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Hip Hop Artist Making a Name for Himself

When did you first get into music?


I became interested in Hip-Hop and the Hip-Hop culture when I was 14 or so in 2005 in my early years in High School. Around that time, I guess you could say I was a bit of a loner which caused me to get punk’d/bullied a lot. Also, my grades were failing and I had no avenue where I would be in life when I finished school. So, instead I bought myself an iPod an started listening to artists such as Eminem, 50 Cent, and Tupac. Eminem was the one i could relate to the most (Even to this day). I know It sounds cliché because I’m a typical white boi myself. But, just the Aggression/Anger in his wordplay/lyrics, it kinda gave me a voice to say, “I don’t give a f***”, a platform to fight back and take no sh** in this world.

Starting off, I would drop down small rhymes in my workbook, but I knew if i wanted to progress I would have to write full lyric songs. Also, I knew if I wanted to be known or respected by the general HipHop community who loves it as much as I do, then i would have to do my homework and take a trip back in time where it all started in the 70’s of the South Bronx and learn bit by bit. What inspires me about the culture of Hip-Hop is that it’s the ONLY music form that you can express yourself in any way/shape/form possible. You pick any other music genre like Rock, Pop, RnB, etc. Trust me they don’t have the same effect that Hip-Hop brings. That’s why I love it. .

Who or What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

I think what inspired me about Hip-Hop is it’s the No.1 genre/art form where you can express your opinion/thoughts on anything. It’s almost therapeutic to release in the booth. Not only from a music standpoint, but a cultural atmosphere as well. When I see something “Fresh & New”, that still resonates with the TRUE Elements/Core of Hip-Hop. It makes me feel alive as an artist.

How have your skills evolved since you first got into music?

100%. When I first dabbled with “RAP - Rhythm & Poetry”, it was cutting it close to the idols I looked up to like, Eminem, NaS, 50 Cent, and Tupac, etc. I was emulating a lot of their concepts/wordplay into my own attributes (WIGGER LIFE, haha),

because around the early 2000’s it was “quote on quote” the Hip-Hop style. The majority of white boi’s are ashamed to admit/turn a blind eye to their adolescence embarrassment. But with me, I like to have a laugh as it was a learning curve. Plus, I didn’t know my MySpace password anymore… haha!

Over the years while experimenting and learning more about the culture (including the Australian scene) and networking with different local groups who had the same love/inspiration as i did for HipHop the (Wigger Act) was hung up. So, I decided to drop down material about my inner-struggles with depression, outcast, that nobody feeling that majority of us tend to feel we’re not good enough in this world. But, it was more rhythmic wordplay, then actually concept songs. More “whatever beat you have, give it to me and ill write”. Instead of taking the time to concept a well structured song. Now, being older and more mature, having learned/listened to more genres of music (outside of the world of Hip-Hop), I’ve discovered great longevity sounding materials/instrumentals/beats/sounds that will turn this 3rd release into an INCREDIBLE album.

Photo by Rudy Stone Photography

Have you collaborated with any other artists? If so, who?

Not yet I’m willing to collab with any artist within Hip-Hop who is keeping it true to its nature.

If you could open for or collaborate with a famous artist, who would you like to work with?

(TOP 3) Rakim: The GOD MC NaS: Illmatic is a classic (One of the greatest HipHop albums of all time) Method Man: His freestyle with “Black Thought” on “Sway In The Morning” OBLITERATES any NEW School artists album, lol.

I’m sure you have met a lot of celebrities and talented artists along the way. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us?

Back in 2012, I was doing a TON of gigs LEFT..RIGHT and CENTER. I came across a street flyer for a talent competition called URBANSTAR, which was catered only towards (Hip-Hop & RnB) On the flyer it had a picture of Chris Brown with a promo msg saying (BECOME THE NEXT HIP-HOP/RNB SUPERSTAR). I contacted the promoters on Facebook to find out more about the event like (What the prize was? How many contestants, Judges, etc., etc.). They said, one of the judges on the night will be a guy called, “Marcus Pernell” who was a producer at DEF JAM/ UNIVERSAL. After hearing that, I knew I had to put my name down for this event ASAP and give this performance my ALL.

songs (I was the only one who did original material). I performed my track, “Keep On Rapping” which is the 3rd track on my first album “Ride Or Die”. Two of the judges scored me with a “0”, but Marcus scored me with a 10/10 and it completely blew my mind just knowing someone who is that high in the industry, who has probably worked with artists I aspire to be like enjoyed my performance. After the event we had a bit of a chat about my did career, what got me into Hip-Hop & what i think about the scene, why i want to make it, etc., etc. Which later on made us close friends (RIP Marcus).


Last year, a Radio Station in USA called “LAF Underground Radio” put my track, “Can’t Stop Us Feat. Pablo” in rotation and tweeted it constant on Twitter to try get me heard over there as much possible. One Morning, I woke up checked my Facebook/ Emails, like i always do to start the day and out of no where I see an email saying that, NBA Superstar “Lebron James” supported my track. I legit got chills of shock when i seen it, but then I had to catch myself and think wait this must be a fake, it’s to good to be true? So, I went onto Twitter and checked out the Lebron James Profile that liked it and INSANELY enough it was HIM! (Track LINK) >>> https://www.reverbnation.com/ mugzy187/song/18504351-cant-stop-us-feat-pablo

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in this tough business? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

This is a great question. Honestly, to outsiders who will be reading this and don’t know the industry or the struggles that an upcoming entertainer has to go through to be known, whether it be (Musicians, Actors, Artists, Dancers, Models, etc.) it’s rough, man! Haha!

