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These specials are available from Wednesday 18th January to Sunday 22nd January 2023 @SUPERSPARSTANGER Tel: 032 437 3000 Email: stanger1@retail.spar.co.za STANGER 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger Tel.: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net FREE! copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop We have an advertising package to suite your needs BEE Compliant - Level 3 - 110% Grow your Business 18 JANUARY 2023 Hi I’m Sunny, your Store Manager. times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us *Maximum of 10 e-Coupons per customer, for each SPAR Rewards product /Multi -buy /combo featured. Specials available at SUPERSPAR STANGER ONLY from Wednesday 18th January 2023 to Sunday 22nd January 2023, while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices include VAT. No traders please. Aunt Caroline Rice Get an extra off 2 ewards Customers Pay 4499 each Promotional Price 4699 each Nola Mayonnaise Assorted 500g-780g 3299 each SPAR Sunflower Oil 17499each Ace Super Maize Meal 10kg 8999each 3000 2 BUY ANY FOR Bakers Tennis Biscuits 200g 1899 each Sparletta Soft Drink 2 litre Bokomo Weetbix 900g 4699 each Nestle Cremora 750g 3999 each Five Roses African Blend Teabags 102s (blue Box) 2999 each Huletts White Sugar 2.5kg 4399 each SPAR Brown Sugar 2kg SPAR Cake Flour 2.5kg 3299 each Bonnita Salted Butter 500g 5999 each SPAR Chicken Polony 2kg 5499 each SPAR Low Fat Yoghurt Assorted 1kg 2399 each SPAR Margarine Brick 500g 2299 each Twinsaver Roller Towels 2’s Doom Insect Spray assorted 300ml SPAR IQF Chicken Mixed Portion 2kg 2199 3299 each each SPAR Extra Shelf Life Milk (Full Cream or Low Fat) 2lt 2999 each 6000 2 BUY ANY FOR Parmalat or Melrose Cheese Slices Assorted 400g 7999 each Nivea Body Lotion or Cream Assorted 400ml 4999 each Nivea Roll On Assorted 50ml 2199each Colgate Toothpaste Value Pack (Triple Action Only) 2s 2599 each Protex Soap Assorted 150g 1299each 3999 each Bokomo Pronutro Cereal Assorted 500g 2699 each SPAR Corn Flakes 500g Knorr Aromat Seasoning Assorted 70g/75g 2200 2 BUY ANY FOR 1399 each SPAR Macaroni or Spaghetti 500g SPAR Pilchards In Tomato Or Chilli Sauce 400g Savemor Baked Beans In Tomato Sauce 410g 2199each Liqui Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Assorted 1lt 3600 4 BUY ANY FOR 4000 2 BUY ANY FOR 1599 each Willards Crinkle Cut Potato Chips 120g/125g Assorted Get an extra off 2 ewards Customers Pay 2499 each Promotional Price 2699 each Yum Yum Peanut Butter 380g/400g Jacobs Kronung Gold or Rich Aroma Coffee Bottle 200g or Refill 230g (excluding Decaff) 9999 each 5299 each Rainbow Simply Chicken Burgers or Steaklets 520g 4299 each Sea Harvest Fish Fingers 400g 3699 each SPAR Red or Smoked Viennas 500g 5499 each I & J Beefers Burgers 500g 10999 each Lancewood Cheddar or Gouda Cheese 900g 5 litre 6999each 2 litre 11999each 10kg 2999each 2kg Sunlight 2 In 1 Auto Washing Powder 2kg 5699 each Get an extra off 2 ewards Customers Pay 2600 Buy Any 2 for 2800 per combo per combo COMBO BB Brown Sliced Bread 700g

ANC blamed for aborted Council meeting

POSTPONED: Council Speaker Dolly Govender is under fire over an aborted Council meeting

The ANC in the KwaDukuza Council has come under fire from opposition parties over the cancellation of Council's special meeting, scheduled to sit on Monday this week. This was to be the first Council sitting in the New Year, and Xpress Times understands the meeting was expected to be held virtually.

However the meeting could not proceed, after Municipal Manager Nhlanhla Mdakane reportedly received an instruction from Council Speaker, Cllr Dolly Govender, to call off the meeting as the quorum could not be reached.

Opposition parties have since accused ANC

councillors of “deliberately snubbing” the meeting. KwaDukuza DA Caucus Leader, Cllr Tammy Colley, says her party, which is the Official Opposition in the Council, has since written to Govender, demanding urgent answers. Colley affirmed that the Mayor, the Chief Whip and the Speaker were not in attendance.

“The Democratic Alliance in KwaDukuza is disappointed, but not surprised that the very first meeting of 2023 could not take place today Monday 16th January. The DA has subsequently learned that this was a pre-planned action by the ANC councillors.

“Communities must ask themselves if they believe the ANC is taking them seriously. While we sit with rolling blackouts, crumbling infrastructure and declining services, ANC councillors do not even bother to attend meetings,” stated Cllr Colley.

In its letter, penned by the party's Whip in KwaDukuza Cllr Privi Makhan, the DA has expressed its concerns

about the absence of the Council Speaker, and about the apparent lack of commitment by ANC councillors to their roles, considering the month long recess that Councillors have been enjoying, and their subsequent failure to avail themselves for the first Council sitting of the New Year. Cllr Makhan also warns in her letter to the Speaker that the collapse of the first meeting of the New Year, due to Councillors' nonattendance, sets a “precarious precedent for the year”.

Meanwhile, ActionSA's KwaDukuza Caucus Leader Cllr Nel Sewraj has also raised concerns about what he has described as “callous treatment” being meted out to councillors in attendance.

Attempts to contact Chief Whip Cllr Ntokozo Mbatha, and Council Speaker Cllr Govender, drew a blank.

An ANC councillor who spoke on condition of anonymity adamantly said his party needed to use Monday to properly consider the item to come before Council, in its caucus meeting. The councillor scoffed the idea of convening a Council meeting without affording political parties an

opportunity to first hold caucus meetings.


KwaDukuza Municipality's media liaison officer Sipho Mkhize said there was a general understanding that all political parties represented in Council held their caucus meetings on Mondays. Mkhize added however that

convening a Council meeting was a prerogative of the Speaker.

“In this instance the meeting scheduled for the 16th of January 2023 did not take place as there was no quorum. At this stage we don't know why some councillors could not avail themselves for the meeting, as it did not sit to consider applications for leave (of absence),” Mkhize stated.

At the time of going to press yesterday (Tuesday), the municipality announced that the cancelled meeting had since been rescheduled for tomorrow (Thursday, 19 January 2023). “It is only at this meeting where we can all get clarity on why there are 'people who did not attend the meeting' or 'why the Speaker instructed the MM to call off the meeting', as alleged,” Mkhize said.

Local church honours Archbishop

January 18, 2023 XPress
The New Pentecostal Ministries, based in Glendale in the area of Endlatane, bestowed honour upon its leader, Archbishop WBS Mathenjwa, on the occasion of his birthday, on Sunday the 16th of January. Pictured is Archbishop Mathenjwa (front row, middle) surrounded by members of the Church.

