Issue 3

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February 25, 2010 Volume 2, Issue 1

Xavier University Men's Rugby Newsletter Inside This Issue:

A Word from the President The Xavier Men’s Rugby Football Club stands on the precipice of change. With a new year, a new team, and a new division, our club looks forward to its biggest challenge in recent history. This January our team has respectfully followed in the tradition of our XU rugby forerunners by once again raising the bar of expectation to new heights. Running touch under the lights of the soccer field, slashing through defenders and freezing rain, one cannot help but feel the excitement building in this club. As this ecstatic energy grows within our group, at this moment before we plunge into great new challenges, it seems appropriate to pause and acknowledge where we have been and affirm where we are headed. Last semester, as most know, was our first taste of Division II Rugby in Ohio. The team

performed well, though not without setbacks and a clear jolt of reality. The hits came harder, the ball came quicker, and the ease of victory disappeared. We made a strong showing and learned a strong lesson, a challenge really, to become more than we are, more than we have been. Battling cold and fatigue three nights a week at practice, we have not forgotten this challenge as we finish every sprint and fight for every meter. The goals of our club for the next year are clear and unanimous. We intend to make the Division II playoffs next season and we plan to take our game abroad for a Europe tour next spring. Both objectives are daunting. Both will take complete commitment from every single student on our 35 man roster. Both will take the support and encouragement

of our trusted alumni. Both goals start now. It is an exciting time for our club. Join us as we push for Columbus in October and Dublin in March. There has never been a better time to call yourself an XU Rugger. Please stay in touch with us every step of the way. Questions, comments, advice, and encouragement are all needed and welcomed. Please contact me at anytime for any reason at or (214)-505-4660. Thank you for your support and we’ll see you at the pitch!

Gaffney’s Gab


Xavier Rugby Website Gets a Facelift 3 Xavier Rugby Goes Nike 3 The Road Ahead


Fall 2009 Results


Alumni Profile


A Word from the Treasurer 6

Old Boys 2009 Marks 35th Anniversary 6 Rising Ruggers


2010 Spring Schedule


Xavier Rugby Shop Online 8 -Matt Ackels XURFC President

Old Boys Contact Info


Officers Contact Info


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Gaffney’s Gab The XU Men’s rugby club entered collegiate Division II this past fall and grabbed the attention of two of the top teams in the country. We began the season with a match against the University of Dayton RFC and went down swinging to a team that was clearly better than ours in many ways. They were much bigger in the pack and the backs and also were much swifter and larger than most of our players. It was a great way to begin our quest for a national championship in that it provided us with a sense of what it will take to play great rugby. We lost the game, but as usual our guys never gave an inch. In fact we lost four of our five Division II games this past fall season but never once did we let up or let the thought of losing the match become a factor in our mindset. When we played Miami, they were ranked no. 1 in the country and Dayton beat them! I was very pleased with the professional manner in which the guys have displayed on and off the field. Our first Division II win came against Kent State in a rainy, messy match that XU basically controlled from the kick-off. I have never seen another field with a slope as steep as the one we played on at Kent State.

With our hooker jumping out of a car two minutes before kick-off, we weren’t sure we would have our starting 15 to take the field. But we did come through victorious! We started spring training on January 17th with touch on the soccer field on Victory Parkway. We’ve had as many as 35 guys out to run in the bitter cold. I challenged the guys to ramp up their recruiting efforts and so far they have delivered. The biggest difference between Division III and II is the size of the players and the quality of athletes we face. The guys have really answered the call and we have some new guys that came from the football club at XU and also some other good looking athletes that I am sure were promised something or other if they joined the club. We play touch on Sunday and Wednesday nights from 9 till 11 under the lights at the soccer field. The guys are also conducting fitness workouts on other nights that include hard runs throughout Xavier’s campus ending with uphill sprints. A rugby player may not be able to grow in height, but he sure can become fitter with the concentrated effort that these guys have adopted. I am extremely excited to announce Jim Donlin has

