Xueyu Wang | Portfolio | 2022

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Portfolio 2018-2022 Selected works Xueyu WangXueyu.wang116@outlook.com

Prologue Content

Designer is like a kaleidoscope.

Design is the interplay of different dimension.

I liken the designer to a kaleidoscope, just look into the tube and it will present a different pattern, turn it slightly and another pattern of flowers will appear. I think the same is true of the designer, who is not only able to com bine different dimensions to create beautiful designs, but also to present them differently through production. I think of design as the interplay of different dimensions, so the first project in the portfolio, retrofitting revolution, involves an analysis of urban and global aspects as well as a synthesis of landscape architectural planning. The second project, Consequen tial planetary landscape, is an analysis of the global perspective of the city-state. The third project, Coastal formation, provides strategies for intertidal conservation from a landscape perspective. The fourth project, space rebirth, is a holistic enhancement of the area from the perspective of landscape architecture. The fifth project, Degrowth, is a reuse of the buildings and the surrounding landscape. The five pro jects are linked to each other and present their respective themes from different perspectives.

01/ Retrofitting Revolution

[Living Retrofitting Urbanism]

Low-tech retrofitting using living materials and improve people’s life.

02/ Consequential Planetary Landscapes [Spain Liquid Power]

Analysis of the global water condition as well as the causes of the water crisis in Spain.

03/ Coastal Formation

[Intertidal Zone Ecological Future Schematic]

Providing strategies for intertidal conservation, and the creation of ecological landscapes.

04/ Space Rebirth

[Oil Depot Industrial Renovation]

Oil depot renovation to promote local economic development and enhance regional vitality.

05/ Degrowth [Next, In Re-waste]

Adaptive reuse of the waste transfer station and re-engineering of the waste disposal process.

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Designer City Country Global 01 Retrofitting Revolution 02 Consequential Planetary Landscapes Scale Landscape Architecture Planning Type
Xueyu Wang Xueyu Wang[Portfolio] [Portfolio]Prologue Content 03 Coastal Formation 05 Degrowth 04 Space Rebirth

Living Retrofitting Urbanism

Living retrofitting urbanism

FIG.01/ Cover image

Project abstract

Climate change situation

Today, the United Kingdom faces a climate emergency. Many houses and workplaces are at high or medium risk of fuel poverty, and the lack of insulation, to keep warm houses or avoid overheating are at low rates of implementation.Our priority in 2050, with 80% of struc tures already constructed, will be to decarbonize the existing build ings stock.The built environment is critical for adapting to changing and increasingly harsh climatic conditions.It’s time for a change.

What does “living” mean?

In the project, living has two meanings, one is the use of living mate rials for low-tech renovation. The other is the use of living materials for reuse to improve people’s lives.

Purpose of the project

Our project is based on the environmental principles of ecology and the use of living materials, through an analysis of the current use and potential of straw as a building retrofit material to improve existing buildings, infrastructure and communities. We have made our initial policy proposals and the straw retrofit strategy, based on existing pol icies and construction flow. Using the back-to-back house in Leeds as a prototype, we look for opportunities to use the straw to retrofit and also to measure the amount of CO2 change in it. And finally, we look at its application at the community scale. We hope our strategy can combine householders, professionals, and anchor institutions to work together to achieve a low carbon retrofit process and benefit the local communities.

5 01/ Retrofitting Revolution
Location: Harehills, Leeds, United Kingdom Duration: January 2022 to July 2022 Type: Academic/Team work Tutor: José Alfredo Ramìrez Role in team: Conceptual design, Investigation and analysis Technical drawing ( Global & UK mapping, Building analysis, Modeling, Rendering ) Retrofitting revolution Retrofitting revolution[Living retrofitting urbanism] [Living retrofitting urbanism]Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit

Living retrofitting urbanism

FIG.02/ Global and United Kingdom Co2 emissions and energy consume situation

Global climate crisis

Global and United Kingdom Co2 emissions & Energy consume situation

The cumulative territorial and consumption-based CO2 emissions by rank (1970-2015) given by Jason Hickel are shown on the graph , which indicates that higher-income countries have produced more signif icant historical emissions. The United States and Eu rope bear a disproportionate share of the blame for the amount to which countries respond to climate change.

Most countries are experiencing a carbon diox ide emissions crisis, with the United States, China, Europe, and India emitting the most. From the data given by Climate watch, it appears that buildings and construction also play a role in this.

The graph depicts how much energy is consumed in each country and how each country's energy crisis could be alleviated following retrofitting policies.

Finally, the United Kingdom actually produces a lot of carbon dioxide. It bears a lot of responsibility for climate change. The greenhouse gas emissions by sector data from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy shows that buildings account for a quarter of the UK's total CO2 emissions. As a result, the United Kingdom now has an urgent need to execute retrofits to minimise carbon dioxide emissions and save more energy.


