Club Sports Newsletter Inside this Issue: Change, Continued Success, and Growth 2 Equestrian
Club Golf
Club Baseball
Men’s Rugby
Dance Team
Women’s Rugby
Club Ice Hockey
Women’s LAX
Comments from the Director 9 Men’s Volleyball 10 Thanks CSC!
March 17, 2010
Xavier University Club Sports 2009 - 2010
Running Club Running Club is in its third year of operation and making great strides to build its membership and opportunities. This year, we added a new service organization to the club called Distance 4 Dreams (D4D), in which a group of Running Club members will fundraise $4,000 in order to send a terminally ill child and their family to Disney World in January for an unforgettable weekend vacation. At that same time, the "Dream Team" will be running the full and half marathons in Disney World, completing the miles that companies are sponsoring us to run. During our weekend down in Disney, we will be able to hang out with our sponsored child and family and truly enjoy the "magic" that we have worked so hard to achieve. So far, we have 14 runners traveling down to Disney World, and we are slowly making progress to our $4,000 goal. With the support of all Running Club members and the community, we are confident that we will reach our goal and make our child's wish come true. As for the rest of the
semester, Running Club has been and will continue working hard to participate in as many road races and campus activities as possible. We participated as a team in Club Olympics, sponsored by the XU Peer Leadership Team, and on Friday, October 30, we had around 15 members run the Run Like Hell race. Nearly every member finished in the top 50 men and top 50 women! Our upcoming races include the Balderdash 5K, the Rainbow Run (sponsored by D4D), and the Jingle Bell Run. Our club is making sure to stay busy for the rest of the semester and is getting ready for some track meets and the Flying Pig in the spring! If you are interested in learning more about our new service organization Distance 4 Dreams or
looking for ways to help out or donate, visit our website at /xavier/index.html. Running Club's service organization, Distance for Dreams, traveled to Disney World from January 8-11 to run in the full and half marathons, which are currently the largest races in the world! The 14member Dream Team worked hard all year to raise $2500 to send a child with a terminally ill disease to Give Kids the World Village for a week’s paid vacation. We were able to raise money through sponsorships for the miles we ran at the actual race in Disney World. Thanks to all of our hard work and great support, our child will have her wish granted and a wonderful vacation to Disney World! Good job everyone!
Running Club’s Dream Team at Disney World
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Club Sports 2009 - 2010
Change, Continued Success, and Growth Hello and welcome to the in162 2009-10 Club Sports competitions/events in Newsletter! I would like to the fall semester, an take this opportunity to increase of 32 from fall introduce myself and let you 2008. know about the great year • The Equestrian Club had Club Sports are enjoying. an outstanding fall This year has seen the season and was program realize new heights featured in the Xavier in membership, fundraising, University Parents and the number of clubs Newsletter. Club offered. These members earned five 1st achievements are the result place finishes! of the hard work and • The Running Club has dedication of our excellent been involved with the student leaders and club Distance 4 Dreams members and are built upon (D4D) project to raise the foundation laid down by funds to sponsor the my predecessor, Patty wish of a local child with Williams. Here are a few of a life-threatening the highlights of the year so disease to go to Give far: Kids the World Village in Kissimmee, FL. Working • Currently there are 27 with the University of active sport clubs with 567 Dayton chapter of the active participants in the Special Wish fall semester, an 8% Foundation, the D4D increase over this time last group raised enough year. money to send a • The sport clubs have terminally ill child and raised a total of $123,470 his family to spend a through fundraising and week this summer the collection of dues. This visiting Disney World, is a 55% increase from Sea World, and last year! The sports Universal Studios. clubs have surpassed the • Club Sports also gave amount of money that back to the community was allocated by SGA and by engaging in 130 should double the SGA service hours in the fall allocation by the end of semester. the academic year. • Both the Golf and Quite a year so far and Gymnastics Clubs have only getting better! In tripled in membership due addition to the great to Xavier’s large first year accomplishments of the class. Clubs, there has also been • The Cycling Club is a new a change in advisors for club formed in the fall and the program. After 3 started competition in the successful years serving spring semester. as the Assistant Director • Club members competed of Rec Sports, Patty