“No one said the move to Division II was going to be easy. We didn’t become perennial Division III champs overnight.” volunteered to help coach the team. Jim brings not only a wealth of coaching experience but he also represents the legacy XURFC has developed over these past 35 years. Jim is a very valuable member of the XURFC family, as we all know. Jim has always been there for XU Rugby and now with him living in Cincinnati, he has stepped up to the challenge once again and agreed to help with the coaching duties. No one said the move to Division II was going to be easy. We didn’t become perennial Division III champs overnight. We look forward to the upcoming spring season and the chance to develop some of the talent that joined us last fall and the great new recruits that have just recently come on board. I strongly urge you to join us on the sidelines come this spring and thanks so much to those that have supported us from the sidelines this past fall. We’ll see you then! Coach Gaffney


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Xavier Rugby’s Website Gets a Facelift Xavier Rugby is proud to inform you that it has found itself a new home on the web. is now Our new site was constructed over the summer, and officially launched under its new domain name in early October. It currently has received over 1600 hits in the past 5 months.

you could possibly ever need. From video clips and pictures, to past newsletters, to purchasing Xavier Rugby apparel, you can find it all on our new site. The new site contains several hundred photos from our past games. Feel free to browse through them and comment on them. Speaking of comments, feel free to use our new Old Boys Blog to leave your contact information or just to

Our new site is tailored to fit your needs as alumni. From the home page you can find links to everything that

say hello to your old teammates. We update our site on a regular basis, so be sure to check it often. If you have the desire to contact Xavier Rugby, there is a link on the homepage to reach our email and our Facebook group. -Mark Mangione XURFC Web Designer

Xavier Rugby Goes Nike Xavier Rugby could not be more proud to present to you our brand new Nike apparel line. Through Impact Sports Inc., Xavier Rugby is able to produce some of the finest apparel you will ever get a chance to own. From sweatpants and hoodies to golf gear, you will be looking extra sharp as you support our club in style. Not only is this our best gear yet, it is completely online. This means you get to choose the quantity and sizes you want, pay with your credit

card, and then the items are shipped to you in a matter of weeks. It should be noted that this is a very limited time offer. Impact Sports only allows us to run a few different options for only a few weeks at a time. Therefore, it is imperative that you act fast and order your gear now. The next upcoming dates for the Nike gear are February 23, 2010 to March 16, 2010. After March 16, the gear will no longer be available.

Go to and type in the organization code XAVUNRYOH. We have already run the online form with great success. Xavier Rugby receives a profit on each item we sell. So if its time to retire that 25th year anniversary polo that has too many holes in it, you should check out our apparel line. -Mark Mangione XURFC Treasurer

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The Road Ahead This past season was an eye opener for our guys. In previous seasons, our team was used to dominating Ohio Rugby Division III with ease. When we were moved up to Division II this past season after three straight Division III championships, we had to face more difficult competition and it was obvious that it was going to take harder work to be able to rise up as one of the elite teams in Division II. Our goal for the upcoming fall championship season is clear: get to the Midwest playoffs so that we can have a shot at the title. To get ready for this fall season we decided that we needed to start now in the spring of 2010. On March 20, we will be hosting the

annual Xavier High School tournament where the field of competition has been expanded to 6 teams. On March 27, we have plans to go to the Nash Bash Tournament where there are many excellent collegiate teams competing. Then on April 10, we are reigniting an old rivalry with the University of Kentucky as we travel down to Lexington to take on the Wildcats. We wrap up our season on April 27, as we host the Cincinnati Kelts on the intramural field. Our team is looking forward to the challenges ahead and we are ready to prove ourselves in Division II. This is our chance to continue the tradition of excellence that has been a staple of Xavier Rugby for

Fall 2009 Results Xavier Vs Dayton


5 – 35

Xavier Vs Miami


7 – 28

Xavier @ Kent


17 – 3

Xavier Vs OU


7 – 26

Xavier @ UC


7 – 24

Xavier Vs Old Boys W

15 – 5

“Our goal for the upcoming fall championship season is clear: get to the Midwest playoffs so that we can have a shot at the title.“

