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Thoughtful Hard Rock

What first got you into music?


My parents were huge music lovers and I grew up listening to everything from Kenny Rogers and the OakRidge Boys to The Commodores, The Doobie Brothers, The Doors, Kiss, Zeppelin and Priest. Music has always been more of a soundtrack to my life than just something I listen to. I can feel it.

Who inspired you to make music?

I think my biggest influence in making music was Robert Smith of The Cure. I’m a very emotional person and although I don’t write or sound like him I think listening to the way he wrote about life gave me a freedom to tell my story and not be ashamed of it.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

Thoughtful Hard Rock.

How did you come up with the name of the band?

It really boils down to this...we as a band are typically the old guys on a ticket and we all have gray in our hair...but...we also know that regardless of our age or our hair color we can still bring it. There is life yet to be lived Beyond The Grey.

Name all the band members and the instrument they play?

David Lingenfelter Vocals Jim Mcneill Bass John Alexander Guitar Scott David Cameron Guitar Eric Nissen Drums

What is your creative process like?

Honestly it varies. Sometimes we write stuff on the fly at rehearsal and sometimes I’ll work on a song with Jim, John or Scott outside of rehearsal and then we’ll take it down for everyone to start working on once we kinda get the bones of the song.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Robert Smith of The Cure or Johnny Cash if he was still with us.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

As a band I’m not sure we would all agree on just one. You might hear Slayer, SevenDust, Cheap Trick, The Cure or Pink Floyd depending on who you ask and what day you ask them.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

Do not let your past dictate who you want to be.

What is the most useless talent you have?

I can play an amazing air guitar!

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

Yes and whatever I last listened to.

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

Probably waiting tables...which I actually do enjoy.

Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues?

I think our favorite place so far has been the VooDoo Lounge in Kansas City.

Do you have any upcoming shows?

We have a few things in the works. Our web site and Facebook pages will up-date as soon as they are locked in.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

Hmmmmm...it’s kind of a mixed bag answer. It has for sure opened the door for all of the independent bands to put our stuff out there and have people from all over the world check out your stuff... but in my opinion it has oversaturated the market and made it a lot harder to break through for more than 5 minutes before the next single drops by a thousand other artists and all you worked on gets pushed aside. It is also harder to get people to purchase an entire album or even a single for that matter when you can simply stream everything for free. Spotify for instance...great platform to be able to post your music...but we all know the musicians get next to nothing for spins. All in all...it’s a toss up which I’m sure depends based on what you are trying to do as a musician.

What is your favorite song to perform?

Probably a split between Now or Never and When The Castle Falls

Which famous musicians do you admire?

Freddie Mercury. One of the greatest voices and showman of all times

What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

I was arrested for having a knife concealed in my car...never mind the fact that it was in the bottom of a box which i was in the middle of moving from one apartment to another and I didn’t even know it was there lol.

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Live honestly.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

The money brought in by streaming companies would actually go to the musicians

What’s next for you?

We are just going to keep writing/recording and playing out as much as possible!

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