Gingeragraphy 2011

Page 1

Gingeragraphy是我自己的學問,就像小王子的故事開頭那張圖畫想表達的一樣,簡單的說,就 是隨時保持著一顆赤子之心。我相信要做好的設計,必不能局限於有限的事物上, 雖然伴隨著成長,我們學習到如何用經驗做判斷,但用創意做決定才有跳脫框架的 機會。看似平凡的帽子,之中卻是別有洞天的敘事空間,這就是我想做的設計。 is a study of myself. Just like the picture in the story of Little Prince. What it wants to say is to be “childlike” and “open-minded”. I believe that making a good design, we couldn’t be limited. Although we’ve learned how to judge things with our experience during our upgrowning, making decision by creative thinking would bring you to be outside of box. Things that seem normal as the hat but actually with a large story inside like the elephant - that’s what I want to do in design.

01 | About Ginger

About Ginger 林巾靖 台灣科技大學



臺北市立中崙高級中學 畢業

Jin-Jing Lin

National Taiwan University of Sience and Technology -Departmen of Creative & Design -Major in Industrial Design

相關經歷 2011 法藍瓷陶瓷設計大賽專案小組


2011 國科會前瞻計畫 2011 新一代設計展


2009 信錦工業設計獎


2010 馬祖創意設計大賽






Villa Duchesne Oak Hill - Sacred Heart 寒假交換學生

Experience 2011 FRANZ AWARD

design team

2011 NSC Ideastorming project 2011 Yonex design exhibition

2010 Shin-Ging Industrial Award Silver Award Student Organization Art Leader

NTUST Graduation Preparing Organization Art Leader Exchange Student of Villa Duchesne Oak Hill

About Ginger | 02

設計對我來說是一種思考模式 ,是每個人在經驗的累積下,產 生獨有的思維能力。經過設計的 產物,其結果導向是美好的、令 人愉快的,且同時表達了設計師 的一些期許。我希望這樣的設計 思維,不只是在創作上,它同時 也可以是一種生活的態度和方法, 讓我們的生活導向愛與和平。同時 我認為,設計師應該要時常去思考 “什麼是設計?”就如同哲學家們 不停的探究“我是誰?”一樣, 會因生命的成長而得到不同層次 的解答。

03 | Contents



Product Design 07

iCare - 2011 ideastorming


國科會前瞻計畫 15

EZ - Chef


Bumps Stickers


Cushion Shredder


A+ Purified




Papper, Sea salt, Stone


Potted City


Pots - able


Audio Design

Graphic Design


Package Design 51

Transfiguration salon


Delight Yogurt




Sugar cane Juice


Photography & Graphic


Poster Design


Book Cover Design


Editorial Design

Contents | 04


Design Sketch


Commercial Design 83

Chercher Coffee CIS


Sonar Design CIS.


Franz Award Promotion


2D&3D Rendering 95

2D Renderings


Batman Car


3D Rendering


Design Sketches


Motorcycle Design


Car Sketch


Product Design

07 | Product Design

iCare | 08

09 | Product Design

, ,



Xbox Kinect / / /

machine learning


new generation

iCare | 10

photo, video or music RGB LED



Daily health record

Combine Daily used Tech

Important Functions

Smart Control

Care Anytime

11 | Product Design

User Interface

iCare 的主選單主要有四個功能,分別為聯絡人、訊息、 健康紀錄以及基本設定,簡化了一般通訊產品的多餘功能, 使年長者在界面操做上更容易。 The main menu of iCare including 4 features which are Contact Book, Massge, Health record and setting. It simplifies the muti-functions from generous communication products. It makes elders feel easier and more friendly on the interface.

iCare | 12

聯絡人選單: 在上方選定聯絡人後,可決定以 下三個動作:照像、錄影、撥電話,做為發送訊 息的三種形式。 Contact book: After deciding the contact, there is 3 kinds of actions can be doing: taking a picture, recording a vedio or making a phone call. Each of them could be a media message to be sent.

