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being your best | transform. | december 2009

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welcome From traditions all over the world, this particular time of year is celebrated as the season of Hope. Whether we observe Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa here in the United States, Guadalupe Day and the Buddha's Enlightenment elsewhere, or Winter Solstice everywhere, it is a time to reflect on the many offerings that the outgoing year has given us. Right into the culmination of the roman calendar new year, we gratefully mark the past year's transitions, truly as gifts, while we ready ourselves to receive the new ones to come. This month we share with you a review of CXC's 'Best of 2009' stories. Each departing section contributor selected their favorite story of the year, as our new Executive Director, Karen Muktayani Villanueva stewards as guest editor. Enjoy the retrospective. Season's Greetings & Warm Blessings from CXC to you and yours!

fearlessYOGA Teacher Training: Yoga Built for Justice From April 2-28 2010, we're excited to announce that CXC will host the first, and only, yoga ever designed for agents of social change. fearlessYOGA is a physical metaphor for social justice. Read more... fearlessYOGA | Warrior Series Chart (pdf) fearlessYOGA Teacher Training | April 2 - 28, 2010 MTX | Mind Training & Xformation

Enthroned Virgin and Child. Haghia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey. photo Š 2009 angel Kyodo williams

Train your mind, transform your life. After 3 years of threats, the "changeangel" introduces MTX: Mind Training and Xformation. MTX a free weekly email (and Facebook) series of short slogans: essential instructions for rolling up your sleeves and engaging your life path as if you mean it. When put to use, they literally "train your mind" and "transform your thoughts." Read more... Sign up in advance for MTX Transition to Transformation: CXC names new Executive Director After 10 years of leading what has become CXC (Center for Transformative Change) and its umbrella

being your best: the theory, art and practice of change

organization, urbanPEACE, the Rev. angel Kyodo williams has stepped down as director and passed the torch to Karen Muktayani "Muki" Villanueva, RN, BSN. Read more...

INcite with angel Kyodo williams Every one of us holds some hope for a future America, indeed a future world, that is changed. Changed to what is not always as tangible as our minds would like it to be. Perhaps that's why Martin said "I have a dream..." In the best of expressions, Jesus




in SIGHT fearlessYOGA preview

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being your best | transform. | december 2009

dream..." In the best of expressions, Jesus Christ, depicted above with the Virgin Mary as a tiled mosiac in the Haghia Sophia, represents Hope. His birth brought Hope to a world that had gone awry, thus the title of the image "Child of Hope." As agents & allies of social change, we, too, represent Hope for a world that has gone a little astray from the path of expressing the best humanity has to offer: love, compassion, fairness, security, sustainability and selfdetermination for all living things. We have our work cut out for us. But with a grounded theory, a willingness to learn the art and a committment to practice, practice, practice, we can and we will be our best and through our example, through our leadership, we'll inspire the best in everyone. In keeping with this issue's "Best of..." theme, (while doing as little as possible as I head out in the world on the first leg of my sabbatical) I offer these snippets from not one, but all of the past year's INcite essays. Take them individually or as one big riff on this profound movement towards Transformative Social Change. May any one of these ideas, instructions or inquiries inspire you towards being your best, today and in the year to come. (oh, and see the wallpaper section below for more about the mosaic.) January | finally American On the one hand, 2009 brings with it the incredible challenges of the freefall of an economic house of cards built with smoke, mirrors and lots of dishonest spit, an unjust war built on outright lies, and a devastating attack on a people that the world can no longer deny is on the short end of a harsh stick, built on a 60 year theft. On the other hand, we are embarking upon a new year, a new era, and a strange, new hopefulness that real people, tired of being polarized by fear, hate and separation can organize for hope, progress and change. And together, our collective will can make a difference. February | being all we can be President Obama has gone on record saying that he opposes gay marriage, but admits this may be a wrong-headed view drawn from his own religious beliefs. I'm suspicious of the idea that God whispers in anyone's ear and says "you are chosen to have something that other's aren't entitled to:" be that right to love or right to land. But since I've only been trying to listen to God rather than talk, maybe She doesn't whisper back to me. So, I'm not one to question Obama's or anyone else's personal relationship with God...why don't we stop questioning anyone's personal, mutually respectful, consenting relationship with anyone else? March | can you see me now? Being in real relationship with "the other" closes the bias gap...But to even get there, we have to look at ourselves first. We have to stop letting ourselves off the race hook and commit to actively resisting the biased waters we swim in by raising our unconscious, implicit fears to the level of conscious, explicitly articulated ones. That's painful,

