Select Bibliography The bibliography is divided into two parts: a schedule of selected readings for those who wish to explore the background of developments described in the book – both as a whole and chapter by chapter – followed by a much longer list that is intended to function as an introductory guide to research in the field of British two-dimensional art between the Restoration and the Battle of Waterloo. To facilitate usage of the more comprehensive bibliography, its materials have been organized under the following headings:
general texts: history (social and cultural) and the history of art the london art world: institutions, exhibitions and the art market artists and patrons on the continent art in the english regions, ireland, scotland and wales art theory contemporary art criticism and writing on the arts (including artists’ lives) thematics: consumption and politeness thematics: gender and sensibility thematics: empire and race media: drawings, watercolours and pastels media: miniatures media: prints and print culture media: prints and print culture ii: graphic satire genres: history-painting genres: portraiture genres: landscape and marine painting genres: sporting art genres: everyday life and still-life artists, patrons and other players (listed alphabetically by name)
general texts
2 the politics of portraiture c. 1660–75
arnold, dana and peters corbett, david , eds.,
barber, tabitha , Mary Beale (1632/3–1699): Portrait
A Companion to British Art: 1600 to the Present, Chichester, 2013. barrell, john , The Political Theory of Painting from Reynolds to Hazlitt: ‘The Body of the Public’, New Haven and London, 1986. bindman, david , ed., The History of British Art, Volume 2: 1600–1870, London, 2008. brewer, john , The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century, London, 1997. craske, matthew , Art in Europe, 1700–1830, Oxford, 1997. farington, joseph , The Diary of Joseph Farington, vols. 1–7 ed. Kenneth Garlick and Angus MacIntyre; vols. 8–16 ed. Kathryn Cave; index by Evelyn Newby, 16 vols., New Haven and London, 1978–98. hemingway, andrew and vaughan, william , eds., Art in Bourgeois Society, 1790–1850, Cambridge, 1998. hook, judith , The Baroque Age in England, London, 1976. paulson, ronald , Emblem and Expression: Meaning in English Art of the Eighteenth Century, Cambridge, MA, 1975. pears, iain , The Discovery of Painting: The Growth of Interest in the Arts in England, 1680–1768, New Haven and London, 1988. solkin, david h. , Painting for Money: The Visual Arts and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 1993. vertue, george , ‘Vertue Note Books: Volume I–VI’, Walpole Society, vols. 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 (index to Volumes I–V), 30 (1930–55). waterhouse, ellis , Painting in Britain 1530 to 1790, rev. edn, New Haven and London, 1994. whitley, william t. , Art in England 1800–1837, 2 vols., Cambridge, 1928–30. —— Artists and Their Friends in England 1700–1799, 2 vols., London and Boston, 1928.
1 restoration and representation Many texts appear in more than one place – though if the focus is exclusively on a single artist, patron or artworld player, then as a rule a book or article will feature under the name of the individual in question, and only occasionally elsewhere. Collections catalogues are listed under ‘General Texts’. Included in the bibliography are a small number of websites, some devoted to individual artists (e.g. William Blake, J. M. W. Turner), others to collections (The British Museum and the Yale Center for British Art) or to research resources (The Art World in Britain 1660–1735); all URLs were active at the time of going to press. For basic information about biographies and institutional histories, readers should consult the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and Oxford Art Online (which incorporates Grove Art Online).
croft-murray, edward , Decorative Painting in
England 1537–1837. Vol. I: Early Tudor to Sir James Thornhill, London, 1962. geraghty, anthony , The Sheldonian Theatre: Architecture and Learning in Seventeenth-Century Oxford, New Haven and London, 2013. hearn, karen , ed., Van Dyck & Britain, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2009. sharpe, kevin , Rebranding Rule: The Restoration and Revolution: Monarchy, 1660–1714, New Haven and London, 2013. solkin, david h. , ‘Isaac Fuller’s Escape of Charles II: A Restoration Tragicomedy’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 62 (1999), pp. 199–240. weber, harold m., Paper Bullets: Print and Kingship under Charles II, Lexington, KY, 1996.
of a Seventeenth-Century Painter, Her Family and Her Studio, exhibition catalogue, Geffrye Museum, London, 1999. coombs, katherine , The Portrait Miniature in England, London, 1998. macleod, catharine and marciari alexander , julia , eds., Painted Ladies: Women at the Court of Charles II, exhibition catalogue, National Portrait Gallery, London, 2001. marciari alexander, julia and macleod, catharine , eds., Politics, Transgression, and Representation at the Court of Charles II, Studies in British Art 18, New Haven and London, 2007. murdoch, john , ‘Painting: From Astraea to Augustus’, in Boris Ford, ed., The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain, Vol. 4: The Seventeenth Century, Cambridge, 1989, pp. 235–65.
3 representing nature in later seventeenth-century britain bermingham, ann , Learning to Draw: Studies in
the Cultural History of a Polite and Useful Art, New Haven and London, 2000. borg, alan , The History of the Worshipful Company of Painters Otherwise Painter-Stainers, London, 2005. hunter, matthew c. , Wicked Intelligence: Visual Art and the Science of Experiment in Restoration London, Chicago and London, 2013. johns, richard , ‘Framing Robert Aggas: The PainterStainers’ Company and the “English School of Painters”’, Art History, vol. 31, no. 3 (June 2008), pp. 322–41. ogden, henry v. s. and ogden, margaret s. , English Taste in Landscape in the Seventeenth Century, Ann Arbor, 1955.
4 party, politics, portraiture and print: from the exclusion crisis to the ‘glorious revolution’ griffiths, antony , The Print in Stuart Britain
1603–1689, exhibition catalogue, British Museum, London, 1998. monteyne, joseph , The Printed Image in Early Modern London: Urban Space, Visual Representation, and Social Exchange, Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2007. stewart, j. douglas , Sir Godfrey Kneller and the English Baroque Portrait, Oxford, 1983.
5 after the ‘glorious revolution’: remaking the image of a ruling class bignamini, ilaria , ‘Art Institutions in London, 1689–1768: A Study of Clubs and Academies’, Walpole Society, vol. 54 (1991), pp. 19–140.
This bibliography is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
336 • select bibliography brewer, john , The Sinews of Power: War, Money and
the English State 1688–1783, Cambridge, MA, 1988. bucholz, r. o. , The Augustan Court: Queen Anne and the Decline of Court Culture, Stanford, CA, 1993. maccubbin, robert and hamilton-phillips, martha , eds., The Age of William III & Mary II: Power, Politics, and Patronage, 1688–1702. A Reference Encyclopedia and Exhibition Catalogue, exhibition catalogue, The Grolier Club, New York, 1989. vertue, george , ‘Vertue Note Books: Volume I–VI’, Walpole Society, vols. 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 29 (Index to Volumes I–V), 30 (1930–55).
6 making history after the ‘glorious revolution’ clayton, timothy , The English Print 1688–1802, New Haven and London, 1997.
gibson-wood, carol , Jonathan Richardson: Art
Theorist of the English Enlightenment, New Haven and London, 2000. johns, richard , ‘“An Air of Grandeur & Modesty”: James Thornhill’s Painting in the Dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral’, Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 42, no. 4 (Summer 2009), pp. 501–27. —— ‘“These wilder sorts of Painting”: The Painted Interior in the Age of Antonio Verrio’, in Dana Arnold and David Peters Corbett, eds., A Companion to British Art 1600 to the Present, Chichester, 2013, pp. 79–104. richardson, jonathan , An Essay on the Theory of Painting [1715], 2nd edn, London, 1725. shaftesbury, anthony ashley cooper , 3rd earl of , A Notion of the Historical Draught or Tablature of the Judgment of Hercules, According to Prodicus, Lib.II. Xen. de Mem. Soc., London, 1713. thornhill, james , An Explanation of the Painting in the Royal-Hospital at Greenwich, London, n.d. (c. 1726–30).
7 representing country life, c. 1695– 1725 barrell, john , ‘The Public Prospect and the Private
View: The Politics of Taste in Eighteenth-Century Britain’, in Salim Kemal and Ivan Gaskell, eds., Landscape, Natural Beauty and the Arts, Cambridge, 1993, pp. 81–102. deuchar, stephen , Sporting Art in Eighteenth-Century England: A Social and Political History, New Haven and London, 1988. meyer, arline , John Wootton 1682–1764: Landscapes and Sporting Art in Early Georgian England, exhibition catalogue, The Iveagh Bequest, Kenwood House, London, 1984. røstvig, maren-sofie , The Happy Man: Studies in the Metamorphosis of a Classical Ideal, 2 vols., Oslo, 1962. watt, ian , ‘Two Historical Aspects of the Augustan Tradition’, in R. F. Brissenden, ed., Studies in the Eighteenth Century: Papers Presented at the David Nichol Smith Memorial Seminar, Canberra 1966, Toronto, 1968, pp. 67–79.