KDM defends Mayor over crippling blackouts

KwaDukuza Municipality has come out in strong defence of beleaguered Mayor Lindile Nhaca, who

has been receiving a barrage of attacks over the ongoing crippling blackouts. With the country currently experiencing higher stages of loadshedding, leading to daily blackouts of up to ten hours, some communities have levelled a sustained attack against Mayor Nhaca, accusing her of failing to provide decisive leadership in the face of economic devastation caused by loadshedding.

The perceived disparate implantation of loadshedding within the municipality's area of jurisdiction also appears to be another bone of contention, with many communities demanding answers as to why certain areas are never affected by loadshedding.

In a strongly worded statement issued this week, the municipality has essentially said 'hands off the Mayor, the problem is national'. The municipality has contemptuously brushed aside allegations that Nhaca was “interfering” with Eskom to intentionally load-shed certain parts of Ntshawini, Charlottedale, Thembeni and other areas.

KDM adds that the allegations being peddled on social media (against the Mayor) were unfounded and were a fabrication by “naysayers who are hellbent on creating mischief and instability in a bid to (create) mistrust between the leadership of KwaDukuza and the public”.

“There are certain areas in KwaDukuza Municipality where Eskom intends to not implement loadshedding as a result of technicalities. The functionality of the Avon Peaking Plant located in Driefontein relies heavily on water supply in order to generate power for the national power grid.

“The areas that are close in proximity to the Peaking Plant may receive supply for the augmentation of energy to the national grid. This means that some communities may not experience loadshedding because they are close in proximity to the Eskom Avon Peaking Power Plant supply

infrastructure that facilitates electricity,” the municipality stated.

The areas not affected by loadshedding due to the Avon Plant include parts of Shakasrock/Imbonini/Umhlali, parts of salt Rock, parts of Shakaskraal, parts of Sheffield and parts of Nkobongo.

KDM added that parts of Ntshawini, Melville, Charlottedale and Thembeni were also not affected by loadshedding as they were supplied through the Priority 1 substation, which has to remain live (during loadshedding) due to switching devices for the Priority 1 substation supply line. “This results in loads connected to Priority 1 substation

(being) live or not load-shed,” KDM said.

The municipality has also sought to reassure its customers that urgent steps have and are being taken to mitigate the electricity crisis at a local level, with new appointments being made to beef up the Electrical Services Business Unit.

“KwaDukuza has appointed five more superintendents (supervisors) to ensure communities are speedily reconnected to electricity supply as quickly and as soon as possible. Furthermore, the Electrical Engineering Services Business Unit managers have been given an allowance to

FREE copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop 18 JANUARY 2023 BEE LEVEL3 EEACCREDITATO B B N B • • 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger • Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net Follow us on times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER • Car Services • Exhaust • 3D Wheel Alignment • Batteries • Tyre Enhancement • Latest Styles Mag Wheels SPECIALISING IN: boston.ac.za Serious about Education. Serious about You. Postgraduate Degrees Diplomas Higher Certificates Occupational & Short Learning Programmes Accredited by the British Accreditation Council. Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs, United States of America.* Boston City Campus Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1996/013220/07 is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) Registration Certificate No. 2003/HE07/002 C t L d eg o s reg stered th Depa tment o H gher ducat on a n ng pr h gher educa on nst tu on H gher ducat on ct A eg strat on Cert ca e o *Candidate for accreditation of specific programs. Cand da e accred ta on spec f c p ograms PAYMENT PLANS | TEXTBOOKS INCLUDED | Stanger 032 551 5566 | Stanger Mall, 55 King Shaka St. Entrance, Mahatma Gandhi St. Continued on Page 2 Laybye accepted. We are also contracted to major cards and medical aids 45 Lindley Street 032 551 6762 n ISION O P T O M E T R IS T Naeem Manjra email: nvision45@yahoo.com Single Vision Incl. Eye test, frame & lenses R650 While stock last. Terms & conditions apply. GUESS STOCKIST OF: LUST BROWN SEXY LILAC SPARKLE GRAY BLING BLUE ADORING GREEN Colour Contact Lenses Bifocal Incl. Eye test, frame & lenses R850 Multifocal Incl. Eye test, frame & lenses R1550 R170 PROVIDING THE BEST EYE CARE POSSIBLE im 49 Mahatma Gandhi Str. Tel : (032) 551 1522 WhatsApp "Add" to 081 480 5521 to receive weekly specials Bed Coastal 1 Star Double Much more indoor specials. Open on Sundays. R1499 Bed Coastal Queen Monza Bed Coastal Monza King R2150 Bed Coastal Carlota Queen R1299 Bed Coastal Emerald Double Bed Coastal King 3/4 R1599 Bed Coastal King Double R3800 R2299 R2699 Bed Week
HANDS OFF: KDM has defended Mayor Lindile Nhaca against attacks related to Eskom loadshedding

Electrical infrastructure “not designed for loadshedding”

Continued from Page 1

respond to the public for any other outages. This has been done to ensure the stability of the network. In addition, the KwaDukuza Municipality has employed five more electricians to improve the service of reconnecting the

public due to technical matters that require need attention,” the municipality stated.

Circuit breakers

The customer care division in the Business Unit had also been beefed up with additional employees, and more vacancies would soon be filled, in order to ameliorate operational challenges within the Business Unit, said the municipality.

“The more we experience loadshedding, the greater chances there are for possible

damage to the municipal grid and other electricity infrastructure. It is for this reason that you will find some communities may still be disconnected because of potential damage caused after energizing the grid again after there was a planned outage due to loadshedding. The most common issue that the municipality experiences is the tripping of circuit breakers, resulting in further outages after

loadshedding has been lifted,” KDM stated.

Opportunistic crime has also been cited as another major challenge, as electrical infrastructure is often stolen or vandalized during loadshedding, thus causing more problems for the grid.

“Such criminality has negatively impacted the turnaround times for restoring power in certain areas,” the municipality pointed out.

