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August 31, 2022XPress

*15 year guarantee - luxux black range Combos include: 1x5L adhesive4x20kgcoverageOffers1x1x5kgbondgroutpackofspacers2a14.4mtile August 31, 2022 XPress

FREE copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Mandini, Isithebe, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop 31 AUGUST 2022 BEE LEVEL3 BBEEACCREDITATONB••5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger • Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net Follow us on times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER • Car Services • Exhaust • 3D Wheel Alignment • Batteries • Tyre Enhancement • Latest Styles Mag Wheels SPECIALISING IN: Boston City Campus (Pty) Ltd Reg. No.1996/013220/07 is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No.101 of 1997). Registration Certifificate No. 2003/HE07/002. & HOMEPA RTY for your Plasticware, Toys, Stationery, Homeware and Party Favorites 25 Mahatma Gandhi Street, Stanger (Opp. Stanger Sweet Wholesalers) OFFERS VALID FROM 31 AUGUST - 4 SEPTEMBER OR WHILE STOCKS LAST 071 278 9750 2499 69999 1199 9999 24999 399 999 1499 18999 Totally Home Easy MopShower Cap Plastic Dust Pan and Brush Xl Chalkboard Clothes Dryer from Pegs 20s Totally Home Underplate Totally Home Single Fryer 3lt Plastic Pegs Basket from Black, red, white, gold,Eachsilver Contact us on 082 237 4089 5 DAYS SPECIAL! 04/09/2022 3999 Chini Mini PacketChocolates100’s Pepsi2lt Charcoal5kgBagoStarBiscuits4kgCocoMilkBongoBar24’s 10999 3299 4699 2999 Heiders Corn Chips Sweet Chilli 50x22g 1199 Ginger Garlic Paste 200g SimbaSweetNiknaksChilli&BBQonly50x20g 3999 999 im 49 Mahatma Gandhi Str. Tel : (032) 551 1522 Pine Bunk Bed R650 L-Shape 3 Piece Lounge Set Sandy Dining Table & 6 Chairs R2250R1450R1350 I ImportedPieceKitchenUnit 2 Door Local Flap WardrobeUp R1899 Bed Coastal Empress Double R2299 WhatsApp "Add" to 081 480 5521 to receive weekly specials Mayor to face motion of no confidence By Xpress Reporter Finally, it's D-Day for KwaDukuza Mayor, Cllr Lindile Nhaca, and her top lieutenants in the leadership of the KwaDukuza municipal council. Today (Wednesday, 31 August 2022), the ordinary sitting of KwaDukuza Council will be happening at the Council Chamber except it won't be exactly “ordinary”, not by any stretch of the imagination. Today Mayor Nhaca, Deputy Mayor Thulani Ntuli, Speaker Dolly Govender and Chief Whip Ntokozo Mbatha are expected to face the long awaited motion of no confidence debate. The debate was initially scheduled to take place in the last ordinary sitting of Council, on the 28th ofD-DAY: Pictured from left are Chief Whip Ntokozo Mbatha, Deputy Mayor Thulani Ntuli, Mayor Lindile Nhaca and Speaker Dolly Govender July, however the meeting was abruptly adjourned after chaotic scenes broke out in plenary.Andthen the meeting expected to sit on the 25th of August 2022 had to be rescheduled as many senior female councillors had a SALGA engagement. Finally, the long awaited meeting is sitting today. And sparks are expected to fly in ActionSA,goingtheChamber.theAttimeoftopress onContinuedPage2

August 31, 2022PAGE 2 XPress OFFERS FROM 31 AUG - 4 SEPT OR WHILE STOCKS LAST! PotatoesCookingSoft10kg 6500 English Cucumber 4 TULIP Cell:oppLINDLEYCell:STANGERROAD,MANOR0762133369STREET,David’sFishShop)0784077772 Assortment of flowers and veg seedlings instore! Onions5kg 3500 Large Sweet Naartjie Fresh Pecan Nuts kg CaneYoungHerbs3FOR 2500 Yams Swing into spring with these super specials MARKET DAY (FRIDAY ONLY) AVAILABLE AT STANGER MANOR BRANCH 1kg 2500 Pink Tip Double Beans2kg 4500 2000 Pack 2000 2kg Each7997499 No traders * E&OE Mon-Fri : 8am to 5pm Sat : 7am to 3pm Sun : 8am to 1pm A proudly women empowerment initiative 500 Dhania 500 HerbsCane 2000 1000 LettuceEachRed / HerbsGreen 3 FOR 3 FOR 4 FOR 399 RaddishBunch Large Cabbage 1500 Mon-Fri: 08h00-18h00 Saturday: 08h00-18h00 Sunday & Public Holidays: 09h00-18h00 • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK OFFERS VALID FROM 31 AUGUST 2022 TILL 7 SEPTEMBER 2022 WHILE STOCKS LAST 125 Balcomb Street, Stanger Tel: 032 551 6404 stangersparpharmacy1@retail.spar.co.za 078 622 1300 at PectrolyteS2 150ml R60.90 Syndol 40's R84.90 Sinutab 24's (codeine) R77.50 Ceticit 30's R75.90 Fluticasone 120 Doses R81.50 Laura 30's R66.50R66.50 Boot Clearance30Sale%offMaverickTopMatchboxGun Metal Only 7990 OTO SuperPowerfulManTabs4's Enhance Vitality and Vigor Prolonged Performance Only 4950 Woodwards Gripe 150mlWater Comfort Babies with Gripes Only 3590 Zinplex 200ml Sugar immuneBoostsFreethesystem Only 5490 Reuterina Drops 5ml Probiotic for Baby Health Only 20850Efferflu C 20's Immune Booster Vitamin C & Zinc Only 7550Cal-C-Vita 30's Immune Support Only 16590 Activovite 30's Complete Multivitamin with minerals Only 7590 Only 11550 Polly Pocket Assorted Only 8090 Gastropect SuspensionAntidiarrhoeal100ml Toffee Flavour Only 3350 Gaviscon Liquid 150ml Treat Heartburn & Indigestion Aniseed & Peppermint Only 9350Tasectan Caps 8's Effective within 12 Diarrhoeahours Only 11290 PackMatchbox Assorted 5's Metal Only 18090 Slow-Mag Fizzies 10's Treatment of cramps Only 7450 A. Vogel Multiforce Alkaline Powder 225g Maintenance acid / alkaline balance Only 20750 Strepsils Soothing 24's Honey & Lemon OR Orange OR forSoothingOriginalreliefsorethroats Only 7650 Dr Lee Patch 6's Pain Relief Only 4550 Deep Heat Rub 35g Arthritis, Stiffness, Muscles and Joints Backache, Strains & Pains Pre-exercise warm up Only 3590 Panado Syrup 100 ml Peppermint & Strawberry Pain & Fever Only 5390Grand-PaSticksPowder12's Pain & Fever Only 3190 SachetsMovicol 20's For constipationchronictreatment Only 13190 Dulcolax Tablets 10's For relief of constipationoccasional Only 3790 Ulsanic 1g Tabs 20's Peptic Reflux,ChronicUlcers,Gastritis,Hyperacidity Only 11450 Only 1650 E45 Cream 500g Moisturises and relieves dry skin Only 19950 Corsodyl Original 200ml Antibacterial treat Mouth Ulcers, Gingivitis and Dental Plaque Only 10990Eye-gene 5ml Eyes right eye-genewith Only 3050Septadine 25g Antiseptic Ointment Only 2590 HaarlemensisLennon 20ml Treatment of Kidney & Bladder Complaints Only 2050 Hedelix Syrup 100ml Herbal Cough Syrup Only 8390 Bang STRONGMANBang Tabs 1's For Low Libido up to 72 hours Only 3550 CapsMale30'sMed-e-EnlargeEnlargement Reitzer Pure Soap 150g Fragrance & Colour Free Oxymist Paed 10ml R61.90 Mypaid Caps 30's R51.90 Allergex Non Drowsy 30's “Motion to crumble” as parties continue bicker