8 curiosity, commerce and conversation barrell, john , ‘“The Dangerous Goddess”: Mascu-
linity, Prestige, and the Aesthetic in Early EighteenthCentury Britain’, Cultural Critique, vol. 12 (Spring 1989), pp. 101–31. benedict, barbara m. , Curiosity: A Cultural History of Early Modern Inquiry, Chicago and London, 2002. einberg, elizabeth , Manners & Morals: Hogarth and British Painting 1700–1760, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1987. hirschman, albert o. , The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before its Triumph, Princeton, NJ, 1977. klein, lawrence e. , Shaftesbury and the Culture of Politeness: Moral Discourse and Cultural Politics in Early Eighteenth-Century England, New York, 1994. paulson, ronald , Hogarth, Volume 1: The ‘Modern Moral Subject’, 1697–1732, London, 1991. solkin, david, h. , ‘The English Revolution and the Revolution of History Painting: The Bowles Brothers’ Life of Charles I’, in Mark Hallett, Nigel Llewellyn and Martin Myrone, eds, ed., Court, Country, City: Essays on British Art and Architecture 1660–1735, Studies in British Art, 24, New Haven and London (forthcoming). —— Painting for Money: The Visual Arts and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 1993. staves, susan , ‘Pope’s Refinement’, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, vol. 29, no. 2 (Spring 1988), pp. 145–63.
9 the portraiture of politeness c. 1730–5 agnew, jean-christophe , Worlds Apart: The Market
and the Theater in Anglo-American Thought, 1550– 1750, Cambridge, 1986. goldsmith, m. m. , ‘Liberty, Luxury and the Pursuit of Happiness’, in Anthony Pagden, ed., The Languages of Political Theory in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge, 1987, pp. 225–51. leppert, richard , Music and Image: Domesticity, Ideology and Socio-Cultural Formation in EighteenthCentury England, Cambridge, 1988. mandeville, bernard , The Fable of the Bees: Or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits [1723–9], ed. F. B. Kaye, 2 vols., Oxford, 1924. meyer, arline , ‘Re-Dressing Classical Statuary: The Eighteenth-Century “Hand-in-Waistcoat” Portrait’, Art Bulletin, vol. 77, no. 1 (March 1995), pp. 45–63. retford, kate , Pictures in Little: The Conversation Piece in Georgian Britain, New Haven and London (forthcoming). rorschach, kimerly , ‘Frederick, Prince of Wales (1707–51) as Collector and Patron’, Walpole Society, vol. 55 (1993), pp. 1–76. sekora, john , Luxury: The Concept in Western Thought from Eden to Smollett, Baltimore, 1977. solkin, david h. , Painting for Money: The Visual Arts and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 1993.
10 painting and the public sphere c. 1730–50 allen, brian , Francis Hayman, exhibition catalogue,
Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, New Haven and London, 1987. andrew, donna t ., Philanthropy and Police: London Charity in the Eighteenth Century, Princeton, NJ, 1989. coke, david e. and borg, alan , Vauxhall Gardens: A History, New Haven and London, 2011. eagleton, terry , The Ideology of the Aesthetic, Oxford, 1990. edelstein, t. j ., Vauxhall Gardens, exhibition catalogue, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 1983. einberg, elizabeth and egerton, judy , The Age of Hogarth: British Painters Born 1675–1709. Tate Gallery Collections: Volume Two, London, 1988. habermas, jürgen , The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry Into a Category of Bourgeois Society [1962], trans. Thomas Burger with the assistance of Frederick Lawrence, Cambridge, MA, 1969. hallett, mark , Hogarth, London, 2000. —— The Spectacle of Difference: Graphic Satire in the Age of Hogarth, New Haven and London, 1999. —— and riding, christine , Hogarth, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2007. mullan, john , Sentiment and Sociability: The Language of Feeling in the Eighteenth Century, Oxford, 1988. paulson, ronald , Hogarth, Volume 2: High Art and Low, 1732–1750, Cambridge, 1992. —— Popular and Polite Art in the Age of Hogarth and Fielding, Notre Dame and London, 1979. solkin, david h. , Painting for Money: The Visual Arts and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 1993. stallybrass, peter and white, allon , The Politics and Poetics of Transgression, London, 1986.
11 the classical and the modern: developments in landscape in the 1740s barrell, john , The Dark Side of the Landscape: The
Rural Poor in English Painting 1730–1840, Cambridge, 1980. bermingham, ann , Landscape and Ideology: The English Rustic Tradition, 1740–1860, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1986. —— Learning to Draw: Studies in the Cultural History of a Polite and Useful Art, New Haven and London, 2000. de bolla, peter , The Education of the Eye: Painting, Landscape, and Architecture in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Stanford, CA, 2003. ellis, markman , ‘River and Labour in Samuel Scott’s Thames Views in the Mid-Eighteenth Century’, London Journal, vol. 37, no. 3 (November 2012), pp. 152–73. liversidge, michael and farington, jane , eds., Canaletto & England, exhibition catalogue, Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery, Birmingham, London, 1993. rosenthal, michael , The Art of Thomas Gainsborough: ‘a little business for the Eye’, New Haven and London, 1999.
This bibliography is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
select bibliography • 337 solkin, david h ., Richard Wilson: The Landscape of
Reaction, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1982.
12 from island to empire: the cosmopolitan turn in british art, 1737–60 jacob, margaret c ., Strangers Nowhere in the World:
The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern Europe, Philadelphia, 2006. myrone, martin , Bodybuilding: Reforming Masculinities in British Art 1750–1810, New Haven and London, 2005. newman, gerald , The Rise of English Nationalism: A Cultural History 1740–1830, London, 1987. postle, martin and simon, robin , eds., Richard Wilson and the Transformation of European Landscape Painting, exhibition catalogue, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, New Haven and London, 2014. redford, bruce , Dilettanti: The Antic and the Antique in Eighteenth-Century England, Malibu, 2008. rouquet, jean andré , The Present State of the Arts in England, London, 1755. solkin, david h. , ‘Great Pictures or Great Men? Reynolds, Male Portraiture, and the Power of Art’, Oxford Art Journal, vol. 9, no. 2 (1986), pp. 42–9. —— Richard Wilson: The Landscape of Reaction, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1982. wilton, andrew and bignamini, ilaria , eds., Grand Tour: The Lure of Italy in the Eighteenth Century, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1996.
13 dreams of grandeur and marketplace realities: history-painting in britain from vauxhall gardens to the shakespeare gallery abrams, ann uhry , The Valiant Hero: Benjamin West
and Grand-Style History Painting, Washington, DC, 1985. bonehill, john , ‘Exhibiting War: John Singleton Copley’s The Siege of Gibraltar and the Staging of History’, in John Bonehill and Geoff Quilley, eds., Conflicting Visions: War and Visual Culture in Britain and France c.1700–1830, Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2005, pp. 139–67. dias, rosie , Exhibiting Englishness: John Boydell’s Shakespeare Gallery and the Formation of a National Aesthetic, New Haven and London, 2013. dunne, tom , ed., James Barry (1741–1806): ‘The Great Historical Painter’, exhibition catalogue, Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, 2005. fordham, douglas , British Art and the Seven Years’ War: Allegiance and Autonomy, Philadelphia, 2010. hargraves, matthew , Candidates for Fame: The Society of Artists of Great Britain 1760–1791, New Haven and London, 2006. hoock, holger , The King’s Artists: The Royal Academy of Arts and the Politics of British Culture 1760–1840, Oxford, 2003. monteyne, joseph , From Still Life to the Screen: Print Culture, Display, and the Materiality of the Image in Eighteenth-Century London, New Haven and London, 2013.
myrone, martin , Bodybuilding: Reforming Mascu-
linities in British Art 1750–1810, New Haven and London, 2005. —— ed., Gothic Nightmares: Fuseli, Blake and the Romantic Imagination, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2005. postle, martin , ed., Johann Zoffany RA: Society Observed, exhibition catalogue, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, New Haven and London, 2011. pressly, william l. , The Artist as Original Genius: Shakespeare’s ‘Fine Frenzy’, in Late Eighteenth-Century British Art, Newark, DE, 2007. —— The Life and Art of James Barry, New Haven and London, 1981. reynolds, joshua , Discourses on Art, ed. Robert R. Wark, New Haven and London, 1975. rosenthal, angela , Angelica Kauffman: Art and Sensibility, New Haven and London, 2006. solkin, david h. , ed., Art on the Line: The Royal Academy Exhibitions at Somerset House 1780–1836, exhibition catalogue, Courtauld Institute Gallery, London, New Haven and London, 2001.
14 portraiture takes the public stage hallett, mark , Reynolds: Portraiture in Action, New Haven and London, 2014.
perry, gill , Spectacular Flirtations: Viewing the Actress
in British Art and Theatre, 1768–1820, New Haven and London, 2007. —— and rossington, michael , eds., Femininity and Masculinity in Eighteenth-Century Art and Culture, Manchester, 1994. pointon, marcia , Hanging the Head: Portraiture and Social Formation in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 1993. postle, martin , ed., Joshua Reynolds: The Creation of Celebrity, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2005. retford, kate , The Art of Domestic Life: Family Portraiture in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 2006. rosenthal, michael and myrone, martin , eds., Gainsborough, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2002. sloman, susan , Gainsborough in Bath, New Haven and London, 2002. tscherny, nadia , ‘“Persons and Property”: Romney’s Society Portraiture’, in Alex Kidson, ed., Those Delightful Regions of Imagination: Essays on George Romney, Studies in British Art 9, New Haven and London, 2002, pp. 33–61.
