1. Website disability friendly 2. How to welcome customers with disabilities? 3. Parking, route of Access, ramps and stairs 4. Handrails and doors 5. Corridors, lifts and toilets 6. Seat, tables and counters 7. Eating and drinking for people with disabilities 8. Conclusions
Website Disability-Friendly Restaurant 1.
Grey-group For those with visual impairments, learning difficulties, hearing loss and more, there are dozens of unique challenges waiting behind every URL. But building a disability-friendly site is a lot simpler than we can think. It is important that our restaurant website caters the needs of people with disabilities. With that in mind, there are plenty of ways to make sure we will be doing our best to create an accessible site.We planned to manage websites in a better way making them more accessible and able for all. Some of the tips we thought to offer are very simple but make the experience of visiting a web more better. Things like making a translation format in different languages or doing the web more bigger than it is normally, which could be a good improvement. Here are a few simple, practical tips to implement when creating a disability-friendly site. 1. Making the website in some languages like English, Spanish or Catalan, for instance: The reason we have decided to offer this tips was the variety of people that exist: from other countries, other cultures and ways to understand they own context of society. 2. Doing an audio-description section of the website. This tip would be good for blind people whose couldn’t see the website as we see it and offering them an alternative to be as we are. 3. Representing articles or entries with images which makes the understand more easily. Using images will be a good form to make the website more structured what could offer one viewing and understand what is going on in the page. 4. Different colors (not too many), big letter in a distinctive type of letter making the read more comfortable. Distinctive colors would be a nice strategy to performance with your website to offer the visitor a perspective with its own unique layout.
5. Maybe we can use some videos on the site with subtitles and audio-description for the blind ones. 6. Using an easily navigate bar for a more comfortable use. You can see some examples of friendly websites below:
2. How to welcome customers with disabilities Some advice to gain accessibility (for restaurants) Red group 1. To have the menus in Braille and some kind of device (like a tablet or something similar) with text-to-speech would be a facility for blind and/or deaf people. And, if the Braille and TTS menus include all the ingredients and allergens, much better.
2. The previous-named device with TTS technology could be used by mute and voice-disabled people for ordering. It would be easier than showing the waiter the things you want from a printed menu and, for the waiter; it would be quicker and easier too.
3. Good signalling of bathrooms. A sign with lighting should be installed to indicate properly the location of they. Also, Braille sign should be placed next to the door to indicate which one is for male and which one is for female users. And to be sure that anyone uses the right WC, a voice message can be programmed to sound when opening the door. Something like: “you’ve entered into male bathroom”.
4. A good welcoming can be reinforced if a voice message like “Welcome to Our Restaurant� sounds at the time that someone enters the restaurant. 5. A closed and tiny reception is not comfortable for most disabled people. It’s a hundred times better to have an open and open-plan space to welcome customers: imagine a person with a wheelchair that enters into a reception of two per two meters, with a column in the middle. She or he will not be able to even take off her jacket! 6. In case of fire or emergency, to make everyone know that something is happening is a priority. For that reason, both sound and light alert devices must be available. Some stroboscopic lights, like the one that we have in the classroom, must be placed throughout the restaurant, also in the bathrooms. Also, the exit must be easy to locate.
7. To finish the list of advice, all the locals that pretend to have a good accessibility need is a flat floor, without slopes and stairs. If a slope must be saved, it should be done with ramps, not stairs. 8. Accompanying the disabled person to his/her corresponding table
9. Saying sentences like “Welcome to our restaurant�, can I help you?
3. Parking route Recommendations for good access to the restaurant Pink group 1. Parking: We would recommend lands of parking with sufficient space to be carried out and to have a good accessibility with the wheel chamber at the moment of retirement and downloading to the car to be pleased to display to the restaurant. 2. Route of access: Directions to our restaurant and details of local transport options can be obtained by contacting the restaurant direct. Orfi Restaurant will have its own car park. The car park will have a number of designated blue badge parking bays. These disabled parking bays will be located to the main entrance of the restaurant.
3.Ramps and stairs Our Restaurant will provide a ramp following disabled patrons. Ramps have to be at least 120 cm, with straight directrix in plan. Induction loops will be installed in our restaurant and portable hearing loops are available in the Bar and Restaurant areas. Customers will be advised to inform the Duty Manager on arrival if they have any special requirements such as requested seating or if they will require any assistance in the event of a fire evacuation.
