/15 R1350215/15c R3850315/80/22.5 UsedALSOCHARGINGBATTERYDONEbatteriesalsoavailable BATTERIES R1850750x16(takeaway) From 636 R800 646 R990 652/7 R1250 23B KING SHAKA ROAD A7OPENDAYSWEEK Office: 032 551 4988 Yusuf: 083 701 5477 Shuaib: 072 207 8665 Short term And long term leasing and car hire & CAR HIRE FACTORY: The dignitaries are seen undertaking a tour of the new factory, which has created thousands of jobs for the people of iLembe District

Child Welfare to hold Annual General Meeting

Minister Patel noted the strong investment”,securingvariousandenougheconomy.reindustrializationmanufacturinginvestmentsarea.ComponentofaHarnessandretainthesaidinvestmentKwaDukuzainvestmentLindileschemes.comprehensiveinvestment,componentempowermentinthewholethroughMetair'sBEEKwaDukuzaMayorNhacasaidthehighlightedasaleadingdestination.Sheitfurtherdemonstratedmunicipality'sabilitytoexistinginvestmentstoattractexpansion.“WealsobelievethatHestoinvestmentswillbecatalystfortheexpansiontheKwaZulu-NatalAutoClustertoourThiswillleadtomoreinthesectorandtheofour“WecanneverbethankfulforthepartnershipcollaborativeworkofstakeholdersinthismajorsaidNhaca.

uDube and their teams for their contribution in making this project come to fruition,” Ramaphosa said.

The Annual General Meeting of KwaDukuza Child Welfare Society will be held as Date:follows:Friday,23rd September 2022. Time: 16h30. Venue: Society's Offices, No 02, Jacaranda Street, KwaDukuza. Enquiries: (032) 551-2129

taking photographs on the rocks when a wave washed a child into the surf. The man dived in after the child and managed to pass her to a relative. He then got into distress and was swept away.“Despite extensive advanced life support attempts to resuscitate the man, resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful and the man was declared dead on scene,” stated Medi Response.

the potential to achieve a higher growth trajectory through unlocking competitive advantages in key sectors of the economy,” Ramaphosa stated.

“It is reported a family had been

Continued from Page 4

When Medi Response paramedics arrived on the scene, they found the man being carried to shore by rescuers after encountering difficulty in the water. Reports indicate that the man had just rescued his daughter who was washed out to sea by a wave while taking photographs with her family.

A female educator is in critical condition in a private hospital after she was ambushed by two unknown assailants while driving alone in the area on Mthunzini, on the KZN NorthAccordingCoast. to Medi Man amputated after hit and run accident

Thobani Shandu, Maphumulo Deputy Mayor Sinenhlanhla Chili and Maphumulo Speaker Musawenkosi Ngidi.

As part of the restoration project, a new bridge will be constructed over the sinkhole site, to prevent future occurrences. Local contractors are expected to benefit in the project, while many job opportunities will also be created.

Response, the attackers opened fire on the woman's vehicle, leaving her with multiple gunshot wounds. However the woman managed to drive herself to safety, and summon help.

Harry Bodasing Primary says thank you

INVESTMENT: Pictured is iLembe District Mayor Thobani Shandu (left) and MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison Sipho Hlomuka

amputations to both legs as well multiple other life threatening injuries.

Hlomuka was joined by iLembe district Mayor

Massive infrastructure investment for iLembe District

By Xpress Reporter

“The lady was struck by multiple bullets and managed to drive to safety where she was met by advanced life support paramedics who treated the lady, before transporting her to private hospital for further care,” stated Medi Response.

KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison Sipho Hlomuka has last week presided over the sod turning ceremony for a massive infrastructure project that will be the R74 Highway linking KwaDukuza, Maphumulo and Greytown being restored.


after the recent burglary in August.GodBless you all Issued by: Harry Bodasing Primary School

roadside bushes.

“The man was treated by IPSS Medical Rescue before being transported to a nearby hospital in critical condition. It is unknown how long the man was laying in the bushes before he was noticed by the vigilant driver,” stated IPSS MedicalKwaZulu-NatalRescue.

An alert motorist driving on a road on the outskirts of KwaDukuza saved the life of an accident victim when the motorist spotted the man trying to crawl out of the

EMRS and the local SAPS were also in attendance.

ATTACK: A female educator was rushed to hospital after sustaining multiple gunshot wounds

ACCIDENT: A pedestrian was amputated after being hit by an unknown vehicle in KwaDukuza

07 September 1960: The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded by five core members: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.

September 14, 2022 XPress

IPSS Medical Rescue said the incident happened on Wednesday last week, in the evening. When paramedics arrived at the scene, it was established that the man had been struck by an unknown hit and run vehicle, and possibly flung into the bushes. The man sustained traumatic

have assisted this year when repairs were done to roads around our school after the severe flooding in April/May, and also for the repairs to our school building

This Day In History

On behalf of the SMT, educators, SGB and learners of Harry Bodasing Primary, our heartfelt gratitude to all community and noncommunity members who

The ceremony was conducted the mark the beginning of the repairs to the road, after floods caused a major sinkhole earlier this year, forcing the closure of the road. MEC Hlomuka said his department is investing R77 million on the restoration project, and the contractor is expected to commence soon.

Drama unfolded at a Ballito shopping mall on Monday this week, after a mall security guard spotted an unresponsive baby inside a locked vehicle. The guard theplacedbaby.interventionsandentryimmediatelyfirmemergencyturnmanagement,alertedimmediatelymallwhoinalertedserviceMediresponse.“ParamedicsforcedintothevehicleinitiatedontheAfterbeingonoxygen,babyregained

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• Ismail: 0724435910

baby unattended,” Medi Response stated. The baby was taken into the care of practitioners.