Another accolade for Imtiaz Sooliman

January 18, 2023 PAGE 2 XPress Kitchen Sink Mixer R24999 Basin + Cabinet Wall Hung/ Floor Standing Available in Grey/White/ Black Shower Head & Arm Bath Mixer 3 PC Toilet Set Top Flush SABS Lock Set Aluminium Full Door R1499 Aluminium Stable Door R1599 PVC Folding Door 8 Panel External Door 8 Panel Stable Door Shower Door Corner Clear 900x900 6 Panel Town House Door R429 NC2 900x900 Aluminium Window R499 ND2 1000x1200 Aluminium Window R699 Trading times: Mon to Thurs 8am to 4.30 pm Closed bet 1pm and 2pm, Friday 8am to 12pm, Closed from 12pm - 2pm and reopen 2pm to 4.30pm, Saturday 8 am to 1pm R549 R599 R1599 R1699 R9999 R34999 R59999 Cornices 2 Pack R699 R7999 R8999 6 Grilled Prince Prawns, 1 Hake Fillet & Calamari Rings served with Chips or Rice R110.00 2 Large Battered or Grilled Hake Fillets & Chips 12 Grilled Prince Prawns R100.00 6 Grilled Prince Prawns and Calamari Rings served with chips or rice R80.00 2 Hake Fillets & Calamari rings served with Chips or Rice R80.00 Seafood Paella R130.00 R65.00 OPEN DURING LOADSHEDDING Trading Hours: Mon to Sat - 9.15am to 6.00pm / Sun - 10am to 4.00pm 6 Grilled Prince Prawns, 2 Hake Fillets served with Chips or Rice R100.00 Tartar Sauce R7.00 Peri-Peri Sauce R7.00 1 Hake Fillet & Calamari Rings served with chips or rice R65.00 6 Grilled Prince Prawns, 1 Hake Fillet served with Chips or Rice R80.00 Calamari and Chips R80.00 R75.00 1 Battered Kingklip Fillet served Chips or rice 1 Jumbo Hake Fillet Battered or Grilled with chips R50.00 No traders * E&OE Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm Sat : 7am to 3pm Sun : 8am to 1pm OFFERS FROM 18 - 22 JAN OR WHILE STOCKS LAST! A proudly women empowerment initiative 4 TULIP ROAD, STANGER MANOR Cell: 076 213 3369 LINDLEY STREET, opp David’s Fish Shop) Cell: 078 407 7772 Many more instore specials available Bindhi kg 2500 Tomatoes 2kg Large English Cucumber 1000 Asst Summer Fruits (Punnet 8999 7kg Onions 1499 2 FOR 3000 Utd Potatoes available from Thursday INSTORE SPECIAL 10kg Soft Cooking Potatoes 6999 Red Chillies 1kg Pack 1299 Red or Green Herbs 3 FOR Large Ginger kg 2999 Luffers kg 1199 Coconuts (each) 1600 Karella kg 1499 1200 2 FOR FOR MORE INFO CONTACT 078 639 4537 Starting 1st February 2023 Every Wednesdays 5.30 till 6.30pm Stanger Manor FOR LADIES & GIRLS ONLY NO AGE BARRIER DANCE FITNESS/ WORKOUT
ANC leaders visit “Holy Mountain”
AWARD: Gift of the Givers founder Dr Imtiaz Sooliman has garnered yet another accolade, after he was recently selected as the “Person of the Year” by Afrikaans magazine, Vrye Weekblad. PILGRIMAGE: The Provincial Chairperson of the ANC in KZN, Siboniso Duma, led a delegation on a visit to the Holy Mountain of Nhlangakazi in Ndwedwe last week, amid the pilgrimage by the Nazareth Baptist Church (Shembe). Pictured are ANC provincial and regional leaders paying their respects to the leader of the Ebuhleni group of the Church, His Holiness Dr Mduduzi Shembe (popularly known as Unyazi LweZulu).
times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165
Desai’s CASH & CARRY 3 Enterprise Road, Stanger Tel : 032 552 3518 • Fax : 032 552 3179 • Cell : 076 734 4294 Email : info@desaiscnc.co.za • Website : www.desaiscnc.co.za Receive our Amazing Specials On Whatsapp. Kindly text “ADD ME” to We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices subject to change without prior notice. Pictures may vary from actual product. All Prices strictly cash. E&OE. WE ARE DELIVERING TO CERTAIN AREAS ONLY! T'S & C'S APPLY MINIMUM COST OF ORDER R250-00. 3 PER CUSTOMER ATMs available instore 076 734 4294 T’s & C’s Apply. E&OE Sasko Premium White 700g Sasko Premium Brown 700g 1550 5015 1350 5013 APPLES 3KG Aunt Caroline Rice 10kg Huletts White Sugar 2.5kg 4195 Eggs Large Clover Erica Butter 200g Simba Chipniks 100g Mama’s Mayonnaise 750g Daybreak Fillet 1kg Bokomo Corn Flakes 1kg Super Value Pilchards 155g Top Class Shaker 350g Chemico Liqui-Cleen Refill 750ml Days Specials FRI/SAT/SUN 20-22 Jan 3 Whilst Stocks Last. First Come, First Serve HOT SHOT GRILL 200G SUNLIGHT BATH SOAP MINT & ORANGE 100G BAUMANN’S SHORTBREAD 160G 3 PER CUSTOMER Valid from 18-25 January 2023 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ONLY Riverview Butter Ghee 1.5kg 1200 0012 Five Roses Regular Teabags 100’s Helios Oil 5lt Everyday Baked Beans 410g Mama’s Sauce Hot Peri-Peri 750ml Zar Macaroni & Spaghetti 500g Bakers Tennis Biscuit 200g Lifebouy Soap Deofresh/ Honey & Tumeric 175g Ethekweni Noodles 5x65g 1895 1895 1895 4895 5 dozen 9750 Koo Samp & Beans 410g 17895 2,5 dozen 995 95 RAMA ORIGINAL TUB 500G BAKERS BOUDOIR 200G SIMBA GHOST POPS 100G 1095 9510 Golden Delight Basmati Rice 5kg 13395 2000 1195 1995 1495 895 2 For First Choice Long Life Milk 6x1lt 4500 3 For Shower to Shower Roll-On 50ml 1495 5595 5000 Handy Andy 750ml & Domestos 750ml BOTH FOR 1249 1195 1595 4495 1395 8495 2295 Spring Meadow Yoghurt 1kg 4295 11895 15395 3000 0030 3 For =600g 3 For 2895 9528 2549 4925 GRAPES PUNNET POTATOES 10KG 15195 Rainbow Mixed Portions 4kg January 18, 2023 PAGE 3 XPress
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22/01/2023 5 DAYS SPECIAL! Amajoya 50’s Gusto Mini Chocolate Wafers 25’s Happy Finger Wafers 12’s Livinda Conico 40’s Splash 50’s Cape Candy 50’s SPECIALS Go Lollipops 48’s Pin Pop Gigantic Lollipop 24’s Smilo Eggs 40’s “Treat & Joy” Looongest Chews 24’s Smoothies 72’s/ Supa 50’s Lollita Lollipops 48’s Champion 112’s Mini Cup Jelly 50’s 1999 1299 Big Bom 48’s 3699 3799 4399 1599 2599 1299 6999 1799 1399 3999 2799 Jelly Fresh Assorted Jellies 4299 1999 5999 3999 Viking Bites 50x30g Bakemate Biscuits 30x9g Maria Victoria 12’s 1499 Clorets 60’s KR Shockers Chews 20’s 2999 9999 KF Biscuits 9lt Bucket 160pce 1099 3499 NEW ARRIVAL January 18, 2023 PAGE 7 XPress

Milestone for Waterhaus Plumbing & Decor

Outrage at resumption of toll fees

Motorists utilising the N2 Highway along the North Coast are not pleased, after the SA National Roads Agency (Sanral) announced the resumption of toll fees for Umvoti and Tongaat toll gates.

