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Harrison Stone

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Gabe Silva

Acting with Passion

Please tell us who Harrison is.


Harrison is an actor who was born in the small East Texas town of Daingerfield. His recent work includes 2019 Best Picture winner “Green Book” along with guest starring in the new Netflix limited WWII series “The Liberator.” He has also made appearances on “NCIS: New Orleans,” DC’s “Swamp Thing” and HBO’s “The Outsider.” Harrison’s goal is to honor God with his life and though his work, and to inspire others the way he has been inspired by film.

How did you get started as an Actor/Artist?

I was a competitive tennis player initially. I used to travel around the nation playing tournaments. I had always been into sports and being from a small southern town, I never imagined acting in movies and tv shows would ever be even a remote possibility for me. When I was 16, I started to get burned out as a tennis player and realized it was no longer my dream. While considering what I wanted to do with my life, I was watching a movie and scrolling on the internet. I saw an ad for on camera acting classes and I decided then that I wanted to be an actor. I was always very very shy, quiet and introverted growing up, so I wasn’t sure if it would work for me, but I went out and bought a bunch of books and movies and studied alone in my room. I was always too afraid to start classes because I assumed I’d be the worst and would be made fun of. Eventually I got the courage to audition for a local community theatre production, even though I almost threw up beforehand from the nerves, and then not long after that I decided to finally being classes. I’ve been in class ever since.

What drives you to stay to be an actor?

Honestly, its just the love of acting. I genuinely feel, and have always felt, that I will be acting for the rest of my life in any capacity I can. Whether that be doing scenes in class or working on major film and tv sets, I just love everything about it. I never really thought I’d ever work on a real movie or tv show, I didn’t really imagine I’d ever even get an agent, so for me it’s always been about doing the thing I love. Any of the bookings and success is just icing on top because for me the joy comes in the working and the process. I just love everything about it. I love it.

Who is someone you respect in your industry?

I have so many heroes and people I look up to in the industry. For me James Dean, Marlon Brando, Robert Mitchum, Robert De Niro, Matthew McConaughey, Ryan Gosling, and Johnny Depp are my acting heroes and Terrence Malick and Richard Linklater are my filmmaking heroes. Dean, Malick and Linklater in particularly resonate with me so deeply. Before my grandmother passed away several years ago from breast cancer, she told me all about James Dean and he mentioned that I reminded her of him. After that I watched his work in “East of Eden,” “Rebel Without A Cause” and “Giant” and have been blown away by his talent. Malick and Linklater also really resonate with me. Along with the the fact that I’m from Texas and both are proud Texans, their work has really inspired me. There is something about their work that moves me deeply. My goal is to work with both one day in the near future.

Can you tell us how the last few months of COVID (Stay-at-Home) has made a positive or negative impact on your acting career?

My Dad has always said, “Take your thoughts captive.” Even though the entire world as been going through an incredibly difficult and scary time, I believe we are still in control of our attitude and we can either choose to be positive and optimistic, or wallow in self pity and fear. I have tried to see the COVID situation as an opportunity to improve not only my craft, but also my self in every way I can. No matter your situation, I believe you can rise above the difficulties and move forward.

How have you stayed busy in your industry during COVID, these last few months?

Yes for sure. I think no matter the situation you can take ownership of your career and stay busy. I have been working hard consistently to cultivate my relationships with people in the industry while also improving myself as an actor. I also find watching great films and reading great plays and acting books is an amazing way to improve your craft. No matter the situation I believe you can always be working. Clint Eastwood said that his father used to tell him that “You either progress or decay.”

Can you tell us what have been some of your favorite roles (characters) you have played?

Two roles come to mind when I think about my favorites. I was blessed to work on Netflix’s WWII series “The Liberator,” filming in Lodz, Poland. How I got cast in that project was completely amazing, and I am thankful God gave me the opportunity. So it was extra special because of the way I ended up getting the part, but also the character I played Lt. Childers was one of the best parts I’ve gotten to play so far. I’m so proud of that series. I also had an absolute blast playing the character of Jack Berouac in the indie film “8 Slices” written and directed by Nick Westfall. I am so thankful to Nick for writing the part and allowing me to play it, because the role was such a gift to an actor. I had so much fun and really felt in the zone while filming the entire movie. Those two characters are so special to me and the experiences I won’t forget.

What are some hobbies you have?

Well I am a tennis player, and actually played NCAA college tennis. That occupies a lot of my time. But I also love writing and hope to write and direct in the future.

What would be your dream acting role?

This is a tough one! First off I’ve always loved Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath” and would love to play the part of Tom Joad in a remake one day. The story and characters are just so amazing. I’ve also always been a Star Wars fan and one day hope to have a large part in one. I’m also a sucker for film noir like “Chinatown” and “Out of The Past” and I hope to get to be a detective in a great period noir type film in the future.

What is up next for Harrison?

Right now I am just auditioning, looking for the next job! I’ve had several amazing reads recently and feel one will stick soon.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Hopefully happily married with a family living in a nice small town, and playing amazing parts on amazing projects with amazing directors.

Is there anything you would like your fans to know about you?

I was ranked number one in the state of Alabama in tennis and Jesus is the most important thing in my life.

Please list all social media links.

Instagram: harrisonstone7 IMDB: imdb.me/harrisonstone

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