收件匣:訊息的三種形式分別為音樂檔、照 片檔、影片檔,依照檔案形式的不同,顯示於訊 息封面,並且上方會有寄件人名稱及寄件時間。 Massage Box: With 3 different kinds of massages- music, photo,and vedio- it would apear different kinds of looking on the cover of the massages.

開啟訊息:訊息右方顯示寄件人照片,點選 照片即可撥電話給聯絡人。訊息也可以以全螢幕 模式觀賞。 Open the Massage: On the right side, it would display the photo of the sender, selecting it to give a phone call to the sender. However, Massage can be shown in full screen as well.

與健康檢測儀器訊息傳遞:當已配對的健康 檢測儀器有資訊的接收,便會通知iCare,並且將 相關健康紀錄重送到iCare健康紀錄資料庫。 Connecting with health detecting device: When health detecting device wich had made a pair receive a new information, it would inform iCare and send the information to iCare health record detabase.

13 | Product Design


iCare is a digital mail box for elders which is able to receive photos, vedios, and music and show the images on TV. Furthermore, it cares about parents’ health and made records for familes to be aware of elder’s health condition so that you don’t have to worry about the distance. The most important thing is that you don’t need to learn how to operate it, your body is the control. Intuitional and user-friendly.

iCare | 14

iCare -

Stop motion animation

- Grandma始s day with iCare

2011 NSC Present Music by Ginger Drawing by Ginger & Willy Derector Ginger After Effect by Ginger & Willy


15 | Product Design

EZ Chef | 16

17 | Product Design

User interface a.








connect to the internet...


Maxican Salad This recipe is going to take a

step 1.

leap of faith – you’ll have to take my word on it until you’ve tried it for yourself. I know what you’re thinking...

Maxican Salad

Cut the vegetables into small piece

Canadian Salad This recipe is going to take a


leap of faith – you’ll have to take my word on it until you’ve tried it for yourself. I know what you’re thinking...

Potato Pasta This recipe is going to take a leap of faith – you’ll have to take my word on it until you’ve tried it for yourself.

*1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved *1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil *2 tablespoons minced shallot *1 tablespoon all-purpose flour *2/3 cup low-fat milk *2 tablespoons sherry

EZ Chef | 18

19 | Product Design

BUMPs sticker Make it visible through your fingertips!

Concept While people who have difficulty in sight going shopping, it's much easier to ask for help and get what they want. However, as soon they got home, there were so many similar bottles and packages which are hard to differentiate them from each other. Here is Bumps Sticker. It is extremely portable and easily paste on all kinds of things to help blind people pressing the bump dots on the sticker.making mark by simply pressing the bump dots on the sticker.

Bumps Stickers | 20

Features 1. Helping blind people making mark by pressing the bump dots on the sticker. It could be a Braille or just a personal signal. 2. It would be purchased as a large sheet of sticker, and could be torn down as strips, one by one. There are six stickers in each trip. Moreover, the strip could be connected as a bracelet.



bracelet shopping list

21 | Product Design

ion A smart cushion greens your shredder.


hen we are talking about the enviromental problems, is there any other way just sitting at the same place and liveing in the same life? Sure, Here is Cushion Shredder. It is an eco-friendly appliance which can reproduce a new papper folder from shredded papper. It would be saving energy when people sitting upon it. As a result, it ‘s unplugged. What you need is taking it as a cushion and sitting on the chair as usual. See, you can easily have an eco-life!

Cushion Shredder | 22

23 | Product Design

ion A smart cushion greens your shredder.

When we are doing shredding, it’s easy to feel guilty about so many pappers we have used. But what we can do is only to take them to the recycle station. And keep using papper, shredding them. what if they can be reproduce to a pratical thing in office?


Cushion Shredder B o d y temperature is used to be the energy resource.

