KwaDukuza Mayor Cllr. Lindile Nhaca has this week launched the Mavivane Transformative Riverine Management Programme (MTRMP) as part of leveraging local response to climate change and
resilience, which has created at least 500 temporary jobs.
The project will demonstrate important ecological, social, and economic benefits by rehabilitating river catchments to prevent the escalating disaster risks and costs associated with climate change.
A total of 250 workers were welcomed by the mayor on Monday morning at Nyoniyamanzi in Ward 16 with beneficiaries from Ward 16 and 19. “The realization of this project is a reaffirmation of the commitment that the mayor undertook earlier this year when the Executive Committee of KwaDukuza approved the
Implementation Plan for the Programme. A total of 500 people will be recruited, which 275 will be youth, five interns, twenty Team Leaders and at least 475 general workers as per the approval of Council,” KwaDukuza Municipality said in a statement.
Through a R1.7 million grant funding from the KZN Department of Economic Development Tourism and Environmental Affairs (KZN EDTEA), KwaDukuza Municipality was able to create 500 jobs whilst addressing the impact of climate change. The programme is a culmination of the KZN EDTEA 2021/22 Natural Resource Management Municipality Competition which KwaDukuza became the second runner-up for the Mavivane Transformative Riverine Management plan.
Pictured at the new Ilembe Chamber office in Stanger are (L to R) Chamber CEO Cobus Oelofse, Haroon Mohammedy (Head of KwaDukuza Office) and Chamber Board Member Shain Manjoo government entities, in particular KwaDukuza Municipality, are also top priority, as the organization plans to help create a healthy business environment in KwaDukuza, a goal that cannot be achieved without the buy in from the local authority.
The opening of the new office of the Ilembe Chamber of Commerce Industry ad Tourism (ICCIT) in central KwaDukuza brings new hope for business in the Stanger area. And the man in charge of the office is none other than renowned businessman and community activist, Haroon Mohammedy.
ICCIT CEO Cobus Oelofse, along with ICCIT Board Member Shain Manjoo and Mohammedy, met with the local press last week to outline their ambitious plan to change the face of business locally.
Mohammedy, who is based full time at the new Chamber office on 88 King Shaka Street (Truworths Square) says the first order of business for the organization is to help rid the CBD of crime, and grime.
With regard to getting local businesses to join and to embrace the vision of the Chamber, Mohammedy has found the right formula.
“Now we have Ilembe Chamber with a physical presence in KwaDukuza. We want to galvanize businesses to join the Chamber, and we can start making representations with the various role-players, including KwaDukuza Municipality, SAPS,” stated Mohammedy.
The KwaDukuza branch will
focus on priority matters for the region, with security concerns, especially in the CBD, infrastructure maintenance and urban decay being paramount. It will consider best practice and proven interventions in its response to these priorities. In keeping with the iLembe Chamber's social partnership approach, the local committee and branch will work cooperatively with all local authorities to achieve an effective and sustainable private security strategy and presence in the KwaDukuza CBD.
It has already started engagements with landlords, business owners and security experts to obtain input and suggestions in implementing a focused, crime-prevention initiative. The iLembe Chamber is a non-profit business association, representing and serving credible, ethical and progressive businesses. Shain Manjoo, the representative of KwaDukuza based businesses on the iLembe Chamber's Executive Committee, stressed that an investment in Chamber membership by local businesses ensures that the private sector's viewpoints remain prominent, locally and nationally. He urged local businesses to become members of the Chamber since membership fees allows for the capability and capacity to professionally represent the private sector.
SAPS iLembe District held a glittering function on Friday to formally bid farewell to 21 dedicated officers who have taken retirement.
The function, spearheaded by KwaDukuza SAPS station commander Brigadier SF Mhlongo, was held at the Palm Dune Beach Lodge in Blythedale, and was attended by senior SAPS officers, including the keynote speaker, Major General Sipho Ngubane.
The Acting Commissioner for iLembe District, Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo, was also in attendance, along with various station commanders udder iLembe District.
Among those being honoured was the recent Ilembe District
Commissioner, Brigadier SB Zondi, along with former District Commissioners General MR Chirwa and General BB Nxabela.
Acting District Commissioner Brigadier Naidoo warned that SAPS as a crime fighting organization was losing skilled members at an alarming, with some deservedly going on retirement, others losing their lives in the line of duty and others simply opting to leave the organization for other reasons. He said data shows that an average of 25 members leave the organization in Ilembe district alone, per month.