Continued from Page 1 the proponents of the motion, had still not found common ground with the Democratic Alliance (DA), thus placing in jeopardy the success of the motion, as without those two parties cooperating, the motion is most likely doomed to fail. For the Mayor to be removed through a motion of no confidence, a simple majority in VISIBILITY: Pictured are the various officers who took part in the high visibility patrol A multi-disciplinary high visibility patrol was conducted in KwaDukuza CBD and residential area on Friday. the Council vote will be required. ActionSA is pushing for a secret ballot, ostensibly to allow for “councillors to vote with their conscience”. However at the time of going to press, it was not yet clear whether Speaker Govender would allow this to happen. While the ANC failed to obtain an outright majority in the last elections, the party still commands a vast number of Council seats, at 29 in total, while all the opposition parties collectively hold 30 seats. Consequently, any disharmony in the opposition benches gives ANC automatic advantage. So, will Mayor Nhaca, Deputy Mayor Ntuli, Speaker Govender and Chief Whip Mbatha survive this motion? That remains to be seen….

The operation involved KDM Crime Prevention Unit, CPF, Prosecure Security, ADT Security, Black Hawks Security, K2 Security and Taurus Security. Well done to the team.

Keeping the CBD free of crime

Specials valid from 31 August - 7 September 2022. T’s & C’s Apply. E&OE Desai’s CASH & CARRY 3 Enterprise Road, Stanger Tel : 032 552 3518 • Fax : 032 552 3179 • Cell : 076 734 4294 Email : info@desaiscnc.co.za • Website : www.desaiscnc.co.zaCASH & CARRY Desai’s Receive our Amazing Specials On Whatsapp Kindly text “ADD ME” to 076 734 4294 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices subject to change without prior notice. Pictures may vary from actual product. All Prices strictly cash. E&OE. WE ARE DELIVERING TO CERTAIN AREAS ONLY! T'S & C'S APPLY MINIMUM COST OF ORDER R250-00. GLEN ROOIBOS 80’S SpecialsDays FRI/SAT/SUN 2-4 SEPTEMBER Whilst Stocks Last. First Come, First Serve BAUMANN’S CREAM CRACKERS 200G 3 C&B MAYONNAISE 750G EGGS LARGE FRYS BURGERSCHICKEN320G RAID EUCALYPTUS300ML SaskoWhitePremuim700g SaskoBrownPremium700g11595955 113505033 per customer3 per customer WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ONLY NUTRIDAYYOGHURTSMOOTH1KG LA ITALIANA PEANUT BUTTER 400G FIRST CHOICE LONG LIFE MILK 6X1LT JACOBS47.5GKROUNING 4195 ZAR MACARONI & SPAGHETTI 500G OREO SLUG 133G KNORROX SOYA MINCE POLY BAG 400G RIVERVIEW BUTTER GHEE 1.5KG WASHINGMIRACLEMOMDISHLIQUID2LT GOLDEN PRIDE THAI RICE 10KG HULETTS WHITE SUGAR 10KG 1895 1295291995958195 29959695 AROMAT CANS 75G 995 TOP CLASS SOUP 500G WELLINGTONS TOMATO SAUCE 700ML 2395 SIMBA MUNCHIESSUNFOIL54GOIL5LT2895 1295 4995 9395 3295 RAINBOWPORTIONSMIXED2KG LUCKY STAR BAKED BEANS 410G ETHEKWENI5X65GNOODLES 1195 136955 DOZEN 4695 2.5 DOZEN 6813895954KG 5895 11895958KELLOGGS ALL BRAN FLAKES 1KG SALDANHA400GPILCHARDS 1795 11395953 GOLDEN DELIGHT BASMATI RICE 5KG RAJAH 200G 4095951522.5KG 895 2495 FIVE ROSES AFRICAN BLEND TEABAGS 102’S 2795 118922000000959589For2 For3 1295 GREENPRE-PACKPEPPER3’S 1795 CARROTS 5KG 2595 ORANGES BAG 2795 APPLES 3KG 995 14895 2595 DEODORANTTOSHOWERSHOWER150ML 1895 BLUECOO-EECREMESODA2LTFATTIS&MONISMACARONI500G 22095950 JEWEL POLISH RED 400ML 90000For3 GOLDEN PRIDE THAI RICE 10KG SUNFOIL OIL 5LT NYALA MAIZE MEAL 10KG COMBO: 36995 August 31, 2022 PAGE 3XPress

Specials valid from 31/08 - 06/09/2022 or while stocks last We reserve the right to limit quantities - E & OE. Prices subject to change without prior notice.Pictures may vary from actual product. 175g 999 Lux Soap Each 400ml 9999 Panda Nappies No2/3/4/5 Buy a 10kg or 25kg Ace Super Maize Meal and stand a chance of winning a 2 plate Diamond Stove. Write your name & contact details and drop it in the competition box. Competition6/09/22.closes 7999 Nyala Maize Mealeach 11599 Golden Delight Sugar Beans Each 4kg6x2lt10kg 5999 Coo-ee Cooldrink Pack5999 King Korn Malt Each 3kg 9999 Five Star Large Eggs 3000 Touch of Pearls Soap 1999 Dawn Lotion 2999 Always Pads TrayPack Each 9’s 60’s 300g FOR 2 BUY BUY 3 FOR 2099 Morvite each 1kg5lt 18999 Safola Oil each 10kg 14999 Super Brown SugarEach 400g 2299 La Italiana Smooth P/Nut Butter each CornerStreets,Cato/HulettStanger 10kg 25kg25kg10kg 7999 Ace Super Maize Meal each 18599 Ace Super Maize Meal each27999 Golden Delight Rice each10599 Golden Delight Rice each August 31, 2022PAGE 6 XPress

August 31, 2022 PAGE 7XPress We stock the Freshest and Tastiest Sweet Meats NOW AVAILABLE IN STORE SUPERIOR QUALITY DRY FISH / BOMBAY DUCK AND NETLEE FISH manjras 29 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, Stanger Tel: 032 5522397 / 032 5511541 •PREPAID•NEW•UPGRADESCONTRACTSDEALS&LAYBYE 2x R299A16sOPPO PM 70REDx36FlexiPMx36** RED CORE MORE DATA TOP UP 2GB 1GB Anytime 1GB 100MINNight-OwlValidfornewcontracts Redmi R16999ACashprice 2GB 32GBROMRAMWasR1899NOW 99999999 5999 RedissonCordlessKettle1,7litre Gents Watch 99999999 Condere 1400 watt Steam Iron 1129999929 Omega Outdoor Portable FM Radio 1149999949 Ear Pods 2699999269 PowerBaselineBankwithbuilt-inLEDtorch10000mAh 1179999979 Lampshades 1129999929 HeadphonesWireless 39999939 Wall Clocks from from from from WasnowR69.99 33999999 Alarm Clocks from Ladies3999Watch Ladies19999GoldandSilverWatchandChainSet Ladies9999RingTR117 5999GentsWatch Ladies5999BlingWatch Mesh4999LadiesWatch WATCH REPAIRS DONE • Batteries fitted on all makes of watches with a 1 year guarantee • Repairs done to all makes of watches • Small repairs done while you wait • Band adjustment and glass replacement 5999 Gents Leather Sports Watch ILembe explains use of “noncompliant” security firm By Xpress Reporter

