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The Power Of Dreams positively impacting and promoting Wellness, In The Arts, Sport & Creative World.

How important is it to never give up on your dreams?


Well for me I think essentially the core of who we are as human beings is to always have hope, and it’s ok to believe in something better. There is always a possibility, even if its a very small the percentage that dreams do come true. No matter what we go through in life it’s important that we have this sense inside us that somewhere along the way things will get better and Miracles do happen in life. It’s so vital to the inner peace that we always reach for our goals and know that we are already enough. Everyone needs an anchor to life, a vision of hope, a reason behind why we do what we do but most importantly to know that even on the worst day things do get better, and sometimes after the lowest points beauty comes to us to remind us that we should never give up.

How important music and the arts contribute to our mental health?

Firstly, to have access to Music and The Arts is a blessing and should be something everyone has in their world. I believe that having a positive outlet especially if its a creative one is essential to our wellbeing and mental health. So many people have been taught or learned from their society that the answer to pain, fear, upset, anger and so much more that affects our mental health lies in the bottom of a bottle, in drugs, abuse, or anything destructive, but I believe that when we use the other parts of our brain to create it develops synapses and releases good happy chemicals that no substance can replace!!!

We can essentially save our own lives and change the lives of others with music and the arts.

Everyone needs a positive outlet to express themselves and were better than into word, music, performance, and being creative!

I experienced bullying growing up and I got through my teenage years by writing poetry from the age of 14yr and then progressed to composing songs on the piano. It became my outlet and my best friend. Which led me onto winning a National Song Contest called Mol On Oige in my native language Irish. I was exhibiting my artwork at 17yrs of age and had been classically trained in Irish dancing and Ballet from 3yrs old. All outlets, all places to place the ache of our soul. In fact, I’m sure that’s what kept me balanced.

When we didn’t have a piano I lined up wooden sticks of the streets from ice pops and lined them onto the table and practiced there first. So I believe we are only limited by belief...It’s possible to change your life and mental health with positive action and linking into Music and The Arts. And no matter what if you want it you will make it happen somehow.

What’s your feedback on this issue?

All my life I have been watching and learning and at age 3yrs I remember thinking that hugs could fix anything! With that kind of start, I learned that people have a bright and dark side to them. For a long time, people didn’t talk about feelings unless they were positive. Now we are at a point in society where it’s ok not to be ok but there is still a growth curve for so many people as stigma still exists. However, one thing that has come from the lockdown is that people have been forced to adapt very fact to a new reality, and unfortunately the usual platforms to express themselves and offload thought, words, feelings, creative energy have been taken away. What’s good is that people have started to adjust move to different platforms where possible but there have been so many affected by the current climate that it has been very hard on so many.

Expression of the soul is key to mental health particularly in the creative industry and a lot of what I do here in Ireland pivots around supporting as many creatives as possible. My goal now with recently setting up my Media and Wellness Company The Power of Dreams as well as being made a member of the Dublin South FM Board of Management, and part of the Media Team in Dublin Gazette Media Team, is to continue to support mental health and the community of creatives and their extended family, friends and businesses in Ireland by offering positive platforms of hope and connectedness.

What drives you to do what you do Ms. Marian?

I believe that I was born with a sense of connectedness to others and wanting to help them and create a better world. This was something that almost overwhelmed me as a child as my empathy was very strong for all souls and I felt powerless in so many cases as I simply wasn’t old enough or hadn’t the life tools to make a difference except for the power of compassion and kindness and that became my superpower as a child. Then I remember at age 13, having a moment where I chose not to say words that really could have scarred another person, and had a profound moment where I decided that words could heal or could destroy. So my drive and my passion for Love, and positive change were inherent, and to be fair I am blessed to have people around me who taught me very well. There was no job description for what I wanted to be when I grew up. I knew I was creative but it was more than that! There was something in my soul reminding me that I was here for a purpose and divine energy leading me to America, England, and back to Ireland where I studied, educated myself, and Knew that I was being led on a journey that was much bigger than me. A greater power than directed my decisions and helped me pick myself up every time I fell down, but peace in my soul that never left me no matter what. I’m a spiritual person and embrace all cultures, races, and the right to follow your truth, but when it comes down to it I have the safe hands of GOD with me all the way. Let it also be said I have some very powerful Ancestors and Angels walking with me all the way too.

How do you manage to be a mum and being an influencer in the entertainment industry?

Like most people with children on this planet, we make a decision about getting on with things for the children and a lot of my choices in life have been directed by the desire to create a better world not just for others but now for my 3 children. In fact, I learned a whole new set of skills from being a mum, and especially now that Isabella (15), Harry(13), and Erin (10) have gotten to a stage of their own independence it’s a whole new level of juggling life.