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Inside the global Global Co2 emissions (MtCo2e) Outside the global Responsibility for excess emissions0.000000-10.000000 100.000001-250.000000 Energy consume after retrofitting10.0000001-30.000000 250.0000001-500.000000 Energy consume before retrofitting30.0000001-50.000000 500.0000001-1000.000000 Building sector Co2 emissions50.0000001-70.000000 1000.0000001-5281.570000 Total Co2 emissions70.0000001-100.000000 5281.570001-9663.360000 Proportion of total cumulative territorial (1850–1969) and consumption-based (1970–2015) Co2 emissions by rank
Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit

Living retrofitting urbanism


In the face of climate change, the UK has developed a zero-carbon strat egy called Build back greener. It covers many aspects, including power, fuel, industry, heat, buildings, transport and so on.The Italian government issued urgent legislation to revive the economy after the covide-19 period, including the “110% Super-bouns”. It is a bonus scheme to incentivise retrofit. It is a tax advantage If you are an Italian property owner, you can get the bouns by retrofitting the A2 civil habitation class to meet energy

requirements and other standards. As of 1 March, more than 122,000 applications had been ap proved. This scheme boosts the construction GDP, offers more than 15000 new jobs, reduces CO2 emissions and raises public awareness of retrofitting.And in response to the Olympics, France man dates the use of at least 50% wood or bio-based materials in all new public buildings. In the middle of the diagram, the anchor institution is analysed in relation to the subsequent site selection. In the sequence diagram on the far right, policy proposals are made at the level of Uk, city council, organi sation, community and individual in the context of the project study.

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FIG.03/ Policy proposals Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, RetrofitRetrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit

Living retrofitting urbanism

Anatomical map of straw

Based on data from John Butler’s sustainable build consultancy, we have created this anatomical map to describe the existing usage of straw in various sectors of the economy: cultivation, processing, manufacturing and application. Cultivation section shows how we can obtain wheat straw. It starts with sowing wheat berry, then goes through the germination stage, after growing and tiller and producing wheat heads, it is ready to be harvested.

We harvest wheat grains, and the rest of the agricultural by-products are straw. After drying the straw, this stage is over.Then 41% of the wheat straw is used locally, 51% is sold and 2% is used for other purposes. In the lo cal use section, 6% of the wheat straw is used as fertiliser, 20% is used for feeding animals and 15% for animal Bedding.Of the 51% sold, 39% of the wheat straw is exchanged for feed and bedding for animals, while 7% is used for biofuel and 12% for other uses. Of this, 7% goes to factories to produce plastic wheat straw products, which are eventually delivered to shops for purchase. Only 5% of the wheat straw is used for construction, going into material processing plants where it is turned into strawboard for new construction or renovation of houses.

FIG.05/ Kg Co2 cradle to gate emissions per kg of material, including sequestration of biobased materials

https://www.sustainablebuildconsultancy.com/ blog/embodiedcarbon

FIG.06/ Stored carbon https://www.sustainablebuildconsultancy.com/ projects

07/ Four sectors of straw Google images

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FIG.04/ Anatomical map of straw Apply Cultiviation Product Process
Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, RetrofitRetrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit

Living retrofitting urbanism Living retrofitting urbanism

Global wheat straw production & Import situation

It can be seen that most countries produce wheat straw to a greater or lesser extent and it can also be imported from other countries such as Romania and Canada , which indicates to a certain extent that there is a large market and implement ability of the choice of wheat straw for the retrofitting of houses.

UK wheat straw production & straw bale buildings distribution

FIG.09/ UK wheat straw production and straw bale buildings distribution

It is very significant that there are large areas of straw cultivation, mainly in the east of the coun try.At the same time, according to the European straw building association (ESBA) data on the distribution of straw bale buildings, there are already many houses built with straw as a material in the UK, with a high concentration in England.

FIG.10/ UK straw bale buildings

These straw bale buildings show great potential for the implementation of straw-based retrofitting in the UK.

12 13 2 3 4 8
Legends 3969 7733 7734 13327 13328 17345 17346 23477 23478 29383 Inside the global Global wheat straw production per country(hg/ha) Outside the global wheat straw production per country(hg/ha) 29384 35419 35420 43817 43818 54640 54641 67680 Number of wheat straw production Countries that Uk import wheat straw 67681 89596 5 6 7 8 1. Dunmoor 2. Raleghs Cross 3. Sarah Wigglesworth straw bale house 6.Gateway Building at The University of Nottingham's Sutton Bonington campus 7. Hobbit Hideaway 8. New House, Rousay4. Haven Cottage 5. Un Berllan Workshop
FIG.08/ Global distribution of straw
Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, RetrofitRetrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit

Living retrofitting urbanism Living retrofitting urbanism

Focus on Leeds

Focus on Leeds



Through our previous research, we found that Leeds is one of the cities in the UK with high CO2 emis sions. It is also surrounded by many farms and the city council has a retrofit policy. There is also a case where straw has been used to build community. So we chose Leeds as the location for our study.

