FORCE “ While we breathe, we shall defend” 032 552 4357 Working together to ensure your safety at SUPERSPAR STANGER Wishing SUPERSPAR STANGER a Happy 25th Birthday! 032 437 8111 info@taurussecurity.org.zaCall us on 032 437 3700 SECURE SOLUTIONS An ALLIED UNIVERSAL Company 032 552 info@k9security.co.za2332 WE SAFEYOURLOVEDKEEPSOLUTIONSCUSTOMPROVIDESECURITYTOYOU,YOURONE'S&PROPERTY GUARDING•ALARM MONITORING•ARMED RESPONSE OFFICE (24/7) : 032-551 6893 CONTROL ROOM (24/7) : 061 455 2942 EMAIL : cmfsecurity@telkomsa.net YOUR SAFETY IS PRIORITY SSECURITYECURITY nforce@telkomsa.net MONITORING AND ARMED RESPONSE 24hr Emergency Medical & Security Control Room • ResponseArmed24hrs • Unarmed & Armed Guards • AmbulancePrivateService STANGER times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us is proud to be associated with CongratulationsSTANGERSUPERSPAR.andbestwishesonyour25thbirthday. SECURITY August 24, 2022 XPress

August 24, 2022XPress

August 24, 2022 XPress

FREE copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Mandini, Isithebe, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop 24 AUGUST 2022 BEE LEVEL3 BBEEACCREDITATONB••5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger • Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net Follow us on times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER • Car Services • Exhaust • 3D Wheel Alignment • Batteries • Tyre Enhancement • Latest Styles Mag Wheels SPECIALISING IN: Boston City Campus (Pty) Ltd Reg. No.1996/013220/07 is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No.101 of 1997). Registration Certifificate No. 2003/HE07/002. Contact us on 082 237 4089 5 DAYS SPECIAL! 28/08/2022 MunchiesSimba12x54g CooldrinkTwizza6x2lt50x30gVikingBites 50x20gChipsWWE Five Star Salt 500g 1000 LollipopsCandyCape50’s 3999 SunfoodsCookies3.5kg 5999 39993399 OriginalPepsi6x2lt 5999 50x20gWWECorn37399999 4999 3 FOR 9999 40x500g im 49 Mahatma Gandhi Str. Tel : (032) 551 1522 Imported Wooden DividerBroomBed KingCoastalRoyalSingleShowerHose WashingOutletInletMachine&Hose R258” R3010” IronSolderingBrentwood SpadeFlat R170 3 KitchenLocalPieceUnit R1399 30W R125 60W R145 80W R165 40W R130 100W R999 R50 2mt R130 bootsGum R125R20R55 1.8mt R70 1.2mt R651.5mt Ea R1350 Mayor's ominous warning for “shoddy contractors”
“When the State of Disaster was declared in April 2022, all spheres of government and legislative bodies including Chapter 09 institutions spoke in one voice, agreeing that all disaster funds and donors should be free from any form of fraud and corruption,” Nhaca said. The focus of the adjusted capital expenditure will be on rehabilitation of damaged roads, storm water repairs and rebuilding of damaged bridges. All political parties in Council supported the someexpressedconcernswithbudget,adjustedalbeitminorbeingincases.
“The MFMA empowers the council to ensure that all funds are accounted for. One of the functions of this special technical committee will be to ensure that no money goes missing or goes to waste; our people can no longer afford to have roads and bridges that are sub-standard and shoddy,” stated Mayor Nhaca.
The Mayor further made it clear that a nononsense approach would be adopted when it came to the awarding of contracts. She stressed that all appointed contractors would
“The municipality hereby proposes the First Adjustment Budget as a result of an increase of R109 million in the Municipal Disaster Recovery Grant allocation. This means a change will be realised in the Transfer's Recognised Capital budget for 2022/2023 financial year as a result of the R109 million.
“The Civil Business Unit has also reprioritised the current 2022/2023 approved MIG funded capital projects to cater for further identified disaster-related projects. Various deliberations have occurred at the Budget Steering Committee level and although the needs on the ground are in excess of the funds available, the Civil Business Unit led the respective items and explained the allocation of the projects listed and the reprioritisation of the projects from the existing MIG budget,” Nhaca stated.
By Xpress Reporter oor workmanship on capital projects will not be tolerated inPKwaDukuza, as the municipality rolls out funding for repairs to infrastructural damages caused by the April floods. This was the ominous warning issued by Mayor Lindile Nhaca at the special Council meeting last week. The meeting had been scheduled to table the adjustment budget, after the municipality received the first tranche of the flood disaster grant from National Treasury, to the tune of R109Withmillion.thenew funds being added to the municipality's coffers, Mayor Nhaca aims to keep a close watch on expenditure, as she has also warned that the entire Flood Disaster Recovery Grant will be “democratised and well accounted for”. Nhaca says she has also instructed the municipal manager to establish a special technical committee that will oversee how the funds will be disbursed to contractors and other service providers.