Toll fees at the two toll gates were suspended last year, following consultations between the KZN provincial government, the National Department of Transport and Sanral. This follows the destruction of many arterial roads in the region by the floods in early April 2022.

uThongathi Mainline and North Ramps and N2 uMvoti Mainline and all ramps for all vehicles, toll fees on the N2 uThongathi South Ramps will remain suspended until access along the M4 uThongathi River Bridge has been restored.

Sanral had in April last year suspended toll fees at these plazas, to ease the economic burden on communities already hard hit by loss of property and livelihoods as a result of the devastating floods that swept through KZN at the time,” the agency said.

“Our contractors have been working round the clock to repair damaged infrastructure and restore access to the R102 and M4.

Both these roads are now fully open to traffic and access to the uThongathi River Bridge is imminent.

We wish to thank road users for their patience during this time and wish them safe travels,” said Dumisani Nkabinde, Sanral's Eastern Region Manager.

DA KwaDukuza Caucus

Whip and Ward 22

Councillor Privi Makhan said the party has written to Sanral eastern Region, demanding clarity on the awarding of the tender to repair the Umhlali River Bridge. Makhan said the party has also questioned the roads agency about the possible extension of toll fee exemption for Umvoti Toll Plaza.

Waterhaus Plumbing and Décor are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year, and have moved to bigger and better premises. Proprietor Logan says their new shop, located at the basement of the old Nariansingh Building (corner of Mahatma Gandhi and Cato streets) offers an improved shopping experience for customers, and the benefit of a wider range of sanitary ware and plumbing materials.

“We have been doing business in this town for 20 years. We are the experts in plumbing and décor. Our customers can look forward

to a wider brand selection and better options for all their plumbing, sanitary and décor needs.

“Try us, we are the best in terms of sales, repairs and replacement. We pride ourselves on brand awareness, honesty and quality,” says Logan.

The shop opens between 7am and 5pm weekdays, and 8am and 2pm on Saturdays and 8am and 12:00noon on Sundays.

Waterhaus Plumbing & Décor are now located in Shop No 1, Basement Level, 181 to 183 Mahatma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza. Contact them on (083) 785-3259.

Some motorists have described the decision to reinstate toll fees as “premature”, citing the lack of progress on repairs to alternative routes like the M4 and the R102, and other provincial and district roads.

However Sanral argues that the decision was taken following the “completion of repairs to damaged infrastructure on the R102 and M4”, feeding to the two toll plazas.

Sanral says the resumption of toll fees will take effect from the 1st of February 2023.

“While toll collection will resume on the N2

The agency added that both the R102 and the M4 were now fully open to traffic.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Alliance (DA) in KwaDukuza has vowed to ensure that protracted repair processes do not continue to inconvenience the motoring public.

“The Democratic Alliance will continue to monitor this process and ensure that the public are no longer inconvenienced, due to protracted processes and bureaucratic red tape,” stated Cllr Makhan.

January 18, 2023 PAGE 8 XPress Terms & conditions apply. While stocks last. (Prices include VAT) E.&O.E WATERHAUS Plumbing Tel: 032 551 1554 Cell: 083 785 3259 Email: waterhaus@telkomsa.net Open from 08h00 to 12h00 every Sundays UG 110MM SABS PIPE NORMAL PRICE : R259 SV 50MM PIPE NORMAL PRICE : R169 R12900 GROHE KITCHEN MIXER NORMAL PRICE : R1999 COBRA BRASS TAPS SABS NORMAL PRICE : R189 WE MOVED TO OUR NEW SHOWROOM, CNR OF CATO & MAHATMA GANDHI STR, STANGER 181 - 183 BASEMENT LEVEL EX NARIANSINGH'S BUILDING A special gifted price for the first customers .... Limited stock! R18900 R99900 R9900
Payment of toll fees will resume at both Umvoti and uThongathi toll plazas

Letters to the Editor Tributes for Dr Frene Ginwala

of the Founding Speaker of South Africa's democratic parliament, Dr Frene Ginwala.

I am appalled!

I make no apologies for my anger and perceived tirade, as I am at my wits end, and I suspect the majority of the citizens of this once pristine town share my sentiments. If my correspondence is read or understood, or even replied to, frankly I do not give a toss. A spade must be called a spade, and I am not afraid to call one when the need arises, and the need has arisen now more than ever.

Have you ever driven or walked through the CBD or suburbs of Stanger lately, noting the rapid deterioration, destruction and dilapidation of our beautiful town and culverts? KDM spokesperson responded to my letter of 24 August 2022 and said that the tender process had commenced. Yellowwood Road Bridge is now totally out of bounds as more destruction was caused. I don't think it will ever be repaired.

Have you ever considered the struggles that the hard working, helpless ratepayer undergoes in trying to meet his rates and utilities payments? This is to maintain a vestige of “a better life for all” while the town fathers plunder and ruin, and get paid to do that.

Of course, this excludes the merry scavengers who pay for nothing but expect everything on a plate offered by the goodwill and generosity of the ratepayer. If not granted, they destroy, plunder and pillage with impunity and disregard from where such blessings came.

The entitlement is the REAL pandemic that we face. Surely as caretakers of the municipality you should have some pride in how the town is maintained.

Let me begin with the pathetic state of our roads, which leaves much to be desired. With potholes virtually everywhere and which are repaired months later (if ever), almost invisible road markings (even on speed humps), it makes it difficult to determine which is oncoming and which is outgoing traffic.

Even when the potholes are eventually repaired, the workmanship is, in many cases, absolutely shoddy because whatever is done is undone in a very short space of time (and I suspect) this is a ploy to ensure that some people are kept ni perpetual employment.

When he Parks Department tends to the verges, or when roadworks are done, one sees how the cut grass is left at the spots, and how mounds of dug up tarmac and soil is left at the spots, until the rains wash them into our drainage system, clog and cays much damage yet another cost borne by the ratepayer.

If the town fathers had vision, competencies and capabilities of good leadership and to change governance of our town so that those who pay for their town must take pride in her, and not be saddled with mediocrity, embarrassment and insult only because there is a lack of vision.

Please consider this little town as your own home and take greater pride in her upkeep. Let's not get accustomed to as filthy sewage ridden, unhygienic mindset, which will eventually cause the total collapse of our clean Stanger.

What to do if you are being bullied?

You have to tell someone. You may not want to do this because it means showing that you are vulnerable, that you are letting someone get the better of you. But really, it is very important to tell someone otherwise, it may not stop. Speak to friend, parent, brother or sister uncle or aunt and most importantly someone you trust. If it happens at school speak to a teacher.

Thank you, Good Sir!

I wish to express my huge gratitude to a Good Samaritan, who, out of the kindness of his heart, decided to help me out early in December. My daughter and I had gone to a local clothing outlet to lay-buy certain clothing items.