SUCCESSFUL: Stanger Animal Rescue hosts a monthly Flea Market raise funds support the work of the organization

items such as crockery, home décor, toys, clothing, etc. It would also be appreciated should you wish to donate cat and dog feed,” stated Ismail Gori of the SAR.

consciousness. Enquires suggest that the parent of the baby had been inside the mall for several hours, leaving the

• Feroza: 0722442110

Several vehicles collide in wet weather

Stanger Animal Rescue (SAR) held a successful Flea Market on the Saturday the 10th of September 2022, in an effort to raise funds towards the work of the organization. The organization has placed on record its thanks and appreciation to members of the public for their generous donations and to volunteers for helping out at the Flea

• Kiran: 0718620220

September 14, 2022 XPress Contact 083 656 0752 for a limited booking! 2nd & 3rd October 2022 LASER TOUCH SPECIAL With proven results, amazing reviews & true understanding of the science of LHR, we will take care of you. LASERSTANGERHAIRREMOVAL GET YOUR HAIR FREE BODY NOW! Limited bookings available We offer laser for ladies and men naseefa_g THE COUNTRIES MOST WELL KNOWN LASER HAIR REMOVAL COMPANY. Using the trio wavelength medical grade latest technology at 210 locations country wide. WE GOT YOU COVERED FROM EVERY ANGLE!!! Now using the latest skin rejuvenation setting with facial concerns... * Fine lines * Blackheads * Age Spots * Sun damage * Large clogged pores * Acne marks & scars * Hyperpigmentation & Uneven skin tone.

“TheMarket.Flea Market is a once a month initiative. We urge the good citizens of KwaDukuza to donate

in a

Flea Market in aid of stray animals


COLLISION: Several vehicles were involved collision near the Tugela Bridge on Monday

Medical Rescue said when paramedics arrived on the scene they found multiple patients with injuries ranging from moderate to serious. The patients were stabilized on the scene before being transported to various medical facilities.

The drop off point for all donated items is the Gori's Store, 21-23 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, KwaDukuza.Membersof the public wishing to make a donation or to volunteer at the Flea Market can contact:

Wet weather conditions in the start of this week saw several vehicles involved in a crash near the Tugela Bridge on the N2 Highway, on Monday this week.IPSS

Unconscious toddler rescued from locked vehicle

LOCKED: An unconscious toddler was rescued from a locked vehicle in Ballito

TANKS: Pictured are dignitaries during the handover of the Jojo tanks

Purity and Elizabeth Anne's Essential Baby Powder

“These educators were a true inspiration to education.

September 14, 2022 XPress FOR BOOKING : 032 437 8085 068 585 9005 VENUE : SHAKAVILLE LOT 530, YELLOW HOUSE TRIPLE STAIRS OPPOSITE TSHELENKOSI SECONDARY SCHOOL - Isiwasho esisusa yonke inhlobo yebhadi - Isiwasho sokususa amathunzi amabi - Isiwasho sabagembulayo esidonsa imali - Isiwasho se Business (sidonsa abantu) - Isiwasho esihlanganisa umndeni - Isiwasho sama Competition MAKE SURE DON’T YOU MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO MEET PROPHET WANDILE NZIMANDE - Isiwasho esinamandla sokudonsa imali nenhlanhla - Isiwasho sokususa isichitho uphinde uthandeke - Holy Oil (Amafutha Omcebo) - Holy Oil (Amafutha okuvika izitha) - Holy Oil (Amafutha esibambelelo) - Holy Oil (Inhlahla Nokuthandeka) Nazi iziwasho ezinamandla kakhulu ezibusiswe uMprofethi Nzimandee namafutha ezimangaliso Zanini kimi nina nonke enikhatheleyo nenisindwayo, mina ngizakuniphumuza (NgokukaMathewu 11:28) 11 Willow StrictlyGailWarrenton,Road,Stanger-0815208310massageonly.Noextras. Head, 3060ShouldersNeck,R200minR100min MassageFoot ThaiOil R200 R200 60 min 60 min R100 R100 30 min 30 min Time: 10am - 8pm farewellBiddingtostalwarteducators

Acting Commissioner Ms Thezi Mabuza says that Tiger Brands, the supplier of the product, informed the Commission of the “precautionary recall” of Purity Essential Baby Powder due to traces of asbestos found in test samples from a batch of pharmaceutical-grade talc powder.“According to Tiger Brands, talc powder is a raw material used in the production of baby powder products. Although no injuries have been reported, we urge consumers to immediately discontinue the use of this product and return it to the point of purchase for a full refund.

promote and protect our own nation's democracy.

The National Consumer Commission is urging all persons in possession of Purity Essential Baby Powder to immediately discontinue use and return the product to the point of purchase.

These batches of the product were distributed nationally and to several other countries.“TheNCC requires suppliers to maintain a high level of protection for consumers by conducting quality checks before the distribution of products into the market; this will help manufacturers to avoid these mishaps.” Mabuza said..

Celebrating International Day of Democracy

Urgent recall of Purity Essential Baby Powder

International Day of Democracy on September 15 allows us the opportunity to celebrate and appreciate our democratic society. It's very easy for people who live in a free society to take their freedoms for granted. Yet, when freedom is absent, life includes unimaginable challenges that are often incomprehensible. Today, let's reflect on the history of democracy around the world, thank those who influenced the development of our government, and look for opportunities to

Dawnview Primary School is paying homage to two stalwart educators who have deservedly reached their retirement stage. The school says their departure will leave a deep void.

