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September 21, 2022XPress

Comprehensive plan to ameliorate power crisis

Overtime capping

Nhaca stressed however that no effort will be spared in achieving minimization of overtime expenditure.“Wewill be using available expenditure for financing prioritized posts in the knowledge that KwaDukuza has a record of overspending on overtime. This has been our commitment at ensuring that overtime costs are minimized considering the fact that we have contractors on the ground who

Part of the proposed plan, Nhaca elaborated, was for Council to consider critical posts within the electrical department, with the introduction of the shift system being the ultimate end goal.

KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca is taking steps to ensure that unplanned electricity outages become a thing of the past. This comes after the area has been experiencing frequent unplanned outages, exacerbated by severe loadshedding in the past few days.

FREE copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Mandini, Isithebe, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop 21 SEPTEMBER 2022 BEE LEVEL3 BBEEACCREDITATONB••5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger • Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net Follow us on times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER Promotion partners: Stand a chance to win an instant prize in store when purchasing Monroe Shocks or Ferodo Brakes into the season with Monroe and Ferodo! No traders * E&OE Mon-Fri : 8am to 5pm Sat : 7am to 3pm Sun : 8am to 1pm OFFERS FROM 21-25 SEPTEMBER OR WHILE STOCKS LAST! A proudly women empowerment initiative 7kg Soft PotatoesCooking 4 TULIP Cell:oppLINDLEYCell:STANGERROAD,MANOR0762133369STREET,David’sFishShop)0784077772 Many more instore specials available for the fasting period. Tomatoes 2kg 2000 Bananas kg 1200 Dry Chillies PrepackedPacket Friday is Market Day at discounted prices Red/Green Herbs 2 FOR 10009994500 Red Apples 1kg 1200 Large English CucumbersEach Raddish Bunch WatercressHerbs 2000 3 FOR 3 FOR 1000 Green PrepackedPepperPack 1200 5999 ImportedLargeGarlickg 999 500 Thyme/CurryLeaves 10005 FOR Dhania im 49 Mahatma Gandhi Str. Tel : (032) 551 1522 WhatsAppEach"Add" to 081 480 5521 to receive weeklyAdjustable10”specialsWrench Builders Line 0.9mm x 100m Shelving DarkeningAdjustablefromBracketsAutoWeldingHelmetFragram 115 Angle Grinder 650W R21R470 Stove6”Plate Table Top Stainless Steel Gas Stove with Complete Fittings ½” Copper Elbow & Coupler Grass Slasher R650 WardrobeFlap2LocalDoorUp R360Local 2 Door Kitchen Base R460 Local 3 Door Kitchen Base R70R485R187R220Stove8”Plate R55R30 R315 Datsun GoIsuzu BakkieToyotaSedanEtios NP200 Bakkie with canopyBOSSVEHICLEbosshiring@telkomsa.netwww.bosscarhire.co.zaHIRE BOSS VEHICLE HIRE (PTY) LTD Tel.: 032 551 STANGER4904 Cash/Debit & Credit cards accepted Cell: 083 786 4298 2 CartonTrailer BT03 Venter Trailer Open Public Holidays and Sundays 8.30am to 11.30am BT06 1.6 ton Trailer (for cattle) Nissan Livina 7 seater Suzuki Ertiga 7 seater REG NO. 2022/406714/07 22 MercedesseaterSprinter 14 seater Toyota Quantum NB. We provide a driver for these vehicles

Nhaca believes there is a need to build more capacity for the electrical department.“Aspart of my oversight responsibilities in the wake of the outages last Sunday, 11 September 2022, I visited the affected substations accompanied by senior officials and on Monday, 12 September 2022, I convened an urgent meeting with certain council office bearers, the Municipal Manager, and senior officials and I also had a subsequent meeting with technicians from the Electricity Department in a bid to take stock of events which led to outages and to get a full sense of clarity on the extent of the“Frommatter.this whole exercise, I was also able to establish that the outages were a direct result of a technical oversight that is attributed to the ongoing load shedding which in principle requires human capacity from the point of supply since the system is not automated and therefore requires manual switching. In the case of the weekend, this did not happen. The bulk of the problem then rests on the shoulders of Council to consider beefing-up human capacity in the electricity business unit to ensure that

CRISIS: KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca (3rd from left) together with her deputy Thulani Ntuli (4th from left) and senior officials are seen outside one of the substations

we have technicians deployed across sub-stations to address uncertainties,” Nhaca said.

