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April 26, 2023 XPress

KwaDukuza SAPS wage war on crime

KwaDukuza SAPS communications officer Constable Siphesihle Myeni has reported that, in the past few days, police arrested several suspects for various crimes.

Myeni said three suspects were nabbed for alleged involvement in

Water outages, sewer spillage as Ilembe hibernates

scamming people. The suspects, who were arrested on Friday last week at KwaDukuza CBD, have made a brief court appearance.

Three more suspects were arrested for armed robbery, and officers recovered a gas gun while effecting the arrest. Myeni added that two more suspects have been allocated accommodation behind bars, in connection with house robbery.

Once again, the ever-limping Ilembe District Municipality has been found gravely wanting. Last week residents of Ward 16 and neighbouring areas in KwaDukuza had to endure a prolonged water outage, something that has become a norm in the District, as the municipality demonstrates over and over again its astounding inability to delivery on its mandate.

A resident of Petunia Street stated that the District Municipality failed to restore water supply to the area for five days, which simply underscores the staggering extent of lethargy within the District Municipality. Another resident accused the municipality of showing neither concern nor respect for residents, as residents incessantly struggle to get plausible answers from the municipality.

“We are seeking a long term solution to this annoying water crisis that we so often find ourselves in. It seems that non-service delivery is becoming the (order) of

the day. Every lie told to the rate paying residents should come to an end,” one resident fumed on social media.

Another resident noted with dismay that the ailing municipality always seems to get its house in order whenever high profile government leaders are due to visit town, with services running smoothly.

“Once the dignitaries leave our town, service delivery leaves with them. A challenge must be put out to President (Cyril Ramaphosa) to visit our town during all the crises that we experience on a (regular basis),” the resident pointed out.

The now familiar fumbles by the District Municipality did not end there. At the corner of

Mahatma Gandhi and Lindley streets, right in the CBD, patrons, workers and businesspeople had to put up with a sickening sight of sewer spillage that flew unhindered for days, without any action being taken by the municipality. This happened about a mere kilometre from Ilembe House, the headquarters of the District Municipality. As always, the District Municipality did not bother to give a comment about these service delivery failures, with officials seemingly taking refuge in the knowledge that management is unlikely to take any action, as the disease of inertia clearly runs deep within the institution.

April 26, 2023 XPress BUY MORE Your 1 stop online gadget and apparel store 52 West Riding Row, Sherwood Zubair 082 355 5390 Limited Stock! "Gas Guns” Umarex Cal. 6.8 R4499 Pixeon Guardian Angel R650 HDR 50 Cal. 50 R3200 ASG M9 A1 4.5mm R1200 Also available: 9oz + 12oz gas cannister Metal Pellets R120 a bottle @buymoresa1 082 355 5390 Motfam Follow our socials CZ 75 4.5mm R1900 032 551 4784 / 083 408 2699 084 582 0105 The Beauty Kamp Opening on 27th April 2023 WAXING : Full body waxing R500.00 (FREE express pedicure or manicure for 15 min) MASSAGING : Full body massage R380.00 (FREE xpress pedicure or manicure for 15 min) Hand and leg waxing R290.00 (FREE eye brow tint) THE KAMP Suite 4 Morgan Court, 33 Mahatma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza thth FROM 27 APRIL to 14 MAY 2023 Let Us Spoil You With Our HAIR: Free Hair repair treatment to the value of R200.00 with every wash & set, wash, cut & set and full hair colour NAILS : Gel combo R200.00 (hands and Feet) Why should you visit us ? • •• •• • Situated at a secure premises with remote controlled access Hassle -free private parking Friendly and competent staff An in-house coffee shop : “Coffee Kamp” Open 7 days per week Loyalty programme available for maximum Benefit
Ilembe officials continued to blissfully slumber on duty as sewer flowed at the corner of Mahatma Gandhi and Lindley streets, last week. Photo: Musa Mnyandu Police in KwaDukuza are hard at work, eliminating criminal elements within society.

External probe uncovers

“cesspool of corruption” at KDM

It's official! KwaDukuza

Municipality resembles a

“cesspit of corruption”. That is, if the two reports tabled at Special Council Meeting last week are anything to go by.

Two comprehensive investigative reports were discussed in-committee at the Special Council, and both of them made damning findings against certain municipal officials, making KDM to look like a warehouse for corrupt individuals!