Consumers are urged to look for the following product description to determine whether the products form part of the recall:

The United Nations (UN) General Assembly passed a resolution in 2007 that September 15 of each year would be observed as the International Day of Democracy. Their goal for this day is to promote government's role in maintaining open democracy among all member nations of the UN Charter and to celebrate the system of values democracy promotes, giving citizens the power to make decisions regarding all aspects of their lives.

“She was a Maths and Science specialist and made a huge impression in the lives of our learners. She was a great asset to education.

Mr R Daodary is retiring after 40 years in education. He taught at Parukabad Primary School for six years, before moving to Dawnview, where he spent 34 years until hisHeretirement.servedas an educator, and was later promoted to the position of HOD. He also served as acting principal and acting deputy Daodaryprincipal.was a Mathematics and Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) specialist. “He gave

Purity and Elizabeth Anne's Fresh Baby Powder400g6009523604515

PURITY Essential Baby Powder/400g6009523601828

PURITY Essential Baby Powder/200g6009523601866

Purity and Elizabeth Anne's Essential Baby Powder

The second academic powerhouse that is going to retirement is Mrs S Ramraj, who has spent 37 years as an educator, all of it at Dawnview Primary.

of his best years to education,” the school says.

In their efforts to advocate for democratic societies around the world, the UN serves a variety of purposes including monitoring elections, working to strengthen democratic institutions and accountability, and assisting nations recovering from conflict to create their own constitution.

As you reflect on your own freedoms and consider the country's current state of democracy, take inventory of how many ways you participate in the collective-decision making of our country, and support the ideals of democracy.

Retired educator Mr R Daodary Retired educator Mrs S Ramraj

“While this is a precautionary recall, we do not take it lightly as the end-users are the most vulnerable consumers” she added.

Issued by: National Consumer Commission (NCC)

From democracy's birth in ancient Greece thousands of years ago to today, the foundation of a democratic society is the ability of its people to participate in the decision-making process of their nation. This can only happen when everyone is allowed to vote regardless of race, gender or other factors meaning inclusion and equality are also important to the success of a democratic society. In America, we have a representative democracy meaning we elect officials to represent our collective voice to vote on decisions.

Dawnview Primary learners and educators really miss them and wish to thank them immensely for their dedication and loyalty to the education of our learners,” the school said.

For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us

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Zikalala expressed hope that the tanks will allow the struggling residents to receive water on an uninterrupted basis.

Purity and Elizabeth Anne's Essential Baby Powder

Former KwaZulu-Natal Premier and current MEC for COGTA, Sihle Zikalala, has provided much needed relief for the rural community of Ndwedwe in iLembe District. This comes after Zikalala, through his Sihle Zikalala Development Trust, donated eight Jojo tanks to Ndwedwe Local Municipality, to be installed in selected areas where there is acute water shortage.

PURITY Essential Baby Powder/100g06009523601859


Former Premier donates Jojo tanks


“The real test is not whether you avoid failure, because you won't. It's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.” Barack Obama

The name chikungunya is derived from the Kimakonde language (used in Tanzania and Mozambique) and means “to become contorted”. The symptoms of chikungunya virus include headaches, a rash, fatigue, fever and muscle and joint pain. Generally, these symptoms clear within a week. Occasionally, an infection can result in a


West Nile

Source: National Institute for Communicable Diseases

In a world that is moving much faster than most can cope with, and where the demand on the individual is rising every day, you sit on the precipice of a new world order in which you are very much the master of your ownAdmittedly,destiny.

One US Dollar = R17.07

Her eldest son Prince Charles has since ascended to the throne, and is now Britain's new Monarch.

ROYAL: The late Queen of Britain, Elizabeth II

The late Queen was born on 21 April 1926. She became

A solid education will hold you in good stead worldwide because the global village has become smaller. You will never know when your education is needed as a passport to another part of the world. Many people complain about the high cost of education, but I wonder if they ever reflected on the higher cost of ignorance.



severe fever and extremely painful joints, which can last for months or years, inducing a hunched, contorted appearance. Unfortunately, there are no antiviral or vaccine treatments available for chikungunya virus.


Some of you may come from privileged backgrounds with better facilities and opportunities to perform better in exams while some may not. But education knows no wealth or privilege - it is simply the will and determination, the courage and zest and importantly the mindset to be a go-getter to achieve.Ialways maintain that whether you are at a private school or a state school in South Africa it does not matter. It's your commitment that counts

Queen on the 6th of February 1952, and was the longest serving British Monarch.

The Editor cannot be held responsible for any information in the Letters to the Editor column. This column is intended to be a platform and forum for those members of the community who have an opinion on a certain issue, which does not necessarily reflect the views of the Xpress Times. Please note some letters will be shortened

Mosquitoes can transmit up to six disease to humans through their bite

One Indian Rupee = R0.21


Viruses transmitted by insects like mosquitoes are called arthropod-borne or arboviruses. Like malaria, these viruses are transmitted to vertebrate hosts through the bite of a female mosquito when she takes a blood meal to assist with her egg development. Most vertebrate hosts for these arboviruses are non-human

Most human cases of dengue are asymptomatic or present with mild symptoms, which last for two to seven days.A vaccine has been developed and has been approved for use in a few countries but is not widely available in Africa at present.

