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Juliette Hagerman

Juliette Hagerman

Cannabis: Healing & Educating

We caught up with the lovely model and cannabis advocate that goes by the name of Lolo Green...


I have been working in the legal cannabis industry for 6 years. I have worked in multiple facilities in multiple states. From seed to harvest and distributed. I learn so much everywhere I go. And the more I learn, the more I understand we don’t really know much about this amazing plant.

I love working in this industry because of its culture. I have worked in different states, doing different jobs. From waitress to cashier, but no other industry has so much diversity. So many people with so many different beliefs and different backgrounds come together as one.

cannabis has affected my life in multiple ways. Growing up in a house with a disabled veteran and seeing all the meds the pharmacy was pumping in him. And after 20 year seeing the damage all these drugs did. But what help the most with no damage or side-effects was cannabis. Then at a young age I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I.B.S. being in so much pain and stomach problems I went to doctor just for them to give me 45 different pills to take 3 times a day. They took a toll on my body. I cut all medications off and stuck to cannabis. It has helped

I truly love to help people. And If I can grow good medicine for people that’s what matters. Its a natural medicine for us. We just need to make more people aware of its potential. And take away a false stigma that has been put on it.

I face several challenges in this industry. One, its became a money industry. They put such a large price on licensing so that the underdog who grows the best cannabis can’t get in industry. Just rich people who have no idea what they are doing. And their only goal Is money, not the patient having access to CLEAN, QUALITY medicine. Another challenge is that it is still federal illegal. So people just need some facts.

Some of my goals are just to get the word out and hope important people hear us. We need to make it legal. We need licenses to be cheaper so that everyone can get in industry easy. Trust me People want to be legal. They just make it so they can’t and for that the black market will always thrive. And i want people to be educated on cannabis and hemp and explore all there potential.

I have worked in legal industry for 6 years. With experience in gardens in 3 different states. From seed to sell I have done it all...

the health benefits are amazing and what people don’t understand is this plant was made for us just for that. Cannabis has cannabinoids that our body has naturally. And our bodys can respond to these cannabinoids. Other animals don’t have these receptors. It can relieve anxiety, appetite loss, chronic pain and so much more. There is even skin products.

I have been able to eat with cannabis. I’m always feeling sick and nauseated. Cannabis is the only thing that takes that away. Also, I have too much pain due to fibromyalgia. Someday camt even get out of bed. Cannabis calms all my joins and mussels.

I just love it so much. Everyone, especially when I started, had such a negative look on cannabis. But its only been a lifesaver in my house. So, I wanted to show people, you can be a great mom, wife, worker, and productive on cannabis. You can be a successful person and still enjoy your medicine.

I think because I’m an actual patient and not just doing it for pictures that makes me different. The pain I go through just to get ready for a shoot is amazing. And its not for the attention on me, I do it for but the attention to the topic. Most days i want to quit. But, I keep going and pushing. I love modeling and it combined with cannabis makes me feel amazing. Even when body feels horrible.

One of my strengths is that I’m a fighter. And I like to do things right, and get them done. I’m very loving and I find that as one of my strengths but also is a weakness. I get hurt easily.

I truly care about people, And want to help people. I want to see people doing better and doing what they love. I have 3 kids that everyday motivates me to do and be better. So I show my journey through pictures and hope they decide to do better for them and our planet we share.

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