The first report, commissioned by the Municipal Manager to legal firm Shepstone & Wylie, investigated suspicions of corrupt activities within the municipality, allegedly perpetrated by certain municipal workers and officials, which range from suspicious transactions to ward committee members through KDM's bank account; allegations of fraudulent payments to fictitious contractor invoices, and allegations of misconduct by a service provider and municipal officials.

According to the Shepstone & Wylie's findings, the implicated individuals have failed to uphold Paragraph 2 of the Code of Conduct for Municipal Staff Members enshrined in Schedule 2 of the Local Government Systems Act 32 of 2022 as well as Section 8(2)(d) of the MFMA. Consequently, Mayor Lindile Nhaca has since directed Municipal Manager Nhlanhla Mdakane to ensure that appropriate consequences and accountability measures are instituted against those implicated, within seven working days.

The report found sufficient

evidence of a junior municipal official making fraudulent stipends, through the municipality's bank account allegedly to “ghost” ward committee members. It is suspected that the said junior official might have defrauded KwaDukuza ratepayers of an estimated R602 40000.

The saga does not end there, as ratepayers may have lost a further R785 435,56, through fraudulent payments to fictitious contractor invoices, which funds were then allegedly diverted by the alleged perpetrator to their personal bank account. The S&W report further suggested that this amount could be higher because this official could manoeuvre funds between capital votes as far back as 2015, undetected by senior managers.

Upon hearing of such colossal malfeasance within the municipality, Mayor Nhaca was aghast.

“We welcome the report together with its recommendations. It is shocking that an amount of exceeding R1.3 million could just be defraud from the public purse. The municipal manager must work with speed to institute a criminal procedure with the South African Police Services. Such measures must include instituting lifestyle audits on employees dealing with payments to external parties and reporting the findings of the S&W investigation to the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and Hawks.

“When it comes to corruption, I take a no nonsense approach, all those implicated must be dealt with to ensure that justice prevails,” Nhaca said.


The second report dealing with allegations of financial misconduct by a service provider and municipal officials, Council heard that following the municipality's internal audit finding that the service provider had been depositing monies due to the municipality into an unknown account, the fault was actually on the end of the municipality, whereby when the municipality changed its primary account, it failed to inform the service provider of this change, thus the service provider continued to use the old bank account until they were provided with the new banking details on 18 June 2021. The staff members responsible for communicating bank account details

consequences after Council was apparently defrauded

to serves providers were thus found to have contravened Section 8(2)(d) of the MFMA.

The Municipal Manager has been directed to institute disciplinary proceedings against all implicated officials.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has reacted with shock to the findings of the two reports. DA Ilembe Constituency Chairperson Cllr Kathleen Naidoo said collusion between municipal officials and service providers for financial gain impacted adversely on service delivery.

“Any allegations of financial misconduct must be reported to the SAPS. Council must not hesitate to engage the Hawks to dig deeper into this corrupt matter,” Naidoo said.

FREE copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop 26 APRIL 2023 BEE LEVEL3 EEACCREDITATO B B N B • • 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger • Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia2009@gmail.com Follow us on times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER • Car Services • Exhaust • 3D Wheel Alignment • Batteries • Tyre Enhancement • Suspension Repairs • Latest Styles Mag Wheels SPECIALISING IN: No traders * E&OE Mon-Fri : 8am to 5pm Sat : 7am to 3pm Sun : 8am to 1pm 4 TULIP ROAD, STANGER MANOR Cell: 076 213 3369 LINDLEY STREET, opp David’s Fish Shop) Cell: 078 407 7772 Every Friday is Market Day E v e r y F r i d a y i s M a r k e t D a y Every Friday is Market Day FOOD MARKET FARM CH ICE A fruit & veg a day is the healthy way Tomatoes 2kg 2500 Dry Chillies Prepacked Class 1 7kg UTD Potatoes (Gravy Soakers) 2 for Lemons 999KG Karella or Tiny Beans 999PACK Plums Punnet A proudly women empowerment initiative 4999 Gadra Beans 2kg 3500 Green Beans kg 2199 Green Pepper 1599 Red or Green Herbs 1000 Luffers 2.5kg 2000 1000 Mint/Thyme or Curry leaf Any 2 for 2499 KG 1999 OFFERS FROM 26 - 30 APRIL OR WHILE STOCKS LAST! Many more instore specials available Pack 49 Mahatma Gandhi Str. Tel (032) 551 1522 WhatsApp "Add" to 081 480 5521 for weekly specials FURNITURE DIY UNIFORMS Bed 1 Star Double Headboard Padded Local R400 Wardrobe Local Chestdrawer Imported Baby Compartment R999 Lounge 4pc Chillax Dining Table Sindy 7pc R1699 Kitchen Unit Imported 3pc R2099 R1299 2 Door R699 2 Door Flap Up R650 Wardrobe Imported R999 3 Door R1399 4 Door R1599 5 Door R2999 Wooden Coffee Table R450 Valid 26 April - 02 May 2499 HUGGIES BABY WIPES 56’S 5999 SKY WASHING POWDER 3KG 1399 COLGATE T/P TRIPLE ACTION 100ML 4799 NESTUM REGULAR 500G 1999 SUNLIGHT SOAP 500G 849 GENTLE MAGIC SOAP 999 STAY FREE PADS 10’S 19999 PAMPERS JUMBO PACK
CONSEQUENCES: Mayor Lindile Nhaca has promised severe
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Cleaned Blue Crabs MANJE KHONA
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April 26, 2023 PAGE 9 XPress

