transform. october 2011

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where's your wall street | transform. | october 2011

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Read online: Download printable PDF: This month's transform.:


what's new Happiness Ninjas Have a

"In the process of helping the earth to heal, we help ourselves." ~ Wangari Maathai [April 1, 1940 - September 25, 2011]

House Leah Pearlman and John Grader

In India, banyan trees are called trees of knowledge and trees of life, a fitting symbol for our October theme, sustainability, which by definition is "the capacity to endure." In a world out of balance we have to rediscover equilibrium in areas that seem bereft of money, spirit, wisdom, social consciousness, etc. It may begin with trees, or forgiveness; with the capacity to see ourselves in others, or finding patience; with taking a stand or taking care of the earth beneath our feet. For Wangari Maathai trees represented that endurance. To date her organization, the Green Belt Movement, has helped to plant 47 million trees in Kenya, reviving the environment as well as helping folks living in poverty. In October, celebrate both Latino and LGBT history months.

found a way to physically set up a space based on the gift [image: courtesy The Happiness Institute]

economy--a place that people could come to realize their own

individual gifts, their own individual happiness. Less than 3 months old, this is a brand new organization that.... Read more... The Happiness Institute

in SIGHT Howard Rheingold | Who Said Collaboration Wasn't Sustainable?

"Charging Bull" Wall Street, New York City.

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As humans--being extremely complex, very intelligent, and oftentimes, narcissistic creatures--we often forget

where's YOUR wall street?:

that we are animals. Looking back at a time in which

taming the raging bull

against each other, we are now beginning to realize...

INcite with angel Kyodo williams

survival of the fittest meant that humans competed

In this month's in Sight, Howard Rheingold elaborates on the biological forces of collaboration, and how the

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where's your wall street | transform. | october 2011

At first it was just a whisper that spoke more to what wasn't happening than to what was: mainstream media was shutting out coverage of the thousand or so people that had begun to gather starting September 17th at the unfortunately named Zuccoti park. Even when 2,000 mostly black folks ended their march at the reclaimed and renamed Liberty Plaza to protest the great state of Georgia's sanctioned execution of Troy Davis, the media eye remained mostly blind. But the whispers turned to grumbles and those closed same eyes were pried open when police arrested eighty people and maced a woman. From there, Facebook posts and Twitter tweets multiplied and #OccupyWallStreet staked its flag firmly in the public sand. I'm no reporter so it's fortunate that in an era when hashtags (#) are the in-fashion symbol and symbolism, you can Google an education and Wiki the timeline. What you most need to know though, in case you didn't, is that no matter where you are, #OccupyWallStreet is the movement made for you. The only question is whether you'll choose make it yours.

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on the biological forces of collaboration, and how the Internet is continuing to speed up our interconnectedness... Read more... Watch Howard Rheingold's TED Talk Subscribe to CXC on YouTube

in TIME WEST COAST fearlessMeditation I | Practice of the Body 22nd Annual Bioneers Conference 3rd Annual Bay Area Leadership & Social Justice Conference Spirituality & Social Justice | The Intersections of Personal Spirituality, Organized Religion & Social Work 2011 Washington Appleseed Community Connections Luncheon EAST COAST Digital Media Conference | Grassroots Use of Technology Conference Body Ecology | Creativity & Transformation Residency

With decisions made by the General Assembly, "a horizontal, autonomous, leaderless, modified-consensus-based system with roots in anarchist thought," OWS seeks to stand for "the other 99 percent" of Americans that are on the stinky end of the economic shitstick that's been beating the crap out of us all, while the 1% at the top of the food chain get fat eating off the plates we made for minimum wage. No matter that it once looked like mostly disgruntled and disheveled white kids camping out because they could. Forget the fact that the initial call for this possible American Spring came out of Canada. Ignore the pundits that dis it for not having demands. By defying definition, flattening leadership and both utilizing and transcending organization as we've known it, shifting from spider to starfish, OWS creates within it's morphing boundaries the one thing so many of our uber-defined efforts at movement-building have inadvertently managed to quash: opportunity. You only need to bring your voice, show up and choose to be who you are. By doing so, you cause this emerging movement to be yours. That choice, my friend, is freedom. Liberty Plaza, indeed.