These ramps are in our pedagogical restaurant(IES BaĂąaderos). They are perfect for our guests to go up and down.
4. Seat, tables and counters Green Group 1.SEAT
❖ In this image we find a chair adapted for people with disabilities. We can also observe that this chair has a table.It is recommended for restaurants, as it has the table together with the chair
Talla 2
Talla 3
30 cm.
34 cm.
39 cm.
Seat width:
27 cm.
33 cm.
37 cm.
Backrest height:
36 cm.
41 cm.
42 cm.
Seat depth:
Seat-floor height::
42-65 cm.
44-70 cm.
Talla 4
48-75 cm.
❖ SOURCE OF THE IMAGE: https://www.google.com/search?q=sillas+adaptadas+para+ni %C3%B1os+discapacitados&tbas=0&tbm=isch&tbas=0&source=lnt&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEtMyypaLgAhUE UhoKHSqRCx8 QpwUIHg&biw=1280&bih=913& dpr=1#imgrc=dD 4vdsU377NwzM:
❖ In this chair people is
image we find a adapted for with disabilities. It recommended for restaurants, since it is more comfortable to chair than one of normal, you can hands and feet. must be a bit than the table, so
for them use this the rest your The chair lower that it can fit in
Talla 2
Talla 3
Talla 4
30 cm.
34 cm.
39 cm.
Seat width:
27 cm.
33 cm.
37 cm.
Backrest height:
36 cm.
41 cm.
42 cm.
Seat-floor height::
42-65 cm.
44-70 cm.
48-75 cm.
https://www.google.com/search? biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=Qk9YXPHLAqrlgweWi66IBw&q=sillas+adaptadas+para+ +discapacitados+para+comer&oq=sillas+adaptadas+para+ +discapacitados+para+comer&gs_l=img.3...44114.45804..45980...0.0..0.97.852.11......0....1..gws-wizimg.......0i8i30.4rOUuLzafpQ#imgdii=ftEwjGF0OMIW6M:&imgrc=yMlVu9VWgZTIsM:
2.TABLES ★ Here we can see a plastic table with neckline to access with the wheelchair or adapted seats. It is necessary to have it in a restaurant, because if someone comes with a wheelchair, or with an adapted chair, they will need to use a table like this one, otherwise the chair will not fit.
Depth of the board:
64 cm
Board width:
77 cm
Floor height to the board :
56-96 cm
Width of the semicerco :
37 cm
★ SOURCE OF THE IMAGE: https://www.google.com/search? biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=cE9YXIK8LYevgwfWnofIDQ&q=mesas+adaptadas+para+ +discapacitados+para+comer&oq=mesas+adaptadas+para+ +discapacitados+para+comer&gs_l=img.3...445752.446505..446985...0.0..0.93.416.6......0....1..gws-wizimg.GD3YwtOeODQ#imgrc=ApSDYIbbYENmbM:
★ Here we can see a high wooden table, highly recommended for restaurants. As the table is high, people who are wheelchair-bound, it is easier for them to get comfortable because the chair fits well, and if in the restaurant there are
chairs adapted to a normal table do not fit, you have to put on a table like is.
Depth of the board:
75 cm
Board width:
77 cm
Floor height to the board :
65-115 cm
Width of the semicerco :
49 cm
★ SOURCE OF THE IMAGE: https://www.google.com/search? biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=TVJYXImqE4Gwgwf1rpXYDg&q=mesas+adaptadas+para+ +discapacitados+para+un+restaurante&oq=mesas+adaptadas+para+ +discapacitados+para+un+restaurante&gs_l=img.3...13984.16978..17348...0.0..0.87.1360.20......0....1..gwswiz-img.......0i8i30.oRMsMkcReMk#imgrc=DTJTAxrnKJ9tSM:
3.COUNTERS ❖ Here as we can see, we found a counter adapted for people with disabilities. It is very necessary and recommended to have it in a restaurant or bar, so all people can be at the bar and pay easily.
