CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN THEORY The following activities aim at: transmitting knowledge on Circular Economy using non-formal education, testing the knowledge of participants in a fun way, creating interactions and reflections between the participants, raising awareness on the importance of the topic and showing examples of already existing circular alternatives or solutions…
CE quizz - introduced by Youth Express Network
QUESTION 1: The mass of packaging waste generated each year in Europe is of the same order as the mass of:
This activity is a quizz on Circular Economy. It will allow the participants to discover interesting informations on the topic of Circular Economy.
TIME NEEDED 15 minutes
a - 40 Eiffel Towers b - 400 Eiffel Towers c - 4,000 Eiffel Towers d - 40,000 Eiffel Towers (1 Eiffel Tower = 10,000 tonnes) 45 million tonnes! 32.5% of the total mass of household waste (Source: European Environmental Toolkit for Citizens, European Commission)
MATERIAL NEEDED • Quizz application, website or presentation • Buzzer
QUESTION 2: How much natural resources will the next 2 generations consume? a - More than the previous 4 generations? b - More than the previous 40 generations? c - More than the previous 4,000 generations?
You may create strict rules around how competitors play against each other, including pressing a buzzer or raising a hand when they have the answer to a question. You may also note how the competitors earn points in the quiz (5 points for every question they answer correctly for example). You may decide to include a mix of easy questions and difficult questions in the content so the competitors can still be challenged and have fun. Having a variety of questions can also keep the competition interesting and engaging for any spectators in the room. If you are comfortable using technology, you may use an existing quiz show program or online quiz applications.
Decide if participants will compete individually or in teams (You may opt for teams if you are trying to get the participants used to working as a group). This may be a good way to encourage social interaction among friends or teamwork among a class of students.
d - More than the previous 40,000 generations? (The generations of humans that preceded them over the last million years)