Papper in

Adjusting the width along with the chair.

Reproduced papper folder is practical & personalized.

Reduce Reuse Recycle creats eco-life

Folder out

Cushion Shredder | 24

Body heat sensor doing energy saving(under the cushion)

Green fiber

Amount of papper


shredding er ced fold

u Reprod

Energy transforming while sitting on the cushion. It’s also more convient to have the shredder aroud, since we don’t have to walk away for shredding.

The output tray can be folded to save the space.

25 | Product Design

A+ purified carries the distinction of not only being the most effective air purifier on the market, but also the easiest and most economical air purifiers to care for.

A+ Purified | 26


A Purified supplies you with a beautifully clean and healthy air, and does that in style.

27 | Product Design

Power botten

Clean air Clean air

polluted air

A+ Purified 是一個都會型空 氣清靜機,有別於一般空氣 清靜機的笨重,跳脫造型的 框架,想帶給使用者全新的 感受,輕盈利落的外型,讓 年輕人不在覺得空氣清靜機 是老古板!

polluted air

A+ Purified | 28


A Purified supplies you with a beautifully clean + and healthy air, and does that in style.

A+ Purified 形象廣告

29 | Product Design

Baller | 30

Baller Hinge 是一款使用者可以隨心所欲自由轉動的螢幕底座,與螢幕接楯的球可 以接近360度的轉動,而底下的金屬管可以自由調整彎曲,讓螢幕的角度完全的符合 使用者的需求。基於運送上的考量,底座支架上的轉軸可使金屬軟管合併,以達到 最小的面積。 Baller Hinge is an unique hinge that can be moving around as freely as you want. The ball which connected with monitor can be turning around in three dimentions. And the metal hose on the bottom can be twisted freely to match one’s need of screen. Considering the transportation, the foothold is foldable in order to save spaces..








31 | Product Design

2010馬祖文化創意設計大賽- 入圍 林巾靖 黃筱媛

Paper, Seasalt, Stone | 32


設計理念 屋簷上,以石為天;屋簷下,以食為天。

使用材料 石頭調味罐-以陶為材質。 底座的部分-以木頭為材質,以達到輕巧 的目的。

以馬祖建築特色”壓瓦石”為啟發,以及一 句”民以食為天”為靈感,結合民生飲食與當地 文化,色香味與文化氣息具全的調味罐,可做為 觀光的最佳禮品。 三種調味罐的內容物設定為胡椒,鹽巴以及醬油 ,呼應副標題”pepper, sea salt, stone”,掌心大 小的圓滑的石頭,拿握方便且舒適,而底座的設 計以當地常見的屋頂結構相似,擺放在餐桌上, 展開一場美食與文化的饗宴。

使用技術、製作流程 / 調味罐(調味粉罐-2個): 選取天然的石頭去翻模,保留石頭特有 的紋路與質感,底部挖孔可以補充調味 料,底部附上橡膠栓子。 / 調味罐(醬料罐): 同樣利用石頭翻模製作,分為上蓋與瓶 身,並附上木質湯匙。 / 底座: 木頭切割與彎曲加工,以卡榫連接各部

產品包裝 以木盒為主要包裝,包裝外燙上壓瓦食的 字樣,內部使用發泡材料包裝,並以泡殼材質, 做出與調味罐相契合的底座,具有耐撞與方便 拿取的效果。

33 | Product Design

Potted City 是象徵城市希望的盆栽,在栽種的過程中, 反映著在這個城市裡我們耕耘的每一分綠意,展現出城市 與自然“共居”的意象,讓大家一起參與美化城市。 Potted City is a pot which simblizes the hopeness of a city. By Plantting, we are helping greening our city. It shows the image of city Co-residence with nature. Let’s greening the city!