WHISTLE STOP: The bikers made a brief stopover at Luthuli Museum before proceeding to Shakaville

Ilembe District Municipality has “brushed aside” criticism by the Independent Alliance (IA) related to the awarding of a security contract to a local company whose registration status with the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) is still pending. The IA has slammed the municipality over the awarding of the contract, alleging that the supply chain claimsmovedIAthetofavoursmeanttheandhappenthisprovideIDMAlliancesupplystaffincompetencywas“noncompliant”securitythat“manipulated”.processesmanagementhadbeenThepartyfurtherallegedtheawardingofacontracttothesaidcompanyacleardemonstrationofonthepartofmembersinvolvedwithSCMprocesses.“AstheIndependentwedemandthemanagementtoanswersastowhyhasbeenallowedtoundertheirnoses,alsotoremindthemthatMunicipalityisnottodrivepoliticalforindividualsbutserve(the)ratepayersandcommunityatlarge,”thestated.ThemunicipalityhasquicklytodismissthebytheIA,arguingthat

“We would like to call upon COGTA to make an example of everyone who is responsible for awarding the contract to a non-complying

the new contract was entered into with two security firms following court battles with the previous security service provider, who allegedly wanted to remain contracted to the companieswasproviders)appointingforcompetitiveMunicipality2022expiringforPolicySupplytermsarrangementregulations.weretheirbothbidding.withappointedsecuritypurposescontractmunicipalityindefinitely.municipalityInastatementthesaidthenewwasforshorttermonly,andboththefirmsthathavebeenwereregisteredPSIRAatthetimeof“Duringthetimewhencompaniessubmittedbiddocuments,theycompliantwithPSIRA“Thisisashort-termandwasdoneinofSection36oftheChainManagement(deviationmethod)aperiodofsixmonthson31Decembertoenablethetostartanewbiddingprocessanewcontract.“Thecriteria(intermsoflocalserviceandprocessthatusedtoappointbothwassharedwith

company as this clearly shows that they do not know their jobs properly,” the party said.Ilembe says the objection from the previous security company was considered by the Municipal Bid Appeals Tribunal (a Provincial Treasury structure) who ruled in favour of the Municipality.“However, (the company) was not happy with the outcome of this process and then approached the Durban High Court. In May 2022 the High Court ruled in favour of the Municipality and the leave was granted for the Municipality to advertise a new contract,” stated the Municipality.

The bikers assembled at the King Shaka Monument in King Shaka Street, before making a cacophonous dash through the CBD on their way to Luthuli Museums in Groutville.FromGroutville the bikers were scheduled to proceed to Shakaville to deliver charity aid.This was done as part of the Club's Annual Rally 2022, an event than began with a formal ceremony on Friday the 26th of August 2022.

Bikers embark on charity drive

Members of the iLembe Motor Cycle Club (IMCC) and supported by visiting bikers brought KwaDukuza CBD to a standstill on Saturday, as they embarked on a drive for charity.

iLembe urgentnoneMunicipalityCommittee,”CouncilMunicipalityDistrictEXCO,andtheAuditthestated.HowevertheIAishavingofit,andhascalledforinterventionbythe Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA).

August 31, 2022PAGE 8 XPress

August 31, 2022 PAGE 9XPress

“We would like to take this opportunity to plead to the community to dig into their pockets and donate, and (to) please assist in the fundraising in order to replace stolen items,” the school stated. The school would also like to place on record its sincere gratitude to many individuals and families who have already come forward to pledge a donation for restoration purposes. The school is situated in New Guelderland, KwaDukuza.

Local law enforcement agencies are continuing to make things extremely uncomfortable for drug dealers in and around KwaDukuza. In one of the latest incidents, an African male was arrested in the area of Nkobongo in Shakaskraal, on Wednesday last week. A multi-disciplinary team comprising of EON Crime Intelligence, Umhlali K9 Unit, KDM Special Operations Unit, iLembe Crime Intelligence and Umhlali Task Team arrested the suspect for possession of heroin, Whoonga and crack cocaine. A total of 423 capsules and pieces wereTheconfiscated.suspectwas detained at Umhlali

August 31, 2022PAGE 10 XPress SUGAN GOVENDER Now also consulting at SHOP 2, SILVERSTREAM BUILDING, LINDLEY STREET, STANGER Strictly by appointment! For bookings please call (032) 552 7713 OPTOMETRIST On the following days: Monday 9.00am to 4.00pm Wednesday 9.00am to 4.00pm Closed 1.00pm to 2.00 pm Saturdays 8.30am to 1.00pm CORNISH R140 ea Contact 067 738 8941 / 061 544 5169 Cornish Cut & Cleaned Zulu Ducks & Drakes now available New ImprovedsupplierQualityDucks available on order This weeks special CULLS R65 ea FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AFTER 3PM!! R110Lamb Trotters per dozen HeadsLamb R85 Each Gizenga Street (opp. Post Office) AQ Holdings 079 981 5505 • 073 048TAKEAWAY7519 OR SIT-IN AND/OR FISH CURRY HOME STYLE GOODNESS StainlessCordlessSteelElectricKettle 29999 2 Plate Gas Stove with regulator & pipe 11999 R45FRESH WITHCURRYVEGROTI R50 SAMP & BEANS WITH TENDER LAMB R40MEDIUM FRIDAY SATURDAY R700EACH Grab 5 for R30 Grab 10 for R39R959999R9EACH (3LEDRechargeableLightsettings) 7999 LARGE R6999 SOMETHING AMAZING CHICKEN KALYA WITH ROTI LARGER5499MEDIUM R999EACH FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WEDNESDAY LAMB STEW withServedRoti THURSDAY TENDER LAMB CURRY & GADRA WITH RICE OR ROTI R75LARGER55MEDIUM R75LARGER55MEDIUM R5499 LAYERED MASALA VEG BREYANI WITH SOUR MILK R8999LAYEREDMASALALAMBBREYANI

DA makes donation to KwaDukuza SAPS

SUPPORT: The Democratic Alliance iLembe Constituency, led by Constituency Head Elma Rabe and Constituency Chairperson Kathleen Naidoo visited KwaDukuza police station recently to offer support and to hand over a donation to the GBV Desk. Pictured are DA councillors together with constituency Head Elma Rabe (2nd from left) and Sergeant Jali of KwaDukuza SAPS. also made off with essential school equipment. The school has a rich history spanning more than 100 years, and it has produced outstanding professionals in various fields. The school is also famous for its strong ethos, which places great importance on unity.