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No video? Click: ? v=MFA-vVki4DY

Get a sneak preview of the *rough* cut of CXC's fearlessYOGA Warrior Series video. Best chance to catch our fY development team rocking their yogi gear. fearlessYOGA: built for justice | 6 min What is Transformative Change | 4 min

in TIME CXC Winter Holiday Schedule In the midst of deep Practice there is also time for rest. Yearly, we take time to rest during the winter holidays. The Center will be closed December 24, 2009 to January 2, 2010. We wish everyone peaceful and blessed holidays. Center Practice Schedule fearlessYOGA Teacher Training: Yoga Built for Justice (fYTT) April 2-28 2010 The first, and only, yoga ever designed for agents of social change. fearlessYOGA is a physical metaphor for social justice that offers an accessible approach to practicing yoga through a standard series of multilevel postures that, once learned, can be practiced as a "flow." fearlessYOGA Teacher Training | April 2 - 28, 2010 27 Days of Change It's not too early to register for 27 Days of Change: Spring Practice Period, March 2-28, 2010. We've begun our Winter 27 Days, now all Virtual, with participants nationwide. 27 Days of Change: Spring Practice Period US Social Forum: June 22 - 26, 2010 | Detroit, Michigan For the first time CXC will be representin' at the US Social Forum (USSF). USSF is one of the most important Page 2 of 7

being your best | transform. | december 2009

the level of conscious, explicitly articulated ones. That's painful, exhausting, heart-breaking work, but it's the real work that needs to be done. No less important than your next action, petition, campaign or board meeting. (Those explicit biases could use a good eyeballing here, too.) Plainly speaking, if you're doing work for change in what's "affectionately" referred to as AmeriKKKa without a practice of examining race, you're pretty much adding to the problem.

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Social Forum (USSF). USSF is one of the most important national gatherings for those who are devoted to social change. Join CXC at US Social Forum | June 22 - 26, 2010 Learn more...

in the CENTER April | seven deadly sins of change The Watchmen for Change are made up of Freedom Fighters, Organizers, Agitators and Activists paired with the folks that, like it or not, foot the bills. In a perfected partnership, they are our Supporters, Advocates, Advisors and Allies. Some of us pay with the currency of creativity, vitality, energy and soulforce. Others pay with hopefulness, steadfastness, wild cheering and dollar bills, y'all...Together we are the Jedis of Justice. We are The Ones that We have Been Waiting for to illuminate the Matrix and reveal the passage out of Babylon. We are the Agents of Transformative Social Change. May | this is our time A Black Organizer is in the White House. (Wise Latina) Justice is getting off the bench and in the Game. It's our time. The era of the lowly grunt that toils for justice being the under-appreciated, underpaid underdog is officially overrated. We are now the wunderkinds that can capture the imagination of our nation with our unwavering commitment to Hope, resounding call for Freedom and heart-stopping effort to reveal Truth, Justice and a truly New American Way. June | a more perfect union But as powerful as symbols, phrases and slogans are, they only derive their energy from the wellspring of the people they represent. People that don't just stand in the truth, but express it through the way they live. And just as "words on a parchment would not be enough to deliver slaves from bondage, or provide men and women of every color and creed their full rights" the more perfect union we seek for this country will not arise from a speech, a bailout, or even a healthcare plan...What it will arise from is the embodiment of that more perfect union by folks that know and act on what's right... July | the greatest transformation (And) when Death comes to Friend you, as it will, you can't ignore it. Where will your vast but virtual network be then? Will they be there to sing songs, share stories and send your ashes back to ashes, and dust back to dust? Will they memorialize you? Yes, connections can be made quick, Friends, Followers and Fans, but relationships are still slow...and the best ones are grown over time. August | the practice of inconvenience This is, more often than not, the nature of deep practice: It isn't convenient. It doesn't fit your schedule. It doesn't conform to your whim. It isn't selectable for good days instead of bad. In short, it isn't a's a practice. If not as dramatic, remaining committed to

Winter 2009 | 27 Days of Change: Practice Period We are currently on week number two of this season's 27 Days of Change: Practice Period. Twentyseven people from around the country are formally participating. For the first time ever we are offering the 27 Days as a virtual experience, conducted entirely online. Read more...

inner PRACTICE Practicing Our Egos Off in Community I know we all have ideas about who we prefer to have in our communities: no slackers, no gossips, nobody who thinks too much of themselves. And by communities, I mean families, households, neighborhoods, any close knit group of people. Generally, we have utopian fantasy versions of what community should be like, everyone mostly gets along, everybody pulls together in a crisis, no one feels left out. Read more...

outer ACTION What's Behind the Whole Foods Buycott? It bears repeating, direct action can be radical, effective and done with fierce love. Can social change actions be deeply radical meaning going to the root - help create the world we want to see, rather than only tear down what we don't like and still work? Here's what Rev. angel Kyodo williams and Center for Transformative Change did when it comes to Whole Foods and going beyond the current boycott. Read more...