Williams returned home to Maine, accepting an opportunity to direct the Intramural and Club Sport programs at the University of New England. After working for five years in NCAA Compliance at institutions including Xavier University, Duquesne University and the University of Oklahoma, I was fortunate enough to be offered an opportunity to return to Xavier as the new Assistant Director for Recreational Sports, supervising the Club Sports program as well as the Cheerleaders and Mascots. After graduating from Bowling Green State University, I continued my education at Xavier University, enrolling in the Sport Administration graduate program while also working as a graduate assistant in the Athletic Department and Weekend Degree program. I am very excited to return to Xavier University to work with Jim Ray, Kathy Henry Leslie Dulle and Glenn Arnold. Xavier’s Club Sports program provides students excellent personal growth and leadership opportunities and I look forward to working with the student leadership to continue the development and success of the Club Sports program! -James P. Alexander
Club Sports Newsletter
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Club Sports 2009 - 2010
Equestrian Club: Young Team Excels The Xavier University equestrian team returned from Morehead State University with another Championship ribbon to add to their collection, thanks to freshman Ellen Davis of Chicago. For the second time in f four horse shows this season, Davis was the Champion Rider, beating competitors from University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, University of Xavier’s Ellen Davis has won Cincinnati, Midway College, 4 of her 8 classes s o far this Marshall University, Northern season. Kentucky University, and Morehead State. Davis earned three blue ribbons in four events at the weekend horse show in winning the individual championship. Her other class was a third place.
Davis and the Xavier team competed November 21-22 in horse shows sanctioned by the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association, hosted by Morehead State University at its equestrian center. Xavier also earned a first and a second place from Jenny Warner, a freshman from Hebron, KY. Alex Calvert, a freshman from Troy, OH returned with a second and third place; and Briana LeCompte, a freshman from Cleves, OH, and Alicia Dean, a sophomore from Gahanna, OH, both scored fifth and sixth places.
of Ohio for nearly two decades). A relatively new team, they have enough members to fill only half their team events, but still placed Fourth Place among nine teams, topping Louisville and Cincinnati, among others.
The equestrian team is finished for the semester, and will return to competition in February, in their effort to qualify riders for the May 2010 collegiate National Championships at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky. Questions about the team or inquiries from students The Xavier equestrian team interested in joining the trains at Beckett Run Farm team should be addressed near Hamilton, OH, with to coach Gwen Arrigon at coach Jim Arrigon (who, or coached Miami University 513-839-5619.
Club Golf
Club Golf at the Driving Range
Club Sports Newsletter
Spring 2010 is going to be a busy semester for Club Golf as they will be playing in a National Collegiate Club Golf Association match in Chicago with the hope of qualifying for Nationals in Virginia. Joining the NCCGA is a big deal for the Club Golf team as this will allow them to compete on a more competitive level. Special thanks goes to the With all the snow behind us Club Sports Council for and clear blue spring skies their additional funding to ahead, Club Golf looks to help Club Golf join the begin another semester. NCCGA. Along with the
NCCGA, Club Golf will have matches versus Indiana University, Ohio State University, University of Dayton, and the University of Cincinnati. Club Golf will continue to volunteer at Avon Golf Course and looks possibly to host a tournament for students only in late April. If you have an interest in joining Club Golf next year, please contact Tim Heitmann at
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Club Sports 2009 - 2010
Club Baseball: Champions! Xavier Club Baseball hosted and won the first annual Xavier Club Baseball Fall Classic on October 23rd-25th. XCB partnered with Athletes in Action to set up the tournament that featured Wright State University, The Univeristy of Dayton, Radford Univeristy, Loyola University (Chicago) and Xavier. Games were played at Grady's Field at the Athletes in Action sports complex in Xenia, Ohio. The heated dugouts and synthetic field were essential in getting all the games in on time. Xavier won two games on Saturday Oct 24th, an 14-11 slugfest vs Radford
and a 8-6 back and forth battle with the Flyers from Dayton. In the first game Xavier collected 14 hits with impressive performances at the plate from 2B Jordan Antoncic, RF Pat Falvey and 3B/OF Ken 'KA' Harris, all of which had multi hit games. In the second game Drew Dobbins turned in a great performance on the mound against Dayton's potent line up. He went 6 innings giving up 4 runs to go along with 8 Ks. Going into the 7th Xavier was up one run but managed to add some insurance with some timely hitting from Nick Rivera and Mike Stienmetz. Drew Mitchell pitched the 7th for XU and was able to halt a
Dayton rally with the winning run at the plate inducing a groundball to the SS Tim Welch. Coming into the Sunday game Xavier was 2-0 and needed a victory against Loyola to take the title. Brenden Regan went the distance for the Club Baseball’s Joe D’Agostino musketeers giving up rifles a whipping fastball down the plate. 1 run on 2 hits while striking out 5. The Musketeers played great defense turning 4 double plays. Falvey and Dobbins had big days at the plate to seal the 6-1 victory.
