Yak Magazine // 2020
Shelby Hutchinson looks at the BLM protests and their wider effects on society. The death of George Floyd ignited a flame amongst millions and saw the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Although this flame has lingered for many years, millions have decided to take a stand against the mistreatment, abuse, and blatant racism which leads to these deaths across the globe.
or from diverse backgrounds, the platform to demand change and propose action to prevent more Indigenous deaths, and to receive justice for the deaths of those in the custody of the police. It was the kind of event where you had to be there to truly feel the power and impact of the impassioned cries for justice and an end to institutionalised racism. It was raw, with personal stories being recounted from Indigenous Australians who have experienced police brutality or knew someone who did.
The Newcastle protests against indigenous deaths in custody, organised by FISTT (Fighting in Solidarity Towards Treaties), gave Indigenous peoples, and people of colour
Designed by: Daisy Peachman