DE’ANGELO BETHEA Inspiring Actor and Model When and how did you get involved as an actor and a model? I first got into acting/modeling while I was in College. I began at Los Angeles Valley College doing a ton of Theatre. I was fortunate enough to audition for U.C.L.A Theatre program and was accepted. I was scouted during a performance while on campus by DRAGON Models and the rest is history. What or Who inspired you to pursue such careers? I truly believe that it was my destiny. Acting/Modeling is my gift. So it wasn’t so much a Who or What type of situation. Ive always had this insatiable hunger for the ART of performance. It’s a way to present to world who I am and what I stand for. Theres such a beauty and freedom that comes from allowing yourself to be vulnerable. I cant ignore it. Do not ignore your gift. Your gift is the thing you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort. I’m sure you have met a lot of talented individuals and/or celebrities along the way. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us? That’s definitely one of the perks of the job. Getting to meet supremely talented people from all different
Photo by Monico Candelaria
walks of life. It was my first day on-set for the T.V. show ‘GET SHORTY’. I was doing a scene with Ray Romano, Chris O’Dowd and Lidia Porto. It was a table read scene and I could feel myself becoming strangely intimidated. So in between shooting the first couple of takes I get up to grab some water to calm myself down. Ray walks over to me with a cheeky grin on his face and whispers in my ear– “you’re a natural kid, trust your instincts”. Since that day forward, my performances have never been the same. Im completely engulfed in the performance. No time to be nervous, intimidated. Watching them perform that day was truly awe-inspiring and something I will NEVER forget. How has your acting and modeling evolved since you first started in these industries? They have evolved tremendously. Its about confidence and preparedness. If you are confident in what you’re doing and you passionately believe it, its going to come across. Whether its modeling or acting. But also being prepared. That will also show. It took me crashing and burning a couple of times to truly realize that. That’s the beauty of the business. You’re gonna have your ups and downs. Its how you