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being your best | transform. | december 2009

12/12/09 6:11 PM's a practice. If not as dramatic, remaining committed to established personal and organizational practice--especially in the face of challenge--is a stance no less determined than that of Gandhi's Salt

social CHANGE Historic March for Freedom:

Marchers, or those folks that continued to cross the bridge in Selma. We put our butts on the line and on the cushion to usher forth a new

Gaza December 27-January 2

"My message to the international

way of Being Change. September | beyond the boycott (It's) a time for action: sometimes, no matter how many ways you try to describe a thing, you have to experience it to know what it really is. i've been talking about transformative change: what it is and isn't. what it could look like and what it can make possible in the world...But it's also time for those of us pushing for change to do so in a way that actually seeks resolution, transforming the issue into an opportunity for real change: change that matters. Thus, any action taken should be thoughtful, respectful, measured and leveraged only if it is needed... October | doing darkness Unlike change, which can be undone with a shift in context or the swipe of a presidential pen, there's no going back on transformation. The depth of change that takes place is so deep, rooted and resounding, that the former way of being is no longer possible. While transformation can't be undone...the decisive question we must ask is "Transformation towards what?" If we want positive transformative outcomes, we must intentionalize and work toward them. Deep change requires deep practice. Simply put, we have to stay with it in order to see transformation through. Through and through, we must weave the fabric of our movement culture with ways of being, knowing and doing that embody precisely how we want to see society transformed: into an equitable, sustainable and just place for all. How we are showing up right now is the state of our transformation. However, if you can imagine the exact outcome, it's more likely to be change than transformation because our vision is necessarily limited by our current

community is that our silence and complicity, especially on the situation in Gaza, shames us all." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu Not one to just kick back, even while on her sabbatical, angel Kyodo williams will join 1,000 people from over 40 countries: the famous and day-to-day folks, scholars, writers, clergy, government representatives, and more, to converge in Gaza and nonviolently march with Gazan families through the Israeli blockade. Read more... Got Chaos? Funding Cuts and Volunteer Floods: Time to Prioritize and Organize The reality is we can't and won't get everything done on our personal or work to do lists. Great, but then what? Got Chaos? According to the New York Times, one upside to the downturn is the flood of volunteers, often highly skilled, signing up to help non-profits. This is a result of the oft cited chaos in the economy, resulting in large numbers of displaced workers who are helping out social change organizations while they search for jobs. Read more...

in the MIND

perspective and conditions.

Mind Over Money Money and giving are rich (pun

November | meeting change Transitions are the doorways to change. Choosing to engage transition

intended) opportunities from us to learn more about the sources we

and enter each doorway as consciously as possible, but with a willingness to not know what's on the other end, is what makes that

give from: our hearts or our heads. Last April, several folks

change intentional. Life IS change. And if you've been around for five good minutes, you know that Change Happens. So your only real choice

from our community, did a Street Retreat for three

is to either let life happen to you or for you to choose to live it. One way to do that is to become practiced at happily, humbly and heartily

begged for food and change. A lot of us learned first

Meeting Change.

days. We slept on the steps of the public library and hand about our relationship and society's relationship to money and giving. Read more...

Happy holidays. Free Palestine. Love, peace and blessings to and for all.

"the best workshop i've ever taken. radically changed my work." fearless Meditation is our 3-part signature series that teaches practical meditation in a social justice context

angel Kyodo williams, is founder

is offered for no charge for agents of social change: Page 4 of 7

being your best | transform. | december 2009

angel Kyodo williams, is founder of urbanPEACE and it's Center for Transformative Change. Happily, she is no longer its director, but the official Intellectual Guru ;-) A social visionary and leading voice for transformative social change, she is the author of Being Black: Zen and the Art of Living With Fearlessness and Grace.