15 landscape art and its audiences andrews, malcolm , The Search for the Picturesque:
Landscape Aesthetics and Tourism in Britain, 1760– 1800, Aldershot, 1989. barbier, carl paul , William Gilpin: His Drawings, Teaching, and Theory of the Picturesque, Oxford, 1963. barrell, john , The Dark Side of the Landscape: The Rural Poor in English Painting 1730–1840, Cambridge, 1980. bermingham, ann , Landscape and Ideology: The English Rustic Tradition, 1740–1860, London, 1987. —— ed., Sensation & Sensibility: Viewing Gainsborough’s ‘Cottage Door’, New Haven and London, 2005.
bonehill, john and daniels, stephen , eds., Paul
Sandby: Picturing Britain, exhibition catalogue, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2009. copley, stephen and garside, peter , eds., The Politics of the Picturesque: Literature, Landscape and Aesthetics since 1770, Cambridge, 1994. gilpin, william , Three Essays: On Picturesque Beauty; On Picturesque Travel; and On Sketching Landscape: To Which is Added a Poem, On Landscape Painting, London, 1792. guest, harriet , Empire, Barbarism, and Civilisation: Captain Cook, William Hodges and the Return to the Pacific, Cambridge, 2007. moir, esther , The Discovery of Britain: The English Tourists 1540–1840, London and New York, 1964 (reissued 2014). quilley, geoff and bonehill, john , eds., William Hodges 1744–1797: The Art of Exploration, exhibition catalogue, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, New Haven and London, 2004. rosenthal, michael , The Art of Thomas Gainsborough: ‘a little business for the Eye’, New Haven and London, 1999. sanchez-jauregui, maria dolores and wilcox, scott , eds., The English Prize: The Capture of the Westmorland, An Episode of the Grand Tour, exhibition catalogue, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, New Haven and London, 2012. solkin, david h. , ‘The Battle of the Ciceros: Richard Wilson and the Politics of Landscape in the Age of John Wilkes’, Art History, vol. 6, no. 4 (December 1983), pp. 406–22. —— Richard Wilson: The Landscape of Reaction, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1982.
16 the empire of sensibility barker-benfield, g. j ., The Culture of Sensibility: Sex
and Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Chicago, 1992. barrell, john , ‘The Private Comedy of Thomas Rowlandson’, Art History, vol. 6, no. 4 (December 1983), pp. 423–41. barringer, tim, quilley, geoff and fordham, douglas , eds., Art and the British Empire, Manchester, 2007. bermingham, ann , ed., Sensation & Sensibility: Viewing Gainsborough’s ‘Cottage Door’, New Haven and London, 2005. bonehill, john , ‘“The Eye of Delicacy”: Joseph Wright of Derby Reviewed’, in Sarah Monks, John Barrell and Mark Hallett, eds., Living with the Royal Academy: Artistic Ideals and Experiences in England, 1768–1848, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2013, pp. 89–110. donald, diana , The Age of Caricature: Satirical Prints in the Reign of George III, New Haven and London, 1996. gamer, meredith , ‘George Morland’s Slave Trade and African Hospitality: Slavery, Sentiment and the Limits of the Abolitionist Image’, in Elizabeth McGrath and Jean Michel Massing, eds., The Slave in European Art: From Renaissance Trophy to Abolitionist Emblem, Warburg Institute Colloquia 20, London and Turin, 2012, pp. 297–319.
This bibliography is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
338 • select bibliography gatrell, vic , City of Laughter: Sex and Satire in
Eighteenth-Century London, New York, 2006. guest, harriet , Empire, Barbarism, and Civilisation: Captain Cook, William Hodges, and the Return to the Pacific, Cambridge, 2007. kriz, kay dian , Slavery, Sugar, and the Culture of Refinement: Picturing the British West Indies, 1700–1840, New Haven and London, 2008. mullan, john , Sentiment and Sociability: The Language of Feeling in the Eighteenth Century, Oxford, 1988. postle, martin , ed., Johann Zoffany RA: Society Observed, exhibition catalogue, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, New Haven and London, 2011. quilley, geoff , Empire to Nation: Art, History and the Visualization of Maritime Britain 1768–1829, New Haven and London, 2011. retford, kate , The Art of Domestic Life: Family Portraiture in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 2006. tobin, beth fowkes , Picturing Imperial Power: Colonial Subjects in Eighteenth-Century British Painting, Durham, NC and London, 1999. todd, janet , Sensibility: An Introduction, London and New York, 1986. wahrman, dror , The Making of the Modern Self: Identity and Culture in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 2004. wood, marcus , Blind Memory: Visual Representations of Slavery in England and America 1780–1865, Manchester, 2000.
17 revolution and reaction bindman, david , The Shadow of the Guillotine: Britain
and the French Revolution, exhibition catalogue, British Museum, London, 1989. burke, edmund , Reflections on the Revolution in France, London, 1790. calè, luisa , Fuseli’s Milton Gallery: ‘Turning Readers into Spectators’, Oxford, 2006. eaves, morris , The Counter-Arts Conspiracy: Art and Industry in the Age of Blake, Ithaca, NY and London, 1992. ellis, markman , ‘“Spectacles within doors”: Panoramas of London in the 1790s’, Romanticism, vol. 14, no. 2 (July 2008), pp. 133–48. everett, nigel , The Tory View of Landscape, New Haven and London, 1994. godfrey, richard t ., James Gillray: The Art of Caricature, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2001. myrone, martin , The Blake Book, London, 2007. pressly, william l ., The French Revolution as Blasphemy: Johan Zoffany’s Paintings of the Massacre at Paris, August 10, 1792, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1999. simpson, david , Romanticism, Nationalism, and the Revolt Against Theory, Chicago and London, 1993. smith, greg , The Emergence of the Professional Watercolourist: Contentions and Alliances in the Artistic Domain, 1760–1824, Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2002.
18 british genius and british nature: depicting the domestic landscape in the wartime years alison, archibald , Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste, Edinburgh, 1790.
barrell, john, The Dark Side of the Landscape: The
Rural Poor in English Painting 1730–1840, Cambridge, 1980. bermingham, ann , Landscape and Ideology: The English Rustic Tradition, 1740–1860, London, 1987. —— ‘System, Order, and Abstraction: The Politics of English Landscape Drawing around 1795’, in W. J. T. Mitchell, ed., Landscape and Power, Chicago and London, 1994, pp. 77–101. gage, john , A Decade of English Naturalism 1810–1820, exhibition catalogue, Norwich Castle Museum, Norwich, 1969. —— J. M. W. Turner: ‘A Wonderful Range of Mind’, New Haven and London, 1987. hemingway, andrew , ‘Academic Theory versus Association Aesthetics: The Ideological Forms of a Conflict of Interests in the Early Nineteenth Century’, Ideas and Production, no. 5 (1986), pp. 18–42. —— Landscape Imagery and Urban Culture in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain, Cambridge, 1992. —— ‘Meaning in Cotman’s Norfolk Subjects’, Art History, vol. 7, no. 2 (March 1984), pp. 57–77. klonk, charlotte , Science and the Perception of Nature: British Landscape Art in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, New Haven and London, 1996. kriz, kay dian , The Idea of the English Landscape Painter: Genius as Alibi in the Early Nineteenth Century, New Haven and London, 1997. rosenthal, michael , Constable: The Painter and His Landscape, New Haven and London, 1983. shanes, eric , Turner’s Human Landscape, London, 1990. smiles, sam , The Turner Book, London, 2006. smith, greg, The Emergence of the Professional Watercolourist: Contentions and Alliances in the Artistic Domain, 1760–1824, Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2002. —— Thomas Girtin: The Art of Watercolour, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2002. solkin, david h ., ed., Turner and the Masters, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2009. wilton, andrew , The Life and Work of J. M. W. Turner, London, 1979.
19 revolution, war and the painting of everyday life barrell, john , ‘Cottage Politics’, in The Spirit of
Despotism: Invasions of Privacy in the 1790s, Oxford, 2006, pp. 210–46. payne, christiana , Rustic Simplicity: Scenes of Cottage Life in Nineteenth-Century British Art, exhibition catalogue, Djanogly Art Gallery, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 1998. pointon, marcia , Mulready, exhibition catalogue, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1986. solkin, david h ., ‘Crowds and Connoisseurs: Looking at Genre Painting at Somerset House’, in David H. Solkin, ed., Art on The Line: The Royal Academy Exhibitions at Somerset House, 1780–1836, exhibition catalogue, Courtauld Institute Gallery, London, New Haven and London, 2001, pp. 157–71.
—— Painting out of the Ordinary: Modernity and the Art of Everyday Life in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain, New Haven and London, 2008. tromans, nicholas , David Wilkie: Painter of Everyday Life, exhibition catalogue, Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, 2002. —— David Wilkie: The People’s Painter, Edinburgh, 2007.