Ndwedwe taxi boss brutally murdered

Motorists travelling on the R102 through Ottawa were shocked to see a gunman shooting dead a man travelling in a white bakkie, in broad daylight.

The incident happened on Thursday last week. The victim, who was driving a white double cab Ford Ranger was confirmed no the scene to be a taxi owner from

Ndwedwe. Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) said the attackers used a high calibre weapon, possibly an R5 assault rifle. The victim was found slumped on his seat, showing no signs of life.

“Several callers reported that two occupants of a white VW Polo with registration NUR 69197 drove up to the deceased's white Ford Ranger

bakkie. The passenger exited the VW Polo and opened fire on the bakkie with an R5 rifle. The vehicle and the deceased were struck multiple times.

“He sustained multiple gunshot wounds to his head and body. His 9mm pistol was recovered in his holster attached to his pants. Several spent high calibre cartridges were recovered at the scene,” stated RUSA.

Police are investigating a case of murder.

Mayor livid after two learners raped

Local Municipality Mayor Zibuyisile Khuzwayo-Dlamini has expressed outrage after two female learners from Amaphuphesizwe Secondary School were raped recently. Khuzwayo-Dlamini has also called for intensification of the fight against gender based violence (GBV).

The Mayor was speaking during her visit to the families of the two rape victims, recently. She was accompanied by the Department of Education, Maphumulo Circuit Manager Mr Khanyile, the Department of Social of Social Development (DSD), and Interfaith religious leaders.

“I am deeply saddened and outraged by the recent incident of rape on children in our community. My heart goes out to the victims and their families.

Gender-based violence is a serious issue that affects far too many individuals in our society. It is unacceptable and must be eradicated. As a community, we must stand together to say NO to all forms of violence against women and children,” stated Mayor Khuzwayo-Dlamini. She further called for a collaborative effort to create a safe environment for all.

“In light of this recent incident, I want to reaffirm our commitment as government in the fight to ending gender-based violence in our communities. We need to work together to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels protected and valued.

“I urge anyone who has experienced gender-based violence or knows someone who has to come forward and report it. Government have support services available and we are here

to listen, to offer help and to seek justice. Let us work together to create a community where everyone feels safe and respected, and where genderbased violence is not tolerated,” Khuzwayo-Dlamini said.

The Mayor also applauded the members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) for their swift response in apprehending the suspect.