Reports have also been making rounds about municipal technicians being on an “unofficial go slow” to attend to network failures, due to a dispute with the municipality over overtime capping.

Continued on Page 4

To this end, a special virtual Council meeting was convened last week to consider a new comprehensive plan that Nhaca hopes will ease the crisis.

FREETHISBUY GET THIS September 21, 2022PAGE 2 XPress

FRESH CHOICE Get an extra off30 ewards Customers Pay 19999 each Promotional 229Price99each Get an extra off5 ewards Customers Pay 3500 Buy Any 2 4000for MULTI-BUY @SUPERSPARSTANGER STANGER Tel: 032 437 3000 Email: stanger1@retail.spar.co.za STANGER@ images vary from the actual product as these images are not an exact representation of the goods. sale CAKE CroissantsGlazed SUNDAY AVAILABLE ON SUNDAY 25th SEPTEMBER 2022 ONLY 599 BUY 6 & GET 4 FREE each Per kg1195000095 Kashmiri Extra Special Premix Pea PrepackedDholl1kgeach 11699996 Sugar Beans Prepacked1kg each 33799997 ButterEgglesBarBiscottoBiscuits 1kg each 1139999939 Fresh RotisPerDozen44199991 each Assorted Sweetmeats Tray 34349999 JHD Soya Prawns each500g 44299992 MaharaniSellaBasmatiRice5kgeach 1199999999each 11499994 Soya Chunks or Mince 200g prepacked each 22699996 Eggless Instant Noodles 400g Fresh Culls 6999 each Venisonpack 7999 per kg6999 per kgMutton(A/BPack) 11999 Mallies Vermicelli 400g BUY 2 FOR 22499994 Wide Range of Prayer Goods Available Instore Specials available at SUPERSPAR STANGER ONLY from Wednesday 21st September 2022 to Sunday 25th September 2022, while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices include VAT. No traders please. Aquelle Still Water 5 litre 1999 each All Gold Tomato Sauce 700ml 2799 each Doritos Chips Assorted 145g Fanta, Sprite or Stoney Regular Range Only 2.25lt SPAR Kitchen Towels 4s 3499 each SPAR Paper Plates 10s 1199each SPAR Good Living Large Braai Stand SPAR 5kgFirewood 3599 each SPAR 4kgCharcoalGradeRestaurant 5999 eachSPAR Firelighters12s SPAR Woof Dog Chunks (excludingAssorted Puppy) 8kg 13999 each Huggies Dry Comfort Nappies Value (44s/50s/58s/Pack66sor76s) 15999 each Dettol AssortedSoap175gFreshpak RooibosTeabagsTagless80s 3499 each Cadbury (excludingSlabsChocolateAssortedBubbly)150g 2799 each Monster Energy 500mlAssortedDrink Bakers Eet Sum Mor AssortedBiscuits200g 2299 each Brookes Oros 2AssortedSquashlitre 3599 each Jungle Oats 1kg 2999 each Liqui Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Assorted 1 litre 2199each 36002 ANYBUY FOR 40002 ANYBUY FOR Get an extra off10 ewards Customers Pay 19999 each Promotional 209Price99each SPAR Good 26ltCoolerLivingBoxAssorted 20002 ANYBUY FOR 29002 ANYBUY FOR each 33899998 TommysMarinatedMinceSoyaorChunks250g GizzardsChicken 3999 per kg Pork Braai Chops 5999 per kgwingsDrummetesTurkey/orthighsper kg SPAR 3kgBriquettesCharcoal 4299 each Nescafe Ricoffy (excluding750gDecaff) 8699 each September 21, 2022 PAGE 3XPress

Council says it is taking cognizance of the health and well being of municipal employees in response to concerns that some employees have been working excessively long hours, thereby impacting negatively on their health and family life.

with any outages afterhours including weekends,” Nhaca stated.

Dolphin Coast Hospice celebrates Spring Day

The Dolphin Coast Hospice had a fun time out celebrating Spring Day at The Quartz Conference Centre

Dolphin Coast Hospice patients, board members, nursing staff and volunteers were invited to spend the Day at the Quartz Conference Centre.