Men’s Rugby: The Road Ahead This past season was an eye opener for our guys. In previous seasons, our team was used to dominating Ohio Rugby Division III with ease. When we were moved up to Division II this past season after three straight Division III championships, we had to face more difficult competition and it was obvious that it was going to take harder work to be able to rise up as one of the elite teams in Division II. Our goal for the upcoming fall championship season is clear: get to the Midwest playoffs so that we can have a shot at the title. To get ready for this fall season we decided that we needed to start now in the spring of 2010. On March 20, we will be hosting the annual Xavier High School tournament where the field of competition
has been expanded to 6 teams. On March 27, we have plans to go to the Nash Bash Tournament where there are many excellent collegiate teams competing. Then on April 10, we are reigniting an old rivalry with the University of Kentucky as we travel down to Lexington to take on the Wildcats. We wrap up our season on April 27, as we host the Cincinnati Kelts on the intramural field. Our team is looking forward to the challenges ahead and we are ready to prove ourselves in Division II. This is our chance to continue the tradition of excellence that has been a staple of Xavier Rugby for 35 years now. We are trying to create a fan base of support at our games so we would like to invite all alumni, family members and friends of the club out to watch us compete this spring.
“Our goal for the upcoming
fall championship season is clear: get to the Midwest playoffs so that we can have a shot at the title.”
Club Sports Newsletter
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Club Sports 2009 - 2010
Xavier Ultimate Frisbee
“The [new players] are
going to be a huge asset in the spring, a great future for the team, and possibly an even better class than my own.”
Xavier’s Ultimate team has changed drastically over the past year and a half. The team has consistently placed among the top teams at all tournaments they have gone to, exceeded their own expectations, and changed the team dynamic. This is strange coming from a team that once went to tournaments to be the punching bag of bigger schools like Dayton, Ohio University, and (the) Ohio State. Last year we saw the potential we had and acted on it. No one saw us coming and they still don’t know what is in store for them this coming season.
schedule has been dedicated to teaching new players, so that when College Series comes they can contribute to the team. This is a huge change from the past, when new players were expected
to learn and not really given the consistent chances that they are being given now. They are going to be a huge asset in the spring, a great With our biggest recruiting future for the team, and class since the freshmen possibly an even better class class of ’06, we are starting than my own. where we left off last season. The new players Thus far we have gone to are all trying to find ways four tournaments: Chicago to contribute to a team Heavyweights, Club that is dominated by our Sectionals, No returning classes. The fall
Club Sports Newsletter
Wisconsiquences, and the Denison Invitational. Each tournament has been a success in that the new players who attended have gotten a lot out of each. While we have not been a huge threat so far, we h have been f focusing o on our F freshmen a and they a are ree sponding. D During the spring season, h however, our team I is going t to shift g gears a and be a all of w what we w were last y year and more. Senior captains, David Cranston and Zach Dehaemers, have high hopes for this upcoming season with tournaments in St. Louis, Georgia, and Kansas. The team has the potential to win their section in the college series and make it for the second year in a row to the regional tournament.