“There are a lot of members that are planning to require early. We need to understand why these members are
retiring early. The conditions under which our members operate are appalling,” Brigadier Naidoo pointed out. Naidoo thanked the retiring members for their immense contribution towards the safety of the citizens.
Major General Ngubane exhorted his fellow SAPS members to rally together and fight the scourge of crime. He reminded officers that their primary task, and calling, was to protect the people, and to create safer communities.
Speaking of behalf of the retirees being honoured, General MR Chirwa thanked the police organization for the magnanimous gesture, and said through his association with SAPS, he had been able to turn his life around.
HAZARD: KwaDukuza Municipality is urged to attend to the poor road conditions on Theunissen Street, as the rad currently poses a great danger to pedestrians, with untrimmed vegetation and no proper walkways in place.
As the Class of 2022 gets ready to write their final examinations, Boston City Campus Stanger embarked on their annual Good Luck Drive recently. The programme covered over 16 schools and saw 2300 packs being
Boston Stanger staff members Beauty Khumalo and Nirvana Naidoo visited schools and dropped off gifts for the Principal, Secretary, the LO coordinator and most importantly matric learners. Boston
Stanger wishes the Class of 2022 all the best especially considering all the hardships encountered over the past three years, which include Covid-19 lockdown, rioting and looting, and most recently that devastating floods.
One US Dollar = R18.46
One British Pound = R20.82
One Euro = R18.20
One Indian Rupee = R0.22
One Australian Dollar = R11.67
One Swiss Franc = R18.41
One Japanese Yen = R0.12
As published on Tuesday, 25 October 2022.
Ilembe District Municipality has raised serious concerns about the high level of theft and vandalism at the municipality's Umvoti Waterworks in Melville, KwaDukuza. This came to light when Ilembe Water services and officials from the Department of Water and Sanitation undertook a site visit to the Waterworks last week.
“We are saddened to report that there is vandalism happening at the plant. Pumps and cables have sadly been stolen. We urge community members to assist in protecting the infrastructure at all times so that the general quality of life is enhanced through uninterrupted service delivery and law-breakers are brought to book,” the municipality stated.
Members of the public are urged to report incidents of vandalism to the municipality through its call centre WhatsApp line (074 3444 508) or Call Centre landline 032 437 9327 / 032 437 9427.
Death and destruction have become the order of the day on North Coast roads. The past weekend was no different, with a total of people losing their precious lives in various accidents across the North Coast, within a period of three days.
On one of the most horrific accidents of late, five people were killed after two vehicles collided on the N2 near Tugela Bridge in Mandeni, on Saturday. IPSS Medical Rescue says paramedics were attending a scene of an accident near Zinkwazi when they received a report of another accident in Tugela.
“Upon arrival, medics found a horrific scene of a head on collision between a sedan and a light motor vehicle.
“Eight people were traveling in the sedan, and sadly five of the passengers were killed during the collision. The three remaining occupants, and the two occupants of the second vehicle sustained injuries ranging from minor to serious, and were transported to nearby facilities for further
In a separate incident on the same day, one person was killed after collide ion the Tinley Manor Link Road.
Media Response reports that two people were entrapped in one of the vehicles after the collision.
“On arrival of Medi Response search and rescue unit and Advanced Life support paramedics, it was determined that a two persons were heavily entrapped in one vehicle. On assessment the driver of the
vehicle showed no signs of life.
“The second patient was heavily entrapped in a critical condition and Medi Response search and rescue paramedics worked to free the man. He was stabilised on scene before being transported to a medical facility.
“The driver of the second vehicle sustained minor injuries,” stated Medi Response.
In an earlier accident, one person died and two were injured after a single vehicle overturned on the Esenembe
Road, on Thursday last week. Medi Response says the injured patients were stabilized on the scene before being rushed to hospital for further treatment.
Meanwhile, a single vehicle left the roadway and overturned on the Driefontein Road, leaving one person dead and another injured. The accident happened on Thursday last week. IPSS Medical Rescue says the seriously injured patient received treatment on the scene before being transported to a suitable
medical facility for further care.
Motorists are urged to exercise extreme caution on the roads, especially when driving in rainy weather conditions.
Some tips to remember to help you when driving in the rain:
• Turn on your headlights to see and be seen.
• Slow down when it rains: reduce speed gradually by taking your foot off the accelerator.
• Increase the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you.