April 26, 2023 PAGE 12 XPress 2 CACTUS ROAD, VPK CENTRE, STANGER MANOR, STANGER CELL: 061 501 3541 food market MANOR OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7.30AM - 7.00PM NO TRADERS, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO RESTRICT QUANTITIES E&OE OFFERS VALID WHILE STOCKS LAST! WATER TOKENS, DSTV PAYMENTS, AIRTIME VOUCHERS NOW AVAILABLE Fruit & Veg Rama Original 500g 2699 Maharani Basmati Rice 5kg 19499 Sasko Cake Flour 10kg 12899 Nyala Maize Meal 10kg 9999 Sunfoil Oil 5 litre 16799 Saldanha Pilchards 410g 2099 2lt Sunlight Fabric Conditioner Five Roses African Blend 102’s 3299 Colgate Original 100ml 1999 8kg Bobtail Dog Food 17499 Nu Dawn Large Eggs 30’s Manor Food Market White or Brown Bread 6499 1099 Scones 4’s 1599 Long Doughnuts 1599 Cream Buns 6’s 1599 Wide Range of PREMIUM Bird Feed Fusion Juice 1lt 999 Domestos 750ml 2999 Each Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 500g 4299 Green Chillie 1999 Kg Dhania Bunch 799Each 2kg Tomatoes 2499 10kg Potatoes (Cooks like UTD) 7299 Soft Cooking Potatoes 799 Large Boiling Nuts 3499Kg Onions 1799Kg Kg 3699 Each Each Xpress SAVOURIES @ 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger Tel: 032 552 2165 081 744 8264 Monday to Friday : 8am to 4pm From the freezer to your frying pan CASH ONLY Mini Cup Pies Butter Chicken Rotis SAMOOSAS • Potato • Mince • Cheese & Corn White Brown R25 R30 per dozen per 6’s Patha / Vegetable Spring Rolls R45 per 6’s R35 per dozen R35 per dozen
A taxi boss sustained fatal wounds during an attack in Ottawa
Maphumulo Mayor, Cllr Zibuyisile Khuzwayo-Dlamini

Worker critical after falling off waste truck

A waste collection worker was airlifted to a medical facility after falling off a waste disposal vehicle, leading to the worker being run over by back wheels.

IPSDS Medical Rescue says the worker sustain critical injuries, and requited the services of advanced life support paramedics before being stretchered into the Air Mercy Services helicopter to be flown to hospital.

Help find natural parents

KwaDukuza Child Welfare is searching for the following natural parents. Should anyone have information on any of the listed individuals, kindly contact the relevant social worker on 032 5512129.

• The natural father of Andile Mthembu born in 17/03/2006. The natural mother was Thandeka Ratha Mbali Mthembu. She is deceased.

Msimango. The natural father's details are unknown.

4. The natural parents of Mxolisi Mdiniso born 21/05/2011 (Male). His natural mother is Sindisiwe Thobile Mdiniso. The natural father is unknown. Kindly contact social worker, Miss N.A Cele regarding the abovementioned cases.

Council Speaker empowers ward committees

Maphumulo Council Speaker Cllr

Sinenhlanhla Chili held a special Ward Committee Mass Meeting on Thursday, 13 April 2023 at the Maphumulo Town Hall.

This meeting was aimed at establishing a working relationship with Ward Committee members.

Ward Committee is an important advisory body within civil society that serves to assist the ward councillor to carry out their mandate in a democratic manner. Ward Committees are effectively a link between the councillor and the community, and they give meaning to the notion of “The People Shall Govern.”

Miss A. Mahlangu regarding the abovementioned cases.

Addressing Ward Committee members, Speaker Sinenhlanhla Chili encouraged effective governance and community development.

“(We must) develop a theme that says, 'Empowering a Special kind of Ward Committee for Effective Governance and Community Development'.

• •

2. The natural father Sinazo Makhweza born 31/01/2006. The natural mother was Nokwanda Makhweza. She is deceased.

3. The natural parents of Siyavuya Sibongakonke Msimango born 28/05/2010. The natural mother is Nonsikelelo

5. The natural father of Wandile Mkhize born 02/07/2009. The natural mother is the late Ms Vuyiswa Mkhize.

6. The natural father of Sphesihle Lusanda Khuzwayo born 03/09/2006. The natural mother is the late Ms Busisiwe Silindile Khuzwayo. Kindly contact social worker,

7. The natural father of Hazel Ruth Ramdass born 10/10/2008 (f) and Hannah Rebekah Ramdass born 10/10/2008 (f). The natural mother is Tracey Cindy Ramdass, she is deceased. Kindly contact social worker, Miss L. Ntuli regarding the abovementioned case.

8. The natural parents of Nosipho Nkwanyana, born 24/04/2011. The last known location of the natural mother, Ms. Silindile Nkwanyana is Charlottedale.

Kindly contact social worker, Miss P. Shekwa regarding the abovementioned case.

“(The intention is to) use this theme as the motivational urge to ensure we are good value in the eyes of our communities; Ensure that we do not only listen to the concerns of the people, but must ensure that we are responsive to their needs too,” Chili said.