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Club Sports 2009 - 2010
Xavier Dance Team The Xavier Dance Team has been going non-stop since the end of last school year. The team, still ranked 7th in the nation practiced and fundraised all summer long. In August, the team attended The National Dance Alliance (NDA) College Cheer and Dance Camp at the University of Louisville. This is where cheer and dance teams go to learn routines, improve skills and qualify for nationals, which are held in Daytona Beach, FL every spring. This year the team was recognized as one of the top performing teams at camp, placing 2nd in their division and receiving a partial paid bid to nationals
for April of 2010! Paid bids are given to teams who maintain a collegiate image, work hard in workshops, have great spirit and receive a high score at their final performance the last morning of camp. The bid includes a reduced registration fee for the team and hotel accommodations paid for by NDA. The team hopes to improve even more at this year’s nationals and maybe even come home with a national title! Since camp the team has held fall try outs and have 3 new members. XUDT is now 14 strong! Also, the team has been busy
practicing, performing and fundraising non-stop. We would like to thank everyone who came to Hofbrauhaus and participated in our fundraiser. It was very successful and a lot of fun! Be sure to look for the team at men’s and women’s basketball games and various events on campus as well as many more fun fundraisers!
Xavier Dance Team looking fine.
Women’s Rugby This season Xavier’s Women’s Rugby team placed third in our division. We lost only to Marshall University and the University of Kentucky. Both were slim losses. We have a very young team this year with equal numbers of new and veteran players. The team hopes to become the division champions next fall as we become more experienced. In the spring, the XU rugby team will be traveling to several tournaments, in places
like Nashville and Detroit. We will also be hosting a few home games with Ball State and Miami. To help fundraise for the spring, the team will be sponsoring a T-shirt sale in early January, flower valentines in February as well as a few other events throughout the semester. The team encourages people to not only participate in our fundraisers but also to come cheer us on to victory at our home games this spring! To
find out more about our activities and/or to find out more about playing with us, email the team at:
Women’s Rugby Team under the Goal Posts
Club Sports Newsletter
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Club Sports 2009 - 2010
Club Ice Hockey
“The high points of the season were the club’s first ever ranking in the North Region, 4 wins over D II opponents, and the 3 game win streak to cap off the year.”
The XU Club Hockey Team finished the 2009-2010 season with a big win over cross-town rival UC. The team rallied from a three goal deficit midway through the third period and eventually defeated the Cincinnati Bearcats 7-6 in a shootout. The Musketeers tied the score with two minutes left and then won the shootout 3-1. The victory was the team’s third straight win, which
was a good note to end the season. The club’s final record was 13-16. The high points of the season were the club’s first ever ranking in the North Region, 4 wins over D II opponents, and the 3 game win streak to cap off the year. After returning from spring break, the club immediately started community service with Cincinnati youth hockey. Three to four members of the club have been up at Sportsplus Arena Monday
through Wednesday nights, in addition to Saturday and Sunday mornings. The team is helping promote hockey in the Cincinnati area, while working with kids between the ages of 7 and 14 to develop their hockey knowledge and abilities. The team is also currently searching for an individual to take over the Head Coach position for the 2010-2011 school year, starting immediately.
Women’s Lacrosse “After months of
preparation, these women will open the season with rival games against the University of Dayton and the University of Cincinnati.”
As the school year may seem to be winding down for most students, Xavier's Women's Lacrosse is just now starting their 2010 season. After months of preparation, these women will open the season with rival games against the University of Dayton and the University of Cincinnati in mid-March and will
continue with games each weekend until playoffs on April 17th at the University of Toledo. The women will travel as far as Western Kentucky during the season, but many games are at home. Offseason scrimmages last semester against various teams provided a promising look at what will surely be a great season for women's
lacrosse and we hope to see you at the games! Be sure to check out their website to view the schedule and to purchase Xavier Lacrosse merchandise For more information on women's lacrosse, please feel free to email Club President, Claire O'Connor, at
Gymnastics Team
Club Sports Newsletter
Club Gymnastics is getting excited for our spring competition season. After a successful competition at The Ohio State University in January, our second meet to be held at Miami University was cancelled as a result of inclement weather. Now we have just two meets left. On March 27, we will be traveling to Eastern Michigan University. Our final meet will be the NAIGC nationals
in San Marcos, Texas. April 8 through 10, twelve members of our club will travel to the event held at Texas State University. We’ve been working hard to fundraise all year for our final meets and plan to do a few more fundraisers later this spring to make sure all of our club members can compete at nationals.
