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Juliette Hagerman

Juliette Hagerman

Photo by House Hopkins Photography

Kicking A$$ and Taking Names...


We caught up with Actor, Comedian, Producer, Model, and Writer... Byron L. Hopkins in Los Angeles.

My very first acting experience was in the theatre in middle school. We were Putting up Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest” and I had the honor of playing the love-able and drunk Jester Trinculo. It was the first time I heard the English language spoken in such an amazing way, I was hooked right away. I stayed in the theatre all the way up until high school when sports became more of a focus for me. Plus I had gone from 5’9 to 6’3 over the summer and basketball was calling and the wonderfully loud voice of the theatre was slowly drowned out with screaming fans in bleachers. But I would return to my first love (Acting) eventually.

Well, early on I would have to say, Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte were my inspiration to pursue a career in acting. They were definitely before my time but my mother loved them and I was so intrigued watching these two amazingly talented men on the screen who looked like me. They weren’t pimps or slaves or anything like that, they were leading men and darn good ones at that. I watched them and thought to myself “that’s gonna. be me one day”. Of course, id find out about Denzel and Will Smith as I grew older but those 2 men were my idols then I added Will and Denzel to my personal acting Mt Rushmore later. My biggest achievement is actually in the Voiceover world but... I can’t talk about it just yet because it isn’t slated to come out for a few months. But trust me its amazing and a dream come true and I am extremely excited about it. But I can tell you one of my most fun roles was playing a Navy Seal in the TV show StartUp on Crackle. I did my own stunts, I ran around and played in the dirt and shot weapons with a few of my friends who are also ex-military. So yes that was a great day of shooting.

I have met and worked with some pretty amazing people. I think one of my favorite stories is when I met Will Smith. I had booked a non-speaking role as one of the Orcs on the Netflix movie bright. We were all sitting around waiting for the next scene and I hear a familiar laugh and I turn around and bump right into WILL FREAKING SMITH! after all the life left my body for a second I introduced myself and he greeted me and smiled and asked me if I was being treated ok on set. I said yes and he said good let me know if that changes. Watching him work for a full day was amazing, it was a master class in acting. At the end of the day, I was able to say thank you to him and he shook my hand and told me good job and started to walk away. I yelled to him and said we were gonna do a movie together one day. He stopped and turned and smiled and said we just did man and walked over to his trailer. That was and still is one of my favorite days in acting for sure.

I don’t think I’ve played my ideal character as of yet. I’ve played some fun ones don’t get me wrong but I am an action junkie and a comic book nerd at the same time. I want to be a Villan in a blockbuster action or superhero film. I’ll take Marvel or DC I’m not picky lol. I’m in great shape I have a Military background with the Marines I’m weapons trained I box and stay active with running and weightlifting. So yah, I’m ready to go.

I think as an actor if you’re not evolving and getting better then why are you doing this. I use to think I needed big or loud movement to portray my emotions. I focus more now on the subtleties that draw in the audience. a small movement a shift in my body language or just a shift in my eyes can say as much as a yell can.

The emotion that drives me to stay in this tough business is definitely Passion. That is the fuel that I put in my tank every day even if it’s just enough to get me to the next day my Passion drives me. I mix the passion with the desire and those two get me up in the morning and help me continue to dream. That and my faith is what I’m all about.

Empathy and creativity for sure are the ingredient that make me special and unique as a performing artist in an industry overflowing with new faces and ideas. Empathy is defined ed as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Not just receiving words you memorized for a character but really feeling what that character feels and I would say my biggest challenge is not letting my losses go to my heart and my wins go to my head. Always staying balanced and being able to enjoy the moment but know that this isn’t the end goal yet is what helps me overcome my challenges.

I disagree about the suffering part as a common phrase in the industry. I believe we have to constantly push through and stay motivated but suffer is to go through something and not love it. Now yes do certain days make you want to quit abso freaking lately. But we’re not suffering we are serving and waiting to thrive in our career.

I think that the Internet’s impacted is a good thing. Never have we ever been able to just pick up a camera, or a cellphone and start recording and post it to things like YouTube and Instagram and possibly have millions of people see it. Even with my training and acting degree and all of that, it really comes down to can you act? Are you right for the part? Answer yes to those and it doesn’t matter how your discovered, just be ready.

If I could change anything about the film industry... That a major Director would just knock on my door and offer me a huge role lol. No, but seriously I think having more diversity in front of and behind the camera is a huge help. I believe that will help us to tell different stories and we can see life through other people’s lenses. We’re getting better but we’re not there yet.

Photo by House Hopkins Photography

Photo by House Hopkins Photography

Photo by House Hopkins Photography

3 tips of advice to an up-and-coming actor, would be... 1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or ask ques- tions., 2. Be you nobody can be you but you so be the best you that you can be., 3. Every day make sure you are doing something that gets you closer to your goals.

The projects I can “actually talk about”, because those NDA’s are no joke man. Well, I’m always au- ditioning but currently, I am pitching a show That I wrote to a few networks right now. Also, I am work- ing with Amazon on a few things in the Voiceover world. My beautiful Fiance Paige Bryan and I are working on our podcast “Me 2 We” and looking for- ward to launching that.

Next for me... Well, hopefully Marvel or DC will read this interview, realize my awesomeness and call me to suit up for a super Villan or superhero film, I’m not picky. But until then I will be acting up a storm on a few of everyone’s favorite tv shows coming up (if we can continue to film after COVID) and look out for me to voice a couple of characters on Netflix.

Byron L. Hopkins Facebook: @byronlhopkins Twitter: @byronlhopkins Instagram: @byronlhopkins Website: www.byronlhopkins.com

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