One British Pound = R20 00

behalf of the people of South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa said, “Her Majesty was an extraordinary and worldrenowned public figure who lived a remarkable life. Her life and legacy will be fondly remembered by many around the world. The Queen's commitment and dedication during her 70 years on the throne remains a noble and virtuous example to the entire world”.

o25 C

Symptoms in mild cases include fever, headaches, chills, back pain, fatigue, jaundice, vomiting and

By Xpress Reporter

remain fantasies unless you put your shoulder to the wheel in the final run-up. Ensure that you give yourself a fair shot at life by doing the best you can now to realize what you once dreamt of.

He said: "We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished sovereign and a much-lovedConveyingmother.condolences on

Most people instantly associate mosquitoes with malaria. But these tiny flying insects can transmit a number of other diseases too.

Six diseases transmitted by mosquitoes to humans

Deaths from chikungunya are rare and are generally associated with other underlying health problems.

Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, once accurately remarked that "the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet".

bleeding from the mouth, nose, eyes or stomach. These generally clear within five days. Approximately 50% of the small number of patients who develop severe symptoms will die with 10 days of becoming infected.

One Australian Dollar = R11.75

“Living our life deeply and with happiness, having time to care for our loved ones this is another kind of success, another kind of power, and it is much more important.” Thich Nhat Hanh

transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, and is generally non-lethal in humans. Most people infected with Zika virus do not show any symptoms. A few have nonspecific symptoms like fever, rash, headaches, muscle and joint pains and conjunctivitis. These can last two to seven days.

One Euro = R17.31

September 14, 2022 XPress Rand Currency exchange 5DayForecastXpress 15oC 17oC 20oC 18oC 17oC min.min.min.min.min. o31 C o31 C o27 C o25 C max.max.max.max.max. Wed 14 Thurs 15 Sat 17Fri 16 Sun 18

“Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no greater investment.” Stephen Covey

education alone does not guarantee success - it is the way education is used that ultimately determines success and happiness.Asyour final preparations for the exams gather momentum, it is vital that you discard all else around you and concentrate totally on what lies ahead.

Yellow fever

to accommodate all correspondence. Those utilizing the column must please ensure that your name, address and telephone numbers are submitted for our reference; however, a pseudonym will be used when requested by the writer. The Editor reserves the right not to publish a letter.

Letters to the Editor

“We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” Marie Curie

Queen Elizabeth passed away after a long illness, at the Royal retreat in Scotland, on Thursday last week.

mosquitoes. Both viruses share the same control interventions and nonspecific symptoms of headaches, a rash, fever and muscle and joint pain, so they are often misdiagnosed.

This confirms that every effort must be made to prevent being bitten by a mosquito and infected using both pharmaceutical measures.non-pharmaceuticaland

One Swiss Franc = R17.97

It is true that much emphasis is placed on academic achievement as a means of educational success - but this is not always theYourcase.hopes, ambitions and dreams will

The death of Britain's longest serving Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II has left the world reeling in shock.

Your performance in the matric exams will determine the availability of choices you will have for a career path - which, of course, can change, depending on the circumstances of your life as it unfolds.


Her son King Charles III said the death of his beloved mother was a "moment of great sadness" for him and his family and that her loss would be "deeply felt" around the world.

One Japanese Yen = R0.12

Burn the midnight oil, get extra tuition in your problem areas, dispense with social media, discard the notion of free weekends, become a recluse with your books as your only companion - so that you can give yourself a fighting chance at life - and of course, success.

The Zika virus was identified in humans in the 1950s. But it only became a pathogen of major public concern in 2016 following the 2015 Zika virus pandemic. The virus is

In just over a month you (matriculants) will sit for an examination that will literally charter the map for the rest of your life - a map of which today you are the cartographer. I believe you are the architect of your own future.Quite early in our lives, it was impressed upon us at home that the strongest and most powerful weapon that cannot be take away from us, is education.

The West Nile virus was first isolated from a woman in the West Nile region of Uganda. It is transmitted by mosquitoes belonging the genus Culex. The natural vertebrate hosts are wild birds. But the virus can be transmitted to a number of different animals, including humans, through the bite of an infected mosquito.

As published on Tuesday, 13 September 2022.

World mourns Queen Elizabeth II

All the best to every student sitting for the 2022 matric exams!


But, your best efforts now will reap the rewards later that you may not imagine.

So my advice to you is simple: Make these last few weeks of your schooling career count like no other.

The World Health Organization has classified dengue virus as one of the top ten global health threats. It's one of the fastest spreading mosquito-borne diseases. At least half of the world's population is at risk of infection.Likechikungunya virus, dengue is spread by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes are also responsible for the transmission of yellow fever, so named because the virus causes jaundice (yellowing of eyes and skin due to impaired liver function).

Sunny Sunny withCloudyrainSunnyCloudyPartly

September 14, 2022XPress

Ashville Primary observes Global Day of Climate Action

EDUCATION: Stanger Animal Rescue conducted a successful animal programmeeducationrecently at Stanger Manor Primary School. The theme was “Educating the Youth about Animal Love and Care”. The organization has expressed its gratitude to Dr Diloshni Govender and Ms P Nair, Foundation Phase educators, parents and the SGB for supporting the initiative.

Learners enjoyed the interactive session. The interactive session concluded in a tree planting ceremony. The school also

Readathon Programme at Dawnview Primary

ENVIRONMENT: Glenhills Primary School observed Arbor Day on Friday 9 September. Learners rendered songs, poster demonstrations and participated in the Arbor King and Queen Competition. The importance of caring for nature was emphasised.

Grade R learners at KwaDukuza Primary had an awesome classroom experience with their

ACTION: Pictured is the Principal Mr M Janak, educators, Tarryn Moonsamy and learners.