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Club Sports 2009 - 2010
Boxing Club: An Overview Yes, Xavier has a boxing team. Xavier Boxing has been around for many years. In the 1990’s the team was coached by Roland Schwartz. Schwartz was an assistant coach for the 1976 Olympic team, which included Sugar Ray Leonard and the Spinks brothers. Coach Schwartz also trained Muhammad Ali early in his career. With Coach Schwartz at the helm Xavier Boxing flourished. Unfortunately, in 1998 Coach Schwartz passed away. Xavier Boxing continued on for several years before it nearly went to the wayside. Nevertheless, in recent years Xavier Boxing has been on the rise.
physical condition and adequate boxing skill. Boxing is one of the hardest sports in which to compete. Therefore, no one is allowed to spar or compete if they are not ready. This year the team has six active competitors, which is a significant improvement from recent years. From September to February boxers compete in sanctioned bouts in preparation for the Midwest Regional Tournament. During this year the team has competed in four bouts. This is a substantial increase from previous years. Competitive boxers also participate in frequent sparring sessions (less intense fights).
On March 18th, Xavier Boxing will be traveling to Morgantown, WV to compete in the Midwest Regional Tournament. The team will be sending two boxers who will try and vie for a spot at the National Tournament in April, 2010. Sophomore Andrew Gallo (3-1) will be fighting in the 175 lbs weight class. Junior Reggie Reid (1-0) will be competing in the 200 lbs. + weight class. (Reid is the only upperclassman on the team). Each fighter needs to place in the top two of their respective weight classes to secure a bid for the National Tournament. Gallo has boxed for two years and has developed significant skill. He prefers to “work the body” and fight inside. During his third bout, Gallo landed several vicious body-shots. Xavier Boxing is coached by Gallo’s only loss came on a Gino Dania ’88 who held a close decision this past record of 13-4 while boxing December. This is Reid’s first for Xavier. To compete, boxers year boxing and he has must demonstrate excellent developed skill quickly. Reid The Xavier Boxing Club teaches students the fundamentals of boxing. The club is composed of noncompetitive members and the competitive team. Anyone is welcome to join the boxing club. Many students join to learn a new sport and for the great exercise. Other students join to compete on the collegiate level. Xavier Boxing competes within the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA). The team competes against schools such as: West Point, the Naval Academy, West Virginia University, the University of Michigan, Miami (OH), Ohio State University, the University of Kentucky, Penn State, and many others. Overall, there are 35 schools competing within the NCBA.
has exceptional hand speed and quickness for his size. During Reid’s first bout he outclassed his opponent with an easy decision.
“Gallo has boxed for two years and has developed significant skill. He prefers For background, bouts consist to “work the body” and fight of three, two-minute rounds. inside. During his third bout, Boxers are afforded a minute of Gallo landed several vicious rest between each round. A body-shots.” boxer will receive a point when they land three punches to the head of their opponents. Fighters can win a fight by tallying the most points, and subsequently, more punches, at the end of three rounds. Additionally, referees can also stop the bout if a boxer’s safety is in danger or they are being outclassed. This is known as a “referee stops contest” (RSC) and is similar to a TKO in professional boxing. The Boxing team practices Monday - Thursday in the Armory from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Competitive boxers typically spar on Saturday from 2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. in the Armory. Boxing is arguably the best workout you will find on Xavier’s campus. We are always looking for fighters. But, as previously stated, boxing is one of the hardest sports to compete in. Accordingly, many students quit by second semester. We are always looking for tough, competitive, and hardworking athletes. We challenge students to join the club and test yourself.