Potted City | 34

//產品特色// “Potted Ciyt-植,台北“ 是一組桌上 型小盆栽,每一個組件都有一個台北 的特色建築,組合盆栽可以讓使用者 自行增加或減少或依喜好配置 ,種植 的植物會和盆栽內的建築共居,讓使 用者透過植栽的過程參與設計屬於自 己的的台北,也同時能切身感受到自 然與城市的聯繫。 Potted City is a modular desktop pot. Each part contains a feature building of Taipei. The modular pot can be subjoined or taken away in order to one’s preferences. While people doing plantting, they are also designing in our city and being aware of the connection between the nature and the city.

35 | Product Design

Pots-able | 36

37 | Product Design

Pots-able | 38

39 | Product Design


Design Perffessional Practice - High Class Audio Design

Audio Design | 40

Team member 李揚升 郭超 蘇天雲 張吉智 徐苑齡 黃熾偉 graphic, sketch, CI- 林巾靖

41 | Product Design

Audio Design | 42


Design Perffessional Practice - Low Class Audio Design

Team member 李揚升 郭超 蘇天雲 張吉智 徐苑齡 黃熾偉 林巾靖 - graphic, sketch, CI

43 | Product Design

������ / ���������������������������� ������������������������� �����������������

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Audio Design | 44

/ Target : Ipod user / Ipod Research

�������� ������������������ ���������������� ������������������ ����

2GB NT$1,689

29 x 31.6 x 8.7

8GB NT$5,690

160GB NT$9,490

37.5 x 40.9 x 8.78

103.5 x 61.8 x 10.5

16GB NT$6,790

���������������������� ������������������ ���������������

2GB NT$1,689

8GB NT$5,690

16GB NT$6,790

160GB NT$9,490

8GB NT$8,690

32GB NT$11,290 64GB NT$14,990

111 x 58.9 x 7.2

45 | Product Design

/ Ipod Research Conclusion ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������

���������� ���������� ��������� ���������� ����

/ Mapping ��

高階喇叭市場, 外觀皆傾向於低 彩幾何



低階喇叭訴求創新、 吸引年輕人,高彩度 有市場機會。

Audio Design | 46

/ 2D & 3D Rendering

47 | Product Design

/ Senarios

Ripple To p A u d i o m a k e s ripple in the world.

Audio Design | 48

Colorn Have your own style on music, on audio.


Package Design

51 | Package Design

Transfiguration Salon | 52








產品名稱:Transfiguration Salon







咖啡豆堆疊的石 膏模原型

概念說明: 用它作為這次的包裝,在進入photoshop處理過後,表面的凸起顆

Product Name:Transfiguration Salon Material: coffee bean


Use for : Transfigurarion


Concept :


Helping animals fullfill their dreams to


become what they want to be or just for




53 | Package Design

Delight yogurt

with reishi

Delight Yogurt | 54

產品名稱:Delight yogurt (靈芝口味) 材質表現:餅乾表面紋理 概念說明: 在用photoshop處理之後餅乾的紋理變得 難以辨識,隨著彩度和明暗對比的增加,讓 人覺得有甜美多汁和果粒的感覺,所以決 定將材質用在優格包裝上,之選擇靈芝口 味的優格,是由於表面的顆粒和絲狀感覺 像是蕈類的細部,所以整體看起來是個甜 美的靈芝優格。 標準字:Papyrus 使用材料:塑膠盒、相片紙列印

Product Name:Delight yogurt Material: Coockies surface Use for : Delight your pet, make it happy and feeling be loved. Concept : People lives in the city are busy and lonely, so they decided to have a pet as a companion. However, when they are getting busy, their beloved companion as soon become lonely and unhappy. That’s what we are dealing with. Take this Delight yogurt, make your pets delighted.

