Oxford english picture dictionary diccionario en ingles ilustrado

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pr op ert y o f th e SCASD COMMUN ITY EDUCATION # ;r

Monolingual English Edition

E. C. Parnwell

Illustrations by: Ray Burns Bob Giuliani Laura Hartman Pamela Iohnson Melodye Rosales Raymond Skibinski [oel Snyder

Oxford University Press

O xford Un ivers ity Press 200 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA Walton Stree t Oxford OX2 6DP England OXFORD is a trademark o f Oxford Un ivers ity Press. Library of Con gres s Cataloging -in -Publication Data Parnwell. E. C. The new Oxford p ictu re dictionary. Rev. ed . of: Oxford picture d ictionar y of American English . 1. Pictu re dictionaries, English. 2. En glish lan guage - United States -Dictionaries . 3. America ni sms Dict ionaries . 4. En glish language-Text -books for foreign s peakers . I. Parnwell, E.C . O xford p ictu re d ictionar y of American English . 11. Title . PE2835.P37 423' .1 87-23950 ISBN (}'19-434199-2 (softcover) ISBN 0-19-434533-5 (hardcover) Copyright Š 1988 Oxford Un ivers ity Press All rights reserved . No part of th is p ublication may be reproduced, s tored in a retrieval system, or tra nsmitted, in any form or by any means, electron ic, me chanical, photocopyi n g, recor d ing, or otherwise , w ithout the prior permission of O xford University Press . Th is b ook is sold subject to the condit ion that it sh all not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold , hired ou t, or otherwise circulated w ithout the publisher's prior consent in any form of bind ing or cover other than th at in wh ich it is published and without a sim ilar cond ition induding this condition being im posed on the subsequent purch aser. Develop mental Ed itor: Margot G ramer Consu ltin g Ed ito r: [oan Sas low Pronunciati on Editor: Clifford Hill, Colu mbia University As sociate Ed itor : Mary Lyn ne Nielsen Ed itorial Ass istant : [earme Rabend a Art Director : Sh ireen Nathoo

The publisher would like to thank the following agents fo r their cooperation: Carol Bancroft and Friends, representing Bob Giulian i, Laura Hartman , and Melodye Rosales. Pu blishers G rap h ics lnc.. represent ing Ray Burn s, Pame la [ohnson, and [eel Snyder. Cover illustration by Lau ra Hartman .

Softcover Prin ting (las t digit): 20 19 Hardcover Printing (last digit): 10 9 Printed in Hon g Kong

18 17 16 lS 14 13 12 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Preface iii The New Oxford Picture Dictionary contextually illustrates over 2,400 words . The book is a unique language learning tool for students of English. It provides students with a glance at American lifestyle, as well as a compendium of useful vocabulary. The Dictionary is organized thematically, beginning with topics that are most u sefu l for the "survival" needs of students in an English speaking country. The to pics move on t? those of a more gene ral na ture, includ ing those that might be used in content area classes in schools in the United States. However, pages may be u sed at random, depending on the students' particular needs. The book need not be taught in order. The words depicted are those most usefu l for students needing basic English skills. The most common name of any given item was used for sim plicity. Any regionalisms or variations will be found in the Teachers Guide for that par ticular page.

The New Oxford Picture Dictionary contextualizes vocabulary whenever possible, thus making the language learner's task a bit easier. Verbs have been included on separate pages, but within a topic area where they are most likely to occur. However, this does not imply that these verbs only appear within these contexts. For obvious reasons, the number of words per page has been limited. In addition, attem pts h ave been made to place the numbers on the art consecutively, either from left to right, or, on many contextualized pages, in a circular, clockwise order. A complete index with pronunciation guide has been included in the Appendix. For further ideas on using The New Oxford Picture Dictionary, see the Teacher s Guide and the two workbooks: Beginners and Intermediate levels. Also available in the program are a complete set of Cassettes, offering a reading of all of the words in the Dictionary; Voca bulary Playing Cards, featuring 40 words and the corresponding pictures on 80 cards with id eas for many games; and sets of Wall Charts, available in one complete package, or in three smaller packages.

iv Contents People and Relationships The Fa mily The Huma n Body Vegetables Fruits Meat, Poultry, a nd Seafoo d Containers, Quantities, and Money The Supermarket Family Restaurant a n d Cocktail Lounge Restaurant Verbs Common Prepared Foods Outdoor Clothes Everyday Clothes Underwear and Sleepwear Jewelr y a nd Cosmetics Descr ibing Clothes Descr ibing the Weather • Season al Verb s Houses Th e Living Room The Dining Room The Kitchen Kitchen Verbs The Be d room The Baby's Room The Bathroom The Utility Room A Workshop Housework a nd Repair Verbs Medical and Dental Care Ailments and Injuries Treatm ents and Remedies Firefighting and Rescue Crime and Punishment The City The U.S. Postal Sy s tem The Pu blic Library The Armed Forces Tr ucks Cars Bikes H ighway Travel Public Transportation

Page 2 3 4-5 6-7

8-9 10-11

12- 13 14-15

16 17 18 19 20-21 22

23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

34 35 36-37 38

39 40 41

42 43 44-45 46

47 48 49 50-51 52

53 54-55

Contents Air Travel Aircraft In Port Pleasure Boating Plants and Trees Sim ple Animals Insects Birds Fish and Reptiles Mammals I Mam mals 11 ' Map of the World The United States of America The Universe The Space Program , A Classroom School Verbs A Science Lab Math Energy Farm ing and Ranc hing Con struction An O ffice Occupations I: Main Street USA Occupations II Occupations III Neighborhood Parks O utdoor Activities At the Beach Team Sports Ballfields Individual Sports Fields and Cou rses Sports Verbs Musical Instruments Music, Dance, and Theater Electronics and Photography Handicrafts Prepositions of Description Pre positions of Motion Appendix Index

Page 56 57 58 59 60- 61 62 63 64 65 66-67 68-69 70-71 72- 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88-89 90-91 92 93 94 95 96-97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105



People and Relationships

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woman man 3. husband 4. wife 1. 2.

5. 6. 7. 8.

baby parents child ren boy


•• •••

9. girl 10. grandparen ts 11 . grand da ugh ter 12. grandson


The Family

V irgini a (Taylcr) Bates


Joseph Bates


-Ellen (Oalton) Bates

Peter Bates

Elizabeth (Ba tes) Jones

Helen Jones

Tom Jones


Joan Bates


Betty (Collins) Jones

Jack Jones


Ja ne (Jones) Carter

Tom Carter



Mary (Jones) Smith

Bob Smith


Mary Smith's Family

1. grand mo ther 2. grandfather 3. uncle 4. mother 5. fa ther 6. aun t

Jimmy Lee Jones

Peg Carter


@ 7. 8.


sister-in-law 9. brother 10. sister 11. brother-in-law

Sa lly Ann Smith

@ 12. hu sband 13. nephew • 14. mece 15. daughter 16. son


T im Smith



T he H uma n Body


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A. The Body 1. face 2. m outh 3. chin 4. n eck 5. shoulder 6. arm 7. upper arm 8. elbow 9. forearm 10. arm pit 11. back 12. chest 13. wa is t 14. a bd omen 15. buttocks

i( 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

hip leg thigh knee calf

B. The Hand 21. w rist 22. kn uckle 23. fingernail 24. thumb 25. (in dex) fi nger 26. midd le fin ger 27. ring finger 28. li ttle finger 29. palm

I l

C. The Head 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

hair part forehead sideburn ear ch eek nose nostril Jaw beard mustach e tongue tooth lip

The Human Body




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D. The Eye 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

eyebrow eyelid eyelashes "





The Foot

49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

ankle h eel instep ball big toe toe little toe toenail


The Internal Organs

57. brain 58. spinal cord 59. throat 60. windpipe 61. esophagus 62. muscle 63. lung 64. heart 65. liver 66. stomach 67. in testines 68. vem 69. artery 70. kidney 71. pancreas 72. bladder "




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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(head of) cau liflower broccoli cabbage brussels sp routs watercress lettuce


B. 9. 10. 11. 12.

escarole spinach herb(s) celery artichoke (ear of) corn a. cob

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

kidney bean(s) black bean(s) string bean(s) lima bean(s) peals) a. pod asparagus




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19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

tomato(es) cuc umber(s) eggplan t pepper(s) pota to(es)





24. 25.

yam garlic a. clove 26. pumpkin 27. zucchi ni 28. acorn squash

29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

radish(es) mushroom (s) onion(s) carrot(s) beet(s) turnip






@ @ 1. 2.

(a bunch of) grapes apple a. stem b.

3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.


coconu t pineapple mango papaya


Citrus Fruits

9. 10.

grapefru it orange a. section b. rind c. seed lemon lime

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

gooseberries blackberries cranberries blueberries stra wberry raspberries

17. 18.

nectarine pear



19. 20.

cherries (a bunch of) bananas a. peel

25. 26.



apricot watermelon Nuts

21. 22. 23. 24.

Dried Fruits fi g

p rune date raisin(s)

27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 .

cashew(s) peanut(s) walnut(s) hazelnut(s) almond (s) chestnut(s)

33 . 34. 35. 36. 37.

avocado plum honeydew melon can taloup e peach a. pit b. skin


, 10

Meat, Poultry, and Seafood




1. beef 2. ground beef 3. roast 4. stewing m eat 5. steak

6. pork 7. sa usage 8. roast 9. chops 10. spare ribs

11. bacon 12. ham 13. lamb 14. leg 15. ch ops

Meat, Poultry, and Seafood




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B. Poultry 16. w hole (chicken) 17. split 18. quarter 19. thigh 20. leg 21. breast . 22. wmg 23. turkey

24. 25.

chicken duck

C. Seafood 26. 27. 28. 29.

fish w hole filet steak

D. Shellfish 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

lobster sh rim p clam(s) oyster(s) mussel(s) scallop(s) crab(s)



Containers, Quantities, and Money



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carton 2. container 3. bottle 4. package 1.

5. 6. 7. 8.

stick tub loaf bag

9. Jar 10 . can 11.


Containers, Quantities, and Money "



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12. box 13. six-pack 14. pump 15. tube 16. pack 17. book 18. bar

19. cup 20. glass 21. slice 22. piece 23. bowl 24. sp ray can ,


25. dollar bills • 26. cams 27. penny 28. nickel 29. dime 30. quarter



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Th e Su pe rm ark et


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

deli cou nte r fro ze n foo ds freezer dairy pro duc ts milk

sh elf sca le sho ppi ng bas ket pro du ce 10. aisle

6. 7. 8. 9.

11. 12. 13. 14.

bak ed goo ds bre ad can n ed goo ds bev era ges

The Supermarket



@ ,

15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

hou seh old items bin customer , snacks shopping cart

20. 21. 22. 23.

receipt cash regis ter cash ier conveyor belt

24. 25. 26. 27.

• grocenes bag checkout cou n ter check



Fa mi ly Re sta ura nt an d Co ck tai l Lo un ge

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--A. Fami ly Re sta ura nt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

coo k wa itre ss bus boy ket chu p wa iter apr on me nu hig h cha ir boo th stra w sof t dri nk

12. jukebox 13. sug ar (pa cke t) 14. che ck 15. tea 16. san d w ich

B. Co cktail Lo ung e 17. corkscrew 18. cor k 19. win e 20. tap 21. bar ten der

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

liqu or (bo ttle) bee r bar bar sto ol pIp e coa ste r (bo ok of) ma tch es ash tray ligh ter cig are tte coc kta il wa itre ss tray

Restaurant Verbs






1. 2. 3. 4.


eat drink serve cook order

6. clear 7. pay 8. set (the table)

9. give 10.


11 . 12. 13. 14.

spread hold light burn



Common Prepared Foods


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

mustard hot dog baked beans potato chips pancakes syrup bun pickle hamburger spaghetti meatballs salad dressing

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

tossed salad beef stew pork chops mi xed vegetables mashed pota toes butter roll baked potato steak cookie su ndae taco

25 . 26. 27. 28 . 29 . 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

egg roll strawberry shortcake biscuit french fries fried chicken • pizza jelly (sunnyside-up) egg bacon toast coffee Ice cream cone

Outdoor Clothes

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'1. gloves 2. cap 3. flan n el shirt 4. backpack 5. windbreaker 6. (blue) jeans 7. (crewneck) sweater 8. parka 9. hiking boots


earm uffs n . mi ttens 12. down vest 13. (turtlen eck) sweater 14. tights 15. ice skates 16. ski ca p 17. jacket

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

hat scarf overcoat boots beret (V-neck) sweater coat rain boots



Everyday Clothes







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1. lapel 2. blazer 3. button 4. slacks 5. heel 6. sole 7. shoelace 8. sweatshirt


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

wallet swea tpants sneakers sweatband tank top shorts long sleeve belt

• •• •

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

buckle shopping bag sandal collar short sleeve dress purse umbrella (high) heels

Everyday Clothes


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I 26 . cardigan • 27. (corduroy) pants 28. hard hat 29. T-shirt 30. overalls 31. lunch box 32. (construction) boots 33. jacket

34 . 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

blouse (shoulder) ba g skirt briefcase raincoat vest three-piece suit pocket

42 . 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

loafer cap glasses uniform shirt tie n ewspaper shoe


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8. hal f slip 9. cam iso le 10. full slip 11 . (bikini) pan ties 12. brie fs 13. bra (ssiere) 14. gar ter belt

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 .

gird le kne e socks soc ks slip per s paj amas bat hro be nig h tgo wn





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1. und ers hir t 2. boxer sho rts 3. und erpant s 4. ath letic sup por ter 5. pan tyh ose 6. stockings 7. lon g joh ns






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Jewelry and Cosmetics


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!I -, A.

Jewelry 1. earrIngs 2. ring(s) 3. engagemen t ring 4. wedding ring 5. chain 6. necklace 7. (strand of) beads 8. pm 9. bracelet 10. wa tch 11. watchband 12. cu ff links

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

tie pin tie clip clip-on earring pierced earring clasp pos t back

B. Toiletries and Makeup 20. 21. 22. 23.

razor after-shave lotion shavin g cream razor blades

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33.

emery board nail polish eyebrow pencil perfume mascara lip stick eye shadow nail clippers blu sh eyeliner




Desc ribing Clothes


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

short long tigh t loose dirty clean small big

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

light dark high low new old open

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

closed striped checked polka dot so lid p rint plaid


De scribing the We athe r










ramy 2. cloudy 3. snowy 4. sun ny , 5. th ermometer ,\ 6. temperature -l-c ~

7. 8. 9.

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hot w arm

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cool 10. cold 11. freezing


foggy wi ndy dry wet . ICy


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12. 13. 14. 15. 16.




Seasonal Verbs


1. pain t 2. clean 3. dig 4. plant


5. 6.

7. 8.

water mow pick trim

Fall 9. fill 10. rake 11. chop 12. p us h


13. 14. 15. 16.

shovel sand scrape carry














Ranch House

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

driveway garage TV antenna ro of deck


Colonial-style House

6. 7. 8. 9.

porch window shutter chimney


The Backyard

10 . 11. 12. 13 . 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

gutter hammock lawn mower sprinkler garden h ose grass watering can patio drainpipe screen mitt

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32.

spatu la grill charcoal briquettes loun ge chair power saw work gloves trowel toolshed hedge clipp ers rake shovel wheelbarrow



T h e L iv in g R o o m



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\ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

ce iling fa n ce iling w all fr am e pa in tin g va se m an te l fir ep la ce fir e lo g

11 . 12. 13. 14 . 15 . 16.

17. 18 . 19. 20 .


ba nist er st ai rcas e st ep d es k w all-t o- wall ca rp etin g re clin er re m ot e co n tr ol te le vision w all un it st er eo sy ste m

21. 22 . 23. 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28. 29 .

sp ea ke r bo ok ca se d ra pe s cu sh io n so fa coffee ta bl e la m p sh ad e la m p en d ta bl e

_ .-

The Dining Room






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,1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

china china closet cha ndelier pitch er wine glass wa ter glass table spoon pepper shaker salt shaker

11. bread and bu tter plate 12. fork 13. pla te 14. napkin 15. knife 16. tableclo th 17. chair 18. coffeepot 19. teapot 20. cu p

21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

sa ucer silverware sugar bowl creamer salad bowl flame ca nd le ca ndlestick buffet



The Kitchen



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, 1. dishwasher 2. dish drainer 3. steamer • 4. can opener 5. frying pan 6. bottle open er 7. colander 8. saucepan 9. lid 10. dishwashing liquid 11. scouring pad 12. blender


13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21. 22. 23.

pot casserole dish canister toaster , roasting pan dish towel refrigerator freezer ice tray cabinet , microwave oven


24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29 . 30. 31 . 32. 33 . 34.

mixing bowl ro lling p in cutting board coun ter teakettle bu rner stove coffeemaker ove n broiler pot h older




Kitchen Verbs



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1. stir 2. g ra te 3. open 4. pour 5. peel 6. carve

7. break 8. beat 9. cut 1O. 11 .

slice ch op


12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

steam broil bake fry boil


Th e Be dro om

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com b hai rbr ush ala rm clo ck bur eau cu rtai n



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h ook han ger clo set jew elry box


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1, 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

\ 30 \


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11 ,

12, 13. 14, 15, 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

air con d itio ner blin ds tiss ues hea dbo ard pill ow cas e pill ow m attress box sp ring (flat) she et bla nke t bed com for ter

23. bed spread 24. foo tbo ard 25. ligh t sw itch 26. pho ne a. cor d b. jack 27. nig ht tab le 28. rug 29. floo r 30. che st of dra we rs

The Baby's Room

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 .

shade mobile teddy bear crib bumper baby lotion baby p owder baby wipes changing table cotton swab safety pin

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

disposable diaper cloth diaper stroller smoke detector rocking chair bottle nipple stretch ie bib rattle pacifier

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30 . 31. 32. 33.

walker sw mg doll h ouse cradle stuffed animal d oll toy chest playpen p uzzle block potty


Th e Ba thr oo m








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, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

cur tain rod cur tain ring s sho we r cap sho we r hea d sho we r cu rtai n soa p dis h spo nge sha mp oo dra in sto ppe r bat htu b

12. 13. 14 . 15 . 16. 17. 18. 19 . 20. 21. 22.

bat h ma t wa ste pap er bas ket me d icin e ch est soa p too thp ast e hot wa ter faucet cold wa ter fau cet sin k nailbru sh too thb rus h wa shcloth

23. h and tow el 24. bat h tow el 25. tow el rack 26. hair d rye r 27. tile 28. ham per 29. toil et " 30. toil et pap er 31. toilet bru sh 32. sca le

The Utility Room


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 .

stepladder feat her d u ster flashlight rags circuit breaker (spon ge) mop broom dustpa n cleanser window cleaner (mop ) refi ll

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

. Iron

ironing board plunger bucket vacuum cleaner attachments . pipe clothesline clothespins sp ray starch lightbulb

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32.

paper towels dryer laundry d etergen t bleach fabric softener lau nd ry lau ndry basket washing machine garbage can mousetra p


A Wo rks ho p

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10. 11 .

12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

brace wre nch mallet mo nke y wre nc h ham me r scrape r p egb oar d hook

=------- --.

hat che t 18. hacksa w 19. plie rs 20. circ ula r saw 21. tap e me asu re 22. wo rkb enc h 23. toolb ox


--- -


• • • • •


• ••

•• •

1. car pen ter's rule 2. Cc Iam p 3. Jigs aw 4. wo od 5. ext ens ion cor d 6. outlet 7. gro und ing plu g 8. saw

• •

• • • •

• • • • • • • •



A Workshop




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24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. · 32.



scre w d river Phillips scre wd rive r pow er sander san dpaper pan roller paintbrush paint wood plane


glue 34. electrical tape • 35. wi re 36. vise 37. router 38. bolt 39. n ut 40. wash er 41 . nail



screw a. head b. th read electric drill a. bit b. shank c. switch d. plug



Ho us ew ork an d Re pa ir Ve rbs



". •



," c.



























- - .;.