Idk about the majority, but to “US” who are a small % who try to get our “names/brand/projects” out there any possible way/form no matter the risks or the “No’s” or the “Slammed Doors”, just to say “I’M AN ARTIST”, at the end of the day can be tiring. I say, it’s the equivalent to a junkie looking for their next hit. Well thats me anyway...The amount of coffee I drink, phone calls, social media, lack of sleep (day-in-day-out).. Haha, yeah I guess you can say I’m a Hip-Hop junkie looking for my next hit

Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as a performing artist in an industry overflowing with new talent and ideas?

I’ve been told, I don’t have an ego like that vibe most tend to get overtime in this industry where it’s, “I’m better than you or You need to have this amount of followers/viewers/brand for me to acknowledge

you in collaboration”. If you are willing to promoting my brand, whether it’s starting out/upcoming/medium/No. 1 idea...it doesn’t matter...The one thing i care about, is you’ve acknowledged my brand “Mugzy” and are willing to showcase it to the public. I’ve learnt to be an overall people person. To give everyone a chance, because of my father…He’s been the same way.

What has been your biggest challenge as a performing artist? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how? The Unknown within this industry has to be my biggest challenge. I always say, this industry is a “Gift and a Curse”, which most would look at that statement and think “urghh, your only thinking negative”. But, my reply would be, “Either you don’t know this industry...Or you are in this industry, but living in denial”.

Its a gift i get to do interviews, “like this” or perform on multiple stages or be on set with different films/ projects. But, the curse is...at the end of the day

we are still striving to make this our full-time living (so we can knock-off our 9-5’s). Its a mental strain that the majority don’t know about, like we feel so alive on that mic or in front of that camera. But, reality is ....”Gotta be waiting tables soon to fund this dream”.

A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art”. Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art?

t sure… I think its more “You must suffer for the opportunity” more than the art.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

The internet is a great tool for aspiring artists to showcase their brands/projects more, making it easier to get it out to a WORLDWIDE platform/viewing. In saying that though... Over the years the talent has been overshadowed by a lot of idiocy that has taken the shine away from true hardworking artists.

How has the pandemic affected how you utilize streaming and social media?

I wouldn’t say online has affected me at all. As i’m still doing “Online Performances, Interviews, Voice Acting gigs, etc.”. So, i’m still stable in that regard. Physical form, such as “Live Performances, On-Set, Photoshoots” are more difficult to scout-out because as we all know this pandemic is still thriving sadly :(. Hope everyone is keeping their heads up & their families are safe.

If you could change anything about the music industry, what would it be?

We all know this industry is about making money and numbers...it doesn’t take a genius to realize that. The only problem I have with this industry, especially in TODAY’S-ERA is that they only look at the numbers instead of the ACTUAL talent = longevity. Thats why we have so much “mass-produced garbage”, you hear over an over. Sometimes I tend tothink, “Have we become dumber? as a society? or do we really not care anymore about what we listen to?” Like, we’ve become mindless zombies. NaS once said, “Hip-Hop Is DEAD” and i agree with him.

What are the 5 albums that have helped make you the person you are today?

I wouldn’t say Albums… Artists off the dome would be: Michael Jackson, Rakim, Eminem, NaS, The Rolling Stones, and Tupac.

Tell us about your current project.

At the moment, just conceptualizing NEW CREATIVE Ideas for this 3rd album. In the meantime, continue what I’m doing which is scouting opportunities and networking. :)

What’s next for you?

I actually want to get back into the studio ASAP. My 2nd album (Understand Me) released in 2013, so its been 7yrs since I’ve released anything NEW. I’ve kinda been slack’n on music because I’ve been getting into a lot of acting. I miss music sooo much, especially the high/adrenaline of crafting new work, so I’ve got a ton of work to do.

At the moment, I have a TON of beats on my iPod. Most are other peoples instrumentals, from the likes of Greek Producer “Yanni”, but when I sit back and listen to them I can hear them sounding like masterpieces. So, when the time comes I’ll figure out how to use them.

Also, for my 3rd album, I want to do a 3-disk (Thats right a triple, as 3 is my LUCKY number) and pile as much music/craft out as possible. That’s all I can say at this point, nothing more. I can’t wait, it’s gonna be one hell of a rollercoaster....2020 fans will definitely hear something once again from Mugzy. ;)

How can fans-to-be gain access to your music and follow your career?

I’m always on Facebook, I think I use it way to much (But, doesn’t everyone! Haha!).

So hit up my Fan page link here at: (LINK) >> https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMugzy/ There you will find everything I’ve done in my career so far (Gigs, Releases, Got To Meet etc etc).

Also, it will keep you UPDATED with future things along the way in my career (Such as updates on 3rd album). My Reverbnation BANDPAGE profile is attached (ALL TRACKS FREE DOWNLOAD). Youtube Attached (See interviews and Live performances) Twitter (Tweet to ME). So, yeah drop me a line about anything, even if its to chat (ALWAYS tend to get back to everyone). Don’t forget to give me a LIKE too the more LIKES the better.

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