It's “back to school” for grandparents

SPRING: Despite summer being still some way off, learners at Dawnview Primary School got into the “spring spirit” recently when they colourfully welcomed spring, and said farewell to winter.

climate change, global warming and the ozone layer.

Awards Day at

GRANDPARENTS: Seen in the images are the grandparents with their grandkids led by Principal Mr PB Pillay and Departmental Head Ms C Rajagopaul

received an award, a certificate of participation and garden tools for being a Resource School in the School Environmental Education Programme.

September 14, 2022 XPress


READING: Dawnview Primary School held a Readathon Programme last week., Pictured are educators and leaners.

Tarryn Moonsamy addressing learners on topical issues pertaining to

Dawnview Primary springs to summer

USE THIS ONE: CAREERS: ML Sultan Secondary School hosted a successful Careers Day for Grade 9 learners recently. The focus was on promoting technological subjects, and the career prospects thereof. The presentations were made by Mrs Nirvana Naidoo from Boston College Stanger, Mrs J Thotha from KwaDukuza technical College and Mr Pictured is Mr S Gariba (Acting Departmental Head for Technology at ML Sultan).

grandparents on Friday, when the school hosted its annual Grandparents Day. The day celebrates the efforts and influence of grandparents toward grandchildren.

Glenhills Primary celebrates Arbor Day

ML Sultan holds successful Careers Day

Animal education programme at Manor Primary

Ashville Primary School recently observed the Global Day of Climate Action, with Environmental Officer

September 14, 2022XPress

Buzz Montessori welcomes spring

CONTEST: Stanger Heights Primary School hosted a Grade Inter-class speech contest

or Mr

“Trees are terrific, for today and tomorrow”


Interclass at Stanger Heights

Learners at Ashville Primary School enthusiastically participated in an Arbor Day Programme recently, which highlighted

Local school embarks on clean-up campaign

KwaDukuza Primary School hosted a successful Foundation Phase Internal Speech Contest on the 1st of September 2022. Pictured are Principal Mr PB Pillay and Miss E Pillay (convenor) together with the winners.


on 07 September 2022. Seen in the picture seated are Chloe Pillay (1st), Danita Pharo (2nd) and Kaden Naidoo (3rd). They are accompanied by other participants as well as convenor Mrs. VM Somai, along with the adjudicators conducted an awareness and clean-up campaign in and around the school. The school would like to appeal for a sponsorship of bins for classrooms.

Please contact Deputy Principal Mr (0627521506) A (0791400169).


KwaDukuza Primary hosts speech contest




TERRIFIC: Pictured are members of the school management team (SMT), an educator and the learners

speech contest

COMPETITION: Learners of KwaDukuza Primary School were given at opportunity to explore their creative side by designing spring hats to commemorate Arbor during heritage month. Seen in the pictures are the winners of the Spring Hat Competition together with convenor S Basdeo (right) and Principal Mr PB Pillay (left)


the importance of trees, their role in the environment. The theme for 2022 is, “Trees are Terrific... For Today and Tomorrow”.

CLEAN UP: Pictured are learners, educators and representatives from EDTEA Mbekamuzi Secondary School in partnership with the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA)

Spring Hat Competition at KwaDukuza Primary

September 14, 2022 XPress


H2O cruised in their victory with an easy 25-15, 25-9 over the KSST junior squad.

