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Fool's Brew

Fool's Brew

Photo by Amber Riann Rowe

Up and Coming Actor & Model


When did you first get involved in acting?

Well, I got into it by chance in Colorado. At my job ....I did meet female that did convince me to audition for a vampire role for an indie gig and honestly if I did not get a call back, I was done acting....I only did the first one to get her to leave me alone, lol! Funny how things happen, well they called me back and wrote a role with me playing, you guessed it a bad guy, lol! That’s how it began...

What or Who inspired you to pursue a career as an actor?

Well, really no one again read above, but admires I started researching when I got started were Daniel Day Lewis ....Marlon Brando....Tom Hardy.

What have been your biggest achievements in Films, TV, and/or Theater?

When I did my scene is Sicario II, I got the chance to check off a goal on my list to talk to an A-List actor and ask him about there craft and not ask or say the typical stuff to them they hear all the time...such as can I have a autograph and I want to be a star or selfie with them lol when I ask this particular A list actor about the craft his eyes for wide and he said wow I never get that craft question very nice :)))sag is in my future but not in a rush right now :)

I’m sure you have met a lot of celebrities along the way. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us?

Same as above, that’s the goal to take it serious but have fun and be humble also on my very first featured background part on Longmire got to talk to one of the top guys in there again about the craft very briefly I don’t like to drop names I respect there privacy....

What has been your ideal character, so far? And why?

My type, I know is bad guy, serious I guess. It’s my ugly mug, lol. People meet me and say, wow nice guy, lol. I am working at more range, but I feel that’s my strength and will get me into more doors. You really need to know your type, it does not hurt :)

Photo by Amber Riann Rowe. Pictured with talented model and talent agent, Deidra Michelle.

How has your acting evolved since you first became involved in the film industry?

Because of my amazing acting coaches starting with Benjy Dobrin scene work and monologue studies class back in Denver Co and coaches Randi Klein showing me a lot of the miner training to get out of my head ... I am a method actor and feel completely comfortable with it. I am at an age where I can turn it off and on. Steve Burhoe and his practical acting methods have been amazing with being in the moment........and also Eric T. Esparza and his let’s just get to work and practice has been a great help. However, if I was younger method can be somewhat dangerous I feel because you have to know how to turn it off and on….. for auditions, I used to think about them, but now I do one be off book and after I am done I don’t think about it, because you honestly don’t know what casting directors are looking for, lol! So, just go in and give it your best shot for their Vision for the character.

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in this tough business? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

Well, I would say passion and being humble I love acting but there is a difference between want and need ...I want to act but don’t need to to be happy as I see people in the craft and the over ego which is never needed act like it is life and death if the don’t get a call back that will never be me :)also seem actors and actresses quit to quickly thinking its a overnight thing extremely unrealistic

Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as a performing artist in an industry overflowing with new faces and ideas?

Work ethic and I keep it simple stupid lol and treat it like a 9 to 5 job even through it is not every director I have had to work for I have letters of recommendations and you don’t get those without them liking you and I never whine and complain and always on time no one wants To hear you whine everyone is tired suck it up and do your job and also I am extremely proactive and my agent loves how I promote myself as well as People I have acted For promoting there projects....

What has been your biggest challenge as an actor? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

Understanding rejection and not taking it personal is extremely important. The actor that plays “The Hulk” in the Marvel movies did 600 auditions before getting a callback. Wow! Also, money issues... because most jobs won’t let you go on auditions. So, I am lucky, now I have three jobs that I work when I want to and that’s a real blessing for this business. Also, being used to a certain amount of money from an old job when you are used to making 60 to 100k a year and then going down to 30 to 40k for your own schedule to do auditions when requested. It’s a huge money difference! And being away 42 from my 2 sons and 8 grandkids back in Colorado, is really tough!

Photo by Jason Dobson

A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art”. Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art?

To a certain extent yes look above a huge money difference and being away from family but when you love what you do and the challenge of it it really makes up for it.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the film business?

In a great way online auditions save so much time and money and travel and has giving filmmakers and all in the business a chance to show there talent Bad way and me being a introvert my privacy is at stake but you have to realize that social presence is very important now on all platforms...

If you could change anything about the film industry, what would it be?

This is a dream that won’t happen but like in anything else some things are based in who you know or who knows you and favoritism which can be fine to a certain extent but I wish it would be more like a real 9 to 5 job and just be about the work:)) And of

If you could give 3 tips of advise to an up-and-coming actor, what would they be?

1. Train…Train...Train.....I meet so many that say, I don’t need acting classes. Oh really? Than go to LA right away, lol! 2. Do student, indie films and theater to get use to it. Honestly, start in background because If that makes you to nervous you won’t be able to go further. 3. Be humble as possible, but confident and never complain about being tired on set. Get your sleep when you can...

How can fans-to-be follow your career?

Thru my Facebook under Tom Thumb Albuquerque, NM and Instagram Under actinglyfe and of course my IMDb Tom Thumb.

Great thanks to all my family back in Colorado, I love you all....and miss you all! My son’s Victor and Kenneth Rasberry and my 8 Grandkids in order: Apollo, Gage, Kennedi, Khloee, Kylee jo, Olivia , Rayne, and Zoey.

And, I’d like to give a shout out to my acting coaches in order they all have helped me greatly.... Big thanks to: Benjy Dobrin Acting Studios - Denver, CO, Randi Klein -Albuquerque, NM, Steve Burhoe - Albuquerque NM, and Eric T. Esparza - Albuquerque NM

As well as my modeling agency, DMe Talent Agency and my acting agency, Bankston Talent Agency.

Photo by Patrick Baldonado

Photo by Gary Sieja

Photo by Guerrilla

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