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Shamar Rice

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Pat McMakin

Pat McMakin

When did you first get involved in acting?

I got involved into the biz in 2020 in Late January, I was involved In a background project a feature film to be exact called Zeke The Awakening written by KaZarr Coleman shoutout to him and the casting director Malik Pollard.


Who or what inspired you to pursue a career as an actor?

It was the amazing talented individuals on Disney channel, Disney XD, and Nickelodeon. Wow, just saying this takes me back to my childhood days… But yes the episodic show Kickin’ It actually made me want to get into acting because I did Taekwondo when I was a kid and the show revolved around young kids proving themselves that they can do anything they put their minds too and yeah that’s about it!

What have been your biggest achievements so far?

My biggest achievements so far has been every booking, audition, and rejection that I’ve gotten… I learned to love everything I’ve achieved no matter if it’s not a success because my losses will always be a win in my eyes because I know what NOT to do next time.

I’m sure you have met a lot of talented artists along the way, maybe even celebs. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us?

I haven’t met any celebs but… I have met my two of my supporters who I’ve manifested to work with on screen one as my on set sister who actually turned into my real sister Ramona Rideout ; she teaches youth/adults about the best way to be successful in this business and she also teaches youth in school as an theatre teacher… she brightens many hearts and one of those hearts are ME!!!! We actually filmed a short film called Brunch and that’s where we met and we connected fully and ever since it’s been nothing but pure love and support!

Now, onto my other one as my on set/tv mother Tercola Moeteak and she has been nothing but supportive of me since before we met in person. She paid for my headshots and help me get back and fourth to and from the airport and to the photographers studio as well as paid for my retouched images, I have nothing but love for her… she’ll always have a place in my heart and she’s such a beautiful and talented soul. Watch out for her cause she’s well on her way!

What are your 3 favorite films of all time?

• Lifted ; directed by: Lexi Alexander • A Fall From Grace ; directed by: Tyler Perry • AVA ; directed by: Tate Taylor

How has your acting evolved since you first became involved in the film industry?

My acting skyrocketed I’m not even going lie lol! It’s been a lot of mental development as well as self care… I’ve took acting classes for months to improv areas I never knew I had in me… shout-out to my first ever acting coach Vas Saranga; wow he’s definitely bought me out of my comfort zone… I don’t even know where to begin but he know what he’s done for me.

Aside from that, I’ve been doing my own due diligence and studying parts of the industry that I needed to know about so when the time comes I’ll be READY.

I’d network in groups whether if it was an actor, producer, writer, filmmaker, or PA I always put myself out there because you never know who’s watching or who could put you on and that’s basically how I got to where I’m at right now, I’d always submit to free gigs and still do… I loved the craft and STILL DO. I get rejected and learn from that and do better the next time and because of that I disciplined myself to stop getting worried about not getting an email back and etc.

I then got involved with another acting coach his name is Mark McKinnon and he’s a phenomenal coach! Shoutout to him and all he do for his students he’s very selfless and cares about others… I remember doing a mock audition to join his studio it was mandatory and it was to see what level I was on as an actor, so I did it virtually over zoom and 48 hours later I was qualified for the advanced class and waited a little longer to pay because I didn’t know if I was ready and because of money issues…

A couple weeks later, I finally joined and ever since I was apart I learned new techniques and I’ve been getting great feedback every since from casting directors even if I didn’t book the role.

Now, last but not least… my resume man oh man when I started I had ZERO credits I’ve bust my butt over the past 11 months none stop to develop 13+ credits on my resume from non-paid projects and paid gigs. It was my hustle and still is, I’m unmatched, I’m eager, I’m hungry for more opportunities and I’m humble enough to know where I started that’s why I am the way I am and I’m staying that way. That’s how I got repped before my 1 year of searching was up… I got signed in September I started acting this year in January… I’m not one of them stop playing!!!! Put the work in.

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other, drives you to stay in this tough business? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

I would choose passion. Why? Because I already enjoy acting and frustration comes with that joy because you get rejected or might not make an audition & etc I know where it can take me so I know that desire will already come with it and my pride will always be within regardless if I don’t choose it… any of those too be honest.

Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as a performing artist in a genre overflowing with new faces and ideas?

My work ethic and drive… I overly want the best for me when it comes to acting that’s why I work so hard even when it’s obstacles in my way… I’ll cry, slam stuff, break, etc and then keep it moving. No matter what you can’t join this business and think you can make it without putting in the actual GROUND WORK to get to your destination which is Success. I hustle, network, put in the work, I have fun, I’m motivated, I’m hungry, I’m eager, I’m destined and I’m determined to be successful… that’s what makes me unique and different from others because a lot of individuals don’t put in the work like Shamar… a lot of individuals don’t have motivation or the ethic to want more or the hustle they only expect everything to be handed to them which won’t always happen.

What has been your biggest challenge as an actor? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

My biggest challenge as an actor was that I’m not financially where as though I can support myself fully to support me and my career… my parents would always help me and my support system and me of course when I have it. That’s why I push the way I do in this business because I know that my time is coming and I cry every now and then because I know that this won’t last long for me that’s why I encourage everyone to keep going and to love themselves and the craft that they do because; me Shamar Rice knows that times can be hard and we may not have it but just keep pushing because in the end you will be financially great, you will be stable enough to travel on your own, you will be able to buy what YOU want and YOU will get your family OUT OF THE HOOD. All you have to do is KEEP going because a storm don’t last forever…

A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art”. Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art?

I haven’t heard of this phrase before, but I agree. Why? I love acting 100% but I suffer from it… I suffer from anxiety because I always question myself. Will I book this role will this director give me a chance to even audition, ugh I hate this tape REDO, etc all actors went through this phase and still are… some have gotten over it but I know that they still suffer, why? Because it’s an art. It’s moving slow, I’m having trouble memorizing my lines, production started late, I can’t eat yet, etc... so everything I said above is why I agree.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the film business?

The internet has impacted the film business in a great way and bad way… it has impacted the business in a great way because when actors can’t afford to pay for casting sites groups where being made or where already established… casting groups, group for actors to connect and network, groups for mindset development, groups for headshots, etc … I thank everyone who’s ever pitched in or even made a group to help another person out…

If you could change anything about the film industry, what would it be?

The only thing I’d change is just that every project should have a contract stating that; I will get paid $____ this amount, I will be getting fed a nice meal not including snacks because people swear that snacks will fill you up… and I will receive the footage when editing and everything is done etc….

What is the best career advice you have received?

Put the work in, be humble, clap for others successes, train daily, network, stay consistent, have fun and be yourself.

How can fans-to-be follow your career?

Wassup guys! You can add me on Instagram @shamarricee I post my daily updates on there frequently you guys can also follow me on TikTok @shamarricee as well as my Facebook which is just Shamar Rice (I have a brown shirt on) and also If you’re new to my pages checkout my hashtag and watch my journey as I grow! #runwithshamar thanks for reading and I hope that I inspired you.

Shamar Rice Actor|Dancer #RunWithShamar

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