20 divided likenesses: portraiture and the end of social consensus albinson, a. cassandra, funnell, peter and peltz, lucy , Thomas Lawrence: Regency Power &
Brilliance, exhibition catalogue, National Portrait Gallery, London, New Haven and London, 2010. bermingham, ann , ‘The Aesthetics of Ignorance: The Accomplished Woman in the Culture of Connoisseurship’, Oxford Art Journal, vol. 16, no. 2 (1993), pp. 3–20. cannadine, david , ‘The Making of the British Upper Classes’, in Aspects of Aristocracy: Grandeur and Decline in Modern Britain, New Haven and London, 1994, pp. 9–36. colley, linda , Britons: Forging the Nation 1707–1837, New Haven and London, 1992. coltman, viccy and lloyd, stephen , eds., Henry Raeburn: Context, Reception and Reputation, Edinburgh, 2012. levey, michael , Sir Thomas Lawrence: The Artist, New Haven and London, 2005. walker, richard , National Portrait Gallery: Regency Portraits, 2 vols., London, 1985.
21 painting history between trafalgar and waterloo costello, leo , J. M. W. Turner and the Subject of History, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2012.
erffa, helmut von and staley, allen , The Paint-
ings of Benjamin West, New Haven and London, 1986.
fullerton, peter , ‘Patronage and Pedagogy: The
British Institution in the Early Nineteenth Century’, Art History, vol. 5, no. 1 (March 1982), pp. 59–72. hoock, holger , The King’s Artists: The Royal Academy of Arts and the Politics of British Culture 1760–1840, Oxford, 2003. kriz, k. dian , ‘Dido versus the Pirates: Turner’s Carthaginian Paintings and the Sublimation of Colonial Desire’, Oxford Art Journal, vol. 18, no. 1 (1995), pp. 116–32. myrone, martin , ed., John Martin: Apocalypse, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2011. —— William Blake. Seen in my Visions: A Descriptive Catalogue of Pictures, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2009. nicholson, kathleen , Turner’s Classical Landscapes: Myth and Meaning, Princeton, NJ, 1991. pullan, ann , ‘Public Goods or Private Interests? The British Institution in the Early Nineteenth Century’, in Andrew Hemingway and William Vaughan, eds., Art in Bourgeois Society, 1790–1850, Cambridge, 1998, pp. 27–44. simpson, philippa , ‘Facing up to the Past: The Old Masters and the British School in Turner’s London’, in David H. Solkin, ed., Turner and the Masters, Tate Britain, London, 2009, pp. 29–39.
This bibliography is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
Select Bibliography The bibliography is divided into two parts: a schedule of selected readings for those who wish to explore the background of developments described in the book – both as a whole and chapter by chapter – followed by a much longer list that is intended to function as an introductory guide to research in the field of British two-dimensional art between the Restoration and the Battle of Waterloo. To facilitate usage of the more comprehensive bibliography, its materials have been organized under the following headings:
general texts: history (social and cultural) and the history of art the london art world: institutions, exhibitions and the art market artists and patrons on the continent art in the english regions, ireland, scotland and wales art theory contemporary art criticism and writing on the arts (including artists’ lives) thematics: consumption and politeness thematics: gender and sensibility thematics: empire and race media: drawings, watercolours and pastels media: miniatures media: prints and print culture media: prints and print culture ii: graphic satire genres: history-painting genres: portraiture genres: landscape and marine painting genres: sporting art genres: everyday life and still-life artists, patrons and other players (listed alphabetically by name)
general texts
2 the politics of portraiture c. 1660–75
arnold, dana and peters corbett, david , eds.,
barber, tabitha , Mary Beale (1632/3–1699): Portrait
A Companion to British Art: 1600 to the Present, Chichester, 2013. barrell, john , The Political Theory of Painting from Reynolds to Hazlitt: ‘The Body of the Public’, New Haven and London, 1986. bindman, david , ed., The History of British Art, Volume 2: 1600–1870, London, 2008. brewer, john , The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century, London, 1997. craske, matthew , Art in Europe, 1700–1830, Oxford, 1997. farington, joseph , The Diary of Joseph Farington, vols. 1–7 ed. Kenneth Garlick and Angus MacIntyre; vols. 8–16 ed. Kathryn Cave; index by Evelyn Newby, 16 vols., New Haven and London, 1978–98. hemingway, andrew and vaughan, william , eds., Art in Bourgeois Society, 1790–1850, Cambridge, 1998. hook, judith , The Baroque Age in England, London, 1976. paulson, ronald , Emblem and Expression: Meaning in English Art of the Eighteenth Century, Cambridge, MA, 1975. pears, iain , The Discovery of Painting: The Growth of Interest in the Arts in England, 1680–1768, New Haven and London, 1988. solkin, david h. , Painting for Money: The Visual Arts and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 1993. vertue, george , ‘Vertue Note Books: Volume I–VI’, Walpole Society, vols. 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 (index to Volumes I–V), 30 (1930–55). waterhouse, ellis , Painting in Britain 1530 to 1790, rev. edn, New Haven and London, 1994. whitley, william t. , Art in England 1800–1837, 2 vols., Cambridge, 1928–30. —— Artists and Their Friends in England 1700–1799, 2 vols., London and Boston, 1928.
1 restoration and representation Many texts appear in more than one place – though if the focus is exclusively on a single artist, patron or artworld player, then as a rule a book or article will feature under the name of the individual in question, and only occasionally elsewhere. Collections catalogues are listed under ‘General Texts’. Included in the bibliography are a small number of websites, some devoted to individual artists (e.g. William Blake, J. M. W. Turner), others to collections (The British Museum and the Yale Center for British Art) or to research resources (The Art World in Britain 1660–1735); all URLs were active at the time of going to press. For basic information about biographies and institutional histories, readers should consult the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and Oxford Art Online (which incorporates Grove Art Online).
croft-murray, edward , Decorative Painting in
England 1537–1837. Vol. I: Early Tudor to Sir James Thornhill, London, 1962. geraghty, anthony , The Sheldonian Theatre: Architecture and Learning in Seventeenth-Century Oxford, New Haven and London, 2013. hearn, karen , ed., Van Dyck & Britain, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2009. sharpe, kevin , Rebranding Rule: The Restoration and Revolution: Monarchy, 1660–1714, New Haven and London, 2013. solkin, david h. , ‘Isaac Fuller’s Escape of Charles II: A Restoration Tragicomedy’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 62 (1999), pp. 199–240. weber, harold m., Paper Bullets: Print and Kingship under Charles II, Lexington, KY, 1996.
of a Seventeenth-Century Painter, Her Family and Her Studio, exhibition catalogue, Geffrye Museum, London, 1999. coombs, katherine , The Portrait Miniature in England, London, 1998. macleod, catharine and marciari alexander , julia , eds., Painted Ladies: Women at the Court of Charles II, exhibition catalogue, National Portrait Gallery, London, 2001. marciari alexander, julia and macleod, catharine , eds., Politics, Transgression, and Representation at the Court of Charles II, Studies in British Art 18, New Haven and London, 2007. murdoch, john , ‘Painting: From Astraea to Augustus’, in Boris Ford, ed., The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain, Vol. 4: The Seventeenth Century, Cambridge, 1989, pp. 235–65.
3 representing nature in later seventeenth-century britain bermingham, ann , Learning to Draw: Studies in
the Cultural History of a Polite and Useful Art, New Haven and London, 2000. borg, alan , The History of the Worshipful Company of Painters Otherwise Painter-Stainers, London, 2005. hunter, matthew c. , Wicked Intelligence: Visual Art and the Science of Experiment in Restoration London, Chicago and London, 2013. johns, richard , ‘Framing Robert Aggas: The PainterStainers’ Company and the “English School of Painters”’, Art History, vol. 31, no. 3 (June 2008), pp. 322–41. ogden, henry v. s. and ogden, margaret s. , English Taste in Landscape in the Seventeenth Century, Ann Arbor, 1955.
4 party, politics, portraiture and print: from the exclusion crisis to the ‘glorious revolution’ griffiths, antony , The Print in Stuart Britain
1603–1689, exhibition catalogue, British Museum, London, 1998. monteyne, joseph , The Printed Image in Early Modern London: Urban Space, Visual Representation, and Social Exchange, Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2007. stewart, j. douglas , Sir Godfrey Kneller and the English Baroque Portrait, Oxford, 1983.
5 after the ‘glorious revolution’: remaking the image of a ruling class bignamini, ilaria , ‘Art Institutions in London, 1689–1768: A Study of Clubs and Academies’, Walpole Society, vol. 54 (1991), pp. 19–140.
This bibliography is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
336 • select bibliography brewer, john , The Sinews of Power: War, Money and
the English State 1688–1783, Cambridge, MA, 1988. bucholz, r. o. , The Augustan Court: Queen Anne and the Decline of Court Culture, Stanford, CA, 1993. maccubbin, robert and hamilton-phillips, martha , eds., The Age of William III & Mary II: Power, Politics, and Patronage, 1688–1702. A Reference Encyclopedia and Exhibition Catalogue, exhibition catalogue, The Grolier Club, New York, 1989. vertue, george , ‘Vertue Note Books: Volume I–VI’, Walpole Society, vols. 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 29 (Index to Volumes I–V), 30 (1930–55).