• Avoid braking suddenly as this may cause your car to skid.
• It can be difficult to see through wet side windows, and side mirrors. Be aware of other vehicles to the rear and in blind spot areas.
• If an oncoming vehicle is overtaking from the opposite direction and will not be likely to do it safely, slow down and be prepared to move to the left emergency lane if necessary.
The coalition government at Maphumulo Municipality is facing an uncertain future. This comes after the ANC in the municipality brought a motion of no confidence against Mayor Siboniso Nyatikazi and the Speaker Musa Ngidi. Both are IFP councillors.
Making the announcing at a media briefing held at the ANC's regional offices this
week, the party accused the municipality's leadership under the Mayor Nyatikazi of demonstrating a lack of vision and of reversing the gains made under ANC administration.
Curiously, no motion has been brought against the deputy mayor, Sinenhlanhla Chili, who is an EFF councillor, prompting suspicion that the EFF may switch allegiance and vote with the ANC.
“During the previous administration, the ANC worked tirelessly to improve the lives of Maphumulo citizens by introducing a number of service delivery initiatives.
He ANC had inherited a dysfunctional municipality whose citizens' right to service delivery was not respected.
“The current political leadership
of the municipality decided to abandon all historical and planned projects with (offering) an alternative. In addition, there is no plan to provide service delivery in the municipality,” the ANC stated.
The media briefing was addressed by the party's regional deputy chairperson Bheka Dlamini, regional secretary Siphesihle Zulu, his deputy Matozi Khuzwayo-Dlamini, regional treasurer Thulani Ntuli and regional spokesperson Thandeka Ngidi-Mkhize.
The party is adamant that the motions, which are expected to be debated in Council this week, will result in the reinstatement of an ANC administration in the municipality.
“Municipalities have a Constitutional obligation to address the imbalances that still exist regarding equal access to services, the development of new infrastructure and guarding of existing infrastructure,” stated ANC.
Esithombeni kusuka kwesokunxele ngomkhulumeli we-ANC esifundeni uThandeka NgidiMkhize, kube ngumgcinimafa uThulani Ntuli, kube ngusekela sihlalo uBheka Dlamini, kube ngunobhala uSiphesihle Zulu kanye nosekela nobhala uMatozi Khuzwayo-Dlamini
Inhlangano ye-African National Congress esifundeni i-General Gizenga Mpanza iwotha ubomvu ngokuhamba kancane kophenyo mayelana nesehlakalo sakamuva sokubulawa kwekhansela lale nhlangano endaweni yakwaMaphumulo, uKhansela Zakhele Khuzwayo, obeyikhansela lakwaWard 11.
Le nhlangano iphinde yagxeka izinsolo zokuthi ukubulawa kwekhansela uKhuzwayo bekuxhumene nemibango yangaphakathi kwinhlangano, yachaza lezi zinsolo njengendelelo. Le nhlangano inxuse amaphoyiasa ukuthi aphuthumise uphenyo lwawo mayelana nalesi sigameko.
Abaholi bale nhlangano esifundeni bathe le nhlangano ihlela ukubamba imashi ebheke esiteshini samaphoyisa khona KwaMaphumulo, ngenhloso yokuzwakalisa ukungathokozi kwayo ngokugqoza kophenyo.
“Njengenhlangano kaKhongolose sifisa
ukucacisa ukuthi ngaphambi kokubulawa kukaKhansela Khuzwayo, amanye amakhansela ethu emkhandlwini wakwaMaphumulo abeke azwakalisa ukwesabela izimpilo zawo, kulandela ukuthola izinsongo ezivela kubantu abangaziwa, nokucacayo ukuthi bazimisele ngokubamba umasipala ngendlozane.
“I-ANC isishayela izandla isinyathelo sokusungulwa kwethimba elididiyele elizobhekana ngqo nokuphenya ukubulawa kukaKhansela Khuzwayo. Kuyasikhathaza nokho ukuthi uphenyo lubonakala luihamba kancane, kanti akukho nemibiko esiyitholayo kwithimba labaphenyi. Sikholelwa ekutheni umndeni wakwaKhuzwayo, umphakathi wakwaMaphumulo kanye nenhlangano kaKhongolose bafanele ukubona ezobulungiswa zenziwa ngokushesha kujleli cala,” kubeka i-ANC.
Le nhlangano ithe iminingwane mayelana nemashi ezobheka esiteshini samaphoyisa izomemezelwa khona ,aduze.
