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Read this version online: http://transformativechange.org/transform/journal/201104.html Download printable PDF version: http://transformativechange.org/transform/print/201104.pdf This month's transform.: http://transformativechange.org/transform/?announce-transformonline/

what's new

welcome It's suggested that April's etymology is related to aperire, the Latin word for "open." Whether or not that's accurate, it's apt. Spring tends to bring out our openness. There is a need to get out into the world and to connect with others, to enjoy the Earth. What does it mean to enjoy the Earth? Considering where we stand environmentally, "enjoy" implies that we should appreciate the Earth. Perhaps even, give back to the Earth, work for the good of the Earth--shower her with that kind of appreciation. After all, it has long been time to take up the fierce intention of making our best hopes a reality, of taking action toward realignment and healing of ourselves and our home. In April there are auspicious days to do this, Buddha's birthday (April 8th) and Earth Day (April 22nd).

Organizing Cools the Planet Young people may be more aware of the state our planet is in than most other folks. They are, after all, set to inherit it. Organizing

Cools the Planet , a 56-page [image: Julia Sanz]

booklet written by Joshua Kahn

Russell and Hilary Moore, presents hard won ideas and realizations about... Read more... More About the Book Ordering Information

in SIGHT Saving the World One Seed at a Time

"Japanese Navy Flag" image courtesy Marketing Japan

praying for japan: what to do when we don't know what to do INcite with angel Kyodo williams

No video? Click: Saving the World One Seed at a Time

A lot of us know, in a general way, about the importance of biodiversity. We know that we need honey bees and honey bees are disappearing. We know GMOs and Monsanto spell trouble for our environment.

There are times when words fail. Throughout time, human beings have recognized this and turned to ceremony to express the inexpressible. Likewise, when energy that is far beyond our capacity to "control" needs to be transmuted, we turn to prayer, ceremony, ritual.

But what we don't know a lot about is how climate change will alter how our food grows. Read more... Global Crop Diversity Q&A with Cary Fowler Subscribe to CXC on YouTube


It is what we do, when we don't know what to do.


No doubt, the tragedy of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster that has claimed more than 16,000 lives is beyond both control and comprehension. Not knowing what to do, I offer this mantra, considered one of the most powerful in the vast Buddhist tradition to bring forth healing: Medicine Buddha Mantra Om! namo bhagawate Bhaishjaye Guru vaidur-ya pra-bha raja-ya tathagata-ya arhat-e samyak-sam Buddha-ya Te-yatha: Om! Bek-hajye bek-hajye maha bek-hajye bek-hajye raja-ya samudgate svaha Auspicious one! I honor you, Medicine Buddha, lapis lazuli King of Light, who has gone to the state of the Buddhas, who has conquered the cycle of birth, aging, sickness and death, who is perfectly enlightened, It is like this. Bring forth healing, healing and the Great healing, King of physicians, supremely enlightened healer, so be it.

Spirit, Sound & Silence | DayLong Retreat SOUTHWEST Sacred Peace Walk | Nevada National Security Site MIDWEST Walk Out Walk On SOUTHEAST COC (Circle of Consciousness) Meeting The Yoga of Social Change | Weekend Retreat Soul Sanctuary Program

in the CENTER 27 Days of Change | Spring 2011 Practice Period Twenty-six people from around the nation participated in the 27 Days of Change | Spring 2011 Practice Period. Some were veteran participants, and some were brand new. All folks committed to making significant 360-degree shifts in service to their personal transformation. Read more...

in the MONEY Globally Conscious Grants Kalliopeia Foundation funds [image: Kalliopeia Logo]

projects that call for the

recognition of and action toward the unity and oneness of humanity. Overall their grants cover programs that foster a global consciousness of oneness, indigenous cultures, and a nurturing of our inner lives. They've funded projects with several organizations including, Center for Sacred Studies, Honor the Earth, Peace and Dignity Journeys... Read more... Kalliopeia Foundation

from the FIELD The Price of Energy Over the past couple of years we've stood by our televisions to witness accidents with enormous