“The approved Capital Budget for the 2022/2023 financial year is R510 million. The Adjusted Budget will increase by R94,8 million, which is a result of the R109 million, excluding vat. The vat portion of the grant has been catered for on the financial system in accordance with the Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations.
In total, the municipality has submitted a disaster recovery business plan amounting to R1.2 billion to the National Disaster Management Centre, through the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. (COGTA).
There wold also be no compromise on speed and efficiency, Nhaca warned.
NO CORRUPTION: KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca be required to demonstrate ability and the financial means to finish assigned projects.

Specials valid from 24 - 31 August 2022. T’s & C’s Apply. E&OE Desai’s CASH & CARRY 3 Enterprise Road, Stanger Tel : 032 552 3518 • Fax : 032 552 3179 • Cell : 076 734 4294 Email : info@desaiscnc.co.za • Website : www.desaiscnc.co.zaCASH & CARRY Desai’s Receive our Amazing Specials On Whatsapp Kindly text “ADD ME” to 076 734 4294 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices subject to change without prior notice. Pictures may vary from actual product. All Prices strictly cash. E&OE. WE ARE DELIVERING TO CERTAIN AREAS ONLY! T'S & C'S APPLY MINIMUM COST OF ORDER R250-00. RHODES JUICE 1LT SpecialsDays FRI/SAT/SUN 26-28 AUGUST Whilst Stocks Last. First Come, First Serve BLEACHMAGICMAMA1LT 3 AUNTRICECAROLINE10KG ETHEKWINI5X65GNOODLES EGGS LARGE SPRINGYOGHURTMEADOW1KG FATTIS & MACARONIMONIS500G SaskoWhitePremuim700g SaskoBrownPremium700g11595955 113505033 per customer3 per customer WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ONLY LUCKY PILCHARDSSTAR400G SRIRACHA CHILLI SAUCE 440ML FIVE ROSES AFRICAN BLEND TEABAGS 102’S LA ITALIANA400GMUNCHIES 2295 CHEMICO CLEANERDRAIN500G KE. OTELLA/ LA ITALIANA ORIGINAL & DUO SPREADHAZELNUT350G RAJAH 200G 11995 FARMSIDE BUTTER GHEE 1.5KG SKY POWDERWASHING2KG 3195 AZ ZAHRAA BASMATI RICE 5KG HULETTSSUGARBROWN2KG 4595 4795232495952695 1195 14095 LIQUILITCHIFRUITONLY1LT TRINCO100’STEABAGS 1995 KNORROX SOYA MINCE POLY BAG 400G 1995 MAGIC DISHWASHINGMAMALIQUID750ML 995 BAUMANNS SHORTBREAD 160G FARMGATE LONG LIFE MILK 6X1LT 2195 2795 2000 SIMBACHIPS120G 9395 1595 RAINBOW SHOWERPORTIONSMIXED2KGTOSHOWERROLL-ON50ML NOLA MAYONNAISE750G 2895 12795 5 DOZEN 4695 2.5 DOZEN 138959568 4KG 1895 1295 MIRACLE MOM BLEACH 1LT GLEN TEABAGS 100’S 11895958 TOP CLASS350GSHAKERLUCKY STAR BAKED BEANS 410G 895 1109595095139513 SPRING MEADOW FRESH MILK 2LT 2495 TOP CLASS SOUP 500G 307595955KG 1395 995 RISI MARIE 3X150G 1495 3 DAY BLITZ FRI, SAT & SUNSUNFOILSPECIALOIL5LT 19295 112959529573957300200020For2 For2 5295 POTATOES 10KG 1795 CARROTS 5KG 2695 ORANGES BAG 5295 ONIONS 7KG August 24, 2022 PAGE 3XPress

INDIGENOUS: Pictured (L to R) are Cllr Nerish Singh, MEC Amanda Bani-Mapena and iLembe District Mayor Cllr Thobani Shandu KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Sport, Arts and Culture Amanda Bani-Mapena has congratulated Team eThekwini Metro who were crowned champions of the 2022 KZN Indigenous Games. The two-day showpiece was held at Stanger High School, in KwaDukuza Local Municipality, under Ilembe Man nabbed for dealing in dagga
August 24, 2022PAGE 6 XPress manjras 29 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, Stanger Tel: 032 5522397 •UPGRADES •NEW CONTRACTS •PREPAID DEALS & LAYBYE 2x R349Y70HUAWEIPlus PM 70REDx36FlexiPMx36** RED CORE MORE DATA TOP UP 1GB 500MB Anytime 500MB Night-Owl 50MIN GB3010GBAnytime 10GB Night-time Includes 10GB Video Ticket PM x24 Data R149PM x24 S1Mobicel Valid for new contractsR720ItelR450V41 Cash(GoAndroidDualDual16GBpriceMemoryFlashSim10Edition) R179 Cash price Credit/ Debit AcceptedCardsMNS PRODUCTS MNS PRODUCTS“BUY MNS QUALITY PRODUCTS” HYPERSINGH’S POOJA SHOP 17 Lindley Street, Stanger • Telefax: 032 551 1683 • email: hypersing@telkomsa.net “THE FAMILY THAT SERVES YOU BETTER” GANESHA POOJA SPECIALS 5 for Ladoo 11999999 GaneshaReadymadeStringsGaneshaAgarbathi 22500005 OREachBox IN STOCK HypersinghsGaneshaLampButterGhee800g 1120000020 AgarbathiDarshanBharath 11999999 Brasso200ml 22500005 Jewellery Set Fancy Bangles 77000000 77000000 from Fancy Bangles 11000000 Coconut with water 999999 With full goods Evil Eye Dream Catcher 1500000150 DoorGaneshaGarland 99500005 from from 11000000 GaneshaFeatureWater 4990000499 GaneshaMurthi 22500005 PackEach Hawan Kund 1165000065 33rd ANNIVERSARY EXTENSION 33500005 50000 Evil Eye, Key Holders and ChainsHand A hearty farewell for retired headmaster It was a bitter sweet moment for staff and pupils and Nsongansonga Primary School in Maphumulo when the school officially bid farewell to its retired principal, Mrs Phumelele Mtshali.Mrs Mtshali went to retirement in April 2020. On Thursday last week the school FAREWELL: Retired school Principal Mrs Phumelele Mtshali (4th from left) together with her family, Awande Mtshali, Sikhumbuzo Mtshali, Sicelo Mtshali and Robert Mtshali Ilembe successfully hosts provincial Indigenous Games
