transform. journal january 2012

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the year of yes | transform. | january 2012

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welcome Historically, people tend to start big things on the first of the year. Political and history-making decisions aplenty have occurred on the first: Lincoln freed the slaves, Ellis Island opened, Castro took power in Cuba, Nixon's top aides were found guilty of obstruction (Watergate), and the Portuguese named a place already on the map: Rio de Janeiro, which means River of January. Perhaps it’s that that first day gets us off to a promising start, 364 days in front of us to keep ourselves on track.

what's new RE-Generative Somatics Generative Somatics supports social justice folks in unveiling things that keep their limiting beliefs in place, things which [image: Generative Somatics logo]

interfere with the work they’re doing to change the world....


And in this new year, fraught with predictions of the end of the world and a presidential election which seems to have us again between a rock and a harder place, matched with the 99% who will no doubt help bring forth long-needed change...well, let's just say we're in for quite a ride. I say we face it with optimism. It’s certain that we don’t know what’s coming. We may as well get ourselves ready, renew body and mind and step forward into 2012 wholeheartedly.

in SIGHT Amy Purdy | Living Beyond Limits

This month celebrate: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday (Jan 16) & Lunar New Year (Jan 23), the year of the Dragon. "Mayan Calendar" © public domain

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"In our minds, we can do anything," states Amy Purdy, a two-time Olympic gold medal winner, who went beyond her perceived limits after she lost both of her legs below the knees. Loss makes way for renewal. As folks who do social change work we live in the fodder of "can't do" and make it can. And if Amy Purdy is right, that it's our minds that are the stumbling block, then let's have at it and go for, not just the life we want, but the world we'd all rather live in. Living Beyond Limits Subscribe to CXC on YouTube

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in TIME WEST COAST fearlessMeditation I | Practice of the Body Food, Justice & Sustainability | author, activist, chef Bryant Terry Social Justice in Higher Education EAST COAST 14th Annual Summit Against Racism A Grief Like No Other SOUTHWEST Teen Leadership Institute From the Cocoon to the Sky | Nurturing Assets in

the year of yes: seeding a new beginning INcite with angel Kyodo williams

At-Risk Youth MIDWEST College of Lake County MLK Challenge 2012 The Loving Story | Documentary Screening SOUTHEAST

2012. For hundreds of years, eschatologists have sought after some signal of the beginning of the end. The Mayan calendar's indication of 5,125 year cycle of the fourth world--the one we are currently--coming to an end on December 21, 2012, has generated speculation and New Age hype for as long as we can remember. Sumerians, Babylonians, the Book of Mormons, Nostradamus and many ancient mythologies have all been interpreted to forecast events of destruction for this year. Add to that a blockbuster Hollywood movie complete with a fictional institute warning people to "prepare for the end of the world," and there you have it: The end is near. Apocalyptic. Cataclysmic. Disaster. The idea of impending Doomsday has been foisted upon this year from so many directions, it's just enough to give even the most suspect of us just a bit of pause. What has also been forecast is the beginning of an age of transformation. This Age of Aquarius beckons higher awareness and shifts in consciousness that signal an evolutionary leap forward. 2012 presents an opportunity that we, as a collective, are privileged to see arising. Owing to the glaring institutional breakdowns, governmental failures and corporate crises of the last

MLK Day Challenge 2012 Healthy Environment, Healthy People INTERNATIONAL Spirit at Work | Creative Video Contest

in the MONEY Grantmakers & Grantees | The Strong Survive GEO, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, believe that with certain practices on the part of grantmakers, nonprofits could actually become stronger and effect more change. In many ways, their mission is our mission... Read more... Learn About GEO Watch Smarter Grant Making for Stronger Nonprofits Watch Five Steps to Greater Empathy in Philanthropy

in the CENTER Release & Manifest for 2012 The newDharma Community bid farewell to 2011 and ushered in 2012 with a New Year’s Eve Release Ceremony Page 2 of 7

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breakdowns, governmental failures and corporate crises of the last few years, a new view is possible. Far from being a year of ends, 2012 can be a new beginning.

Year’s Eve Release Ceremony and Meditation. Over forty

[image: Zochi]

folks, of all ages and

backgrounds, from the Bay and beyond, gathered at

This is the Year of Yes. A time in which justice-seeking movements are not only positioned to make significant advances, but are also viewed more favorably by more people than anytime since the Civil Rights Era. With the man behind the curtain so clearly revealed, the masses are once again increasingly wakeful allies rather than sleep-walking adversaries.

CXC and set their intentions to release what was no longer needed and to manifest what was to come. Read more...

from the FIELD The Good News for 2011 In looking forward sometimes

The Occupy Movement has revealed the sustained energy and passion--even if misdirected at times--that we have longed to believe exists amongst the People. We can use this vast well of potential to lead our movements into a state of joyful attention to each new challenge we face with a feeling of support at our backs.

it's also useful to look back to see what we've accomplished. The folks at stone circles complied a list of some of the

[image: Rainer Berg]

We can say yes.

fantastic accomplishments of

2011, reminding us to face 2012 with full-on expectations of what we CAN do.