No place to hide for drug dealers

DRUGS: Police continue to act against those found to be dealing n narcotics

Harry Bodasing Primary burgled and vandalized police station. In a separate operation conducted on the same day, a Congolese national was arrested after being found to be allegedly dealing in drugs at the Ballito Shell Garage. The suspect was arrested following an operation involving iLembe Crime Intelligence, Umhlali K9 Unit, KDM Special Operations Unit and Phoenix Crime Intelligence. The suspect was found in possession of rock cocaine, a substance suspected to be crystal meth, Mandrax and Ecstasy. A total of 26 exhibits were confiscated, and the suspect was accordingly charged and detained.

BURGLARY: Harry Bodasing Primary School suffered a major setback after it was burgled and vandalized at the weekend

Harry Bodasing Primary School has suffered a major setback after the school was burgled and vandalized at the weekend. As a result, the school is now appealing to members of the community for donations to replace stolen item, and also for information that could lead to the arrest of the perpetrators. The perpetrators caused extensive structural damages and

Full Range of Power Tools, Electrical & Battery Operated Generators, Compressors, Water Tanks, Water Pumps, Ladders, Overalls, Safety Wear, Bolts, Nuts, Grass Cutting Machines, Garden Tools, Welding Machines, Palisade Fencing, Clearview Fencing, Galvanised & Ungalvanised Sheets, Stainless Steel products and accessories, Aluminum Profiles, Brooms, Mops, Largest Range Of Locks DEALKILLER 2 YEAR WIDE RANGE OFAVAILABLELADDERS R799 August 31, 2022 PAGE 11XPress

August 31, 2022PAGE 12 XPress • Plascon, Dulux and GC paints • Plumbing material • Taps, Sanware and accessories • Aluminium profile & accessories • Bolts, Nuts • Mild steel • Galvanised Steel • Stainless Steel • Tubing and sheets • Gate accessories • Power tools • Cordless tools • Ready-made Palisade and Clearview fencing • Safety wear, Overalls • Safety vest, Safety boots • Braai stands and cooking pots • Grass trimming machines and accessories • Water Tanks • Compressors, Generators • Cutting discs and bits • Shade cloth and plastic netting • Ladders • Gas Stoves, Gas cylinders • Full range of wheels • Electrical globes and fittings and energy saving accessories Boss Steel Suppliers has expanded, and has opened Boss Megastore for all your DIY products WE STOCK We are open every day, including public holidays OPEN DAY 1st September 2022 only PRICESDISCOUNTED&PRIZESTOBEWON Youth League ready for provincial conference

Our local Earth Buddies

Walking from Stanger to

By Xpress Reporter

The League's Regional Executive Committee (REC) said one of the key resolutions to be deliberated upon at the RGC will be the nomination of names to be put forward at the provincial conference, to be part of the

READY: Pictured at the ANCYL regional leaders (L to R) REC member Sipho Mkhize, treasurer Nkanyiso Hlongwa, deputy chairperson Ndabenhle Mzoneli, chairperson Thobani Shandu, secretary Xolani Skade and spokesperson Thabiso Zungu

Anjasi Mothilal & Anil Patel walked from Stanger to Ballito via the R102 to pledge their support to saving our soil. Anjasi commented, “It was quite exciting and I was totally surprised when I reached Ballito within 5 hours.” Anjasi said that this was part of a bigger walk that Save Soil withSouth000kmTsekeNkadimengentrepreneur,businessmanAmbassador,andTsekehasundertaken.iswalkinganepic10over8monthsacrossAfricaincollaborationtheglobalSaveSoil

WALK: Pictured (L to R) Manil Mothilal (host), Tseke Nkadimeng, Anil Patel, Parker Mamabolo and Premilla Mothilal (host). 4h30am sunrise before starting walk

Provincial Executive Committee. The League in the region is determined to be well represented in the PEC. The Regional Secretary Xolani Skade said the Region has, tentatively, nominated four of its senior members to be part of the new provincial leadership. The four names will be discussed at the RGC, before being officially endorsed for election.“TheREC has reminded itself of the congress resolution of the ANCYL GGMR 7th Regional Congress to obtain one official and three additional members. The ANCYL in GGMR reiterates that the delegation of our region will be led by the Regional Chairperson (Thobani Shandu) and the Regional Secretary (Xolani Skade). They will lead the engagements with regions that are open to engagements, as the region is also open to engagements,” the REC said. The four names expected to be nominated by the Region for inclusion in the provincial structure are those of Nosihle Simelane, Nomcebo Dlamini, Mthokozisi Ntuli and Senzo Makhoba.

Movement. Military veteran Parker Mamabolo has accompanied Tseke from their start in Dullstroom, Mpumalanga. They reached Stanger after a month of walking, having completed over 950km passing through Barberton, Nongoma and Maphumulo amongst many other places. From Ballito the journey continues to Durban, then Bloemfontein via Bethlehem, Middleburg, Knysna, Cape Town, Polokwane, Johannesburg, and then finally Pretoria. The United Nations has stated that we have only 60 years of soil left and already 52% of agricultural soil is degraded globally. This means that we here in South Africa will start experiencing the effects of food scarcity and soil extinction within the next 10-15 years. Tseke's walk has been inspired by the Save Soil founder, Sadhguru, who completed a 100 day, 30 000km lone motorcycle ride across Europe and Asia from March to June this year. “So far, 54 countries have pledge support. However we need all 193 countries including South Africa to join,” Mothilal said. •

1 Mahatma Gandhi Street (next to Noorgats), Stanger Tel: 032 5522180 • 032 5514904 Cell: 061 418 9721

082 944 4517

Ballito to save soil

The ANC Youth League in the General Gizenga Mpanza Region (GGMR) will tomorrow (Thursday) hold a special Regional General Council (RGC). This will be intended to finalize the League's preparation as the Region gears up to take part in the provincial elective conference at the weekend.


The opening remarks were delivered by the mayor, Councillor Thobani Shandu who spoke about strengthening relations with all other stakeholders for the smooth running of the municipality.

two innocent soccer activists were killed by shameless criminals who deserve nothing but harsh prison sentences. While this may not bring back the lives of the loved ones, we are of the view that such a ruling would likely provide the affected families and the community of Lindelani some sense of closure.

GIFT: Pastor Rajen Pillay is seen presenting a special gift to Sister Daphne of KwaDukuza Clinic

KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca has announced plans to motivate for Council to consider naming the Lindelani sports field after two young soccer activists who were gunned down at the facility two years ago. Njabulo Cele (24), who was the team coach and France Kuhuni (16), a team player suffered a tragic death on 10 August 2020 during a soccer tournament that was organized as part of commemorating Women's Day. “Two years on, we have not found any sense of closure around the circumstances leading to the untimely death of Njabulo and France. We maintain that these

with songs of praise,” Pastor Rajen stated.The

Pastor Rajen Pillay and the Jericho family hosted successful Women's Day celebration in honour of women of New Guelderland, in appreciation of the critical role they play in society. The event happened on the 21st of August 2022, and more than 100 ladies participated. Pastor Rajen has described the ladies as “strong”, hardworking” and “dedicated”.



Jericho Church organizing team, which comprises of Teddy Pillay, Pranitha Pillay and Marlene Soobramoney, express their sincere appreciation to all, especially the Jericho Family who assisted in making this special day a success.

ENJOYMENT: It was a day of enjoyment when the Jericho Ministries and Pastor Rajen Pillay hosted a Women's Day event recently

Name change on the cards for


The event was attended by all AmaKhosi under the iLembe District, Executive Committee members from local municipalities, and the iLembe District Municipality Speaker Dolly Shandu as the programme director.