1 Room with kitchen, bathroom/toilet. Contact 084 486 2207.


September 14, 2022XPress



Ayer Rock Guesthouse


times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us D ENZOAUTOTEC 18 Clark Street Dawnside, Stanger Tel : 032 551 2582 / 083 340 0047 We also cater for all Toyota owners that have Toyota vehicles that are out of service plan! For more info contact Nireshnee or Anton Denzo Auto is now contracted to Standard Bank Fleet Management Services, the Innovations Group and Avis Fleet Management! MASTER TECHNICIAN DENZO AUTO TEC Chrome legs P.U. Foam in sheet Staplesform & brad nails Rubber webbing, etc Lounge Suites, Taxi Seats, Car Seats Wide range for upholstery at wholesale prices Stockists of : • Lounge Sets • Dining Room Sets • Bedroom Sets • Wardrobes • Kitchen Units • Mattresses • Appliances • and moreCar/bakkieloungeOld/favouritesuitesseatsTaxi/busseatsDiningroomchairs,etc FABRICS FOR FURNITURE RAW RE-COVERINGMATERIALS PROTECTIONFABRIC 2 Croton Place, Old New Guelderland Rd, Stanger (ex-Design 3 building, opposite Jacksons) 032 551 1470 zaffs@telkomsa.net DR A.M. RUGNAT 032 551 4953 083 363 3692 072 272 8663 072 272 8663 Practice No.: 0056677 B.D.T. (Med. Univ of S.A.) BDS (Manipal, India) Dentist Consulting hours: Monday - Friday : 8:00am to 4:00pm Saturday : 8:00am to 1:00pm 75 Lindley Street, KwaDukuza Cell/whatsapp/SMS:0820511819SCAFFOLDING HIRE 1.5m - 20m Towers Hiring according to Standards South Africa (SANS 10085-1:2004), a division of SABS. Daily & weekly rates available 7 days a week Email: sales@mmgmarketing.co.za visit our website / facebook on www.mmgmarketing .co.za to Builders, Riggers, Painters & D.I.Y.FOR HIRE: “DARE TO COMPARE”……. We beat any price. (T&C'S apply) KWIK STAGE SCAFFOLDING CONSULTING ENGINEERS NHBRC REGISTERED Our services: Structural Engineering - Dwellings, warehousing, retaining walls Civil Services - Road networks and reticulation design including attenuation tanks and soak pits. Storm/Flood damage assessment, remedial works and rational assessments. Project management - Turnkey services, project planning, project quality and construction management. For more information please visit www.sahcon.net or contact us on 1~ ML ALI (+27) 79 620 0374 2~ E ALI (+27) 83 233 7180 SAH Aluminum Works RequiredFabricators • Must be able to manufacture windows, doors, shop fronts and general works. • Minimum 5 years experience. Drivers license will be an advantage. ContactVACANCY0832683848 1. Hibiscus Road ± 200 sq mt with 3 phase power, prepaid electricity and water - R6000pm 2. Hydrangea Road ± 200 sq mt with 3 phase power, prepaid electricity and water - R5000pm 3. Hydrangea Road +/-100 sq mt with 3 phase power, prepaid electricity and water - R4000pm Contact 081 480 5521 / 032 551 1522 FACTORIES TO LET in Moollas Industrial Area, Stanger CONTACT JACKSON MOTORS 032 551 2066 VACANCY : Clerical clerk (Receptionist) required. Must be punctual and efficient. motors NOTICE In the estate of the late ARULINGUM LASHAU MUNIEN, Identity Number : 4904285587084, Date of Birth : 28TH THAPRIL 1949, Date of Death : 17 JULY 2022 of 16 Beatrice Street, KwaDukuza, 4450 and Surviving spouse : PATHMAVATHIE MUNIEN, Identity Number : 5710210164082, Date of Birth : 21ST October 1957. Estate No. Debtors14143/2022.andcreditors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. DATED AT KWADUKUZA THIS 8th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2022 MORGAN PILLAY, REDDY & CO ATTONEYS, NOTARIES & CONVEYANCERS SUITE 1, MORGAN COURT 33 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET KWADUKUZA, 4450 PH : 032 552 5812 The Square Gated complex, security on site, elevator in complex. 3 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom R7999.00 2 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom R6999.00 Roof Garden and Braai Area * Brand New Units Tel: 032 552 1625 / 032 552 1790 Cell: 063 688 9297 Email: nisha@liquorbarn.co.za Ajay: 078 228 7462 • Hemanth Singh: 082 401 0609 MALLWOOD PROPERTIES Contact Aslam 032 552 2025 / 083 339 0464 HOUSE TO LET 3 Bedroom (Master Bedroom Ensuite), Kitchen, Dining Room & lounge. Safe & Secure. Spacious Yard, Ideal home for kids. Spacious Kitchen fully fitted and Built-in Cupboards in Bedrooms. VACANCY Build Your BEAUTY Business YOUR WAY. For an Interview, Contact 083 545 5106, 032 551 6263 Receive Free Gifts. FOUND Identity document of Naresh Widraj, identity number 600808 5267 08 3 was found. Please contact the Xpress Times office. REDUMVOTILABEL THE EVERYTRUSTEDSAMEQUALITYTASTETIME Enjoy the difference 032 552 kidzone11@gmail.com5424 www.kidszonejc.co.za 083 587 8687 DR MAMA NISHADR MAMA Expert in removing, handling & destroying black magic, Voodoo, witchcraft, Tokoloshe, Negative Energy, Badluck & other problems. All religions are welcome, solutions for the following : •Financial problems •Love & relationships •Marriage problems •House problems •Business problems •Family problems NO LIFE WITHOUT PROBLEMS AND NO PROBLEM WITHOUT SOLUTION. SAME DAY RESULTS ALL SERVICES ARE 100% GUARANTEED 073 263 7068 ASTROLOGER CENTRE & PSYCHIC SPIRITUAL HEALER •INSTALLATION•INVERTERS•ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE NOW AVAILABLEhttps://www.paxranch.com/web/#/registeremail?code=30239532 Peace Ranch was established on September 9, 2020 Peace Ranch is a project invested by Hyperchain Capital, which uses Gamefi’s technology to support its operation in the global internet. Peace Ranch transfers offline farms to online and realizes the integration of internet farming operations. Peace Ranch’s vision is to build a metaverse ecosystem that combines ranches, farms, and agro-processing plants. What is the GameFi technology used by Peace Ranch? GameFi is a fusion of the words “gaming” and “finance.” It combines cryptocurrencies, blockchain, NFTs and game mechanics to create a virtual environment where players engage and earn money in the process. GameFi employs a “play and earn” model. The concept involves rewarding players for playing and improving the game through financial incentives. Such online games can be integrated with decentralized finance (DeFi) tools such as landing pages, loans, farming, tools to issue new tokens, algorithmic stablecoins, and more. Source of income for Peace Ranch? Every time a member of Peace Ranch helps a cow produce milk, it will be recored as a mining action and get a corresponding token, which is then recorded on a blockchain, and the token value is equal to USDT (1USDT equalis US dollar). Just like Axie Infinity, users invest to buy different levels of game characters in Axie Infinity, and they get corresponding tokens by completing the tasks in the game. The tokens can be exchanged for USDT to obtain income. The tokens generated by each user in Peace Ranch will be recorded and stored in the mining pool of Peace Ranch. These tokens will be freely circulated and traded around the world through cryptocurrency exchanges. Each transaction of Peace Ranch will be based on the transaction volume. Get commission income corresponding to the amount. Heping Ranch is equivalent to a trading centre, which relies on trading commissions to obtain income, and the profit methods of Heping Ranch are diversified, including investment income, advertising sponsorship, traffic charges, etc., which makes Heping Ranch always maintain a profitable state and have abundant cash flow. 069 173 5510 Daily tasks Daily income R200 to R10000 and even more Invitation Rewards/Bonus Piggy bank/fixed income Upgradeable account Top up via Binance and back accounts Buy cows at Peace Ranch and make money by producing milk! South Africa’s largest Metaverse cattle breeding platform


Outbuilding, Gledhow North, open plan bedroom, lounge, separate kitchen, toilet/shower. R2200 pm. Excluding water/lights. Advance deposit required. Contact 084 587 7600, 032 552

Beautiful, neat, safe. Free standing house in Stanger Manor with open plan kitchen, lounge, 2 rooms, toilet/shower, balcony. All round. Includes lights/water. From R3950 pm. Contact 073 772 9513.

