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Talented Performing Artist

When did you first get into music?


I have always been into music. I grew up in a family of musicians. My mom is a composer, my dad plays the guitar, one of my brothers plays drums and guitar. I wrote my first song when I was 10, and I performed solo in the church for the first time when I was 9. Music has always been a big part of my life, and music has always been a way for me to express myself. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve been dreaming about being an artist! But to be honest, it wasn’t until after my divorce that I finally understood where to go with my music and how to get there. I needed to restart and focus on myself and my true passion to find myself again, and that was through music!

What genre of music do you perform?

I would say a mix of soul/rnb and pop. I call it atmospheric/cinematic soul/rnb. I have also been working on a EDM/pop sound that I will get myself more into.

Who or What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

My mother has been my biggest inspiration since she has always played music for us kids and she was touring around the world when I was a kid. She can play any instrument you give her! Strong female artists such as Beyonce, Rihanna, Madonna, Whitney Houston and Alicia Keys have also been a great source of inspiration to me! They are all strong women doing their thing and have taken their talent to the stars! They have given me strength to follow my heart and to believe in my talent! My children have also inspired me a lot, showing me what true love and passion is, they have helped me become a better person and they have tought me to listen to my heart.

How has your music evolved since you first began performing/songwriting?

I have sharpened my skills and I have found a sound that I feel represents me. I always want to evolve and I feel that music is a way for me to express different stages in life. My sound has changed from when I started, and I am getting to know my voice more and more for every day. I also feel that the more you work with music, the more you understand all the hard work behind a success story!

I’m sure you have shared the stage with a lot of talented artists/celebrities along the way. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us?

One is when my mother booked a very talented Swedish artist, Jon-Henrik Fjällgren, to perform in the church where she used to work. This time it was my children performing on stage with him. The church was packed with people and when they started to sing, omg, not an eye was dry and it was so emotional, even my brother sitting next to me started to cry! Can you imagine angelic voices from the children together with a lovely sami jojk? It was amazing and so magical, it was so lovely like I was in heaven! in heaven!

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in this tough business?

Love. I’m in love with music!

Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

It’s passion. I am very passionate about what I’m doing and that is my drive. I always follow my heart and I do what I feel makes me happy. I do what I love and I love what I do, for me that makes my music and art my passion. And that also makes what I’m doing something that I am always true about.

Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as an artist in an industry overflowing with new talent and ideas?

That I have turned my pain into my passion. I have a message that is built on my own experience, and I want to inspire others to follow their hearts and to believe in themselves. I really believe that to be able to love others and to love what you’re doing, it all starts with self love. I have been through a lot in my life, as all of us have. I went through a tough divorce after a very emotionally tough relationship. That led to a deep depression, that I was suffering from for almost a year. It is a miracle that I’m still alive. The depression had me facing my worst nightmares and I had to face my demons. I was literally walking in the Valley of death, but I conquered death and I made peace with my demons. The love for my children, my love for music and God saved my life! I see myself as a Rising Phoenix, I have been in the ashes and from the darkness I have risen into the light into a stronger and more powerful version of myself, into a beautiful and strong Phoenix. So, I call myself a Rising Phoenix, and I have built my whole business on my story of the Phoenix. I am grateful and blessed to be working with music and entertainment. When I’m telling my story about how I survived clinical depression, there are so many out there that can relate to my story and what I’ve been through. That makes me work even harder to spread my message and that also makes me wanna help others out of depression and I am a living proof that there is a way to a happy, healthy and independent lifestyle!

What has been your biggest challenge as a performing artist? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

My biggest challenge has been to find a balance between being a mother and a passionate artist. And to be a single mom in a very tough industry. I have defenitely overcome it, and I have two amazing kids that are proud over their brave hearted mom! My children are the love of my life and all I want for them is to be free thinking, motivated, loving and open minded individuals. The challenge for me have been to be combine a lifestyle of a single mom with traveling and making music at the same time. My way to have this working in the best ways, have been to have a great team of friends and family supporting me and I have a very open communication with my kids about my work. We have shared custody and I have my kids every other week, and it works great I must say! You just gotta find a tempo and a lifestyle that supports you and your loved ones, and working with music makes me a happy and passionate mother!

A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art.” Do you agree with this statement?

I agree 100%! It’s so true because making something sustainable and something great doesn’t come easy! If it was easy anyone could do it! I can asure you that every artist have been through some kind of struggle anf suffering. Its part of the journey and it also makes you genuine and true to your art. Because you will do all it takes to make it. No exceptions. Hard work always pays off, and if you wanna make it, you have to suffer. You will not have success served on a golden plate. That I know for sure!

If so, how have you suffered for your art?

I have put my soul and heart into my work with music and entertainment. I have spent so many sleepless nights thinking about how to make it without having any money and how to be the best mom while working my ass of to make my dreams come true. I have faced my demons in my depression, I have worked so hard Iand put so many other things in life aside. I have learnt everything myself, I am a fast learner, thank God for that. So many hours I’ve spent making music, being in the studio, working on my next move, while others are spending time with friends, having dinners, partying etc. I can give up all that, as long as I can work with my passion - music. My children will always be my first love. After family comes my love for music.

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?

It’s making it way easier to distribute your music! And it also makes it way easier to connect with your fans and people in the biz. Thanks to internet you can also work from anywhere in the world, you don’t have to be at a certain place to work, if it’s not performing of course!

