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Christina Beale

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Lioness Roars


Michael Neely caught up with author, Christina Beale.


Tell us a little bit about yourself?

Just to tell you a little about myself, I am the youngest of six siblings, four girls, and two boys. I was raised in a small town called Lancaster, VA where I lived most of my life until 2011, then relocating to a different area. I’m also a mother of two, and Lupus survivor of 17 years. I enjoy reading, meditation, and music to relax to me. I do have a passion of helping others, which has been installed in me since I was a young kid. I’m social, very outgoing and enjoy spending time with my family.

What made you get started as writer?

Every obstacle that I’ve encountered made that I would never the see the light of the next day (literally). Everyday I was faced with something new. Ten years ago, I had a awful flare up from Lupus that caused most of my body resorting a change in my life, only to be surviving by a machine was very life changing. So, after experiencing and surviving three near death experiences, still here willing to breath and to live, I knew then that I needed to get my story for someone somewhere that’s needs a boost of encouragement.

What is the first book that made you cry? The one book that made me cry is I have to say my very own book. As I was writing and telling the story, I realized I how truly blessed I am to still be here having to deal with some much in child and adult years. Flashbacks from struggling to breath to b eing in a abusive relationship. I look back and see how far I’ve come.

What is the name of your first book? and how did you come up with that name? The name of my book is: “Dying to Live, A Survivor’s Story. I chose this title being all the tragic events that took place in my life whether if it was health, financial hardship, relationship issues, even with mental could not bare it all I was determined I was going to survive and push through the hard times. Alot of times I was on overload with so much sadness, and stress, even that thing called depression, and still I remain strong, kept my faith in GOD, and spoke positively in my life everyday. I’m a firm believer of speaking things into existence so I spoke that positively in my life. So the title of my book best describes the story.

Does writing energize or exhaust you? Writing for me gives me a boost of energy. I get so excited it’s like a drilling rush, because in my mind I know what

want to write but my pen just be writing. My thoughts are moving faster than I’m writing, that’s excitement for me. I’m eager to get the story out to the readers, especially with this book, because I knew that it would reach a lot of people, not only to touch the heart but help the reader cope with whatever they may be enduring at that time. The feedback that I get from the book is great, so that also plays a part getting my books to readers. If it make sense to say feedback gives me the energy as well. The more feedback I get, the more I drive to writing more.

What are common traps for aspiring writers? In my opinion, readers don’t spend enough time researching the story. Setting some time aside and researching your book and getting the appropriate and accurate information for the book help better structure it. Getting a feel for the story, by digging deep into the, what’s going to appeal to the readers. When writing, sometimes writers will confine in self. In most cases, I do believe the writer has to beyond themselves, let the readers grasp the emotions of the book.

Does a big ego help or hurt writers? Again, I seem to think this could truly go both ways. If the writer has a big ego it can be seen sometimes in the story which could possibly turn a reader away depending on what the reader is interested in. Some readers like big ego, it could give them the motivation to one day to write a book. For me having self confidence in self is a big one and this why I chose to write, and my readers were appealed to that because it gave them hope, it inspired them, and motivated them and this is what I want for my readers.

What is your writing Kryptonite?

What would be my Kryptonite is, there is a part in my book that once upon a time was a serious weakness for me. Knowing that when I was writing I knew that chapter of my life I was about to write about had my heartbeat racing. I felt weak in my stomach, often times, I paused into writing thinking if I wanted to continue because I knew I had to discuss this topic. My thoughts were definitely getting the best of me at that time and honestly they were winning. Then I had to remember what I just went through and defeated that so I knew I could do this. So I brace myself said a little prayer and continue to write. As I finished up that chapter in the book, every single flashback that had transpired during that time can to mind. I had to block that out or else I wouldn’t proceed through. I did it, I overcame the fear not being able to speak in that subject for so long. I felt a sense of relief like a breath of fresh air. It didn’t matter once I released everything.

Have you ever gotten reader’s block?

I’ve experienced reader’s block once before. Maybe because I was forcing myself to read although it didn’t seem to peaked my interest. That hardly happens to me for the most part most books I have read have been quite interesting. Reading is very fundamental to me. Helps me to calm and relax, it’s like unwinding from a hard day of work!

