Titanic the sinking times

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THE SINKING TIMES Who sunk the Titanic? Our Atlantic correspondent Yousef Al Thani investigates who is to blame for the Titanic disaster.

Issue, Date Under investigation Captain Smith – “I can’t imagine anything causing a modern ship to sink.”

2 Bruce Ismay – “Step on the steam Smith and don’t slow down until you hit the finish line. “


Who else is responsible?

Thomas Andrew - “More hull or more rooms? That is the first class million dollar question.”

2 Stanley Lord – “It was a long way

People all over the world are to go just for a firework show.” asking the question how can1912 an the unthinkable unsinkable On Sunday the 14th of April unsinkable sink Titanic sunkship to an icywith end such with over 1500 lives lost. This 2 acatastrophic high loss ofdisaster life. Many are has left both sides of the Atlantic in Hardland and Wolff’s shipyard – blaming thedemanding architect Thomas shock and answers to the complex question – “You pay well we build well !” Andrew for building more first of the Titanic? In this article Who is to blame for the sinking class cabins instead more As the chairman of White Star Line, J. Bruce Ismay we will explore the of facts and determine the most likely 2 hulls, while others blame is highly competitive and ambitious for his causes. captain Stanley Lord for not companies’ success. responding to SOS calls and builders, Bruce has also proven to be Ship a ruthless racing to the Titanic when it businessman who will stop at nothing toand crashed. There have even been architect maximize profit. His desire to make as much suggestions that the ship of ship near money as possible led tocaptain the decision to reduce the builders Hardland and Wolf number of hulls in preference for more first class Titanic disaster are to blame for using poor Captain Smith was due to retire after a long and cabins. quality materials. found not guilty in successful career as a ship captain. He was anknew inquiry into only too wellthe that Firstly: Thomas delighted at the Andrew prospect of ending his career on the As a marketing genius, he a record Atlantic crossing on Titanic’s’ maiden designed the ship maiden voyage ofto thethe world’s largest and most sinking of the voyage would be a sure way for making more specifications of the owner.have He also been a huge prestigious ship. It would Titanic money. said in to anbeat interview thatthe one of for the fastest honor and hold record

Captain of the Titanic Edward Smith – Not Guilty!

Joseph Bruce Ismay, the hardest challenges was Atlantic crossing. Captain Smithchairman had never of been involved white in a maritime accident and would star line – owner of the never

The only thing greater then his ruthlessness and greed is his sense for survival so he ensured a

Guilty!! Joseph Bruce

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