April 26, 2023 PAGE 13 XPress Kearney Manor about 10mins from Stanger Manor. Up the R74 OUTDOOR FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Kids - R50 Kids under 3 get in Free Adults - R100 Pensioners - R60 Bring along your picnic basket, blankie & camp chairs! Plastic chairs will be available. SUNDAY, 30 APRIL TIME: 5.30 FOR 6PM @ KEARSNEY MANOR GROUNDS FOR BOOKINGS CONTACT 079 226 4591 OR 083 348 3493 DRINKS & SNACKS ON SALE! Limited space available! NO ALCOHOL WILL BE ALLOWED ENCANTO Served with Roti * Chips * Salad * Sauce *Lemon with 2LT Coo-ee Full Chicken Tikka Meal (4 x ¼ Tikka) Mutton Burger + Chips R20 Chicken Tikka Burger + Chips R20 ¼ Mutton Bunny R50 ¼ Chicken Bunny R45 9 Patterson Street, Stanger (Ex Jalapenos Takeaway) 032 437 8528 078 723 1289 OFFICIAL OPENING SPECIALS! POP UP R30 Family Pack (4 x ¼ Tikka) 2 Mutton Seikh Kebab, 5 Malai Cutlets 5 Peri Peri Cutlets SEIKH COMBO 1 Leg Tikka 1 Mutton Seikh Kebab Roti, Chips, Salad, Sauce, Lemon + 300ml Coo-ee R60 PERI PERI COMBO 1 Leg Tikka 5 Peri Peri Cutlets Roti, Chips, Salad, Sauce, Lemon + 300ml Coo-ee R60 MALAI COMBO 1 Leg Tikka 5 Malai Cutlets Roti, Chips, Salad, Sauce, Lemon + 300ml Coo-ee R240 Served with Roti * Chips * Salad * Sauce *Lemon FREE R60 JUMPING CASTLE AVAILABLE Roti (Dozen) R120 SPECIALS VALID FROM WEDNESDAY 26th TO SUNDAY 30th APRIL FREE FREE 2LT COO-EE MANY MORE INSTORE SPECIALS!
A waste management employee was airlifted to hospital after being run over by the waste disposal truck
Maphumulo Council Speaker Sinenhlanhla Chili
• • •

Help find natural parents

• Umnyango wokuthuthukiswa komphakathi KwaDukuza ucela ukufuniswa ubaba wezingane noma elinye lelunga lomndeni wezingane zakwa Makasi, Uthando, Leyabona Ayanda, kanye noLisakhanya. Umama wabo wadlula emhlaben ngo December 2017 ehlala eWelkom. Abantwan bahlala nomakhulu wabo eDoringkop. Onolwazi engathintana nosonhlalakahle uMs.B Gumede (032) 552-


• Osonhlalakahle KwaDukuza bacela ukufuniswa ubaba wengane uPhinyane Owami Inami, noma omunye welunga lomnden. Umama womntwana sewadlula emhlambeni, umntwana ubhekwe uMphinyane Lindeni ohlala eDarnall, Zamani Township. Ongaba nolwazi engathintana nosonhlalakahle uMs B Gumede kule nombolo (032) 552-5246.

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times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us

Dawnheights B crowned T20 champions

Union T20 B league champions when they defeated Warriors by 8

wickets this passed Saturday at the Gledhow Cricket Grounds. It was a display of

Mini Cricket programme set to continue

ILembe Schools are reminded that the mini cricket programme for the district continues up until September 2023. Principals, sports coordinators are encouraged to facilitate the attendance of boys and girls ages 6 to 9 Years. The programme continues on Saturdays on 6 May, 20 May, 3 June, 29 July, 12 August, 26 August and 9 September 2023. The programme commences each day at 08:00 and ends

at 10:00 at the KwaDukuza Primary School. Schools must ensure that their learners are to be accompanied by an educator from the school and a maximum of 8 learners per school (1 team) should attend. Mini Cricket is the foundation of all cricket structures and we appeal to schools and principals to send their teams. Coaches from the hub and iLembe will assist on those dates.

beautiful cricket all round.

DCC made up of mainly youngsters and inexperienced players with a few seniors sprinkled in the mix were extremely dominant during this season going unbeaten and claimed victories against good opposition that included a comfortable 7-wicket victory over arch rivals Manor and a hard-fought win against Ashrafiya.

Dawnheights have always looked at youngsters as the future of the sport and have always allowed the youth to play. All the hard work by

both management and players finally paid dividends when they beat Warriors to claim the title.

Warriors chose to bat first and were restricted to just a paltry 66 by the brilliant Dawnheight's bowlers.