Operation nets large drug haul
HAUL: A seized,heroinquantitylargeofwasandonesuspectplacedunderarrest
information was received about persons alleged to be dealing and/transporting drugs on the R102 near Shayamoya.Morethan 400 heroin capsules were seized. The suspect's vehicle was also seized for further investigation. The suspect was detained at Umhlali police station. to us
on 032
DAGGA: A man has been arrested for dealing on dagga A 41-year-old man was arrested in Isithebe last week after he was found to be allegedly dealing in dagga. Police have stated that Sergeant VS Mthalane and the Crime Prevention team received information about an African male who was said to be dealing in dagga, in the area of Zavutha in Isithebe.Theensuing operation resulted in the police confiscating 182 parcels of dagga which were found stuffed inside a clear plastic bag, and two more plastic bags that were also stuffed with dagga. The combined weight of the seized dagga is 1 276 grams.Thesuspect has made a brief appearance at the Nyoni Magistrate's Court, facing a charge of dealing in dagga.
“The success of these games means as a province we stand a good chance of retaining our championship position going to the selections ahead of the national tournament. I wish to congratulate everyone who took part and ensured these were a success,” MEC Bani-Mapena said.
An intelligence driven operation in the area of Umhlali has resulted in police netting a large drug haul, with one male suspect being placed under arrest. The operation, conducted on Wednesday last week, involved iLembe Crime Intelligence, Umhlali Task Team, Umhlali K9 Unit and the Durban Central K9 Unit. The operation came after hosted a glittering function to officially wish her all the best on her retirement. She had been with the school since 1994.“I'm so excited to have been part of this great institution of learning. The well-organized farewell party that the school hosted for me came as a pleasant surprise. My stay in that community was memorable; I was made to feel welcome and accepted. I love this school and its surrounding community with all my heart,” enthused Mrs Mtshali.Thefunction was attended by local community leaders, parents and principals from neighbouring schools.
times north oast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters
Contact Musa Mnyandu 5522167 for news on the latest happenings in your area
District from the 19th to the 20th August 2022.


SAPS communications officer Constable Siphesihle Myeni said on Monday the 15th of August 2022, the team proceeded to a house in Hlalanathi Township, in Melville. Upon arrival, they found a 30-year-old suspect, who was then informed about a case of attempted murder against him. The man was
Pictured is Nehaan Dayawanth rocking the cradle with baby Shayl Sing dressed as baby Krsna Krsna Asthmee was celebrated on Thursday last week at the Shree Hanuman Temple, Stanger Manor. The event culminated in the rocking of the cradle at midnight. “Let a man lift himself by himself not lower himself or else he is doomed for destruction. GITA holy book stands for god is the answer to all our challenges and how to overcome them. Whenever there is rise of adharma (unrighteousness) Lord Krsna reminds us he is born again and again to restore Dharma (righteousness),” said Madhun Sobram Sing, spiritual head. then requested to handover the firearm with which the alleged crime had been committed.“(Theman) denied the weapon but (upon) searching his house a 9mm Glock 19 pistol was recovered with serial number erased, and three live rounds (of ammunition). (The) members asked him to produce the firearm licence. He failed to give the licence, and he was then arrested,” Constable Myeni stated. The suspect was charged with one count of illegal possession of a firearm and one count of being possession of three rounds ammunition.ofHeappearedbrieflyatthelocalmagistrate'scourtandthematterwaspostponedforfurtherinvestigation.