We paid the deposit for two school golfers and shorts. When we got home, I received a call from the cashier, informing me that someone had paid the balance in full. I was told the person who paid had been behind us in the queue.

My kids were super excited to hear the good news. I don't know this gentleman, but I just want to say, Thank you. Certainly, you are one of a kind.

Ginwala (90) died at her home after suffering from stroke two weeks earlier.

Born on 25 April 1932, Frene Noshir Ginwala served the anti-apartheid struggle and South Africa's democratic dispensation in a diversity of roles as a lawyer, academic, political leader, activist and journalist.

In 2005, she was honoured with the Order of Luthuli in Silver for her excellent contribution to the struggle against gender oppression and her tireless contribution to the struggle for a nonsexist, non-racial, just and democratic South Africa.

President Ramaphosa said: “Today we mourn the passing of a formidable patriot and leader of our nation, and an internationalist to whom justice and democracy around the globe remained an impassioned objective to her last days.

“Among the many roles she adopted in the course of a life

she led to the full, we are duty-bound to recall her establishment of our democratic Parliament which exercised the task of undoing decades-old apartheid legislation and fashioning the legislative foundations of the free and democratic South Africa,” Ramaphosa said.

The President extended his condolences to Dr. Ginwala's friends, colleagues and associates in South Africa and beyond.

Meanwhile, the DA has also paid its tribute, describing Ginwala as a national icon.

DA's Parliamentary Chief Whip Siviwe Gwarube said, “Dr Ginwala presided over a Parliament that repealed many Apartheid pieces of legislation and was one of the contributors to and drafters of our Constitution. Her legacy demonstrates what a strong and independent Parliament can do in bettering the lives of South Africans”.

Repairs to begin for Umhlali River Bridge

Repairs to destroyed Umhlali and UThongathi are expected to get underway soon, says the South African National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral).

The agency says contracts for the rehabilitation of the M4 Bridge UThongathi and N2 Umhlali River Bridge will be awarded this month (January 2023).

“The tender evaluations were completed in December

2022 and we have submitted the memo to the Bid Adjudication Committee (BAC) for approval. BAC has informed us that the awards are waiting for Proactive assurance before they can be finalised. Construction is expected to take four months on N2 Umhlali River Bridge and two months on UThongathi,” said Trevor Zumani, SANRAL's Eastern Region

Project Manager.

The M4 Umdloti River Bridge was constructed by the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and the KwaZulu Natal Department of Transport (KZN DoT) jointly.

SANRAL assisted KZN DoT on other repairs on the M4 except the Umdloti River Bridge.

“Due to the recent failures, SANRAL has been requested

to assist KZN DoT with capacity and we have already made repairs on the northbound carriageway and resuming the repairs on the southbound direction if weather permits. Please note that these are just the holding measures while awaiting the full Capex Project for more permanent repairs which will resume early next year,” Zumani said.

Celebrating National Pharmacist Day

The National Pharmacy Day was celebrated last week Thursday, 12 January. The role of pharmacists has shifted over the years. Where once they served as the classical “lick, stick and pour” dispensary, they now serve as an integrated member of the health care team. Pharmacists are often directly involved in patient care and play a vital role in a patient's recovery.

Historically, pharmacists primarily checked and

distributed drugs to doctors for patient prescribed medication. In modern times, pharmacists advise patients and health care providers on the selection, dosages, interactions, and side effects of prescriptions. Additionally, their role includes being a learned intermediary between a prescriber and a patient. By monitoring the health and progress of patients, pharmacists can then ensure the safe and effective use of


Pharmacists work long hours, usually standing the entire time. Along with dispensing pills and providing advice on medications, pharmacists also administer immunizations. Pharmacists who conduct research discover and test new medications, too.

Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, and Ginger Ale were all invented by pharmacists

Before running for

President of the United States, Hubert Humphrey earned his pharmacy license and worked in his father's pharmacy. William Procter, Jr., (May 3, 1817 February 10, 1874) dedicated his career to the science of pharmacy. He wrote the first textbook on pharmacy for students in the United States and advocated for the founding of the American Pharmaceutical Association. His dedication earned him the name Father of Pharmacy.

January 18, 2023 PAGE 16 XPress
KwaDukuza Email your letters to timesmedia@telkomsa.net. STRICTLY NO LETTER WILL BE USED WITHOUT A PROPER NAME, ADDRESS AND CONTACT DETAILS. The Editor cannot be held responsible for any information in the Letters to the Editor column. This column is intended to be a platform and forum for those members of the community who have an opinion on a certain issue, which does not necessarily reflect the views of the Xpress Times. Please note some letters will be shortened to accommodate all correspondence. Those utilizing the column must please ensure that your name, address and telephone numbers are submitted for our reference; however, a pseudonym will be used when requested by the writer. The Editor reserves the right not to publish a letter.
The late Dr Frene Ginwala, the first Speaker of SA's democratic parliament President Cyril Ramaphosa has conveyed his condolences, following the death on Thursday last week Sanral says contracts to repair Umhlali River Bridge will be awarded this month

Registration for Matric 2nd Chance draws nigh

Registration for the Department of Basic Education's Second Chance Matric Programme will close on 8 February 2023.

The programme is aimed at those who have not met the requirements to pass the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or the extended Senior Certificate (SC) examinations.

The programme is also open to those who want to improve their results.

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga revealed that at least 400 000 learners have been assisted through the programme to “achieve their subject passes towards their NSC or SC qualification”.

“The programme plays an important role in retaining learners beyond the formal schooling programme. Learners who are disappointed by their failure or poor performance at the end of their schooling career, are able to continue with their studies at their own pace.

“They are able to register for one, two or more subjects, and write the examinations either in May/June or October/November. The face-to-face centres keep learners motivated, as they prepare for their examinations. Learners migrate within provinces, seeking job opportunities and the SCMP allows learners to continue with their studies, irrespective of the province they have relocated to,” she said.

Subjects that learners can register for include: Accounting; Agricultural Science; Business Studies; Economics; English First Additional Language; Geography; History; Mathematics; Mathematic Literacy; Physical Sciences; Life Sciences.

“The programme offers face-to-face support, online support and a wide range of learning support materials. The programme facilitates the development of learning and teaching support materials (LTSMs) that is based on diagnostic reports, so as to ensure that the support materials focus on common areas of poor performance emanating from previous examinations.

“The LTSMs are governmentowned, printed and distributed to learners at no cost to the learner,” Motshekga said.

To register for the programme online go to www.eservices.gov.za or visit any Department of Basic Education office with an ID document and statement of results.

Community Education and Training

Those who are older and/or those who have not had the opportunity to complete matric due to various reasons and those who do not qualify for higher education can register at Community Education and Training (CET) colleges across the country.

According to the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation website, the colleges are supported by some 200 community learning centres.

“These colleges…target post-school youth and adults who wish to raise the base for further learning, improve their skills for employability and/or progression to opportunities in the TVET colleges and university education.