Leeds current situation & Polices

FIG.15/ whole lifecycle carbon emissions

Leeds Local Plan Update

FIG.12/ Total amount of Co2 emissions FIG.16/ leeds retrofit policies

FIG.13/ Co2 emissions from home heating

According to Place-based Carbon Calculator for England data, the overall CO2 emissions are mainly come from the south western parts of Leeds, in Ardsley & Robin Hood Ward. (FIG.12) Similarly, the CO2 emission from heating gas are also concentrated in the south-west of Leeds. (FIG.13) Refer ring to EPC standard based on the condition of energy use and CO2 emission in housing, Leeds scores D (rating 63.07), and in 2018 around one in ten households in Leeds were living in fuel poverty (10%), the same as the average for England (10%).

FIG.14/ Average housing EPC score

To achieve Leeds zero carbon by 2030, Leeds local plan Update sets out the approach in five aspects to operational carbon that will be necessary to deliver zero carbon buildings. (FIG.27)Now, Leeds gov ernment has secured £37million funding to improve the energy ef ficiency of 4,500 properties including residential buildings in Leeds. The investment will support the council’s commitment to reduce the city’s direct emissions to net-zero by 2030 and will also support lo cal ‘green’ jobs in industries carrying out the improvements. (FIG.28)

14 15 CO2
3.99 Fuel
10.3% Bramley & Stanning Ardsley & Robin Hood Beeston & Holbeck Bramley & Stanning Ardsley & Robin Hood Beeston & Holbeck Gipton & Harehills Ward Roundhay Ward Burmantofts & Richmond Hill Ward
Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, RetrofitRetrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit

FIG.17/ Traditional materials transport to Leeds from other part of the UK (Right)

Living retrofitting urbanism Living retrofitting urbanism

FIG.18/ Conventional retrofit model (Left)

Conventional retrofit process

Conventional retrofit in Leeds

The conventional retrofit process begins with finding a building surveyor to assess whether the home needs retrofitting, if so, there is 20% VAT needs to pay in advance, and then the LABC will evaluate the design scheme from retrofit design company.

Once the plan is finalized, the conventional construction materials like cement, rock, and sand produced in other parts of Britain are sent to the construction site and used to retrofit. After finished, Housing Association will offer the housing to people most suited to that particular property.For traditional retrofitting process, the long transport distances due to the remoteness of the materials and the processing company result in large amounts of CO2 being generated during trans port and lead to longer and more costly retrofitting times.

Straw retrofit process

FIG.19/ Straw retrofit model

We create a straw retrofit system combining householders, pro fessionals, and anchor institutions to work together to achieve a low carbon retrofit process.

FIG.20/ Straw retrofit process

FIG.21/ The beginning of straw retrofit process

Firstly, the house could be proved it needs to be retrofitted by Leeds Sustainability Institution, then the house owners could get the subsidy from the council by applying for the grant.The retrofit company could help design the plan. And the house owners can apply for the mortgage from the Leeds Building Society.Then send the scheme to the living materials companies, and they can help to look for the local suppliers whose straw has already met the standard of construction materials.The closest “flying facto ry” could be selected for residents and professionals to assemble prefabricated panels. The straw is transported to the selected factory and processed to the panels. Then the retrofit materials will be sent to the site.Together with the contractors, the dwell ers can retrofit their own houses under professional guidance.

FIG.24/ Find the nearest “flying factory”

FIG.22/ Get the support of retrofit from anchor institution FIG.25/ Get support from anchor institution while retrofitting

FIG.23/ Select the suitable farms as suppliers

FIG.26/ The house will be rented through housing association

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Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, RetrofitRetrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit

Living retrofitting urbanism

Straw retrofit strategy

Finally, by retrofitting with living materials mode, it not only can offer more affordable houses for locals, brings more opportunities for the construction industry, but also promotes the local market of planting, manufacturing, and animal husbandry, forming an interlinked industrial network, creating more employment opportunities, and promoting the local economic development.

The whole system shows the concept of sourcing locally, engaging largely, and affect ing greatly. It can be applied in a city near the place where biomaterials are produced. According to their own unique characteristics, the supply chain can be different, by using this model in different regions, it can create an innovative, various and sustain bale way of retrofit industry in the UK.

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FIG.27/ Straw retrofit strategy
Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, RetrofitRetrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit

FIG.28/ Back-toBack house structure

Living retrofitting urbanism Living retrofitting urbanism

FIG.29/ Back-to -Back house history

Back-to-Back house history & structure analysis

Back- to-Back houses share party walls on three of the four sides, with only doors and windows on the front walls. Where the toilet and water supply are shared with multiple households in enclosed courtyards.

FIG.30/ Building prob lems analysis

Building problems analysis

Because of the problem of insufficient housing, Leeds started to build back-to-backs in the 1820s. However, the quality of its housing was poor and it was extensively demolished in the 1970s. Even so, Leeds has retained a large number of back-to-back houses, particularly in the Harehills area. Even though the living conditions in this area were not satisfactory, many residents opposed the demolition of back-to-back houses because they considered them to be of significant heritage value.

