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Juliette Hagerman

Juliette Hagerman

Photo by Ricky Zastrow // Colorado Photoworks

“Canciones De Domingo with Silvia”


We caught up with Radio Host and Professional Model, Silvia Taziri in Denver.

I have been involved in radio for almost 4 years now. Back in 2007, I was invited to a radio show called “The Heart Beat Show” with the Love Dr. Danny Ulibarri at KUHS Denver Radio/TV Station. He wanted to interview me about my career and a short film that I just had done “Big Mike”. That’s when I met the owner of the Radio Station and now my Manager Mr. Henry Archuleta. He asked me to speak Spanish which I thought it was strange, since “The Love Dr.” told me he didn’t understand much Spanish. After that, Mr. Henry Archuleta invited me to another Radio Show called “Canciones De Domingo” (Sunday’s Songs) it was a bilingual show. I went there and afterwards he kept on inviting me multiple times. I thought that was strange and finally he said that the show was mine and all the invites were just him testing my professionalism, punctuality, work ethic and audience acceptance. I had no idea about how to host a show like that but Mr. Henry Archuleta did not take “No” for an answer. He taught me how to work everything and the show became, “Canciones De Domingo With Silvia”. “Canciones De Domingo With Silvia” is a Bilingual Show (Spanish & English). Our Radio Station is Streaming so we are all over the World. My audience is amazing and from every single continent. I play all kinds of genres, I mix everything from Cumbias, TexMex to Reggaetón, you never know what to expect when you listen to my show. I also have guests from Politicians, Artists, Athletes, Authors, etc. When I don’t have a guest I put my Manager, Mr. Henry Archuleta on the spot, LOL.

Actually, my first career was Modeling. I started around 1993 when I went to a Boutique to look at some dresses. The owner asked me if I was a model and I said no, so she asked me if I could model some of her clothes at an upcoming Fashion Show. I didn’t want to, but she told me if I wanted any of her clothes after that, she would give it to me half price. It was a great offer, so I took it. Then, on 1996 I entered the JC Penny Hispanic Model Search. The whole contest was really strange and how it happened, but I got a phone call saying I was a semi-finalist. I was very surprised and didn’t know if I really wanted to compete, but I did and won against many States around Colorado. Months later, they sent me to compete at an International Level and I got 1st runner up. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do my best since my uncle was going to be there supporting me that night. He died a couple days before, but it was a great place since the competition was against some of the most beautiful Hispanic people from all over the World. And that is when my Professional Modeling Career started. I did it for couple years but then I decided to go to College and get another career and took a break from Modeling for about 13 years.

OMG a fantastic question you ask... the industry has not evolved in a good way. Now, anyone is a model, everyone is a photographer and I can go on. Before, you had to present your gym membership to your agency in order to get a contract with them. You were put on a black list if you were a couple minutes late for your gigs and same with the photographer or HMUA. Now, most of the “Photographers, models and HMUA” have no professionalism, they do so many “No show, no call” it’s ridiculous. A lot of times it’s embarrassing telling people you are a model because of the bad reputation that some of these people have given to this Industry. That was sad to see when I got back into the Industry.

YES!! I have met a lot of talented individuals and celebrities. Well, being Mexican and growing up in Mexico the Mexican Wrestling is a big part of my culture. Well, I have a friend that asked me to interview some wrestlers that were coming to Denver and I accepted it. It was one of the biggest legends in Mexico “Tinieblas Jr. And Alushe” Tinieblas Jr. and his Dad are some of the biggest legends not just in Mexico and wrestling but in the movie Industry as well. The person that was going to drive them around Denver for couple days didn’t show up. So, my Husband and I ended up doing that for them so we got to know them so well since we were with them for couple days all day long and got to see them without masks. They are offering so much money for his mask and he trusted us enough to take it off and even took pictures with us and without his mask. He keeps in touch as well.

Photo by Ricky Zastrow // Colorado Photoworks

Photo by Ricky Zastrow // Colorado Photoworks

Photo by Ricky Zastrow // Colorado Photoworks

been his singer for many years. When Andy Vargas comes to Denver, he always comes to our Radio Station. I have covered his private concerts here in Denver. He has an organization and also comes by himself for those and always remembers me. It’s a great feeling.

Passion will be the emotion that will drive me to stay in these tough careers. I have so much passion for these careers. I give them my all and my best at all times. In order to do what I do, if you don’t have a passion you cannot deal with this for this long. It does not matter what is going on in your life, you have to put it all aside to do what I do. You cannot make people smile or happy if you bring your problems with you to your radio show, to your acting, to your photoshoots or to your events. You are in this to make people smile, be happy, entertain them and make them feel amazing. Passion makes me willing to work hard for this, it’s not as easy as it seems. Being in front of a camera requires some skills, it’s not all glamour, popularity and money.

LOL, that is a hard question for me to answer... I am too shy when it comes to talking about my uniqueness, but I will repeat what I have been told by my Manager and my beautiful Audience. My personality and interaction with people. I treat everyone the same. I respect everyone and give them my full attention and time as they do to me. I do my best to be there for as many people that needs me and yes it is hard and takes a lot of time, but my happiness is seeing that I make a good impact in people’s life. There has been so many challenges, like people working for free just for attention and popularity. It makes it hard for us. That is one of the challenges, that none of us that are in this Industry for the right reasons can overcome, unless we find very professional people to work with.

Photo by Ricky Zastrow // Colorado Photoworks

Other challenges are people that want to be like you or take your work. But being in this Industry for so long and knowing my worth has helped me to overcome this and keep me working towards my own goals and not paying attention to immature behavior. Well, I think that goes for every single career that you choose to be in. But, once again if you have the passion you will suffer with happiness because you know that it’s all worth it.

Yes, I have suffered many times and one of them was loosing friends or gaining fake friends. So, it was all worth it because you learn how to read people and be more alert to who is really your friend and who wants to take advantage of you or who wants to hurt you.

Mmmmm, do I have hidden talents?... Good question. Well, I make amazing cakes and desserts. People have told me to open a bakery lol. I bake my children’s cakes every time and that is why I learned how to bake. I did not have enough money to buy my daughter’s first birthday cake. The one I wanted was too expensive. So, I stepped up and did it myself and ever since then, I have baked them every time. They don’t like any other cakes, but mine, so that makes me super happy and proud.

The best advice that I have received is to enjoy what you do and find the best in it, no matter how difficult it might be.

I was just chosen to be one of the models for Patrick Coates clothing line. He is a Poet that just started a clothing line. I am also working with him on another project that I cannot talk about yet, but it should be out soon.

I have pretty much every social media. I have to say that Twitter is not my favorite one. But you can see more of my personality on Facebook with memes and jokes. Also on TikTok you can see me even singing lol, I don’t sing well, but I try. You can find me on Facebook as Silvia Taziri. I have two accounts one is my business account and the other one is where I post jokes and stuff, Silvia Aideé Taziri. Instagram is __silv___, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and TikTok is Silvia Taziri. I also have my webpage and that is: www.silviataziri.net

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