6 making history after the ‘glorious revolution’ clayton, timothy , The English Print 1688–1802, New Haven and London, 1997.
gibson-wood, carol , Jonathan Richardson: Art
Theorist of the English Enlightenment, New Haven and London, 2000. johns, richard , ‘“An Air of Grandeur & Modesty”: James Thornhill’s Painting in the Dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral’, Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 42, no. 4 (Summer 2009), pp. 501–27. —— ‘“These wilder sorts of Painting”: The Painted Interior in the Age of Antonio Verrio’, in Dana Arnold and David Peters Corbett, eds., A Companion to British Art 1600 to the Present, Chichester, 2013, pp. 79–104. richardson, jonathan , An Essay on the Theory of Painting [1715], 2nd edn, London, 1725. shaftesbury, anthony ashley cooper , 3rd earl of , A Notion of the Historical Draught or Tablature of the Judgment of Hercules, According to Prodicus, Lib.II. Xen. de Mem. Soc., London, 1713. thornhill, james , An Explanation of the Painting in the Royal-Hospital at Greenwich, London, n.d. (c. 1726–30).
7 representing country life, c. 1695– 1725 barrell, john , ‘The Public Prospect and the Private
View: The Politics of Taste in Eighteenth-Century Britain’, in Salim Kemal and Ivan Gaskell, eds., Landscape, Natural Beauty and the Arts, Cambridge, 1993, pp. 81–102. deuchar, stephen , Sporting Art in Eighteenth-Century England: A Social and Political History, New Haven and London, 1988. meyer, arline , John Wootton 1682–1764: Landscapes and Sporting Art in Early Georgian England, exhibition catalogue, The Iveagh Bequest, Kenwood House, London, 1984. røstvig, maren-sofie , The Happy Man: Studies in the Metamorphosis of a Classical Ideal, 2 vols., Oslo, 1962. watt, ian , ‘Two Historical Aspects of the Augustan Tradition’, in R. F. Brissenden, ed., Studies in the Eighteenth Century: Papers Presented at the David Nichol Smith Memorial Seminar, Canberra 1966, Toronto, 1968, pp. 67–79.
8 curiosity, commerce and conversation barrell, john , ‘“The Dangerous Goddess”: Mascu-
linity, Prestige, and the Aesthetic in Early EighteenthCentury Britain’, Cultural Critique, vol. 12 (Spring 1989), pp. 101–31. benedict, barbara m. , Curiosity: A Cultural History of Early Modern Inquiry, Chicago and London, 2002. einberg, elizabeth , Manners & Morals: Hogarth and British Painting 1700–1760, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1987. hirschman, albert o. , The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before its Triumph, Princeton, NJ, 1977. klein, lawrence e. , Shaftesbury and the Culture of Politeness: Moral Discourse and Cultural Politics in Early Eighteenth-Century England, New York, 1994. paulson, ronald , Hogarth, Volume 1: The ‘Modern Moral Subject’, 1697–1732, London, 1991. solkin, david, h. , ‘The English Revolution and the Revolution of History Painting: The Bowles Brothers’ Life of Charles I’, in Mark Hallett, Nigel Llewellyn and Martin Myrone, eds, ed., Court, Country, City: Essays on British Art and Architecture 1660–1735, Studies in British Art, 24, New Haven and London (forthcoming). —— Painting for Money: The Visual Arts and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 1993. staves, susan , ‘Pope’s Refinement’, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, vol. 29, no. 2 (Spring 1988), pp. 145–63.
9 the portraiture of politeness c. 1730–5 agnew, jean-christophe , Worlds Apart: The Market
and the Theater in Anglo-American Thought, 1550– 1750, Cambridge, 1986. goldsmith, m. m. , ‘Liberty, Luxury and the Pursuit of Happiness’, in Anthony Pagden, ed., The Languages of Political Theory in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge, 1987, pp. 225–51. leppert, richard , Music and Image: Domesticity, Ideology and Socio-Cultural Formation in EighteenthCentury England, Cambridge, 1988. mandeville, bernard , The Fable of the Bees: Or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits [1723–9], ed. F. B. Kaye, 2 vols., Oxford, 1924. meyer, arline , ‘Re-Dressing Classical Statuary: The Eighteenth-Century “Hand-in-Waistcoat” Portrait’, Art Bulletin, vol. 77, no. 1 (March 1995), pp. 45–63. retford, kate , Pictures in Little: The Conversation Piece in Georgian Britain, New Haven and London (forthcoming). rorschach, kimerly , ‘Frederick, Prince of Wales (1707–51) as Collector and Patron’, Walpole Society, vol. 55 (1993), pp. 1–76. sekora, john , Luxury: The Concept in Western Thought from Eden to Smollett, Baltimore, 1977. solkin, david h. , Painting for Money: The Visual Arts and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 1993.
10 painting and the public sphere c. 1730–50 allen, brian , Francis Hayman, exhibition catalogue,
Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, New Haven and London, 1987. andrew, donna t ., Philanthropy and Police: London Charity in the Eighteenth Century, Princeton, NJ, 1989. coke, david e. and borg, alan , Vauxhall Gardens: A History, New Haven and London, 2011. eagleton, terry , The Ideology of the Aesthetic, Oxford, 1990. edelstein, t. j ., Vauxhall Gardens, exhibition catalogue, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 1983. einberg, elizabeth and egerton, judy , The Age of Hogarth: British Painters Born 1675–1709. Tate Gallery Collections: Volume Two, London, 1988. habermas, jürgen , The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry Into a Category of Bourgeois Society [1962], trans. Thomas Burger with the assistance of Frederick Lawrence, Cambridge, MA, 1969. hallett, mark , Hogarth, London, 2000. —— The Spectacle of Difference: Graphic Satire in the Age of Hogarth, New Haven and London, 1999. —— and riding, christine , Hogarth, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2007. mullan, john , Sentiment and Sociability: The Language of Feeling in the Eighteenth Century, Oxford, 1988. paulson, ronald , Hogarth, Volume 2: High Art and Low, 1732–1750, Cambridge, 1992. —— Popular and Polite Art in the Age of Hogarth and Fielding, Notre Dame and London, 1979. solkin, david h. , Painting for Money: The Visual Arts and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 1993. stallybrass, peter and white, allon , The Politics and Poetics of Transgression, London, 1986.
11 the classical and the modern: developments in landscape in the 1740s barrell, john , The Dark Side of the Landscape: The
Rural Poor in English Painting 1730–1840, Cambridge, 1980. bermingham, ann , Landscape and Ideology: The English Rustic Tradition, 1740–1860, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1986. —— Learning to Draw: Studies in the Cultural History of a Polite and Useful Art, New Haven and London, 2000. de bolla, peter , The Education of the Eye: Painting, Landscape, and Architecture in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Stanford, CA, 2003. ellis, markman , ‘River and Labour in Samuel Scott’s Thames Views in the Mid-Eighteenth Century’, London Journal, vol. 37, no. 3 (November 2012), pp. 152–73. liversidge, michael and farington, jane , eds., Canaletto & England, exhibition catalogue, Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery, Birmingham, London, 1993. rosenthal, michael , The Art of Thomas Gainsborough: ‘a little business for the Eye’, New Haven and London, 1999.
This bibliography is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
select bibliography • 337 solkin, david h ., Richard Wilson: The Landscape of
Reaction, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1982.
12 from island to empire: the cosmopolitan turn in british art, 1737–60 jacob, margaret c ., Strangers Nowhere in the World:
The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern Europe, Philadelphia, 2006. myrone, martin , Bodybuilding: Reforming Masculinities in British Art 1750–1810, New Haven and London, 2005. newman, gerald , The Rise of English Nationalism: A Cultural History 1740–1830, London, 1987. postle, martin and simon, robin , eds., Richard Wilson and the Transformation of European Landscape Painting, exhibition catalogue, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, New Haven and London, 2014. redford, bruce , Dilettanti: The Antic and the Antique in Eighteenth-Century England, Malibu, 2008. rouquet, jean andré , The Present State of the Arts in England, London, 1755. solkin, david h. , ‘Great Pictures or Great Men? Reynolds, Male Portraiture, and the Power of Art’, Oxford Art Journal, vol. 9, no. 2 (1986), pp. 42–9. —— Richard Wilson: The Landscape of Reaction, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1982. wilton, andrew and bignamini, ilaria , eds., Grand Tour: The Lure of Italy in the Eighteenth Century, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1996.
13 dreams of grandeur and marketplace realities: history-painting in britain from vauxhall gardens to the shakespeare gallery abrams, ann uhry , The Valiant Hero: Benjamin West
and Grand-Style History Painting, Washington, DC, 1985. bonehill, john , ‘Exhibiting War: John Singleton Copley’s The Siege of Gibraltar and the Staging of History’, in John Bonehill and Geoff Quilley, eds., Conflicting Visions: War and Visual Culture in Britain and France c.1700–1830, Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2005, pp. 139–67. dias, rosie , Exhibiting Englishness: John Boydell’s Shakespeare Gallery and the Formation of a National Aesthetic, New Haven and London, 2013. dunne, tom , ed., James Barry (1741–1806): ‘The Great Historical Painter’, exhibition catalogue, Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, 2005. fordham, douglas , British Art and the Seven Years’ War: Allegiance and Autonomy, Philadelphia, 2010. hargraves, matthew , Candidates for Fame: The Society of Artists of Great Britain 1760–1791, New Haven and London, 2006. hoock, holger , The King’s Artists: The Royal Academy of Arts and the Politics of British Culture 1760–1840, Oxford, 2003. monteyne, joseph , From Still Life to the Screen: Print Culture, Display, and the Materiality of the Image in Eighteenth-Century London, New Haven and London, 2013.
myrone, martin , Bodybuilding: Reforming Mascu-
linities in British Art 1750–1810, New Haven and London, 2005. —— ed., Gothic Nightmares: Fuseli, Blake and the Romantic Imagination, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2005. postle, martin , ed., Johann Zoffany RA: Society Observed, exhibition catalogue, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, New Haven and London, 2011. pressly, william l. , The Artist as Original Genius: Shakespeare’s ‘Fine Frenzy’, in Late Eighteenth-Century British Art, Newark, DE, 2007. —— The Life and Art of James Barry, New Haven and London, 1981. reynolds, joshua , Discourses on Art, ed. Robert R. Wark, New Haven and London, 1975. rosenthal, angela , Angelica Kauffman: Art and Sensibility, New Haven and London, 2006. solkin, david h. , ed., Art on the Line: The Royal Academy Exhibitions at Somerset House 1780–1836, exhibition catalogue, Courtauld Institute Gallery, London, New Haven and London, 2001.