• That Council invests more resources towards fault finding and turnaround time in responding to electrical failures. This includes fast-tracking the implementation of the SCADA system which forms part of our new approach on service delivery through the Senzalula programme.•Thatweensure that all deployed staff and contractors are closely monitored when they are dealing

September 21, 2022PAGE 4 XPress

Continued from Page 1 complement the work of the department.“Overthe years, there have been general concerns by Councillors, the Audit Committee, AuditorGeneral and the public over the excessive overtime that is incurred by individual employees and noncompliance with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. The Act prescribes that an employee must work at least forty (40) hours per month. In that sense, we will be ensuring that we adhered to the following:

Council determined to reduce overtime and end outages

“We also wish to caution members of the public to refrain from joining those who are using this challenge as an opportunity to sow divisions between the community and members of the council.

“There has also been misinformation about the genesis of our challenges. This could have been created by inadequate communication from council which is something that we highly regret and will be working towards improving. We would like to urge members of the public to consider following official municipal communication platforms on social media and communication from their ward councillors.

“We are committed to ensuring that the electricity grid remains stable based on our contingency plans that we have looked at in the wake of the outages whilst in pursuit of a long-standing solution,” the Mayor stated.

Pravesh and Vashnie Harrypersadh and their family members went out of their way to entertain their guests.On arrival they were treated to a warm breakfast and thereafter partook in an array of fun activities such as modelling, dancing, games and karaoke. The patients really let their hair down and enjoyed every moment of the fun. At about midday, they all were treated to a fantastic lunch, catering for everyone's need.“It was the patients' first outing after the lockdown therefore our heartfelt thanks goes out to all who made this day so special and memorable.“Onceagain, we appeal to the public to help in any way they can by calling Thilo Naidoo on (083) 686-5155 or Vilo Moodley on (084) 566-1119,” The Hospice said.

• That overtime is capped to ensure that employees get adequate time to rest and be with their families.•That the Shift System in the electrical business unit is urgently implemented through prioritizing posts and filling vacancies.

September 21, 2022 PAGE 5XPress

Reed Dance ceremony (eMkhosini woMhlanga). Some of the maidens decided to camp outside the municipality for the whole night, hoping that authorities would change the minds about transporting them to AfterNongoma.aphoto of the maidens freezing in the cold weather outside the municipality made rounds on social media, KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca came under heavy criticism, with

comments vented on social media, it's clear the municipality will need more than this statement to appease the incensed local residents.“Afterfailing to transport the girls (to Nongoma) why couldn't they at least open up the Town Hall to accommodate them? I wonder who appointed this lady to be the mayor,” one user wrote, referring to MayorAnotherNhaca.user felt that KwaDukuza was the “most useless municipality” in SA. Nevertheless, the municipality argues that transport was made

A strange and “baseless” protest. This is how some people have described a protest action staged by young maidens from KwaDukuza, who were intent on attending the annual Reed

Most useless

HOCKED: Mayor Lindile Nhaca is shocked that the girls spent the freezing night outdoors

Mayor to probe Reed Dance protest

“In light of this development, the municipal leadership led by the mayor convened an urgent meeting with chaperones (matrons) to discuss a way-forward. This meeting agreed in principle that the trip was to be cancelled and the decision will affect all maidens,” stated the municipality.

Mayor Nhaca says the matter will be investigated thoroughly, and to this end, she has already received a preliminary report from the relevant officials.

The municipality says the problem was caused by a late communique from the KZN Department of Arts and Culture. KwaDukuza EXCO

had initially approved the names of 585 maidens from KwaDukuza to be part of event, however DAC indicated that, due to budgetary constraints, only 250 girls would be accommodated from KwaDukuza.“TheKwaDukuza local organising committee on Friday midday, received formal communication from the Department Arts and Culture, informing the local organising that it had resolved to a new arrangement to reduce the


By Xpress Reporter

Tens of maidens remained

wereriskywasenvironmenttodecisiondisregardedmaidenstoNongoma.“Itwassurprisinglearnthatthisbyoptingbeexposedtoanthatunquestionablywhiletheyafforded several opportunities to go back home but elected to remain outside the municipal building.