In attendance at the celebration were more than 100 women of all ages and across diverse cultural backgrounds.

On the 19th of August 2022, the iLembe District family of municipalities held an engagement between Amakhosi and the iLembe family of municipalities at the iLembe Auditorium.

“Our special women were treated to a High Tea party, entertainment with games, musical dances, and gifts were given to all.

“We had the honour of having special guests, Pastor Jenna, Sister Daphne (from KwaDukuza Clinic) and Caitanya Diplall who encouraged our women, while Pastor Manny led

Local pastor hosts Women's Day celebration

Lindelani sports field


“I will therefore lobby the council in accordance with the policy on 'Street and Building Naming' to consider and accept the name 'Njabulo-France Sporting Stadium', which in my view, is a fitting reminder of the tragic event involving two innocent lives. It is also in the equal sense that I will consider hosting an annual soccer tournament in honour of France and Njabulo”, said Nhaca speaking at criminalityeliminaterole-playersensurewillcriminalinFrance.memoryKwaDukuzathatCommemorationNjabulo-FranceTournamentwasorganisedbyMunicipalityinofthelateNjabuloandThemayoralsoannouncedthatlightoftheescalationofactivitiesinthearea,shebehostingacrimeImbizotothattheCouncilandotherworktogethertotheprevalenceofacrossWard05.

'The month of August is dedicated to the selfless women who display a great deal of compassion, and whom we regard as women of worth,” Pastor Rajen stated.

August 31, 2022 PAGE 19XPress

ANC supports proposed measure to curb cable theft

SALGA Women's Commission holds elective conference

by a multi-disciplinary team comprising of KDM crime Prevention Unit, K2 Security, Kobus (McCarthy Risk), IPSS Security and Chapman Security.

Dawnview Primary hosts Careers Day

The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) Women's Commission held a three day national elective conference at Birchwood Hotel in Boksburg last week.The conference was convened to elect the Commission's new national office bearers, and to

CAREERS: Dawnview Primary School hosted the Careers Day at the school, with various stakeholders sharing details about their respective careers with the learners. Pictured are some of the participating stakeholders.


Suspects arrested for theft

Dawnview Primary

GAMES: Dawnview Primary School successfully hosted their Games Day at the school last week. Pictured are some of the learners and educators.

By Xpress Reporter The African National Congress (ANC) has expressed support for the proposed ban on scrap metal exports, which is designed to curb cable theft. The proposed temporary ban was recently announced by the Minister of Trade Industry and Competition, Mr Ebrahim Patel. Rampant cable theft in South Africa has led to the destruction of critical public infrastructure, in particular the railway system.The ANC argues that policing alone could never be enough to stop cable theft, considering the vastness of the cable network in South Africa.“The ANC rejects suggestions that policing alone can stop cable theft as disingenuous, as there are 118 000km of copper cable belonging to Telkom; there are 425 000km of copper cable belonging to Eskom and there are 25 000km of railway lines. “The draft policy is in line with our 54th national conference outcomes and was recently supported by the 6th national policy conference which proposed 'affirming that the state consider the scrapping of the scrapyard industry as that (industry) continues to perpetuate the stealing of the country's critical infrastructure'.“Toshowhow seriously he ANC takes this matter, the 6th national policy conference concluded that 'the destruction and theft of and trade in public infrastructure should be treated as treason',” the ANC stated.Theruling party has further called on all South Africans to support the proposed measures, and to join hands with the state in bringing an end to theft and damage of public“Allinfrastructure.citizens and stakeholders can also participate in enriching these interventions by depositing their comments

August 31, 2022PAGE 20 XPress

Swift reaction by law enforcement resulted in the arrest of three suspects in the KwaDukuza CBD, on Wednesday last week. The suspects were nabbed

A suspicious vehicle was stopped and searched, and bank cards suspected to be stolen were found. A complainant has opened a case.


Successful Games Day at

SPORTS: Stanger Manor Primary School held their Sports Day on Friday last week. Pictured are some of the participants.

SALGA: Pictured are some of the delegates at the SALGA Women's Commission national elective conference, with KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca and Speaker Dolly Govender appearing in the background

consolidate a programme of action to advance the struggle for women's emancipation in the local government sector. The event was attended by female executive mayors, mayors, speakers, EXCO members as well as representatives from COGTA.Theconference noted with dismay that women remain under-represented in local government, as they currently constitute just 37% of all elected representatives in the sector. Consequently, the Commission is lobbying for policies and legislation to address the huge gender inequality in municipalities and metros.


Sea The Catch Fisheries

August 31, 2022PAGE 24 XPress

Help find natural parents

• The natural father of Siphelele Khulekani Zungu born 04/02/2006. The natural mother is the late Ms Ntombifuthi Virginia Zungu.

• The natural father of Nosphiwo Khayiyana born 14/07/2006. The natural mother is the late Ms Mandlanzi Thembi Khayiyana.•Thenatural father of Khethokuhle Zanovuyo Msane born 05/04/2005. The natural mother is the late Ms Hlengiwe Msane. Kindly contact Social Worker, Miss A.S abovementionedregardingMahlanguthecases.

Sea The Catch Fisheries celebrated 1st anniversary of doing successful business at the SuperSpar Complex in Stanger. Exciting discounts and fun activities were enjoyed by all.


KwaDukuza Child Welfare is searching for the following natural parents. Should anyone have information on any of the listed individuals, kindly contact the relevant Social Worker on 032 5512129.•The natural father of Sicelimpilo Gift Khuzwayo born: 13/09/2011. The natural mother was Ms Fikile Wendy Khuzwayo.

The department has since amended this requirement, to allow for more people to qualify.“Inthis regard, the Best paper in town In 2019 your paper celebrated its 10th anniversary. Four years on, your paper stands out as the best in so far as consistency of an average on 20+ pages without the 2× wraparounds, well laid out to give every advertisement customer satisfaction, timeous distribution and very innovative. High-five to your team!

• The natural father of Mthokozisi Zethumotherborn:17/11/2006.TheKhuzwayo:naturalwasMsZandileKhuzwayo.•ThenaturalmotherofSbonokuhleNgema:born: 07/06/2005, Ms Lindiwe Phimisile Ngema. Information is also sought on the natural father Mr Moses Mafokeng. Kindly contact Social Worker, Mrs S. Naicker regarding the abovementioned cases.

By Xpress Reporter

The department says 11.4 million applications were received for the current payment cycle, with just less than half of that number being approved. The department has attributed the high number of declines to bank account verification, which requires applicants to receive less than R350 income in their accounts per month, in order to qualify.

• The social worker is searching for the natural parents of Ntombizonke Khumalo born 18/07/2006.

• The natural father of Nkosinathi Mdletshe born 11/11/2007 and Smangele Mdletshe born 13/07/2005.

It's always difficult to keep up with customer demands for good quality but your paper has become leaders when it comes to good pictures, very few errors and best print.