“In essence, community education and training…offer(s) programmes that contribute to improving community cohesion and social capital, and responsive to the geographic and sectoral needs and challenges,” the department said.

The colleges offer training and academic learning opportunities, including the General Education and Training Certificate for adults (GETC), courses in computer literacy and applied agriculture.

In his budget speech last year, Minister Blade Nzimande said at least R200 million has been committed to support CET colleges which are critical to closing South Africa's skills gap.

“In addition to academic skills and occupational programmes already on offer, CET colleges will offer two new accredited programmes which are Entrepreneurship and Digital Skills programmes.

“Nine Hundred CET college lecturers will be trained in accredited training programmes. We will also accredit 35 pilot community learning centres, which will be an addition to the 15 community learning centres accredited in 2021/22,” he said.

More information on CETs can be obtained on the Department's website.

Rand Currency exchange

One US Dollar = R17.04

One Euro = R18.45

One British Pound = R20.79

One Indian Rupee = R0.20

One Australian Dollar = R11.87

One Swiss Franc = R18.43

One Botswana Pula = R1.34

One Chinese Yuan = R2.51

One Japanese Yen = R0.13

As published on Tuesday, 17 January 2023.

Covid-19 vaccine booster doses for adults

The Department of Health will begin to make additional Covid19 vaccination booster doses available to all adults, following the detection of the more transmissible XBB.1.5 subvariant of the Omicron variant in the country.

The Department's Dr Lesley Bamford explained that currently, adults over the age of 50 are eligible to receive four doses including booster doses of the vaccine, while those between 18 and 49 can receive three doses.

“It is our intention to offer an additional dose. So that will be a fifth dose for people 50 years and older and a fourth dose for people 18 to 49 years of age. Those additional doses will also be available for people who are immunocompromised.

“Our expectation is that those additional booster doses will be available during January, probably towards the end of the month. But we are working hard to provide those additional doses.

“Any adult who has not had a dose in the past six months, whether they are immunocompromised or not, will be eligible to receive an additional booster dose,” she said.

Bamford added that children between the ages of 12 and 17

years of age will not be eligible for booster doses.

“That age group is eligible to receive two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Our Vaccine Ministerial Advisory Committee has indicated that they currently do not recommend that we provide booster doses to that age group based on an understanding that the protection provided by the two doses should be adequate in that age group which is at low risk of severe Covid-19 infection.

“[Regarding] the paediatric Pfizer vaccine…we anticipate that, that vaccine will arrive in the country towards the end of January or the beginning of February,” she said.

She explained that a “mix and match between the two different vaccines” can be taken as a booster and that South Africa has enough vaccine doses available.

“We do have large stocks of our two vaccines. We have approximately 10 million doses of the J&J vaccine and 8 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine…currently the doses expire at the end of March and the end of April. However, we do anticipate that the shelf life of the vaccines will be extended for a minimum of another three months.

“The J&J vaccines do not expire until 2024 and in some cases, 2025,” she said.

Health Minister, Dr Joe Phaahla, emphasised that the vaccine has been proven to make a difference even at the height of the fourth wave.

“We are advocating for vaccination and the reason we're doing so is because vaccination has [been] proven [to be efficient] beyond reasonable doubt. Since there has been vaccinations, any changes in the nature of the virus in terms of variants…even when there has been high transmissibility, has resulted in milder illness and sometimes even asymptomatic infections.

“Vaccines have proven to be effective. Not in terms of preventing one to be infected but many of us who have been vaccinated even when we got infected, it remained very mild and statistics are there,” he said.

By Monday, some 38 271 617 jabs had been administered with 22 498 138 people receiving at least one dose.

Information on vaccination sites can be obtained by calling the national health hotline at 0800 029 999 or visit https://sacoronavirus.co.za/activ e-vaccination-sites.

January 18, 2023 PAGE 17 XPress
5DayForecast Xpress 22oC 24oC 23oC 23oC 22oC min.min.min.min.min. o34 C o30 C o33 C o35 C max.max.max.max.max. Wed 18 Thurs 19 Sat 21 Fri 20 Sun 22
years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do." H Jackson Brown Jr
My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world. Jack Layton
When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome. Wilma Rudolph
When you realize how precious and fragile life is, it changes your whole perspective. Ryan O'Donnell
o35 C
Words can inspire, thoughts can provoke, but only action truly brings you closer to your dreams. Brad Sugars
Sunny Partly Cloudy Sunny Sunny Sunny Government is making available additional Covid-19 vaccination booster doses for all adults

City Lads Reunion .. a resounding success!!

The administrators, organisers and co- ordinators of one of the oldest soccer clubs in Stanger, CITY LADS SPORTING CLUB held a grand get together reunion of several players past and present, over many decades of its existence. The planning and preparation of the event started many months ago when Elyas Suleman (now living in Coventry, England) proposed the idea of a relaunch of this famous club in the form of a reunion dinner. He brought on board Azhar and Riaz Bassa, Ismail Gori, Ahmed Desai, Solly Seedat and many others associated with this much

admired team, with the right approach.

Within a short period of time, despite a plethora of diverse logistical problems, all systems were put in place and about 150 players and administrators across different generations met and shared memories of the glorious 60 years of the team's existence.

After the introductory remarks by Elyas Suleman, each of the senior players from the formative years was given a chance to share their experiences. Yusuf Jerry Mather, MS Sunny Hoosen, Ahmed Tubby Kolia and the long standing,

experienced Haroon Mahommedy kept the audience captive with a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

A delicious 3 course supper was served after Ismail Gori extended the vote of thanks to the sponsors, patrons and all who attended. All in all, it was a well attended and well received function by all and programme director Ismail Asmal kept the event lively and humourous by throwing in a few jokes. It was suggested that City Lads Sporting club be revived by a group of young players and such reunions be held regularly.