35 years now. We are trying to create a fan base of support at our games so we would like to invite all alumni, family members and friends of the club out to watch us compete this spring. -Danny Carlin XURFC Match Secretary


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Alumni Profile I was pressured into going out for the rugby team in 2003 before I ever even arrived on Xavier’s campus. Brian Sabolik, who was the backs captain, was a friend of mine from Cleveland. Once he found out I was coming to Xavier, he strongly encouraged me to play rugby. (He probably knew what a natural athlete I was, and how utterly invaluable I would be for the team’s future successes. Good call, Brian!) At that point, I was a former high school wrestler with bleached-blonde hair, a dormitory closet full of sleeveless shirts, and a smartass attitude, who really had no desire to play what I perceived to be a really weird-looking European “sport.” But I figured, Why not? At least it will keep me in shape. After the first few weeks of practice, I was still terribly confused and did not really understand the rules of the game. It wasn’t until I played in my first match (B-side against the Kelts) that I started to vaguely understand what the hell was going on. It was during this particular match that I first suspected I might become what can only be described as a “rugby prodigy.” A mere two weeks later, unfortunately thanks to an injury on Sabolik’s part (plus my own superior talent and tenacity, I’m sure), I

was starting on the A-side as Outside Center against Wittenberg. During that particular contest, my earlier suspicion that I was a “rugby prodigy” was, in fact, confirmed publicly. I went on to solidify my spot as the starting Outside Center on the squad, was elected President of the team the very next season, was officially and passionately declared a “stud” on numerous occasions by head coach Shaun Gaffney, and played a vital role in helping the team get reinstated after being suspended by the University. We also won two Division titles, but who’s counting? (I am.) I should also mention that in most experts’ opinions, I was the absolute hottest guy on the team from 2003-2007, and arguably, of all time.

draws heavily on my experiences with the friends I met (and trouble I got into) through Xavier Rugby. The humorous novel is called I Can Make-Out with Any Girl Here, and I strongly recommend purchasing and reading (or, if you’re not a big reader, at least just purchasing) it when it comes out. Become a fan of the novel on Facebook! (All your other rugby friends are doing it!) -Ryan Nemeth

Presently, my only direct connection to the sport is through the Old Boys Game each year. Though I do not regularly compete anymore, I am proud of my past experiences on the team. I have written a book that is slated to be released this spring (fingers crossed!) that

Ryan with his fellow seniors and his new book “I Can Make-Out with Any Girl Here.”

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A Word from the Treasurer Xavier Rugby not only received a bump up into Division II this year, we also got a bump up in our budget. Due to our efforts towards fundraising last year, Xavier Club Sports awarded Xavier Rugby $9000 for our 2009-2010 budget.

these expenses seem trivial to what Xavier Rugby plans to do next year.

This year we have raised several thousand dollars already. We have worked four basketball games, sold 35th anniversary rugby balls, and sold our 2008-2009 home jerseys. However our best fundraiser thus far has been our Nike Apparel line from Impact Sports.

Xavier Rugby has decided to take our program to the next level. We have taken the bar, which we raised last year, and hurdled over it. We are proud to announce that we are in the process of planning our first ever European Tour. That’s right gents; we plan to tour Dublin, Cork, and Galway in Ireland next spring to test our hand against a bit more authentic competition. This trip is looking to cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $40,000.

As we our on the cusp of the spring season, we are looking at projected costs for next year. Not only do we spend several thousand dollars on CIPPing our players so that they are registered with USA Rugby, we have travel, referee, uniform, coaching, Ohio Rugby Union, tournament, hotel, and social expenses as well. However, all of