Based on a preliminary understanding of the history and structure of the Back-to-Back house. This is followed by an analysis of the exist ing problems with their various components.

The lack of roof maintenance resulted in many damaged tiles, which may cause roof leaks. And clogged chimneys, poor ventilation, and a lack of light in the attic could be potential problems for the residents. And there are some cracks, bends, and paint starting to peel can be seen on the ceiling.Poorly constructed staircase and some worn-out furniture that needs to be replaced. In terms of energy usage, old bulbs and plugs may consume a lot more energy, resulting in high electricity bills.The interior walls of the property have problems of wetness, mold, and peeling wallpaper. And the insulation is inadequate as well as the exterior walls, which are poorly insulated in thermal and acoustic. The frames of the windows are distorted and rot. Additionally, heavy erosion can also be seen on the garden wall.

At last, the floor may suffer from gaps, cracks, unevenness, and swollen edges due to high moisture.

20 21
Attic First floor Ground floor Basement
Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, RetrofitRetrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit
1 2 3

Living retrofitting urbanism

retrofit details

When retrofitting, we mainly try to use living materials to retrofit and improve the living environment of the house for the users to meet the standard of Passivhaus.

Firstly, replace the damaged roof tiles with recycled tiles or eco-friendly Vege roofing tiles, which is an Innovative Bio-Composite using vegetable oil in the production instead of cement and clay.Secondly, the poor insulation among traditional roofs is also a reason for high energy bills, the straw board insulation with timber frame produced by Ekopanely company can improve the existing roof and ceilings’ insulation of the house. For the ther mal insulation aspect of the walls,If it is a load-bearing wall, it cannot be easily demolished, but we can add Ekopanely strawboard insulation to its interior side to help reduce heat loss.Add the insulation and draught-proofing under the wooden floor. In order to separate different functional zones, building the straw partition wall can make the most of the space simultaneously.

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Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, RetrofitRetrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit
FIG.31/ Building retrofit details

Living retrofitting urbanism

FIG.32/ Community analysis and design strategy

Community analysis and design strategy

FIG.33/ Community current traffic analysis (left)

FIG.34/ Community current problems anal ysis (Right)

To begin with, the on-site fly factory can produce prefabricated straw materials for retrofit buildings and temporarily store the ma terials. Materials can be carried from here to the adjoining building for repairs.Secondly, as part of the retrofit process, the road next to the building was transformed into a shared street, with planned parking spaces and green space.At the workshop, people can experi ence the process of building materials from straw and have the op portunity to use the tools to transform the interior of their homes.

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Retrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, RetrofitRetrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit

FIG.35/ The section of conventional materi als’ retrofit process

Living retrofitting urbanism

FIG.36/ The section of straw retrofit process

Conventional materials and straw retrofit process comparison

Straw VS Conventional materials

Compared with the conventional retrofit process, straw stores the carbon during the cultivating part, however, the cement production will emit more than 15% CO2. Be cause of sourced locally, the CO2 emission in distribution will be largely decreased. In addition to transportation, us ing the prefabricated panel with offsite techniques acts as a viable step towards cutting down CO2 emissions. Straw has better insulation properties than conventional materi als, which could help reduce 20% CO2 emission and save 15% energy bills when living in a straw-retrofitted house.

In the end life of the straw materials, it can be degraded instead of demolition and become a kind of waste.

All in all, retrofitting with straw can reduce CO2 emis sions by 50% and provide affordable housing for all, pro mote the development of new, organic, and biodegradable materials, and reduce construction waste at the same time.


The ability to combine the supply system of building ma terials with the actual site will help to stimulate the vitality of the area, not only by providing a more comfortable living environment for the inhabitants, but also by increas ing employment opportunities, promoting the economic development of the area and improving regional policies. The programme can also be implemented in other areas and will gradually have an impact on more areas in the fu ture, significantly reducing CO2 emissions and alleviating the energy crisis.

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revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, RetrofitRetrofitting revolution [Living retrofitting urbanism] Climate crisis, Straw, Retrofit

Liquid Power

Liquid Power

Cover image

This research aims to analyse the history of water scarcity in Spain, engineering, and its future development. Spain is arguably the European country with the most severe water crisis in recent years. However, wa ter’s political and ecological importance is not only a recent development in Spain. Throughout history, water politics, economics, culture and engineer ing have infused and embodied countless tensions and conflicts that have driven and still drive leapfrog societies.(E Swyngedouw 2015)

Based on this, the project will look at the global water situation and then analyse water stress in Europe, leading to the water situation in Spain, where the project is located, and its causes. This will be fol lowed by a discussion of the measures that have been taken to combat water scarcity in Spain from ancient times to the present day and the impact of these measures. The main ones are the construction of dams, inter-basin water transfers, and desalination plants. At a regional scale, the third part takes the Spanish city of Almeria to illustrate and demonstrate the changes brought about by the construction of water projects in Spain. Finally, the impact of the water project is analysed on a global scale, and the outlook is given.