J (,



1. fold 2. scr ub 3. p olis h 4. tig hte n 5. w ipe 6. han g 0

7. swe ep 8. ma ke (the bed ) 9. d ry 10. rep air • 11. Iron

12. oil 13. cha nge (th e she ets) 14. vac uum 15. d ust 16. wa sh


Medical and Dental Care

;-" 'I~ ....' ' •" ,,

! •









• \







;= -


@ @

-. -

... .-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

X ray w heelchair sling Band-Aid cast exam in ing table crutch attend ant stethosco pe

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

chart doctor stretcher in struments oral hygienist drill basin dentist pedal

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

nurse patient stitches alcohol cotton balls (gauze) band age gauze pad s needl e syn nge


A il m en ts an d In ju ri es






- - -



" ,I

;1 ,


\ ..

:: " ,. ,.'" ,".



,- ~


18 @

, @


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

ra sh fe ve r in se ct bi te ch ills bl ack ey e he ad ac he


7. 8.

9. 10 . 11,


stom ac ha ch e ba cka ch e to ot ha ch e hi gh bl oo d pr es su re co ld so re th ro at a. to ng ue d ep re ss or


13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.





- ,~


. i

• • J


, ':


".. ', ..'"... c.. ~ .. . :;.,.-q;.' ... ' .. .. ;: .


I , I


'" {I

,.., .


sp ra in a. st re tc h ba nd age in fe ct io n br ok en bo ne cu t br ui se bu rn


Treatments and Remedies







\. /







e} fjj

CV '" 0



1. 2. 3.


bed rest surgery heating pad ice pack


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

cap sule tablet pill inj ection oin tment eye drops

0 <l'










Fir efi gh tin g and Re scu e


r @



lad der fire eng ine fire tru ck fire escape 5. fire 6. am bul ance

1. 2. 3. 4.

par am edi c hose fi re hyd ran t fire fighter fire extinguis her 12. hel me t

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

coa t axe 15. sm oke 16. wa te r 17. nozzle

13. 14.

Crime and Punishment






Police Station

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

jail detective suspect handcuffs badge police officer gun holster






10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

judge robes gavel witness court reporter transc~ipt

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

bench prosecuting attorney witness stan d court officer jury box . Jury defense attorney defendant fingerprints



T he Cit y


NAU TON QUIT 5 1 098?,~


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

office bui ldin g lob by cor ner cro ssw alk d epa rtm ent sto re bak ery

pub lic tele pho ne stre et sig n pos t office 10. traffic cop 11 . inte rsectio n 7. 8. 9.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

ped estrian bus sto p ben ch tras h bas ket sub wa y sta tion



I 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

elevator bookstore parkin g garage parking meter traffic light drugstore

23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

apartment house building number sidewalk curb baby carriage

28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

fruit and vegetable market streetlight newsstand street manhole


Th e U.S . Po sta l Sy ste m




De live ring Mail

1. ma ilbo x 2. ma il 3. lett er car rier 4. ma ilba g 5. ma il tru ck 6. U.5 . mail box 7. letter 8. retu rn a ddr ess

9. p ost ma rk 10. sta mp 11 . add res s 12. zip cod e

B. 13. 14. 15.

The Pos t Off ice

m ail slo t pos tal wo rke r wi ndo w


C. Types of Mail 16. (air m ail) env elo pe 17. pos tca rd 18. mo ney ord er 19. pac kag e 20. string 21. lab el 22. ta pe 23. Exp res s Mail (pa cka ge)

The Public Library




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

library clerk checkout desk library ca rd card ca ta log drawer caUca rd call number au th or titl e

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

subject row call slip microfilm microfilm reader periodicals section magazme rack photocopy mach ine

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

globe atlas reference section information d esk (re feren ce) librarian d ictionary encyclopedia shelf


Th e Arm ed Fo rce s

48 A

/ ,- -'--( ,



;=-~~ --


-- .



- _ _ I

r--< S






~ill- .

~ 1''' 1

/'-.' .:. I @


A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12.


., @




Ve hic les a nd Equ ipm ent figh ter pla ne bom ber bomb aircraft car rier bat tles hip parach ute sub ma rin e • pen sco pe Jee p tan k can non gun tu rre t 0

_-, @

B. Per son nel 13. Na vy 14. sail or 15. Arm y 16. sol die r 17. Ma rin es 18. ma n ne 19. Air Force 20 . airm an

C. We apo ns and Ammunition 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

rifle trig ger barrel bay one t ma chi ne gun bul let shell mo rtar han d gre nad e


- ---~

i '"




,--_ -_--_. - -_...... _ .. _

..· -.-",0 .. - ".., ~. l ,",,-


.. --_ .--..



1. street cleaner 2. tow truck 3. fuel truck 4. picku p truck 5. snowplow 6. garbage truck

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

sanita tion worker lunch truck pa nel truck delivery person • van m ovmg mover

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

cemen t truck dum p truck tractor trailer truck driver transpo rter flatbed





::...~ --

A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13.

Automatic Transmission

door lock sid e mirror armrest door h andle visor windshield wiper . . rcarview mirror steering wheel gas gau ge speed ometer turn signal lever horn column

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

ignition emergency brake bucke t sea t gearsh ift radio dashboard glove compartment ven t mat se at belt

B. Manual Transmission 24. 25.

stick shift clutch

26. 27.

brake accelerator

C. Station Wagon 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

license pIa te brake ligh t backup light taillight backseat child's sea t gas tank h ead rest h ubcap tire


o F

D. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

(Two-door) Sedan

jack spa re tire trunk fl are rear bu m per


43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 .

Four-door Hatchback

hatchback sunroof wi ndshield an te n na hood headlights parkin g lights turn signal (lights) fron t bumper

F. Engine 52. air fil ter 53. fan belt 54. battery 55. terminal 56. radi ator 57. hose 58. d ipstick



Bik es



--t' H;26

•. )


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 .

trai nin g wh eel s (racing) han dle bar s girl's fram e wh eel hor n tricycl e h elm et dir t bik e kic kstand fen der boy's fram e

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.



~ --

~ --"~-- ~ ~'

tou rin g han dle bars lock bike sta nd bicycl e sea t bra ke cha in p eda l spr ocket pum p gea r ch ang er

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

cab le han d bra ke refl ect or spo ke val ve tire m oto r sco ote r m oto rcycle sho ck abs o rbe rs eng me exh aus t pip e

Highway Travel

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

interstate highway exit ramp overpass cloverlea f left lane cen ter lane right lane speed lim it sign hitchhiker

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.


trailer • service area attendant ai• r pump gas pu m p passenger car camper sports car cen ter divider

19. motorcycle 20. bus 21. en trance ra mp 22. shou lder 23. road sign 24. exit sign 25. truck 26. va n 27. tollbooth



Public Transportation









iI '


, i

H--2-' @



1. cord 2. seat 3. bu s driver 4. transfer 5. fare box 6. rider

B. Subway 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

cond uctor strap car track platform turnstile token booth

Public Tra n sp ortat ion


c WAJiINr:i









. -- .


'-, I


C. Train 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

commuter train engmeer ticket com m uter station ticket window timetable

D. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Taxi fare tip m eter receip t passenger cab d river taxicab taxi stand

E. Other Forms of 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Transportation monorail s treetcar aerial tramw ay cable car horse-drawn carriage


Air Travel









. I

Airport Ch eck-In

garm en t bag carry-on bag traveler 4. ticket 5. porter 6. dolly 7. suitcase 8. baggage 1. 2. 3.


9. 10. 11. 12.

security guard metal detector X-ray screener conveyor belt



14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 .

cockp it instruments p ilot copilot flight engineer boarding pass cabin flight atten dant luggage com partmen t tray table aisle











" ,


. - . 14


Aircraft Types

1. 2.

hot air balloon h elicopter a. ro tor private jet glider

3. 4.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



blimp hang glider propeller plane nose wmg tail

B. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


jet engin e cargo area cargo d oor fuselage landing gear terminal building hangar (jet) plane runway con trol tower



In Port

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

fish ing boat fi sherman • pIer forklift bow crane container hold (container)ship cargo

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

stern ba rge tu gboat lighthouse tanker buoy ferry smokestack lifeboat ga ngway

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

porthole deck windlass anchor line bollard ocean liner dock terminal

P leasure Boating


fi(j\ ---'

'0' . I

• 8

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

life jacket canoe padd le sailboa t rud d er cen terboard boom mast


10. 11. 12. 13 . 14 . 15 . 16.

sail wa ter-ski er towrope outboard motor motorboat wind surfer sailboard cabin cruiser

17. 18. 19 . 20. 21. 22. 23.

kayak dinghy moonn g inflatable raft oa rlock oa r row boat



Plants and Trees







1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Flowers tu lip a. stem pansy lily (chrysanthe)mum daisy marigold petu nia daffodil a. bulb crocus hyacinth

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.



orchid .


zm rua

gardenia poinsettia violet buttercu p rose a. bud b. peta l c. thorn sunflower

Grasses a nd Grains 20. sugarcane . 21. nee 22. wheat 23. oats 24. corn

P lants and Trees





25. redwood 26. p alm 27. eu calyptus 28. dogwood 29. magnolia 30. pop lar 31 . willow 32. birch 33. oak a. twig b. aCOrn



36. 37. 38.

pme a. needle b. cone tree a. branch b. trunk c. bark d. root elm a. leaf holly maple

Other Plants

39. 40. 41. 42.

house plants cactu s bushes VIne

Poisonous Plants

43. 44. 45.

poison oak pOison sumac . . pOison Ivy




Simple Animals


• •


0 ·

-. @


2. 3.


snail a. shell b. antenna oyster mussel slug

5. squid 6. octopus 7. starfish 8. shrimp 9. cra b 10. scallop

11. 12. 13.


jellyfish a. tentacle lobster a. claw




~ jJ .- , {

• •

• o•


o:) lft @



-1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

caterpillar cocoon butterfly dragonfly a. WIng cricket grasshopper mantis



scorpIOn a. sting 9. cockroach 10. beetle 11. termite 12. ant 13. mosquito 14. ladybug

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22.

web spider firefly fly bee wasp moth cen tip ede




pIgeon a. wing 2. hummingbird 3. crow a. beak 4. sea gull 5. eagle 6. owl 7. ha wk a. feath er 8. blue jay 9. robin

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21.

spa rrow cardinal ostrich egg canary parakeet p arrot woodpecker peacock pheasant turkey rooster

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

ch ick chicken pelican a. bill duck goose • penguin swan flamingo stork nest road runner

Fish and Reptiles




A. 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


sea horse trout swordfish a. tail b. fin c. gill eel shark

6. 7.

stingray flounder

B. 8.

Amphibians and Reptiles

9. 10. 11 .

alligator (garter) snake rattlesnake cobra

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

turtle Iguana salamander lizard tadpole frog tortoise a. shell



Mammals I





Pouched, Toothless, or Flying Mammals

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

koala armadillo kangaro o a. tail b. hind legs c. pouch d. forelegs bat an teater


6. 7. 8.

chipmunk ra t go p her 9. mouse 10. squirrel . 11. porcupme a. quill 12. beaver 13. rabbit

Hoofed Mammals

14. 15. 16. 17.


hip pop otamus llam a rhinoceros a. horn eleph an t a. trunk b. tusk zebra

Mammal s I

@ •



19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

bison pony horse a. mane foal donkey lamb

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

sheep deer fawn goat giraffe hog calf

32. 33. 34. 35.

cow camel a. hump bull m oose a. an tler b. hoof



1. 2. 3.


Mammals 11

Jeopard tiger a. claw lion cat

5. kitten 6.

7. 8.

fox raccoon skunk

Aquatic Mammals

9. whale 10. 11 . 12. 13.

otter walrus seal a. fl ipper dolphin

Mammals 11


Primates 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

mon key gibbon chimpan zee go rilla orangutan baboon

Bears 20. 21 . 22 . 23.

panda black bear polar bea r grizzly bear

Dogs 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

spaniel terrier retriever puppy shepherd


wolf a. paw hyena




Map of the World


'" @


= 0

• • •



0' o

• ~-_



North America South Am erica Europe 4. Africa 5. Asia 6. Australia 7. Antarctica 1. 2. 3.




8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


Arctic North Pacific South Pacific N orth Atlantic South A tlantic In dian Antarctic Seas , Gulfs , and Bays

15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Beaufort Sea Baffin Bay Gulf of Alaska Hudson Bay Gulf of Mexico

Ca ribbean Sea North Sea Baltic Sea 23 . Barents Sea 24. Mediterranean Sea 25 . Gulf of Guinea 26 . Black Sea 27. Caspian Sea 28 . Persian Gulf 29. Red Sea 20 . 21. 22 .

30 . 31.

32. 33.

34 . 35. 36 . 37.

38. 39.

Arabian Sea Kara Sea Bay of Bengal Laptev Sea Berin g Sea Sea of Okhotsk Sea of Japan Yellow Sea East China Sea South China Sea



Map ofthe World

cv ~ .,












0 .


<:>. 0

.• "


,~ @ J> 37





. ..


• ••



Mountain Ranges

40. 41.

42. 43. 44. 45.

46. 47.

Rocky Mountains Appalachian Mountains Sierra Madre An des Alps Caucasus Urals Himalayas


Mojave Painted Atacama 51 . Sahara 52. Rub' al Khali 53. Takla Makan 54. Gobi 55. Great Sandy 48. 49. 50 .

Rive rs

Yukon 57. Rio Gran de 58 . Mississippi 59. Amazon 60. Parana 61. Niger 62. Congo 63 . N ile 64. Ob 65. Yenisey 66. Lena 67. Ganges 68. Huang 69. Yangtze 56 .

equator north 72. south 73 . east 74. west

70. 71.



The United States of America



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Con necticu t Delaware

9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Florida Georgia Hawaii Idah o Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Ken tucky Louisian a Main e Marylan d Massach usetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi

T he Unite d States of America




0 @ @

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.


Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevad a N ew Ham p shire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolin a

34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

North Dakota Ohio O klah oma O regon Pennsylvania Rhode Islan d South Ca rolin a South Dakota Tennessee

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming


District of Columbia



The Universe


Outer Space

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

galaxy comet (Big Dipper) con stellation star meteor


The Solar System


lunar ecli pse Sun Earth

7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Moon solar eclipse The Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn . a. nng Uran u s

18. 19.

Neptu ne Pluto

20. 21 . 22.

asteroid orbit telescope

C. 23. 24. 25. 26.

Phases of the Moon

fi rs t quarter full moon last quarter new moon

The Space Program

.' - •-





A. 1.


space station 2. commu n ication sa tellite 3. weather satellite 4. space probe

B. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Landing on the Moon

astronaut space suit lu nar module command module


The Space Shuttle

cargo bay 10. flight d eck 11. living quarters 12. crew 13. rocket 14. space shuttle 15. launchpad 9.





A Classroom


• .... .. • . •. c: ... e,



' ~.



1. flag 2. clock 3. loud speaker 4. teacher 5. chalkboard 6. locker 7. bulletin board 8. com p u ter 9. chalk tray





10. chalk 11 . eraser 12. hall 13. (loose-leaf) paper 14. ring binder 15. spiral notebook 16. desk 17. glue 18. brush

19. stud en t 20. pencil sha rpener 21. pencil eraser 22. ballpoint pen 23. ru ler 24. pencil 25. thumbtack 26. (text)book 27. overhead projector


School Verbs

- -







J @

® I



1. 2. 3. 4.


raise (on e's hand) touch erase read close

6. 7. 8. 9.


listen write walk tear typ e

11 . 12. 13. 14.

draw tie leave en ter


A Science Lab





CD -







1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

pnsm flask petri d ish scale weights wire mesh screen clamp rack test tube stopper graph paper safety glasses

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

timer pipette magnifying glass filter paper funnel rubber tubing ring stand Bu nsen burner flame thermometer beaker bench

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

graduated cylind er med icine dropper magnet forceps tongs microscope slide tweezers dissection kit stool

















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c o





~:s;:; s: s;s:sssss sSS ss<:sssSSSS ~ss"\l '"




1. 2. 3. 4.

straight line perpendicular lines curve p arallel lines


Geometrical Figures

5. ob tuse angle 6. tria ngle 7. base 8. acu te angle 9. square 10. side 11. circle 12. diameter

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

center radius section arc circum fere nce oval rectangle diagonal apex right triangle righ t angle hypotenuse


So lid Figures



26. 27. 28. D.

cylinder cube cone Fractions

29. 30. 31. 32.

wh ole a half (' /2) a quarter (' 14) a third (' h )



33. 34. 35. 36.

depth height width length











", .". .













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- -----,


.~~= -...,~ .

- ,-





A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 .

Sources of Power

oil well d errick sun wind geyser coal min e coal shuttle car elevator shaft waterfa ll


Generation of Power

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 . 23.

refinery nuclear reactor core u ranium rods cooling tower solar collector dam windmill power sta tion electrical genera tor smokestack tran smission towers

24. 25. 26.


power lines transformer utility pole Uses and Products

27. h eat 28. ga s(oline) 29. na tural gas 30. propane gas 31. jet fu el 32. electricity 33 . motor oil 34. diesel fuel

Farming and Ranching








.. '----.-.' ',,,-, . -. . . . -'~

A. Dairy Farm 1. orchard 2. fruit tree 3. farmhouse 4. silo 5. barn 6. pasture 7. farmer 8. barnyard 9. fence

10. 11.

sheep dairy cow

B. Wheat Farm 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

. . -' .


livestock (bale of) hay pitchfork tractor (w heat) fi eld combine

18. 19.

;:.M.' ~ "" " " '~." '.'' '

row scarecrow

C. Ranch 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

(h erd of) cattle cowboy cowgirl horses corral trough


, ......

~ _




. <::>



A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Construction Site

rafters shingle level hard hat builder blueprints scaffolding ladder rung cement

11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

foundation bricks pickax construction worker shovel board linesman cherry picker

B. Road Work 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24 . 25. 26 . 27.

cone flag barricade jackhammer wheelbarrow center divider cement mixer backhoe bulldozer



..,.\, ., ,.

, ~,





I ~







td GJ .~ cd cd r::J ~I

switchboard operator headset switchboard prin ter 5. cubicle 6. typist 7. word processor 8. printout 9. calend ar 10. typewriter 11. secretary 1. 2. 3. 4.


12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

I in-box desk rolodex telephone computer typing chair manager calculator bookcase file cabinet file folder

23. fil e clerk 24. photocopier 25 . message pad 26. (legal) pad 27. stapler 28. paper clips 29. staple remover 30. pencil sharpener 31. envelope


Occupations I: Main Street USA

=='===~ ~~ ~

- - - '===~ ~


I pharmacist mechan ic barber 4. travel agen t 5. repa lrperson

1. 2. 3.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

tailor greengrocer baker op tician hairdresser

11 . 12. 13.

florist jeweller bu tcher

Occupations 11



Repair and Maintenance

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

plumber carpente r ga rdener locksmith real estate agent electrician painter


Household Services

8. housekeeper 9. janitor 10. delivery boy 11 . doorman


Factory Work

12. shop worker 13. foreman



Occupations III




~ .....


o ,



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=----- ""



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! , •

,, I




A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Media and Arts

weather forecas ter n ew scaster artist p hotographer model fashion d esigner writer

8. 9. 10. 11 . 12.

architect disc jockey (DJ) cameraperson reporter salesperson

B. 13.



14. 15.

C. 16. 17. 18 . 19.

security guard teller Business Workers

computer programmer receptionist accountant messenger



Neighborhood Parks


1. zoo 2. band shell 3. vendor 4. hand truck 5. merry-go-round 6. horseback rider 7. bridle path

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

(duck) pond jogging path ben ch trash can slide sandbox sprinkler

15. playground 16. sWings 17. ju n gle gym 18. seesaw 19. water fou n tain



Outdoor Activities

& 0~

r4'" /1rii ("\) ~,~k', j





-\ .


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

plateau hikers canyon hill park ranger





' ~'"



stream 7. fishing rod 8. fishing line 9. fishing net 10. waders 11. rocks

Picnic Area 12. 13. 14. 15.

grill picnic basket thermos picnic table

Outdoor Activities







16. 17.


raft rapids waterfall

Mountain Climbing 19. 20. 21.

22. 23.

mountain peak cliff harness rope


24. 25. 26. 27.