Reading is one of my hobbies that I like to do when I do have some spare time. I enjoy reading different types of books, some actions, mystery books, even some love story books. Most of these books I do read have caught my interest and before I know it start off reading thinking that I’m just going to read a couple of pages, which turns out to most of the book. I’ve only had a select few of books that was not so great, wast horrible but just didn’t peak my interest.

Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?

Not at all, this book is very personal for me so I needed to grasp in to a title that symbolizes my story. It took some time to come up with this title, it needed to strong and bold, so that when the readers look at the title, the reader would automatically think that this will be a great book. Personally I think the title of a book says alot about a book. So I needed something that would really stand out to my audience, have them on the edge of their seats just by looking at the title of the book.

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I want my readers to be able to say that my book not good but great. I write to deliver the readers what they want in the same sense as if I was telling the story myself. I do know readers not like to be bored. Their interest needs to be peak throughout the whole book, I like to them say,”when’s the next book coming,” when I hear those words, instantly I knew I had the readers interest, or they will say “can’t wait for the next one.

Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

To write is to have a passion, if a someone doesn’t have a passion for then it will not work. Being a writer takes time dedication, alot of hours in a day to set aside for writing, brainstorming ideas and most importantly you have to a passion for it. If the writer is lacking either of these things it may not be for them. Not to say that they can’t but from my own personal experience, it definitely took time, dedication and patience. I recall that time when I first started writing my book I took at least tow to three hours a day writing, I put the pen down one time and finding myself not picking it up for two days. This is why dedication is so important because you can get lost in doing others things and forget about writing.

What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?

When I first started, I had difficulty brainstorming and putting my words together, just couldn’t get the concept to come together. One particular day I was introduced to this amazing young lady who in fact is a author herself. We exchange numbers and she said to call her and she would help guide me through putting my book together. So so many times was frustrated, didn’t know the beginning from the end on how to publish a book.

Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

I prefer for my book to stand on its own, reason is because this is a different reading. Once reading it, it’s filled with different type of emotions. Powerful story it is, when finished reading it, I can guarantee that the reader went through a roller coaster of emotions. I want to the reader to remember the book, so that way if it’s been quite sometime that he or she should read it and one random day if they would come across a ton of books, my book would recognize.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

If there is anything that I would tell my younger self in regards to writing, it would be better prepared and making sure my time is invested in researching your material. To set standards for the book and allow yourself to set goals, for instance setting a specific date you would like your book to be published.

How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

The purpose of this book is help seek comfort, to motivate, and give encouraging words to anyone who may be enduring something drastic right now that they feel like he/she should throw the towel in. Also I’m a firm believer in GOD and all he has done for me, everything that is stated in this book is through the grace of GOD and truthfully, he allowed me to be here to share my story. Another thing I learned to practice is speaking positive words into my life. Speaking things into existence is really, when you speak great things and positive words, it changes your way of thinking about things. Also helping my readers keep going, have in faith everything regardless of the struggle. This has been my motivation tool when I was writing my book.

What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?

The best money I’ve spent since my advance is investing in more writing materials to become a better and more successful writer. I’ve purchased plenty of notepads, and pens, writing, brainstorming, to purchasing more notebooks, being up late night writing, marking out what I wrote, to ripping papers out of notebooks because I couldn’t get get it right the first four or five times. But what I’ve learned is that I will not get it right on the first maybe the fist six times, to be successful, there’s going to be alot of ripping out the papers in the notebook to get to where you need to be. Putting in the work I should say. Even if it’s costing late nights. That led me to some book signings for events even donating books to agency’s, and purchasing more books. And donated to different places.

What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

At a very young age, before my mother’s death, I remember her saying to me: “if I could make at least one person smile or being helpful or speaking positive words to people, then I’ve done a good deed for the day.” From just being a little to now I’ve been taught that language is really important, a person language always tell how a person represents themselves. Language is very powerful.

What are the most important magazines for writers to subscribe to?

I would say writers should read magazines that consist if current events, I do believe that every writer should be aware of what’s going on in today’s world. Even if we don’t write about it, we should often times be aware of what’s around us. We should read magazines regarding our health, it’s important to install good information regarding health. Often time we find ourselves writing throughout the night and not realizing realizing the body is exhausted, so we could always is the health as a tool to get information. Reading magazines about financial investments and so forth are reliable as well. A lot of good resources to take when profiting your monies too. For the most part, most books I have read have been.

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