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 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
 Capacity Building in the field of Youth The project aims to develop innova3ve complementary pathways for boos3ng employability of young people through social youth entrepreneurship and providing them with tools for cultural entrepreneurship in par3cular. The project will create synergy between partner organiza3ons and explore cross-fer3liza3on

Youth unemployment remains one of the biggest problems in EU: over 6 million young people are currently unemployed [Eurostat], all these are youths at higher risk of being socially alienated and those who face obstacles on the way to transfer their capital into social capital of Europe. Nowadays, absolute priority of united Europe stands behind figh3ng youth unemployment and “making educa3on and training more relevant to young people’s needs” [Youth on the Move].“EU4YOU” contributes to crea3ng an environment that allows “to acquire and develop a mix of knowledge, skills and ap3tudes youth need to succeed in the labour market” and “making educa3on and training more relevant to young people’s needs” [Youth on the Move].

poten3al of consor3um. The project contributes to achieving the objec3ves of the Europe 2020 Strategy, The Social Business Ini3a3ve, and Entrepreneurship 2020 Ac3on Plan. The youth workers par3cipa3ng in mobility ac3vi3es will enhance their knowledge on social entrepreneurship (SE), cultural entrepreneurship (CE), social innova3on and learn how to use strategically crea3ve arts for bridging the “Three C” of current-state society – culture, community and commerce. The youth workers will act as mul3pliers bringing the knowledge to their local community and contribu3ng to the toolkit content crea3on. The young people par3cipa3ng in local workshops will gain crucial transversal skills and learn how to apply principles of project management to their crea3ve ideas in prac3ce, enhance own ability on crea3ve and cri3cal thinking, public speaking and ability to approach societal problems in a mul3-disciplinary way extensively using own crea3vity poten3al.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES - To build capacity of consor3um in the field of SE and CE and to enable transfer of good prac3ces among the partnership; - To provide youth workers with specific knowledge on approaching youth with fewer opportuni3es and tools for boos3ng youth employability throughout educa3on on cultural management; - To create, test and disseminate an innova3ve toolkit on cultural management educa3on targeted at peer organisa3ons and cultural ins3tu3ons; - To provide youth with fewer opportuni3es with the chance to enhance exis3ng knowledge and gain new transversal skills in the field of cultural management and thus posi3vely influence their employability poten3al; - To create a sustainable online plaCorm that will serve as a space for idea and experience sharing among youth interested in SE and CE; - To promote CE as an innova3ve way of tackling societal problems; - To encourage coopera3on between youth organiza3ons and social business sector; - To promote EU policies in the field of SE and Erasmus+ on global level; Project supported by

PROGRAMME OF THE PROJECT 20/11/2017 - 28/11/2017 - Kick off mee3ng merged with a Capacity building

Starting 15/09/2018 - for a period of 2 or 3 weeks - Job shadowing mobility

seminar on Social and Cultural Entrepreneurship in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. For this nine-day seminar each partner organiza3on/except the host one/ will have to send 2 representa3ves of their organiza3on, preferably the project manager/ coordinator/president and the person in charge of the project who will be directly involved during the next 2 years of the implementa3on and follow up of the ac3vi3es.

aimed developing toolkit on Cultural Entrepreneurship.

Mobility ac3vity descrip3on: seminar on social and cultural entrepreneurship merged with kick-off mee3ng held in Bulgaria. The seminar will empower partnership to get to know each other, start the process of capacity building, sharing experiences. The seminar aims to ac3vate youth workers’ knowledge on the project topic, provide with more exper3se on social and cultural entrepreneurship and tools for working with youth with fewer opportuni3es. The main result of mobility is mobilised poten3al of the consor3um in the field of cultural entrepreneurship and cultural management and ini3ated process of capacity building.

16/06/2018 - 25/06/2018 -

Seminar on cultural management educa3on and

development of learning tools in Mexico. For this ten-day seminar each partner organiza3on/except the host one/ will have to send 2 representa3ves of their organisa3on, preferably youth workers/youth leaders and the person in charge of the project who will be directly involved during the next 2 years of the implementa3on and follow up of the ac3vi3es. Mobility ac3vity descrip3on: Seminar on teaching cultural management and social innova3on will empower further process of capacity building and provide youth workers with concrete methods and tools on cultural management educa3on through appealing non-formal learning ac3vi3es. During the seminar, the par3cipants will drad toolkit plan and share the responsibili3es upon toolkit development during job shadowing. During the seminar the par3cipants will also have chance to set up personal learning objec3ves during job shadowing with representa3ves of receiving organisa3on.

Mobility ac3vity descrip3on: Job shadowing mobility will include 2 youth workers from each organisa3on going to different partner organiza3on in order to maximise the value and diversity of learning process and experiences that could be aderwards mul3plied to own team and community. During the mobility, par3cipants will extensively take part in ac3vi3es of receiving organisa3on, including direct coopera3on with stakeholders and target group and involvement in ongoing partners’ transna3onal projects. In the same 3me, relevant part of mobility will be dedicated to toolkit content crea3on, simultaneously with other par3cipants, having Skype dates on certain parts and daily email communica3on. The main output of this mobility is toolkit drad.