14 portraiture takes the public stage hallett, mark , Reynolds: Portraiture in Action, New Haven and London, 2014.
perry, gill , Spectacular Flirtations: Viewing the Actress
in British Art and Theatre, 1768–1820, New Haven and London, 2007. —— and rossington, michael , eds., Femininity and Masculinity in Eighteenth-Century Art and Culture, Manchester, 1994. pointon, marcia , Hanging the Head: Portraiture and Social Formation in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 1993. postle, martin , ed., Joshua Reynolds: The Creation of Celebrity, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2005. retford, kate , The Art of Domestic Life: Family Portraiture in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 2006. rosenthal, michael and myrone, martin , eds., Gainsborough, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2002. sloman, susan , Gainsborough in Bath, New Haven and London, 2002. tscherny, nadia , ‘“Persons and Property”: Romney’s Society Portraiture’, in Alex Kidson, ed., Those Delightful Regions of Imagination: Essays on George Romney, Studies in British Art 9, New Haven and London, 2002, pp. 33–61.
15 landscape art and its audiences andrews, malcolm , The Search for the Picturesque:
Landscape Aesthetics and Tourism in Britain, 1760– 1800, Aldershot, 1989. barbier, carl paul , William Gilpin: His Drawings, Teaching, and Theory of the Picturesque, Oxford, 1963. barrell, john , The Dark Side of the Landscape: The Rural Poor in English Painting 1730–1840, Cambridge, 1980. bermingham, ann , Landscape and Ideology: The English Rustic Tradition, 1740–1860, London, 1987. —— ed., Sensation & Sensibility: Viewing Gainsborough’s ‘Cottage Door’, New Haven and London, 2005.
bonehill, john and daniels, stephen , eds., Paul
Sandby: Picturing Britain, exhibition catalogue, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2009. copley, stephen and garside, peter , eds., The Politics of the Picturesque: Literature, Landscape and Aesthetics since 1770, Cambridge, 1994. gilpin, william , Three Essays: On Picturesque Beauty; On Picturesque Travel; and On Sketching Landscape: To Which is Added a Poem, On Landscape Painting, London, 1792. guest, harriet , Empire, Barbarism, and Civilisation: Captain Cook, William Hodges and the Return to the Pacific, Cambridge, 2007. moir, esther , The Discovery of Britain: The English Tourists 1540–1840, London and New York, 1964 (reissued 2014). quilley, geoff and bonehill, john , eds., William Hodges 1744–1797: The Art of Exploration, exhibition catalogue, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, New Haven and London, 2004. rosenthal, michael , The Art of Thomas Gainsborough: ‘a little business for the Eye’, New Haven and London, 1999. sanchez-jauregui, maria dolores and wilcox, scott , eds., The English Prize: The Capture of the Westmorland, An Episode of the Grand Tour, exhibition catalogue, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, New Haven and London, 2012. solkin, david h. , ‘The Battle of the Ciceros: Richard Wilson and the Politics of Landscape in the Age of John Wilkes’, Art History, vol. 6, no. 4 (December 1983), pp. 406–22. —— Richard Wilson: The Landscape of Reaction, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1982.
16 the empire of sensibility barker-benfield, g. j ., The Culture of Sensibility: Sex
and Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Chicago, 1992. barrell, john , ‘The Private Comedy of Thomas Rowlandson’, Art History, vol. 6, no. 4 (December 1983), pp. 423–41. barringer, tim, quilley, geoff and fordham, douglas , eds., Art and the British Empire, Manchester, 2007. bermingham, ann , ed., Sensation & Sensibility: Viewing Gainsborough’s ‘Cottage Door’, New Haven and London, 2005. bonehill, john , ‘“The Eye of Delicacy”: Joseph Wright of Derby Reviewed’, in Sarah Monks, John Barrell and Mark Hallett, eds., Living with the Royal Academy: Artistic Ideals and Experiences in England, 1768–1848, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2013, pp. 89–110. donald, diana , The Age of Caricature: Satirical Prints in the Reign of George III, New Haven and London, 1996. gamer, meredith , ‘George Morland’s Slave Trade and African Hospitality: Slavery, Sentiment and the Limits of the Abolitionist Image’, in Elizabeth McGrath and Jean Michel Massing, eds., The Slave in European Art: From Renaissance Trophy to Abolitionist Emblem, Warburg Institute Colloquia 20, London and Turin, 2012, pp. 297–319.
This bibliography is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
338 • select bibliography gatrell, vic , City of Laughter: Sex and Satire in
Eighteenth-Century London, New York, 2006. guest, harriet , Empire, Barbarism, and Civilisation: Captain Cook, William Hodges, and the Return to the Pacific, Cambridge, 2007. kriz, kay dian , Slavery, Sugar, and the Culture of Refinement: Picturing the British West Indies, 1700–1840, New Haven and London, 2008. mullan, john , Sentiment and Sociability: The Language of Feeling in the Eighteenth Century, Oxford, 1988. postle, martin , ed., Johann Zoffany RA: Society Observed, exhibition catalogue, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, New Haven and London, 2011. quilley, geoff , Empire to Nation: Art, History and the Visualization of Maritime Britain 1768–1829, New Haven and London, 2011. retford, kate , The Art of Domestic Life: Family Portraiture in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 2006. tobin, beth fowkes , Picturing Imperial Power: Colonial Subjects in Eighteenth-Century British Painting, Durham, NC and London, 1999. todd, janet , Sensibility: An Introduction, London and New York, 1986. wahrman, dror , The Making of the Modern Self: Identity and Culture in Eighteenth-Century England, New Haven and London, 2004. wood, marcus , Blind Memory: Visual Representations of Slavery in England and America 1780–1865, Manchester, 2000.
17 revolution and reaction bindman, david , The Shadow of the Guillotine: Britain
and the French Revolution, exhibition catalogue, British Museum, London, 1989. burke, edmund , Reflections on the Revolution in France, London, 1790. calè, luisa , Fuseli’s Milton Gallery: ‘Turning Readers into Spectators’, Oxford, 2006. eaves, morris , The Counter-Arts Conspiracy: Art and Industry in the Age of Blake, Ithaca, NY and London, 1992. ellis, markman , ‘“Spectacles within doors”: Panoramas of London in the 1790s’, Romanticism, vol. 14, no. 2 (July 2008), pp. 133–48. everett, nigel , The Tory View of Landscape, New Haven and London, 1994. godfrey, richard t ., James Gillray: The Art of Caricature, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2001. myrone, martin , The Blake Book, London, 2007. pressly, william l ., The French Revolution as Blasphemy: Johan Zoffany’s Paintings of the Massacre at Paris, August 10, 1792, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1999. simpson, david , Romanticism, Nationalism, and the Revolt Against Theory, Chicago and London, 1993. smith, greg , The Emergence of the Professional Watercolourist: Contentions and Alliances in the Artistic Domain, 1760–1824, Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2002.
18 british genius and british nature: depicting the domestic landscape in the wartime years alison, archibald , Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste, Edinburgh, 1790.
barrell, john, The Dark Side of the Landscape: The
Rural Poor in English Painting 1730–1840, Cambridge, 1980. bermingham, ann , Landscape and Ideology: The English Rustic Tradition, 1740–1860, London, 1987. —— ‘System, Order, and Abstraction: The Politics of English Landscape Drawing around 1795’, in W. J. T. Mitchell, ed., Landscape and Power, Chicago and London, 1994, pp. 77–101. gage, john , A Decade of English Naturalism 1810–1820, exhibition catalogue, Norwich Castle Museum, Norwich, 1969. —— J. M. W. Turner: ‘A Wonderful Range of Mind’, New Haven and London, 1987. hemingway, andrew , ‘Academic Theory versus Association Aesthetics: The Ideological Forms of a Conflict of Interests in the Early Nineteenth Century’, Ideas and Production, no. 5 (1986), pp. 18–42. —— Landscape Imagery and Urban Culture in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain, Cambridge, 1992. —— ‘Meaning in Cotman’s Norfolk Subjects’, Art History, vol. 7, no. 2 (March 1984), pp. 57–77. klonk, charlotte , Science and the Perception of Nature: British Landscape Art in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, New Haven and London, 1996. kriz, kay dian , The Idea of the English Landscape Painter: Genius as Alibi in the Early Nineteenth Century, New Haven and London, 1997. rosenthal, michael , Constable: The Painter and His Landscape, New Haven and London, 1983. shanes, eric , Turner’s Human Landscape, London, 1990. smiles, sam , The Turner Book, London, 2006. smith, greg, The Emergence of the Professional Watercolourist: Contentions and Alliances in the Artistic Domain, 1760–1824, Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2002. —— Thomas Girtin: The Art of Watercolour, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2002. solkin, david h ., ed., Turner and the Masters, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London, 2009. wilton, andrew , The Life and Work of J. M. W. Turner, London, 1979.