Shree KrsnaTempleHanumancelebratesAsthmee
August 24, 2022 PAGE 9XPress & HOMEPA RTY for your Plasticware, Toys, Stationery, Homeware and Party Favorites 25 Mahatma Gandhi Street, Stanger (Opp. Stanger Sweet Wholesalers) 071 278 9750 OFFERS VALID FROM 24 - 28 AUGUST OR WHILE STOCKS LAST 2999 Plastic HangersAdult10's 999 TwoTapeWay 69999 Folding1.8mtTable 4999 PlasticfromChair 24999 Totally Home Camp Chair 24999 ClothesfromDryer 1799 Plastic Tray 10499 Plastic Oval Tub 120lt 13999 Plastic Multi Box 85lt 9999 XLBoardChalk 299 PlasticfromRulers 799 Pencils 10's 999 Pens 10's 7499 HP A4 70g 500 sheet 2799 Croxley Lever Arch File 299Each Plastic Water Bottle 500ml Wanted suspect found with illegal firearm MelvillearrestedarecoveredfirearmAnUNLICENSED:unlicensedwasandsuspectin
Members of the KwaDukuza Task Team received information about a suspect wanted for attempted murder, and staged an operation that resulted in one arrest and a seizure of an illegalKwaDukuzaforearm.
This Day in History
By Xpress Reporter
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO was established on 24 August 1949 1949: NATO is established The North Atlantic Treaty, which established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), an intergovernmental military alliance, came into effect on this day. The Treaty, which was signed on April 4, 1949 in Washington DC, created a collective defense system, where an attack on one member is considered an attack on all the other signatories. Initially, the treaty was signed by 12 countries - Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom, and United States. Today, membership has increased from the original 12 to 28.

Cnr EV SulemanMahomed/GoolamStreets,Stanger0325522951 Specials valid from 24 - 30 August 2022 or while stocks last We reserve the right to limit quantities - E & OE. Prices subject to change without prior notice.Pictures may vary from actual product. GOLDEN DELIGHT SUGAR BEANS SASKO CAKE FLOUR INKUNZI MALTSUPER BROWN SUGAR ACE SUPER MAIZE MEAL SAFOLA OIL FUTURE LIFE CEREAL 10999 10KG ACE SUPER MAIZE MEAL NYALA MAIZE MEAL LUCKY STAR PILCHARDS TOMCO BAKED BEANS DOMINO TOILET ROLLS 300 SHEET (VIRGIN) FIVE STAR LARGE EGGS 7999 10KG 18999 5lt 7999 SAFOLA OIL 2LT NUTRO SPECIAL CRACKERS PERSONAL TOUCH FABRIC SOFTENER JOHNSONS BODY CARE SOAP COLGATE TRIPLE ACTION 1099200G 2500 175G 1999500ML 12 100ML RAVE SOAP CLERE BODY CREAMRAVE WASHING POWDER 999500G EEZEE NOODLES SUPER BROWN SUGAR FOR3 5499 5KG 7999 10G INKUNZI MALT 14999 10KG76995KG10999 10KG 11599 4KG 4000400G4999 30’S FOR2 699410G 2799 10’S 1799 SUNFOODS560GSUNCOOKIES 15995X65G 2999 2KG 1999300ML 2999500G 18599 25KG August 24, 2022 PAGE 11XPress

Paramedics who responded to the scene said the patient had sustained multiple fractures, and required emergency stabilization on the scene before being transported to a nearby health facility.Thecause of the investigation remains part of an investigation by relevant authorities.
August 24, 2022PAGE 12 XPress Rand Currency exchange 5DayForecastXpress 12oC 14oC 14oC 14oC 14oC min.min.min.min.min. o30 C o23 C o25 C o22 C max.max.max.max.max. Wed 24 Thurs 25 Sat 27Fri 26 Sun 28 One US Dollar = R17.02 One British Pound = R19.98 One Euro = R16.88 One Australian Dollar = R11.67 One Indian Rupee = R0.21 One Japanese Yen = R0.12 One Swiss Franc = R17.64 As published on Tuesday, 23 August 2022.
“IfHomesyouwork hard enough and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires.”