Zonke izinhlelo sezimi ngomumo njengoba kuzokuthi ngoMgqibelo umengameli wezwe uMnuz Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa anikeze ngokusemthethweni iSilo samaZulu uMisuzulu kaZwelithini isitifiketi sobukhosi.
Umcimbi wokunikezelwa kwesitifiketi seSilo uzokuba senkundleni yezemidlalo iMoses Mabhida, eThekwini, kanti kulindeleke ukuthi uhanjelwe yinqwaba yezicukuthwane, kuhlanganisa nomalume weSilo, iNgwenyama uMswati kaSobhuza waseSwatini.
Lo mcimbi uza nje umbango wesikhundla sobukhosi awukapheli eNdlunkulu yesizwe samaZulu, njengoba amanye amalunga aseNdlunkulu eyikhahlela indaba yokuthi uMisuzulu kube nguyena othatha isihlalo sobukhosi. Lama lunga aseNdlunkulu athi umuntu okunguyena ofanele ukuthatha lesi sikhundla nguMntwana uSimakade kaZwelithini, nokunguyena omudala kubantwana baseNdlunkulu abazalwa yiSilo esesakhothama, uZwelithini kaBhekuzulu.
Nokho uMisuzulu waqokwa ukuthatha lesi sikhundla yiNdlovukazi uMantfombi Dlamini, nokunguyena owaqokwa njengebambela leNkosi yesizwe samaZulu, kulandela ukudlula emhlabeni kweSilo uMdlokombane. Nayo iNdlovukazi uMantfombi iye yadlula emhlabeni ngemuva kokuxinwa ngukugula.
UMntwana uSimakade usaphosele inselelo enkantolo udaba lokukhethwa kukaMisuzulu njengeSilo, nokho uhulumeni uthi konke lokhu kungukumosha isikhathi ngoba uMisuzulu usevele usesiqhoqhobele lesi sikhundla.
Kamuva nje iSilo uMisuzulu ngokubambisana nohulumeni wesifundazwe saKwaZulu-Natal ubambe ngenkulu impumelelo uMkhosi weLembe edolobheni laKwaDukuza, nokwakuyisigodlo sikakhokho wakhe, iSilo uShaka kaSenzangakhona. Kanti akugcini lapho njengoba esanda kwenza
ngempumelelo uMkhosi woMhlanga esigodlweni eNyokeni KwaNongoma, nokungumcimbi owaqhubeka ngaphandle kwemibiko yokwesabisa okwakuthiwa ivela kwabanye abantwana baseNdlunkulu.
Ekhuluma eMkhosini weLembe KwaDukuza, iSilo uMisuzulu wakhala kakhulu ngalokho akubiza ngefu elimnyama eligubuzele isizwe samaZulu njengoba kusanda kuba khona izikhukhula ezacekela phansi imizi yabantu kanye nengqalasizinda, futhi zadlula nemiphefumulo yamakghulu ngamakgului abantu esifundazweni saKwaZulu-Natal. INgonyama yabuye yaphawula ngodaba lwezingozi zemigwaqo eilokhu ziqhubekile nokuthatha imipefumulo emigwaqeni yesifundazwe, yathi konke lokhu kuwuphawu loku kukhona umshophi olokhu ulandele isizwe.
Uqhekeko phakahti kweNdlunkulu luye lwakhula kamuva ngesikhathi abafowabo baSilo esesakhothama beholwa nguMntwana Mbonisi, beye baphuma eceleni bathi bona babona kufanele kube nguMntwana uBuzabazi otahtha lei sikhundla.
Lomshini wenza izimanga ngokuhlola wonke umzimba uthole zonke izinkinga ezikhona ezingakudalela ukugula nengcindezi engalapheki.
Ancedisa ukuhlanza ukungcola okhukhona kwisisu nakupopopo, kufa nezikelemu ezingadingekile kuhlanzeke isibindi nesikhwama senyongo kuwe kuhlanzeke negazi. Asibulalela nezilokazane namagciwane nje wonke anokukhinyabeza umzimba, Kuvuseleleka nazozonke izingxenye nezindlala zimzimba ukuba zisebenze kahle.
and colon of the old faeces and worms whilst cleaning the liver and gallbladder so as to clean and purify the blood. Ridding the body of worms, fungus, bacteria will assist all organs of the body to work better.
assist the body to clean the
Ayer Rock Guesthouse
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Second hand clothes, household, dishes, mens and boys shoes, boots, takkies, curtains, beddings. Beds, TVs, fridge (working or non working) freezers, kitchen units, lounge suits. We collect and pay cash.
