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10 Bad B*tch Commandments

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got to where you are today?


Well my name is ReddRoxx and I’m a mother, radio personality, brand manager, author, event host and speaker. I started my journey as an intern while pursuing my Communications & Media Arts Degree. I’ve now been in radio for about 10 years. As far as writing goes, I’ve always loved it. It wrote my first book which is an urban fiction novel called “Lover’s & Friends” some years back and have written for many major publications since.

How did this book come together?

Well, at the height of the pandemic I found myself kind of lost. I had a great outer image, but I felt like the inner workings of my life didn’t match that. So I began to work on all the things I felt made a REAL bad b*tch and thought it would be great to help other women who want to do the same.

Can you tell us the name of the book and how did you come about writing the book?

My new book is called “10 Bad B*tch Commandments” it’s sort of like an auto-biography because I talk about my own various life experiences but mainly it’s a workbook. There’s activities that focus on Motherhood, Mental Health, Self-Love, Finances, Education etc. and it’s not to tell you how to master these things but instead help you work towards goals to better yourself in those areas. I was in the process of bettering myself and thought to put it into context so other women can do the same.

So you’re an entrepreneur? What type of business are you into?

I am! ReddRoxx LLC covers my ventures as a writer, event host, interviewer, speaker etc. Pretty much all of my entertainment dealings. I also have a cosmetics line, BR Cosmetics that I launched in 2014 that I was in the process of revamping before the pandemic hit. Fortunately I’ve been able to get it back on track and we’ll be re-launching by the end of this year.

Do you model?

I don’t! Not formally or officially anyways... lol I’ve done some work, but it’s not really what I do lol.

We see you wear more than one hat. How did you come about being able to juggle all those jobs?

Honestly I don’t even think about it, I just do it (like Nike lol) I driven by my passion and the need to always to learn and do more.

What was one of the challenging parts of this project?

Being completely transparent and the fear of being judged. Firstly, I didn’t want people to get it confused with me telling one how to be a bad b*tch rather than, this is what a bad b*tch is to me and I’m working on being one too! Secondly, I’ve gone through a lot of things that many people don’t know about, but I knew I had to go deep and get personal on this one, in order to bar able to help someone else.

What kind of reactions have you been receiving from readers?

Nothing but LOVE! It makes me so happy when women inbox me or post publicly that they love the book and that it’ s helping them to kick-start their journey to being a better woman overall. That was my goal, so it’s amazing to know that I’ve accomplished that and that I’m helping someone.

You’ve gone out of your way to help people in domestic violence situations. Why do you do so?

Well, I’m a survivor myself. It took a long time for me to leave a very unhealthy situation and I almost lost my life because of it. I was ashamed about it, made to feel guilty for it and so I endured years of pain internally, even after the relationship ended. I want someone in that type of situation to know that they’re not alone and that they can make it out too.

What kind of advice do you give people? How about yourself?

Live life to the fullest. It sounds cliche but it’s really what you have to do! I do what feels good and what makes me happy, within reason. Meaning I’m not going to do something that I know will intentionally hurt someone just because it makes me happy. Life is a give and take…but try to give more than you take.

Radio Personality ReddRoxx Releases New Book That Is Empowering Women And Helping to Unleash Their Inner Baddies.

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