The industry with Covid has changed so much with the new multimedia platforms that we have to now work from and in a lot of cases remotely, but that in essence has given me time to be with them much more and I love it.

I can remember the days when Harry was very ill from birth with severe kidney reflux and for 5 years it was a nightmare, so to be honest having healthy children, wifi that works, and a network of contacts my world is actually no so bad and we are all gonna get through this ok. by zoom during Lockdown. What was that like? Funny enough the one thing about Lockdown that has actually been a plus are we have learned to connect with others on a whole different level. I’ve been blessed to have had some amazing names on the show and skype called with a few. However, Gloria was my first big Zoom interview and she is as beautiful and as charming and witty as you would expect. What I did love was the honest conversation we had about her family, and also her passion for Law and the new album Brazil 305. I have to say she is a very funny woman and even in the midst of her own losses and journey she constantly gives back to others. it was reassuring for me to see my little show getting out into a Global platform also to highlight the humanitarian work and efforts of the bigger names like herself as well a unsigned and original Global and Local artist. It’s actually funny because she had been on a list of women in Music that I had wanted to interviewed and a few months ago I picked up a vinyl of The Miami Sound Machine... and then that happened.

How did you get your Covid Hero Award in Ireland by the Lord Mayor of Dublin?

There has always been a mission behind my work and my focus has been to make a positive difference to others and more recently to those who need it most in society. i believe that our work no matter what we do can change a persons life, even with singles word or a smile. For years I have worked a volunteer with charities from the Homeless, Teenagers, Suicide awareness, and so much more and the reason I started my own radio show is to send a message to everyone that good things come, that life can get better. During Covid, I reached out to artists, creatives and anyone who could benefit from my Show as a platform. I felt the ache of a community without a direction and of other souls who deserved my support. So, that’s what I did! Every week in the midst of my own journey I pulled a show together and gave a voice to others. Somehow, I was nominated for the Award and next it was a reality. I nearly cried with delight and also when you do what I do, believe it or not, I never expected anything back. However, when I do get a thank you or an Award it feels like I have just won an Olympic Gold. I’m blessed to have a network of amazing people around me and yes I am proud of myself, too.

What made you start The Power of Dreams Show?

For so many years I have been working in Media and Wellness and at one point I was National Speaker for Teenline Ireland and managed to reach 22,000 children Nationally. However, I felt that a more effective platform to help support others and use my skillset would be to have a Radio Show of my own. That’s when a miracle happened and I was introduced to a friend who invited me onto his show as a guest and I ended up co-hosting that show. I still kept my own Dream alive and waited and believed that it would happen. Then the time came where I knew it was time to go for the show and i got it. A pivotal place in my life to be honest when I knew that someone, somewhere would hear my positivity and change their own life or even reach out for help. And that’s really why I set it up. For the little 3yr old me who never stopped Dreaming and believing that she could help others and make this world a better place. I want to show others that anything is possible, and never give up that we are all connected. It’s led me onto following the next part of my dream which is my Book to come out in 2021.

So, during your downtime, what are some of your hobbies?

I absolutely love composing music, painting and being around nature, doing exercise or dancing. Downtime for me is rare at the moment, but when it’s filled with love, rest and peace, it’s the best.

How did you come about being a Fashion Journalist, and are you still doing it?

Fashion has always been a part of my world growing up designing outfits, like every teenager I know. I took my first steps into Journalism at 19yrs of age while I was studying Sound Engineering and Production in a college in Ireland called Ballyfermot. The Fashion of the music industry and genres fascinated me as I took my own wardrobe to some fairly interesting levels but I also worked with a woman Fashion Magazine in Ireland called Modern Woman! Since long gone but more recently I have ventured back into it again with Dublin Gazette Newspaper recently publishing my “Mask is the New Black” article. It included some established and rising talent in Ireland and to see them supporting others and making Masks a fashion accessory was beautiful. One designer in particular that I follow as she designed for the Oscars recently and Pink is Clair Garvey. I’ve been writing since 14yrs old and had an NUJ (Equity) card by 21yrs. So, I guess that writing, supporting, and creating will always where I go with my life, and once it benefits others too, I’m very happy.

So, being a very popular radio personality, what is your opinion on the way today’s music is sounding when it comes to listening to music from around the world?