“I can confirm that some maidens together with their chaperones who were identified at the municipal precinct during late hours did so in defiance of the decision that was supported by their matrons as well as councillors,” Nhaca maintains.Themunicipality says a full report will be presented to the Department of Arts and Culture and to Council, after all the investigative processes have been completed.


number of participating maidens from 250 to 150 and therefore will be only issuing 150 accreditation tags.

some people labelling her as “uncaring”.However the municipality says it was “shocked” to learn through social media platforms that the girls had apparently been “deserted”.

PROTEST: outside KwaDukuza Municipality, demanding to the to Nongoma for the Reed Dance ceremony


However judging by the

available to ferry the maidens back to their homes, but some of them refused, and opted to stay put, demanding to be transported to

SA to HeritageNationalobserveDay

September 21, 2022 PAGE 13XPress MASSIVECLEARANCE Sale starts from 21 September 2022 till 1 October 2022 or while stocks last. No lay byes on promotional products. E&OE. We accept Credit & Debit Cards We also sell raw materials for re-upholstery to the public at wholesale prices (Foam, Fabric, Staples etc…) Stanger: 2 Croton Place, Stanger Industrial Park (opposite Jacksons) (Zaffs) Tel: 032 551 1470 WE DO RECOVERY AND RE-UPHOLESTERY ON LOUNGE SUITES AND DINING CHAIRS. MANY MORE INSTORE SPECIALS Sale starts from 21 September 2022 till 1 October 2022 or while stocks last 20%-50%SSALEALE discount on selected items

Heritage Day on 24 September recognises and celebrates the cultural wealth of our nation. South Africans celebrate the day by remembering the cultural heritage of the many cultures that make up the population of South Africa. Various events are staged throughout the country to commemorate this day.Living heritage is the foundation of all communities and an essential source of identity and continuity. Aspects of living heritage include: cultural tradition, oral history, performance, ritual, popular memory, skills and techniques, indigenous knowledge system and the holistic approach to nature, society and social relationships. In South Africa the term “intangible cultural heritage” is used interchangeably with the term “living heritage”. Living heritage plays an important role in promoting cultural diversity, social cohesion, reconciliation, peace and economic development. In every community there are living human treasures who possess a high degree of knowledge, skills and history pertaining to different aspects of diverse living heritage. It is therefore important for South Africans to reclaim, restore and preserve these various aspects of living heritage to accelerate the use of living heritage to address challenges communities are facing today.

· The Department of Social Development is looking for the biological father of Zungu Buhle Goodman and Zungu Kewanee Business. Their late biological mother was Ms Nikeziwe Jabu

Help parentsnaturalfind

Ntombiyenkosi Vivian. Her late biological mother was Dube Lona Duduzile. Anyone with information please contact Mrs Maseko on (032) 552-5246.

The Department of Arts and Culture developed a draft policy on the South African living heritage. This policy, once adopted, will set the tone for the South African Agenda and highlight the following roles: safeguarding living heritage as a valuable resource for future generations and Heritage Day is a public holiday.

Zungu. Anyone with information please contact Mrs Maseko on (032) 552-5246.·The Department of Social Development is looking for the biological father of Dube

By Xpress Reporter

September 21, 2022PAGE 14 XPress Rand Currency exchange 5DayForecastXpress 15oC 14oC 17oC 17oC 20oC min.min.min.min.min. o27 C o24 C o27 C o33 C max.max.max.max.max. Wed 21 Thurs 22 Sat 24Fri 23 Sun 25


One Japanese Yen = R0.12

“To be successful, you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can't just accept the ones you like.” Mike Gafka

Ward 11 Councillor Zakhele Carlos Khuzwayo

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better.” Jim “SuccessRohn is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right.” Gary Keller

“Lastly, we are calling upon ANC structures, all progressive forces and leaders of society to pray for the Khuzwayo family during this difficult period,” stated ANC.Meanwhile the party's leadership in the General Gizenga Mpanza Region visited the bereaved family on Friday last week, to convey its condolences. In a statement, the Regional Executive Committee (REC) said, “As the Region, we are saddened by the passing of one of our leaders. We wish to convey our deepest condolences to his family and (to) the ANC family as a whole”.Thememorial service for the deceased will take place tomorrow (Thursday), at Maphumulo Town Hall, starting at 13:00.

· Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba kaNxumalo Akhona ozalwa nguMiss Nxumalo Immaculate Princess. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte usonhlalakahle u N Bhengu ku (032) 552-5246.