It sounds like the same old woeful tale of corruption and some people are dragging their heels over budgetary allocation and who will get the biggest share. Very, very sad indeed when you abdicate your responsibility, yet accept the salaries and perks attached to your position. We desperately need honest, committed, hardworking, decent people with vision to save our country from further damage by a ruling party that constantly quibble about power by very little concern is shown over service delivery.
Help find natural parents Thandiwe. Ongaba nolwazi athintane no Social Worker uMgwaba (032) 552-5246. The Department of Social Development requests assistance in tracing the biological father of Biyela Luyanda. The mother was Biyela Ntombi who is deceased. If anyone has information please contact SN Magwaza on (032) 552-5246.
It's been several months now since the devastating floods overpowered major parts of KZN. To date not much progress has been made by the government to address the critical issue of rebuilding damaged infrastructure. I refer in particular to the road leading to Shakaville in Stanger which is used daily by taxis, and an old bridge which is a main link from Dawnside to the Doesberg back road. This bridge and the road were totally destroyed and as they now stand, are completely useless and very dangerous.WhatIcannot understand is how can the Roads Department, and several elected, salaried councillors drive past and just ignore the situation. This is a matter which needs urgent attention as roads are an integral part of the economy!
CRITICAL: A collision between a vehicle and a motorbike left the motorcyclist seriously injured
Malcolm Gladwell C withCloudyrainSunny withCloudyrain withCloudyrain
On August 23rd, International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade & its Abolition is set aside to pause and remember the tragedy of the slave trade.
• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Mnotho, Celumusa, Susan no Ashley Lucas abazalwa uSharon Lucas ongasekho. Ongaba nolwazi athintane no Social Worker uMntungwa (032) 5525246.Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba kaMakhoba Sanele Innocent ozalwa uMakhoba
No attempt at all reconstruct!to International Day for the Remembrance of Slave Trade
A motorcyclist sustained critical injuries following a collision between a motorbike and a vehicle, on the R102 near Shakashead on Friday last week.
“What you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle, and giving 110% all the time.” Don Zimmer
Oliver Wendell
UNESCO adopted August 23rd as the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition in 1997. In 1998, several countries organized cultural events and debates to celebrate the day. Through the years, the UN has invited people all over the world to express their resistance against slavery.
Motorcyclist critical after collision
“Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.” Leah Labelle
The transatlantic slave trade existed from the 16th through 19th centuries. Most of the slaves came from central and western Africa. Over 400 years, nearly 13 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to become slaves. Each passage across the ocean had a high death rate. About 2.4 million Africans died while being transported. Besides dying of disease and starvation, many slaves experienced other atrocities such as sexual abuse, being chained together, and enduring intense heat. Some of them were thrown overboard in the hopes of stopping the disease from spreading. It wasn't until the night of August 22-23, 1791 that the first uprising against the slave trade happened. The event occurred in Santo Domingo (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic). Black revolutionaries rebelled against slave owners. In 1804, these revolutionaries crushed Napoleon's army. Along with defeating the French troops, the revolutionaries defeated the Spanish and British armies. These victories set the stage to abolish the entire transatlantic slave trade. In 1808, importing slaves to the United States became illegal. Britain followed suit in 1833. It wasn't until 1850 that Brazil outlawed the slave trade. HOW TO OBSERVE Each year individuals and organizations around the world organize events to commemorate the observance. The goal of these events is to educate the public about the negative consequences of the slave trade. Some choose to do this through artistic expression, while others give lectures. Some ways for you to observe this day include: Learn the history of the slave trade • Think about how history has changed as a result of the abolition of the slave trade • Watch Roots, Uncle Tom's Cabin, or other movies that tackle slavery • Visit a museum or historic site that educates the public on the slave trade (if you don't have one in your community, you can find one online)
Email your letters to timesmedia@telkomsa.net. STRICTLY NO LETTER WILL BE USED WITHOUT A PROPER NAME, ADDRESS AND CONTACT DETAILS. The Editor cannot be held responsible for any information in the Letters to the Editor column. This column is intended to be a platform and forum for those members of the community who have an opinion on a certain issue, which does not necessarily reflect the views of the Xpress Times. Please note some letters will be shortened to accommodate all correspondence. Those utilizing the column must please ensure that your name, address and telephone numbers are submitted for our reference; however, a pseudonym will be used when requested by the writer. The Editor reserves the right not to publish a letter. Letters to the Editor
“Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor.”

