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Santiago Cirilo

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Dave Miller

Dave Miller

Acting with Intention

We caught up with the actor that goes by the name of Santiago Cirilo during some of his down time...


Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I love life. I love human beings. I love being me. I’m very funny; but I have a lot of serious emotions in me from a lot of tragic events that happened in my life that led,me to believe that there is a happier more fun Universe in life. So, I show more Love and I recieve it back 10 Folds. Oh by the way if you wanted the usual response like - I was born in Puerto Rico raised in Ohio went to college in Columbus, then I party myself out to the point where I decided to join the Army and become an infantry Soldier?

What got you started as an actor?

A prayer. I was so tired of the norm. Get up in the morning drive the same path to work, and continue to do that year after year after year like Groundhog Day. I knew since I was young that I had Talent in entertaining others. I mean I can draw I can do Improv I can always be someone to motivate others and make them stronger and no matter the situation they are in because I’ve been there since I was young. So I prayed to God and asked for him to use me in the talents that I was blessed with. I went to the kitchen at work and the TV was on and there was a commercial about wanting to be an actor?

I said immediately what the heck you can be just some extra money on the side making local gigs like a singer since Nashville is all about music and merchandise push. So I decided to research in the business portion of the entertainment business 40 V films and so on. since I’ve been out of the army I decided always to keep up with the business portion of life to include law and marketing. So after my research I went and pretty much Google the best agents and small organizations or schools for actors. To make a long story short, I did a two-year course in entertainment, and have a degree as a paralegal, and audition for the top agents in Tennessee and in Los Angeles. I was immediately offered a deal with Talent Trek in Nashville which is one of the top agents in Tennessee. I also was offered a contract with osbrink Talent in Los Angeles who represents a lot of great young actors like Dakota Fanning. within a year I was on Global TV and since then I’ve averaged a national or global TV or movie since I got in this business.

What was you doing before you got started as a actor?

I was a paralegal for a big law firm in Nashville, TN. Before that I was making guitars for Gibson.

What attracted you to begin a career as an actor?

God and my momma. Since I was a kid I always was a Class Clown a person that tried their hardest to entertain people whether it was at an event or hanging out with the

friends or even in a bad situation. Since I was a kid I was only taught in the Bible way, heck I didn’t see a Disney movie until I was 18 and that is because I was taking a friend out on a date LOL. So my mother always embedded in my head of how I should always be nice and show love to others, and never judge because that is God’s job.

What has been your greatest accomplishment as an actor?

People hiring me. LOL! For real. I’m so down to earth, that I can win an Oscar, and not show up to receive it because I had plans with family or friends. The real deal is that I am hired and constantly working.

Describe your acting style?

I rehearse on what character the film company wants and let them adjusted to accomplish the project. I turn to that character in seconds before we go hot. It’s like being possessed.

Tell me about what you’re working on now?

I just finished writing zombified the resurrection a follow-up to zombified the headhunter 2 books that me and award-winning author Kindra sowder have written from one of my scripts. we took the book out of the market because we were working on a miniseries deal with some streaming services. Now we are re-releasing the first book in October with a new cover and then in February 20-21 we will release the second book and also work with a DC and Marvel freelance artist and his team to put a graphic novel out to help this become a franchise. I’m also waiting on the release of my new movie by scared City Productions and owner producer director Scott Baney film called Slaughtottery. it was filmed in Jonesboro Arkansas about a year ago and we had to do pickups right before the covid happened. So the editing has been and ongoing process and hopefully the film will be out later this year in time for Halloween if not then 2021. I’m also working on a Paranormal horror mystery TV show called smoke. It’s about a half human half ghost superhero that goes to haunted facilities all across America to find the demon that killed him and his wife. There is of course a lot of the backstory and more involvement to this character in this TV show but the main focus is to go to actual facilities across America end film the TV show with giving part of the real history and of course doing the TV show scripted version but creating a rise in popularity so people can come visit these facilities and they can make money to help repair and keep the history alive. of course again there is more involvement with just hiring the locals and promoting the small businesses in the towns that we film it.

Who is your favorite actor, and why?

Harrison Ford and Jack Nicholson it’s a tie. they express different characters that that even though we know it’s Jack Nicholson and Harrison Ford their characters come out more so you going to either hate or love their characters or feel their emotions they’re not actors you have a true performers.

We see you are credited with over 27 films under your belt, how does that make you feel?

It makes me feel that I’ve chosen the right path. Knowing that I would never have that what if? because I just did it because I want to be successful in life and here I am feeling the success.

Of all the roles you have played in the past, which is your favorite?

Andrew on the movie Rosa Leigh. I had to deal with many motions including the death of my wife. Well my on-screen wife LOL much love to you Jessica you did a fantastic job. The character had moments where he was funny he was serious and emotionally distressed to the point where once they said cut, the makeup and FX crew had to take me to the side give me hugs breathing exercises so I can easily transform and come back to me. I know it sounds weird but that’s my profession and I have to be the best at it.

Do you think honesty is always the best policy?

No because everyone in this business is trying to be ahead and think about it how many times have you told a little lie just to get the job or two get that promotion in any profession? Myself I did a small small lies but the honesty in seriousness situations will always be the truth that will come out of my mouth, I don’t play with the seriousness and people’s lives and those around me.

How do you like to encourage ideas in others?

I tell them to quit being the anchor and their talent. If you have a dream if you can draw if you can sing if you can act if you could do the best mechanical work in construction or electrician or any profession in your life that you have in your hand as the talent been in you since you found it, then why waste It? Go Do! Go be yourself, go accomplish life how you want it, and show the world that you have that Talent; OR ....you can live the norm, wake up in the morning driving that same route to work wondering what if?

When have you worked with a diverse group of people?

Probably right after I graduated high school once I went to college and then the military I got a taste of travel met different people knowing different religions adding more knowledge to the history that I have known

How do you show your cast mates the importance of communication?

By treating them as your family being equal on set.

Have you progressed in your acting career as you have expected?

No, I have so much more I want to accomplish. Be known as a writer/director/producer and to know that I have the mentality that Paul Newman had, and other actors. And that is to give back and keep it on the down low, because I don’t believe in being glorified for something that we should all be doing and that’s helping each other.

Think about a demanding director, professor or cast mate. What made him or her difficult? How did you successfully interact with this person?

Stay in the same level. once you’re on set you’re an employee, and you work for them. follow their directions and their guidance as you would do have any other job. Be kind, always have a smile and make sure you give good eye contact, that way everyone will know that you’re there to accomplish this product and make sure it delivers to the best of your knowledge. You don’t want to get fired, you don’t want to be late, you don’t want to take too long on your lunch break. Stay on schedule and once you are off the set, you’re back to being and your comfort zone.

When you suffer a setback, how does that emotionally affect you and your work?

It affects me a lot, as it stops your money flow. We’re different than any 9 to 5 work, we don’t get paid every week or every two weeks. We do a gig and we have to make sure that we keep working. Sometimes we don’t get paid for a gig for three weeks, sometimes you don’t receive residuals within 6 months to a year! So, we have to have our hands in everything from going to special events to meet fans, doing film project promotions , selling merchandise. You have to remember being an independent worker means that you are your own company. So, you have to constantly promote yourself and constantly be networking.

Tell me about an organization or group outside of work that you contributed to?

Helping homeless veterans, helping people with drug abuse, helping those cope with suicide thoughts and survivors who have gone through hard times in life. There are so many organizations, but there are also personal times with people and groups.

In which area would you like to improve as an actor?

Being in shape physically and working on memorization techniques.

What sort of acting roles will you be seeking in the future?

A superhero, of course.


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