28. 29. 30. 31 . 32.

tent camp stove sleeping bag gear frame backpack lantern stake campfire w ood s



At the Beach






1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

boardwalk refreshment stand motel biker whistle lifeguard binoculars

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

--_ lifeguard chair life preserver lifeboat beach ball sand du n es Frisbee!" sunglasses

..• 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

beach towel pail shovel bathing suit sunbather beach chair beach umbrella

At the Beach






• "",.





---~ -


22. kite 23. ru n ners 24. wa ve 25. surfboa rd 26. air mattress 27. kickboard • 28. SWIm mer

29 . 30 . 31. 32. 33. 34. 35 .

tube wa ter sa nd sa ndcastle bathing trunks snorkel mask

... .A.

........ . ~ • • •• { •• •


36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.


fli ppers scuba tank wet suit sun ta n lotion shell cooler


.', .. . .:-"', ""

.. • .>-.. • ';:


Team Sports

--, ","- -~ 1-







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':. \



". " _j ,t,


'it!- . '. \

1 :') ,

\ '.. "


- ..


I •



-~_.",, :

®+;, .. "


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


umpIre catcher catcher's mask catcher's mitt bat batting helmet ba tter

10. 11. 12.

Little Leaguer uniform



_._ * '"" ~ t.-- _ , .



softba ll cap glove

19. backboard 20. basket 21. basketball


13. 14.

Little League Baseball

8. 9.


football helmet


22. 23.



15. 16.

face guard lacrosse stick Ice Hockey

17. 18.

p u ck hockey stick

volleyball net

24. 25. 26.

goalie goal soccer ba ll


c:> B



! o


A. Baseball Diamond


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

left fielder cen ter fi elder right fi elder third baseman sho rtstop base second baseman firs t baseman foul line sta nds pitcher's moun d pitcher

13. dugout 14, batter 15. home plate 16. catcher 17. umpue 18. batboy 0

B. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Football Field scoreboard cheerleaders coach referee end zone


24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

split end left tackle left guard cen ter righ t guard right tackle tight end flanker quarterback halfback fullback goalp ost



Individual Sports


L ,,,\-.,


15 -® c


,~ 1i! '


I. @

1. 2.


4. 5. 6.

Tennis tennis ball racket Bowling gutter lane pm bowling ball 0

Golf 7. golf ball 8. hole 9. putter 10. golfer

11 . 12. 13.

Handball glove ha ndball court


14. 15. 16. 17.

18. 19.

Boxing head protector glove referee • nng Ping-Pang paddle ping-pang ball

Horse Racing 20. sa dd le 21. jockey • 22. rems

23. 24.

Gymnastics gymnast balance beam

Ice Skating 25. rink 26. skate 27. blade Racquetball 28. sa fety goggles 29. racquet 30. racquetball Track and Field 31. 32.



Cross-Country Skiing 33. skis 34. pole 35. skier

-, ,

Fields and Courses



4 '0





C -

17 _





Tennis Court

1. 2. 3. 4.

service court net service line baseline

B. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13.

golf cart flag green san d trap fairw ay tee

C. 14. 15.

Ski Slope

Golf Course

clubs rough golf bag

pole ski boot

16. 17. 18.

binding ski ski lift

D. 19. 20 . 21 .


stretch starting gate fini sh line



Sports Verbs

g> CD












, l a••·





, ~






.../ --








J )

,, ,


..-" 1. hit 2. serve 3. kick

4. 5. 6.

catch pass run

7. fall 8. Jump

Sports Verbs


• •



,i'r ~ -' ~\... \ , ..~ ..




9. 10. 11 .

skate throw bounce

12. 13. 14.

surf ride dive

15. 16.

d rive shoot




! -lLi,




@l •

,, @


@ • • H

.' ;/, 'f22\ '!5' Strings

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

pIano a. keyboard sheet music ukulele mandolin banjo harp violin a. bow viola cello bass a. string


gu itar a. pick

21. 22.


12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

piccolo flute bassoon oboe clarinet


23. 24. 25. 26 . 27.


tambourine cymbals drum a. drumsticks 20. conga 17. 18. 19.

kettledrum bongos

trombone saxop ho ne trumpet French horn tuba Other Instruments

28. 29. 30. 31.

accordion organ harmonica xylop hone

• • • • •

• • , "


Music, Dance, and Theater

A. The Ballet 1. curtain 2. scenery 3. dancer 4. spotligh t 5. stage 6. orchestra 7. pod ium 8. con ductor 9. bato n .. 10. musician

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

box seat orchestra seating • mezzanine balcony audience usher programs


Musical Comedy

18. 19. 20.

ch orus actor actress

C. Rock Group 21. 22. 23. 24 . 25. 26. 27.

syn th esizer keyboard player bass guitarist smger lead guitarist electric guitar drummer



Electronics and Photography


j L



, •

." .. 18

A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Video video camera Min icarn'" videocassette (tap e) VCR (vid eocassette recorder) television

B. Photography 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

lens flash camera tripod (roll of) film prints'

12. 13. 14.

slides slide projector screen

C. 15. 16. 17.

Film m OVIe cam era

projector (reel of) fi lm

23. record s 24. speaker 25. stereo cassette player 26. cassette 27. com pact disc (CD) 28. com pact disc player 29. headphones 30. Sony Walkman

D. Audio 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

turntable cartridge needle arm receiver cassette d eck

E. Computers 31. 32. 33. 34.

personal com p u ter (PC) monitor keyboard calcu lator


A -- - -


A. Sewing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

sewing machine (spool of) thread pincushion material pinking shears pattern piece pattern buttonhole button seam

11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 .

hem hem binding sn ap hook and eye tape measure . zipper (pair of) scissors needle stitch pm thimble

B. Other Needlecrafts 22. 23 . 24 . 25. 26 . 27. 28. 29 . 30 . 3 1. 32.

knitting wool skein knitting needle needlepoint em broid ery crochet crochet hook . weavmg yarn quilting



Prepositions of De sc ript ion



m•7 0 •





1. at (the window) 2. above (the black cat) 3. below (the white cat) 4. between (the pillows)

5. 6. 7. 8.

on (the ru g) in front of (the fireplace) in (the drawer) under (the desk)

9. behind (the chair) 10. on top of (the table) 11. next to (the TV)

Pre positions of Motion


~ \














I • I



1. through (the lighthouse) 2. around (the lighthouse) 3. d own (the hill) 4. toward (the hole)

5. 6. 7. 8.

away from (the hole) across (the wa ter) ou t of (the water) over (the brid ge)

9. 10.


to (the course) from (the co urse) 11. u p (the h ill) 12. into (the hole)



A ~", e,""n",d,""ix ,,---

Days of the Week

Months of th e Year


Su nday





















Ju ne




Ju ly






Septem ber






• •









13 14

th irteen fourteen



16 17




19 20 21


30 40

thirty forty



60 70





n inety





w h ite




p ink




seven teen

twenty twenty-one



alone hundre d

500 621

five hund re d

1,000 1,000,000

six hu nd re d (and) twenty-one a lone thousand a lone million

Index 105


Two numbers occur after words in the index: the fi rst refers to the page where the word is illu strated and the second to the item number of the word on that page. For example, above r0 he",] 102 2 means that the word above is tbe item numbered 2 on page 102. If o nly a bold number appears, then tha t wo rd is part of the unit

title or a subtitle. The index incl udes a pronunciation g uide for all the word s illustrated in the book. Th is guide uses sym bo ls co mmonly found in dict ionaries fo r native speakers. These symbols, unlike those used in transcription sys tems such as the International Phonetic Alphabet, tend to preserve spelling and so sho uld help you to become more aware of the connections between written English and spo ken English. Con s o nants [bl as in back [bak] [cb] as in cheek [chek] [dl as in date [datl [dh] as in the [db] [I'] as in face [fas] [gj as in gas [gas] Ih j as in ha lf[ haf] [jJ as in jack [jak]

[kJ as in kite [kit] [IJ as in leaf Ilef] [mJ as in ma n [man] [nJ as in neck [nck] [ngJ as in ri ng [rtng] [p J as in pack [pak] Ir1 as in rake [rak] [si as in sa nd [sand]

Ish] as in shell [shell [t j as in tape Llap] [th1as in three [thrc] Lv] as in vi ne [vln ] Iw 1as in waist l"-astl I\' ] as in Jam [yam] [I ] as in zoo lzool [zh] as in measure [mct h' or]

[I] as in lime [llm I

[00] as in cool [kooJ] [()(,] as in book [Ix'j(,k J low I as in cow [ko" [ ["y I as in boy [boy 1 [Cl I as in cu t [kell J I Ci] as in curb [kurb [ [o[ as in above [0 be,,路']

Vowels [a] as in [,1] as in Iid as in le [ as in [e I as. in [e] as in

bake [bak ] back [hak 1 bar [bar] beat [bet] bed [bed] bear [ber]

in lip [Hp I ['iJ as in beer [h',r] [c'J as in post Ipl,st] [{\] as in box [hC,ksl Iii[ as in claw [klii[ or for [fiif]

[q as

All pron unc iation symbols used are alphabetical except for the schwa r~] , which is the most freque nt vowel sound in Engl ish. If you use it appropriately in unstressed sy llables, your pro nu nciation will so und more naturaL You should note that an umlaut (["]) calls attention to the special q uality of vowels before [r I. (The sound [li] can also represent a vowel not followed by [r) as in claw.) Ynu sho uld listen carefully to native speakers to discover how these vowels actua lly sound. Stre s s

This guide also follows the system for marking stress used in many dictio narie s for native speakers. ( I) Stress is not marked if a word consisting of a single syllable occurs in isolation. (2) Where stres s is marked, two levels are di stinguished : a bold acc ent [ , ] is placed afte r eacb syllable with primary stress, a light accent [ I J is placed after each syllable with secondary stres s.

Sylla ble Boundaries Syllable bou ndaries are indicated by a single space.

NOTE: The pron unciation used in this index is based on patterns of American Eng lish. There has been no attempt to repre sent all of the varieties of American Eng lish. Students should listen to nati ve speakers to hear how the language actually sounds in a pa rticu lar region.

106 above [0 buv / ] 102 2

animals [an' ;) malz ] 62-69

abdomen [ab Id d men ] 4 14


accelerator [i'ik scl 'grIT't;lr] 50 27

Antarctic Ocean [ant ark ' tfk 6 ' shon ]

accordion [;l kor'de an] 98 28

[anti 63 12

audience [o 'deJ ns] 9915 audio [o /dea' ) 100

70 14

aunt [ant] 3 6

accountant [ ;) kown / tom 1 86 18

Antarctica [ant ark ' ti L:Jj 70 7

Australia [0 strDJ 'yJ] 70 6 author [6 /tb or ] 47 8

acorn [a/kern] 61 33b

anteater rant'e'tgr] 66 5

automatic transmission

acorn squash [a/kern skwosh/l 7 28

antenn a [an ten ';)] 5146, 62 Ib

across I J krOs ' I 103 6

antler [ant / lor] 67 35a

avocado [av ';:l kc/d6] 9 33

actor [ak'tJr] 99 19

apartment house

away from [o wil' from] 103 5

actress [ilk/lrJs] 99 20

[ o part /m cm hows/] 45 23

It) ' ta mat / tk tra nz mi 'shdnl 50

axe [ilksl 42 14

acute angle [ ;) kyoot ' a ng'g gl] 79 8

apex [a'peks] 79 2 1

baboon [ba boon " ] 69 19

address [a /dres ] 46 11

Appalachian Mo untains

baby [ha/ be! 2 5

adjectives ' [i1j ' lk tfvz ] 24,25

[ap ' ;) lil ' che J nmown' t;)nzJ 714 1

baby carriage [ba ' he kar ' ljl 45 27

aerial tramway [er 'c;)1 tranr/wIT] SS 3 1

apple [a / po l] 8 2

baby lotion [ba / be la' sh on] 33 6

Africa [a/[rr ka ] 70 4

apricot [ap'r;! k()t/] 9 25

baby powder [ha 'be pow /d ar] 33 7

after-shave lotion [af'tgT shav lo /shon]

apron la/pran] 16 6

baby wipes [ha'be wl ps'] 338

aqu atic mammals

baby's room [ba ' beL room '] 33

23 2 1 ailments [al/m cnt s] 40 air conditioner [er 'k;m dT' sh;) nor] 32 11

[;J kw6 Iti kma 'mJlzJ 68 Arabian Sea [ J ra'bc ;)n

se '] 7030

arc [ark] 79 16

back [bilk I 4 11, 23 19 backacbe [bak/ ak ' J 40 8

air filter ler /fll 't;)rj 51 52

arch itect [ar ' k;) tckt ' j 86 8

Air Force [er I Ciks 'I 48 19

Arctic [ark'tik[ 70 8

backboard [bak ' bOrd'l 92 19 backboe [bak/bo /[ 82 26 backpack [bilk/pak l[ 19 4

air mattress [er ' ma'trosl 9] 26 air pump lerl pump'] 53 13

Arizona [ar/;) z6 ' n;lJ 72 3

backseat [bak/sct /) 50 32

Arkansas [ar 'kan so ./] 72 4

backyard [bak Iyiird I ] 27

arm [arm] 4 6, 100 20 armadillo [1:'tr l o p dil ' 6J 66 2

back-up ligbt [bak /op litll 5030

air travel

fer' tra./VJl]


aircraft [er I kraft ' 1 57 aircraft carrier [er/kraft kl1r ' ygf ] 48 4

bacon lba/k cn] 10 11 , 18, 33

aircraft types [er'kraft tips'] 57

armed force s larmd / ftir 'sJZ I 48 armpit [arm'pit / ] 4 10

Baffin Bay [baf/on ball 70 16

(airmail) enve lope

armrest [arm' rest'] 50 3

bag [bag] 12 8, 15 25, 21 35

Army [ar /me] 48 15

baggage [bag l ijJ 56 8

airman [er ' m;m ] 48 20

around I ;) rownd -"] 103 2

bake [bak l 31 14

airport check-in [er'port chek 'in[ 56

artery [ar't d re] 5 69

baked beans [hakt' bcnz /] 18 3

aisle [i /ol l 14 10, 56 23

artichoke [ar 'tJ chok IJ 6 11

baked goods [hakt go'6dz I] 14 11

Alabama [allo ba /mo l 72 I

artist l ar ' tas t] 86 3

baked potato [hakt ' p a li/ttlj 18 20

alarm clock [ c Iar m" kink] 32 8

arts I arts ] 86

baker [ba/k or [ 84 8

Alaska [o las/b ] 72 2

ashtray [a sh'tnl '] 16 29

bakery [b a I kJ re] 44 6

alcohol [al/b bolll 39 22

Asia [i/zbo ] 70 5

balance beam [bat' ens hem I ] 94 24

alligator Uil ':J ga:'tgrJ 65 8

asparagus [ J spar' ;) g;)s] 61 8

balcony [bal /b ne] 99 14

almond(s) [o / mo nd(z)] 9 3 1

asteroid [as't ;) royd '] 74 20

(ba le of) hay [ba l I ov ha I] 81 13

Alps [ilIps ] 70 44

astron aut las ' tr;) not'] 75 5

Amazon River 11:'/m<i zoo rl v';Jr]

at [at] 102 I

ball [boil 5 52 ballet Iba la/ ] 99

Atacama Des ert

ballfields [bm/foldz ' ] 93

le r 'mal cn 'v;.) lop] 46 16

71 59

ambulance [am 'hy;) Ions] 42 6 amphibians [am n ' bc cmz] 65 ammunition [am/yd nish ';)n] 48

[at ' ;) ko'm;) dez' J rtl 71 50 athletic supporter lath le!trk sa por/tor ] 22 4

badge [baj J 43 5

ballpo int pen [bol 'poynt pen ' l 76 22 Baltic Sea [bol/trk se ' ] 70 22 bananas [b o na'ng?, ] 9 20

anchor [ang'k;)rl 58 24

atlas lat /los ] 47 20

Band~Aid [band ad ' ] 39 4

Andes lan/dez] 71 43

attachments I J tach' mants] 35 17

ank le [ang/bl] 5 49

atte ndant I;) tcn 'dJnl] 39 8, 53 12

band shell [band' sbel ' l 87 2 bandage [ban/dij' ] 39 24

107 banister [ban ';) star] 28 ] 1

banj o [ban


'W! 98


90 21

bison [bl 'sJn] 67 19 bit [bit) 37 43a

banking [bang /king) 86

beads [bedz] 23 7

bar [bar] 13 18, 16 24

beak !bek] 64 3a

bar stool [bar 'stool'] 16 25

beaker [be /brJ 78 23

black bear [blak ber'l 69 21 ' black bean(s) [blak ben(z)') 6 14 black eye [blak i /]' 40 5

barber [bar ' her I 84 3

beard [bird] 4 39

Black Sea lblak' l se /] 70 26

Barents Sea Ihar'aots se 'l 70 23 barg e [barj] 58 12 bark [bark] 61 35c

bears [berz] 69 beat [bet] 31 8

blackberries [blak ber" ez] 8 12 bladder [bla dar] ' 5 72

BeaufortSea [he)! fJrtse '] 7015

blade [bIM] ' 94 27

barn [barn] 81 5

beaver [be Zvor] 66 12

blanket [blang /ket] 32 20

barnyard [barn ' yard ' ] 818

bed [bed) 32 2 1

blazer [blIT 'I,er] 20 2

barrel Ibar/ o!] 4823

bed rest [hed /rcst', 41 1

bleach [blech! 35 26

barricade' [bar ' J kad'l 82 21 bartender [btir 'tcn'dJr] 1'6 2 1 base [bits] 79 7, 93 6 baseball [bas ' bOl ' ] 92 baseball diamond [bas /bO! di fmond] 93 baseline [has /lIn'J 95 4

bedroom [hed 'wom'J 32 bedspread [hed /spred') 32 23

blender [blen dar] 30 12 blimp [blimp]' 57 5

bee [be! 63 19

blinds [blindz] 32 12

bee f [bef] 10 1

block [bIok] 33 32

beef stew [hef'stoo /] 18 14

blouse [blows] 21 34

beer [bfr] 16 23

blue jay [bloo l ja'] 64 8

beet(s) [bets! 7 33

(blue) jeans [hloo jen,'! 196 ' blueberries [bloo 'bcr'cz] 8 14

basin (ba:'s;)n] 39 16

basketball [bas /kot bol'] 92, 92 21

beetle [be /tol! 63 10 behind [bohind /] 102 9 below [be 16 /] 102 3

blush [blush ] 23 32

bass [bas] 98 10

belt [helt! 20 16

board [bard ] 82 16

bass guitarist [has' go tar 'astj 99 23

bench [bench] 43 16, 44 14, 78 24,

boarding [b{-)r 'ding] 56

basket [bas /kot! 92 20

bassoon [ba soon '"] 98 14

87 10

blueprints Ibloo' prints ,] 82 6

boarding pass [hor 'dingpas'] 56 18

bat [bat] 66 4, 92 5

beret [bo ra I ] 19 22

boardwalk [biird 'w(1k'] 90 1

batboy [bat /boy'] 93 18

Bering Sea [ber 'ing se '] 70 34

body [b"/ de! 4

berries [ber 'ez] 8

boil [boyl] 31 16

between [ba twen ' J 102 4

bollard [bOI ' ord] 58 26

beverages [bev 'rJjJzl 14 14

bo lt Ibolt[ 37 38

bib [bIb] 33 20 bicycle [bi l SI k dl] 52 15

bomb [brim] 48 3 bomber Ih6rn ' ar] 482

big [big] 24 8

bo ngos [hong ' goz] 9822

(Big Dipper) constellation

book [bOok] 13 17

[big ' di ' par kon sta la ' shon ] 74 3 big toe [big [6 /) 5 53

(book 00 matches [hd6k ' av ma ' chcz]

bath mat [bath

mat'] 34 12

' bath towel [bath I tow'ol] 3424


beach umbrella [bcch /orn hrel'g]

bathing suit lba /dhing soot'l 90 18 bathing trunks [ba .dhf ng trtingks '] ' 91 33 bathrobe [bath I rob] 22 20 bathroom [bath ' room I] 34 bathtub [bath tub'] 34 11 ' baton [be ton /) 99 9 batter !bat l or] 92 7,93 14 battery [bat /ore] 5154

biker [bi /br] 90 4

bookstore [b(x)k' stor] 45 18

batting helmet [bat l i ng hel/m;)t] 92 6

bikes l biks] 52

boom (boom] 597

battleship [bat /ol ship'! 48 5

(bik ini) panties [b a kc ' ne pan' tez]

booth [booth! 16 9

Bay of Bengal Iba' ay ben gill ! I 70 32 bayonet (ha ';) net'J 48 24 bays [baz] 70 beach [bech ! 90 beach ball [bech bOl'] 90 11


stand"] 52 14

bike stand [bik '