XPress SERVICE GUIDESERVICE GUIDE D ENZOAUTOTEC 18 Clark Street Dawnside, Stanger Tel : 032 551 2582 / 083 340 0047 We also cater for all Toyota owners that have Toyota vehicles that are out of service plan! For more info contact Nireshnee or Anton Denzo Auto is now contracted to Standard Bank Fleet Management Services, the Innovations Group and Avis Fleet Management! MASTER TECHNICIAN DENZO AUTO TEC Chrome legs P.U. Foam in sheet Staplesform & brad nails Rubber webbing, etc Lounge Suites, Taxi Seats, Car Seats Wide range for upholstery at wholesale prices Stockists of : • Lounge Sets • Dining Room Sets • Bedroom Sets • Wardrobes • Kitchen Units • Mattresses • Appliances • and moreetcDiningroomTaxi/busCar/bakkieloungeOld/favouritesuitesseatsseatschairs, FABRICS FOR FURNITURE RAW RE-COVERINGMATERIALS PROTECTIONFABRIC 2 Croton Place, Old New Guelderland Rd, Stanger (ex-Design 3 building, opposite Jacksons) 032 551 1470 zaffs@telkomsa.net 032 552 www.kiddyzone.co.zakidzone11@gmail.com54240835878687 Now available at 36 Hulett KwaDukuzaStreet, WONDER***EXCELLENTBEANSFOR:HIGHBLOODPRESSUREARTHRITIS101AILMENTS Perfect health for 10c a day For trade enquiries UMVOTI BEANS Tel.: (032) 5514175/6 PharmacySolly’s August 24, 2022 PAGE 17 DR A.M. RUGNAT 032 551 4953 083 363 3692 072 272 8663 072 272 8663 Practice No.: 0056677 B.D.T. (Med. Univ of S.A.) BDS (Manipal, India) Dentist Consulting hours: Monday - Friday : 8:00am to 4:00pm Saturday : 8:00am to 1:00pm 75 Lindley Street, KwaDukuza Tipper Hire - 10m Suppliers of: * River Sand * Plaster Sand * Concrete Stone Contact Pranesh 073 740 3034 Quality Spares & Body Parts at competitive prices. Contact me for a free quote. Couriercountrywide.available Riaz - 076 482 0780 From Panels to Spares All Things Auto AllAll_things_auto_sathingsautoSTOCKINGPARTSFORCARS AND BAKKIES FROM BUMPER TO BUMPER OMD ElectricalOMD ElectricalOMD Remove & Install At Affordable Price Remove & 063 359 4144 Contact us for any informationContact us for any inforContact us for any informationus for any infor 063 359 4144

August 24, 2022PAGE 26 XPress

Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Ngobese Yamkela Sisanda kanye no Ngobese Anele Avela abazalwa ngu Ngobese Happy Nompumelelo. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte usonhlalakahle u NF Shinga ku (032) 552-5246.
requests assistance in
The Department of Social Development requests assistance in tracing the biological father of Nxumalo Bonakele and Nondumiso, the mother was Nxumalo Lungisile who is deceased. Anyone with information please contact SN Magwaza on (032) 552-5246.
STOP worrying about your debt. Increase your nett salary aboutordersloans/accounts.consolidate(double),allyourWewillremoveallgarnisheefromyoursalary.Ifpeopleareworryingyoumoniesthatyouowethem,comeandseeus. FINANCIALDYNAMICSERVICES LOAN FOR A CONSULTATIONFREE SUITE 2, DYNAMIC STYLES PARK 158 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET, KWADUKUZA TEL: 032 552 7291, 552 1617, 552 1613 CELL: 083 651 Classifieds2815 Classifieds deadlines: Monday 12pm WANTED Second hand clothes, household, dishes, mens and boys shoes, boots, takkies, curtains, beddings. Beds, TVs, fridge (working or non working) freezers, kitchen units, lounge suits. We collect and pay cash. Contact Usha 064 888 8757 or 078 408 whatsapp.0488 ACCOMMODATION Ayer Rock Guesthouse Stanger's preferred choice for quality, tasteful executive accommodation. Contact 032 551 6503 or 071 685 7126. www.ayerrock.co.za.ayerrocksa@gmail.com.Email PROPERTY FOR SALE Stanger Manor, No 34 Rose Road. Show house. 3 Bedroom main house, 3 bedroom outbuilding and 2 bedroom outbuilding. Close to all amenities. Large property. NO AGENTS. Sold by owners. View time from 11am. House needs lots of attention. R750 000. Looking for cash buyers. Contact Angira 084 560 8157. times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165 SERVICES Down Town Plumbers. Geyser, burst pipes, electrical, prepaid water, prepaid electricity, ceiling, roof leaks. Contact 076 066 6771, 081 799 5775. Forward 2 page niresh@phoenixgroup.co.zaCVFax0357871410 - Minimum 2 years experience- Traceable reference - Must be honest and reliable - Transport can be arranged WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING VACANCIES • Dispatch Clerk• Admin Clerk • GRV Clerk • Junior Buyer• Stock Controller EMPANGENI FORVEHICLESSALE 1 x Nissan(Diesel)Van 1 x Nissan(Petrol)Van 1 x 5 Ton Isuzu Truck All vehicles are in running order. Licence paid for this year 073NazeemCall2540222 Camry FORM JJJ LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registry Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of DEED OF GRANT No. TG6103/1990KZ passed by KWAZULU GOVERNMENT in favour of PATRICK MANDLENKOSI MASINGA in respect of: ERF 2502 ESIKHAWINI J REGISTRATION DIVISION GU PROVINCE OF KWAZULU-NATAL IN EXTENT 688 [SIX HUNDRED & EIGHTY EIGHT] SQUARE METRES which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, Room 411 within two weeks after the date of the publication of this Notice.THDATED AT STANGER ON THIS 11 DAY OF AUGUST APPLICANT2022 : VERONICA SINGH & ASSOCIATES ADDRESS: 45 NORTH STREET, OCEANVIEW, STANGER, 4450 E-MAIL ADDRESS: admin@vsingh.co.za CONTACT NUMBER: 032 552 1387/ 552 7546 The Square Gated complex, security on site, elevator in complex. 