29 Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power]
Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Water scarcity, Spain 02/ Consequential planetary landscapes
Location: Almeria, Spain Duration: November 24th 2021 to December 16th 2021 Type: Academic/Team work Tutor: Clara Olòriz, Carlotta Olivari Role in team: Conceptual design, Investigation and analysis Technical drawing ( Anatomical map, Desalination plant map ping & technology analysis, Mapping, Modeling, Profile) Water scarcity, Spain

Liquid power

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Anatomical map FIG.03/ Anatomical map Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Water scarcity, SpainWater scarcity, Spain

Liquid power

Construction of water projects & Influence

The first period from 1939 to 1955 was characterised by a sustained construction of state-led grand hydraulic works, but the dam system is still imperfect, and the achievement is limited. After 1953, announcing the second period proved to be a “watershed” moment in realising Franco’s hydro-vision for Spain. Between 1955 and the end of Franco’s dictator ship, most of Spain’s terrestrial hydro-in frastructure was implemented.

FIG.06/ Impact on


As time went by under the vigorous implementation of water projects, ag ricultural production and population migration both showed an upward trend. Labour inputs and agricultur al transformation have accelerated urbanisation in the south and east.

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FIG.04/ Timeline FIG.05/ Dam construction
Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Water scarcity, SpainWater scarcity, Spain

FIG.07/ 1975-2000

Distribution of water resources in Spain

Liquid power

FIG.08/ 1975-2000

Implementation of the Spanish water transfer policy

Water transfer programme & Influence

FIG.09/ The impact of Spain’s water transfer policy on Almeria

FIG.10/ Groundwater crisis

Liquid power

FIG.11/ Groundwater crisis

Groundwater crisis & Influence

With the depletion of groundwater and the shortage of water resources, Spain is gradually introducing desalination technology

The inter-basin transfer of water and the construction of dams and other major water projects to expand the irrigated area in the south of Spain have led to increasing migration of labour to Almeria. But as the climate changes and the demand for water for agriculture increases, groundwater resources are depleted, and plastic waste from abandoned greenhouses spreads along the rivers.

In 2004, Spain introduced a desalination policy and built a plant in Almeria. Desalination has gone some way to meet the local water demand and alleviate groundwater shortages. The desalination tech nology provides the local population with an adequate supply of freshwater used for drinking purposes and is also piped to the greenhouses.

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Water Transfer Scheme Implementation Water Transfer Scheme Implementation
Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Water scarcity, SpainWater scarcity, Spain

Liquid power

FIG.12/ Distribution of desalination plants in Spain

Distribution of desalination plants in Spain

Eleven desalination plants along the eastern coastline produce large quantities of freshwater day and night. The surrounding tourist attractions are the first sites to be transferred to nearby cities. In fact, except for Almeria, the coastal towns benefit more from tourism than agriculture due to the relatively high price of water.

Low temperature multi-effect

Liquid power


Desalination technology flow charts

Reverse osmosis technology

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desalination FIG.14/
Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Water scarcity, SpainWater scarcity, Spain

Liquid power

Desalination process analysis

Based on the analysis of the distribution and technology of desalination plants, we have chosen the campo dalias desalination plant in Almeria as a case study.

Desalination technology is thus a double-edged sword which, on the one hand, has helped to alleviate Spain’s water shortage and, on the other, has caused problems.

Excessive costs

The final price per cubic metre of desalinated water depends to a large extent on a combination of source (brackish or seawater), energy, transport, labour costs, etc., which makes the price of desalinated water in Spain fluctuate between 0.6 and 1 euro per tonne.

For farmers who need a lot of water, the cost is too high unless there are large subsidies. Many farmers prefer to drill wells illegally and draw on the already scarce groundwater reserves for irrigation.

Impact of waste from large scale desalination

Key to this is the need to release the highly saline residual water back into the environment on the one hand and the increased production of carbon dioxide due to the high energy requirements of desalination on the other. The brine is usually mixed with seawater and then pumped back into the sea. Marine ecologists are concerned about the physicochemical composition of the residual water in the marine ecosystem.

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FIG.16/ Desalination plant profile FIG.17/ Campo dalias desalination plant process analysis
Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Water scarcity, SpainWater scarcity, Spain

FIG.18/ Location of desalination plants

Liquid power

FIG.19/ Water tansfer megaproject

Global distribution of desalination plants & Future prospects

To solve the global water shortage crisis, more and more countries are adopting desalination plants as a solution. For the time being, the Spanish government may need to come up with new solutions, such as prioritising agricultural water use, choosing more affordable crops and more sustainable irrigation methods, or re-evaluating previous schemes to come up with more optimal water-saving solutions.In the future, Spain will have to find more effective solutions to the water crisis while facing the pros and cons of desalination policies.

Liquid power

FIG.20/ Spanish desalination company expands


According to Spanish environmentalist A. Molina.

