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The Gina Powers Band

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Rebecca Hartt

Rebecca Hartt

Artist on the Rise

What first got you into music?


I’ve loved music ever since I can remember. Music was a big part of my childhood, my mom and stepfather listened to music and appreciated it and my father did as well so I was fortunate to be exposed to a wide variety of genres and musical styles. My father taught me a few chords on the guitar when I was 12.

I didn’t think a career in music was more than a fantasy so I didn’t pursue it until later in life. At some point, I decided to just go for it. I figured, I would end up at the end of my life one day and if I’d never tried it would be something I’d regret so I took a big breath and jumped in.

Who inspired you to make music?

That is a hard question to answer. Making music is just something I’ve always done. Even when I was a small child I made up songs to sing as I played. I think for me there is a spiritual element too--it’s part of how I pray, make sense of the world, grieve, experience joy, celebrate, etc. Music in and of itself inspires me to make music. There are so many incredible musicians, both known and unknown, that I can’t even begin to name them. What made the lightbulb go off for me when it came to the possibility of making my music passion my vocation was seeing Diane Miller’s, (now most widely known as D. Mills of D. Mills and The Thrills), band at the Fargo Theater. She was sassy, talented, owned the stage, had fun original music and I thought “I wanna do that! I think maybe I could do that!” I really appreciate her for that.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

It’s so hard for me to describe, because to me each song is it’s own thing. I think, though, most would say it’s country folk music. I’ve written tunes from a variety of genres, but in the end, they all pretty much tell a story and at the foundation, that’s what folk music is about. I feel really comfortable with that.

How did you come up with the name of the band?

The guys in the band pretty much convinced me using my own name was the right decision. We’d tried other names and they just didn’t fit. Name all the band members and the instrument they play? Gina Powers; Vocals, Keys, Guitar Mitchell Rittenbach; Vocals, Bass Russell Pfaff; Percussion

What is your creative process like?

It usually starts with me sitting at the keyboard or with the guitar and finding a chord progression that makes a certain feeling come up. When I find one I really connect with I record it on my phone and then I listen to it until I can articulate the feeling the music gives me. Usually I hear a melody pretty quickly so it’s a matter of wordsmithing the feelings into something that I think others can relate to. When I have a song as a solo song, I bring it to the band and they put their sparkle on it. Sometimes we make some tweaks to the form or adjust the arrangement, sometimes we edit a part or two, it just depends. That’s why I feel so fortunate to work with such talented musicians; they add their listening do ears and perspective to the mix along with their instrumental skill and everything just comes together. I absolutely adore making music and I have so much admiration and appreciation for their contribution.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

I’d have to say… yikes! I cannot pick just one! Dolly Parton. She is out of this world and has been writing and releasing songs since she was 12 years old. The wisdom and knowledge she has both as a songwriter and as an entertainer is like none-other. I adore Dolly and respect her very much.

Justin Timberlake is also a phenomenal songwriter. What a trip it would be to collab with him! He is diverse and has such an incredible ability to entertain.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

These are hard questions! I would absolutely flip over the opportunity to open for Bonnie Raitt, Kacey Musgraves, Miranda Lambert, Shania Twain... What is one message you would give to your fans? There is far more we humans have in common than not. We all need to eat, sleep, be sheltered, be loved, be safe, be clothed, be connected… My mission is to put good things into the world and music is my best effort in doing that. Let’s connect on the things we’ve in common. We would get so much further down the road.

What is the most useless talent you have?

I have monkey toes lol, I can pick up things with my toes.

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

It’s been awhile since I’ve done that--usually when I I am practicing for a show I am getting ready for or warming up. I have started writing a couple songs in the shower though… “Come In, Sit Down” was absolutely written while in the shower.

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

Likely some form of property management and human services work.

Where have you performed? What are your favourite and least favourite venues?

I’ve been so fortunate to have performed in many places regionally including one super neat place this summer called Red Willow Resort in Binford, ND which has seen the likes of many big named artists including The Supremes, Glenn Miller Orchestra and Richie Valens! That was a surreal experience for me and the band. I’ve played outdoor art events, markets, breweries, restaurants, bars, theaters, Bluestem Amphitheater, street festivals and open mics to name some. My favorite is a concert style/listening style venue where people are there to enjoy the music specifically. My least favorite? Probably bars just because the audience is more there just to party and drink. Don’t get me wrong, parties are fun and playing a great show and having everybody on the dance floor is absolutely awesome, but if I had a choice to play one over the other, it would be a listening or festival environment.

Do you have any upcoming shows?

I do! I’ve got a number of solo and duo shows, some with The Gina Powers Band and some with The FM Boogie Knights, which is a super fun 8 person dance music variety band with a 3-piece horn section—we have a blast. I am booking for next year too and I’m looking forward to some great opportunities next summer. I hope folks will check out the calendar which is linked on the website www.theginapowersband.com I keep all the music ‘stuff’ I’m doing listed there. I have been fortunate to stay busy, working, and healthy with a full calendar.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

I think it’s been great in some ways and not so much in others. For indie musicians, it’s a great opportunity to get original music out there and get it heard, collab with others and find a niche audience that appreciates what the artist is doing. It also provides a way to connect and learn from others on a wider scale. In some ways, though, it gives the impression that anyone can just write a song and boom, there it is. It is much easier now to find music and learn from YouTube, etc. Ultimately, though, I think it is more good than bad. Everyone has access this way.

What is your favorite song to perform?

I really have to like a song to perform it so I’ll take the easy way out of this and say all of them. If pushed for an answer, a power ballad really is my jam.

Which famous musicians do you admire?

Dolly Parton, Justin Timberlake, Jason Isbell, Willie Nelson, Ani DiFranco, Sheryl Crow, Linda Ronstadt, Patsy Cline, Bonnie Raitt, Shania Twain… I admire so very many it’s hard to narrow it down to a few and I’m not even scratching the surface of my list.

What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

I’ve never really gotten into much trouble.

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Regarding music? Be yourself. Don’t try to be like or sound like someone other than you. It’s true and it’s the same advice I give to my music students. Develop your own voice, your own unique contribution.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

Even though we’ve come a long way, I think there is a long way to go when it comes to equality in the can stop an artist at the gate before they’ve ever industry. Gender, Sex, Age, Race… all of these things had an opportunity to share their talents and can be discouraging and disheartening. This industry is super competitive so it can be very cutthroat in both expected and unexpected ways.

What’s next for you?

More music and more shows! A video or two is also in the works so I look forward to that. The band is working on a few new originals so there is another album in the pipeline as well. I hope to sing and write songs and entertain until I have worn this meat suit out! I’m also always looking for a more balanced order to my work/life, which is so very challenging! I want to travel and would love to take the band on more trips and do more shows, especially festivals! Thank you so much for this opportunity to answer your questions! This is very cool.

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