Ward 11 Councillor Zakhele Carlos Khuzwayo was gunned down on Thursday last week, sparking fear that the tentacles of KZN's political killings could have

have taken a decision as the ANC to call on ANC Deputy Secretary Cde Sipho Hlomuka, in his capacity as the MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison to lead a programme focusing on inculcating a culture of political tolerance as one of the critical interventions.“Inthisregard, we believe that the Provincial MultiParty Political Oversight Committee on Interventions which was established in preparation for the elections of 18 May 2011 will play a critical role in intensifying these“Theinterventions.approach of the Multi-party Political Committee is to alert members of parties of the importance of peaceful negotiations where arguments or disagreements

One Indian Rupee = R0.22


“Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from no and make a brandnew ending.” Carl Bard

As published on Tuesday, 20 September 2022

One US Dollar = R17.65

“Desire is the key to motivation, but it is determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal a commitment to excellence that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” Mario Andretti

One British Pound = R20.22

· The Department of Social Development is looking for the biological father of Gumede Phiwayinkosi Alfred. His late biological mother was Gumede Zinhle Rebecca. Anyone with information please contact Mrs Maseko on (032) 552-5246.

ANC demands answers after councillor murdered

The ANC has called on Police Minister Bheki Cele to move with speed in investigating Khuzwayo's and many similar killings in KwaZulu-Natal. The murder of councillors in KZN has once again reared its ugly face, prompting police to designate these type of crime as top Thepriority.party says KZN Provincial Police Commissioner General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi needs to appoint the best investigators to probe the murder of Cllr Khuzwayo.

One Euro = R17.71

One Australian Dollar = R11.86

Khuzwayo's murder comes hot on the heels of the murder of an IFP councillor in uMsinga recently.

The ANC in KwaZuluNatal has reacted with outrage to the murder of its councillor in Maphumulo.

One Swiss Franc = R18.32


18 C

“In as much as the police are investigating political related killing cases and effecting arrests in KZN, we

surface, particularly those of a political nature,” the ANC said.The party has further called for peace and stability in the province's political space, adding that leaders of political parties needed to play a critical role in promoting political tolerance and political conflict resolution through peaceful means.“The leadership of the parties are able to intervene to stabilise membersandprocessanypartyisareas.securitybyinterventionssituations.conflictSucharesupportedtheimplementationofplansforaffectedDuringthisprocessitofcriticalimportancethatleadershipcondemnviolenceandcommittoatore-establishpeacetoleranceamongtheoftheirparties.

· Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba kaZulu Sbonelo ozalwa nguMiss Zulu Bukani Florence. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte usonhlalakahle uN Bhengu ku (032) 552-5246.

· Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba kaNtuli Lungelo ozalwa nguMiss Ntuli Buyelaphi Mathiphi. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte u u N. Bhengu ku (032) 552-5246.

SunnywithCloudyrain CloudyPartly CloudyPartly

DECEASED: Maphumulo

spread to iLembe District.


with their sponsors

Glenhills Volleyball Club will host a car Show and Shine and Sound off this coming Heritage Day, Saturday September 24 at the KwaDukuza Mall Entrance 3 commencing at 11am. Glenhills, a newly formed volleyball club playing under KwaDukuza Volleyball Association, have promised a fun filled day for the whole family.Theentry fee to the Sound Off is set at R150 with the Show and Shine costing the same. The parking off will cost R100 and Glenhills have promised lots of prizes to all present. They have also ensured that strict security will be present.

Down to the wire for Springboks

September 21, 2022PAGE 16 XPress Valid from 21/09/2022 to 25/09/2022 E&OE while stocks last Offers for Ballito, Moffat Drive Tel: 032 - 586 0230/1/2/3 63 Balcomb Street, Stanger Tel: 032 - 551 4161 62 Main Street, Gingindlovu Tel: 060 676 1124 Richelieu750ml Hunters24x440mlExtreme750mlBells Vat 750ml69 Castle24x500mlLager R269.99R169.99 R469.99R209.99 R169.99 OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: • Resurfacing Cylinder Head & Block • Cylinder Resleeving / Boring & Honing • Cylinder Head Valve Jobs • Pressure Testing / Crank Testing • Crank Grinding / Conrod Repairs • In-House Dyno 14-16 BLUE STREET, ISITHEBE (NEXT TO POWERTRANS) TEL.: 032 459 5700 / 032 552 3845 / 082 555 4925 R999 Offers valid while stocks last. T’s & C’s Apply.E&OEOffers valid while stocks last T s & C s Apply E&OE R999 1.6BranchesCorolla Contact Nikki : 071 173 1414 R999 BranchesPolo R999 1.3 BranchesTazzGolf Branch1 R150 R1499R150 R1499 OpelBranchesCorsa R20 RubbersExhaustfromTailfromPipes 22 King Shaka Street, Dawnside, stanger opp Tyre Track R1000 SystemExhaustfrom