Listen to Medicine Buddha Mantra The simple act of honoring our pain and confusion, while reaching out to others with faith in the power of connection, is one of the most subtle and powerful transformative things we can do. No politics, parties or boundaries matter here. So whether you are Buddhist, Muslim, Christian or Jew—just that you are of this great Earth with all her power—the Japanese

consequences. The most recent of those being, of course, the [image: Takoma Bibelot]

nuclear accident following the

recent earthquake in Japan and the BP oil spill off the coast of Louisiana.... Read more... Honor the Earth

People deserve and will benefit from your prayers. Make your offering today.

inner PRACTICE Buddhism & the Environment

—yours in truth, aKw

When it comes to spiritual practices, care for the environment is simply a given. After all, we can't separate

dedicated to the People of Japan. may they—and their lands—be healed.

ourselves from our environment. [image: Eva Schuster]

We can't live outside of it. We

can't, in fact, live without it. And what we do, learn, and

angel Kyodo williams is Founder Emeritus of Center for Transformative Change. She now serves as Director of Vision. A social visionary and leading voice for transformative social change, she is the author of Being Black: Zen and the Art of Living With Fearlessness and Grace . Blog: new Dharma: live, love & lead from the heart Blog: mtx: mind training & xformation Facebook: Like angel here Twitter: Follow angel for tweets of wisdom on Change Web: http://angelkyodowilliams.com

experience manifests in everything we do--most profoundly in how we take care of the environment and one another. Read more...

outer ACTION Live Real | Food Justice & Kuleana Live Real is a national food justice initiative that is rooted in transformative social change.

angel Kyodo williams' next public talk: Thursday, April 21 @ CXC

Born in 2009, Live Real is committed to working with

[image: Courtesy Live Real]

youth, building a strong national food justice

newDharma Talk newDharma Talk | The Third Noble Truth The Third Noble Truth is about letting go of our attachment to desires. Part One of this dharma talk establishes what happens when we use attachment to hang onto our misery and what could happen if we chose to let it go.

movement, telling the story of what is really happening in our food systems, and telling the whole story of how food arrives from seed to plate. Read more...

social CHANGE EMEAC | Transformation in Detroit

Written & contributed by Adrienne

There's pain and pain is inevitable, but misery is a choice.

Maree Brown

...Misery is the holding on that arises because of our attachment to the way things are or our resistance to the way things are, wanting them either to become some way or "unbecome" the way they are-that's actually what we're talking about when we talk about anguish. I think those things aren't often separated. So, it's not the initial experience of, Oh, wow that hurt. It's the commiserating on the thing in your own mind and carrying it into the next moment. Listen to The Third Noble Truth Download text for The Third Noble Truth

[image: Tory Byrne]

Over the past two years of living in Detroit I have fallen in love with,

and made a deep commitment to, an organization I want the transformative change community to know about. The group is called East Michigan Environmental Action Council (EMEAC), a nearly 50 year old environmental institution which in recent years has been growing into environmental justice. What I noticed through being in collaborative spaces with EMEAC... Read more... More About EMEAC

activists, allies & agents of change Navina Khanna | Equity and Ecology--Equally Sacred

Adrienne Maree Brown's Blog

in the MIND Social Influence & the Mind

Navina Khanna is co-founder and Field Director of Live Real, a national initiative dedicated to amplifying the power of young people shaping a radically different food system through policy and practice. Her commitment to creating equitable, ecological food systems runs deep: As an educator, [image: Aaron Lehmer] community organizer, and policy advocate, Navina has spent over ten years working to transform local, regional, and national agri-food systems--from field to vacant lot to table. At the age of 17, after a three-week backpacking trip in the untamed wilderness, [Navina] became unexpectedly conscious that the practice of modern agriculture is the crossroads at which people can actually dominate or "control" the earth. Read more... Live Real

Social Influence & the Mind

Contributed by BK Abram What's going on at any given moment in this "place" I call my mind, which is supposed to be the [image: Krystle Fleming]

command center of my actions in

the world? Mind itself is a very big mystery. How does inner affect outer and how does outer affect inner? Am I aware of my influences on the environment I happen to be in, and, as important, am I aware of the environment's influence on me? Read more... fearless Meditation is a 3-part signature series that teaches practical meditation within a social justice framework. It's offered for no charge for agents of

resources for change‌ The doomsday vault is designed to protect over a billion seed samples from all known varieties of food crops on the planet. The vault aims to safeguard the world's agriculture from future catastrophes. Watch the Doomsday Vault Video

social change.