Isolated wheelchair space and actual counter way below reach and direct communication with the service staff â?– SOURCE OF THE IMAGES: https://www.kmaccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/wheelchair_spaces_required_atbars_201610_oct_bsj_final.pdf
5. HANDRAILS AND DOORS YELLOW GROUP 1. DOORS The Main Door has to allow the entrance without difference with the pavement level. If there is any difference of level, a ramp should be installed. OUTDOORS ACCESS: 1,20 m wide at least, 2,20 m height. The opening angle should be 90° at least. The opening system must be installed 85-110 from the floor and a slow closing system is appropriate to insure free moving spaces . Door color should contrast to wall color so as to make easy their situation. GLASS DOORS will have a two stripped crossing lines of 20 cm. Or, maybe, great white circles, logos or another signal system. FOLDING DOORS When it is hand opening it requires a given area to insure proximity and opening with appropriate opening and closing systems (beside or front). SLIDING DOORS need less approximation space and they are recommended to small areas. Low rails are not allowed, neither other relief marks or signals
In any case, the opening system should allow its opening with the least strength. Revolving doors are not recommended, then an alternative access is the best option.
https://www.google.es/search? q=tipos+de+puertas+restaurante&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMlYPqpqLgAhXAmMBHXw3DVkQ_AUIDigB&biw=1280&bih=913#imgrc=A1l9H79IMI_wgM:
2. HANDRAILS They are a must beside ramps: the handrail, which should be 0,45 m. longer than the beginning and the end of the ramp and ending on the floor. And 0,90 and 1,05 m height with double handrail between 0,70 and 0,75 m from the floor. If there are stairs, handrails must be on both sides. Continuous easy prehensile and of a contrasted color to the stairs. Not sliding pavement.
Knobs and handles should be designed to make easy its use with just one hand or another body part. Round and smooth form. Color should make contrast with the door. If there’s a detection opening system, it should spread its area so as customers with wheelchair, small people and children can avoid any problem. Opening timing must adjust to the time that people with walking handicaps should need.
http s://www.google.es/search? biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=plBYXNymEs2qgweKwZDADA&q=handrails+types&oq=ha ndrails+types&gs_l=img.3..0i8i30l2.34764.36876..37278...0.0..0.79.455.6......0....1..gws-wizimg.......0i19.bGPMSrL8QAk#imgrc=dR6XdfftU91HWM:
Purple group 1. The restaurant must have wide corridors. People who use wheelchair very often cannot pass through many corridors of the restaurants due to the size of these. We believe that restaurants should take responsibility of this issue and make wide corridors to also guarantee the access of people that use a wheelchair -so they can pass without problems.
2. The restaurant may insert a railing in the restaurant's toilet. This is an important measure to help independent disabled people. So, whenever they need to use the toilet, railing may help them to sit down and get up, and in this way so many restaurant’s toilets would be more accessible.
3. Restaurants must place protective rails in all ramps. This is a security measure that all the ramps for disabled people must have protective rails to avoid falls -because, regardless of the height, if a person falls down he could hurt himself badly-.
4. The sink must be at the proper height. People in wheelchairs do not move around at the same height than people without them, but most of the restaurants only put their sink at the height for people with no disabilities. This only discriminates against disabled people who want to use the toilett features; and they can’t use it because they don’t arrive! For this reason, restaurants must be thinking about this measure and put accessible sinks.
5. The mirror has to be tilted down in order to be adjusted to all people. This advice is related to the one mentioned before. As we have already explained, people who uses wheelchairs aren’t at the same height as people that don’t; therefore, if they want to take a look at the mirror they can’t because the mirrors are too high for them! That’s why we think that all the restaurants must have the mirror to be tilted down. 6. The restaurants must expand the elevator doors.
Most of the people with wheelchairs have problems to access in an elevator because its doors are pretty tight. Consequently, we think that restaurants could expand the elevator doors so people with wheelchairs can enter and exit with any problems.
7. Put a crane in the toilet. Finishing up, we agree that putting a crane -as a support tool- in the restaurant’s toilet is important for this group as they cannot get up of their wheelchair, or their relative ones can’t assume the effort of elevating their weight when helping them to go to the bathroom.
(All the images are taken from pixabay.)
7. Eating and drinking equipment for people with a disability BLUE GROUP This includes information on a variety of cutlery, crockery, protective clothing as well as equipment available to adapt existing items. These products have been designed for use by people with a range of different abilities, and may be used by people in all age groups. Cutlery Using cutlery effectively is essential to independence with eating. A range of adapted cutlery that may assist with difficulties such as reduced grip, tremor or lack of muscle control, use of one hand only, restricted movement and weakness in the arms and shoulders. ● Lightweight cutlery Lightweight cutlery may assist people with weakness of the arms or shoulders, who may have difficulty lifting standard cutlery.