January 18, 2023 PAGE 18 XPress
January 18, 2023 PAGE 19 XPress

KwaDukuza Athletic Club to commence new season

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For more info contact Nireshnee or Anton Denzo Auto is now contracted to Standard Bank Fleet Management Services, the Innovations Group and Avis Fleet Management! MASTER TECHNICIAN DENZO AUTO TEC 032 552 5424 kidzone11@gmail.com www.kidzonejc.co.za 083 587 8687 DR LIKONDE 073 344 1114 Only man that can solve your problems with no side effect. Any challenge that you facing in your life Likonde he is the solution. Likonde can help you things like: * Bring back Lost Lover no matter how long she/he went 1st same day * Boost your business * Court Cases * family matters * Clean your yard or fortification * Body protection / property * Lotto and casino * Love attraction to have anyone you want in your life * Pass exams * Get a job / replaced to your old job * Lidibo / lucky charm * Body booster and many more INTERNATIONAL SPIRITUAL POWER FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Grades 6 and 7 Grades 8 and 9 MATHS TUITION For more information call me on 079 428 0345 Do you need help in Maths? 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BDS (Manipal, India) Dentist Consulting hours: Monday - Friday : 8:00am to 4:00pm Saturday : 8:00am to 1:00pm 75 Lindley Street, KwaDukuza Professional services offered PLANNING ·Town and Urban regional Planning ·Guides Planning Work ·Development Planning ·Spatial analysis ·Project Plans, layout and Subdivision DEVELOPMENT /ECONOMIC PLAN ·Socio Economic Impact Assessment ·Analysis of economic conditions sectors, trends ·Feasibility studies, ·Business Plans, ·Market research & Analysis ·Tertiary Research method & data analysis Contact : 061 679 0921 / 068 719 6608 Emails: Isaiah@telkomsa.net realplanningconsulting@telkomsa.net / Isaiahmut@gmail.com REAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS PTY (LTD) FATS FOODS FATS FOODS Gizenga Street (opp. Post Office) AQ Holdings 079 981 5505 • 073 084 7519 WIDE RANGE OF FANS & AIRCON REMOTES OMD Electrical OMD Electrical OMD Remove & Install At Affordable Price Remove & 063 359 4144 Contact us for any information Contact us for any infor Contact us for any information Contact us for any infor 063 359 4144 Key Purpose Statement The Marketing Administrator / Co-Ordinator will be responsible for maintaining brand integrity across all company marketing initiatives and communications across several supermarket retail and liquor stores. Competence Requirements: Knowledge and Experience Required •Matric with Degree / Diploma (Marketing as a Major) •Computer Literate •Able to create and innovate marketing strategies •Previous Experience Retail or Hospitality •Impeccable knowledge of all social media platforms •Strong research skills and the ability to work in cross functional environments Roles, Skills and Attributes Required •Communication •Attention to detail/ accuracy/ timeliness •Planning •Customer focused •Creative •Thinking Out the Box Output and Accountabilities •Must be able to work under pressure and have high energy levels •Champion the Company's Purpose and Values •Develop and manage the strategy for each social media platform to support the company objectives in terms of customer satisfaction, brand awareness, etc •Plan and execute all brand communications and media actions on-line and on all social media platforms. •Establish positioning, identify target audiences, and develop marketing strategy with specific objectives across different channels and segments. •Manage the creation of instore marketing displays, digital and social media campaigns. •Coordinate and manage customer competitions, incentives, and the relevant communication thereof. The above are the minimum requirements. Management reserves the right to use additional criteria for selection decisions. Please forward all applications to: recruit@dcr.co.za Closing Date: 31 January 2023 VACANCY: Company: Dolphin Coast Retailers Area : Based in Ballito Marketing Administrator / Co-Ordinator Oyster Plastics has a position for a Production planning clerk. The successful candidate must meet the below criteria: Duties and Responsibilities: * Oversee and monitor inventory for production jobs. * Create and monitor daily production jobs. * WIP and job closures. * Ensure that WIP is investigated before job closures. * Production planning. * Bill of materials creation. * Create and print production job cards. * Co ordinate invoicing, waste sales and daily dispatching. * Co ordinate planned stock takes. * Ensure accuracy of stock management system . * Data capturing. * General admin and ad hoc duties. * Adhere to ISO quality management system. Requirements: 1. Grade 12 with (Maths and Accounting). 2. Qualification in business management will be advantageous. 3. Minimum of 2-3 years' experience in loading Bill of Materials and Syspro 4. Attention to detail a must. 5. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. 6. Reliable and punctual 7. Strong computer and data entry skills 8. Proficient in Excel and Pivot Tables 9. Excellent analytical skills 10. Excellent written and verbal skills. 11. Experience in Plastics industry (PP and LDPE) is recommended. Reference: OP-production , planning Clerk Interested applicants must forward a detailed CV to humanresources@freedomstationery.co.za and quote reference Closing Date: 23 January 2023. VACANCY - Production Planning Clerk In loving memory of the late Sivalingam Naidu (Siva) God saw you getting tired, and a cure was not to be So He put His arms around you and whispered “Come to Me.” With tearful eyes we watched you suffer, and saw you slowly fade away. Although we loved you dearly, We could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, Hard working hands put to rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best .... You were one of them. Please accept this as a personal invite. Your presence will be highly appreciated Sadly missed by his dad, Mr M G Naidu, wife Shirley, daughter Rowan, 3 sisters and a host of family and friends. You and your family are invited to the 15th & 16th DAY CEREMONY Date: Thursday, 19 January Venue: Sabha Hall, Stanger Time: 5pm to 6pm - supper Service commence at 7pm Will continue the following day at his late residence, Glenhills Volunteers needed. Please contact the people on the poster to register your name
KwaDukuza Athletic club is trying to resuscitate athletics
and the committee is officially
Covid 19 has crumbled
athletics has suffered
in Stanger
holding its first council meeting this coming Saturday, 21 January 2023 at the Shakaland Technical College commencing at 3pm (15:00). Club members
interested people
encouraged to attend this meeting.
more information
president Bina Ramrup (0832875609) or Ashnee Naidoo (0747475181)

A skippers knock

Dawnheights Cricket Club hosted Lindelani Cricket Club at Gledhow Country Club on Sunday in a KwaZulu Natal Challenge League fixture.

Dawnheights batted first on a sluggish pitch that was gated by the heatwave. The heavy outfield made scoring difficult and with the ball holding on the pitch, Dawnheights soon found themselves in trouble with wickets falling at regular intervals. Harsh played on 30 and that brought captain Mayuran to the crease. He was soon joined by Keaton Govender and Mayuran took on the mantle of aggressor with Keaton providing a stabilizing partnership on the other side. Mayuran upped the ante as the heat caused Lindelani to tire and fade in the field. His aggressive batting saw DCC pass the 100 mark. As the team reached 120, Mark Keaton was adjudged LBW. Tyriek provided much needed

support to Mayuran who crossed the century with some aggressive fielding and outstanding fielding. In the 49th over the innings came to an end with Mayuran's wicket leaving Lindelani a target of 157 to win.

Sheldon and Harsh opened the bowling for Dawnheights and the combination of pace and spin bore fruits as regular wickets soon had Lindelani reeling at 9/4. Wickets continued to fall and at 27/6, the writing was on the wall.

Harsh ended up with figures of 10 overs, 10 runs, 5 maidens and 4 wickets. A 9th wicket partnership that included some lusty blows soon had Lindelani in the 70's. Captain Mayuran and Sheldon ended with 2 wickets apiece. The last wicket fell to a run out and the innings closed on 75 giving Dawnheights a win by 81 runs.

This capped of an excellent match for captain Mayuran Loganathan

Zakkariya learner receives call-up

Durban Lyons Football Club goalkeeper Ubaidullah Noor Ally Sayed, a Grade 9 learner from Zakkariya Muslim School attended the SAFA School Of Excellence that was held over the weekend in Germiston.

Over 750 Boys from around the country were invited in the U13 and U14 divisions. KwaZulu Natal had 10 players representing the province. From these trials you can show case your talent and be scouted by youth academies from around the country and abroad. You can also be selected by the SAFASchool Of Excellence.