Department is proposing to increase the maximum allowable income from R350 to the food poverty line of R624, meaning that SASSA will decline any applicant who receives more than R624 into their bank account for each relevant month. It is important to state that the assessment will be conducted monthly, and should the income received into the account in a particular month fall below the R624, such an applicant will then qualify for the grant.“The value of the grant itself remains R350 per person per month for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 and the second amendment seeks to remove the requirement for applicants to indicate if they require the grant after every three“Sincemonths.theapplications are in any case assessed every month, the department is proposing to do away with this“Inrequirement.addition, the third amendment is aimed at removing the clause that places the bank verification process as the main criteria for determining eligibility for the grant. This is to ensure that SASSA applies all the different database checks, including the bank account income checks before making the decision to approve or decline the application,” the department stated.The department is also urging applicants who have been declined to promptly lodge appeals, for each month that they have been declined.“The Department also wishes to remind applicants that, as in the previous dispensation, they must submit an appeal in each month for which they have been declined. However, the appeal is now lodged directly with the Appeals Tribunal and no longer with SASSA. The new website for appeals is https://srd.dsd.gov.za,” the department said. Tel: 032 437 3000 Email: stanger1@retail.spar.co.za


Well done to the Xpress Times team, wish you all the best in the years ahead.

The natural mother is the late Ms Nonhlanhla Nobuhle Mdletshe.

Recipients of the social relief of distress (SRD) grant have been urged to take note of the changes in the qualifying criteria for the grant. Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu said the changes were necessitated by the high rate of declines, observed after new applications were received for the payment cycle starting on the 1st of April 2022 to the 31st of March 2023.

Email your letters to timesmedia@telkomsa.net STRICTLY NO LETTER WILL BE USED WITHOUT A PROPER NAME, ADDRESS AND CONTACT DETAILS. The Editor cannot be held responsible for any information in the Letters to the Editor column. This column is intended to be a platform and forum for those members of the community who have an opinion on a certain issue, which does not necessarily reflect the views of the Xpress Times. Please note some letters will be shortened to accommodate all correspondence. Those utilizing the column must please ensure that your name, address and telephone numbers are submitted for our reference; however, a pseudonym will be used when requested by the writer. The Editor reserves the right not to publish a letter. Letters to the Editor

Government announces changes to SRD grants


times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165

VACANCY Staff required, Cashier. Rocky Park Bottle Store Hardware, 21 Van De Wagen Drive. Must be influent in English. Call personally with CV. Salary R1000 per week. Contact 032 552 2014.


2018) Notice


N. J. MDAKANENAME OF APPLICANT: Municipal Manager Greenville Trading 89 CC KwaDukuza Municipality Municipal Offices REPRESENTED BY: 14 Chief Albert Luthuli Street STRUWIG Town and Regional Planners P. O. Box 72Tel: 032 552 3624 KwaDukuzaEmail: hannes@iafrica.com 4450122 Balcomb Street, KwaDukuza P. O. Box 347, Stanger 4450 DATE: 02 September 2022 MN

TO LET Bachelors Room with bathroom , Fully fenced . Available in Gibson Road, Warrenton. Contact 0786 772Commual,786. 1 room, kitchen, toilet/bathroom. 4TH Street, No 18 Newtown. R2000 pm. Including water/lights. Contact 082 314Outbuilding,3912. Gledhow North, open plan bedroom, lounge, separate kitchen, toilet/shower. R2200 pm. Excluding water/lights. Advance deposit required. Contact 084 587 7600, 032 552Office3635.space to let, No 16 Blaine Street, Stanger. Contact 082 856 6241. 2 Bedroom flats, open plan kitchen, lounge, toilet/shower. Excluding lights/water. R2850 pm. Contact 072 179 2779. 1 Bedroom flat, built-in cupboards, remote gate. Van de Wagen Drive, Rocky Park. Contact 032 552 2014, 073 182 3863. NOTICE In the estate of the late SADASEVAN MOODLEY, Identity Number : - 5304175153080, Date of Birth : 17 April 1953, Date of Death : 2 November 2021 of 80 Park Lane, Gledhow, KwaDukuza, 4450 Estate No. 6164/2022 (DBN) Debtors and creditors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication DATEDhereof. AT KWADUKUZA THIS 22ND DAY OF AUGUST 2022 ATTORNEY SHANTHANAIR & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTRIX SUITE 4, MORGAN COURT 33 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET STANGER KWADUKUZA MUNICIPALITY CONSOLIDATED LAND USE SCHEME: Application in terms of Section 53 of the KDM SPLUM By-law, No. 2002 (September is hereby given that an application has been made to the Municipality, in terms of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Act, 2013 (Act No. 16 read with the KwaDukuza Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Management By-law No. 2002 (September (KDM SPLUM By-law) Propertyfor: Description: REM. OF ERF 856; ERF 6054; PORTION 2 OF ERF 866; PORTION 2 OF ERF 863; PORTION 5 OF ERF 854; PORTION 2 OF ERF 854; AND ERF 862 ALL OF STANGER Street Address: CORNER GLEDHOW MILL ROAD AND R102, STANGER Scope of Application: SUBDIVISION OF: • PORTION 2 OF ERF 854 STANGER TO CREATE PROPOSED PORTION “A” AND THE REMAINDER OF PORTION 2 OF ERF 854 STANGER; THE • ERF 862 STANGER TO CREATE PROPOSED PORTION “A” AND THE REMAINDER OF ERF 862 STANGER; AND THE • REM. OF ERF 856 STANGER TO CREATE PROPOSED PORTION “A” AND THE REMAINDER OF ERF 856 STANGER; THE SUBSEQUENT PERMANENT CLOSURE OF A MUNICIPALROAD OVER: • PORTION 2 OF ERF 866 STANGER; • PORTION 2 OF ERF 863 STANGER • PORTION 5 OF ERF 854 STANGER; • PROPOSED PORTION A OF PTN. 2 OF ERF 854 STANGER;AND • PROPOSED PORTION A OF ERF 862 STANGER; THE SUBSEQUENT REZONING OF: • ERF 6054 FROM LIGHT INDUSTRY 1 (INLI 1) TO CORE MIXED USE 3 (MUCO 3) • REMAINDER OF ERF 865 FROM LIGHT INDUSTRY 1 (INLI 1) TO CORE MIXED USE 3) • PORTION A OF ERF 856 STANGER FROM LIGHT INDUSTRY 1 (INLI 1) TO ROAD (TRER); • PORTION 2 OF ERF 866 STANGER FROM ROAD (TRER) TO CORE MIXED 3 (MUCO 3) • PORTION 2 OF ERF 863 STANGER FROM ROAD (TRER) TO CORE MIXED 3 (MUCO 3) • PORTION 5 OF ERF 854 STANGER FROM ROAD (TRER) TO CORE MIXED 3 (MUCO 3) • PROPOSED PORTION A OF PTN. 2 OF ERF 854 STANGER FROM ROAD (TRER) TO CORE MIXED 3 (MUCO 3); AND • PROPOSED PORTION A OF ERF 862 STANGER FROM ROAD (TRER) TO CORE MIXED 3 (MUCO 3); FOLLOWED BY THE FINAL CONSOLIDATION OF: ERF 6054, PORTION 2 OF ERF 866, PORTION 2 OF ERF 863, THE REMAINDER OF ERF 856, PORTION 5 OF ERF 854, PROPOSED PORTION A OF ERF 854 AND PROPOSED PORTION A OF ERF 862 ALL OF STANGER IN ORDER TO CREATE PROPOSED ERF “X” STANGER. LOCATED WITHIN THE AREA OF JURISDICTION OF THE KWADUKUZA MUNICIPALITY: REGISTRATION DIVISION - FU: PROVINCE OF KWAZULU-NATAL. A copy of the application and its accompanying documents will be open for inspection by interested members of the public between the office hours of 08h00 to 13h00 and 13h30 to 15h30 Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays) at The Front Desk: Development Planning Section, No. 34 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, OK Mall Building (corner of Chief Albert Luthuli Street and Hulett Street), KwaDukuza Municipal Offices, KwaDukuza Town (formerly TheStanger).application will lie for inspection from 02 September 2022.


