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Juliette Hagerman

Juliette Hagerman

“The Tattness Podcast Uncensored”

It is rare to find a man whose life is essentially defined by the words of Gandhi ~ “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. His popular show ‘The Tattness Podcast Uncensored’ was just named among the Top 10 Best Global Podcasts/ Webshows/Radio shows of 2020. Keith McCleary is a modern day success story who has defied the odds and dared to chart his own path. The Scottish origins of his name epitomizes the duality that is Keith McCleary ~ “From the Battleground” and “Son of the Cleric” proving that as much heartache he has endured, Keith is determined to beat the odds and take the more difficult path to do good and champion everything he pursues.


Truth be told, I’m a very outspoken person. I had a significant amount of pros tell me I needed to start my own show because I don’t shy away from any subject, but at the same time I make sure I’m educated on each subject. Opinions are fine, but they should have some research behind them and not just conjecture laced with hostility disguised as “passion”. Initially I didn’t really consider doing a show, eventually I was convinced to do it and I’m glad. I think my show resonates with people because

I don’t follow a formula. I feel organic conversation is far more engaging than a Q & A routine. You can still ask questions in a conversation. I also believe my life story resonates with people who may be going through a hard life, like a reminder things can and do in fact get better. Never give up.

Corey Taylor and Robert Englund are two of my goals in terms of guests. There are so many, but those two come to mind. Both are geniuses in their field, and both had a huge influence in my life. I kind of lost my mind when I saw the two of them work together on the Fear Clinic film. I feel like Robert Englund is the 80’s generation’s Bela Lugosi, Freddy Krueger being as iconic as Dracula. Corey Taylor is so multitalented I would compare his many influences to that of Led Zeppelin in regards to the fact they never had one true style, they just did what they were inspired by at the time.

I grew up in an extremely abusive home. As a result, I developed a pain tolerance nobody can comprehend. I used to be a really skinny kid, 6’ 5” and 180 lbs, one day I walked into a gym and I was hooked. I’m currently 6’ 5” 265 LBS of muscle mass.

MMA just felt like a natural choice. My style is a mix between kickboxing and wrestling. A hybrid of sorts. I had the honor of meeting one of my biggest influ- ences, George Chuvalo who was an absolute gentleman of class. I haven’t yet decided if I’m going to return to MMA or if I’m going to pursue other opportunities. I was once asked if I would consider acting, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued.

Art has always been a form of therapy to me, abso- lutely. I lose all track of time drawing, before I know it hours have gone by and it felt like minutes. I just zone out and forget everything else. Art often leads to nostalgia for me, I typically draw 80’s horror characters or 80’s cartoon characters and it just puts me in a really peaceful mindset.

I love Rick! One day in 2015, I moved to the city I grew up in and I had a few drinks in me, it was a beautiful Summer day and I was in a great mood, I wanted to put on music as I cooked but I wanted something to party to. Rick James of course fit that description. I’m an 80’s kid and Rick is a legend! It became an annual tradition, every year it starts with the song “Mary Jane”. Maybe Rick’s legendary con- fidence sparks my creativity. He was never afraid to be creative, I relate to that.

I feel like there are a couple answers to that. Most know by this point that I’ve lost a child to a terrible condition called NKH. During his two year battle for his life I learned so much from him. Fear is a prod- uct of our imagination. It only exists in our thoughts of the future, people spend most of their lives wor- rying about things that will never actually happen. I never want to miss an opportunity to make my Son proud because of irrational fear. The only limitations we have are those we create in our minds, I don’t limit myself. I believe in living your life as if it’s a movie, maybe you start out as a mess but ultimately you have to become the hero of your own life.

To learn more about the life and career of Keith McCleary, you can watch the just realeased documentary of his life ~ ‘TATTNESS - The Other Side of Hell: The Documentary’, https://linktr.ee/Tattness www.tattnessco.com

The Madden Taylor Foundation for NKH Research – “Moving forward to the day a cure is found rather than just slowing the effects” NKH - Non-Ketotic Hyperglycinemia - is a rare genetic, metabolic disor- der caused by a defect in the enzyme system that breaks down the amino acid glycine, resulting in an accumulation of glycine in the body’s tissues and fluids.

Source: rarediseases.org

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