55 | Package Design

產品名稱:無敵藥水 材質表現:瓦愣紙表面紋理 概念說明: 金屬感的瓦愣紙紋路,有高反光及堅硬的 感覺,和鐵皮屋的屋頂很像,用在飲品包裝 上像是喝了會變成鋼鐵人一樣的堅固,標 準色使用灰階搭配金屬光澤看起來更加 陽剛,玻璃瓶材質和金屬質相呼應讓產品 看起來更精緻。

Invincible Herb | 56

Product NameInvincible Herb Material: corrugated paper surface Use for : Make pets formidable Concept : While people are busy working, they always forget their lovely pet’s body health. Invincible Herb gives all kinds of nutritions that normal animals need. Simply Herb Simplycare for your best companion.

57 | Package Design

倒出甘蔗 “倒出甘蔗” 取成語“倒吃甘 蔗“的諧音和意思,ㄉㄠˋ在台語 有“湊起”的意思,傳達了在瓶身 設計上的巧思,包裝上用甘蔗表面 材質讓購買者能更一目了然,使用 時,就像是從甘蔗裡倒出甘蔗汁一 樣自然甘醇。

Sugar cane juice | 58

“倒出甘蔗”的設計想要利 用最直覺的感官刺激使人一目了 然,並且利用模組的概念將多個 小單位組合成為一個主體,這樣 在銷售上也有機會促進多量的銷 售,且在運輸和搬運上的考量讓 產品從賣家到買家的一整個流程 都有設計到,讓產品不只在外觀 與使用上的趣味,還有許多實際 的考量。

combine to be a sugar cane!

Save Space square bottle

circle bottle


Graphic Design

61 | Graphic Design

Photography & Graphic


In memory of my passing childhood.

Be Childlike Photograph by Ginger Lin 2010

Be childlike. Be curious. Be creative. Be naive.

Ging Mountain

Be Childlike 能嬰兒乎?

Photography & Graphic | 62

人心之不足 不足以污辱 沒有眨眼能力的蛇 蛇吞下象 是持有零息的一年期定存行為 是有容乃大 天賦讓他們吃撐得很自然 蛇之心腸只狠在吃夠了就不貪 扔下世界不管 誰見過蛇吞噬過 一座大宅門 窒息而死 你為搜捕無機物而無眠時 蛇正冬眠不覺曉 (十方一念 / 林夕)

2010 Summer Picnic to Taichong


Taichung Metropolitan Park

Summer in Taichung




63 | Graphic Design

Photography & Graphic Rock Magzines

Birthday for Willy

雜誌拼貼、攝影 Magzine collage photography


Rock magzines


Photography & Graphic | 64

拜託不要偷 Please stay it. 宣傳海報 Poster 2011

65 | Graphic Design

Poster Design


< 麗特、丹尼與弗斯 > < Ritter, Dene, Voss > 演出宣傳海報 Performance Poster

Poster Design | 66




< 我不懂日文 > < I can’t speak Japanese > 宣傳海報 Poster

67 | Graphic Design

Poster Design 紀念李雙澤 Li Shuangze memorial poster

北學盃宣傳海報 Northern Bachuler’s Cup



Poster Design | 68


T of Helvetica

69 | Graphic Design

Poster Design PRADA 服裝週宣傳海報

Helvetica A



Invisible Cities -Anastasia 2010

Poster Design | 70

Poster Design 枯樹 The Old Tree




Invisible Cities -Diomira 2010

71 | Graphic Design

Book Cover

2010 Prilis hlucna samota 過於喧囂的孤獨 壓力機的喧囂與紙本的孤獨,蒼蠅老 鼠的喧囂與靈魂的孤獨,思想的喧囂 與血液的孤獨,不停被擠壓著。 Pressing machine to papers, flies and rats to the soul, thought to the blood. All are noise to loneliness keep being pressing.

複合媒材 瓷化洋菜條 Illustrator Photoshop

Book cover Design | 72

73 | Graphic Design

Book Cover

2010 Der Schönste Moment: 最美的時刻 活在那些大人物的偽傳記裡,是我寫 的,是你活的? 不是我也不是你。 Living in your fake biography,I wrote it, you experienced it? It’s not mine, neither yours.