Hip-Hop Loves October 12th After-Work Fundraising Event SOUTHWEST DMC Disability Hiring Expo 2011 Colorado Bioneers 2011 MIDWEST Break the Silence on Relationship Violence EcoViva 15th Anniversary Gala 7th Annual Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit Conference SOUTHEAST Open Dharma Deep Rest Retreats Hunger Huddle 2011 Conference Sacred Embodiment Center Re-Emergence Party & Fundraiser

in the MONEY Fetzer Institute | Love & Money Fetzer Institute provides funds

Not enough women, you say? Call CodePink and now there are more. Want gays and blacks? Elders and immigrants? Grab your AfroCuban-born lesbian granny and go. Where are the gender queers? If you show up, they are there.

for projects that support forgiveness, love, and [image: Kevin A Connors]

compassion and that make a profound impact on people's

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lives. "[They] seek to understand the motivations and

Having grown up in downtown Manhattan, I'm no stranger to the bizarre Wall Street world of high stakes gambling where the losers don't even get to play the game. I've even ridden the back of the 7100 pound raging bronze bull that has come to epitomize the same financial aggression that has driven the economy into the ground. With each passing day, I am more certain that when I get back to my hometown next week, the protesters will still be there for me to join them. If it gets exceptionally cold or exceptionally rough, I'll have the luxury of walking just a few blocks to return home.

preconditions of exemplary cases of love and forgiveness in the world..." Read more... Learn about Fetzer Institute Sign the Charter for Compassion Learn about Shamatha Meditation

in the CENTER 27 Days of Change | Fall 2011 Practice Period

But you need not have lived on the doorstep of the corrupt capital of Capitalism to smell something rotten in Denmark, not to mention DC, San Francisco, Chi-town and Everytown, USA. If not you yourself, you know someone who knows someone who lives on Main Street and was bummed out while Wall Street was bailed out: someone who hasn't been able to find a job for two years someone pushed out of their home because they couldn't pay a falsely inflated mortgage someone who watches institutions of education fall while institutions of incarceration rise someone whose grandparents or parents helped build this country but their family fears being torn apart and kicked out. someone whose people picked cotton, built railroads or had their lands taken away, yet to this day have insufficient clothes, transportation or security of their own. and all the while, politicians play footsies with all our futures.

Thirty-three people from around the world participated in the 27 Days of Change | Fall 2011 Practice Period. There were a number of local Bay Area participants, many on the East Coast, and one as far away as Thailand. Some were veteran participants, and some were brand new. Read more...

from the FIELD Peter Forbes | Start with the Land Not all that long ago, our ancestors drew their identities from the land that they lived on, whether they were farmers

[image: Fred Fokkelman]

or sharecroppers or laborers

who came in seasonally to harvest wheat, corn,

Whatever you used to believe, what's coming into plain sight—if you're not the 1%, that is—is that this system has failed us all. And we each deserve to Thrive. On October 6th, DC's K street gets occupied and a feverishly-growing number of inspired cities are determined to Occupy Together. So wherever you are, there's a Wall Street near you and there's never been a better moment to take it over and make this a movement for you. Who knows? Perhaps one day, we will look back on September 17th as the beginning of the New American Revolution in which we finally captured not just votes but the imagination of the entire "US" as a People. But for now, it's sufficient to seize the opportunity of this moment, by finding the raging bull of determination and riding it out to #OccupyYOURWallStreet today. —your in truth, aKw

soybeans, or strawberries. Even those who lived in towns had a more direct relationship with the land than most of us... Read more... Read more of Peter Forbes' Work Learn about the Center for Whole Communities

inner PRACTICE Into the Light of the Dark Black Night

Editor's Note: Written by Soha AlJurf, a new contributor to transform. I arrived at Deer Park Monastery for a Thanksgiving Weekend Retreat, intending to stay for three months. I spent the first few days following the retreat practice

dedicated to the 99%. —aKw.

schedule: morning sitting meditation, walking meditation, dharma talks and discussions...I was Page 3 of 7

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meditation, dharma talks and discussions...I was

angel Kyodo williams, the "change angel," is Founder Emeritus of the Center for Transformative Change. She now serves as a Senior Fellow and Director of Vision. A social visionary and leading voice for transformative social change, she is the author of the critically-acclaimedBeing Black: Zen and the Art of