The 99% doesn't have to be against the 1%, we can say yes to a vision that is more viable and more compelling for the 100. Divesting our dollars from Big Banks, we can say yes to local banks and credit unions that have said yes to us. Withdrawing our attention from negative campaigns and blame, we can direct our energies--and our presidential votes--toward forgiving mistakes made.

Read more... Learn more about stone circles The Stone House Blog

inner PRACTICE On the Soft Underbellies of Mollusks...

Editor's Note: Written by Carvell

Yes, we can. Say yes. (Again.)

Wallace, a new contributor to transform.

We can also say yes to the legions of social changes agents and architects that have been steadily building bridges to a future yet unknown. We can say yes to organizations like Domestic Workers United that improves people's lives in tangible ways and gives Love credit as an organizing tool. We lift up initiatives that say yes to Strong Families in which every member has the opportunity to thrive. Not only can we recall legislators that overstep boundaries about false borders, we can then call forth a Dream Act and say yes to dignity no matter where you were born.

Sometimes I think the animal most closely related to the human being is a mollusk. We carry this calcified exterior, capable of warding off danger and protecting us from the elements. But turn us around, and there is the soft, vulnerable underbelly that we need to keep hidden: that we feel is our greatest weakness... Read more...

outer ACTION Zaltho Foundation | Seeds of

We can even Rebuild the Dream into an America that we can say yes to because it houses, feeds, and supports the wholeness and well-being of us all.


There is good work that will transform society as we know it, happening in every city, rural and urban, large and small.

Foundation, headquartered in

Imagination, innovation and inspiration are everywhere. Let us resolve to see it flourish, amplified and brought to meaningful scale. We can put the YES back in We Can, because we must and we will.

Founded in 1994 by Claude AnShin Thomas, the Zaltho

[image: logo courtesy Zaltho Foundation]

Belmont, Massachusetts (with a meditation center in Mary

Esther, Florida) is a spiritually-based foundation committed to ending violence by encouraging and establishing socially engaged projects in communities, organizations, and families... Page 3 of 7

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organizations, and families...

The fifth world is about to begin. The question is will we insist that justice and a society that works for all be its seed? 2012 is the year.

Learn more about Zaltho Foundation

social CHANGE

Say Yes.

Leadership & Emergence With the potential of the new year in front of us, it is good to

—yours in truth, aKw

remember that "we don't know" and that's okay. Transformation [image:Arvind Balaraman]

and renewal means at some point things will be off balance.

dedication here.

Things will get chaotic. In her book,Engaging

angel Kyodo williams, the "change angel," is Founder Emeritus of Center for Transformative Change. She now serves as a Senior Fellow and Director of Vision. A social visionary and leading voice for transformative social change, she is the author of the critically-acclaimedBeing Black: Zen and the Art of Living With Fearlessness and Grace. Blog: new Dharma: live, love & lead from the heart Facebook: Like angel here Twitter: Follow angel for tweets of wisdom on Change Web:

Emergence, Peggy Holman encourages us to get used to the idea of disruption–to learn from it... Read more... Check out Engaging Emergence by Peggy Holman Check out Peggy Holman's Blog Connect to OccupyCafe

in the MIND How to Know Without Knowing

angel Kyodo williams' next public talk: Thursday, January 26 @ CXC

January is the month that folks set New Year's resolutions. I

newDharma Talk How to Practice | Getting Out of the Way of

don't know how things look [image:]

statistically speaking, but from January through February my

Change We all want to change in some way, whether that

gym (for instance) is full of newcomers. But by April,

means stopping a bad habit or changing a fundamental behavior. And we come up with a slew of excuses to explain why we haven't

your long-term goals? According to scientists a lot of

changed: The conditions are all wrong. We haven't got the money, the time, the support. It's easier to do that than to come to grips with how we show up (or don’t show up) for ourselves. Learning how to practice and face the things we run from is what creates change in our lives.

May the attrition rate is obvious. So how do you stick to how we reach our goals in completely unconscious... Read more... fearless Meditation is a 3-part signature series that teaches practical meditation within a social justice framework. It's offered for no charge for agents of social change.

"the best workshop i've ever taken. radically changed my work."

