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Inspiring Actor and Model

Photo by Monico Candelaria


When and how did you get involved as an actor and a model?

I first got into acting/modeling while I was in College. I began at Los Angeles Valley College doing a ton of Theatre. I was fortunate enough to audition for UCLA Theatre program and was accepted. I was scouted during a performance while on campus by DRAGON Models and the rest is history.

What or Who inspired you to pursue such careers?

I truly believe that it was my destiny. Acting/Modeling is my gift. So it wasn’t so much a Who or What type of situation. Ive always had this insatiable hunger for the ART of performance. It’s a way to present to world who I am and what I stand for. Theres such a beauty and freedom that comes from allowing yourself to be vulnerable. I cant ignore it. Do not ignore your gift. Your gift is the thing you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort.

I’m sure you have met a lot of talented individuals and/or celebrities along the way. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us?

That’s definitely one of the perks of the job. Getting to meet supremely talented people from all different walks of life. It was my first day on-set for the T.V. show ‘GET SHORTY’. I was doing a scene with Ray Romano, Chris O’Dowd and Lidia Porto. It was a table read scene and I could feel myself becoming strangely intimidated. So in between shooting the first couple of takes I get up to grab some water to calm myself down. Ray walks over to me with a cheeky grin on his face and whispers in my ear– “you’re a natural kid, trust your instincts”. Since that day forward, my performances have never been the same. Im completely engulfed in the performance. No time to be nervous, intimidated. Watching them perform that day was truly awe-inspiring and something I will NEVER forget.

How has your acting and modeling evolved since you first started in these industries?

They have evolved tremendously. Its about confidence and preparedness. If you are confident in what you’re doing and you passionately believe it, its going to come across. Whether its modeling or acting. But also being prepared. That will also show. It took me crashing and burning a couple of times to truly realize that. That’s the beauty of the business. You’re gonna have your ups and downs. Its how you process them and learn from your mistakes that allow you to make your mark. Ive been an unbreakable confidence that I’m very proud of. But it took time to get there. It didn’t happen over night. In the beginning I was wide eyed, uninformed and lacked the confidence needed to be successful.

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in these tough careers? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

Without a doubt its desire. Being in this business can be extremely stressful and it will test you in ways that you didn’t think were possible. Morally, psychologically, etc. But its my duty and desire to remain in the business because its my way to showcase to the world what I have to offer. To me there is no greater feeling than to be in front of the camera creating ART. It’s the biggest rush I’ve ever experienced. Nothing else matters at that point, but producing a vision, a dream, a story that people can be inspired by. The desire to create, comes from the same tree as the desire to be great.

Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as a performing artist in an industry overflowing with new faces and ideas?

I am half Spaniard and half black. So my ethnically ambiguous background is what sets me apart from the rest of the pack. Having long, curly hair and dark skin was something I didn’t particularly understand or appreciate when I was younger. I spent so much time trying to fit in with everyone else I was losing my own identity, my sense of self and who I AM. My mother told me one day when she saw that I had my hair tied up in a bun—“De’Angelo, be you. Don’t be ashamed of who you are or how you look. What you think is a flaw, is actually your gift”. It was in that moment that I realized that what I had been hiding was actually beautiful. Id been hiding the beauty of who I am and how I am created. Now, I am unbelievably proud to be MIXED RACE. Its what makes me unique and special. I express myself without doubt. Its brought me to a place where I can express myself and be confident in doing so. This is what makes me stand out. Don’t hide your true beauty. Your flaws are your treasure. Find it.

Photo by Ana Ochoa

What has been your biggest challenge as an actor/ model? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

I would say its been making reliable, professional contacts. This industry is full of people who will

Photo by Patrick Baldonado Photography

Photo by Coryn Kiefer Photography

promise you the world but don’t deliver. Ive been able to overcome this by staying professional, showing up on time, prepared, and delivering a performance they cant forget. As long as I am showcasing my talent in a professional manner I will attract those that are like-minded. This has brought me much success so far in my career.

A common phrase as a performing artist is, “you must suffer for your art”. Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art?

This is a profound statement. Yes, I do agree. You are putting yourself out there whether it’s a photo shoot or TV/Film shoot. Any time you put yourself in a position to be vulnerable, you are subject to criticism. That can be quite daunting because the ramifications of being criticized are quite deadly. Ive seen criticism derail the careers of many talented actors/ models. So in that sense there is suffering involved. But when you are passionate about your ART/CRAFT nothing can stop you. The payoff of for creating great ART far exceeds the negatives of having to suffer for a time.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the acting/modeling business?

Because of the power of social media, models and actors are finding a voice they’ve never had before. They are able to build brands and entire empires just from the power of social media and its countless platforms. Its given models/actors a vehicle to express their thoughts, opinions, uncensored. It introduces them to audiences not available previously. We are able to extend our careers this way. The power of social media is not to be ignored.

Photo by Rip Williams

Photo by John Campi

Photo by Ana Ochoa

If you could change anything about the film/modeling industry, what would it be?

I would change it by offering more ethnically diverse TV/FILM. Showcasing people who are bi-racial. Mixed is beautiful.

What is the best advice you have received?

The best advice I have ever received is “you cant be bitter and expect your life to be sweet” Early-on in my career I would be upset about not getting a role for a film/tv or not booking a Campaign for a major photographer/company. But I learned to let it go, and to not be bitter. Keep a happy and expecting mindset.

What projects are you currently working on... that you can talk about?

I am currently confirmed to begin Filming on a project being shot here in NM titled CROSSROADS. Im beyond excited to be filming here and I look forward to seeing it with you all. I am also awaiting to hear back from a major NETFLIX series that is filming here as well. Keep your fingers crossed.

What’s next for you?

I plan on working with some campaigns for HIGH-FASHION SHOOTS, walking for FASHION WEEK as well as filming the movie CROSSROADS this summer.

Photo by Megan Kamauoha

Photo by Nikki Gonzalez

How can fans-to-be follow your career?

DeAngeloBethea.com is being built as the moment and should be available to view at the beginning of July. You can also reach me on FACEBOOK at De’Angelo Bethea and Instagram at: @deangelolamar_official

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