Taurus Volleyball Club are back on the firing mood once again in their league fixture against Manor Old Boys in an exciting clash played under the auspices of the KwaDukuza Volleyball Association last Thursday.

Cool Leaders who are known for to their cool start proved that these stalwarts

are no pushovers when it comes to big match temperament. They stunned the youthful Styles squad 25-

Glenhills to host Show and Shine

So, car enthusiasts book your date to this fun filled.

Cool Leaders somehow found their second breathe in the final set racing to victory winning it 15-4.

Win and hope the resurgent Wallabies gain revenge over the All Blacks.Thatwould be the ideal equation for the Springboks in their quest to nick the Rugby Championship title from their old foes. The Boks' 36-20 victory in the Argentinian capital means they are level on 14 log points with the New Zealanders, who only occupy first position because of a superior points difference of 13.

Yet this situation almost didn't pan out. The All Blacks believed the Argentinians had done them a favour in Buenos Aires on Saturday night before magical Makazole and Malcolm tore up the script at the death.

19 in the first set. Styles found their rhythm going into the second set drawing level to 1-1 winning 25-16.

nil advantage. But the Mapimpi-Marx combo, which led to the score that restored the Boks' three-try buffer, provedShoulddecisive.Australia, who can still win the title with a full-house victory, not be able to topple the New Zealanders at their Eden Park fortress but prevent them from getting a bonus point, a five log-point win for the South Africans would be required to claim the title. If both the Boks and All Blacks win and end on the same number of log points, the points differential will determine theTotitle.emphasise the competitiveness of this year's tournament, Argentina are still mathematically in the race but would require a bonus point victory over the Boks while preventing their hosts in Durban from gaining any bonus points as well as Australia only winning without an additional log point.The All Blacks would also need to be totally shut out.

Taurus firing again

Grove End, the early contenders for the league title were given a shocking way wake up call by an upand-coming debutantes Legacy. In a hard-fought encounter in the opening set, Grove End held on to a 25-20 win. Legacy proved their prowess in the second set matching Grove End in all departments. Grove End though maintained their undefeated position winning the set KSST27-25.easily demolished Vipers 25-10 in the first set. However, Vipers in the second set found extra energy and fought back into the game. They could not however match the experience of the KSST and succumbed 20-25.

MOB under their new found rhythm gained this year were no push overs in the opening set giving it their all in a close fought affair. They pushed Taurus all the way until Taurus engaged into another gear in the closing stages of the set. This ensured that Taurus lift the first set 25-20 in front of their enthusiastic support and their sponsors.Taurus stepped up their tempo in the second set and MOB could not respond. Taurus cruised to their victory beating MOB easily 25-12.

By the 78th minute of a thriller, the Springboks were stuck with a fourtries-to-two count, which would've put them out of the running for a bonus point. It would've felt all very deflating after the South Africans had established a 22-6 lead at halftime, more importantly boasting a 3-tries-to-

The work of the RTT will be to lead the League on an interim basis, while preparing for the regional elective conference, which will be convened soon.

which competes the Social League.Ilembe Social League caters for players over the age of 35.


