INS Ronda 2021-27
Erasmus Policy statement (EPS): Our strategy The trajectory of the school in terms of internationalization, after obtaining the ECHE charter, will consolidate this programme which started in 2014. It is expected that new shared experiences of good practices and exchange with other European schools and companies in the field of Community Services (specialty of all our Advanced Vocational courses) will be generated. The impact of the internationalization and modernization strategy on our educational community and on our environment carried out so far, has conferred a differential feature, reflected in our School Educational Project. The current projection of our Internationalization and Modernization strategy is based on the following principles that define our participation in the Erasmus Program: Establishment of integral active alliances of transnational cooperation with other schools and companies located in other countries with which we can share and promote new innovative experiences. New schools will be sought through the Erasmus Project Results Platform, eTwinning (the school has the recognition of eTwinning School), School Education Gateway and EPALE. Consolidation, through participation in new projects, of staff and student mobility initiatives as a key element in the professional development of both. Intensification of the dissemination of new projects. Promotion of inclusion and welcome programmes for participants (staff and students from other countries) in Erasmus+ mobility projects, facilitating their adequate adaptation to our environment and sharing good practices with other educational centres, thus strengthening our international cooperation strategy. Creation and dissemination of a protocol and welcome material for all participants from other countries. Promotion of equal access and opportunities to all participants (staff and students), also facilitating the participation of people with fewer opportunities with criteria that guarantee non-discrimination in the selection and during the implementation of the project. Dissemination focused on promoting the participation of participants with disabilities, educational difficulties, economic obstacles, cultural differences, health problems, social barriers or geographical obstacles in Erasmus+ projects with the necessary support and adaptations. Preparation and training in professional, personal and social competences related to labour insertion and active participation in our current and future society addressed to teaching staff and students. Establishment of specific preparation workshops (of social and work skills) before, during and after the mobility. Promotion of training in foreign languages to broaden the professional horizons of students and staff. Language workshops to support the training offered by the OLS platform. Automatic recognition of the mobility (carried out by students and teachers) through recognized certifications in the students' and teachers' files. Revision of the Internationalization and Modernization program following quality criteria and continuous improvement based on the results obtained in the projects that have been implemented. Collaboration in the construction of a European Education Area through the action of the school's Erasmus+ projects that promote the participation of students and teachers by diversifying the opportunities to train and learn in another European country. The objectives of the internationalization and modernization program of our school 2020-2027 are: To improve the quality and efficiency of our training programmes by encouraging the percentage of school dropouts among students between 18 and 24 years old to be below 1%. Increase of the labour insertion (that allows us to go from the 54% of current labour insertion to the 75% of insertion) of the students who graduate in the Advanced Vocational courses with a follow-up of their level of insertion. To achieve that 10% (26 students/year) of our Vocational Training students participate in mobility projects (at this moment the participation figure is 3% of the total number of Vocational Training students) either in a study period, work placement, Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, or Partnerships for Innovation projects, guaranteeing equal opportunities criteria. Promote staff participation (5 members of staff/year) in proposals for continuous training based on new teaching innovation techniques related to an updated professional practice or in mobility projects. Dissemination (school's website, mobility website, social networks, technical conferences and publications of informative articles) of the results of the
Internationalisation and Modernisation programme is obtaining with projection in companies and social organizations and schools located in our environment. The aim is to build new initiatives that allow the improvement of intercultural competences, social awareness, opportunities for virtual mobility and professional exchanges. To make possible mobility initiatives for all students with a wide range of opportunities to acquire and develop key competences, including basic competences, professional, personal and social competences in order to promote employment capacity, socio-educational and personal development, as well as participation in civic and social life. Promotion of training in foreign languages, foreseen in the School's Linguistic Project, and in digital competences. It is important to facilitate the preparation and participation of students and teachers in mobility projects. To strengthen existing international cooperation agreements and to promote new alliances (using work platforms such as the Erasmus Projects Results Platform, eTwinning (our school has the recognition of eTwinning School), School Education Gateway and EPALE) with European schools that facilitate the exchange and collaboration between students and teachers from other countries. Promotion of innovative practices that promote changes in behaviour with regard to preferences, consumer habits and healthy lifestyles. Raising awareness, through information campaigns, of the challenges related to the environment and climate change related to our Green Schools project. Spreading, among students and teachers, the feeling of European identity, knowledge of the European cultural heritage and its implicit diversity. Promotion, especially among young people, of the concept of active citizenship (the school is involved in the UNESCO Associated Schools Network and has already established partnerships with other social entities) and ethics in lifelong learning, the development of social and intercultural skills, critical thinking and media literacy.