Water shortages and water imbalances remain a concern in Spain. The increasing frequency and duration of droughts and water shortages are indicative of a failure of environmental sustainability. At present, the overexploitation and degradation of water resources is already at a high level and the problem is already serious. However, a secure water supply for economic activities should also be guaranteed.

Water has always been a focus of attention in Spain. The social and natural production of Spanish society can be illustrat ed by tapping into the central role of water politics and engineering in the modernisation process of Spain. This workshop sorted out the causes of droughts in Spain since ancient times and the policies followed by Spain in response to water scarcity at different times, visualising the information at several dimensions - global, national, and local. We developed a better understanding of data collecting, documentation, and visualisation during this process. What can a designer do in this situation? Designers can use these methodologies to investigate Spanish water policy, dam construction trends, and water transfers in Spain, among other things. Designers can also serve as storytellers. We can utilise some of our designs to uniquely communicate the message we want to send to various stakeholders, attracting their attention to the problem.

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Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Consequential planetary landscapes [Liquid power] Water scarcity, SpainWater scarcity, Spain

Intertidal zone ecological future schematic

Location: San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA



FIG.01/ Cover imageintertidal zone ecological future schematic

As you walk along the coast, you often see tourists coming into the intertidal zone. But over time, the intertidal zone area decreases gradually, and the economic and ecological benefits weaken gradually. Therefore, this project’s theme is how to utilize and protect the intertidal zone from creating a beautiful coastal environment.

The project is located in San Francisco Bay, USA. The design aims to create an ecological landscape that provides habitats for plants and animals and places for visitors to rest. It can deal with flooding and provide strategies for intertidal protection around the world.

October 2019 to January 2020


43 Coastal formation [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic ] [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic ]Mangrove conservation , Sponge city Mangrove conservation , Sponge city
schematic] 03/ Coastal Formation

Intertidal zone ecological future schematic

The intertidal zone, also known as the foreshore or seashore, is the area above water level at low tide and un derwater at high tide (in other words, the area within the tidal range).

This area can include several types of habitats with various species of life, such as seastars, sea urchins, and many species of coral with regional differences in biodiversity.

As can be seen from the map, the intertidal zone has a broad global distribution, especially in the USA, Brazil, China, and Madagascar.

Climate change, rising sea levels, soil erosion, and increased storms are all threats to the intertidal zone.

In the left panel of biological zoning in the intertidal zone, the distribu tion of the marginal intertidal zone and the True intertidal zone can be clearly seen. In the right panel, the formation of the intertidal zone

analysed in terms of its economic and ecological benefits as well as the reduction of the area.

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Intertidal zone background introduction FIG.02/ Global inter tidal zone distribution FIG.03/ Biological zoning in intertidal zone FIG.04/ Formation and destruction of intertidal zone
The tidal zone between rising and falling tides, with its moist soil, creates the right environment and gives rise to the intertidal zone. This place can be used as a place for recreation and rest to enjoy the scenery, generating certain economic benefits.d Intertidal zone annual average wind speed up to 6-7 m/s, can be used for wind power development.d It can be used as a significant foraging site, stopover point, and habitat for biodiversity for endangered species. Due to land reclamation, river and sediment balance changes, coastal erosion, and water pollution, the intertidal zone area has been gradually reduced. Intertidal zone formationdemic Intertidal economic benefitsdemic Intertidal ecological benefitsdemic Intertidal zone area decreased Coastal formation [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic ] Mangrove conservation , Sponge city [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic]Coastal formation Intertidal economic benefitsdemic Mangrove conservation , Sponge city

Intertidal zone ecological future schematic

Geological analysis

Status analysis


Location analysis

/the United States/ /California/ /San Francisco Bay Area/

The San Francisco Bay Area, referred to as the Bay Area, is located in the Sacra mento River's lower reaches around the San Francisco Bay, including a number of large and small cities. The site is located in the Coastal intertidal zone of Emeryville.

surrounding analysis Berkeley Hilton Garden Inn Design field Emeryville Sewage treatment works Economic analysis Traffic analysis
facility analysis
Coastal formation [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic ] Mangrove conservation , Sponge city [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic]Coastal formation Mangrove conservation , Sponge city
46 47
48 49 FIG.05/ Intertidal zone spatial analysis FIG.06/ Ecological landscape strategy Coastal formation [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic ] Mangrove conservation , Sponge city [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic]Coastal formation Intertidal zone ecological future schematic Intertidal zone spatial analysis & Ecological landscape strategy Mangrove conservation , Sponge city

Master plan

Coastal formation [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic ] Mangrove conservation , Sponge city [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic]Coastal formation f l 5150 Mangrove conservation , Sponge city

Intertidal zone ecological future schematic

During the dry season, the platform can be used, as a place for people to relax and provide more space for excursions. The interior of the site is like a wetland. Aquatic plants can purify the rainwater, while visitors can play on the platform and pro vide creatures’ ecological habitat.