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is offered for no charge for agents of social change: fearless Meditation I: FMI-Meditation | 7pm | January 15th & every 1st Friday

in the BODY Open Your Heart Opening the heart can be a challenging feat, and one that is

Blog: new Dharma: live, love & lead from the heart Facebook: Fan angel here Twitter: Follow angel for tweets of wisdom on Change Web: angel Kyodo williams' next public talk: angel is on sabbatical and her next talk is tba. In the meantime, you can sign up for MTX, the year-long weekly Mind Training and Xformation series starting in January

much needed for us to be more whole as people, and for our work to change the world to be more whole as well. Let's travel back to May's issue of transform. and explore the article: Open Your Heart. Read more...

wellness & being well Probiotics: LIttle Guys for Life Of the many things we can do to

newDharma Talk

improve our well-being and in

Wholehearted Intention Especially timely, as we are currently in our Winter 27 Days of Change, in this talk, the Rev. angel Kyodo williams speaks about how aligning ourselves wholeheartedly with our intentions can lead us to Freedom. It is a much needed reminder of how important and powerful it is to align ourselves with our deepest intentions. Excerpt: "Anything that we want with our whole heart has to be

turn support the good work that we do, taking Pro-biotics is one of the most effective and helpful things. Check out the favorite wellness article from 2009: Probiotics: Little Guys for Life. Read more... Make your own raw sauerkraut What is kombucha? Learn how to make your own.

december wallpaper

aligned. It has to be meaningful. It has to be sensible, at least to us. It has to be all of those things. Otherwise, there is a part of us that gets left behind in the wanting. There's a part of us that gets left behind in terms of bringing our attention, fully, in that direction, and the action that we take is not wholehearted. Thus it's important for a sense of fullness, for a sense of completeness that when you desire something, when your heart is calling for something, when you want to bring something towards you, when you want to call something into your life, that you make sure that your intention is aligned." child of hope

Listen to Wholehearted Intention

In the east end of the famed Haghia Sophia (Aya Sofia) in Istanbul, Turkey, high on the ceiling lives the oldest surviving mosaic of this richly designed edifice that most poignantly represents the passage of time and the contrast of religions. The "Enthroned Virgin and Child"

activists, allies & agents of change

were unveiled in the year 867.

A Quest Called Truth

The finely tiled mosaics are the focal points of what

Ng'ethe Maina worked for AGENDA, a grassroots community-based organization in Los Angeles, from its inception in early 1993, helping to

was a church that later became a mosque. Mosaics of the protectors Archangel Michael and Gabriel flank this Child of Hope and his mother. In the 19th century, "roundels" or plaques of calligraphic Arabic bearing the

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being your best | transform. | december 2009

develop it into a leading voice for poor people in struggles for social and economic justice. As a Senior Organizer with AGENDA he helped lead successful economic justice campaigns to win jobs and training for poor people. In the fall of 2003, Ng'ethe moved to New York City, where he became the Training Director for New York Jobs with Justice, and launched the Social Justice Leadership Collaborative with Simon Greer. He is currently the Executive Director of SJL. [image: angel Kyodo williams]

As a kid growing up in California, long before he knew about the world of social change, Ng'ethe Maina of Social Justice Leadership (SJL) quested for the truth. Not truth in the way most kids want to know the difference between right and wrong, but questing for the kind of truth that might remind you of old men with long white beards sitting in the mountains of the Himalayas-depthless, fathomless truth.

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"roundels" or plaques of calligraphic Arabic bearing the names of Muhammed and Allah joined the impressive view. Download this image as wallpaper with or without calendar for your desktop. Download with calendar... Download without calendar...

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resources for change窶ヲ A couple helpful tools (good for heart and mind) that never get old. Experience a Street Retreat Read Lynne Twist's The Soul of Money

quote of the month "Individuals actively pursue various psychological and spiritual disciplines to purify their inner worlds from all kinds of inner pollution. Through the clarity of spirit and the integrity of their values and behavior, these individuals become active agents of change in the world at large. Through their spiritual "action," they begin the process of creating a new "social order." They naturally tend to seek a more spiritual and sustainable society. These are the cultural creatives..." 窶年icanor Perlas 2010 Philippine Presidential Candidate & Author From his book: Shaping Globalization: Civil Society, Cultural Power and Threefolding Learn more...

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Registration and other questions 888.XSOCHANGE (new number! toll free) Center for Transformative Change is the first national center entirely dedicated to bridging the inner and outer lives of social change agents, activists and allies to support a more effective, more sustainable social justice movement. Donate to the Center to support our work Visit the Center's website Center for Transformative Change 2584 MLK Jr. Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ツキ USA +1.510.549.3733 Google the Center

Center for Transformative Change is a project of urbanPEACE, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization whose mission to inform, incite and empower a broad-based, presence-centered transformative social change movement.

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being your best | transform. | december 2009

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