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1 Room house, lounge, kitchen, exclusive. R2700 pm. Including water/lights. No 4 Farewell Road, Townview. Contact 084 890 3979.
1 Big bedroom, kitchen, toilet/shower. R2000 pm including water. Prepaid lights, No 95 Glenhills Drive. Contact 083 216 5139.
Stanger Manor, 2 rooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet/bathroom. R3200pm. Excluding water/lights. Contact 0325512008, 062 942 0386.
Show house, No 10 Salmon Place, Blythedale. 5 Bedroom house. Close to all amenities, pool etc. Ideal for a bed and breakfast. Asking price R7.7 million. View time Saturday, 3pm to 4pm. Contact 076 272 1724, 078 638 2060, 063 740 1345, 084 560 8157, 073 319 1158.
STOP worrying about your debt. Increase your nett salary (double), consolidate all your loans/accounts. We will remove all garnishee orders from your salary. If people are worrying you about monies that you owe them, come and see us.
• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Dlamuka Nqobile Luyanda ozalwa ngu Dlamuka Nokubonga ongasekho. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte usonhlalakahle u NF Shinga ku (032) 552-5246.
• Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the biological father of Nxumalo Zama Amahle who was born 2007/09/29 whose mother, Mbonambi Thulisile who passed away. The child is under the care of Ngwane Lillian Thandazile. Anyone with information may contact Bongiwe Makhalima at (032) 481-2093.
• Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the biological father of Mazibuko Kwanele Nomthandazo who was born
2009/10/18 whose mother, Mteti Octovia Hlengiwe passed away. The child is under the care of Buthelezi Sebenzile. Anyone with information may contact Bongiwe Makhalima at (032) 481-2093.
• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Mnotho, Celumusa, Susan no Ashley Lucas abazalwa nguSharron Lucas ongasekho. Ongaba nolwazi athintane no Social Worker uMntungwa (032) 5525246.
• Kucelwa usizo ngokuthungatha ubaba wezingane zakwaMtolo ezingo Nkanyiso no Kwanele. Bazalwa ngu Phindile Princess Mtolo ongasekho. Uma kukhona ongaba nolwazi angathintana no Miss
Mntungwa ku (032) 552-5246.
• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa uNombuso Pretty Masinga. Ongaba nolwazi athintane no Ms Mntungwa ngezikhathi zomsebenzi ku (032) 552-5246.
• The Department of Social Development is looking for the biological father of Zungu Buhle Goodman and Zungu Kewanee Business. Their late biological mother was Ms Nikeziwe Jabu Zungu. Anyone with information please contact Mrs Maseko at (032) 5525246.
• The Department of Social Development is looking for the biological father of Dube Ntombiyenkosi Vivian. Her late biological mother was Dube Lona Duduzile. Anyone
with information please contact Mrs Maseko at (032) 552-5246.
• The Department of Social Development is looking for the biological father of Gumede Phiwayinkosi Alfred. His late biological mother was Gumede Zinhle Rebecca. Anyone with information please contact Mrs Maseko at (032) 552-5246.
• Umnyango wezenhlalakahle KwaDukuza ucela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Azanda Melody Mthembu owazalwa ngo 2011/03/30 ezalwa uZandile Sizeni Mthembu owayehlala e Melville West ongasekho emhlabeni. Onolwazi akathinte uSonhlalakahle uMiss Nyawo Ku (032) 552-5646.
Hillcresent Road, near schools, mall & mosque. 3 Bedroom open plan lounge, diningroom, kitchen, built-in cupboards, kitchen units, separate
Amaphoyisa aKwaDukuza anxusa amalunga omphakathi ngolwazi mayelana nabantu abashone ezingozini zomgwaqo. Amaphoyisa athi kwisehlakalo sokuqala, kwaba nengozi phakathi kwezimoto ezimbili emgwaqeni u-R74 eNsonono ngasezitolo zakwa-Jim. Kuthiwa ingozi yenzeka mhla ka-01 October 2022, ngezithuba zokugamanxa kwehora lesithupha ekuseni.
ongase abe nolwazi ukuthi axhumane nomseshi uWarrant Officer S. Brijmohan kulezi zinombolo zocingo: (032) 551-8277 noma kwethi (081) 750-9895.
contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165
Imibiko yamaphoyisa ithi le ngozi yayiphakathi kwemoto yohlobo lweToyota Corolla enombala okuhlaza (blue) kanye nemoto yohlobo lweDodge enombala o-grey. Kulesi sigameko kwashona umuntu oyedwa. Amaphoyisa anxusa noma ngubani
Kwesinye isehlakalo, amaphoyisa athi mhla zingu-28 September 2022, ngaphambi kancane kwehora lesikhombisa ekuseni, kwashayisana imoto yohlobo lwe-Toyota Quantum kanye neveni i-Toyota Hilux, nalapho okwaphangalala khona abantu abaningana. Kucelwa ofakazi kule ngozi ukuthi baxhumane nomseshi uS. Brijmohan kulezi zinombolo zocingo: (032) 551-8277 noma kwethi (081) 750-9895.
A man suspected of being linked to a brazen robbery at a house in Stanger Manor has been apprehended by police. According to police reports, the robbery occurred on Friday the 14th of October 2022, at around 19:15, when five armed men entered the house and took a firearm, five cellphones and other valuables.
Last week police followed up on information received, and successfully arrested one suspect, and recovered cellphones suspected to have been stolen from the house. The suspect was also being sought by Durban central police.
KwaDukuza SAPS are continuing with their investigation.
Ballito, or by registered post to P. O. Box 72, KwaDukuza Municipality, 4450, or by fax to 032 437 5098, or by e-mail to municipalm@kwadukuza.gov.za on or before the * 09 December 2022.
Should you fail to lodge or forward comments by the said date, you will be disqualified from further participating in the process.
Name and address of applicant: Date of advertisement
Sikhipha isaziso sokuthi kuye kwenziwa isicelo kuMasipala, ngokwemigomo yoMthetho Wokuhlelwa Kwezindawo Nokuphathwa Kokusetshenziswa Komhlaba, 2013 (uMthetho No.16 ka-2013) ofundwa ngokwemigomo yoMthetho kaMasipala Wokuhlelwa Kwezindawo Nokuphathwa Kokusetshenziswa Komhlaba kaMasipala waKwaDukuza, No.2002 (September 2021) (uMthetho we-KDM SPLUMA):
Isivumeleano sesicelo: Isicelo semvume ekhethekile so ukuvumela okwakhiwa nokusebenziswa wezokuxhumana nesiteshini sa khona Ku-Erf: Erf 714 Nkwazi : 714 Zamani Township, Nkwazi, Kwadukuza
Sokuba kusetshenziswe isikhungo esishiwo ngenhla ngezinjongo: zokwakha nokusebenza ngombhoshongo wezokuxhumana nesiteshi endaweni engenhla (Isihlongozo)
Ikhophi yesicelo kanye nezincwadi ehambisana nazo zivuleleke ekutheni zihlonzwe amalungu omphakathi phakathi namahora 08h00 12h30 ngeMisombuluko kuya koLwesihlanu ( kungabalwa Public Holidays ) emahhovisi akwaPlanning Development kuMasipala waKwaDukuza kanye nesimemo se-wunsitsi sokubuka komphakathi ku-www.kwadukuza.gov.za.
Amalungu omphakathi amenywa ukuba alethe izincwadi zawo ngesandla eDevelopment Control Section, 34 Chief Albert Luthuli Street KwaDukuza / 10 Leonora Drive Ballito, noma ngeposi elirejistiwe ku-P. O. Box 72, KwaDukuza Municipality, 4450, noma ngefekisi ku-032 437 5098, noma nge-imeyili kumunicipalm@kwadukuza.gov.za mhla-ka- * 9 December 2022 noma ngaphambi kwalokho.
Uma ungayilethanga incwadi noma ungayithumelanga ngosuku olushiwo, ngeke usafaneleka ukuba ubambe iqhaza kule nqubo.
Igama nekheli lofaka isicelo: Usuku lwesikhangiso Torbiouse
to purchase a
will be available
at any time in our area.
GARDENING: Mbozamo Primary School has revived its school gardening project, with excellent produce being harvested. Pictured are the school's Soul Buddyz together with Principal Mr Bheka Mchunu.
BEAUTY: Virosha Govender (22) was crowned the Miss Face of North Coast First Princess at the La Montagne Resort on the 23rd of October 2022. Virosha was crowned by the owner of Simply Models KZN, Karen Landman. Landman empowers youth to showcase their different talents and make a difference in the community by means of giving back to the community.