Last year the Durban Lyons FC played in tournaments in which Ubaidullah excelled. This year they will be playing in the Durban League and will also travel the country.

Up and coming goalkeeper Ubaidullah Noor Ally Sayed

Former SA champ Gerrie Coetzee dies

Former world heavyweight champion, Gerrie Coetzee, has died at the age of 67.

Known as the "Boksburg Bomber", Coetzee became the WBA world heavyweight champion in 1983 when he knocked out Michael Dokes of the United States in the 10th

round of their title fight. Coetzee lost the title to American Greg Page in 1984.

In a career that spanned from 1974 to 1986 and again from 1993 to 1997, Coetzee fought 40 times, winning 33 (21 by knockout) with six losses and one draw. The news was confirmed by

Coetzee's manager, Thinus Strydom.

Coetzee, Strydom confirmed, died of lung cancer at his Cape Town home. He had been given his prognosis by doctors around a week ago, upon consultation, and died surrounded by his family.

January 18, 2023 XPress RAZAK’S MEAT MARKET Shop 5, 38 King Shaka Street, Stanger Cell: 084 407 8671 TRADING HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8AM TO 5PM SATURDAY 7.30 TO 4PM SUNDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 8.30 TO 3PM Deliveries now available in and around Stanger T and Cs apply Cleaned Blue Crab from LAMB COMBO Crumbed chicken burgers, Crumbed chicken nuggets, Buffalo wings spicy / mild, Chicken strips spicy/mild, Burgers masala/mild, Fish fingers, Fish cakes, Battered fish, Mutton chilli loaf, Chicken chilli loaf, Salami R99 839 BACK TO SCHOOL Lunch box specials from R32.99 per tray * Half Lamb for R540 * 1kg Sausages * 1kg Wors * 1/2kg Spare Ribs * 1 Pkt Regular Patties * AND FREE SPICE FRI/SAT/SUN ONLY B1 Leg, Chops, Breast (Mix) Was R150.00 kg Now R99 108 R99 49 Tray Cocktail Cheese or Dhania Grillers from R99 74 Tray R999 R999 1.6 Corolla Branches Contact Nikki : 071 173 1414 R999 Polo Branches R999 1.3 Tazz Branches Golf 1 Branch R150 R1499 Opel Corsa Branches R20 Exhaust Rubbers from Tail Pipes from 22 King Shaka Street, Dawnside, stanger opp Tyre Track R1000 Exhaust System from Offers valid while stocks last. T’s & C’s Apply.E&OE val d wh le ast T s & C s Apply E&OE ALUMINIUM WELDING ALSO DONE! Valid from 18/01/2023 to 22/01/2023 E&OE while stocks last Offers for Ballito, Moffat Drive Tel: 032 - 586 0230/1/2/3 63 Balcomb Street, Stanger Tel: 032 - 551 4161 62 Main Street, Gingindlovu Tel: 060 676 1124 Richelieu 750ml Bells 750ml Jagermeister 750ml Spiced Gold 750ml Heineken 24x330ml NRB R299.99 R199.99 R249.99 R139.99 R169.99
Former world heavyweight champion, Gerrie Coetzee
Stanger Muslim Association PBO 930037576 Banking Details SMA First National Bank Account No.: 62302492955 Branch Code: 250655 Reference: Computer Contact: Ahmed S. Mitha 083 786 4298 Mohammed Motala 083 710 1000 ML Kassim Kulu - 072 925 2541 Yusuf Nakooda - 083 519 7866 We are raising funds to purchase a computer for a student in need of it. Closing date: 2 February 2023 FUNDRAISING Contributions can be made to Target is R20 000
@SUPERSPARSTANGER STANGER Tel: 032 437 3000 Email: stanger1@retail.spar.co.za STANGER @ images vary from the actual product as these images are not an exact representation of the goods. sale CAKE SUNDAY AVAILABLE ON SUNDAY 22nd JANUARY 2023 ONLY Glazed Croissants 599 BUY 6 & GET 4 FREE each Cadbury Chocolate Slabs Assorted 80g Reboost Energy Drink 500ml 3199 each Bokomo Traditional Oats 1kg 2999 each Sunshine D Lite Tub 1kg Natures Garden Country Mix or Garden Mix 1kg FRESH CHOICE 2999 each Bakers Mini Cheddars, Eet Sum Mor, Ginger Nuts, Salticrax, Marie or Tennis 198g/200g 3999 each SPAR Pork Sausages 375g 3999 each Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite or Stoney 6x300ml 5499each Riz Blue Crab Portions 400g BUTCHER’S CHOICE BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS SPAR Good Living A4 Counter Book Feint & Margin 1 quire 96 page 1349 4913 2 quire 192 page1699 9916 3 quire 288 page2599 9925 SPAR Good Living A4 Exam Pads 80 page 1179 7911 each SPAR Good Living A4 College Exercise Book Feint and Margin 72page 499 99 each Typek Office Paper A4 (500 Sheets) 7299 9972 Each 1599 9915 each SPAR Good Living A4 Slip On Covers 10s SPAR Good Living A4 Soft Cover Display File 20 page 1799 9917 30 page 2399 9923 50 page 3999 9939 3200 2 BUY ANY FOR I & J Hake Bakes 360g Per kg21000 00210 Kashmiri Extra Special Premix Omni Gold Anti Mark Cream BUY 3 FOR 7900 0079 Pea Dholl 1kg Prepacked each 1899 9918 Sugar Beans 1kg Prepacked each 3799 9937 Fresh Rotis Per Dozen4199 9941 3 Samoosas + Chai Tea Per combo2300 0023 3999 Red Grapes 1,5kg Each Mangoes 899Each 1999 Red Peach/ Apricot / Red Plum /Yellow Cling Peach / Nectarine Per tub Chicken Gizzards 4599 per kg Riversmead 10 piece Chicken Braai Pack 4999 per kg Fresh Venison Pack 8999 per kg Warthog pack 5999 per kg 999 Long Brinjal Per kg 2699 Red Apples 1.5kg Each Specials available at SUPERSPAR STANGER ONLY from Wednesday 18th January 2023 to Sunday 22nd January 2023, while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices include VAT. No traders please. 9999 2 BUY ANY FOR Frys Chicken Style Burger 320g Rainbow Simply Chicken Polony 1kg 6299 each Get an extra off 4 ewards Customers Pay 1398 Buy Any 2 for 1798 per combo per combo COMBO Thirsti Still Water 500ml 1800 3 BUY ANY FOR 8999 each Riz Cut and De Veined Large Prawn 350g 3499 each 3899 each Dairymaid Country Fresh Ice Cream Assorted 2lt 5599 each SPAR Full Cream Maas 2kg 2499 each 1299 Round Calabash Per kg Stewing Beef 7999 per kg 10999 each Savemor Dog Food 8kg Pork Shoulder Chops 6999 per kg January 18, 2023 XPress

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