19 revolution, war and the painting of everyday life barrell, john , ‘Cottage Politics’, in The Spirit of
Despotism: Invasions of Privacy in the 1790s, Oxford, 2006, pp. 210–46. payne, christiana , Rustic Simplicity: Scenes of Cottage Life in Nineteenth-Century British Art, exhibition catalogue, Djanogly Art Gallery, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 1998. pointon, marcia , Mulready, exhibition catalogue, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1986. solkin, david h ., ‘Crowds and Connoisseurs: Looking at Genre Painting at Somerset House’, in David H. Solkin, ed., Art on The Line: The Royal Academy Exhibitions at Somerset House, 1780–1836, exhibition catalogue, Courtauld Institute Gallery, London, New Haven and London, 2001, pp. 157–71.
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This bibliography is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
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This bibliography is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
Index Page numbers in italics refer to pages on which illustrations appear; page numbers followed by n and a number refer to information in a note. Artists’ works appear at the end of their index entries.
absolutism and Stuart monarchy 3, 18–19, 36–9, 51, 53 academic tradition in Britain 44, 80–1, 83, 85, 101, 116, 125 artists 4, 129, 225 see also Royal Academy, London in Europe 10, 84 Addison, Joseph 72, 76–8, 78, 89–90, 99 Aggas, Robert 26–7 Landscape, Sunset 26–7, 26 agriculture and Gainsborough’s Cottage Doors 238 and landowning class 65, 114, 116, 215, 280 landscapes 66, 114, 117–19, 274 and Wilkie’s Distraining for Rent 289–90 see also country life, countryside; georgic; labour; poor in art Aken, Joseph Van 88–9, 129, 131, 135 Aliamet, François Germain Mrs Pritchard in the Character of Hermione (after Pine) 87 The Surrender of Calais to Edward III (after Pine) 151 allegory 26, 29, 50, 58, 82 Barry’s Commerce, or Triumph of the Thames 174 Blake’s use of allegory 254–5, 311–12 Hayman at Vauxhall 148 Hogarth’s The Lottery 83–4, 84 Hoppner’s allegorical portraits 208, 302 Reynolds’ use of allegory 199, 200, 202–3 Romney’s portraits of Emma Hart 236 Streeter’s Truth Descending 7, 7, 10 Thornhill’s Blenheim Palace ceiling 58, 59, 60 Thornhill’s Royal Naval Hospital cycle 52, 53–4, 54 Vanderbank’s Cervantes as Hercules 81, 81 Verrio’s Hampton Court Palace decorations 50–1, 51 Verrio’s Sea Triumph of Charles II, 8, 8–9 Verrio’s Windsor decorations 9, 9–10, 31 West’s Sketch for a Monument to Lord Nelson 309, 309–10 Wright’s Astraea Returns to Earth 4–5, 4, 7, 10 see also mythology amateur artists 75 drawing 115, 123, 218–19, 300 and Picturesque landscapes 227 and watercolours 23–4, 123, 260 Amigoni, Jacopo 88, 125, 139, 140 Frederick, Prince of Wales 88, 88 ancient Greece 146–7, 166–7, 171, 252–4 ancient Rome 133–4, 142, 144, 152, 162, 312–13, 315–18
Angelis, Pieter 82, 88–9 Angerstein, John Julius 265, 288, 304–5 Anglo-Dutch Wars 6, 10, 15, 18 Anne, Princess of Denmark, queen of Great Britain 33, 33, 46, 53, 56–7, 74, 76, 79 Verrio’s Hampton Court Palace decorations 50–1, 51 antiquarians, antiquarianism 24, 310, 313 and views of Britain 75, 122, 228–9, 261 antiquity and history-painting 312–16 Barry’s Society of Arts cycle 171 Hamilton’s all’antica scenes 144–7 and portrait poses 86, 133–4, 145–6 and Wilson’s landscapes 144, 212–14, 220–1 see also ancient Greece; ancient Rome; classicism aquatint 224, 227, 228, 247, 256, 266, 269 architecture 27, 48, 56, 60, 69, 75, 276, 310 classical 60, 85, 120, 144, 200, 215 Gothic 261 see also country houses and estates art criticism 210, 261–5, 284–5, 292–4, 304 see also Hazlitt, Holt, Pasquin art education apprenticeship 3 and history painters 170 London academies 80–1, 83, 85, 101, 116, 125 Royal Academy 160–2, 179, 277 Society of the Virtuosi of St Luke 44 training in Italy 4, 129, 133 see also Painter-Stainers’ Company art market 1 clubs and societies 79, 92–3, 93 curiosity 74–6 Dutch art 22, 31–2, 92, 196–7 Girtin and Turner 266–7 Heaphy’s lowlife scenes 287 ideal art and design 253 landscapes in Norfolk 273–4 sale of Old Masters 307 Wilkie’s everyday life scenes 289 see also commercial galleries; exhibitions; print culture, publishers art theory, theorists 62, 81, 153, 158, 162, 310, 314 European art theory 44, 72, 80–1, 161 British art theory Gilpin 227 Reynolds 61, 136, 165, 199, 269, 277–8, 316 Richardson 71–2 Shaftesbury 61–2 see also Picturesque artisanal status of art 3, 13, 115, 125, 260 see also professionalisation of art
Augusta, Dowager Princess of Wales 138–9, 138 Augustan literature 69–71, 73 Banks, Thomas 169–70 Baretti, Giuseppe 200, 200 Baring, Sir Francis 297–8, 297 Baring, John 297–8, 297 Barker, Robert 257, 265 Barlow, Francis 27–8, 67, 83 The Decoy at Pyrford with Waterfowl Startled by a Bird 28, 28, 29 The Happy Instruments of Englands Preservation (anon. engraving) 29–30, 29 Baron, Bernard 93, 93 Barret, George, the Elder 217–19, 226 Landscape with the Effect of a Rainbow 217–18, 217 Barry, James 166–7, 183, 310, 313 and French Revolution 251, 254 Progress of Human Culture cycle 171–4 Commerce, or the Triumph of the Thames 174 Crowning the Victors at Olympia 171, 172–3, 307, frontispiece (detail) Elysium, or the State of Final Retribution 172–3, 174 Orpheus Instructing a Savage People 171, 254 Paradise Lost 251 The Temptation of Adam 166–7, 167 Bartolozzi, Francesco 176, 183 Batoni, Pompeo 146 Sir Robert Davers, 5th Baronet 142, 142 battle-painting and Copley 176–9, 203, 258 de Loutherbourg’s Glorious First of June 256–8, 257 Laguerre’s Battles of the Duke of Marlborough 57–60 naval battles 123–4, 256–8 and print culture 256–8 and Seven Years’ War 148–9, 157 Trumbull’s Bunker’s Hill 243 West’s Death of Wolfe 163–5 see also military portraits Beale, Charles 20–1 Beale, Mary 20–1 Self-portrait 21, 21 Beaumont, Sir George 272–3, 282, 312, 317–18 Beckford, William 232, 233, 309 Bedlam Hospital 97 Beechey, William 292–4, 300–1 Pasquin’s support for 293–4 Horatio, Viscount Nelson 294–5, 295 John Bannister 292, 293–4 Princess Elizabeth 300–1, 300 benevolence and Foundling Hospital 102–3, 126 history-painting and war 148–9, 156–7
and positive effects of luxury 91–2, 126 and sensibility in art 240–1 see also philanthropy; virtue Bernard, Sir Thomas 307–8 Bible 36–7, 55, 103–4, 149, 254, 256, 300, 307–9, 314–5 see also history-painting Bible Gallery 251, 306 Bifrons Park, Kent 66–7, 67 Bigg, William Redmore 240–1, 281, 286 A Lady and Her Children Relieving a Cottager 240, 240 Bird, Edward Good News 285 Village Choristers Rehearsing an Anthem for Sunday 284, 285 Blake, William 252, 254–6, 307 Exhibition of 1809 310–12 preference for fresco 311 Albion Rose 254–6, 255 The Ancient Britons 311 ‘Continental Prophecies’ 254, 255 Europe – A Prophecy and The Ancient of Days 255–6, 255 ‘Illuminated Books’ 254, 256 The Spiritual Form of Nelson Guiding Leviathan 311–12, 311 The Spiritual Form of Pitt Guiding Behemoth 311 Blenheim Palace, Oxon 57–60, 59 Blome, Richard 67 bodycolour 37, 215–17, 216–17, 259–61 book illustration, illustrators 81, 99, 110–11, 183, 185, 236 Boothby, Brooke 231, 232 Boughton House, Northants 48–50, 50 Bowles, John Life of Charles I series 81–2, 82 Bowles, Thomas 58 Life of Charles I series 81–2, 82 Bowyer, Robert 183, 177–8, 251, 258, 306 Boydell, John 164, 182, 253 and Copley’s history paintings 176–8, 203 and landscape artists 210, 212 and Opie 182 Shakespeare Gallery 183–5, 183–5, 235, 244, 251–2, 256, 306, 331n.21 Boyle, Richard see Burlington Boyle, Robert 6 Bradford, Thomas 218 Brandoin, Michel Vincent The Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Painting in the Year 1771 (mezzotint by Earlom) 163, 163, 165–6 Bridgeman, Charles 93, 93 Bridgewater, Francis Egerton, 3rd Duke of 267, 307 British Empire see Empire British Institution for Promoting the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom 267, 277, 290, 300, 307–8, 310, 313