22 11

16 28 bookcase [bUi,k I kas] 28 22, 83 20

boots [boots] 19 21, 2 1 32

bill [bIll 64 24a

bottle [bOt

bin [bin] 15 16

' bottle opener [bot ' <11 (1' pJ nar] 30 6

bind ing [bin I dfng] 95 16

bounce [bowns] 97 11

binoculars [ba n6k ' yJ lars] 90 7

bow [ho! 98 7a

' Chef'] 90 20 beach chair [beeh/

birch [bllrch] 61 32

how [bow] 58 5

beach towel [bech / LOw' al ] 90 15

birds [btlrdz] 64

bowl [h6l] 13 23

biscuit [bis ' kat] 18 27

bow ling [bOi 'ing! 94

01] 12 3, 33 17

108 bowli ng ball (bot 'rng bol 'I 94 6

bu n [hiinl 18 7

canary [k a Il~r' c] 64 14

box [boks] 13 12

bunch Ibiinchj 8 I

candle [kan'doll 29 27

bo x sea t [h6ks' set I] 99 It

Bunsen burn er [bun' son bur' nar]

candlest ick (kan'd;)1 stik/] 29 28

box spring U>6ks'spring'J 32 18

boxer shorts IbOk' scr shorts fJ 22 2 boxing [bok'singl 94 boy's fra me [boyz'fram'l 52 11

canister (kl1n'JstJr] 301 5 canned goods [Hnd' gdbdz'l 14 13

78 20 buoy [h<ro'e] /[litlYI 58 16 bureau [hyoor/o] 32 9

canno n [kiln' on] 48 11

bum [burn] 17 14. 40 18

canoe [ko noo" I 59 2

bu rne r [bur nor] 30 29 ' bus [bUs] 53 20. 54

cantaloupe [kiln' to lop/I 9 36

bracelet [bras'I;,t) 23 9

bus driver Ihll'/drI/vJr] 543

cap Ikilpl 19 2. 2 143. 92 11

brain [bran] 5 57

bus SlOP [hii,'SIop'] 44 13

capsule [kilp'soll 41 5

brake [brak] 50 26.52 17

busboy [bii,'boy'l 16 3

car [kar] 54 9

brake light ' brak ' lll ' ] 5029

bushes [buush' oz] 61 4 1

card catalog {karo'

branch (brilnch] 61 35a •

business workers [biz' nos wur'k;,rzl 86

cardiga n [kar/ di g;ml 21 26

brass [brils] 98

butcher 11it",' char] 84 13

cardi nal [kard'noll 64 11

bread [bred] 14 12

butter [hUt ' or l 18 18

cargo [kar' gdl 58 10

bread and butter plate

buttercup lhUt' or kup"] 60 17

cargo area (kar' g<1 er' e

butterfly (hiit' or m'] 63 3

cargo bay [kar' gd ha'l 75 9

break [brilk] 31 7

buttoc ks [hUt' cks] 4 15

cargo door [kar' g<1 dtlr'l 57 13

breast [bnist] 11 21

button [hUt' on] 20 3. 10 1 9

Caribbean Sea [kar'

bricks [brfks] 82 12

butto nhole [hlit/;m hill 'I 101 8

brid le path [hr,d' 01 path"] 87 7

Ccclamp [se 'klilmp'l 36 2

carpe nter [kar'pon tar] 85 2

briefcase Ihrcffkas'J 21 37

carpe nter's rule [kar' p:m t arz roollJ

briefs [hri'fs[ 22 12 bro ccoli Ihr6k f J le] 6 2

cab driver [kab'drf vor] 5526 ' cabbage [kilbfijj 6 3 cabin [kl1b /in] 56 19

carrot(s) [kar' Jl(sl] 7 32

hroil [bruyl] 31 13

cabin cruiser [k:1h/ln kroo' zcr] 59 16

carry [kilr'i'[ 26 16

broi ler IbroY'lor] 30 33

cabinet [kabfo n at ] 30 22

carry -on ba g [kilr ' e on hag'] 56 2

bro ke n bon e [bro Zkon rnln'J 40 15

cable Ika'hol] 52 23

cars [karzl 50-51

broom Ibroom I 35 7

cable car [ka'bol kar'] 55 32

can on [kar'tJnl 12 1

brot her Ihrudh' or I 3 9 brot he r-i n-law [brndh Zer en 10 /] 3 11

cactus [kak/tJs] 61 40

cartrid ge needle (kar'trij ne' dol]

bra(ss iere) [bm]/[br, zlr'] 22 13 brace


36 9

[bri'd'ondbiil'orplat/j 29 11

bru ise [hroOlI 40 17

canyon [kiln' yan] 88 3

kat' ;J log]



47 4

57 12

be / an se I]

70 20

36 I

lOO 19

calculator [kal/kY;J la' tar] 83 19,

carve [k iirv I 31 6

100 34

bro sh [brush] 76 18

calendar ldU/;,n dor] 83 9

cash register (kash'rc' ja stcr] 15 2 1

bru ssels sprouts IhrUs' ~I sprcwts ZI 6 4

calf [kiln 4 20.67 3 1

cashe w(s) Ikilsh' oo(zl] 9 27

bucket [biik'Ol] 35 15 bucket seat IbOkI at set /] 50 16

California [kill' o fOr' nyo] 72 5

cashier [kil shir'] IS 22

call card [kol' kard 'j 47 6

Caspian Sea Ikas'peOlnse'l 70 27

buck le [biik' oIl 20 17

call number [koI'nfim' bar] 47 6

casserole di sh [ka~J

bud [hiid) 60 18a

call slip Ik61'slip'] 47 12 camel Ikam' oIl 67 33

cassette [ko "ell] 100 26 cassette deck [ka set l del'] 100 22

builder [hil' dar] 82 5

camera [kl1m'a-,)] 100 8

cast Ikil.SlI 39 5

bui ld ing nu mber [hi!' rung nUm' bor]

cameraperson (kam';'Ir

buffet [bo

ra' I

29 29

45 24




86 10


ral dfsh'] 30 14

cat [kiltl 68 4

camisole (kam';)sol'] 22 9

catch [kach] 96 4

bulb [biilb] 60 8a

camp s to ve (k5mp'stov'l 89 25

catcher [kilch' ar] 92 2. 93 16

bull 1b<J!JII 67 34

campe r [k5m'pJr! 53 16

catcher's mas k (k3ch' arz mask 'J 92 3

bulldozer [hl)iJI'd6' zcr] 82 27

campfire Ikamp'fir'] 89 31

hullet [1it",I'ill 48 26

ca mping [kilm'pingl 89

catcher's mitt (kikh' arz mlt"] 92 4 caterpillar Ikiil l or pil' er1 63 1

bulletin hoard Ihdhl/l ten bord"] 76 7

can [kiln] 12 10

cattle (kilt' oil 81 20

bumper [biim'porJ 335

can ope ner [kiln' 6 1 pa nar] 30 4

Caucasus (ki)/b sos/ 71 4 5

109 cauliflo we r Ikol l


flow ' or] 6 I

chin [c hln] 4 3 china Ichl l no ] 29 I c hina cl oset [chr l na klOz';:(] 29 2

ceiling [se/ n ng ] 28 2 ceiling fan (se

f nng fa n 'J 28 I

chipmunk [chIp l munk] 66 6

cello Ichel / o ] 98 9

chnp Ich6pl 26 11 ,31 1I chops Ichopsl 10 9. 10 15 choru s Iktir l >s I 99 18

cocoon [ko konn IJ 63 2 coc onut Ikc/ kd nlu'l 8 3 coffee Iko l [eJ 18 35

(chry santhe)mum

coffeemaker (ko

82 25 cement truck [sa mcnt I triik /] 49 13

center Is~nl tcr] 79 13,93 27 ce nte r divider [sen! tor da vI' dar]

53 18.82 24

re' pOllJ

30 3 1

29 18

cigarette (sig';J r~t'l 16 31 circle Istir l kol ] 79 11 circuit breaker [stir' k x bra' kar] 35 5 circular saw [stir ' kya lar sol) 36 20

coffee ta ble [kol fe tal bel] 28 26

circumfere nce [stir kum' fa rans] 79 17

cold water faucet {k6ld' wO tor fo l sat]

coi ns [koynz] 13 26 co lander [k61 on dar] 30 7 ' cn ld Ikfild) 25 10, 40 J I

centipede Isen l to ped'J 63 22

city [sIt I e ] 44.45

chain [chan] 23 5. 5 2 18

c1a m(s)

chair [che r ] 29 17

clamp [klamp] 78 7 cl an net [kJar f , ne t/J 98 16

Colo rado IkOl'o rod I 01 72 6

cl asp [k lasp] 23 17

colum n [kol/oml 50 13

classroom [klas' room ' ] 76

cnm b [kom] 32 6

claw [kWI 62 13a. 68 2a

cnm bine (11) [kom bin] 81 17 ' comet Ikom I >t1 74 2

38 13 changing table [chan' jlng

ta' bal]

33 9

charcoal briquettes [char I kol brf kets /] 27 23

Ik l~m(z) ]

34 18 co llar Ik61 /

11 32

clea n [klenl 24 6 .26 2 clean ser [klen z ar ] 35 9 clear [klYr] 17' 6 cliff [kllfI 89 2 1 cli p-on earring [klipf 6n Yr 'lngl 23 15


20 20

co lonial-style house [ka 10' ne ;,1srtl hows' l 27

comforter [kUm'


tar] 32 22

command module [kc mand " m6j' 001] 75 8 comm unication satellite

chart [ch art] 39 10

clock [klok] 76 2

check [chekJ 1527,16 14

close (v) [kJ6z] 77 5

commuter [kc mycc Ztcr] 5517

chec ked IcM kt] 24 18

cl osed [klczd] 24 16

commuter train [k a myoo Ztar tran"]

chec kout co unter [chek' owt kown I t or]

closet [kloz/,t] 32 3 cloth diaper [klOth dl l par] 33 13 ' clothes IkWzJ 19路24

compact d isc (C D )

clothesline IkWz/llnlJ 35 19 clothespins Ikloz l pinz' J 3S 20

co mpact d isc p layer Ikom l pakt dIsk l plaf or] 100 28

c1nudy [klow I del 2S 2

co mputer [kam pyoo' tar] 76 8, 83

15 26 c hec ko ut de sk {ehek' owl desk' ] 47 2 cheerleaders (chrr l le ' d arz] 93 20

cheek Ichc k J 4 35


coffeepot [kol

re ma' kar]

citrus fruits [51' tras froots'l 8

chalk tra y [c hok " tra fl 76 9 chalkboard Ich6k l bard I] 76 5 chande lier [shan da Iir / l 29 3 ' cha nge (the sheets) rchanjl dha shcts 'j


[kra s~nl tho maml/imiim] 60 4

16 32

ce nter fielder [sen' tar fel' dar] 93 2 center lane [sen' tor lan ' l ' 53 6 ce nterboard [sen I tor bord ' I 59 6

chalk [cho k] 76 10


cocktail waitress (k6k/ tal wa' tras]

celery [sel' ore] 6 10

cement [se ment' J 82 10 cement mixer [s;) mcnt " mik' sar]


coc kroac h [kok rOch f] 63 9 ' cocktail lo unge Ik6k l tal lownj" ] 16

cherries [cher' ez] 9 19 cherry picker (cher! epYk' or] 82 18 chest [chest] 4 12

cloverl eaf Ik16' vor lef') 53 4

chest of drawers [chest' av drarz']

cl ubs [kltibz J 95 5

32 30

clove [k I6v) 7 25a

clutch [kluch] 50 25

chestnun s) Iches l nut(s)] 9 32

coach Ik6ch ] 93 2 1

chic k IchIk] 64 22

coal [kol l 80 7

chicken Ichlk/onJ 11 24.64 23 child'sseat [c hil d z -" setf] 50 33

coal mine [kol min] 80 6 ' coaster (kc)l star] 16 27

childre n IchIl ' drcn] 2 7

cna t Ikot) 19 24 , 4 2 13

chills [chllzJ 40 4 chimney [chtm/ ne] 27 9

cnb [kOh l 6 12a cobra Iko l bra J 65 11

chimpanzee [chIm pan' ze] 69 16

coc kpit Ikok I pIt I] 56 13

[k o myoo' n e ka shan sat' a lIt] 7S 2

55 14 /kom I pukt dIsk IJ/lse l de/J 100 27

16. 100

computer programmer [kam pyool tor pro l gram ar] 86 16 cnnductor Ikon diik l tor] 54 7, 99 8 cone Ikon ] 61 34 b, 79 28, 82 19 conga Ik6ng l ga ] 98 20 Congo Ri ver (kOng' go nv' er] 71 62 Co nnecticut [ka n~' tl kat ] 72 7 constellatio n [kt'ln sta la.l shc n] 74 3 ' construction [kan strlik' shan] 82 (constructio n) boots Ikon stnllJ shon bOots f ) 2 1 32

110 construction site [k an striik ! shon slt'l 82

crochet [kro she ,] 101 28

dentist [den 'list] 39 17

construct ion worker

crochet hook [kr5! sha ' hook'] 101 29

department store [da part ' mant star']

[kan strUk' shan will" kar] 82 14 container [k an ta /nor! 12 2,58 7

crocus [kro

(container)ship [kan

ta' OJf ship']

58 9

44 S

kcs ] 60 9 '

deptb [depth] 79 33

cross-country skiing [kr6s ' kiln trc ske l Ing] 94

continents tk on! to nonts] 70

crosswalk [kros ' wok"] 44 4 crow [kro] 64 3

control tower [kan tr61' tow/at] 57 20

crutch [kriich I 39 7

conveyor belt [kan va/ar belt] 15 23,

cube [kyoob] 79 27 cubicle [kyoo l bg k cl] 83 5

containers [ken ta ' narz] 12

56 12

derri ck Ider 'Ik] 80 2 deserts [dcz I c rts I 71 desk [desk] 28 14, 76 16, 83 13 detective [d a tck tfv ] 43 2 diagonal [df ag l 'g nal ] 79 20 diameter [dIam /gtgrJ 7912

cook (11) [ko6k] 17 4 cook (v) [koiik ] 17 4

cucumber(s) [kyoo ' kum bgr(z)] 7 20 cuff Iioks [kM'lInks l] 23 12

dictionary [dlk sha ner" cl 47 24

cookie [kOok ' e] 18 22

cup [kup] 13 19, 29 20

dig [dIg] 26 3

curb [kurb ] 45 26 curtain [kilr 't;)nJ 32 10, 99 I

dime [dim ] 13 29 dinghy [dIng' e] 59 18

cooling tower [koo /lIng tow/or] 80 16

curtain ring s [kilr ' ten rfngz"] 34 2

dining room [dI ' nfng room'] 29

copilot [ko'pi lot] 56 16 cord [kord] 32 263, 54 I

curt ain rod [kilr tan rOd'J 34 I ' curve [ktlrv] 79 3 cu shion [kcosh I en] 28 24

dipstick [dIp 'stlk ] 51 58 ' dirt bike [durt ' blk I] 52 8 disc jockey (DJ) [dIsk ' jok l e l/[de l ja]

cool [kOoII 25 9 cooler [koo 'lJr] 91 41


(corduroy) pant s [kCjr' da roy pants/}

custome r [klis

21 27 core [kor] 8 2b,80 14 cork [kork] 16 18 corkscrew [kork " skroo Ij 16 17

corn [kom I 6 12, 60 24 corne r [kor ' oar] 44 3

t c mer]

15 17

' cut (v ) [ki it] 31 9 cut (n ) [kiit] 40 16 cutting board [klit /lng bord"] 30 26 cylinder [sn /in dar ] 7926 cymbals [slm ' b clz] 98 18

diesel fuel [de '' z al fyool oil 80 34

86 9 dirty [dur' te] 24 S dish drainer [dish I dra' nar] 30 2 dishtowel [dl sh f towt al] 30 18 dish washer fdfsh l wash' or] 30 1

daffodil [daf' 0 dIll 60 8 dairy cow [der e kow"] 81 11 ' dairy farm [der ' e farm' ! 81

dishwashing liquid {dlsh wash Ing 11 1 kwfd] 30 10 ' disposable diaper [dls po / zo bal di l par] 33 12

cotton swab [kot ';;In swob 'l 33 10

dairy products [der ' e prod' iikts] 14 4

diss ection kit [di sek ' shcn k'it/ l 78 33

counter lkown " (;;If1 30 27

daisy [da ' ze] 60 5

dive [div] 97 14

court [kart] 43, 94 13

dam [dam] 80 18

dock [dok] 58 28

court officer [k6rt' 6 ' fJ sJr] 43 19

dance [dans] 99

doctor [dok ' tor] 39 1I dogs [dogz] 69

corral [ka ral 'l 81 24 cosmetics [k6z met /lks] 23 cotton balls [kot'


court reporter [kart '

hcHz'J 39 23

pdr I tar J 43 14

cousin [kiiz. Zan] 3 7

dancer [dan sar] 99 3 dark [dark] ' 24 10

cow [kow] 67 32

dasbboard [dash ' bord/] 50 19

doll IdOl] 33 28

cowboy [kow / boy" ] 81 21

date Idat] 9 23

doll house [dol ' hows"] 33 25

cowgirI [kow " gild'J 81 22 crab(s) [kra b(z)] 11 36,62 9

daughter [da' t :Jr! 3 15

doll ar bills [dol ' ar bflz , ] 13 25

deck [dek l 27 S, 58 22

dolly [dol ' e] 56 6

cradle [krii ' del] 33 26

deer [dir] 67 26

dolpbin [dOl' fin ] 68 13

cranberries [kran ber ' ez] 8 13 crane [kran ] 58 '6

defendant [do ren' dant] 43 23

donkey [dong ' ke I 67 23

defense attorney [da tens I a tOr' ne]

creamer [kre I mar] 29 24

43 22 Delaware [del '

door handle [dor ' han l do l] 50 4 door lock [dor ' lok l] 50 I


crew [krooJ 75 12 (crewneck) sweater [kroo" nek swet' or] 19 7 crib [krfb] 33 4 cri ket [m k' ot] 63 S cri me [krim] 43


war!J 72 8

deli counter [del ' e kown' tar] 14 1 delivery boy [de I1v ';) re boy" ] 85 10 deli very person [da I1v /;) re pilr ' san] 49 10 dental care [den l tal ker'] 39

dogwood [dog ' wood I] 61 28

doorman [dor man] 85 11 down [down] ' 103 3 down vest [down I vest '] 19 12 dragonfly [drag ',n mll 63 4 drain [dran I 34 9 drainpipe [dran 'pipl] 27 18

111 drapes [draps I 28 23

elm lelmJ 61 36

Pall IfOl) 26

draw [droJ 77 1I

embroidery [em broi' do re) 101 27

fam ily Ifilm'ole) 3

drawer [dror] 47 5

emergency brake (I mUf' j In

dress Idres] 20 22

se beak 1J

fam ily restau rant [Him'd le res/ tor ant] 16

50 15


dried fruits [dn d ' froots' ] 9

emery board [cm I J

drill [drf l] 39 15

encyclopedia [en sI' kla pe' de;;l! 47 25

fa re [fer] 55 2 1

drink [drlngk ] 17 2

end table [e nd' tal boil 28 29

far e box [fer ' b6ks'J S4 5

drive [driv] 97 15

end zo ne lend'zon ) 93 23 ' energy Icn/df je] 80

farmhouse [farm / hows" ] 81 3

farmer Ifar 'morJ 81 7

engagement ring [en gaj/ mant rfng"]

fanning lfar'ming] 81

dri veway [drlv


27 1

' drugstore Idrug' Slor l) ~5 22 drum [driim] 98 19 drummer [drum',,-J 99 27 drumsticks [drum'stiks f ) 98 19a dry [drl ] 25 14, 38 9 .