During the rainstorm, the interior of the site is able to collect rainwater promptly, infiltrate rainwater, and pro vide staying space for visitors at the same time. This provides ample space for visitors to rest even in rainy weath er, making full use of the landscape.

52 53
FIG.07/ Landscape scene above ecological water sports platform after storm event FIG.08/ Landscape scene above ecological water sports platform during storm event
zone ecological future schematic
Mangrove conservation ,
zone ecological future schematic]
formation Mangrove conservation ,
Sponge city
Landscape scene above ecological water sports platform

Intertidal zone ecological future schematic

54 55 Coastal formation [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic ] Mangrove conservation , Sponge city [Intertidal zone ecological future schematic]Coastal formation Mangrove conservation , Sponge city
Landscape vision FIG.09/ Landscape vision above forest trail FIG.10/ Landscape scene above recreation deck ( left ) FIG.11/ Landscape scene among viewing platform ( Right )

Oil depot industrial renovation

FIG.01/ Cover image

The design site is located in Hangzhou Gongshu district Xiaohe oil depot, which was built in the early 1950s. It is the first oil depot built in Zhe jiang province after the founding of new China.

In addition, the site is adjacent to the Grand Canal and contains historical deposits. Accord ing to the geographical location, the analysis and design of its surrounding environment, popula tion functional needs, etc., can make this place a landmark site, making it a dynamic, compre hensive park that can promote the local regional economic development, meet the activity needs of the surrounding population.

57 Space rebirth Space rebirth[Oil depot industrial renovation] [Oil depot industrial renovation]Industrial heritage renovation Industrial heritage renovation
04/ Space Rebirth Oil depot industrial renovation Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Duration: October 2018 to February 2019 Type: Academic/Individual


Oil depot industrial renovation Oil depot industrial renovation

Peripheral population analysis

According to the survey and analysis, tourists mainly visit the park around 4 PM and mostly focus on the rest days. Workers spend most of their lunch breaks around 5 PM and 12 pm, and most of their time on weekdays. The distribution time of residents is rela tively uniform. More people are using the park at around 8 am and 3 pm and 5 pm.




lot, west

the founding of new

In the analysis diagram, the main groups of people around the site are classified, mainly tourists, workers, kids youngsters, and the elder, and the functional needs of the different groups are summarised, such as leisure and sports needs, in order to deduce the spatial form and function required for the design of the site.

58 59
is located next to Xiaohe Zhijie historical and cultural block, east to Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, south to
phase parking
to Xiaohe Road, north to Kaiderong Bay, built in the 1950s, is the first oil depot in Zhejiang province after
China. FIG.05/ Population classification and use time analysis FIG.06/ Functional requirement analysis FIG.02/ Site location
The Bei jing-Hangzhou Grand Canal historical back ground ( Left ) FIG.04/ The Bei jing-Hangzhou Grand Canal profile ( Right ) Space rebirth Space rebirth[Oil depot industrial renovation] [Oil depot industrial renovation]Industrial heritage renovation Industrial heritage renovation
Site location & Historical background

Oil depot industrial renovation

Oil depot industrial renovation

Movement analysis

Tank transformation strategy

60 61 FIG.08/ Tank transformation strategy FIG.07/ Movement analysis Space rebirth Space rebirth[Oil depot industrial renovation] [Oil depot industrial renovation]Industrial heritage renovation Industrial heritage renovation

FIG.09/ Waterfront


Oil depot industrial renovation

FIG.10/ Tank trans formation strategy

Waterfront landscape type & Tank transformation strategy

62 63 Space rebirth Space rebirth[Oil depot industrial renovation] [Oil depot industrial renovation]Industrial heritage renovation Industrial heritage renovation
( Middle )
( Right )

Oil depot industrial renovation


Master plan

Master Plan introduction

The master plan takes diversity as the theme, uses the site’s basic conditions, and divides its different spaces and features. The site will be designed from four aspects.

1. The use of different levels of the road to form a streamline so that each site has integrity.

2. By introducing the canal water, the tourist space inside the site is enriched to fully meet the needs of visitors for a water-loving experience.

3. Provide large events and performance venues and create large open grass spaces. A space for visitors to relax and enjoy.

4.Gathering business, through the reuse of the existing site oil tank, so that it has performance, exhibition, and other functions. Energise the site and drive the local economy.

64 65
Space rebirth Space rebirth[Oil depot industrial renovation] [Oil depot industrial renovation]Industrial heritage renovation Industrial heritage renovation
FIG.11/ Master Plan FIG.12/
situation ( Right )


Oil depot industrial renovation


Vegetation and rainwater collecting system design & Site renderings


66 67 Space rebirth Space rebirth[Oil depot industrial renovation] [Oil depot industrial renovation]Industrial heritage renovation Industrial heritage renovation
A-A’ vege tation and rainwater collecting system design
Collage for tank activity center ( Left )
Collage for waterfront promenade ( Right )

Next in, Re-waste

Next in, Re-waste

FIG.01/ Cover image

Cringle dock solid waste transfer station is a waste transfer station located in the London Borough of Nine Elms. In recent planning, industrial sites have been released. For example, the Battersea Power Station in the Vauxhall area of Nine Elms, London, where Cringle Dock is located, will be redeveloped into a mixed residential, commer cial, retail, and leisure complex. The transfer station, which is over 40 years old, is architecturally very much at odds with the proposed new development.