01/04/2019 - 08/04/2019

- Final seminar in Strasbourg, France, to evaluate results and present toolkit to public. For this eight-day seminar each partner organiza3on will have to send 2 representa3ves of their organiza3on to France, preferably the project manager/coordinator and the person in charge of the project who have been directly involved during the past 2 years of the implementa3on and follow up of the ac3vi3es. Mobility ac3vity descrip3on: the final seminar will include final interna3onal mobility aimed to strengthen the outcomes and deliverables of the project and provide a space for the follow-up. The seminar will be hosted by Y-E-N in Strasbourg and will be dedicated to analysis of the toolkit and generally learning process of par3cipa3ng youth workers, sharing prac3ces upon ac3va3ng local communi3es throughout workshops for youth and community mee3ngs with stakeholders, evalua3ng challenges and opportuni3es given by the project, general evalua3on of the outcomes and coopera3on. During the seminar, Y-E-N will organize a big dissemina3on event presen3ng toolkit and “EU4YOU” to the European audience, with par3cipa3on of peer organiza3ons, stakeholders and youth itself. Final evalua3on is merged with the mee3ng.






Y-E-N/R-E-J is non-governmental organisa3on with the vision to reach an inclusive society, where young people, their needs and par3cipa3on are recognised, valued and appreciated. Y-E-N/R-E-J is a European network of grass-root youth organisa3ons that includes 33 member organisa3ons in 24 different countries that all work at local, regional or European level on social inclusion of young people. Y-E-N’s board is pan European (6 volunteers) and it’s coordina3on office is based in STRASBOURG, France (3,5 paid-staff). The internal Pool of Trainers/Facilitators is composed of 47 youth & social workers who have voluntarily cooperated to the quality of our ac3vi3es and to what is Y-E-N / R-E-J since 25 years: an inclusive network for young people.

Ac3ve Bulgarian Society /ABS/ mainly focuses on coopera3on with Bulgarian and foreign youth organisa3ons to exchange experience in the field of educa3on, culture, youth issues in the context of euro integra3on process, promote dialogue between young people from EU member states and candidate countries. We work in the field of mobility learning such as organising and being partners in many training courses, youth exchanges, volunteer ini3a3ves, ac3ve European ci3zenship ac3vi3es, sport, cultural, social, seminars, conferences.

Since 1993, Y-E-N has organised more than 100 interna3onal training courses, seminars, crossborder and mobility projects bringing together social/youth workers and young people with fewer opportuni3es. Y-E-N has also conducted researches on youth and social related issues and has been trying to be the voice of young people with fewer opportuni3es in local, regional and interna3onal ins3tu3ons, either by represen3ng them or by suppor3ng them to create and be part of youth councils.

ABS works mainly with youth workers, nonprofit organiza3ons, social workers and ci3zens from the European Union and the partner countries. ABS is based in Blagoevgrad and we cooperate successfully with the public ins3tu3ons, universi3es, other local and foreign NGOs mainly in the field of non-formal and informal educa3on and ac3ve youth par3cipa3on. We organise projects on youth leadership, entrepreneurship, ac3ve ci3zenship, educa3on through sport methodology, intercultural dialogue, management of human resources and others. ABS has strong networking links with organisa3ons from all the EU and partner countries.

« Active youth » association

Brigada de voluntarios bolivarianos del Peru





“Ac3ve Youth” Associa3on (Asociacija “Aktyvus jaunimas”) is a non-profit organisa3on based in Kaunas that unites young leaders from Lithuania willing to work on a voluntary basis to facilitate an intercultural dialogue and enhance competence of the European youth. We cooperate with organisa3ons of similar profile from all over Europe (more than 50 partnerships) to organise events and trainings using non-formal educa3on as a powerful instrument to encourage youth to take an ac3ve part in a society. By doing this we help young people to improve their skills and social awareness, share experiences and ideas, integrate them within the mul3na3onal environment of the EU, facilitate coopera3on, create new joint ini3a3ves, increase their social awareness, and promote healthy lifestyle. In par3cular, we concentrate on youth (18-30 years old) that have fewer opportuni3es and/or disadvantaged backgrounds.

BVBP is a na3onal youth organiza3on, which develops voluntary service ac3vi3es at na3onal level. It was created on 23 November 1982. Our na3onal seat is in the city of Lima, with local branches in most regions of the country.

The Serres Business & Innova3on Centre (BIC), has been founded in 1992 and started to operate in 1993, as a result of the ini3a3ve of the Serres Chamber of Commerce & Industry. BIC has been co-financed (50%) by EC for the first 30 months, ever since is self-sustained. The main func3on of BIC is to promote Innova3on and business development, including the crea3on of new enterprises, especially by young persons. It also supports all the extrovert ac3vi3es, of both private firms and public en33es. From the beginning BIC has been oriented in combining business development, especially if innova3ve, with the involvement of young persons.