Living With Fearlessness and Grace .

starting to feel the slightest glimpse into a possibility of finding a path toward peace in my heart... Read more...

outer ACTION Majora Carter Group | Gone Green

Blog: new Dharma: live, love & lead from the heart Facebook: Like angel here

The Bronx River, the only fresh water river in New York City,

Twitter: Follow angel for tweets of wisdom on Change Web: angel Kyodo williams' next public talk: Thursday, October 20th @ CXC

has over the past few years undergone tremendous change. From about the 1840s up until 2007, industrial waste and sewage was regularly dumped into the river--a river previously considered so pure that the New York City Board of Aldermen were interested in using it for

newDharma Talk newDharma TALK | The Value of Effort & Release

As social change agents, we try to do too much because there is so much to do, and the need to get things done never seems to stop. But that endless action of doing, doing, doing begins to create imbalance in our lives and unsustainable work, action, etc. quickly follows. This dharma talk will remind you that we're not meant to go all of the time, that rest rejuvenates, that taking care of ourselves is as important as any protest or any cause...after all, whatever we're doing needs our best selves not the half self we so often give it. "[Effort and release are] the antidote for much of what plagues our movements for social justice and social change. We have this imbalance overall on the practice side, the effort side for good reason, right? The world is in a mess as far as we can tell. And so those of us who have made the decision to apply ourselves to the cleaning up of this mess become very fixated on the practice, the abhyasa (the effort), the what-needs-to-be-done, and there's no room for the vairagya (the release). You wouldn't even think such a thing. You are applauded the more hours you work; the more

city residents' drinking water. Read more... Learn about the Marjora Carter Group

social CHANGE Bioneers | A Vision of the Future On the Bioneers Web site there's a quote from poet David Orr that reads,"Hope is a verb with its [image:Thomaz Scalquo Cia]

think of the Bioneers conference

in that way, as hope ready to dig into a huge cross section of viable solutions toward sustainability... Read more... Register/Learn about Bioneers 2011 Conference Download the Bioneers 2011 brochure Bioneers 2011 programs

in the MIND The Environmental Connection | Psychology &

poorly you eat; the less you take care of your body. Haven't seen your partner or family in weeks? Good. You're changing the world."

Sustainability Our impact on the earth and on one another has long been

Listen to The Value of Effort & Release Read The Value of Effort & Release

sleeves rolled up." You could

[image: Juan Arreo]

acknowledged. The fairly young field of ecopsychology looks at

how our minds are connected to the "mind" of the earth, how our behavior and how we feel about ourselves (and one another) manifests...

activists, allies & agents of change


Majora Carter | Staying Green, Staying Home

What is Ecopsychology?

Read the Inspiring Action PDF Page 4 of 7

where's your wall street | transform. | october 2011

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Read the Inspiring Action PDF

Majora hosts the Peabody Award winning public-radio series: The Promised Land. She has a long list of awards and honorary degrees, including a MacArthur “genius” Fellowship. She founded Sustainable South Bronx in 2001 when few were talking about [image: Majora Carter Group] "sustainability"; and even fewer, in places like The South Bronx. Since 2008, her consulting company, MCG has exported Climate Adaptation... A lot of what Majora's come to understand about creating sustainable environments, political movements, and leadership is

Read about the Ecological Unconscious Learn about Psychologists for Social Responsibility fearless Meditation is a 3-part signature series that teaches practical meditation within a social justice framework. It's offered for no charge for agents of social change.

"the best workshop i've ever taken. radically changed my work." fearless Meditation I: October 14, 2011 & every 1st Friday | 7pm

that the kind of work she does is not an issue of morality but a spiritual quest. Speaking to Speaking of Faith's Kate Moos, Majora

(NOTE: due to scheduling conflicts, this month's

said, "A huge part of our job is telling folks that their liberation is tied up with everyone else's, no matter how powerful they think

in the BODY

workshop is being held the 2nd Friday)

Sustaining a Practice

they are."

Editor's Note: Written by Gail Parris, a new contributor to

Learn about The Promised Land Speaking of Faith Interview with Majora Carter

transform. and a fearlessYoga instructor.