Therefore we are planning some huge forms of fundraising. The first of which is going to be a reverse raffle. Exact details for the reverse raffle will be coming soon, but the rough parameters are set. We are looking to sell 500 tickets at $100 a ticket. There will be many prizes given away during the raffle, and the grand prize will most likely be several thousand

dollars. We are planning to continue our efforts of fundraising by working not only basketball games, but also Cincinnati Reds games as well. We also will continue to make additions to the Xavier Rugby Nike Apparel line. Needless to say, Xavier Rugby is continuing to break barriers in the Club Sport community. Next year is shaping up to be one hell of a year as we aim for a Division II Championship and a European tour. We need your support, and every little bit helps. So keep your eyes peeled, and check the Xavier Rugby website often for updates on the reverse raffle and other fundraising events. -Mark Mangione XURFC Treasurer

Old Boys 2009 Marks 35th Anniversary Old Boys 2009 was a huge success. The stage was a watery swampland, conditions were sloppy, and most of the Old Boys were out of shape (technically round is a shape). The Old Boys fell to Xavier Rugby 15-5. Regardless of the score, we were all winners as we celebrated the success, tradition, and greatness that is Xavier Rugby. 35 years is a huge accomplishment. Just over the past couple of years, Xavier Rugby has progressed in leaps and bounds. In case you have fallen out of touch with the club, here is what we have accomplished as a team. We were crowned Division III state championships three years in a

row between 2006-2008. Xavier University Club Sports declared Xavier Rugby as Club Sport of the Year for 2009. This year we stepped up to Division II play where we competed against the number one seed (Miami) and the number two seed (Dayton) in the nation. Needless to say, Xavier Rugby has made a huge impact at Xavier. We are a model club that repeatedly sets the standard for other clubs to follow. So here’s to the past 35 years a club. As Xavier Rugby continues to stand by our traditions and accomplishments, let’s get ready for the triumphs and successes of the next 35 years. Eat Donuts! - Brendan Coleman XURFC Vice President


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Rising Ruggers Name: Kevin Schirmer Year: Freshman Hometown: Cleveland, OH Position: Scrumhalf I started playing rugby my freshman year of high school at Saint Ignatius. My cousin Brian Sabolik, who played here at Xavier, was one of the coaches and convinced me to come out. After four years of playing, I became captain my senior year. I felt that the four years I played as a Warrior had prepared me very well for college rugby and by our second game I was starting. This past season was the most challenging and demanding season that I have played which made it all the more fun. I look forward to playing the future seasons here and believe we are ready to become a prominent team in Division II.

Name: Jeff Huber Year: Freshman Hometown: Cincinnati, OH Position: Outside Center I started playing rugby my freshman year in high school for Northbend RFC (soon to be St. Xavier) when a buddy of mine dragged me to practice. One invigorating game later, I was hooked. Coached by the likes of Xavier grad Richard Klinker, I played scrumhalf for 4 years and captained the latter 2. Due to my general knowledge of the game I have been doing my best to fill in the back line anywhere help is needed, but it has proved a challenge adapting to new positions. I love the fast pace of the game as well as the camaraderie and am looking forward to my next 4 years of singing songs and playing rugby at Xavier.

XURFC Contact Info

Xavier Men’s Rugby 1800 Hopkins Ave Norwood, OH 45212 Phone: (440) 241-1089 Men's Rugby E-Mail:

Spring 2010 Schedule March 19-21 High School Tournament March 26-28 Nash Bash Tournament April 10 @ UK 1:00 Help Find Lost Alumni! Contact John Spencer (513)659-5898 or Mark Mangione (440)241-1089

We’re on the Web! See us at:

April 17 Vs. Kelts @ Home 3:00

Xavier Rugby Shop Online Check out our online rugby store where you can find tons of Xavier Rugby gear. Go to Rugby_Shop.html. Make checks payable to Xavier University Men’s Rugby.

Old Boys Contact Information Go to and click on the Old Boys tab at the top of the site. Scroll to the bottom of the comments page, click “Add a Comment,” and leave your phone number, email address, home address, or any other comment that you want. This will help us keep in contact with you.

Club Officers Contact Information President

Vice President

Matt Ackels (214) 505-4660

Brendan Coleman (773) 787-5774

Treasurer / Web Designer

Match Secretary

Mark J Mangione Dan Carlin (440) 241-1089 (440) 915-1022

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