Dave Fleming: Portfolio

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Creative Direction Business Analysis User Research & Testing Human-Centered Design Information Architecture

Design & Copy

Yes, this is not a dream.

Getting their attention.

FindLaw Legal Firm Websites Visual Designer, Concept, Prototypes, Information Architecture, with P.M., A.M. and Developer collaboration

FindLaw Legal Firm Websites Visual Designer, Concept, Prototypes, Information Architecture, with P.M., A.M. and Developer collaboration

FindLaw Legal Firm Websites Visual Designer, Concept, Prototypes, Information Architecture, with P.M., A.M. and Developer collaboration

FindLaw Legal Firm Websites Visual Designer, Concept, Prototypes, Information Architecture, with P.M., A.M. and Developer collaboration

FindLaw Legal Firm Websites Visual Designer, Concept, Prototypes, Information Architecture, with P.M., A.M. and Developer collaboration

Startup: Leavex.com Creative Direction, Visual Designer, Marketing Concepts & Collateral, Prototypes, Information Architecture and Developer collaboration

Diane Coffee (Alt. Rock) Promotional Poster Creative Direction, Visual Design concepts

Presentation deck, full slide concepts Empathy driving change

Presentation deck, full slide concepts Connecting and collaborating

Presentation deck, full slide concepts Replication of successful social service models

Presentation deck, full slide concepts Grounded business process, tools and principles

User Interface Design & Information Architecture

ConvergiaPlanet Creative Direction, Concept, Visual Design, UX, UI, Photography, and Responsive Mobile Design

ConvergiaPlanet Creative Direction and Design of Community page and Responsive Design for mobile

ConvergiaPlanet Creative Direction and Design Our Work – page views

ConvergiaPlanet LinkedIn company page promotional banner – Creative Direction, Concept and Design

3M Innovation Center - Pitch Design collaboration: Conducting Stakeholder Interviews, doing comparative research, Domain SME sessions, task analysi, and user stories, we developed a superlative vision for 3M.

3M Innovation Center Design Collaborarion: Browse by Technology - View

3M Innovation Center Design Collaboration: Story Path - View

3M Innovation Center Design Collaboration: Platform with User View

3M Innovation Center Design Collaboration: Build and share your technology story - View

Microsoft ExpertZone Design Collaboration: Concept, Information Architecture, User Studies, Usability Testing, Stakeholder Sessions.

Merck Worldwide Careers Visual Designer, Concept, Information Architecture, with B.A. and Developer collaboration

Merck Worldwide Careers Visual Designer, Header variations

Merck HR Division Site Map This study revealed hidden resources that challenged the user to use 3-4 clicks down to obtain the information – an unnecessary step.

Merck HR: Structural Audit & Site Map Auditing the viability of the site’s resources

Merck HR Data Dashboard UI Creative Direction, Concepts, Global user studies, SME input and IA best practices.

Merck HR Data Dashboard UI Internal screen view - Headcount

My Merck Career Profile End-to-end research indicated that we needed a better solution to tie all the processes together and eliminate the gaps along with the inefficient steps

My Merck Career Profile Enabling individual profile development

My Merck Career Profile Admin Access


Merck Mobile Concepts Supporting an endto-end global study for Merck HR Solutions

3M Dental Sales Tool iPad solution for selling dental products: Collaborative Design, IA and Prototypes

View 2

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Westlaw Comparative Study Mobile interaction patterns and navigation

Westlaw Comparative Study Mobile Apps overview

iPhone App User Experience Audit Review of the viability and usability

Business Analysis

User Story, UAT tests, and Agile Methodology Example 1: Wells Fargo Crop Insurance software and UI

User Story, UAT tests, and Agile Methodology Example 2: Wells Fargo Crop Insurance software and UI

3M Innovation Center Collaborative Design, Stakeholder Interviews, Comparative Analysis, Assumption Personas, and Task Analysis

Merck HR Data Dashboard Creative Direction, Concepts, Stakeholder Interviews, Global User Interviews, Domain SME sessions, and Comparative Analysis

Business Analysis coupled with Personas When we identify the right customer target and align this information with business data, we quickly see where our priorities lay.

Business Analysis coupled with Personas (part 2) Additional dimensions of study

User Research & Usability Studies

USER RESEARCH METHODS My expertise covers the following areas:

Stakeholder Interviews User Interviews

Summary Reports Comparative Studies Personas  Assumption Personas  Personas backed up by research and field studies

Scenario Design Mental Models & Task Analysis

Heuristic Evaluations  Combining UX, IA and other Heuristics

Holistic Experience Analysis Service Design  Customer Journey Maps

Thinking Out Loud Study

Taxonomy Studies Usability Test Planning & Conducting

USER RESEARCH EXAMPLES Contingent upon the area of focus, I can provide a broad range of examples:

 Stakeholder Interviews  User Interviews

 Summary Reports  Personas  Assumption Personas  Personas backed up by research and field studies

Scenario Design  Mental Models & Task Analysis

 Heuristic Evaluations  Combining UX, IA and other Heuristics

 Usability Test Planning & Conducting  Taxonomy Studies  Holistic Experience Analysis

 Thinking Out Loud Studies Service Design  Customer Journey Maps

Research Methods Discovery Deck It is often necessary to explain the nature and value of our work to our Stakeholders. This is an example of a deck used to facilitate that type of conversation.

The Holy Grail of Holistic Design When we cover all the bases and truly “get it right� – the end result looks like the Apple example on the right. Apple succeeds for many reasons, but all of those reasons are bound together in a holistic fashion that seamlessly addresses the total customer experience. This is the ultimate goal for any business or organization. Our research should be aligned with all the vital facets and touch points, connecting the business, platform and people.


Contact Info Dave Fleming xshapes@gmail.com 218-576-2822 www.Ideashare-paradigm.com

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