“We are always looking for
tough, competitive, and hardworking athletes. We challenge students to join
the club and test yourself.” For more information on the Xavier Boxing Club please email Nolan Beddor at
Club Sports Newsletter
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Club Sports 2009 - 2010
Comments from the Director: What is a Leader. . .
What Is a Leader? • Integrity • Relationships • Knowledge • Intuition • Experience • Past Success • Ability
Club Sports Newsletter
The true measure of a leader is your influence over others, nothing more, nothing less. Margaret Thatcher, the former British prime minister, observed, “Being in power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.” If you watch the dynamics that occur between people in just about every aspect of life, you will see some people leading and others following and you will notice that position and title often have little to do with who is really in charge.
Integrity – Who You Are True leadership always begins with the inner person to do what is right.
you are capable.
Past Success – What You Have Done Nothing speaks to followers Relationships – Who They like a good track record. Know Success breeds success and You are a leader only if you followers are more than likely have followers, and that ready to accept direction always requires the from a leader who has been development of relationships there and done it. – the deeper the relationship, the stronger the potential for Ability – What You Can leadership. Do The bottom line for followers Knowledge – What You is what a leader is capable of. Know They want to know whether Information is vital to a that person can lead the leader. Knowledge alone will team to victory. not make a leader, but To close, your involvement in without knowledge, no one the Club Sport program will can become one. give you the opportunity to That being said, how develop these skills, and does this affect you and Intuition – What You Feel more, as you continue to your role working in the Leadership requires more grow throughout your time Club Sport program? I than just a command of here at Xavier. Reflection is am going to list a few data. Leaders seek to critical to the understanding characteristics of a leader recognize and influence work that these are benefits you and I want you to pay teams such as energy, receive from the day-to-day careful attention how morale, timing, and experience of leading your these elements of a momentum. club program. At the time of leader are being graduation, you will have developed within you as Experience – Where You developed your leadership you experience the dayHave Been skills, also building your to-day activity of leading The greater the challenges resume, and able to your club. Upon you’ve faced as a leader in communicate those reflection, I think you will the past, the more likely experiences to potential see how your own followers are to give you a employers so you can land growth and development, chance in the present. that job, position, or through your experience Experience does not continued education beyond with the club, is helping guarantee credibility, but it Xavier. you become the leader encourages people to give And you thought it was only you want to be. you a chance to prove that about having fun! -Jim Ray
Xavier University Club Sports Men’s Volleyball Club The Xavier Men’s Volleyball Club is a team on the rise. We are a young team, with four of the eight man roster being freshman. However, with young players does not come inexperience, as we seem to have the most core talent since I have been here. With players coming from everywhere from Chicago, Louisville, Indianapolis, Pittsburg, and right here in Cincinnati, our players come from all around the Midwest. We even have one player who finds his roots in Puerto Rico. We have played in many tournaments over the past
couple of years, including tournaments at University of Dayton, University of Kentucky, University of Miami, Indiana University, and more. Practicing alongside the Women’s Volleyball Club Team every Monday and Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30, our team has also been able to bond with the members of the girl’s team. Currently, the team is working on fundraising efforts such as the sale of two different T-shirts, and working Cincinnati
3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45207
Red’s games. We are also looking to host a tournament of our own in early April to raise more money and play more and more competition. Once we have enough money, we will eventually sign up for Nationals, and hope for the best!
Phone: (513) 745-2856
Contact Us:
Ultimately, the Xavier Men’s Volleyball Club is a well-rounded group of friends who love playing volleyball at a competitive level. And while we are young, we look forward to the challenges ahead.
Thank You 2009-2010 CSC Exec Board! Liz May – President Zach Dehaemers – Vice President Andrew Maher – Treasurer Mark J Mangione – Secretary Molly Meyer – Club Sports Program Assistant
Congratulations 2010-2011 CSC Exec Board! Mark J Mangione – President Tim Heitmann – Vice President Kristen Gunn – Treasurer Rachel Thaw – Secretary Katy Dulle – Club Sports Program Assistant
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