Majora's 2010 TEDxMidwest Talk [image: Eileen Dreyer]

Journeying to the studio or

resources for change…

unrolling your mat can feel like a monumental task.

Author Patricia Allen discusses the efforts of two movements, sustainable agriculture and community food security, in her book

something I enjoy doing, purely for the love of it, to

Together At The Table. Allen examines the two movements involved in reconstructing the agri-food system from the growing of crops to production and distribution so that we can work toward becoming more ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially just. Learn more about this book at Penn State University Press. Sustainability & Sustenance in the American Agri-food System

Somewhere along the path my practice switched from something I felt obligated to do. As a result, when I did not practice, I felt guilty or defeated by my lack of comittment... Read more... fearlessYoga at CXC Sundays | 9:30 - 11:00am Every Body welcome.

The Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG), initiated a program in India which allowed increased sustainability in a local

Free for agents of social change. Donations welcome.

farm system by strengthening recycling processes and maintaining soil fertility by using sustainable bio-inputs and ecological

wellness & being well Protest is Good for You

methods that resulted in higher net gains and improved health in families. Watch this inspiring documentary.

Written by guest contributor, MamaDonna Henes

A Journey from Sustenance to Sustainability Charlottesville's UVA architecture department is making its contribution to the affordable, energy efficient housing movement.

The media likes to portray [image: Anita Patterson]

peace, environmental, human and animal rights protesters as

The departments ecoMOD project has built several homes that cost less than a buck a day in electricity costs. Learn more and find out

a fringe element of whining malcontents teetering on

what the ecoMOD project is doing to develop the zero energy home.

who step forward to speak their mind are happier and

Green Building Talk

the margins of proper society. The truth is that those healthier folks than most. Read more... Connect with MamaDonna Henes

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where's your wall street | transform. | october 2011

Although it may be hard to define exactly what the Bioneers Conference is, it's clearly a conference of progress, change, and endurance. People from all over come to hear the wisdom of scientists, spiritual teachers, game changers, grandmothers, and

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Connect with MamaDonna Henes

october wallpaper

others thoroughly invested in supporting us all in transitioning into a more sustainable, life-respecting future. This year's hot speakers include: Gloria Steinem, Lynne Twist and Phillippe Cousteau. Bioneers Conference Fight the Power! Join leaderless protests in cities nationwide with folks who are tired of being ruled by the top one percent. Occupy Wall Street has been called revolutionary for its potential to transfer power from the few to the many. Like the many protests that have taken place around the world this year, it illustrates the beginnings of wholesale change. Video of Cornel West at Occupy Wall Street

shade red Situated on the Black Sea, the resort town of Sile (shee-

quote of the month "God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools." —John Muir, Naturalist & Author Learn more...

support deep change transform. is published by the Center for Transformative Change (CXC) CXC is the first national center entirely dedicated to bridging the inner and outer lives of social change agents, activists and allies to support a more effective, more sustainable social justice movement. We name, frame and advance Transformative Social Change by both developing practices and programs for agents of social change and working in collaboration with leading organizations to help shape this emerging movement. Most importantly, CXC reflects the field and the movement back to itself by publishing the transform. blog and monthly journal, thus strengthening our collective identity, community, and shared vision. This long-term vision for shifting the paradigm of work for justice, changing the WAY change is done, will fundamentally alter broad-based social change at its very core—from inner to outer— resulting in a more just, equitable society for all. Great vision takes great action and our work is not possible without the generous support and partnership of individuals like you. The publication of transform. is made possible by your direct contribution. No amount is too small…so make your contribution

lay) is famous for it's beaches and light cotton. There's a lighthouse, Byzantine ruins and powerful rock formations. But none of that matters once you arrive at one of the many beaches, grab a beer and hunker down to watch a sandy volleyball game or gaze at the perfect sky before the soothing sounds of the sea take you away. photo copyright 2011. angel Kyodo williams

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to deep change today. Donate to CXC Visit the Center's website What is Transformative Change? Find out HERE

10/5/11 4:56 PM Center for Transformative Change 2584 MLK Jr. Way Berkeley, CA 94704 路 USA +1.510.549.3733 Google the Center

Center for Transformative Change is a project of Transformative Change (formerly urbanPEACE), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization whose mission is to inform, incite and empower a broad-based, presence-centered, transformative social change movement.

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