Some of these items also have other features, such as larger handles or angled heads, which may make them easier to use.
SOURCE:https://www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk/eating%20and%20drinking/lightweight-cutlery-1479-p/ â—? Cutlery with large or contoured handles Cutlery with handles that are enlarged and/or contoured to help make them easier to grip. Using cutlery with a larger grip means that your fingers don't need to be wrapped tightly around the handle to grip securely. This can be useful if you find it painful to hold your fingers in a tight grip, or are unable to form a tight grip. Contoured handles are shaped to fit the contours of your hand, which can allow a more secure grip of the handle. Some items also have other features such as angled heads or lighter weight, which may make them easier to use.
â—? Spoons & forks shaped to assist eating
Spoons and forks with shaped cutlery heads designed to be used by someone who has had surgery, for example to their lips, palate or tongue. Many of these items are non-metallic which can also help to protect your mouth and teeth from damage while eating, particularly if you have a strong bite reflex or limited control when lifting the cutlery to your mouth.
SOURCE:https://www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk/eating%20and%20drinking/lightweight-cutlery-1479-p/ â—? Angled cutlery Knives, forks and spoons that have been modified with an angled or swivel head. Some are at a fixed angle, others are adjustable or can be moulded into the required position. Knives may have handles set at a right-angle to the blade, or have a 'rocker' blade to allow food to be cut using a rocking action.
SOURCE:https://www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk/eating%20and%20drinking/lightweight-cutlery-1479-p/ Plates and bowls â—? Bowls & plates with high sides The plates and bowls are designed to provide a 'wall' against which food can be pushed to manoeuvre it onto the spoon or fork. They allow you to have greater control when using one hand, thus reducing the risk of spilling of food over the edge of the plate.
SOURCE:https://www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk/eating%20and%20drinking/lightweight-cutlery-1479-p/ Plateguards Plateguards allow standard crockery to be adapted to help make them easier to use. They provide a wall to push food up against when loading a fork or a spoon and can help prevent food spillage onto the table.
SOURCE:https://www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk/eating%20and%20drinking/lightweight-cutlery-1479-p/ Drinking equipment Information on equipment available to assist with drinking. Cups and mugs, straws, cup holders and equipment to facilitate handsfree drinking. â—? Mugs & cups with straws Cups with an integral straw which have additional features, such as one way valves and mouthpieces to assist with suction and lip closure.
SOURCE:https://www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk/eating%20and%20drinking/lightweight-cutlery-1479-p/ â—? Plastic cups with lids and handles Listed here are cups made from plastic, with lids and handles. Some products feature detachable handles, or may also have two handles. Some points to consider include: two handles allow the weight to be evenly distributed when you hold the cup; a moulded handle, or one with a slip-resistant surface, may be more comfortable to hold and help with grip; if a lightweight cup is needed, modern picnicware which can be lightweight, unbreakable and contemporary in design. You may also need to check that lids with spouts are suitable for left and/or right handed use.
Eating systems
Eating or feeding systems. These systems are designed for people with minimal hand or arm movement, or who have limited control over their movements. These systems may allow you to feed yourself when adapted cutlery or crockery is not suitable. â—? Manually operated eating systems Eating systems that are manually operated. They are designed for use by people who have very restricted movement in their arms or hands, or who have severe tremor or uncontrolled movements and cannot use adapted cutlery or crockery.
SOURCE:https://www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk/eating%20and%20drinking/lightweight-cutlery-1479-p/ â—? Electrically operated eating systems Included in this section are eating systems that are electrically operated. They are designed for use by people who have very restricted movement in their arms or hands, or who have severe tremor or uncontrolled movements and cannot use adapted cutlery or crockery.
It is a strap-shaped adapter with a stabilizer that makes it easier for people with disabilities with Parkinson's to have an improvement at lunchtime Tool to eat
- The bib The function is very simple, it serves for those people suffering from Parkinson's or other diseases that make it difficult to eat without staining, this bib prevents staining clothes, as it is long enough to also cover the thighs.
8. Conclusions
Making your organisation or business more accesible means that more customers can come through our door and use our services; better Access means better business. Access does not have to be expensive – reasonable adjustments mean reasonable changes relative to the size and context of our company. Changing our approach from ‘Do I have to…?’ to ‘What can I do?’ will possibly make the biggest difference of all.