複合媒材 瓷化粉圓 Illustrator Photoshop


Book cover Design | 74

Der Schönste Moment

75 | Graphic Design

Book Cover

2010 My memories of old Beijing 城南舊事 世界上的悲歡離合和其尋常却何其使 人難掩哀傷? Life is full of joys and sorrow, but we still can’t help being sad about it.

複合媒材 瓷化面膜 Illustrator Photoshop

Book cover Design | 76

77 | Graphic Design

Editorial Design

一個黃綠色的圓形。 有很多種黃綠色的圓形都叫做黃綠色圓形。 錯宗複雜是一種。 有條理的交織是一種。 每個人在最遠的邊境都只是一個物種。 但卻有上千萬兆種組成。 在想像的邊境。

Editorial Design | 78

2011 Everything is ( ) on the Frontier: 想像的邊境 想像的邊境也許是幅景像,也許 是種旅行的形式,可以讓每個人 自己定義,我認為想像的邊境是 一個人所能到達的最遠之處,在 那裡,大家都是同質化的屬於人 類,但卻在組成上有脈絡中的不 同。 Everything is ( ) on the frontier. ( ) could be a form of travling or a picture. Everyone can define it in their own mind. I take it as a border that one can reach the farthest place. In there, we are human beings, but still have

79 | Graphic Design

Editorial Design

2011 Unregrattable Youth 無怨的青春 -席幕蓉 無怨的青春,呢喃著回首當年 的 情事,帶著淺淺往事如煙般的 歎 息,同時回眸過往,也無風雨 也 無晴,收放恰到好處,感情傾 洩 的邊緣又趕緊用理性拴住,讀 起 來有種像在窺視它的內心,卻 又 不得其門而入之感。 Unregrettable Youth, murmuring the past relationship with a little blue. B ut S ometimes, i t seems she f eels that everything had been i n the past w ithout problems. While we are reading, it f eel like we a re l ooking a t author’s i nsight but s topped on the doorway.

Editorial Design | 80


Commercial Design

83 | Commercial Design

Coperation Identity Design -Cherche Cafe CIS design / 個別元素 Elements a.


Cherche cafe


Cherche Cafe


Cherche cafe

a. Cherche Cafe b. Cherche Cafe c. Cherche Cafe d. Cherche Cafe e. Cherche Cafe f. Cherche Cafe

Cherche Cafe

d. e.

Cherche Cafe inc. Je cherche le meilleur cafe


Cherche Cafe

Je cherche le meilleur cafe

/ 製圖法

"# $!



/ 品牌淨空範圍 Clear zone

/ 品牌最小使用尺寸 The smallest size

1.5 x


2.5 x

2.5 x

Cherche Cafe

Cherche Cafe 1.5 x


Cherche Cafe CIS | 84

/ 品牌標準字簽章 Logo Signature

x Cherche Cafe

Cherche Cafe

x x



Je cherche le meilleur cafe. Cherche Cafe

Cherche Cafe

Je cherche le meilleur cafe

Je cherche le meilleur cafe.

Je cherche le meilleur cafe

Cherche Cafe

Je cherche le meilleur cafe

x x


/ 色彩計畫 Color b. 輔助色

a. 主色

CMYK:C15 M70 Y100 K2

CMYK:C15 M30 Y100

RGB:R208 G105 B41

RGB:R220 G175 B39

CMYK:K92 RGB:R59 G59 B60

CMYK:C80 M75 Y30 K15 RGB:R73 G75 B116

CMYK:M65 Y75 Y40 K27 RGB:R91 G68 B94

CMYK:C30 M95 Y100 K35 RGB:R130 G34 B25

CMYK:C30 M75 Y65 K18 RGB:R156 G80 B77

/ 標準字 Logotype a.


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 b.