Generally, our aims are to: enhance entrepreneurial, social, leadership, communica3on skills, self-esteem, as well as mul3lingualism of youth through nonformal educa3on; help youth increase their social awareness, be tolerant towards others, be aware of the persis3ng social and environmental problems and help solve them; educate youth workers and youth on how to join volunteering ini3a3ves, cooperate with each other, and get employed more easily; organize joint campaigns, projects and ac3vi3es, where young people and youth workers can get involved in an intercultural dialogue, be a part of the decision making process, develop the spirit of volunteerism, facilitate youth coopera3on and social values.


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To train youth leaders To deliver services to the community as an answer by young people to the problems they are faced with and affected. To foster youth work as well as the integra3on of the youth sector in Peru To promote ac3ve ci3zenship and a sense of responsibility among our members ACTIVITIES

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Seminars and Training on leadership, personal development, youth par3cipa3on, project management Campaigns to enhance awareness about health, sexuality, ecology, educa3on, drug preven3on, etc. Genera3on of youth micro-enterprises. We train young entrepreneurs to develop competence and skill development of young people. Social welfare: visits to hospitals, orphanages, homes of the elderly, shelters of children with HIV, voca3onal training, support to other welfare ins3tu3ons, etc. Cultural dissemina3on: ar3s3c exhibi3ons, visits to museums, theaters, etc. Exchange programs with na3onal and interna3onal youth organiza3ons. Recrea3on and use of free 3me (campings, strolls, internal tourism, etc.)

We work with a program of Young Entrepreneurs "Ini3a3ves of Young Leaders » and give the opportunity for young people in rural areas to prepare entrepreneurial projects, provide training workshops and advice for their personal and business development.

BIC of Serres is welcoming young persons for counselling, mentoring and couching about their life expecta3ons, in parallel with their educa3on, training, skills, hobbies, and most of all their European “exposure”, achieved by working, studying or ac3vely par3cipa3ng in European ini3a3ves. BIC also provides organisa3onal services to other public en33es (like the Chamber of Commerce, the Regional authori3es, the Chamber of Economists and formal and voca3onal training organiza3ons). BIC is working with «ad hoc» experts, listed in an approved «pool of experts» with 36 members in different areas of specialisa3on.


Center for sustainable development studies
 Vietnam CSDS is a non-profit, non-government organisa3on based in Hanoi, Vietnam with a strong focus on developing the capacity of young people to effect change in society. Since our establishment and legal registra3on in 2009 we have successfully implemented a wide range of community projects to improve the livelihood, educa3on and wellbeing of the Vietnamese people through sustainable development. We work with youth and empower them through capacity building and civic engagement. We provide training on leadership, cri3cal thinking, personal development, volunteer management and social entrepreneurship using a non-formal educa3on approach that enhances personal growth and social impact. We intervene at the community level to improve the livelihood of the poor, ensure children’s right to bezer educa3on and raise awareness on environment, water and sanita3on issues. Our projects range from building schools and kindergartens for indigenous children, providing language and voca3onal training, educa3ng on personal hygiene and school sanita3on, providing micro credits for women and suppor3ng community based ecotourism.


Iniciativas internacionales
 para la cooperación



Fundación SES is a social organiza3on created in Buenos Aires that is devoted to promo3ng and developing different strategies that strive for the inclusion of teenagers and youngsters with fewer opportuni3es.

Interna3onal Ini3a3ves for Coopera3on (IIC) is a nonprofit organisa3on that seeks to contribute to the development and strengthening of civil society and na3onal culture through intercultural dialogue; ci3zen par3cipa3on in ac3vi3es of common interest focused on local development; the promo3on of non-formal educa3on as a tool for achieving social cohesion and integra3on within a framework of intercultural and intergenera3onal understanding. Our mission is to contribute to social and cultural development through the par3cipa3on of ci3zens, especially young people, in both na3onal and interna3onal projects that allow, through the exchange of experiences and ideas between people of different backgrounds and cultures, the solu3on of issues that are a global responsibility.

What we do: We encourage and support S u stai n ab l e S o ci al an d Ed u ca3 o n al Development processes at the local level; We par3cipate in several na3onal and regional networks commized to youthrelated issues; We work in partnership with other organisa3ons, both at the na3onal and at the regional level, to implement ac3ons that promote the inclusion of the youth in d i ffe re nt a re a s a n d f ro m d i ffe re nt perspec3ves; We develop methodologies and generate proposals that may have an impact on youth-related public policies; We work in the training of the youth and their educators, so that they can exercise their rights as ci3zens and become Social Actors; We systema3se and disseminate regional prac3ces of work with youth from different social organisa3ons.

In addi3on to contribu3ng to the development and strengthening of civic and spiritual values that rest on the principles of democracy, s3mula3ng civic par3cipa3on in social life and in the decision-making process, establishing rela3onships of respect for civil rights and collec3ve responsibili3es. Our values focus on respect for differences; mutual understanding and intercultural and intergenera3onal dialogue. We seek to meet our objec3ves involve three main lines of work: Interna3onal volunteers programmes, both short and medium and long term; Interna3onal coopera3on programmes with our partners abroad, through courses and seminars abroad and implementa3on of local ac3ons; Training courses locally on various topics of general interest.

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