For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165

Showhouse. Gibson Street, Stanger. 4 Bedroom house. Close to all amenities. No agents. R990 000. Viewing time from 2pm. Contact Messrs Singh 076 272 1724, 084 624 9570, 084 560 8157.

Vipers produce thriller win

Continued from Page 26 ooking for victory. The game at this stage was evenly matched with the lead changing hands throughout. The game was evenly poised going into the final few points but Vipers produced a stella few points at the end to walk away with a hard fought 1512 victory.

Vixens Volleyball club also produced a superb display as they demolished Glenhills 25-14 in the first set. Glenhills got back into the game in the second set but it was a little to late as Vixens won the second set 25-22 to record their victory in straight sets.Legacy on the other hand gave favourites Sunbrook a run for their money in the other league game played. Sunbrook won the first set 25-19 but Legacy bounced back in the second set to draw level with a 25-21 victory. The experience of Sunbrook showed in the second set as they cruised to victory winning 15-8 keeping their hopes of winning the league title intact.

STOP worrying about your debt. Increase your nett salary aboutordersloans/accounts.consolidate(double),allyourWewillremoveallgarnisheefromyoursalary.Ifpeopleareworryingyoumoniesthatyouowethem,comeandseeus. FINANCIALDYNAMICSERVICES LOAN FOR A CONSULTATIONFREE SUITE 2, DYNAMIC STYLES PARK 158 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET, KWADUKUZA TEL: 032 552 7291, 552 1617, 552 1613 CELL: 083 651 2815 Classifieds

Contact Nishara for all

Room with bathroom , Fully fenced . Available in Gibson Road,Warrenton. Contact 0786 772 786.

2 Bedroom flats, kitchen, toilet/bathroom. Excluding water/lights. Located between, hospital and Nature's Best. R4800 pm. Contact 084 555 4707.

Stanger's preferred choice for quality, tasteful executive accommodation. Contact 032 551 6503 or 071 685 7126.

Advertising that gets results

September 14, 2022 XPress 15 Balcomb Street l Tel: 032 551 3417 / 551 3152 Next to U-Save (Ngase Taxi Rank) Siya Diliva Noma Yikuphi HARDWAREPROTEASUPPLIES MARLEY ROOF PAINT ON PROMOTION 20L ROOF PAINT RED 20L ROOF PAINT CHARCOAL R79995EACH R999 Offers valid while stocks last. T’s & C’s Apply.E&OEOffers valid while stocks last T’s & C’s Apply E&OE R999 1.6BranchesCorolla Contact Nikki : 071 173 1414 R999 BranchesPolo R999 1.3 BranchesTazzGolf Branch1 R150 R1499R150 R1499 OpelBranchesCorsa R20 RubbersExhaustfromTailfromPipes 22 King Shaka Street, Dawnside, stanger opp Tyre Track R1000 SystemExhaustfrom Valid from 14/09/2022 to 18/09/2022 E&OE while stocks last Offers for Ballito, Moffat Drive Tel: 032 - 586 0230/1/2/3 63 Balcomb Street, Stanger Tel: 032 - 551 4161 62 Main Street, Gingindlovu Tel: 060 676 1124 Richelieu750mlSmirnoffVodka750ml Jagermeister750ml 750mlJ&B 24x440mlHeineken R364.99R169.99R264.99R144.99 R169.99 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER Promotion partners: Stand a chance to win an instant prize in store when purchasing Monroe Shocks or Ferodo Brakes into the season with Monroe and Ferodo!

weekend. Stanger Legends is made up players who are 50 years and over and have played volleyball and are still playing in the KwaDukuza Volleyball Association since the 1980's.Stanger Legends made it all the way through to the finals but after having given a good account of themselves, eventually lost in the finals.

The Stanger Legends Volleyball squad gave a good account of themselves when they played in the KwaZulu Natal Legends Volleyball tournament played at Phoenix over the

Vipers celebrate after their win over Team Styles Newcomers and youngsters in their debut season of the KwaDukuza Volleyball Association league campaign produced a thrilling victory when overcametheyarampantTeamStyles,comingfromasetdowntowin2-1.

Stanger Legends lose final

Stanger Legends at the KZN Legends volleyball tournament

the writing all over the wall but Vipers produced an exceptional display in their reply in the second set. They had Team Styles chewing out of their hands as they ran of with a 25-6 victory to level the game at 1-1 forcing it into the third and final set.

Both teams played their hearts out in the final set

Continued on Page 25

Vipers produce thriller win

The first set was evenly matched with both teams displaying exceptional volleyball at the association courts last Thursday. Both teams were evenly matched in the first set. However, after an exciting display, Team Styles showed a little more superiority to claim the set 25-23.Theloss of the first set had

According to the Shri Vaithianatha Easvarar Alayam, only fruits, vegetables and grains will be eaten as part of the fasting. (No meat eating, sexual abstinence, not smoking and drinking are highly encouraged). The fast is dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu, who is known to reside on an ocean of milk; is known as the preserver and is the deity in charge of the mode of pure goodness.