Coming from a background of being Classically trained in Piano and also composition, for me Music is a Global language and I am now listening to a lot of Cuban and Brazilian music recently. With my show, I air everybody regardless of genre. If it’s good and produced to a high quality and will add to the show I will play it. What’s wonderful is there is such an amazing cross over of cultures and flavors in music these days. I’m still not clicked into the Tik Tok world like my 15yr old as I guess my ear gets distracted with some of the swear words thrown onto beats that don’t really need to be there. The thing for me is that there are so many really good artists out there, with amazing hooks and melodies and then they lose me the second they have to use words that I dont want my 10yr old singing?

For the most part, I am embracing the surge in talent, recently doing a Covid Creative Show to show support for what’s happening and listening to music that feeds the soul, ranging from hip hop to country, RnB, and much more. If it lifts me up then I will air it. I respect passion in music and the arts and I embrace submissions from anywhere in the world.

Last week, I got a poem sent to me from Australia, and listeners comments from Brazil and the USA. So, it’s all good. Music is a Global language and my show is a Global Show based in Ireland, but the mission of The Power of Dreams is much, much bigger.

What advice can you give to people that may be following in your footsteps?

The first thing is to decide what it is you want? Take time to figure that bit out. There are so many areas to what I do that it’s important to pick the part that your soul resonates with. Figure out how that translates into reality for you and start making a plan of action. Try the link in with others who will guide you. If you can start with something small to build up confidence and no matter what don’t tell yourself you cant do it. It’s ok to change the plan to suit you! There’s a voice inside all of us that directs us and we need to connect to that. So make time to look after yourself in the midst of all the planning. To study this would be so beneficial. Even if that means going online and reading, researching, teaching yourself, get involved in group chats, the community of people who have already done it and learn, listen, ask questions, take action, and know that every time you do that your one step closer to your dream.

I consider everyone unique so your journey to what you want doesn’t have to be like anyone else. Always give your time to help others and support those who have less. Value yourself but don’t ever undermine anyone else and where possible leave people happier than before you were with them. If you live a compassionate and kind respectful life with a focus on your goals you will attract those people into your life that can help you change. I offer my help to anyone who would like to do any of the things that I do because i know how important it is to have some belief in you, even when you believe in yourself.

Trust your gut instinct and go for it. Every day learns every day be grateful for your health, life, and being alive. It won’t happen overnight, but never give up.

So, being a person of a sound mind and a sound body, what is your advice when it comes to this Covid issue?

With my Science Degree and a part of that being Immunology and also being a mum with 3 precious children and involved in the Media, I believe that we all have to make decisions for ourselves as to what serves us best. There are 2 things that come to the mind when I hear the word Covid. The first is Fear and the second is Survival. Now the reason I say that is because behind all of the conversations we have the route of a lot of the discussions online is based in answering the question. How does it impact us? Which then can cause Fear. Also, the confusing information can cause Fear and The misdirection of Governments and inconsistency of plans of Action has left people wondering about self-preservation, and their future.

The bottom line for me is I won’t risk exposing my children or parents to something that potentially can kill them. However, I know enough to question information and responses and science and as an adult what’s great is that we have a choice (right now) to decide what’s best for our little units. For anyone who has lost someone and is experiencing it right now, I send my love and support. I am optimistic that in time this will eventually level off and we shall return to a new kind of normal.

How was it to meet the dali lama, what was that experience like to be around such a great man of wisdom?

Well to be honest the first introduction to the Dalai Lama was of him sneaking into a press call on his tippy toes to sneak up on speaker Richard Moore (founder of Children in Crossfire Charity who was blinded by a rubber bullet when he was 10yr old).

He was like a little boy and both adult men sat holding hand the whole of the Press Call for a Peace Event in Derry in Ireland. I’m smiling here because the night before I had a dream Id hug the Dalai Lama so I was convinced that it would happen and it did. I was there with Irishwebtv, coms Brian Daly and as I walked into a packed press call there was a single space right at the front. Well, me being me I headed into it and got to ask the Dalai Lama for a hug. It was something special, to be honest, but I always believed that hugs heal and I also gave Richard Moore a hug too as that’s how Im reared. All souls are equal and for me, it was further proof that anything is possible if you believe it. And so the seed was growing for The Power of Dreams even then.

What is the website of your radio station?

My radio Show The Power Of Dreams Show 93.9FM https://dublinsouthfm.com/ Marianshanley1@gmail.com

Also, launching a Graphy: “The Power of Dreams” Also, launching my Podcast: “The POD Podcast”

My Media Wellness Company: The Power of Dreams Ltd

Interview Photos: Photographer, Stephen Fleming, Director, Colin Fleming Gown by Irish Designer, Clair Garvey

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