3 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom R7999.00 2 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom R6999.00 Roof Garden and Braai Area * Brand New Units Tel: 032 552 1625 / 032 552 1790 Cell: 063 688 9297 Email: nisha@liquorbarn.co.za Ajay: 078 228 7462 • Hemanth Singh: 082 401 0609 Talia daughter of Lavesh & Kuben, grand daughter of Bala & Rani Govender of 33 Clover Road, Stanger Manor graduated with honors in Computer Science and now doing her final year PHD in Computer Engineering at the University of London. Mrs Dhanwanthee Sewparsad Tashmika Komar Sadly missed by family and friends. A million times I’ve needed you, a million times I’ve cried. If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died. In life I loved you dearly, in death I love you still. In my heart you hold a place, no one else can ever fill. It broke my heart to lose you, but you didn’t go alone. Part of me went with you, the day God took you home. MALLWOOD PROPERTIES Contact Aslam 032 552 2025 / 083 339 0464 HOUSE TO LET 3 Bedroom (Master Bedroom Ensuite), Kitchen, Dining Room & lounge. Safe & Secure. Spacious Yard, Ideal home for kids. Spacious Kitchen fully fitted and Built-in Cupboards in Bedrooms. 29 CHIEF ALBERT LUTHULI STREET, STANGER manjras No chancers. Call in personally with cv andreferencestraceableat We are looking for a SALES CONSULTANT for our Vodacom department with the following requirements: • Vodacom experience in new contracts, upgrades, accessories and device sales • Sales experience • Computer literate • Excellent communication skills and customer service VACANCY: CONSULTANT 29 CHIEF ALBERT LUTHULI STREET, STANGER manjras No chancers. Call in personally with cv andreferencestraceableat We are looking for a well dressed computer literate female staff. • Must be able to communicate in English and IsiZulu. • Must be honest and responsible VACANCY NOTICE In the estate of the late AMARDUTH NAROTHUM, Identity rdNumber : - 6212035250088, Date of Birth : 3 December th1962, Date of Death : 18 July 2021 of 34 Sunny Park, KwaDukuza, 4450 and Surviving spouse : UMADEVI NAROTHUM, Identity Number: 6408290129088, Date of THBirth : 29 August 1964. Estate No. 17068/2021 Debtors and creditors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. thDATED AT KWADUKUZA THIS 17 DAY OF AUGUST 2022 MORGAN PILLAY, REDDY & CO ATTONEYS, NOTARIES & CONVEYANCERS SUITE 1, MORGAN COURT 33 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET KWADUKUZA, 4450 PH : 032 552 5812 TO LET Stanger Manor, Geranium Street. Bachelor pads, 2 rooms, kitchen, toilet/shower. Fully tiled very neat premises. Well secured. Rental R2800 pm including water. Call 072 209 9164. August 24, 2022 PAGE 27XPress Grades 6 and 7 Grades 8 and 9 MATHSTUITION For more information call me on 079 428 0345 Do you need help in Maths? RESERVE YOUR PLACE FOR 2022. LIMITED NUMBERS. DR LIKONDE Call 073 344 1114 Great job 100% and side effects if you want to lead a happy life Likonde can make things happen in your life same day. Don’t be ashamed your self, don’t let stress drive you. Don’t let poverty drive you, Likonde he is your best solution and he will never fail or let you down. Likonde can lift you up from zero to hero. TRADITIONAL HEALER VISIT LIKONDE AT HIS PRIVATE PLACE OPPOSITE KWADUKUZA MUNICIPALITY BY WHITE HOUSE FOR AN APPOINTMENT Here is some of the things that father Likonde can help you * Bring back Lost Lover * Casino or Lotto * Finish unfinished Job * Start afresh new job * Family Matters * Pregnancy problems * School Work * Court Cases * Special muthi for attraction to make someone come into your life easy (control) CONSULTING ENGINEERS NHBRC REGISTERED Our services: Structural Engineering - Dwellings, warehousing, retaining walls Civil Services - Road networks and reticulation design including attenuation tanks and soak pits. Storm/Flood damage assessment, remedial works and rational assessments. Project management - Turnkey services, project planning, project quality and construction management. For more information please visit www.sahcon.net or contact us on 1~ ML ALI (+27) 79 620 0374 2~ E ALI (+27) 83 233 7180 SAH •
The Department of Social Development requests assistance in tracing the biological father of Gcwensa Nzuzo Bayanda of Ntshawin area. Anyone with information please contact SN Magwaza on (032) 552-5246
• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Ndabeni Nokulunga Thobsile ozalwa ngu Ndabeni Alice Zandile. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte usonhlalakahle uNF Shinga ku (032) 552-5246.
• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Radebe Sikhumbuzo ozalwa ngu Radebe Charmaine Nomhle. Onolwazi axhumane nosonhlalakahle NZ Madondo on (032) 552-5246.
• Abezenhlalaklahle bacela ukufuniswa abazali baka Ngidi Nombuso, no Vumile Ngidi and Mpendu Ngidi onolwazi axhumane nosonhlalakahle NZ Madondo on (032) 5525246.•Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Sikhakhane Anele Senamile ozalwa ngu Gumbi Nomfundo onolwa axhumane nosonhlalakahle NZ Madondo on (032) 5525246.
The Department of Social Development tracing the biological father of Cele Nothando and Cele If anyone has information please contact SN Magwaza at (032) 552-5246.

Dawnheights Cricket Club hosted their 11th annual golf day at Mount Edgecomb Country Club last Friday that was very successful attracting a host of players
Dawnheights host successful golf day
A determined team of Mountain Adventurers from The Smurfs Hiking Club returned successfully from a 4day Basotho Expedition in remote Lesotho. The team successfully summited the challenging Sani Pass at 9 300 feet above sea level. Then awoke in freezing subzero morning temperatures, to traverse the imposing Twelve Apostles Mountain to eventually summit the iconic Phinong Peak at 10000 feet above sea level.From the Summit the team were greeted with spectacular views over Amandla Projects hands over their sponsorship of kits to Glenhills VC female team Glenhills Volleyball Club where over the moon when their female team was sponsored with playing kitsandThesponsors.officials, players and members of the club placed on record their sincere thanks and appreciation to all sponsors and wellwishes for their support in ensuring yet another successful event. They also thanked the golfers who participated.
“Sincere and heartfelt appreciation to all sponsors and volunteers who assisted in the charity drive,” said Team Leader Mr Vimal Mothilal. Till the next Adventure...
Lesotho Summit conquered Amandla Projects sponsors Glenhills by Amandla Projects. The teams' officials and players placed on record their sincere thanks and appreciation to Rivaj Bisnath, the CEO of Amandla Projects for his generosity and vision.
Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, thousands of feet down below their boots. During the Clubs social project namely 'Charity in the Sky', the team distributed food and nutrition hampers in the remote interior of The Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho. Blue skies and snow covered mountains made for a memorable experience for adventurous trekkers.
August 24, 2022PAGE 28 XPress Valid from 24/08/2022 to 28/08/2022 E&OE while stocks last Offers for Ballito, Moffat Drive Tel: 032 - 586 0230/1/2/3 63 Balcomb Street, Stanger Tel: 032 - 551 4161 62 Main Street, Gingindlovu Tel: 060 676 1124 PremiumKlipdrift750ml750mlBells Jameson750ml Richelieu750ml Castle24x340mlNRBLager R214.99R209.99 R319.99 R169.99 R174.99 R999 Offers valid while stocks last. T’s & C’s Apply.E&OEOffers valid while stocks last T s & C s Apply E&OE R999 1.6BranchesCorolla Contact Nikki : 071 173 1414 R999 BranchesPolo R999 1.3 BranchesTazzGolf Branch1 R150 R1499R150 R1499 OpelBranchesCorsa R20 RubbersExhaustfromTailfromPipes 22 King Shaka Street, Dawnside, stanger opp Tyre Track R1000 SystemExhaustfrom OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: • Resurfacing Cylinder Head & Block • Cylinder Resleeving / Boring & Honing • Cylinder Head Valve Jobs • Pressure Testing / Crank Testing • Crank Grinding / Conrod Repairs • In-House Dyno 14-16 BLUE STREET, ISITHEBE (NEXT TO POWERTRANS) TEL.: 032 459 5700 / 032 552 3845 / 082 555 4925
awards to the winners V. Gounden, S. Govender.
Trish Pardey of Risk Services presenting Dr. S.P. Maharaj and R.
Vaaljee and Shezaad Motala at the summit of Phinong Peak

August 24, 2022XPress

August 24, 2022 XPress