"the best workshop i've ever taken. radically changed my work." fearless Meditation I: May 6, 2011 & every 1st Friday | 7pm

in the BODY "Some people take eating for granted, are detached from the Earth and even health-related consequences. For many of us, the only

Twelve Months of Abhaya

considerations we have in food are desire and price. What we eat has multiple implications to the Earth, the economy, and our health

With all the huge changes

and society; it's all connected." Read the whole article by Charity Mahouna Hicks.

political as well as the many

Our Food, Environment and Health: It's All Connected

(fearless) Yoga | Janu Sirsasana happening around the world--the natural disasters--we might be [image: chandra]

feeling some anxiety. In yoga, one

of the benefits of forward bending postures is lowering

Food justice activist and eco-chef, Bryant Terry discusses how

anxiety. Try out janu sirsasana a.k.a. head towards

creating more access to healthy food is crucial to building broader movements for social justice. Take a look at this short video on

knee posture, which is a seated forward bend.

food discrimination. Bryant Terry: Food Discrimination

Read more... fearlessYoga at CXC Sundays | 9:30 - 11:00am Every Body welcome. Free for agents of social change. Donations welcome.

For more information about Earth Day visit Earth Day Network. Get involved, give to the cause, and spread the word. You'll find information about organizing and participating in Earth Day activities on April 22, 2011.

wellness & being well Dealing with Disaster Indonesia. Katrina. Haiti. New

Earth Day Network

Zealand. Japan. Myanmar. We can't control the earth and what

quote of the month "You just need to be a flea against injustice. Enough committed fleas biting strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and transform even the biggest nation." Marian Wright Edelman, Children's Rights Advocate

she does to realign herself. There is constant transition here, often [image: Hokusai]

matching what goes on in our

social world (Iraq, Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Wisconsin...) and in our personal, individual lives. Change is the only constant....

support deep change transform. is published by the Center for Transformative Change

Read more... Dr. Clarissa Pinkola EstĂŠs

april wallpaper


april wallpaper

CXC is the first national center entirely dedicated to bridging the inner and outer lives of social change agents, activists and allies to support a more effective, more sustainable social justice movement. We name, frame and advance Transformative Social Change by both developing practices and programs for agents of social change and working in collaboration with leading organizations to help shape this emerging movement. Most importantly, CXC reflects the field and the movement back to itself by publishing the transform. blog and monthly journal, thus strengthening our collective identity, community, and shared vision. This long-term vision for shifting the paradigm of work for justice, changing the WAY change is done, will fundamentally alter broad-based social change at its very core—from inner to outer— resulting in a more just, equitable society for all. Great vision takes great action and our work is not possible without the generous support and partnership of individuals like you. The publication of transform. is made possible by your direct contribution. No amount is too small…so make your contribution to deep change today. Donate to CXC Visit the Center's website What is Transformative Change? Find out HERE

lotus feet The famous Kiyomizu Dera (Clear Water Temple) in Kyoto, Japan is known for its stunning views, powerful waterfall and buddhas of love. Lesser known is the bodhisattva that stands sentry far beneath the great main temple on the lower grounds. He is beheld by a lotus flower, the symbol of great beauty that rises out of the mud. May the people of Japan recover from the mud of tragedy that has befallen them, be protected by all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and collectively rise up in purity, like a lotus flower. photo copyright 2006. angel Kyodo williams

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Center for Transformative Change is a project of urbanPEACE, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization whose mission to inform, incite and empower a broad-based, presence-centered, transformative social change movement.

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