bord IJ 23 24

23 3

fan belt [filn' belt ' 1 51 53

fas hion designer [fiish' an de zI' nar] 86 6

engin e (en' jcn] 51, 52 32 engineer [en jJ ni'r'j 55 15

father [fOdh' or J 3 5

enter (en'tdr] 77 14

faucet [fO'sit) 34 17, 18 fawn IfO nl 67 27

dust [dus t] 38 15

entrance ramp [en' trcns ramp"] S3 2 1 en vel ope rh' va lop lJ 46 16, 83 3 1 eq uator nkwa:! t ar] 71 70 erase [I ras'] 77 3 eraser [lra's::Ir] 76 It escarole res' ka rullJ 6 7

dustpan Idust' p~n!J 35 8

esophagus [1 sOf' 0 g as] 5 61

feve r [fe'vdr} 40 2

eagle le' gel] 64 5

eucalyptus [yoo' ka lip' tas] 61 27

field Ife ldl 81 16

ear [Ir) 4 34

Europe lyObr' "p 1 70 3

fields and courses [feldz ' a nd ktk ' SJz]

(ear ot) corn [ff';;IV kom ' J 6 12 earmuffs [Yr ' mUfs ' J 19 10 eanings fi"r 'lngzJ 23 1

examining table [I g zam' a nfng

exhaust pipe [Ig zost' pip" ] 52 33

fighter plane [ti ' t or pliin IJ 48 I

Earth [urth] 74 8, 13

ex it ramp leg' zTt rIimp' l 53 2

file cabinet

east le st) 71 73

ex it sign leg' zft sIn'] S3 24

East China Sea lest' chi' na se'l 70 38

Expre ss M<>.i I (package) [Ik spres' mal pak l Ij] 46 23

file clerk Itil , kliirk I] 83 23 filefolder lfil' fOl I dar] 83 22

eat let) 17 I

extension cord Ilk sten' shan kord'l

dryer [drI'orl 35 24 duck [dukJ 11 25, 64 25 (duck) pond [duk' pond!] 87 8 du gout Idug ' owt"] 93 13 dump truc k Idump ' tnik IJ 49 14

ee l [e l] 65 4


ta' bJ11

39 6

36 5


feather ffCdh '<lr] 64 7a feather duster [fCdh' or diis' tar] 3S 2

fen ce [fens] 81 9 fe nde r [ten' do r) 52 10 ferry

Ifer' e) 58


95 fig [fig] 9 2 1

[m' k~b l 0

not) 83 21

file t (1l Ia ' J 11 28 fill IfilJ 26 9 fil m [film) 100 10, 100 17

egg [eg) 18 32, 64 13


egg roll [eg ' r61 !J 1825 eggplant leg ' pl~nt! 1 72 1

eye drops [i' drops" ] 41 10 ey e shadow ["1 ' shi1 1 d6] 23 30

finger [fing ' gar] 4 25

elbow [el' bOJ 4 8

eyebrow IT ' brow 'l 5 44

fingern ail [flog ' ggr nal ' ] 423

electric dri ll [lIOk' trl k drll 'l 37 43

eyebrow pencil [I' brow pen' SJII

fingerpri nts Iflng ' gcr prf nts "] 43 24

electric guitar (i lek' trfk gI tar 'I 99 26 electric generator [il~k' trik gen' ora tor] 80 2 1

electrical tape [l ick' trf k cl tap'l 37 34

23 26 eyelashes [i' lash I oz] 5 46

filter paper [fiI 't;)rpa ' pdr] 7816

fin [finJ 65 3b

finish line

Ifin' Ish ll n "] 95 2 1

fire [llrJ 28 9, 42 5 fire engine [fir' en l j an] 42 2

eye lid [i' lid I) 5 45 eyeliner ri' li 1 nor] 23 33

fire escape (fir' J skap'l 42 4

fa bric softener [tab ' rtk s6' fa nar]

fire ext inguisher

35 27

[fTr' Ik sting' gwf shor] 42 11


electr ician [Ll ek LrI ' shan ] 85 6

face [rasl 4 I

fire fighter lfrr ' ffl t or] 42

electricity [ J Ick tr'is' i te] 80 32

face guard [ras' gtird l] 92 15

fire hyd rant [fir ' hI! dront ] 42 9

electro nics [i Ick tro n'iks] 100

fire truck [l1r'trOk!) 42 3

elephant le l' 0 font I 66 17

factory work [fillJ ta re wurk" ] 85 fairway [Ier' wa'] 95 12

firefig hting Il1r ' 11' tfng ] 42

elevator [el';) vat tor] 4S 17. 80 9

fall (fOIJ 96 7

firefly Il1r'm


63 17

112 fireplace [lTr' plas'l 28 8 first baseman Ifurst I has' man] 93 8

foul line [fowl f Iln"] 93 9

first qu arter [fUrst' kwor' tar] 74 23

four-door hatchback (fOrI dOT

fish [fish J 11 26, 65

51 fox [fOks] 68 6

fisherman [fish I ar man] 58 2 fishing [lTsh' 1ng I 88

foundation [fown da f shcn] 82 I t

hach' bak]

gauze pads [goz' padz'l 39 25 gavel [gay' al] 43 12 gear [girl 89 27 gear changer [gfr I chan I jar] 52 22

gears hift [gir' shift ,] 50 17 geometrical figures

fishing boat [fis h' l ng bot 'J 58 I fishing line [fIsh ' l ng lln" ] 88 8

fractions [frill;.! shanz] 79 frame [fram] 28 4 frame hackpack [fram'bak'pak\ 89 28

fishing net [fish / Tng nct ' J 88 9

freezer [frc ' zcr! 14 3, 30 20

Georgia [jor' joJ 72 10 geyser [gl ' zcr] 80 5

fishing rod [fTsh ' l ngrt)(I 'J 887

freezing Ifre ' zfng] 25 I J

gihbon [glh ' an] 69 15

n ag [nag] 76 I, 82 20, 95 9

gill [gll ] 65 3c

flamingo [Flc ming! g6] 64 29

french fries [french friz'] 18 28 ' French horn [french hUrn f ] 98 26 fried chicken [frid' 'chTk f .101 18 29

flanker [nang ' k ar] 93 3 1 '


[frl z' be] 90 13

girl [gurl ] 2 9

name [n am] 29 26, 78 2 1

I tliin' ;)1shilrt'l 19 3

[je' ~ me l trf kal fig' yarz] 79

giraffe [j' raf' ] 67 29 girdle [gUr' dol] 22 15

flare [fler] 51 4 1

from [frtim] 103 ID

girl's frame [gtirlz fram /J 52 3 ' give [gfv ] 17 9

flash [nash J lOO 7

front bu mper Ifriint/bOm'p;;lr) 51 5 1

glass [glilsJ 12 20

flashl ig ht [nash'lll'] 35 3

frozen foods (fr5/z~m foQdz/]

glasses (glas f az] 21 44

flask [nask] 78 2

fruit and vegetable market

flannel shirt

frog [frog] 65 17

[froot' end vcj' to bel mar' kat] 44 28

m at) sheet [nal'shel'l 32 19 flatbed [nat' bM'1 49 18

flight attendant

14 2

Inn';) t~n' dent] 56 20

glider [gli'dor] 57 4 globe [glob] 47 19

fruit tree (froot tre' I 81 2

glove [ghiv I 92 12, 94 11, 94 15

fruits [froots J 8'

glove compartme nt

night deck [n ll ' d~k 'J 7510 flight engineer rnft/~nj;) nrrI J 56 17

frying pan [fri ' l ng pan'] 30 5

gloves [gliivz] 19 I

nipper [llTp ' or] 68 12a

fuel truck [fyoo ' 01 tnlk ' ] 49 3

nippers [llTp' orz] 91 36

full mo on [fli61 ' m(;"[m' J 74 24

glue [glee J 36 33, 76 17 goa l [ge l] 92 25

floor \!lor] 32 29 Florida [!lor ' , do] 72 9

full slip [fOoI'sllpl] 22 ID

goalie [go I '

fullback \fool ' hilk ,] 93 34

florist [nor'lst l 84 1I flounder [flown' dar] 65 7 flowers [flow! arz] 60

funnel Ifun' 01] 78 17 fuselage [fyoo' so 10j'l 57 14 galaxy [gal/:lk se) 74 I

goa lpost [gO! ' post' l 93 35 goat [got] 67 28 Gobi Desert [go ' be d~z' art] 71 54 golf [golf] 94

flute [nool] 99 13

Ganges River [gan I jez r'iv I er] 7 1 67

golf bag [golf' bag I) 95 7

n y [nI] 63 18

golf ball [golf' MI/J 94 7

foal [fOl] 67 22

gangway [gang' wa'l 58 20 garage [go roj ,] 27 2 garbage can (gar l bTj kan!) 35 3 1

foggy [fOg ' c l 25 12 fold [fOld] 38 I

garbage truck [gar' blj tnlk I ] 49 6 garde n hose (gar l den h6s!] 27 14

goose [goo s [ 64 26

food [food] 6-18

gardenia [gar den" ya] 60 14

gooseberries [goosl ber' ez l 8 I I

foot [foot] 5

gardener [gard ' ncr] 85 3

gopher [go ' for] 66 8

football [fOot ' bOl'] 92,92 13

garlic [gar 'llk] 7 25

gorilla [go rn ' 0] 69 17

football field [foot' boIrcld'] 93 force ps [fOrI $;1pS} 78 28

garment bag [gar' moot bag'J S6 J

graduated cy tinder

flying mammal [m'Tog

ma' malz]


fry [fri] 31 15

[gluv ' kern part' merit] 50 20


92 24

golf cart [golf'kart', 95 8 golf course [golf' kors'] 95 golfer [gol' fori 94 ID

garter belt [gar' tor b~ 1t ' J 22 14 (garter) snake [gar' tar sunk I) 65 9 gas gauge Igils'gaj/l 509

grains [granz] 60

gas pump [gas' pump') 53 14

grandfather [grand' fo' dhcr] 3 2

foreman (fOr'm:m] 85 13

gas tank [gas' tank 'J 50 34

grandmother [grand' mu' dhar] 3 I

fork [fork] 29 12

gas(oline) Igils' olen'J 80 28

grandparents [grand p;u-I <>n15] 2 10

fork lift [fOrk' ITft'] 58 4

(gauze) bandage [goz' ban' dfj] 39 24

grandson [grand I siln!) 2 12

forearm [fOr' arm"] 4 9 forehead [fOr' hM /J 4 32 forelegs [fOr'legz/l 66 3d

[grajl 00

a lid sil'

on dar] 78 25

granddaughter [grand ' do' tor) 2 11

113 grapefru it (grap' froot '! 8 7

handball [hAnd' b61'] 94, 94 12

hikers (hi' k arz] 88 2

grapes [griipsJ 8 I

handcuffs [hand' kufs'] 43 4

hiking boOIS [hi' kIng bootsll 19 9

graph paper (graf' pal pori 78 11

handicrafts [hAn' de krafts IJ 101

hill (hil) 88 4

grass [grd.>J 27 15

ha ndlebars [hAn' dol barz"] 52 2

Himalayas (him l

grasses [gras! az] 60

hang (hAngJ 38 6

hind legs (hind'legz'J 66 3b

grasshopper (gras' hop I er] 63 6

hang glide r (hang' gli l dar] 57 6

hi p (hip] 4 16

gra te (gr.tj 31 2

hangar [hAng ' or] 57 17

hippopotamus [hip' o pot' a mcs]

Great Sa ndy Desert

hanger [hAng' or] 32 2


la' az] 70 4 7

(gr.t'san'dedez' art] 7155

hard hat (hard'hilt') 21 2 8,82 4

green [gren] 95 10 greengrocer [gceo l gro 1 sar] 84 7

harmonica [har mon I;) ka] 98 30

harness (har' ncs] 89 22

66 14 hit (hit) 96 I hitchhik er [hfch Zhi' kar] 53 9 hockey stick IhOk ' e sllk l] 92 18

gri 11 [gril] 27 22, 88 12

harp [harp] 98 6

hog IhUg] 66 30

grizz ly bear [grizl le ber"] 69 23

hat [hatJ 19 18

hold [hOld) 17 12, 58 8

hatchback (Mch' bfik') 51 4 3

hole [hdl] 94 8

hatchet (hilch' ",] 36 17

ho lly [hOl' e] 61 37

Hawaii (haw6'e) 72 11

holster (hol' star] 43 8

hawk [hok] ().l 7

home plate [hOrn' plat') 93 15

hay [ha] 81 13

honeydew mel on

groce ries

rgr6/ sa rez]

ground beef

15 24

1grownd/ bef'J 10 2

grounding pl ug (grown I dfng plUg'] 36 7 guitar [gf tar 'J 98 11 Gulf of Alaska (gUlf' av


haze lnut(s) (ha' z al nut(s)'] 9 30


70 17 Gu lf u f Guinea (gUlf ' ov gin' e] 70 25

(hun'edoilmeJ'anj 9 35 (h~dl

head [hed] 4, 36 42a


51 47

(head of) cauliflower

hoof (hOotl 66 35 b

flow" ar] 6 I head protector [hed prd tek' tar] 94 14

hoofed mammals (hOoft' mam/ alz ] 66

gulfs [gulfs] 70

headache [hed' ak'l 40 6

hook and eye [hook' ondi'] 101 14

gun (gun] 43 7

headboard [hed' bord"] 32 14

horn [horn] 50 12, 52 5, 66 16a

headli gh ts [hod'lits

horse [hors I 66 2 1

Gu lf of Mexico (giilf / ;)v mek



70 19

gun tu rret

Igun I

tur I ;)1 ] 48 12

[hCd' ov k61


51 48

hook [h"r,kl 32 I , 36 16

gutter [gut' er] 27 10, 94 3

'] headphon es [hM' fOnzll 100 29

horse racing [htif.'/

gym nast Uim'nost] 9423

headrest [hed'rest

hor se-drawn carria ge

gy m nastics [jim

nas' Irks]


head set [hed'set

50 35 ']

83 2

raJ sfng]


[Mrs' dron kar' ijj 54 33

hack saw [hilk' s5 1] 36 18

'] heart [hart] 5 64

hair [her] 4 30

heat (hctj 80 27

hair dryer [her drl' ar] 34 26 ' hairbrush (her' brush I] 32 7

heating pad (he' ling padlJ 41 3

horses (hors' cz] 81 23

hedge cli ppe rs [hej ' kllp" arz] 27 29

hose [hoz] 42 8, 50 57.

hai rdresser (her dres! ar] 84 10

heel (hel) 5 50, 20 5

hot (h6tj 25 7

hal f (112) (haf) 79 30

heels [helz] 20 25

hot air balloon

half slip [haf' slipl) 22 8

height [hit] 79 34

halfback [hilf' hfiklj 93 33

heli copter (hel' 0 k6p l tor) 57 2

hot dog (hOt'dog ] 18 2 ' hot water faucet [hot' wO!: er fo' sat]

hall [hOIJ 76 12

helmet [hel'mot) 42 12, 52 7, 92 14

ham (ham] 10 12

he m [hem] 101 I 1

house plants [hows' plants I) 60 39

ham burger [ham 'bur' g arl 18 9

he m binding (hem' bln I dingJ 101 12 he rb(s) [urb(lÂť) 6 9

household items (hows! hold t! t amz]


hammer (ham' ar] 36 13 hammock [ham' okJ 27 11

(herd of) cattle [hurd/ >v kat' al] 81 20

hamper (ham' pari 34 28

high (hi] 24 11

hand [hand] 4

high blood pressure [hi I bliid presh" ar]

hand brake [hAnd' brak '1 52 24

40 10

horseback rider (hors' bak

n' dor]

87 6

Ihl:)t I er ba loon I} 57 1

34 17

15 15 household services [hows " hold stir' vc saz ] 85 housekeeper Ihows l kc' par] 85 8 houses

Ihow' ZJz]


hand gre nade [hand I grJ nad"] 48 29

high chai r (hi' cher"] 16 8

housework Ihows " wiirk , I 38

hand towel (hand' tow I al] 34 23

high heels (hi' helz'J 20 25 high way travel (hi' wa tdiv l ;;)IJ S3

Huang Ri ver Ihwilng'riv/;)c! 7 1 68

hand truck [hand' trtik I) 87 4

hubcap (hub' kap'j 50 36

114 Hudson Bay [htid I son ba/J 70 18

ironing board (11 ar nlng bord"] 35 13

knuckle (nUk/ oll 4 22

human body {hyoo l man bod I c] 4

jack [jilkl 32 26b, 50 38

hummingbird [hum/Tog burd/] 64 2

jacket [jilk /otJ 19 17. 21 33

koala (k o ol /,) 66 I labe l (la l boil 46 21

hump [hump ) 67 33 a


husband [hUz ' bend] 2 3, 3 12

jail [jaIl 43 I

lacrosse stick [lJ kros I stTk'1 92 16

hyac inth [hi I a sfnth] 60 to

j anitor Uan /;:l tar] 85 9

hye na (hi "I no) 68 30

jar [jar] 12 9

ladder (lad I or] 42 I , 82 8 ladybug (l a l dc bOg I ) 63 14

hypotenuse [hi p6t I;) noos "] 79 24

j aw [joJ 4 38

lamb (lam ] 10 13, 67 24

ice cream cone (is' krem conI ] 18 36

jeans [jenz] 19 6

lamp [lamp I 28 28

jeep [jep I 48 9

lampshade [lamp I shad I] 28 27

jelly [jel/el 18 31 jellyfish [jtl l e fl shll 62 12 jet engine Uet l en ' jon] 57 11

landing gear flan I dfng gYr l J 57 15

ice hockey

ITs' h?'lk' cJ


icepack [is/pilk'l 414

ice skates [is'skats'J 19 15 ice skating -fist skil ' ling] 94 , ice tray [i s ' tra/] 30 2 1

wuJ ham'er J

82 22

lacrosse (l;;> kros /J 92

lane [Ian] 94 4 lantern flan I tarn] 88 29 lape l (10 pel /] 20 I

jet fuel [jet I fyoo' 01 ) 80 3 1 Get) p lane [jt t l plan I) 57 18

Laptev Sea [Iap / 'evse / ) 70 33

Idaho [I "do hO'J 72 12

jeweller [j oo /o lar ] 84 12

last quarter [last I kwor " tar] 74 25

ignition [Ig nrsh/ an] 50 14

jewelry [joo I 01 rc l 23

launchpad [lonch Z p~dl) 75 15

iguana [l gW6 ' ne 1 65 13 Illinois [il l , noy/ ] 72 13

jewelry box [joo I 01 re boks I] 32 4

laundry (Ion I dre] 35 28

j igsaw [jlg l so) 36 3

laundry basket [Ion I dre bas I kot] 35 29

in (in) 102 7

j oc key [jok I cl 94 2 1

laundry detergent [ldn I dre d a tUr' j cnt]

in front of [i n frUn t ;1v 1 102 6

jogging path [jo g I Ing path I] 87 9

icy [i


se) 25 16

in-box (in

' 12 boks] 83

35 25

judge [juj ] 43 IQ

lawn mower [Ion I mo ' ar ] 27 12

ju kebox [jook Zboks l) 16 12

lead guitarist [led I gf ttir/ ist ] 99 25

j ump [jump] 96 8

leaf [lef] 60 36a

jungle gym [jung/oljim/l 87 17

leave [lev] 77 13

Jupiter Uool p::l tar] 74 15

le ft fielder [left I fell dar] 93 I

jury [jiJorl e] 43 2 1

left guard [left I gard IJ 93 26

infection fro ~k I sha n] 40 14

jury box [joor " c bOks l ] 43 20

left lan e [Ieft

inflatab le raft [in fl li' 1:1 b;11 raft') 59 20

ka ngaroo [kang" go roo/) 66 3

' lefttack le (IH'/tilk/ ol) 93 25

information de sk (in l for mal shan d t sk l] 47 22

Kansas [ka.n zas] 72 16 ' Kara Sea (kar/ o se /] 70 3 1 kayak Iki I ilk] 59 17 Ken tucky [ken tuk I e) 72 17

leg (Itg] 4 17, 10 14 , 11 20

' (index) finger (1n deks fing" gar] 4 25 Indian Ocean [In I' de on 6/ shan"] 70 13 Indiana [in de ~nl 0] 72 14 ' individual sports