And also thanks to internet you can easily have a fanbase globally, and your fans can follow you on so many platforms. I certainly makes the big world into an easier and smaller work space!

If you could change anything about the music industry. What would it be?

I would love to see more women being on top positions running labels and shooting music videos etc. I know there are a lot of women in positions like that already, what I am saying is like in all businesses, being taken care of. This I can see in all parts of the world and all types of jobs. So I think we all need to make a change for a better world letting more women come through my mom, yeah you know almost everyone have been listening to MJ. I am blessed to have seen him live in Stockholm during his “Thriller”

What are the 5 albums that have helped make you the person you are today? And why?

Michael Jackson, “Thriller” - The King of pop have always inspired me with his amazing beats and always giving his all to his music. His vocal and dance skills don’t need much of explanation and his work has inspired my music a lot. He has been working with some of the greatest names in the industry and the way his music has inspired so many generations, it’s massive! I can listen to his miusic with my kids, tour. Rest in Power, King of Pop.

Lauryn Hill, “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” - I have always been listening to Fugees and Lauryn Hill has inspired me and my musical journey in so many ways. Her sound and her voice is just magic to me! I love the way she mixes rap with soul and rnb and how her voice goes into your soul. Lauryn inspired me to focus on my passion for music and to focus on my sound and my message. She is a true creator and she has made a foot print for the worlds future female rap scene.

2 Pac Shakur, “All Eyez on Me” - Without no doubt the worlds best rapper! I remember the first time I listened to 2 Pac. I was introduced by my brother when I was about 17 years old, and HipHop entered my life with instant love! I have listened to his music ever since I was in my early teens and I still rank him as the worlds best rapper. His amazing poetry lyrics and outstanding ways to rap about hot topics, politics, gang violence and empowerment! Things he did for the rap culture and society will forever be remembered! I always say that hiphop raised me, and that’s partly thanks to 2 Pac. His music touched me in levels and still does. He made my heart beat for hiphop, and I am still a fan of the culture and the music. RIP in power King Shakur.

Beyoncé, “Lemonade” - Queen of soul rnb. Bey has inspired me in so many ways. She is a strong female role model in the music industry, and an amazing singer! She has a message with her music and she combines being a mother with being an artist and businesswoman in an amazing way! Bey inspires me to be a female role model and to be an artist with skills beyond making music, she makes me wanna push my music and working into new dimensions!

Prince, “Purple Rain” - I love Prince and everything he was standing for. His iconic voice and his passionate lyrics, his outfits and his way of being a unique artist! Purple Rain is one of my all time favourite songs ever and Prince made love to his guitar while playing it. He left a legacy for all of us to love and continue sharing with next generations. He will be forever missed. Rest in Power Prince.

Tell us about your current project.

Right now I’m working on my next music releases, and I am so excited to soon share my new music with all of you! I have some amazing new tracks and music videos waiting to drop! I have some EDM tracks and powerful soul rnb. I am still working on my Rising Phoenix project about following your heart and finding selflove. I want to inspire people to go for their dreams and to find their inner strenght. I believe in God and in the Law of Attraction. You attract what you are. And I’m all about good vibes. I’m also about to launch my jewelry line “Rising Phoenix”. I am also pushing my documentary WOMAN. I produced it and it tells my own story from my darkest moment in life, to my highest points. You can follow me and my kids on a roadtrip across Sweden. It can be seen on Amazon Prime US and UK and also on FilmFreeway.

What is the best advice you have received?

To surround myself and work wit people that belives in you and that shares your vision. In this biz it’s really important to work with people that knows what the biz is about and that you can trust. So I have learnt the hard way, and I now have a great team I can trust and I am so grateful for every single one I have worked with and still working with!

Also, I’ve learnt to never give up, I don’t even know what giving up is! I will always push myself and my music, my work into new levels!

What is the best advice can you give someone who wants to get into the music industry?

Find a great team and great people to work with. Never give up, hard work always pays off! And find your way to express yourself in your own unique way! In this biz it’s so important to be unique and to have something that people can referr to. Be true to yourself.

What’s next for you?

I am working on some new collaborations and I am also working on new music for my next project that I will not announce yet. I am writing on a book as we speak and also working on my next jewelry line. So, stay tuned and follow me to see what will pop up next from my side! Join the movement of the Rising Phoenix!

How can fans-to-be gain access to your music?

I am on all music platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, Apple, Soundcloud, Amazon, Tidal etc. Check out the links in this interview and make sure to follow me on my Instagram, YouTube, Spotify and Fcebook to stay updated with my new releases and upcoming projects! You can also watch my documentary on Amazon Prime and FilmFreeway on the links below! I am so excited to share my music and work with all of you, and I can’t wait to meet you in person one day! Much love and blessings to all of you! // Yajna

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/6vRcQwJni6XQcoQFeYlPu6?si=EgRaua87QoKs9W7ZECkOAw

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjn4ac4V9o4OMNv9kXfPVA?view_as=subscriber

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yajnamusic/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/yajnamusic

Website: www.yajna.se Instagram: Yajnamusic Instagram: Risingphoenixmusicgroup Instagram: Risingphoenixentertaining Facebook: Yajna Facebook: Rising Phoenix Music Group Facebook: Rising Phoenix Entertainment Spotify: Yajna Youtube: Yajna

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