Handwriting-Dakota regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

CMYK:C41 M25 Y100 K3 RGB:R161 G162 B54

85 | Commercial Design

Coperation Identity Design -Cherche Cafe CIS design / 小型製作物

路 $$$$$#&'()*+,-$"./

Je cherche le meilleur cafe. 公館 !"#$

Cherche Cafe

Cherche Cafe

Sugar package

% 號出口


Je cherche le meilleur cafe


er ch




Shop Card



Cherche Cafe

!"# $"## %&'# 地址

Je cherche le meilleur cafe


( ))*+)+,-./+ ())*0/.1.2/,2 345*64564-789&'#:;<9

台北市汀州路三段+,1 巷.* 號 =<:.*>?@&A"?+,1>?!'A8BCD<4?EF:>?!&'5"'>?!&'G&A

Name Card


Cherche Cafe

台北市汀州路三段!"# 巷$%號 &'($%)*+,-.*!"#)*/0-1234'5*67()*/,08.0)*/,09,/:+;*<==%!!"%>!#$#



Cherche Cafe CIS | 86

Je cherche le meilleur cafe

Cherche Cafe

Je cherche le meilleur cafe

Cherche Cafe

Cherche Cafe

Je cherche le meilleur cafe

Cherche Cafe

fe ur ca

meille he le

erc Je ch



Sticker on the bag Menu cover

/ 公務車&旗子

Cherche cafe Inc. No.013

Cherche cafe Inc. No.013

87 | Commercial Design

/ 坣ĺ‘Š Advertise

Magzine Advertise

Cherche Cafe CIS | 88

Outdoor Advertise

89 | Commercial Design

Coperation Identity Design -Sonar CIS design

/ Logo


Give a single sound, get lots of response

/ 製圖法 a. 方格法

b. 比例法





1/2 y


/ 品牌簽章 Logo Signature


sonar Give a single sound, get lots of response

Give a single sound, get lots of response

Sonar Design CIS | 90

/ 基本設計 Basic Design - 名片、信封信紙


Sonar International Design Ltd.

Give a single sound, get lots of response.

Yang Lee

Cell Tel. Address.


Sonar International Design Ltd

+886 9 81635627 +886 2 8364520 台北市汀州路三段230巷56號 No.56, Lane 230, Ting-Zhou Rd., Taipei, Taiwan


+886 2 8163527 +886 2 8364520 台北市汀州路三段230巷56號 No.56, Lane 230, Ting-Zhou Rd., Taipei, Taiwan

Sonar International Design Ltd.

台北市汀州路三段230巷56號 No.56, Lane 230, Ting-Zhou Rd., Taipei, Taiwan

91 | Commercial Design

2011FRANZ AWARD promotions -Brochure, DM, Web, Poster...

Franz Award Promotion | 92


/ Horizon /


2D&3D Rendering

95 | 2D Rendering

2D Renderign - Photoshop - Illustrator

Red Scarlet Exploded View | 96

97 | 3D Rendering

3D Renderign - Batman Car

Batman car | 98

Cinema 4D

99 | 3D Rendering

3D Renderign

Cinema 4D (Left) Pro E/ Keyshot (Right)

3D Rendering | 100

101 | 3D Rendering

3D Renderings

Pro E Keyshot

Pro E Keyshot

Pro E V-ray

3D Rendering | 102

Pro E Keyshot

Pro E Keyshot

Alias Keyshot


Design Skeches

105 | Design Sketches

Design Sketches


Design Sketches | 106

107 | Design Sketches


Motorcycle Design | 108

Insipired by red crane. It's beautifle and elegant. Using its features on motorcycle design makes it looks speedy and stylish.

109 | Car Sketch

Author / Ginger Lin Editor / Ginger Lin Advisor / Dr. Zheng Cover Design / Ginger Lin Pring / Ginger Lin in Canon ip3680

Special thanks / Henry bought me the paper. Shan suggested a great paper.

First Edition in 2011. June National University of Science and Technology

Information | 110

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