"When you ask somebody to tell you about somebody else, they don’t tell you what they've done, they tell you how they be: They're like this. They're very kind. They've very scratchy. She's fairly difficult...Rather detailed...Very exuberant. Actually, kind of dull, a little bit one gives you the list of "they meant to do this; they intended to make this kind of change." What they tell you is not

fearless Meditation I: Feb 10, 2012 & every 1st Friday | 7pm

note: February fMI will be held on the 2nd Friday

in the BODY

what they did but the pattern that shows up in terms of who they are. The pattern because the content disappears, because it's the

Real Body Renewal

pattern of our behavior that leaves an imprint upon people as to who we are..."

rest. In today's busy, and

We all need help to stop and increasingly competitive world, Page 4 of 7

the year of yes | transform. | january 2012

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who we are..."

increasingly competitive world, we are always trying to get

Listen to How to Practice | Getting Out of the Way of Change


things done. Even when we are resting it is common in Western

culture to label rest as unproductive. Taking time to stop and rest is a powerful resource for change, not a luxury or laziness. It promotes health in body and mind...How about being kinder to your body with restorative yoga?

activists, allies & agents of change


Claude AnShin Thomas | The Art of Nonviolence

Yoga Journal | Restorative Yoga Poses

Claude AnShin Thomas, Zen Buddhist Monk and Author, born 1947. He served in Vietnam from 1966-67. Since that time he has been working to heal the wounds from that war: emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, using these experiences to help others. He was ordained in the Japanese Soto Zen Tradition in 1995. In 2004 his book AT HELL’S GATE, A Soldiers Journey From War To Peace was published by Shambhala. Today he focuses on the topics of the roots of violence, transformative change, and the embodyment of active nonviolence.

Restorative Yoga Poses

fearlessYoga at CXC Sundays | 9:30 - 11:00am Every Body welcome. Free for agents of social change. Donations welcome.

wellness & being well Ingredients of Love Author and cultural critic, bell hooks has devoted her life to discovering the true nature of

Reading through the works and the talks of Claude AnShin Thomas you begin to sense that his experiences have led him to be a vehicle

love. She defines six ingredients of love: the links between

for transformation and change, to, in his own way help the rest of us stumblingly find our way towards who we are. His contributions

[image: public domain]

to nonviolence seem to take up the space and energy of a full life. They are ceaseless and his commitment profound, particularly the

healing to take place. For bell, love and healing are acts

work he does through the Zaltho Foundation. Read more... Learn more about Claude AnShin Thomas Check out At Hell's Gate

healing and love, what healing

is and why something doesn't have to be broken for of political resistance. Read more...

january wallpaper

Watch Claude AnShin Thomas on Vimeo: After the War Read essays & stories by Claude AnShin Thomas

resources for change‌ Avoid seasonal illness this winter by adopting a cleansing and detoxification plan. This article focuses on eating raw foods as a means of cleansing the body. There are some very interesting desert options as well. The reader will also find links to additional information on internal and external benefits as well. Winter Cleansing

view Windows casting light into space evokes yearning for the possibility and potential, beckoning us towards

The title of this blog post from Paul's Health blog says it all. Here

what's on the other side. Oftentimes we have to shift

you will learn more about preventing serious health complications and deep cleansing methods to help the body rid itself of of deadly

our perspective ever so slightly to see what is available

poisons. Read this if you want to live. Winter Cleansing and Detoxing, Why Should You, How To, Plus

stuck in the past, stuck inside or finding our way out,

the Truth about Constipation, Prolapse of the Traverse Colon,

Where do we stand?

to us. Questions of whether we are honoring history or seeing the sun rise or set, all depend on our view.

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Where do we stand?

Mucoid Plaque and Autointoxication Are They a Hoax, Quackery or a

photo copyright 2009-12. angel Kyodo williams

Cancer Time Bomb? Download this image as wallpaper with or without

Kicharee is an Indian dish made from the green mung beans. It is soy free, wheat free and vegan. Here, you'll find directions for preparing all the ingredients and directions on how to cook this dish which is designed to restore and heal the body. Winter Cleanse | Recipe for Kicharee This is a short article on natural and simple ways to make immune boosting cold remedies. Winter Detox, Brain and Immune Boosting Cold Remedy

calendar for your desktop. Download with calendar... Download without calendar... View Photo Gallery...

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quote of the month "Without a way to name our pain, we are also without the words to articulate our pleasure"



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—bell hooks, author, feminist, social activist Learn more...


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transform. is published by the Center for Transformative Change (CXC)

Registration and other questions 888.XSOCHANGE (toll free)

CXC is the first national center entirely dedicated to bridging the inner and outer lives of social change agents, activists and allies to support a more effective, more sustainable social justice movement. Center for Transformative Change 2584 MLK Jr. Way

We name, frame and advance Transformative Social Change by both developing practices and programs for agents of social change and

Berkeley, CA 94704 · USA

working in collaboration with leading organizations to help shape this emerging movement. Most importantly, CXC reflects the field

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and the movement back to itself by publishing the transform. blog and monthly journal, thus strengthening our collective identity, community, and shared vision. This long-term vision for shifting the paradigm of work for justice, changing the WAY change is done, will fundamentally alter broadbased social change at its very core—from inner to outer—resulting in a more just, equitable society for all. Great vision takes great action and our work is not possible without the generous support and partnership of individuals like you. The publication of transform. is made possible by your direct contribution. No amount is too small…so make your contribution to deep change today. Donate to CXC Visit the Center's website

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Visit the Center's website What is Transformative Change? Find out HERE

Center for Transformative Change is a project of Transformative Change (formerly urbanPEACE), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization whose mission is to inform, incite and empower a broad-based, presence-centered, transformative social change movement.

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