UMASIPALA WA-KWADUKUZA UHLELO LOKUSETSHENZISWA KOMHLABA OLUSETSHENZISIWE: Isicelo ngokwemigomo yesiSigaba 53 soMthetho kaMasipala waseKDM SPLUM, Nombolo 2002 (Septhemba 2018) Ngaleso sikhathi kunikezwe isaziso sokuthi isicelo senziwe kuMasipala, ngokoMthetho wokuPhathwa kweziNdawo zoMhlaba kanye nokuPhathwa kokusetshenziswa koMhlaba, 2013 (Umthetho Nombolo 16 ka-2013) ofundwe noMthetho kaMasipala wokulawulwa kokusetshenziswa komhlaba kanye nokuPhathwa kokusetshenziswa koMhlaba KwaMashu. . 2002 (Septhemba 2018) (KDM SPLUM By-law) ka: Imininingwane Yendawo: I-REM. KWE-ERF 856; I-ERF 6054; INGXENYE 2 YEERF 866; INGXENYE 2 YE-ERF 863; INGXENYE 5 YE-ERF 854; INGXENYE 2 YE-ERF 854; KANYE ERF 862 BONKE STANGER Ikheli lesitaladi: IKHONA GLEDHOW MILL ROAD NO-R102, KWADUKUZA. Ububanzi besicelo: UKUKHISHWAINGXENYEKWE:2YE-ERF 854 STANGER IZODALA INGXENYE EHLONGOZWAYO “A” KANYE NESELE INGXENYE 2 YE-ERF 854 STANGER; THE I-ERF 862 STANGER IZODALA INGXENYE EHLONGOZWAYO “A” KANYE OKUSELELE KWE-ERF 862 STANGER; KANYE NE I-REM. YE-ERF 856 STANGER UKUDALA INGXENYE EHLONGOZWAYO “A” KANYE OKUSELELE KWE-ERF 856 STANGER; OKULANDELAYO UKUVALWA UNOMPHELA UMGWAQO KAMASIPALA OWEQULA: INGXENYE 2 YE-ERF 866 STANGER; INGXENYE 2 YE-ERF 863 STANGER INGXENYE 5 YE-ERF 854 STANGER; INGXENYE A YE-PTN EHLONGOZWAYO. 2 WE-ERF 854 STANGER; KANYE INGXENYE A EHLONGOZWAYO YE-ERF 862 STANGER; OKULANDELAYO UKUMISA KABUSHA KWE: I-ERF 6054 KUSUKA EBUKENI OKUKHANYA 1 (INLI 1) UKUZE KUYE KUCORE OKUHLANGANISIWE UKUSETYENZISWA 3 (MUCO 3) INSALELA YE-ERF 865 KUSUKA Embonini Ekhanyayo 1 (INLI 1) UKUZE KUZE KUBE UKUSETSHENZISWA OKUHLANGANISIWE KAKHULU 3) INGXENYE A YE-ERF 856 STANGER KUSUKA EBUKWENI OKUKHANYA 1 (INLI 1) UKUYA E-ROAD (TRER); INGXENYE 2 YE-ERF 866 STANGER KUSUKA EMGWAQWENI (TRER) UKUYA KU-CORE IMIKHIWE 3 (MUCO 3) INGXENYE 2 YE-ERF 863 STANGER KUSUKA EMGWAQWENI (TRER) KUYA KU-CORE IMIKHIWE 3 (MUCO 3) INGXENYE 5 YE-ERF 854 STANGER KUSUKA EMGWAQWENI (TRER) UKUYA KU-CORE IMIKHIWE 3 (MUCO 3) INGXENYE A YE-PTN Ehlongozwayo. 2 KA-ERF 854 STANGER KUSUKA EMGWAQWENI (TRER) KUYAKU-CORE IMIHLANGANO 3 (MUCO 3); KANYE OKUPHAKANYISIWE INGXENYE A YE-ERF 862 STANGER KUSUKA EMGWAQWENI (TRER) KUYA KU-CORE IMIKHIWE 3 (MUCO 3); KULANDELWA I-ERFUKUHLANGANISWAYI-FINALKWE:6054,INGXENYE 2 YE-ERF 866, INGXENYE 2 YE-ERF 863, OKUSELELE KWE-ERF 856, INGXENYE 5 YE-ERF 854, INGXENYE OKUPHAKATHIZIWE YE-ERF 854 KANYE OKUPHAKANYISIWE INGXENYE A YE-ERF 862 ALL TOSDERFORDER OF TOSDERADER X” STANGER. ESENDAWENI EYENGANYELWE MASIPALA WAKWADUKUZA: EBHALISELWE KWISIGABA FU: ISIFUNDAZWE SA KWAZULU-NATAL. Ikhophi yesicelo kanye nemibhalo ehambisana naso izovulwa ukuze ihlolwe ngamalungu omphakathi anentshisekelo phakathi kwehora lesikhathi sokusebenza kusukela ngo 08h00 kuya ku 13h00 kanye no 13h30 kuya ku 15h30 kusukela ngoMsombuluko kuya kuLwesihlanu (ngaphandle kwamaholide) e-The Front Desk: Section Planning Development, No. 34 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, OK Mall Building (ekhoneni likaChief Albert Luthuli Street kanye noHulett Street), amaHhovisi kaMasipala waKwaDukuza, Idolobha laKwaDukuza (elaliyiStanger). Uhlelo lokusebenza luzolala ukuze luhlolwe kusuka 02 uSepthemba 2022 Ikhophi yesicelo kanye nezincwadi ezihlongoziwe bangafaka isicelo kwamasipala wakwaDukuza kulemininingwane elandelayo: Igama: Langa Mthembu Ucingo: 032 437 5559 i-imeyili: langam@kwadukuza.gov.za Amalungu ompkakathi ayagqugquzelwa a ukuba asebenzise enye indlela yezokuxhumana njenge yefoni ukunciphisa ukusondela noma ukuthintanta phakathi kwamasipala kanye namalungu omphakathi. Noma yimuphi umuntu onentshisekelo eyanele kulesi siphakamiso uyamenywa ukuba afake imibono ebhaliwe ngesandla futhi abhekiswe kuMphathi kaMasipala kaMasipala wa KwaDukuza ku-14 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, noma ngeposi elibhalisiwe bese ebhekiswa kuMphathi kaMasipala ku-PO Box 72, kuMasipala waDukuza, 4450, noma nge-imeyili kuMasipalaM@kwadukuza.gov.za ungakadluli 07 Okthoba 2022 Umuntu ohluleka ukufaka noma ukudlulisa amazwana ngalolo suku olishiwoyo, ngokuphendula lesi saziso, uzokwazi ukunqunyelwa ekubambeni iqhaza ngaphezulu kule nqubo. N. J. MDAKANEIGAMA LOMFAKI SICELO: Imenenja Kamasipala Greenville Trading 89 CC KwaDukuza Municipality Municipal Offices Imelwe NGU: 14 Chief Albert Luthuli Street STRUWIG Town and Regional Planners P. O. Box 72Tel: 032 552 3624 KwaDukuza 4450Email: hannes@iafrica.com Usuku: 02 uSepthemba 2022122 Balcomb Street, KwaDukuza P. O. Box 347, Stanger 4450MN AUCTION IN THE REGIONAL COURT FOR THE REGIONAL DIVISION OF HELDKWAZULU-NATALATKWADUKUZA CASE NO.: KZN/DUK/RC 125/2022 In the matter between: MAKRAJ DEODAT FIRST EXECUTION CREDITOR REENA DEODAT SECOND EXECUTION CREDITOR and SANJIRA C. EXECUTIONBUDHRAMDEBTORNOTICEOFSALE


2.The Rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff for Lower Tugela at Suite 3, Prithvi Centre, 131 Mahatma Gandhi Street, Stanger, 3.RegistrationKwaDukuza.as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia: Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008R 500.00 Registration of conditions. office of the Sheriff for Lower Tugela will conduct sale with Auctioneer(s) Mr R. Singh and/or S. and/or S De


TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that: 1.This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Honourable Court.



