We’re very excited to present our 1st interview with Daniel Luee, Founder & CEO of AdprofessMedia (join now). I have worked with Daniel since last few months. I have to say that he is quite talented on his work and also industrious. As a CEO, he is conscientious and punctual, he can always keep pace with every changing business circumstances.
We are so glad to work with him. He is the person who always works with passion and teach us realize how we could do it and why we should do it. He is always being much helpful. He is very active all the time. In a word, he is very friendly, helpful and loyal to his friend. He is indeed the person to be a friend.
1. Could you tell us something about yourself? How old are you? Where were you born? ◦ My name is Daniel Luu, CEO of Adprofessmedia, 22 years old , I was born in Viet Nam Nice to meet you here.
2. How did you get involved in affiliate marketing? What/Who inspired you to enter it?
◦ Affiliate marketing is an interesting work, challenge. When I was studying at university Some of friend have guided me a few ways to make money online including affiliate marketing, I almost spellbound, immersed in it. ◦ I head out for yourself by registering several network and learn how to promote apps from their .
3. What accomplishments so far are you the most proud of? When did you first “hit the big time”? ◦ In short time,we have attracted publishers from different countries around the world along with many advertisers directly.
4. Tell us a little bit about Your Network and what you do over there? ◦ We are expert in mobile affiliate network. Nowadays, consumers are more and more familiar with smartphone and looking for huge number of mobile applications. ◦ Through our network your messages are communicated effectively to potential leads via mobile phone.
5. One way to keep affiliates happy is to pay them on time and faster. What steps has your network taken to ensure that your affiliates will be paid on time? ◦ The aff/publishers will be entitled to increase any payment for their campaign to promote good and of course they will be received payment soon is net 15 instead of net 30.
6. What kinds of offers are doing well right now for your network and publisher base? ◦ Almost are game and app for mobile platform Android and IOS.
7. What are your favorite traffic sources – PPC, Social, PPV, Media buy ad networks or any others? Why?
◦ PPC, Media buying from airpush, leadbolt, Mmedia..v..v… Because almost this traffic is very good for all campaign non-incent from us.
8. What is the one thing you love about your job as an affiliate network owner and what is the one thing you hate the most? ◦ I love my job because we could help others earn money in a easy way. Thing I hate the most is fraudulence , so we have a zero tolerance policy with fraudulence.
9. What are your plans and goals in 2014? Where Your Network may be going? ◦ To stand firm in this industry we need to try to grow this year, increase profits and expand cooperation with developers to attract them to join our network.
10. What do you think is the greatest challenge facing the industry are right now? And what would you do to solve it? ◦ The biggest challenge in this industry is that we should find offers in accordance with customer needs. ◦ On the other hand, the traffic source is also very important. We should find the good traffic source for affiliates.
11. Thanks a lot for this interview. If there is anything else you would like to say to the readers of now is the time!
◦ Thanks for reading! Feel free to contact me for any questions and sign up to get started with Adprofessmedia. Sign up: Adprofessmedia Follow Us -Adprofessmedia fan page ◦ Many thanks to Daniel Luu for sharing your time with us and for sharing some great insight tips here! What are your thoughts on the interview? Kindly share your thoughts in the comments section below. Also, if you have any experience with Adprofessmedia affiliate network, please write a review for them on the Adprofessmedia review page.