[Inf da vij' 00 J l sports ' ] 94

injection [1njtk 'shan] 41 8

inj uries [In ' j J feZ] 40

insec t bite [i n I sekt bit 'I 40 3

Hm/J 535

(legal) pad (le I g,1 pad I] 83 26 lemon [Iem an] 8 9 ' Lena River lIe l n e rTv/;:lr! 71 66 length [length] 79 36

instep [In I step ' J 5 5 1

ke tchup [kech I cp J 16 4 kettledrum (kt,1 01 drum l [ 98 2 1 keyboard [ke' bord l) 98 la, 100 33

instruments (In I stra msnts J

keyboard play er [ke' bord pial ar] 99 22

letter IItt I or] 46 7

kick stand [kik I stand '1 52 9

letter carrier [let ';:lr kar' yar] 46 3 lettuc e [let ':;IS 1 6 6

insects [In I sekts] 63

39 13, 56 14, 98 internal orga ns [In tOrl nal ()rl ganz] 5 intersectio n [In' tar sek l shan] 44 11 interstate highway (1n l tar stat hl l wal 53 I intestines [In tcs l tanz] 5 67

kidney [kid I ncl 5 70 kid ney bean(s) [kid I

ns ben(z)I] 6 13

len s [lenz ] 100 6 leopard [lep lordJ 68 I

level [lcv 10IJ 82 3

kitchen (kich Ion ) 30

librarian [IJ brer" e an] 47 23

kite [kit] 91 22

library card fll-l brcr is kiird'l 47 3

kitten (ki,/ on ] 68 5

libraryelerk (Ii I brer c klilrk ,) 47 I

knee [ne] 4 19

license plate [Il' sons pHit/ J 50 28

iris [i-I res] 5 47, 60 11

knee socks (ne s6ks' ) 22 16 ' knife [nif] 29 15

iron (n) [i/om ] 35 12

knitting [nlt /lng ] 101 22

lid (lidJ 30 9 life jacket Ili f l jak I et ] 59 I life preserver [lIf l pra ztir' var] 90 9

iron (v ) [i /omJ 38 II

knitting needle (nTt/Tn g ne ' d el] 101 25

lifeboat [Ii f / OOlI] 58 19, 90 10

into (in too] 103 12 ' Iowa (i/ o wo ] 72 15

115 lifeguard [lIf' gard/] 90 6

low [I6J 24 12

matches [mach' az] 16 28

lifeguard chair (lif' gard Chef'] 90 8

lunar eclipse (loo' nar I klfps"] 74 6


light (v) lIit) 17 13

math [mathJ 79

light (ad)) [Iitl 24 9

lunar modu le [100 nar moj' oolJ 75 7 ' lunch box [lOneh'bOks'J 20 31

mattress [mA'tr;)s] 32 17

light switch (lit I swIch'l 32 25

lunch truck [luneh'tnlk'l 49 8

measurement [mczh' or mant] 79

lightbulb [lit' hiilb'l 35 22

lung [lung) 5 63

meat [met] 10

lighter (ll'ror) 16 30

machine gu n [rna shen' gtin"] 48 25

meatballs [met' bolz'] 18 11

lighthouse [lit' hows'] 58 14

magazine [mi1g';>

lily [Ill ' e J 60 3

magnet [mag' not) 78 27

lima bean(s) [11' mo ben(z)'] 6 16

ma gnifying glass [mag' ne ff Ing gias / ]

zen' ) 47 16

78 15

lime [Ilm] 8 10


lir' e:ll] 101 4

mechan ic [ma kAn' Ik] 84 2

rme' de

a] 86 medical care [med' 0 kJI ker'l 39 medi a

medicine [med ' o son] 41 medicine chest rmed' J son chest"!

line [ll n] 58 25

magnolia [mag nal' ya] 61 29

lines [11HZ] 79

mail [mall 46 2

lines man [Il nz f man ] 82 .17

mail slo t (mal's IOl'J 46 13

lion [11' on] 68 3

mail truck (mal'trCik'] 46 5

lip [lip] 4 43

mailbag [mal' bag') 46 4

lipstick [lIp'Sllk'] 23 29

mai lbo x [mal' bOks'] 46 I

liquor (bottle) [lIk'or bOt' al] 16 22

M aine [man] 72 19

mel on [mel' on] 9 35

liste n [ITs! an] 77 6

maintenance [man' Id nans] 95

menu [men' yooJ 16 7

little finger [IIt';:I) flog' gar] 4 28

make (thebed) [mak'dho bed'] 38 8

Mercury [mlir' kya re] 74 11

little league baseball [Hr 1;)1 leg has l bol]

makeup (mak' up') 23

merry-go-round [mer' c go rownd "]


mallet (m,i1'itJ 36 I1


~Ileg' or] 92 8

34 14 medicine dropper [mM';) san d rop' ar] 78 26 Mediterranean Sea (med / "i td ra/ nc dn se ' ) 70 24


87 5

mammals [mam ' slz ] 66-69

message pad [mes'ij pad ' ) 83 25

little toe (lIt' 01 t6'I 5 55

man [man] 2 2

messenger [mes'Jnj :;lr! 86 19

liver lHv! ar ] 5 65

manager [ml1 n ' l j ;;lr] 83 18

metal detector [met ';)1do tck' tar]

livestock [lIv'stOk 'j 81 12

mandolin [man d;;l ITn/] 98 4 ' mane [man] 66 2 1a

meteor [me' te er] 74 5

mango [mang' go] 8 5

meter [me I tar] 55 23

living room [liv /i ngroom 'l 28

manhole [man' ha l ' J 45 32

mezzanine [mez';) nen I) 99 13

lizard [Ilz' ard] 65 15

mantel [man' tal] 28 7

Michigan [mIsh';) gan] 72 22

llama (IOm'oJ 66 15

ma ntis [man' tfs] 63 7

microfilm [ml' kra fflm"] 47 13

loaf [1Of] 12 7

manual tran smission

microfilm reader (m! I kra

Little Leaguer

living quarters [nv l log kw or" tarz] 75 11

loafer (16' for) 21 4 2

[man/ yoo ~I rrnnz mlsh" en] 50

56 10

47 14

mm re' dor]


lobby [lOb' c) 44 2

map [map] 70

lobster [IOb'stor] 10 30. 62 13

maple [ma' poll 61 38

lock [IOkl 52 13 locker [IOk' ar] 76 6

marigold [mar ' 0 g6ld') 60 6 marine [me ren 'J 48 18

middle finger [mId ' ~I fing l gcr] 4 26

locksmith [IOk'smith'] 85 4

Marines [ma renz'] 48 17

milk [milk ] 14 5

log [log I 28 10

Mars [marz] 74 14


long (long] 24 2

Maryland [mer' 0 land] 72 20

Minnesota [mi n' d s6 ' t ~ ] 7223

long joh ns [long' jOnz'] 22 7

mascara [ma skar' J] 23 28

long sleeve [long/ s!ev'J 20 15

mashed potatoes [mas ht' p~ ta toz]

mirror [mlr a r] 32 5 Mi ssissippi '[mls' a sTp' eJ 72 24

loose [loosJ 24 4

(loose-leaf) paper (Ioos/Ief pa I pa r] 76 13 loudspeaker [lowd " spe' kar] 76 3

18 17 mask [mask] 91 35 Massachusetts (maS';) choo' sfts] 72 21

Loui siana [loo e' ze anI:>] 72 18

mast [mast) 59 8

lounge chair {Iownj' cher"] 27 24

mat [mat] 50 22

microscope {mT' kra skop'] 78 30 microwave oven (ro!' kro wav iiv' an ] 30 23

[min' c kam ' ] 100 2

Mississippi River [mTs' a sTpl e 71 58 Missouri [rnl zoor l e) 73 25 mitt [mit] 27 20 mi tten s (mit' cnz] 19 11



116 mixed vegetables lml ksr" vej ' ta bal z I

[myoo '

18 16

NorthAmerica [north ' ;:l mer/ ;:l k Jj

musical instruments kcl In ' strc mants ] 98

mixingbowi lmik' slng bo il ) 3024

mUSICIan [myoo zIsh ' go } 99 10

70 I North Atlantic [north /at lan 'tik] 701 1

mobile [mo I bel ] 33 2

mussel(s) [mus " I(z)J 11 34, 62 3

N orth Carolina [north / kar o 1I ' ne J

model [modi olJ 86 5

mustache [mus ' tash] 4 40


73 33

mus tard [mus 't;:lrd ] 18 1

North Dakota [north / do ko l tc] 73 34

nail [nal ] 37 41

North Pacific [north I pa slf'lk ] 70 9

money [mOn l e] 12

nail clippers [naI' klfp ' arz] 23 31

N0l1h Sea [north I se l] 70 21

money order [muo' ear' d ar] 46 18

nail pol ish [nai ' pa l ' ish ] 23 25

nose [noz] 4 36, 57 8

nailbrush [nal ' brush I] 34 20

nostril [nos 'trll j 4 37

monkey [mi1ng/ ke] 69 14

napkin [nap' kfn] 29 14

nozzle [noz ';)l ] 4217

monkey wrench [rnung" ke renc h"]

natural gas [nach ':lr;)1gas ' ] 80 29

nuclear reactor [noo ' kle or re ak / tar]

36 12 ' monorail lmon f

Navy [naive] 48 13

Mojave Desert [mo hov'

e dez '


71 48

m onitor [mon!

tor ] 100 32


80 13

Nebraska [na bras" ka J 73 27

nurse [ntlrs ] 39 19

neck [nek ] 4 4

nut [nut] 37 39 nuts [nuts] 9

mooring [moor ! 109] 59 19

necklace [nek lis] 23 6 nec tarine [nekf' ta ren'l 8 17

oak [ok] 61 33

moose [moos] 67 35

needle [ne I do l] 39 26, 60 34a, 101 18

oar [i)rJ 59 22

mop [ mop] 35 6

needlecrafts [ne' dJI kra fts IJ 101

oarlock [or ' mk ' ] 59 2 1

(mop)refill [mop /re /nll 3S 11

needlepoint [ne ' dal poynt "] 101 26

oats [ots I 60 23

mortar (mijr' t;)[ 1 48 28

Ob River [ob ' rlv ' ar ] 71 64

mosqui to 1m3 ski? ! t6J 63 13

neighborhood parks [na bor hood parks I } 87

motel [m6 te l /J 90 3

nephew [nef' yoo] 3 13

moth [ moth ] 63 2 1

Neptune [ncp ' toon] 74 18

mother [mudh!;)f I 3 4

nest [nest ] 64 31

occupations [ok ya pa l shanz] 84-86 ' ocean liner [6 ' shan ll' nar [ 58 27

motorail [m6t';)f oyl 'J 8033

net [net] 92 23

oceans [(l' sh;) nz l 70

Nevada fno vad ' a J 73 28

octopus [ok ' to pes] 62 6

motorboat [m6 t ' or bdt "] 59 13

new [noo ] 24 13

office [o ' n sJ 83

motorcycle [mdt I er 51 ' k;)l] 52 30,

New Hampshire [noo l hamp / shar]

office bui lding [0 ' ffs bil' dfng] 44 1

Montana Im(m


ral' ] 55,29

tan' 3 1

73 26

Moon [m60n1 74 9


skoo' 13r1

motor scooter [mot' ;)[

52 29

oboe [6 66] 98 IS ' obtuse angle [ob toos '

ang ' gal ]

79 5

53 19 mountain [mown ' t;)oJ 89 19

New Jersey [noo l ju r ' ze] 73 30

Ohio [6 hi I oJ 73 35

mountain climbing [m own! tan klim' Ing]

New Mex ico lnoo / mek' sd ko ] 7331

oil [oyl] 38 12

new moon [noo' moon'J 74 26

oil we ll loyl' wel/J 80 1

mountain ranges [mown I tan ran ' jaz] 7 1

New York {noo /york ' ] 7332

mouse [mows] 66 9 mousetrap [mowsv trap ' ] 35 32

newscaster [nooz kas' tar] 86 2 ' newspaper [niT<\ z ' pa' par] 21 48

ointment [oynt" meri t] 41 9 Ok lahoma [0 ' klc hO l mo [ 73 36

mouth [mowth] 4 2

newsstand [nooz' stand


72 29

officer [o 'nsJr] 86 13

45 30

mover [m()() ' var] 49 12

'] next to [nckst ' too ] 1021 1

movie camera [moo ' vc bim/;:l ro ]

nic kel [nlk' ,I [ 13 28 niece [nes] 3 14

100 15

old [old) 24 14 00 00

[on] 102 5 top of [on topl ovJ 102 10

onion(s) [uo yon(z)] 7 31 ' 24 15, 31 3 open [6 pa n] ' optician [i)ptlsh ';)n ] 849

moving van [moo ' vfn g van '1 49 11

NigerRiver [nI 'jJrrlv ' ar ] 7161

mow [mol 26 6 mum [mum] 60 4

night table [nll ta' b,l] 32 27 nigh tgown [nit '' gown I] 22 2 1

orange [or 'lnjJ 8 8

muscle [mus ' gl ] 5 62

nightstick [nit 'stlk/j 43 9

orangutan [3rang '3 tan'] 6918

mushroom(s) [m ush room(z) ] 7 30 musi c lmyoo' zfk] '99

Nile River [nll ' rlv ' or] 71 63 oipple [nfp I 01 ] 33 18

orbit [or bft] 74 21 ' ' chard] 81 I orchard [or

musical comedy

north [north [ 71 71

orchestra [o r ' k o stra ] 99 6

[ myoo Z Z J k J I kom "


de ] 99

oral hygienist [or ';:,1 hi je ' nfst] 39 14


(or ' ka strc set' Ing]

orchestra seating


99 12 orchid [or' kid[ 60 12 order [or'd;)r] 17 5 Oregon [or!;) gan] 73 37 organ lor l gcn] 98 29

papaya [p a pi' ya J 8 6 paper [pa' par] 76 13

penguin [pen' gwi n] 64 27

paper clips [pa' per kllps'J 83 28 paper towels lpa I par tow 'J1z) 35 23

pepper shaker [pep' ar sha' kcr] 29 9

para chute [parI J shoot'] 48 6

ostrich ((') s ' trlch l 64 12

parakeet [par' 0 ket] 64 15 parallel lines [parI J lellinz /] 79 4

otter (ot ' ar] 68 10

paramedic [parI

out of [owt' av] 103 7

IoWl! bord mo ' tar]

med ' Ik ] 42 7 Parana River [pa r';'l n6 1 d v ' ar] 71 60 parents Ipar l ants] 2 6 J

peop le (pe' pal ] 2 pepper(s) [pep' or(z)J 7 22 percussion [per kilsh l en] 98 perfume [pur ' fyoom] 23 27 periodicals section [pi'r l e Od' 0 k alz sek sh on] 47 15 ' periscope [pe r' 0 skopll 48 8

59 12 outer space [owt / or spas"] 74

park [park I 87

perpendicular lines [purl pan dlk ' ya lar linz 'J 79 2

park ranger [park' ran' j ar] 88 5

Persian Gu lf [pur ' zhon gu lf ,] 70 28

outlet [owl'lot] 36 6

parka Ipar ' ko ] 19 8

personal computer (PC) [pur ' sa nJI kcm pyoo ' t;'Jr ll

outboard motor

oval ({l'vol l 79 18


parking lights [par' kin g IllS'] 51 49

oven [uv' en] 30 32 over [ljl vor] 103 8

parking garage (parI king g;'l raj 'l

overalls (6' var o lz'] 21 30

parking meter [par' king me' tar]


16 / vdr k6t ' l 19 20

[pe'se'l lOO 3 1 perso nnel (pur' sa n~ l/l 4H

4S 19

petal [pe t' alJ 60 18b petri dish [pet' re dish IJ 78 3

45 20

overhead projector [0' var hed pro jek l t or] 76 27

parrot [par' alJ 64 16 pan [part ] 4 3 1

petunia [p a toon' Y;'lJ 60 7 pharmaci st [HiT'rrn sist) 84 I

overpass (6! v er pas 'l 53 3

pass [pa s] 96 5

ow l [owlI 64 6 oyster(s) [oY' st ar(z ' J II 33. 62 2 pacifier [pas / :J n l ;'IT] 33 22

passenger [pas ' Tn j er] 55 25 passenger car [pas' i njJr kar / ) 53 15 pasture [pas ' char] 81 6

phases of the moon (la I Z;'lZ ;'IV dha moon , ] 74

pack [pak] I3 16

patient [pa'shontl 39 20

pack age [pak ' lj l 12 4. 46 19

patio [pal' c o'l 27 17 pattern Ipat ' am ] 101 7

phone [fen] 32 26

paddle [pad ' ol J 59 3. 94 18 pail [p,H J 90 16

pattern piece [pat ' ern pes'J 101 6 paw [pO] 69 29a

photocopy machine [fo ta kop e ma she n"] 47 18

paint (v) [pant] 26 I

pay [pal 17 7

photographer [fa tOg' ra far] 86 4

paint (n) [pant] 37 3 1

peal s) [pe(z , ) 6 17

photography [fa tOg' re feJ lOO

paintbru sh [pant' brush l[ 37 30 Painted De sert [pan l tad dez' art] 7 1 49

peach [pechl 9 37

piano [pe an' oJ 98 I piccolo [plk' a 10lJ 98 12

painter [pan I t:Jr] 85 7

pick (v) [pfk] 26 7

painting [pan! li ng I 28 5

peak [pekl 89 20 peanot(s) [pe ' nut(s) '1 9 28

(pair 00 scissors [per';,v sIz' crz]

pear [per] 8 18

pickup truck [plk ' up truk' l 49 4

pedal [ped' 01 1 39 18. 52 19

picka x [pik ' aks 'l 82 13

pajamas [pa jom' az] 22 19

pedestrian [pa d~ s ' tre an] 44 12

pickle [pik ' all 18 8

palm [po m] 4 29. 61 26

pee l (n) [pel l 9 20a

picnic area [pik'nik er' eo] 88

pan [pan l 37 28

pee l (v) [pell 31 5

picnic basket [pik l nfk has' kat] 88 13

pancakes [pa n' kaks l] 18 5

pegboard [peg ' bord" ] 36 15

picnic tab le [pik'nlkta'b ;,l] 88 15

pancreas [pang ' kre as] 5 7 1 panda [pan do l 69 20 panel truck [pan ' 01truk "] 49 9 pansy (pa n' ze l 60 2 panties [p~n' tez I 22 11 pants [pants] 21 27 pantyhose [pan' le h6z'l 22 5

pelica n [pe l' 0 ka n] 64 24

piece [pe s] 12 22

pencil [pen ' s,11 76 24

pier [pfr] 58 3 pierced earring (pYrst / rr/ing J 2J 16

pad [pad l 83 ¡26

101 I7


[pe' kOk'J

pencil eraser (pen '

