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Ashveer Singh and his sister Reshmi are gearing up to conquer Mount Everest, not only for personal glory but also to raise awareness for literacy and to inspire the youth of our community into becoming more passionate about living life to the fullest. Ashveer is a young 26 year old educator at KwaDukuza Primary School.

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Laylatul Qadr

Laylatul Qadr

They will depart for Kathmandu next week March 31 from where they will take a short flight to the most dangerous airport in Lukla. From there they will begin their journey to the Mount Everest base camp and then a 14 day trek that will take them to an elevation of 5555m or 18208 feet above sea level where they

will be surrounded by breathtaking views of the iconic Mount Everest peak.


Sister Reshmi summitted Mount Kilimanjaro in 2018. To train for this journey they have incorporated strength training, cardiovascular training and a variety of breathing techniques. They also spent time in Lesotho hiking to acclimatize at higher altitudes.

The trip and climb is also a fund raising initiative called 'TREK FOR LITERACY' where the community can donate books, cash or computers to KwaDukuza Primary School.

For those that wish to donate can contact KwaDukuza Primary School on 032 551 1953.

Mundal to celebrate Raam Naumee

The Shri Sanathan Mundal will be celebrating Raam Naumee at 21 Greyridge Drive, Stanger Heights, from Wednesday 22nd March 2023 to Wednesday, 29th March 2023, daily from 6pm tp 8pm. And then again on Thursday, 30th March 20234, from 9am to 12noon. Lunch will be served. All are welcome and kindly invited to attend the celebration. For any further information, please contact the President, Mr Rabi Hanuman on (083) 465-3303.

A nostalgic trip down memory lane

I grew up in Amatikulu, A name given by a mighty Zulu. The men toiled in the sugar mill, By the sweat of their brow, against their will, They had no option, considering so many to feed, Survival was their instinct and everyone's need.

great hype, Usually revived, using a long blow-pipe. Our mother's eyes, covered in smoke, She sometimes shed tears, and would often choke.

In winter the ladies would often shiver, When they washed their clothes, in the local river.

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Meat was a luxury, eaten once a week, Vegetables were galore, which the elders would seek.

To receive monthly ration, we were so eager, For what could you do, with wages sop meagre?

In spite of the hardships, the trials and tribulations, We were happy at heart, with such great jubilations.

The fireplace I remember, with much

A pleasanter place, you would rarely find, Then Amatikulu, my birthplace, where you could unwind.

The people were indeed sociable and caring, They were overly passionate, in giving and sharing.

When I reminisce, I often tear, But we lived merrily, without fear.

By Mr Thota Sahadev Retired Principal (ex-KwaDukuza Primary) Former resident (Amatikulu)


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