Have a blessed & auspicious month of fasting FLEET ACCREDITEDSUPA QUICK STANGER 18 King Shaka Street, Stanger 032 552 2381 032 552 3385 more than tyre expertssupaquick.com DELIVERWE 126 King Shaka Street, Shop 5, Kwa Dukuza 032 552 7686 Shop 30A Sundumbili Plaza Tel: 032 454 0786 Wishing you all the best during the month of Fasting May all your prayers be54fulfilled!CatoStreet, Shop No. 3 032 552 7681 Shop 63 Market Plaza, Stanger 032 558 7680 LINDLEY STREET, opp David’s Fish Shop, Stanger Cell: 078 407 7772 4 TULIP ROAD, STANGER MANOR, STANGER Cell: 076 213 3369 A proudly women empowerment initiative May the Devine Lord grant you and your family spiritual bliss during your fasting! Cllr NerishSinghAmeer The DA getsdonethings Cell.: 084 282 7172 Wishing our Hindu community well over their month of Stayfasting.blessed! PADAYACHEE BROS. 83 KING SHAKA STREET PHONE: (032) 5511159 • FAX.: (032) 5511176 Best wishes to all Hindus during the fasting month. Best wishes to our Hindu community, customers and friends over their period of fasting! M O TYRES STANGER 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 Administration Offices of : Mvoti Ultra City • Greenfields Service Station • Total Ushaka • Total On Ridge • Shell Highway Service Station • Engen Morningside Motors • Stanger Mall Properties • Silver Stream Property : Mvoti Ultra C ty • Greenfields Service Station • Total Ushaka • Tota On She l Serv ce Station • Mall • S lver Stream Tel : 032 437 4100 Fax : 032 552 2966 : : 37/41 Chief Albert Luthuli Str. Kwa Dukuza Tel: (032) 5511743 Telefax: (032) 5522545 Wishing all Hindus a blessed month of fasting all Hindus a blessed month of Dr. Tashni Reddy DENTIST • UDOKOTELA WAMAZINYO • DENTIST BChd (UWC)gentle dental care ••••••••Extractions Restorations/ Fillings Scaling & Polishing/ Cleaning Dentures Crowns Bridges Teeth whitening Modern/dental treatments eg. Implants etc. A registered Keycare, Carecross & Primecover provider For more information, contact: Tel: 032 552 1033 Fax: 086 616 8301 Cell: 084 567 8159 Silver Stream Buildings, 12 Lindley Street, KwaDukuza (Stanger) All the best to our Hindu community Wishing our Hindu community, customers and friends a very blessed month of fasting. May the Lord grant you all that you pray for. ALBERT LUTHULI STREET, STANGER TEL: 032 552 SERVICEPLANTERS4382STATION 100% BEE Compliant May Gods blessings be upon one and all during the month of Fasting.! Gods be upon one and all the month of Fasting ! Cnr. Mahatma Gandhi & Cato Streets, Stanger SUCROSE NISSAN TEL: 032 551 2137 Farouk - 082 888 5553 Imraan Sabjee - 076 783 7826 thatInnovationexcites Wishing all our Hindu customers a blessed month of fasting! STANGER Tel: 032 437 3000 Email: Stanger1@retail.spar.co.za Tel: 032 552 7448 Fax: 032 552 5915 Cell: 078 803 8116 • Email: strini@strinimotorspares.co.za

Strini n o t o rStrini

To all my friends & Family are observing their fast, a blessed month.

Puratassi and austerity

D MASTER TECHNICIAN ENZOAUTOTEC 18 Clark Street Dawnside, Stanger Tel : 032 551 2582 / 083 340 0047 To all my family & friends who are observing their fast, I wish you a blessed month. DENZO AUTO TEC 10 Bauhinia Road, Stanger (at DGM Depot) Tel: 087 805 7990 032 551 1355 info@dolcobiz.co.zawww.dolcobiz.co.za For a safe and convenient experience. Free parking. Safe upgraded undercover parking. 24hr security personnel. CCTV cameras. Standard Bank, FNB and Capitec Bank ATMs available. WISHING OUR HINDU COMMUNITY A BLESSED MONTH OF FASTING! times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us September 14, 2022XPress

The strictest of all fasts is dry fasting when a person does not consume any water or food from 6am to 6pm for the 30 days and Another option, apart from fasting, is when Tamils are also expected to pray and meditate throughout the month.

i M

The moral lessons of Puratassi: This helps Tamils to understand the plight of the poorest


I wish you

Why learners should fast: Fasting promotes discipline, self confidence, and overall well being which are essential in getting good marks and being able to maintain a resilient mindset.

Devotees eat only fruit and drinks milk until the evening, when they have a light meal;

MotorSt r i

10 Haysom Road, Stanger 4450

The fasting period in which Tamil people or Tamilians refer to as Puratassi starts on Saturday, 17 September and ends on Monday, 17 October 2022.


of the poor and makes them tolerant and charitable towards the underprivileged; Puratassi as it is: discipline practised during this time helped improve quality of life. offerDevoteesprayers for God's intervention in crime, violence, HIV and AIDS, TB and other atrocities destroying thousands of lives in this country and around the world.

The Tamil community has a choice between three different types of fasts during the month of Puratassi (pronounced as Paartharsee);Devotees are to eat a controlled number of meals, all of which have to be vegetarian for the entire month;

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