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A Family’s Legacy

When did you first get into music?


I was born in to music being from a musical family. My dad was Al Hurricane which is an icon in the New Mexico music industry. I started actually playing trumpet and guitar in his band at the age of 13 and sang a few songs here and there.

Who or What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

I was inspired by my family (Al Hurricane, Al Hurricane Jr., Tiny Morrie, Baby Gaby, Lorenzo Antonio) to pursue music. I also got to see (sitting 2nd row), Elvis perform in Albuquerque, NM when I was 6 years old.

How has your music evolved since you first began performing/writing music?

Music has evolved in itself over the past 40 years. My “roots” music (New Mexico style) doesn’t change much but other music I write has become morphed into all the musical influences through out these 40 years which include country (George Strait, Alan Jackson, Brad Paisley, Justin Moore, etc... ), rock (Foreigner, Journey, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, etc...), pop (Shania Twain, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, etc...) and many other styles and artists.

I’m sure you have shared the stage with a lot of talented artists/celebrities along the way. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us?

The most nerve racking time was when we did the “Al Hurricane Tribute” show in 2007. Sharing the stage with the artists I grew up with and my dad and grandmother sitting watching the performance

made me more nervous. I must say it was not my best performance because my voice was shaking on both songs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep0_DpaCI0w

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in this tough business? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

I would have to say passion and desire drives my to stay in this business because it does not feel like work to me. It feels more like a hobby and I enjoy music and videos for the love of them

Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as a performing artist in an industry overflowing with new faces and ideas?

In the New Mexico music scene, I have always tried to explore newthings and was one of the first ones here to really start using YouTube, Spotify, and all these amazing musical outlets to be able to express my music as well as others to the world.

What has been your biggest challenge as a musician and producer? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

The biggest challenge I face as an artist/producer would have to be time. There is never enough time to produce and record all the music I would like to. The way I have to deal with it is sit down and tell myself to get “this” one project done. If I run into a snag (I need someone to come in and record a part, etc...), I try to finish the next song. In the end, it is a job and you have to get product out there... which is what I continue to try to do everyday.

A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art.” Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art?

I am not sure I would call it suffering or agree with this statement, but I would say you have to sacrifice and put in lots of time in to what you love to make it work. There are a few people that are naturally blessed with so much talent that don’t have to put in the time and work like I think most of us have to do to. I am one of those persons that really has to put in that time and work to be able to succeed the way I have for this long.

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?

The internet may have killed the CD sales, but it opened up so that all artists can get there music out there for people to see and listen to. The artists no longer have to just depend on the radio stations to get their songs heard. Now they can be heard throughout the world with the help of social media and such.

Have you done or plan on doing any Live-stream Concerts? If you have, how has the response been from your fans?

All I’ve done is a little bit of live-streaming on Facebook, no actual performances.

If you could change anything about the music industry. What would it be?

I don’t think I would change anything.

What are the 5 albums that have helped make you the person you are today? And why?

Tiny Morrie - “Lonely Letters” - I listened to this album so much as a little kid and he is my Uncle.

Grease - Soundtrack - One of the 1st albums I bought myself and I loved the music and movie.

Elvis - “Number One’s” - The king of rock... ‘nuff said.

Journey - “Escape” - The songwriting, the voice, the production... wow!

Def Leppard - “Pyromania” - Mutt Lang producer, the energy, the rock out!

I still have the actual albums!

Jerry Dean with his father, Al Hurricane.

What is the best advise you have received?

Simply believing is not enough, you have to put your beliefs into action.

Tell us about your current project. Are you working on new music? An EP or Album?

With the way music is working now, you don’t actually have to put out a whole album, you can put out songs one at a time now which is what I am now doing as I work on full projects. I am also working with both my sons who are recording new music. Christian Sanchez is my youngest son (17 years) and has been recording and performing since he was 6. He is now working on his 4th and 5th CD simultaneously with me producing. My oldest son Jeremy is 27 years old and just started singing and recording last December. He is also working on his 1st album and will continue to release singles till the album is done.

What’s next for you?

When COVID is done, we hope to perform again at shows around New Mexico and Colorado. As well as to definitely keep putting out music and music videos.

Jerry Dean with his brother, Al Hurricane, Jr. performing together again at the big Christmas show at Sandia Resort & Casino in 2018.

How can fans-to-be gain access to your music?





https://www.amazon.com/Sentimiento-Jerry-Dean/ dp/B07CX4PN2Z/ref=tmm_msc_swatch_0?_ encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

https://play.google.com/store/music/album/ Jerry_Dean_Sentimiento?id=Bkp5uee5qcd5deay rmnue3k3jce

https://open.spotify.com/artist/3RYey13GSv3iZv2s WNUKTL


Thank you and God bless you, Jerry Dean.

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