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A UK Band’s Path to Success

We caught up with Biscay, a 5-piece band playing a groovy hybrid of original funk/acid-jazz/soul coupled with deep/dark lyrics - in these increasingly strange times….one source of catharsis for Biscay has been this single they launched on November 1st. ‘Blame Game’ is, rather obviously, about everything that’s going on right now – a protest song about how no-one seems to be taking responsibility for anything, least of all our leaders.


When did you first get into music?

As if often the case, a musical family – my father and his father were both ‘good amateur’ piano players, and consequently me & my two brothers all learned instruments and sang. Music was also heavily encouraged in my schools – free instruments and 1 to 1 lessons were available (sadly no longer) along with multiple school bands. They sounded horrendous, but gave us our first opportunities. In short, both Nature and Nurture!

Who or What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

Burning out in Advertising helped!! As Bowie said, the great thing about aging is you eventually become the person you were always meant to be. I quit a big job at 36 and went to study at Berklee School of Music, then latterly Trinity College of Music in London, and have been on the path ever since.

How has your music evolved since you first began performing/songwriting?

The big change was songwriting – up until I left Trinity everything had focused on instrumental skills and playing the ‘jazz repertoire’, I then wrote my first song in 2008 and when the guys in the then band (which was purely covers) played it, they said “we must record this”…..from that moment everything changed and the covers were steadily dropped…..

I’m sure you have shared the stage with a lot of talented artists/celebrities along the way. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us?

Certainly the scariest moment for me was debuting at Ronnie Scott’s in London 2 years back when the singer Lianne Carroll asked me to guest with her on one night of her Xmas residency. Being aware of all the jazz greats who played there (and whose photos cover the walls) was the most intimidating experience ever…it didn’t help that as I walked on the stage I saw photos of Jeff Beck, Mike Stern and Joe Pass. Pretty scary as a guitarist - I didn’t exactly feel worthy! Given I then had to accompany Lianne solo meant mistakes were not an option. I survived.

One other celeb moment was when Tim Minchin actually came to watch us at the 100 Club in London. He stayed for whole gig and insisted on buying a CD!!!

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in this tough business? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

Passion carries you through everything – every disappointment, all the uncertainty (especially now) and all the setbacks. Passion fuels hope, the desire to improve and also means you never have to get attached to an outcome as feeling the passion is always enough.

Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as an artist in an industry overflowing with new talent and ideas?

The fact that our songs balance a reverence for past genres/styles whilst commenting on the human condition as it is right now is a unique dynamic. Couple this with a truly distinctive French lead singer, we are demonstrating what can happen when Europeans come together rather than separate (as you can imagine we’re passionately anti-Brexit!).

What has been your biggest challenge as a performing artist? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

The biggest challenge is undoubtedly getting exposure, especially as an unsigned artist. Standing out is not easy with minimal marketing budget, but given we’ve won the UK Songwriting Competition twice (in 2013 and 2017), we know our material is strong and getting better. Like all bands we need a bit of luck to secure a wider audience, and whilst there’s no guarantee that luck will come, we are certainly ready for it.

A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art.” Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art?

Of course, the hours spent practicing, writing, rehearsing, recording and accepting that in all those scenarios a lot of work HAS to go in the bin, it’s not an easy path. However, like all the good things in this world, they are worth working for – nothing good comes easy. You have to recognize that sometimes the obstacle is the way…..as Wendell Phillips said “What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first steps to something better.” In this sense, suffering in art is essential.

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?

There’s two directly opposing sides to this – the an easy path. However, like all the good things in this world, they are worth working for – nothing good comes easy. You have to recognize that sometimes the obstacle is the way…..as Wendell Phillips said “What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first steps to something better.” In this sense, suffering in art is essential. internet has liberated millions of musicians in providing a platform for their creative output. Our music now has the potential to be heard by anyone, anywhere, anytime. Counter to this, streaming services have massively reduced the demand side of the business as supply grows exponentially. Whilst music lovers have more access than ever before and probably listen to far more, what they pay for it is now minimal. This leaves the vast majority of musicians left fighting over fewer crumbs, and being way more vulnerable to exploitation by a music industry that promises them the world but can (and will) take them for everything they have. A pretty challenging dilemma!!

Here are the main streaming links: Spotify - http://open.spotify.com/track/3iLOVgyxmhof1JjJRQIXGs

Apple Music - http://itunes.apple.com/album/ id/1536884221

iTunes – http://itunes.apple.com/album/ id1536884221?ls=1&app=itunes

We’ve also produced a provocative little video, featuring your favourite fascists from yesteryear and today….find it here: https://youtu.be/XNLjzEGMFvQ Do share it, if you dig it!!

4 more singles are on their way….the next one we’ll release around Xmas 2020.

Keep well all!!

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