Heritage celebration at Dawnview Primary

HERITAGE: Dawnview Primary School celebrated Heritage Day on Monday this with learners and educators looking resplendent apparel. Pictured are some


Kwa Dukuza Primary School, Led by EMS teacher Mrs N Nene held a Career Day on Friday, 9 September 2022 for all Grade 7 learners. Learners dressed in the uniform of their chosen profession and expressed their thoughts on their selection. CAREER: Seen in the picture are some of the learners along with Departmental head Mrs S. Rajaram and Grade 7 educators Mrs M. Naidoo, Mr S. Thusi and Mrs N. Nene

September 21, 2022XPress ZAKARIYYA MUSLIM SCHOOL 57 MAHATHMA GANDHI STREET STANGER 032 552 1753 email: zms@telkomsa.net VACANCIES 1. H.O.D. Commerce 2. H.O.D. Languages 3. H.O.D. Foundation Phase 4. Afrikaans Educator FET Phase 5. English Educator Senior & FET APPLICATION CRITERIA: • Quote post applying for. • Experienced in Relative Phase Teaching. • Professionally Qualified. • Must be SACE Registered • Conscientious & Committed. COMMENCEMENT DATE : 16 JANUARY 2023 Application Closing Date : 30 September 2022. Applicants to email CV’s to: zms@telkomsa.net Only successful candidates will be informed of the shortlisting and interview. As a result of contracts of Educator’s expiring at the end of the 2022 academic year, the following vacancies have become available for the 2023 academic year: DENZO TAXI CENTRE • Engine Oil • Oil Filter • Air Filter • Fuel Filter (Diesel models only) • Spark Plugs (Petrol models only) • Engine Coolant - Top Up if needed • Gearbox Oils - Top Up if needed • Diff Oils - Top Up if needed • V-belts • Brake and Clutch Fluids - Top Up if needed • Power Steering Fluids - Top Up if needed • Brake Discs and Pads • Drums and Linings • Check and Adjust Handbrake • Exhaust Pipes and Mountings • Steering Wheel and Linkages • Ball Joints and Front Suspension • Prop Shaft and U-joints • Radiator and Hoses • Full Check and Report All prices are applicable to Quantum Models 2005 - 2018 MORE INFORMATION Telephone Number : 032 551 2582 Email : Addressdensoautotec@gmail.com:18ClarkRoad,Dawnside E&OE Taxi Tuesday Special! FULL SERVICE *R1500 * PRICES ONLY VALID ON TUESDAYS Normal Price: R1750 QualityOEM Parts SUMMER 2022 SPECIAL Items to be replaced: Items to be checked/inspected: Minor Service - R950 Supply and Fit Cambelt - R1250 Suppy and Fit Brake Pads - R550 Front Wheel Bearing Hub Assy - R1650* Front Discs and Pads - R1850 Diesel Filter - R550 Air Filter R250 Spark Plugs - R550 Coil Packs - R950 each Diagnostics - R350 V-belt - R850 * Excludes Quantum Hi Ace Xpress Times sponsors iLembe Social League SPONSORSHIP: Yunus Dahlia from Xpress Times (right) is seen handing over the sponsorship to Sbu Gwame from Pick n Pay (left) Xpress Times Newspaper has handed over a sponsorship towards the upcoming tournament of the iLembe Social League. The collection of trophies of various sizes, to be presented Entrepreneurship Day at KwaDukuza PrimarySeeninthepicturesarethelearnersduringtheday'sactivities. Grade 7 learners at KwaDukuza Primary School held their Entrepreneurs Day on Friday, 16 September 2022. It was a joyous day as all learners and educators supported

EMS educator Mrs N. Nene heaped praise on her learners for their productive enthusiasm and encouraging entrepreneurial skills.

in traditional

the exciting programme.

The convenor of the RTT is Dolly Shandu, the Speaker of iLembe District Municipality, who will be assisted by coordinator Silindile Zondi. Tasked with fundraising for the interim structure is Nombulelo Xulu.


of the learners ad educators.

Primary holds Career Day

The ANC Women's League KZN Provincial Task Team (PTT) has announced the appointment of the League's Regional Task Team (RTT) for the General Gizenga Mpanza Region.

to the winners, was handed over to the Manager of Pick ñ Pay (Ushaka Mall), Mr Sbu Gwame, who requested the sponsorship on behalf of the League. Gwame is part of the Pick n Pay football Club

Women's League appoints interim structure

The additional members of the RTT are Zodwa Ntuli, Zandile Sishi, Thembeka Sithole, Phumlile Ntuli, Kitimeng Mpanza, Gugu Dladla, Khanyisile

Nkosi, Hlengiwe Makhatha, Sibongile Ntuli, Sesi Cindi, Nomveliso Nomvete and Mamly Nzuza.

September 21, 2022 XPress

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