64 18


J ra ' scr] 76 2 1

pheasant lfez' ont] 64 19 Phillips screwdriver [fil l Ips skroo ' dr'i vor ] 37 25 photocopier [16' to kapl ear] 83 24

pick (n) [pfk ] 98 ll a

pencil sharpener [pen' sol shar" po nar] 76 20. 83 30

pigeon (pij' an i 64 1

Pennsylvania [pen SJI van' ya] 73 38

pillow [pn' 0] 32 16

penny [pen' e] 13 27

pillo wcase [pn' 0 kas l] 32 15

pill [pfl] 41 7



n' brcr c J

pilot [pl' lot] 5615

po lish [pol'ishJ 38 3

public library [pub' lfk

pin [pin ] 23 8. 94 5. 101 20 pincushion (pIn' koosh l en] 101 3

po lka dot [pO'kodot'] 2419

pine [pi n] 60 34

pony [po' ne] 67 20

pineapple [pln ' apl cl] 8 4

poplar [pop'lorJ 61 30

public transportation [pub Ilk trans pa r ta I shan ] 54 ' public telephone [pub' Il k 0 fen ] 447

ping-pon g [ping' pong') 94

porch [porch) 27 6

puck [puk) 92 17

ping-pong ball [ping' pong bel"] 94 19

porc upi ne [pOr' kya pln/J 66 11

pump [pump) 13 14, 52 2 1

pinking shears (pi ng ! king slurz"]

po rk [pork J 10 6

pumpkin [pump' kIn) 7 26

pork chops [pork' chops'J 18 15

punishment (pun/ish mant] 43

port [port] 58 porter [pOr'tor] 56 5 porthole [pOn' hol/J 58 21 post [post] 23 18 post offi ce (post' or'Is) 44 9, 46 pos tal worker [pOst t;)1 wOc' kcr] 46 14 postcard [post' kard"] 46 17 postm ark (post I mark I] 46 9

pupil [pyoo' pal] 5 48

101 5 pipe [plpJ 16 26. 35 18 pipette [pi p<lt'J 78 14 pit [pit) 8 37a pitcher [pich' or) 29 4, 93 12 pitcher's mound {pich';,rz rnownd"] 93 1I pitchfork [pich' fOrk'] 81 14

pond [pondJ 87 8

pizza [pet' s~ J 18 30 plaid [plad] 24 22 plane [pla nJ 57 18 planets [plan ' ats] 74 plant {t') [plant] 26 4 plants (11) [plants ] 60 plate [plat J 29 13 plateau (pia t6'1 88 I

pouched mammals [powcbr /

platform [plat' form ' I 54 1I


pot [pOtJ 30 13

I pOt' holl dOTJ 30 34 potato chips [pc la.' to chips'] 18 4

pot holder

puppy [pup' e] 69 27 purse [purs] 20 23 push [po<>shJ 26 12 putter [put' orJ 94 9 puzzle [pilz' olJ 33 3 1 pyramid [pIr'


mld"] 79 25

quantities [kwon ta tez] 12 ' quarter [kwor' tor ) 11 18, 13 30, 79 3 1 q uarterback [kwor ' tor bOk '1 93 32

potato(es ) [p a ta' W(z)1 7 23

quill [kwfl ] 66 I l a

potty [pOt' c ) 33 33

quilting Ikwll' tfng] IO! 32

pouch [powchJ 66 3c

rabbit [rab ' lt) 66 13




raccoon [r~ koon ' 1 68 7 race track [ras I tdik '1 95 (rac ing) handlebars

playground [pia ' grownd "] 87 15

poultry [pm ' tre] 10

playpen [pia ' pen IJ 33 30

pou r [por] 31 4

pleasure boating [plt:zh' er bo l n og ] 59 pliers [pli' arz ] 36 19 plug [plug] 37 43d

power lines [pawl ar ITnz'J 80 24

[ra ' sing han' dol barz] 52 2 rack [rak] 47 17, 78 8

power sander [pawl ar san ' dar] 37 26

racket [rilk' ItJ 94 2

power saw [pawl ar sol ) 27 25

racquet [rak'itJ 94 29

plum [plum) 9 34

power station Ipow / er sta' shan] 80 20

racquetball [rOk ' It bol '] 94 30

plumber [plum ' or) 85 I

prepositions [prep' a zi I shanz]

radiator (ra de at' ar] 51 56 radio [ra ' de' o 'J 50 18

plunger [pliln' jar] 35 14

Pluto [ploo'toJ 74 19 pock et [pok' et ] 21 4 1 pod [pOdJ 6 17a

102. 103 primates [pr,1 mats} 69

radishfes) [rad' ish (n)1 7 29

print [print) 24 2 1

printer [prin'torJ 83 4

radius [rJ. ' de as] 79 14 raft [raft] 89 16

podium [pO'dc cm] 99 7

printout [prInt' owt"] 83 8

rafters [raf'torzJ 82 I

poinsetti a [poyn s/t'c '" 60 15 poison ivy [poy' zan r ve ] 61 45

prints [prfnts] 100 I I

rafting [raf'tlng] 89

prism [prlz' am] 78 I

rags [ragz] 35 4

poison oak [poy/ zan ok 'J 61 43

pri vate jet [prf I vat j~t/] 57 3

rain boots (ran' bOOts/J 19 25

poison sumac [poy/ zan so01 rnak]

produce [prOd' oosJ 14 9

raincoat (flln kat') 21 38 ' rainy [ran'eJ 25 I


61 44 poisonous plants (poyl Z;) n;JS plants']


programs [pro I gramz] 99 17 projector [pro jek' tor) lOO 16 propane gas [pro I pan gas' ) 80 30

raise (one's hand) (rJ.z' wunz h5.nd' l 77 1

polar bear [rxl l ' or ber/J 69 22

propeller plane [pro pel' or pla n"] 57 7

raisirus) (r<1' zan(z)J 9 24

po le [pO l) 94 34, 95 14

prosecuting attorney [pro l sa kyoo tfng a tfirl ne ) 43 17 pru ne [proo nI 9 22

rake ( v) [rdk ] 26 10


police offi cer [pc le s! of' o 5;)[ ) 43 6 police statio n IpJ les' s15.' shcn] 43

rake (n) [rak ) 27 30 ranch [ra nch] 81

119 ranch house [ranch bows"] 27 ' ranching (ranch I fog) 81

return address Ire ttim ' a dres ,} 46 8

route r [row't;)r1 37 37

rhinoc eros [r'i n6s'


row lI1i l 47 11, 81 18

rapids [ra p' idz] 89 17

Rhode Island [rOd '

sr la nd]

ras h (rash] 40 I

rice [rls ] 60 2 1

raspberri es (raz ber ' ez] 8 16 ' rat [rat] 66 7

ride [rfd ] 97 13

ras] 66 16 73 39

rowboat [ro' bot '] 59 23 Rub t al Khali Desert (rdOb' iil kOI '

e dcz' all}

71 52

rider (rr' d cr] 54 6

rubber tubing (rub' er toob/ ing] 78 18

rifle [rr' fa ll 48 2 1

rudder (rud ' or] 59 5

rattlesnake [riit!;)) soak / ] 65 IQ

right angle [rit' ang' gal] 79 23

rug (rug] 32 28

razor [r.1' zar] 23 20 razor blade s Ira ' z or bladz"] 23 23 read IrCdI 77 4 real estate age nt [rei';) stat j ant] 85 5 rear bumpe r [ efr bum' par] 50 42 rearview mirror '[efr / vyoo mrc ! ar] 50 7 receipt [ra set' l 15 20 , 55 24 receiver ITJ se l VJ r] 100 2 1 receptionist [ra sepf sha nest] 86 17 recl iner [CJ kli l n ar] 28 16 records (rck ' ardz J 100 23 rectangle (rck ' tang' g al] 79 19 RedSea [rcd ' se '] 7029 redwood [red ' wd"6d'J 61 25 (reel of) film (rc l ' av mm '] 100 17 referee [rcf' a rc 'l 93 22, 94 16

right fielder (rft' feI' dar] 93 3

ruler (roo 'lar] 76 23

rig ht gua rd [rft' garctf] 93 28

run (ru n] 96 6

rig ht lane (rft' lan'l 53 7

rung [rung] 82 9

rig ht tackle (rft' tak' all 93 29 righ t triangle (rH' tri l ang g al] 79 22

runner (run'ar] 9123,94 3 1 runway (riio' wa ,] 57 19

rind [rind] 8 8b

sadd le (slid ' all 94 20

ring(s) [rlngtzj] 23 2, 74 16a, 94 17 ring binder Iring ' bi n l dar] 76 14

safety g lasses (sU'te glas l az] 78 12

ring finger (ring' f1ng ' gcr] 4 27 ring stand [ri ng'stand / ) 78 19

safety pin (sar'te pin'] 33 11

ra ule

Irat '

all 33 2 1


reference section [ref' a ran ssck' shan] 47 21 (referen ce) librarian

[reI";) rans Ii beer ' e on] 47 23

safety goggles [sU' te gogl alz] 94 28 Sahara Desert [se her l


dez l ort]

71 5 1

rink Inngk l 94 25 Rio Grande River [reI 0 gra nd I nv ! ar]

71 57

sail (saI] 59 9 sai lboard (sal ' bord/] 59 15

rivers Iriv ' crz] 71

sai lboat (saI ' bOt' ] 59 4

road sign Irexl' sin '] S3 23

sai lor [sai ' or) 48 14

road work [rOd ' wurk "] 82

salad bow l Ism' ad bOl'l 29 25

run' ar]

roast [rost! 10 3, 10 8

salad dressing [sal/ :)(j dre s' Ing] 18 12 salamander Isal l J man' dar] 6S 14

roa stin g pa n [1'{l s ' tlng pan' ] 30 17 robes [r5 bz] 43 11

salespe rso n [salz pur l san ] 86 12 salt sha ker Isoh l 'sha ' kc r] 29 10

robin [rob ' in] 64 9

sand (v) [sand I 26 14

rock group [rok' groop"] 99

roa drunner [rOd '

64 32

refill Ire' m/ l 35 11

rocket (rok ' at] 75 13

sa nd (n) (san d l 90 3 1 sand du nes Isand l dconz" ] 90 12

refinery rea fil na re] 80 12

rocks [roks I 88 1I

sand trap [sa nd' trap ' ] 95 11

reflector [ra flek' tor] 52 25

rocking cha ir Irok ' lng cher"] 33 16

sa nda l (san'd al) 20 19

refreshm ent stand

sa nd box

(cJfresh 'm ant sHind '] 90 2 refrigerator [ra frij/ ;) ra' tar] 30 19

Rocky Mountains [ruk e mown ' t anz] ' 71 40 roden ts [ro'dants] 66

sa ndpape r [sand' pal par] 37 27

reins [rdnz] 94 22

roU [rol) 12 11, 18 19

relationshops IfJ la ! shan ships"] 2 remed ies frem /;) dezl 41

(roll of) film (roI' av film 'l 100 10

sa ndwich (saod ' wfch] 16 16 sa nitatio n worker

re mote control [ro mot l k an tr61/ J

roUing pin [rol' ing prn'] 30 25

Sat urn [sat' am] 74 16

rolodex [rol' a deks'] 83 14

saucepan [sos I plin'l 30 8

repair [ra per' l 38 10

rooster [roo'stJr] 64 21

saucer (so ' sar] 29 21

repairperson [~perl purl sari] 84 5


reporte r [ra por I tor] 86 11

root (root l 60 35d

saw Iso ] 36 8

reptiles (rep' tiIz ] 65

rope [rop ] 89 23

saxopho ne (sak.' sa fOn'l 98 24

rescu e Irl:sl kyoo] 42

rose (ro7. ) 60 18

scaffold ing (skM' 01df ng ] 82 7

restaura nt Irl:sl to ra nt] 16

roto r (n') ' ta r] 57 2a

scale (s kaI l 14 7, 34 32, 78 4

retriever [re tre I vor] 69 26

rough [rti f] 95 6

sca\lop(s) (sk al ' ap(sÂť) JJ 35, 62 10

28 17

roUer (rol' or] 37 29

I roof! 27 4

Isand '

boks I] 87 13

sandcastle (san d ' kas l 01] 91 32

[san o ta/ sha n wur' kar] 49 7

sa usage Iso I sTj I 10 7

120 scarecrow [sker l kro'] 81 19

shank [sbank ] 36 43b

sink [slngk] 34 19

scarf [skarf] 19 19

shark (shark] 65 5

sister [sis 't;;Jr ] 3 10

scenery [se ' OJ re] 99 2 school [skool] 76, 77

shaving cream [shat vlng krem I) 23 22 sheep [shep] 67 25, 81 10

sister-in-law [SIS' tar In W' ] 3 8 six-pack [slks ' pak l] 13 13

science lab [sI ' ans Bib' I 78 scissors [slZ ';Jfz] 101 17

sheet [shet] 32 19

skate (n ) [skat ] 94 26

sheet music [shet ' myoo! ilk] 98 2

skate (v) [skat] 97 9

scoreboard [skor ! bord"] 93 19 scorpion [skor" pe en] 63 8 scouring pad [skowr Zlog pad'l 30 11

shelf [shelf] 14 6, 47 26

skein [skan] 101 24

shell [shell 48 27, 62 l a, 65 18a,

ski [ske] 95 17 ski boot [ske ' boot I] 95 15

scrape [skrap] 26 15

90 40 shellfi sh [shel ' fish I] 11

scraper [skrap Z or] 36 14

shepherd [sher' ard] 69 28

skilift [ske'llft

screen [skrc n] 27 19, 100 14

shingle [shi ng! g al] 82 2

'] ski slope [ske ' slop I] 95

screw [skroo] 37 42

ship [shlp [ 58 9

skier [ske ' or] 94 35

screwdriver [skroo dn ' var] 37 24 ' scrub [sknib] 38 2 scuba tank [skoo ! ba tangk'1 91 37

shirt [shurt] 21 46

skis [skez] 94 33

sea gull [se gut/] 64 4 sea horse [se' / hors ' l 65 I

shoe [shoo] 21 49

skunk [skungkj 68 8

shoelace [shoo ! 1as'] 20 7

slacks [slaks] 20 4

Sea of Japan [se ' ov jo pan ' ] 70 36

shoot [shoot 1 97 16

sleeping bag [sic ' ping bag I] 89 26

Sea ofOkhotsk [sef ov 5 kotsk /J

shop worker [shop ' wilr' k ar] 85 12

slee pwear [slep ' wcr'] 22

70 35 seafood [se l food'] 10

shopping bag [shOp ' lng bag I] 20 18

slice (n) [sli s] 13 21

shopping basket [shop /log bas' kat]

slice (v ) [slIs] 31 10

shock absorbers [shok ' ob

ski cap [skc 'kapl] 191 6

zor' barz ]

52 3 1

14 8

seal [scl] 68 12

95 18

skin [skl n [ 9 37b skirt [skurt ] 21 36

slide [slId] 78 3 1, 87 12 slide projector [slId ' pra jek ' tor]

seam [sem] 101 10

shopping cart [shop ' Ing kart I] 15 19

seas [sez 1 70 seat [set] 52 16, 54 2

short (short] 24 I short sleeve [short ' slcv ' J 20 21

slides [slldz] 100 12

seat belt [set ' belt ] 50 2 3

shorts [shorts] 20 14

sling [slfng] 39 3

shortstop [short! stop IJ 93 5

splippers [slIp! arz] 22 18

shoulde r [sho l 'dor[ 4 5, 53 22

slug [sliig ] 62 4

(shoulder) bag [shol " dar bag I] 21 35

sma ll [sm ol ] 24 7

shovel (n) [shliv ' 01] 27 31, 82 15,

smoke [smok ] 42 15

second baseman [s ek ' and has I man


93 7 se cretary [sek'


tcr I e J 83 ] 1

section [sek ' shan] 8 8a, 79 ]5 security [SJ ky06r ';) te l 56 security guard [se kyoor ! o te gard" ]

90 17 shovel (v) (shuY ' 01 ] 26 13

shower cap [show ! ar kap"] 343

56 9, 86 14

100 13

smoke detector [smo k ! d;) tek' ex] 33 15 smokestack [smok 'stak /] 58 18 ,

sedan [sodan '] 51

shower cu rtain [show I or kilr' ton] 34 5

seed [sed ] 8 8c

snacks [snaks] 14 18

seesaw [se 'so'] 87 18

shower head [show ar hed ' ] 34 4 ' shrimp [shri mp] 11 3 1, 62 8

serve [surv] 17 3, 96 2

shutter [shut ! ar] 27 8

snake [snak J 65 9

shuttle car [shut! cl kar'] 80 8

snap [snap] 101 13

sevicc court [stir ' vos kort"] 95 1

side [sfd ] 79 10

sneakers [sne 'brz] 20 11

service line [stir ' vas Ho' l 95 3

side mirror [sTd ! mrr ' or] 50 2

snorkel [soa r ' kJ I] 91 34

set (the table) [set' dha ta' bal ] 17 8

sidebu rn [sTd! burn"] 4 33 sidewalk [sId ' wok l] 45 25

snow plow [sno ' plow" ] 49 5 snowy [S06 ' cl 25 3

Sierra Madre [seer 'Jmo 'drc] 71 42

soap [sop) 34 15

silo [sI ' 16] 8 1 4

soap dish [sop' dish I] 34 6

shade [shad [ 33 I

silverware [sl1' var wer"] 29 22

soccer [s6k ! ar] 92

shaft [shaft [ 80 10

simple animals [slm ! pal an ' J malz ] 62

soccer ball [sok ' or bOl l[ 92 26

shampoo [sham poo ' l 34 8

singer [sIng ' or] 99 24

socks [sob ] 22 17

service area [stir '


er' e

a] 53 11

sewing [so /rng] 101 sewing machine [S6' log rug shen ,] 101 I

80 22 snail [sna l] 62 I

121 sofa [s5 1 fa] 28 25

split en d Ispllt l end / l 93 24

sting Istl ng ] 63 8a

soft drink Isott / drl ngk lj 16 11

spoke [sp5k ) 52 26

stingray [stfng I ra '] 65 6

softball Isoft I bOIl] 92. 92 10

sponge [spu nj] 34 7

stir [stur] 3 1 I

(sponge) mop [spunj I mop"] 35 6

stitch [stfch] 101 19

(spool of) thread [spool I av theed/J

stitches [stTch ' az] 39 2 1

so lar collector

(se./ lar ka Jek' tar]

80 17

solar eclipse rSO ' Id rl kllps"] 74 IQ solar system [so' lar sIs' t am] 74 soldier [sOi l jar] 48 16 sole [so l) 20 6 solid [sOi' cd ] 24 20 solid figures [5611 ad fig ! ycrz ] 79 so n [sun] 3 16 Sorry Walkman



ne w ok f m en]


sore throat [SOT' throl /] 40 12 south [sowth] 71 72 Sou th A meri ca [sowth / J

mer' J


70 2 South Atla ntic [sowth " at


tak ]

70 12

stockings [stOk/lngz J 22 6

101 2 spoon [spoon) 29 8

sports ca r (spOns l kar fJ 53 17 sports [sports] 92-97

sto mac h IsHim / , kJ 5 66 sto machache [sti1m l elk ak ' ] 40 7 stool [stoolJ 78 34

spot light [spot I ln l ] 99 4

stopper [stOp / or] 34 10. 78 10

sprain [spra n 1 40 13 spray can [spra / kh l] 13 24

stork [stork ] 64 30

spray starch Ispra I starc h ,] 35 2 1

stra ight line [stra t / lln /] 79 1

sp read [spred] 17 11

(strand of) beads [str~ndl av bedzv ]

stove [stdv] 30 30

23 7

Spring [ spr'ing] 26 sprinkler [sprlng l klor] 27 13. 87 14

strap [stra p] 54 8

sproc ket [spro k I at] 52 20

straw [stro ] 16 10

squa re [xkwer] 79 9

strawbe rry {strij l ber l e1 8 15

squid Isk wfd I 62 5

strawbe rry shortcake

squirrel Iskwor/,11 66 10

Istril I ber e sho rt I kak ] 18 26

stage [staj ] 99 5

stream (stre m 1 88 6

staircase [ster' ka s ] 28 12

street {slret] 45 3 I

stake Ista k I 89 30

street cleaner [stret' kle' nor] 49 I

sta mp [stamp ] 46 10

street sign [stret'sin'] 44 8

South Dakota lsowth/ da k o l ta ] 73 41

stands [standz] 93 10

South Pacific [sowth pa slf l ak] 70 to space probe [spas! prob] 75 4 space program [spas! pro l gra m] 75 space shuttle [spas! shut' JIl 7S 14 space station [spas ! sl a l shan] 75 I space suit [spa s l soot I] 75 6 spacec raft [spas I haft'] 75 spaghetti [spa get I e J 18 10 spaniel [sp~nl yal ] 69 24 spare ribs (sper l rfbz "] 10 10

stap le remover [stap' 01 r a moo ' var]

streetcar [stret' kar' l SS 30 strcctlight Istret / ln l ] 45 29

Sou th Carolina [sowth I kar o 1'1' OJ ]

73 40

South China Sea [sowth / chi "