Tyriek Munsamy was the pick of the bowlers, dismantling the Warriors batters with his leg spin and claimed 4 wickets for 9 runs in his 3 overs. He was accompanied by opening bowler Rakesh Maraj who claimed 2 wickets in his 4 overs whilst 10-year-old Panth Vandana bowled an

excellent spell of 3 overs and claimed his maiden wicket. The Dawnheights batters were eager to finish the game quickly and impressively with both openers making the bulk of the runs within the power-play. Skipper Keaton Govender and his deputy Trynn Naidoo, both having an excellent season, lead from up front and chased down the total with ease. Trynn made a quickfire 33 with Keaton constructing a wellrespected 17. This helped Dawnheights the T20 champions.

KDAC athletes produce excellent results at the Rising Sun Chatsworth Freedom

KwaDukuza Athletic Club (KDAC) was well represented at the Rising Sun Chatsworth Freedom Marathon on Sunday, 23 April 2023. The Chatsworth Athletic Club hosted a 10km, a 25km and a 52km marathon.

The event, which was the largest KZN Race post COVID, commenced at 5h30 am at the Chatsworth Stadium. The athletes enjoyed a leisurely and pleasant route and completed the 10km marathon comfortably, clocking in excellent times.

Rajen Padayachee completed the marathon in 1h 9min, followed by Yatish Narothum 1h 14min; Yathin Narothum 1h 15min, Jevesh Naicker 1h 15 min and Saveshan Govender 1h 17min.

KDAC wishes to remind the community that membership is still open and there are still runners' licences available. Anyone wishing to join KDAC

may contact the Club President, Yathin Narothum on 0837893476 or call personally at Lighty Barbers Salon.

Spectacular Easter programme for local school

April 26, 2023 PAGE 16 XPress QUICK SPECIALS FLEET ACCREDITED SUPA QUICK STANGER 18 King Shaka Street, Stanger 032 552 2381 / 032 552 3385 more than tyre experts supaquick.com April 2023 15” 205/70 R15C D697 R1595.00 15” 215/80 R15C DESTINATION R1795.00 16” 205/55 R16 FS100 R1195.00 16” 205/45 R16 TURANZA T005 R1550.00 16” 225/40 R18 POTENZA SPORT R1950.00 16” 205 R16C D697 R1695.00 16” 245/70 R16C DESTINATION R2100.00 17” 225/50 R17 T001 MOE RFT R2150.00 17” 225/45 R17 FS100 R1495.00 18” 265/60 R18C D697 R2650.00 17” 265/65 R17C D693 R2150.00 17” 265/65 R17C D694 R2250.00 R999 R999 1.6 Corolla Branches Contact Nikki : 071 173 1414 R999 Polo Branches R999 1.3 Tazz Branches Golf 1 Branch R150 R1499 Opel Corsa Branches R20 Exhaust Rubbers from Tail Pipes from 22 King Shaka Street, Dawnside, stanger opp Tyre Track R1000 Exhaust System from Offers valid while stocks last. T’s & C’s Apply.E&OE whi e last T s & C s App y E&OE ALUMINIUM WELDING ALSO DONE! Valid from 26/04/2023 to 02/05/2023 E&OE while stocks last Offers for Ballito, Moffat Drive Tel: 032 - 586 0230/1/2/3 63 Balcomb Street, Stanger Tel: 032 - 551 4161 62 Main Street, Gingindlovu Tel: 060 676 1124 No 8, Fourth Street, Empangeni Rail Tel: 035 787/3015/2062/3114 Olaska Premium Vodka 750ml Stella Artois NRB 24x330ml R29999 R9999 Vat 69 750ml Spiced Gold 750ml Absolut Vodka 750ml
Dawnheights Cricket Club (DCC) B team were crowned the iLembe District Cricket
R26499 R17499 R15499
From Left to Right: Saveshan Govender, Jevesh Naicker, Rajen Padayachee, Yatish Narothum, Yathin Narothum Dawnheights B are the 2023 T20 champions Stanger Heights Primary School hosted a spectacular programme in commemoration of Easter on 21 April 2023. Seen are some of the learners who participated, together with educator Miss SH Mzimela

sitters who are awaiting the single perfect day to begin living their dream. You can choose to live your dream every day if you just take the first step. T. D. Jakes, Destiny Stop making excuses for why you can't do epic shit and start making plans for how you can. Annette White Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing. William Arthur Ward

Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come. Dwayne Johnson

The big secret in life is that there is no secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work. Oprah Winfrey

The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say 'no' to almost everything. Warren Buffett

Mbozamo Primary holds successful beauty contest

Mbozamo Primary School held a successful beauty pageant recently, where the 2023 Miss and Mr Mbozamo Primary were crowned. Pictured are the winners, the runners up as well as educators and Principal Mr B

Learners treated for teargas inhalation

Chaos erupted at Groutville High School

on Friday last week, after learners “accidentally” inhaled teargas. Reports indicate that police used teargas to disperse a crowd of protesters who blocked the R102 outside the school. A source indicate that due to the strong wind in the area at the time some of the gas was blown into the school, and some learners were affected.

Xpress Times has reliably learnt that 17 learners were rushed to a nearby for treatment and assessment and were later discharged.

Concerned parents took to social media to demand explanation abo the incident, and seeking assurance about the safety of their children.

The situation was later brought to normal and learning continued.

At the time of going to press, KwaDukuza police had not commented on the teargas incident.

Lower Tugela Primary celebrates Freedom Day

Learners, educators and staff members at Lower Tugela Primary School celebrated Human Rights Day this week. Learners were sensitized about the history and importance of the day. Pictured (back row, L to R) is educator Mr Theo Moodley, Acting Principal Bheki Ntshangase and Acting Departmental Head Mr Shane Hanuman, together with some of the learners.

April 26, 2023 XPress times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us PUBLIC HOLIDAY NOTICE Please note that due to Public Holiday on Monday 1 May, all advertising and editorial content MUST BE SUBMITTED BY FRIDAY, 28 APRIL BY 3PM Our offices will be closed on Thursday, 27 April and Monday 1 May 2023 AFFORDABLE AFFORDABLE GROUP OF COMPANIES 23B KING SHAKA ROAD, STANGER 23B KING SHAKA STANGER CELL: 083 701 5477 • 072 207 8665 • Email: yardesai@affrodablewheel.co.za Email: yardesai@affrodablewheel co za CONTACT US AFFORDABLE BATTERIES AFFORDABLE WHEELS & TYRES CAR HIRE USED AND PRE OWNED CARS SHORT TERM & LONG TERM LEASING & CAR HIRE WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK WHOLESALE PRICES WITH A 12 MONTH WARRANTY TYRESSHOCKS ALIGNMENT SUSPENSION EXHAUST BALANCING While Stocks Last. T’s & C’s Apply. E&OE 155/80/13 from R650 175/70/13 from R750 175/65/14 from R750 185/60/14 from R800 205/70/15 from R1300 245/70/16 from R1650 195/50/15 from R800 185/60/15 from R850 225/45/17 from R1350 750x16 from R2650 615 619 628 R790 R850 R890 652/7 646 636 R1350 R1050 R790 Trade in your old tyres for new ones and only pay the difference Datsun Go Isuzu Bakkie www.bosscarhire.co.za carhire@bossmegastore.co.za VEHICLE HIRE BOSS BOSS VEHICLE HIRE (PTY) LTD Tel.: 032 551 4904 STANGER Cash/Debit & Credit cards accepted Cell: 083 786 4298 2 ton Car Trailer BT03 Venter Trailer BT06 1.6 ton Trailer (for cattle) REG NO. 2022/406714/07 22 seater Mercedes Sprinter 14 seater Toyota Quantum NB. We provide a driver for these vehicles Polo Hatch Kia Picanto Opel Corsa Toyota Corolla Auto Rand Currency exchange 5DayForecast Xpress 19oC 19oC 19oC 19oC 19oC min.min.min.min.min. o34 C o26 C o29 C o30 C max.max.max.max.max. Wed 26 Thurs 27 Sat 29 Fri 28 Sun 30 One US Dollar = R18.15 One Euro = R20.07 One British Pound = R22.67 One Indian Rupee = R0.22 One Australian Dollar = R12.14 One Swiss Franc = R20.46 One Turkish Lira = R0.93 One Botswana Pula = R1.38 One Chinese Yuan = R2.62 One Japanese Yen = R0.13 As published on Tuesday, 25 April 2023.
away from the couch
o29 C
Cloudy with rain Sunny Sunny Sunny Cloudy with rain TEARGAS: Seen are some of the learners who inhaled teargas intended for protestors outside the school Mchunu
April 26, 2023 XPress

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