5.AdvertisingWit. costs at current according to court rules DATED AT KWADUKUZA

publication rates and sale costs

apply. TH

of 2013)

ON THIS 29 DAY OFAUGUST 2022 EXECUTION CREDITORS' ATTORNEYS VERONICA SINGH & ASSOCIATES EXECUTION CREDITORS' ATTORNEYS 45 NORTH REF.:EMAIL:TEL:KWADUKUZAOCEANVIEWSTREET0325521387reception@vsingh.co.zaV.SINGH/MAT9288 1. Hibiscus Road ± 200 sq mt with 3 phase power, prepaid electricity and water R6000pm 2. Hydrangea Road ± 200 sq mt with 3 phase power, prepaid electricity and water ContactR5000pm081 480 5521 / 032 551 1522 FACTORIES TO LET in Moollas Industrial Area, Stanger Born : 22/11/1931 Called to rest : 21/08/2022 times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165 1. 2 A SEAVIEW ROAD Five star studio unit. Ideal for newly weds. Built-in kitchen units. Immediate occupation. 2. NO 9 GIBSON ROAD 2 bedroom. Built-in cupboards. Immediate occupation. CONTACT 072 629 6884, 032 552 5123 TO LET August 31, 2022PAGE 26 XPress

Copies of the application proposal may be requested from the Municipality as per the details indicated below. Name: Langa Mthembu Tel: 032 437 5559 E-mail: langam@kwadukuza.gov.za Members of the public are encouraged to use the online options to limit physical interaction of both municipal officials and the general public. Any person having sufficient interest in the proposal is invited to lodge written comments by hand and addressed to the KwaDukuza Municipality Municipal Manager at 14 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, or by registered post and addressed to the Municipal Manager to P. O. Box 72, KwaDukuza Municipality, 4450, or by e-mail to MunicipalM@kwadukuza.gov.za by no later than 07 October 2022. A person who fails to lodge or forward comments by the said date, in response to this notice, will be disqualified from further participation in the process.

In the pursuance of a Judgment by the above Honourable Court or a Warrant of Execution issued thereon, the following goods will be sold by Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the SHERIFF'S SALES ROOM at PRITHVI CENTRE, 131 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET, KWADUKUZA AT 10:00 ON NDTHE 22 SEPTEMBER 2022. 1ITEMSXWHITE MERCEDES BENZ C-CLASS C200 AMG REGISTRATION NO: NT617 VIN N0: VEHICLEENGINEWDD2040412R023847NO:27195031020700REGISTERNO:KSL361W


PROPERTY FOR SALE Stanger Heights, Show house. 5 Bedroom main house and 3 bedroom outbuilding. Can get R15 000 rent. Viewing times from 11am till 4pm. Close to all amenities. No agents. Sold by owners. Asking price R1.8 million. Contact Miss Singh 084 560 8157, 076 272 1724.

23 August 2022 From your loving husband, nephew Ramesh Maniram, family & HAPPYfriendsTH Thoroughbred German Shepherd pups. CONTACT 084 607 8679, 084 607 8670 FOR SALE STOP worrying about your debt. Increase your nett salary aboutordersloans/accounts.consolidate(double),allyourWewillremoveallgarnisheefromyoursalary.Ifpeopleareworryingyoumoniesthatyouowethem,comeandseeus. FINANCIALDYNAMICSERVICES LOAN FOR A CONSULTATIONFREE SUITE 2, DYNAMIC STYLES PARK 158 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET, KWADUKUZA TEL: 032 552 7291, 552 1617, 552 1613 CELL: 083 651 ClassifiedsClassifieds2815deadlines:Monday12pm For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165 Contact Nishara for all your classifieds, service guides, legal notices, birthday message, memorium, vacancies, etc on 032 552 2165 WANTED Second hand clothes, household, dishes, mens and boys shoes, boots, takkies, curtains, beddings. Beds, TVs, fridge (working or non working) freezers, kitchen units, lounge suits. We collect and pay cash. Contact Usha 064 888 8757 or 078 408 ACCOMMODATIONwhatsapp.0488 Ayer Rock Guesthouse Stanger's preferred choice for quality, tasteful executive accommodation. Contact 032 551 6503 or 071 685 7126. beach.WalkingaccommodateWestbrook.www.ayerrock.co.za.ayerrocksa@gmail.com.EmailGuesthouseinCansixpeople.distancetotheCall0834566129.



in cash; d)

• The natural father of Sanele Wamkele Mhlongo. He is Mphakamiseni Gracious Mhlongo. The natural mother was Siphiwe Dludla. She died on 12/01/2015. Kindly contact Social Worker, Miss S.P Mkhize regarding the abovementioned cases.

• The natural parents of Thabiso Mthembu, born 17/05/2016. The child was abandoned as a baby on the side of the road. Both the natural parent's identity and whereabouts are unknown.

• The natural parents of Nqobani Khumalo born 9/10/2010. Kindly contact social worker, Miss T.H Ndaba regarding the abovementioned cases.

• The natural parents of Garrett Spies, born 07/07/2005. The natural mother is Jacoba Wilhelmina Logie. The natural father is Nathan Richard Schoeman. Both the natural parent's whereabouts are unknown.

Kindly contact social worker, Miss L.L Ntuli regarding the abovementioned cases.

• The natural father of Excellent Jama, born 14/10/2012. The natural mother Miss Dudu Jama from Ntshawini area is deceased. The details and the whereabouts of the natural father are unknown.

• The natural Parents of Olwethu Ngcobo born 01/10/2010. 15. The natural father of Nomonde Sthokozise Ngubane born 02/11/2009. The natural mother was the late Ms. Bongekile Penelope Ngubane.

Help find natural parents

• The natural parents of Nokubonga Pretty Shelembe, born 06/11/2017. The child was abandoned at Lot 14 Glenhills on 03/03/2018.

Kindly contact social worker, Mrs S. Govender regarding the abovementioned cases.

• The natural parents of Zanokuhle Mthimkhulu, born on 09/05/2018. The child was abandoned.

• Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the father of Ndlovu Ntombenhle Nothando (born 2013/06/26). Anyone with information please contact S/W N Madiba on (032) 481-2093.


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KwaDukuza Child Welfare is searching for the following natural parents. Should anyone have information on any of the listed kindly contact the relevant Social Worker on 032 5512129.

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August 31, 2022 XPress

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