70 39

stretch [strcch] 95 19

83 29 stapler [stap/ loc] 83 27

stretch bandage [strech' ban dfj ] ' 40 13a

star [star] 74 4 starfi sh [sttir l fish' ) 62 7

stretcher [strech/ orJ 39 12

starting gate [star' tfng gm' l 95 20

stretchie Istrcc h le] 33 19

station [5tfi.' shan] SS 18 statio n wago n [sta l shon wag' an] SO

string [strIng ] 46 20. 98 lOa string bean (s ) [strfng I ben(z)/] 6 15

ste ak [sta k l 10 5. 11 29. 18 2 1

strings [strfngz] 98

steam [ stern] 31 12

striped [strlpt] 24 17

spare tire {spec' Hr'l 51 39

steamer [ste rn ' er] 30 3

stroller [stn')/ IJ rl 33 14

spanow (sp~r l 5J 64 10

steering wheel [sHr/ing well] 50 8

student [stool d ent] 76 19

spatula [spach /o I' J 27 2 1

stem Is.te m ) 8

speaker [spe/ kor) 28 21 . lOO 24

step [ste p ] 28 13

speed lim it sign (sped ' Iim:)t si n" ]

stepladder [stepl lad l ar] 35 I

53 8 speedometer [spa dom / :) tar] SO IQ

za. 60


stereo cassette player [st~r l eo ka se t pJa ' er] 100 25

spider IspII da r] 63 16 spinach Ispln l och] 6 8

stereo system (5th' e 0 sis l t ern] 28 20

spinal cord (spI' ncl kord"] 5 58 spiral notebook Ispi l ral not' book]

stethoscope Iste th I

76 15 split Ispilt] 11 17

stern [shim] 58 I I 0

skcp IJ 39 9

stew ing meat [stoov Ing met] 10 4 st ick IstlkJ 12 5 st ick shift Istl k shlft fJ 50 24 '

stuffed anima l (stuÂŁ1 ' an o mol] 33 27 subject [sOb jokt ] 47 10 ' sub marine [sub' ma re n ' l 48 7 sub way [sOb wa I] 54 subway station' !sub' wa sta' shon] 44 16

sugar (packet) [shoog ar pak" at ] 16 13 ' l ] 29 23 sugar bowl [shoog/orbOl sugarcane (shoog' :lr ka n'] 60 20 suitcase [soot l ka s' l 56 7 Su mmer (su m I or] 26

122 sun [stin ] 74 7, 80 3

tanker [ t~ngk' or] 58 15

throw [thro] 97 10

sunbather [sun ba' dhar] 90 19 ' I 18 23 sundae [sun I de

tap [tap] 16 20

thumb [thiim] 4 24

tape [tap I 46 22 tape mea sure [tap' mezh' er] 36 2 1,

thumbtac k [thum' t~k'l 76 25

sunflower [siln fl6w' ar] 60 19 sunglasses (sun' l glAsI az] 90 14 sunny [su n e} 2S 4 '

(sunnys ide-up) egg

ticket [tlk' at] 55 16, 56 4 ticket window ItTk';>1 win'

101 15 taxi Itak se] 55 ' taxi stand [tak' se stand'l 55 28

se ki'ib'J

dol 55 19

tie (n) lnl 21 47 tie (v) [tT) 77 12

[sun ' e std up ' eg'] 18 32 sunroof [sun! roof 1] 51 44

' tea [tel 16 15

tie pi n ItT / pTn ' l 23 13

suntan lotion [sun ' tan 16/ shan] 91 39

teacher [te I char] 76 4

tiger [ti' gar] 68 2

superma rket [soo' p;>r mar ' k at] 14

teakettle [te' k~t' al[ 30 zs team sports [tc m ' span s ') 92

tight [tit I 24 3 tighten [ti 'tan] 38 4

surgery Isur' jc n! ) 41 2 •

teapot [le' prx'l 29 19 tear [ter] 77 9

tight end [tit ' end' l 93 30 tights [tits] 19 14

suspect [sus' pekt ] 43 3

teddy bear [ted '

swan lswonl 64 28

tee [le ] 95 13

timer [tI'mar] 78 13

sweatband rSW~l' band I] 20 12

telephone [lel' a fOn'] 83 15

timetable [tlm't~'ball 5520

s weater [sw~t' ar] 19 7, 19 13, 19 23

telescope [tel' 0 sk5p'l 74 22 television [t~11 J vfzh" an] 28 18, 100 5

tip [tip] 55 22

surf I su rf'] 97 12 surfb oard '[stirf ' bard'] 91 25

sweatpants [SW~l' plinls') 20 IQ

sweatshirt [swet'shlirt') 20 8

taxicab {tilk

55 27

e her I]

33 3

tie clip lti' kllp'] 23 14

tile [tII] 34 27

tire [tlr] 50 37, 52 28 tissues [tIsh l ooz) 32 13

sweep IswepI 38 7

teller [le!' ar] 86 15 temperature (tern I p;lr a char] 25 6

swim mer [SWim' :JrJ 91 28

Tennessee Iten ' ~ se /l 7342

swing [swi ng] 33 24

tennis Ite n / ;')Sl 94

swings [ swf ngz l 87 16

te nnis ball [len ' ;'I S bOl'] 94 1

switch [swfch] 37 43c

tennis court [ten I os kort"] 95

switc hboard lswlch " bord"] 83 3

tent [tent] 89 24

toaster [t6 s ' 1 ~r] 30 16 toe [to] 5 54 toenail [to ' nai l] 5 56

switchboard ope rator

tentacle [ten' ta kal] 62 12a

toilet [toy' lot] 34 29

terminal [turm/

toilet brush [toy ' lat brush I] 34 3 1

[swtch/ bord OP';) ra tar] 83 1

swordfish [surd ' fish' ) 65 3 synthesizer [sl n' th:J si' z or] 99 2 1

nail 51 55, 58 29 terminal building Iturrn I :J n:JI b1l 1 dfng] 0

57 16

title [ti 'tal] 47 9 to [tool 103 9 toast [tost] 18 34

toile t paper [toy' let pal par] 34 30 toiletries Hay');') trez ] 23

termite [ttir l mit] 63 II

token booth [td 'k an booth I] 54 13

syrup [sIr' ap] 18 6

terrier Iter' cor) 69 25

tollboo th [t51' booth I] 53 27

T- shirt [te'shurt'j 21 29

test tube [test' toob' I 78 9

tomatofe s) [to ma' t5(z)] 6 19

table [ta' bol] 29 7

Texas [tek'sas] 73 43

tongs [tcngz I 78 29

tablecl oth [ta' bo t kliith' l 29 16 tahlet [tab 'l atl 41 6

textbook [lekst' bOok'] 76 26

tongue [tung ] 4 4 1 tongue depressor [lung I de pr~sf er]

taco [tii ' ko] 18 24




rTnj I ) 39 27

tadpole [tact ' pm ' l 6516 tail [tal] 57 10, 65 3a, 66 3a

theater [the ' ;} tar] 99 [rhcr mom/ 0 tar] 25 5, 78 22

taillight [ta l 'l1 t'l 50 31

thermos [thlir m as] 88 14 thigh [thI] 4 ' 18, 11 19

tailor [ta ' l ar] 84 6

thimb le [thl m ' bol] 101 21

take [tak l 17 10

third (1/3) [thurd ] 79 32

takeoff [tak ' or'l 57 Takla Makan Desert

third baseman [thlird' bas l m an] 93 4

[tok' la ma kon' dc,' art] 71 53 ta mbourine [Him' be ren/l 98 17

thorn Ithorn J 60 18e thread [thred] 37 42b, 101 2 three-piece suit [thrc I pes soot] 2 1 40

tank [tangk] 48 10

throat [throt] 5 59

tank top [t~ngk' top/] 20 13

through [throo] 103 I

40 12a toolbox Itool' bOks' l 36 23

toolshed [tool'shed' l 27 2g

tooth [tooth ] 4 42

toothache [tooth' ak'l 40 9 toothbru sh [tooth' brush '! 34 21 toothless ma mmals [tooth' las mum I clz] 66

toothpaste [tooth ' past' I 34 16 tortoise [Wc't;:ls1 65 18 tossed salad [tost' s~11 ad] 18 13 touch [toch] 77 2

123 (V-oeck) sweater [ve ' nek swet ' ar ]

tugboat [tiig' bot' l 58 13

touring handlebars

[loor /rog han' dJI barz ] 52 12

19 23

tulip [too 'l,pl 60 I

tow truck [to 'trilk] 49 2

turkey [tur ' kc] 10 23, 64 20

vacuum [vak' yobm] 38 14

toward [tord ] 103 4

turnip [ttir ' nop] 6 34

towel rac k [tow / JI rak 'J 34 25

turn signal lever [Wrn' sfg n;::ll le' v ar]

vacuum cleane r [vak yoom kle:! 0;)r1 ' 35 16 valv e [valv 1 52 27

50 I I

towrope [to ! rop"] 59 11 toy chest [toy' chest 'J 33 29

turn signal lights (ttirn' sfg n all its"]

vase [vas] 28 6

51 50

track [trak] 54 10, 94 32 track and fie ld [trak / and feld ' J 94

van [van] 53 26 VCR (videocassette recorder)

turnstile [Wrn'stIl'1 54 12

ar ']!

turntable [ttirn ! taJ b;::ll] 100 18

{ve' se

tractor trailer [trak I tor tfa.l 1J[] 49 15

turtle [ttir ' t;.11] 65 12

{vld' e a k;:l set' rJ kor' d gr] 100 4

traffie cop [trat" ok kop'l 44 10 traffic light [traf ' ak lit!] 45 21

(turtleneck) sweater [Wr t;.11 nck swe l rar] 19 13

trailer [tra 'IJr] 53 10

tusk [tiisk I 66 17b

tracto r [trilk '

t J[ I

81 15

vegetables [vejl t o balz] 6 vehicles and equipment



[ve' d kclz and ;.1 kwrp v mcnt] 48

TVanten na [te l ve an ten l a] 27 3

vein [van] 5 68

twee zers [twc zarz] 78 32

vendor [ven 'd;,r] 87 3

transcript [tran I skrfpt] 43 15

' 33a twig [twf g] 61

vent [vent] 50 2 1

transfer [traos ! far] 544

(two-door) sedan [too ' dor sa dan '] 51

Venus [ve' nas] 74 12

transformer [trans for I mar] 80 25

typ e [tlp] 77 lO

verbs [vurbz ] 17, 26 , 31, 38, 77, 96

trans mission to wers

typewriter [tIp ' rI I tor] 83 10

Vermo nt [vu r m(mt ' J 73 45

typing chair [tT ' ping cher '] 83 17

vest [vest] 21 39

transportation [trans ' P~H la / shan] 54

typist [tI ' past] 83 6

video [vld 'c a] 100

transporter [trans ! por tar] 49 17

U.S . mailbox [yoo' cs mal ' boks] 46 6

video camera [vId ' eo kam';) ra ]

train [Iran] SS trainin g wheels lrran /Yng


52 1

[tranz mlsh ! In tow! JfZ] 80 23

trash basket [trash '

has' k ct]

44 15

trash can [trash ' kan I J 87 II

a' jont]

100 I

U.S. Postal System

videoca ssette (tape)

/yoo ' es pos' tal sjs ta rn ] 46

traveler [trav ' a IJr] 56 3

umbrella [iim brei ' a] 20 24

[vld eo k a set 'tap') 100 3 ' vine [vi n] 61 4 2

tray [tra] 16 33

umpire [um pfr] 92 1, 93 17

viola [ve 61';)] 988

tray table [tra ' ta' boil 56 22

uncl e [iing ' bll 3 3

violet [vI ' J lat] 60 16

treatments [tret'm;mts] 41

under [iin'dar] 102 8

violin [vI J IIn ' ] 98 7

tree [trc] 61 3S

underpants [un ' dor pants" ] 22 3

Virginia [var jln ' yJ] 73 46

trees [trezJ 60

undershirt [Un ' dcr shurtt] 22 I

vise [vi s] 37 36

triangle Itn ' ang ' gJI] 79 6

underwear [un ' dar wcr" ] 22

visor [VIZ' or] 50 5

tricycle [tr't' SI kJI] 52 6

uniform [yoo ' na form' ! 21 45, 92 9

volleyball [v" I'

trigger [trig';)r] 48 22

United States of America

waders Iwa I dorz] 88 10

travel agent [trav ';)1

84 4

tripod [tri ' pod! 100 9

ukulele Iyoo' ka la ' le] 98 3


[yoo nI l tad stats '


gmer '


ko ] 72

e biil'l

92, 92 22

waist [wast] 4 ]3

trim [trim] 26 8

universe [yoo ' 0;.1 vurs '] 74

waiter [wa tar ] 16 5

trombone [trom ban ' ] 98 23

up [up] 103 11

waitress [wa ' trcs] 16 2

upper arm (up l ar artn"] 47

walk [wiik l 77 8

trout [trowt] 65 2

UraJs [yOor' clz] 71 46

wa lker [v.路ok ' er ] 33 23

trowel [trow f cl] 27 27

uranium rods [yOb ra ' ne am r6dz l]

wall [wOI] 28 3


[troll 81 2S

truck [triik I 49, 53 2S

wall un it [wbl ' yoo' not] 28 19

80 IS

truck dri ver [tri1k ' drI' var] 49 16

Uranus [ydor /;) nas ] 74 17

trumpet [trum ' pat] 98 25

usher [i ish I ar] 99 16

truuk [tningk] 51 40, 61 3Sb, 66 17a

Utab [yoo 'tOl 73 44

tub [tiib] 12 6

utility pole [yoo tll /;) te poll] 80 26

wallet I wiil ' ot] 20 9 walnut (s) [w()J ' n;)t(s)] 8 -29

tuba [too' bo] 98 27

utility room [yoo tll '

walrus [wO! ' nis J 68 11

tube [tooh] 13 IS, 91 29


wall-to-w all carpeting

[w()J ! ta wol kar ' pa nog] 28 15

te room] 35

warm [worm ] 25 8

124 wash [wosh] 38 16

wheat [wet] 60 22

witness stand IwIt I nos stand I] 43 18

washcloth {wosh I kloth 'J .J.I 22

wheat farm [wet' farm'] 81

wo lf [woolf] 69 29

washer [wash! er] 37 40 washing machine [wosh/ing ma shen"] 35 30

(wheat) field [wet fcld'l 81 16

woman [woom';;ln] 2 1

wheel [wdl] 52 4'

wood [wood [ 36 4

wheelbarrow [wCl'bar' 6] 27 32.

wood plane [wood I plan') 37 32

Washington [wosh/ing 1;)01 7347

woodpecker Iwood I ~k' or J 64 17

82 23

wasp [wo sp] 63 20

wheelchair [wel' cher"] 39 2

woods [woodz ] 89 32

wastepaper basket

whistle IWis/oIJ 90 5

woodwinds {wood wfndz"] 98

[wast" pa pOT bas' kat] .J.I 13 watch [wcch] 23 10 watchband [wo ch l band'] 23 I I

whole [hOl) 11 27, 79 29

wool [wool] 101 23

whole (c hicken) [hm chik l an] 11 16

word processor [WO rd' pro l ses ar]

water (n) [wot/or[ 42 16. 9 1 30

wife [win 2 4

water (~,) [wot'drl 26 5 • water fountain [wot/;}T town" ton]

willow Iwil/ol 61 3 1

work gloves (wOrk ghivz"] 27 26 workbench [wurk I 'bench/l 36 22

wind [wlnd] 80 4

workshop [wu rk I shOp'l 36

windbreaker [wfnd I bra' kcr] 19 5

world [wurld]

water glass lWOt' or glrLs'J 29 6

windlass [wind' Ias] 58 23

worm [wtlrm] 62 11

waterfall [wot/or rol) 80 11 , 89 18

windmill [wInd mIl'] 80 19

wrench [rench] 36 10

water-skie r [wot!;Jf ske:' er] 59 10 watercress (wot/JT kres /) 6 5

' window [win dd] 27 7, 46 15

wrist [rist] 4 21

' window cleaner [wIn'do kle I nar]

write [ril] 71 7

87 19

watering can [wot/;}rlng kiln!] 271 6


width [width] 79 35


83 7

windpipe [wind! pip 'I 5 60

writer [rI tar] 86 7 Wyoming ' [wI 6 1 mTng] 13 50

wave [ w av] 91 24

windshield [wind I she Id ,] 51 45

X ray [ ~ks l ra ' l 39 I

weapon Iwep I anz J 48

windshield wiper [Wind I sheld wI' par]

X ray sc reene r [cks'ra skee' nar] S6 II

wa term elon [wot I or

mel' on]

9 26

weather Iwi!dh/~J 25

50 6

we ather forecaster [wCdh';JrfOr'kas( or] 86 I

weath er satellite [wedh/;lT sat'

35 10

;} lit]

75 3 weavi ng [we f vfng] 101 30 web [ web ] 63 15

wedding ring [wed/log ring'] 234

xylophone [zi/ l,fOn'l 98 31

windsurfer [WInd' sur ' far] 59 14

yam [yam] 7 24

wind y [win/del 25 13

Yangtze River [yang l se TTv l ~T ) 71 69

wine [win) 16 19

ya rn [yarn] 101 3 1

wine glass [Win' gUtS' ) 29 5

Yellow Sea [y~1

win g [wingJ 11 22, 57 9. 63 43.

Yenisey River [yen I d sal Tiv' or ]

64 l a

I 6 sell 70 37

71 65

we ights [wats] 78 5

Winter (win tar] 26 ' wipe [wip [ 38 5

zebra [zc/brol 66 18

west [ west] 71 74

wire [wi r] 37 35

zinnia [zfn I

West Virginia [west! var j'in! ya] 73 48

wire mesh sc ree n tWir' mesh skren /]

wet [wet] 25 t 5 wet su it [wet ' soot ' l 91 38

whale [wal] 68 9

78 6

Wisconsin [wIs kon' san] 73 49 witness [wit' nas] 43 13

Yukon River [yool kon dv' er] 71 56

e a]

60 13 zip code [zip /k6d'1 46 12

zipper [zIp I er] 101 16 zoo [zoo] 87 1

zucchini [zoo ke l

ncl 7 27

Pictures convey meaning more clearly than words alone. The New Oxford Picture Dict ionary presents over 2,400 vocabulary wo rds, cle arly depicted on 102 pages of full-color, contextualized illustrations. Vocabu iary is introduced within 82 topics, which range from suc h bas ics as food , clothing, and shelter to more specific topics such as the space program, occupations, and sports. An index includes all the vocabulary words with a clear, easy-to-follow pronunciation guide. The Dictionary can be used at all levels, by all ages, to teach all language skills. With the components, it provides a co mplete language development program . It's an invaluable resource eve ry student and teacher needs to have. The New Oxford Picture Dictionary contain s over 2,400 words contextually presented in 102 beautifully illustrated pages. Available in paperback or hardcover. Bilingual Editions (Spanish, Chinese, Vietnam ese, Cambodian, Japan ese, Korean , Navajo, Polish, Russian) present the second language in blue alongsid e the English word . Wall Charts (100) fea ture 18" x 22" full-color repro ductions of all the Dictionary pages, with vocabulary numbe red on the front and listed on the back of each chart. Overhead Transparencies (100) feature full-color transparencies of all the Dictiona ry pages for use on overhead projectors. Vocabulary Pla ying Cards (80 laminated) include 40 co lor illustrations and correspo nding Dictionary vocabulary, as well as a booklet of activity suggestions. Cassettes (four C-60) feature a readi ng of all the Dictionary vocabulary. Teacher 's Guide, for begi nning- throu gh advanced-level students, offe rs introductory, language, and c ulture notes, as well as activity suggestions for use of the Dictionary in the class. Begin ner's Wo rkbook , for students with no prior know ledge of English, pro vide s extensive pag e-by-page practice with the vocabuiary presented in the Dictionary. Intermediate Workbook, for iow- to high-interme diate level students, reinforces • Dictionary vocabulary page-by-page, through written and oral practice. Listening and Speaking Activity Book, for beginning-level ESL adults and young adults, is a teacher's resource containing more than 96 communicative activities- with repro ducible activi ty sheets and picture cards-each one topically related to the Dictionary. A C-60 cassette is available sepa rately.
















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