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Photo by Patrick Baldonado

Changing it Up to Stay on Top


We caught up with the talented Model and Make-up Artist, Brianna Valencia.

I first got involved as a model during the summer of 2019. It was during a dance convention when a professional photographer asked me if I wanted to do a collaboration. I was all for it!

The way I got introduced to modeling was through dance. An amazing dancer, agent, and far most friend of mine, by the name of Deidre Michelle, introduced to me the exciting world of modeling. She has inspired me to practice consistently and been there to support me throughout my journey.

Since I first started modeling, my career has grown a significant amount. I went from taking pictures with friends, to taking pictures with professional photographers. Now, I am fortunate to have many photographers and companies reaching out to collaborate. It’s such a cool feeling!

If I had to choose one emotion that drives me to stay in this tough career, it would be joy. Growing up, only in my wildest dreams I was a model. I have heard it was a tough industry and can take a toll on a persons psyche. In my experience modeling has brought me great joy! It has allowed me to step outside my comfort zone, create art and meet so many wonderful souls.

The ingredient that makes me unique in this trendy industry that is constantly changing would be my dynamic hair and make-up. I don’t stick to any color and style too long. I love changing it up, while I still keep it on the dark side.

Photo by Mariah Madeline Vigil

My biggest challenge as a model has been to be comfortable in my own skin and stop focusing on my flaws. Everyone always gets stuck on the negative, we forget to focus on what makes us beautiful. My journey through modeling has definitely helped me develop skills that have taught me to love myself more. Although I haven’t completely overcome this challenge, I continue to work on it everyday.

As a performing artist, I do not believe the phrase “you must suffer for your art” to be true. When something brings you joy, adapt and learn from your experiences instead of suffering. You must love what you do whether it’s a hobby or your career.

I feel like the internet has blown up the modeling industry times ten and will continue to do so. With new apps being created and social media constantly adapting to the trends, it creates platforms for models to easily post pictures and vlogs for their followers and fans to like.

The best advice I have received through my modeling career is to be a sponge! Take critique, learn from your mistakes and from others. Use those critiques to practice and improve your skill. You can never stop learning in this fast moving industry!

I have some collaborations with a few local photographers coming up soon! I love adding new art to my Portfolio. Also, it’s always good to work with different photographers.

You can follow me on Facebook at BriVal.Mod and on IG: @brii_val

Photo by Mariah Madeline Vigil

Photo by Patrick Baldonado

Photo by Patrick Baldonado

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