With this in mind, the project applies the New Deal concept to reno vate and update the Cringle dock solid waste transfer station. The flow of waste disposal has been planned and the rest of the site has been rationalised. The design of the site has been adapted to fit in with the Western Riverside Waste Authority (WRWA) policy and to facilitate the development of a better waste recycling network in the Wand sworth area.

69 Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation
Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] 05/ Degrowth
Location: Cringle Dock Solid Waste Transfer Station, Nine Elms, London Duration: October 11th 2021 to October 28th 2021 Type: Academic/Team work Tutor: Eduardo Rico Role in team: Conceptual design, Investigation and analysis Technical drawing ( Mapping, Photoshop drawing) Landfill renovation

Next in Re-waste

Panoramic views of wandsworth

Cringle Dock is one of 50 secure protected docks on the River Thames at Wandsworth, allocated to barges for cargo handling. It is one of London’s key waste infrastructures. Cringle Dock has operated as a waste transfer station since 1972 and is protected by planning policies contained in the London Plan 2011 and Wandsworth Council’s Core Strategy. These policies require that any development close to the secure dock must minimise the potential for conflict of use and disturbance.

70 71
FIG.02/ Panoramic views of Wandsworth
Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation

Next in Re-waste

Before site renovation

At this stage, the station is for lorry use only and, based on further site research, the site faces serious problems with dirty road surfaces, outdated facilities, and confusing routes for people and vehicles. Despite its protected dock status, the arrival of large numbers of residents, workers, and visitors will undoubtedly cause problems in the area if redevelopment does not take place, seriously affecting the operation of Cringle Dock. In addition, the current oper ational design of the waste transfer station is based on a waste storage silo; while functioning properly, the open-air system sometimes emits an unpleasant odour.

72 73
Cringle Dock before renovation Left: Site status Right: Interior view of the building
FIG.03/ View of Cringle Dock before
renovation Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation

Next in Re-waste

After site renovation

Following the design, we have divided the site into two areas. One is the waste transfer station area, where the functional flow of the site is improved, not only for waste disposal but also for the processing of objects to maxim ise recycling. The workshop and recycling garden is a place where people can use their waste products for human processing and turn them into treasures. The recycling garden also provides a resting place and a recycling market to maximise the vitality of the area.

74 75
FIG.07-08/ Cringle Dock after renovation Left: Refuse transfer station Right: Workshops and recycle garden
View of Cringle Dock after renovation Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation

Next in Re-waste

Site design

this site, the waste is stored and sorted through the plant

can then be transported by river to the community or

for further processing, depending on the outcome

the sorting process. For the design of the recycling garden

workshop, we decided to leave more functional choices

the users, mainly in the modular garden and workshop,

it took time for the community and people to get used to

site’s construction.

Vehicle transport waste entrance Quay

dumping inlet Workshops

Rubbish storage Recycle Garden

Repair and processing of rubbish goods Second—hand market

Cringle Dock after renovation


port waste disposal process

port waste disposal process

76 77
Greenwaste Black bag Transporting waste Dumping waste Chair Cardboard Transporting waste Workshops Storage Refuse transfer station disposal Washing machine Cardboard Types of workshops The recycling station has a self-drop-off area at the recycling garden where people can bring in their waste or bring in waste that they want to dispose of at the workshops. Paper making Workshop Garden waste Workshop 3D printing Workshop Robotic arm Workshop Woodworking Workshop 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7
FIG.11/ Self-drop
Garden Waste treatment plants Garden waste workshop Quay New chair Community Classification Woodworking Workshop Transport Robotic arm Workshop Second-hand market Workshops 3D printing Workshop Paper making Workshop There are five types of workshop, which can be adjusted at any time as people’s needs increase or change. The format of the recycling garden will also be updated as the workshop items are produced and people’s needs change. 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 8 Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation

Next in Re-waste

Deliver to other places

Here, more and more processed items can be delivered to the site itself and the wider surrounding area. Processed furniture, for example, can be transported to neighbouring schools, furniture shops or communities. Similarly, wash ing machines, bicycles and even processed products can be transported to laundries, bicycle shops, repair points, neighbouring parks, agricultural gardens etc., for reuse.

In the future, we hope that this model can be replicated everywhere, with as little waste as possible and as little waste as possible. Rubbish is no longer rubbish; it is “Next in Re-waste”.

78 79
FIG.12/ Panoramic views of Wandsworth after design
Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation Degrowth [Next in, Re-waste] Landfill renovation

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