This index is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
index • 369 Britishness see national school and British art; patriotism/nationalism/ Britishness Brown, John 169 Brown, Lancelot ‘Capability’ 215, 259 Brown, Mather 250–1, 256 The Final Interview of Louis XVI and His Family 250–1, 250 Lord Cornwallis Receiving the Sons of Tippoo Sahib as Hostages 250 Buck, Nathaniel 75, 122 Buck, Samuel 75, 122 The South Prospect of the Ancient City of York 75–6, 75 Burghley House, Cambs 48, 49, 306 Burke, Edmund 252, 256 Reflections on the Revolution in France 248–251, 259–60 on the Sublime 158–60, 167, 227, 229, 316 Burlington, Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of 56, 60–1, 84–5 Burlington House, London 56, 57, 84–5, 85 Callcott, Augustus Wall 272–3 Littlehampton Pier 272–3, 272 Canaletto, Antonio 99, 119–22 London seen through an Arch of West minster Bridge 120, 120 The Thames, London, from the Terrace of Somerset House 120, 121 Carracci, Annibale 4, 60–1, 195 Carriera, Rosalba 134, 139 Carter, George 236 Catherine of Braganza, queen of Scotland and England 16–18, 18, 23, 36 Catherine the Great, empress of Russia 203–4, 222 Catholicism 10, 29–30 and art 16–18, 35–6, 174 Cecil, John, 5th Earl of Exeter 47, 47, 48 charity see benevolence; philanthropy Charles I, king of Great Britain 1, 5, 40, 40 art collection 3, 55 Life of Charles I print series 81–2, 82 Charles II, king of Scotland and England 1, 3–13, 16, 18, 29, 34 Gennari’s paintings for 36–7 and imperial ambitions 23–4 palaces 25–6 portraits by Cooper 12, 12 Fuller 5, 6, 5 Verrio 8, 9, 11 John Michael Wright 19, 19, 38 Charlotte, queen of Great Britain 189, 194, 195, 292, 294, 301 ‘charter pictures’ 38 Chatham, William Pitt the Elder, Earl of 171, 175–6, 175 Chaucer, Geoffrey 306–7, 306 Chéron, Louis 48–51, 55, 81, 83 Vulcan Catches Venus and Mars 48–51, 50 Cheselden, William 81 children 100, 237–8, 240, 244, 304–5 see also family Christ’s Hospital, London 37–9, 38–9 Churchill see Marlborough cities Hogarth’s urban poor 109–10 Reynolds’s street children 237
views of Buck’s The South Prospect of the Ancient City of York 75, 75 Canaletto’s London seen through an Arch of Westminster Bridge 120, 120 The Thames, London, from the Terrace of Somerset House 120, 121 Girtin’s Eidometropolis and Picturesque Views in Paris 266–7 Scott’s The Building of Westminster Bridge 121–2, 121 Wilson’s Rome from the Villa Madama 212, 212 City of London 37–9, 122 mercantile class and land ownership 65–6, 119 and Stuart monarchs 37–8 as a symbol 53 see also London classicism aesthetics 60–2, 84–5 and Augustan literature 69, 70–1, 73 and land as patrician touchstones 69-71, 115–6, 142–4 privatisation 252–4 reassessment 146–7, 166, 167 and Royal Academy and art education 161–2 and history-painting 162–3, 167–8 see also ancient Greece; ancient Rome; antiquity; Grand Style/Grand Manner; Claude Gellée, called Claude Lorrain 274 importance for British artists 69–70, 115, 210 Aggas 26–7 Constable 278, 279 Gainsborough 218–20 Gilpin 227 Lambert 116 Smith (of Chichester) 210 Turner 265, 269, 272, 317–18 Wilson 143–4, 213–14, 221 Wootton 69–70 impact on Netherlandish artists 25, 27, 66 Liber Veritatis 269 Closterman, John 43–4 The Family of the 1st Duke of Marlborough 44–6, 45, 200 Grinling and Elizabeth Gibbons (mezzotint by John Smith) 43, 43, 44 clubs and societies 76–80, 92–3, 93 Collier, Edward Trompe l’oeil Letter Rack 79, 79 Combe, William The Tour of Dr Syntax 272 comedy 5–6, 185 ‘drolls’ 22, 31–2, 90, 92 Hogarth’s comic histories 105–10 107–8 see also satirical prints commercial galleries 251, 258, 306 Fuseli’s Milton Gallery 251, 252 and Reynolds’s work 203 Shakespeare Gallery 183–5, 183–5, 235, 251, 306, 331n.21 Westall’s solo exhibition 253, 313 see also Bowyer; Boydell; Macklin Committee of Taste 310
Commonwealth and low point in art 3 connoisseurs, connoisseurship 1, 92–3, 93, 188, 282 artists as connoisseurs 92–3, 93, 133 audiences for landscapes 210 British Institution 267, 307, 309–10, 313 Committee of Taste 310 Frederick, Prince of Wales 87 and Girtin 261 and Hogarth 85 and Netherlandish art 273 and Sandby 228 Society of Dilettanti 133–4, 145–6 and Turner 267, 317–18 and watercolours 263, 275–6 and Wootton 69 see also antiquarians, antiquarianism; collectors, collecting; virtuosi/ virtuosity Constable, Archibald 298 Constable, John 1, 277–80, 315 Dedham from Langham 277, 278–9 Flatford Mill from the Lock series 278, 279 View of Dedham 279–80, 280 consumption see commerce, luxury conversation civilising effects 156–7, 160 and politeness 76–9, 111–12, 160 conversation piece 88–93, 96, 140 and Devis 113–14 and Gainsborough 114 and Gawen Hamilton 92–3 and Hayman 112 and Hogarth 89–92 historical conversations 156–7 and the Kitcat club 77 middle-class patronage 111–13, 197–8 narrative and theatrical pieces 154–7, 155 and sport 113–14 theatrical conversations 154–5 and Zoffany 195–6 Cook, Captain James 223–4, 241–2, 242 Cooke, George 270, 272 Cooke, William Bernard 270, 272 Cooper, Anthony Ashley see Shaftesbury Cooper, Edward 33 Cooper, Samuel 9, 12, 21 Charles II in Garter Robes 12, 12 Copley, John Singleton 174–9, 250, 256, 306 Brook Watson and the Shark 175 The Death of Major Peirson, 5 January 1781 176–7, 177, 180, 203, 231–2 The Death [or Collapse] of the Earl of Chatham in the House of Lords 175–6, 175, 180 The Defeat of the Floating Batteries at Gibraltar, 14th September 1782 177–9, 178, 203, 231–2, 242, 258 copyright 43, 97 Engravers’ Copyright Act (‘Hogarth’s Act’) 97 Coram, Captain Thomas 103, 126–8, 127 cosmopolitanism 125–47, 195 costume and clothing see dress; fashion Cosway, Maria 182, 302 Cotes, Francis 194–5 Queen Charlotte and the Princess Royal 194, 195 Sir Richard Hoare 139–40, 139
Cotman, John Sell 273–4, 276 Marl Pit, Norfolk 274, 274 cottage door motif 238, 240, 281, 286 country houses and estates 46, 197, 210, 216, 221 artists and interiors 26, 27, 48–51, 57–8, 115–16, 166 estate portraits 24, 27, 63–5, 66–7, 116, 144, 214, 227 gardens as status symbols 62, 63–4, 115 country life, countryside 63–73 elite enjoyment of 66, 116 land ownership and nature 63–7, 113, 116, 259–60, 280 local demand for landscapes 274 sentimental view of poor 238–41, 281, 286 sport 22, 27–8, 67–9, 113–14, 157, 197 see also agriculture; country houses and estates; horses; hunting; landscape art; nature and art; pastoral, pastoralism; tourism Coventry, Gilbert 67–9 Cowley, Abraham 20–1 Cozens, Alexander 229 Cozens, John Robert 229–30, 261, 264 Between Chamonix and Martigny 229–30, 229, 232 Tomb of Caecilia Metella 230, 230, 232 criminality 96, 286–7 Cristall, Joshua 276 Crome, John 273 Yarmouth Jetty 273, 273, 274 Cromek, Robert 306 Cromwell, Oliver 12, 13 curiosity and art market 74–6 Cuyp, Aelbert 68, 269, 273 Dahl, Michael 46–7, 71, 86, 92–3, 93 admirals series 46–7, 47 Henry Liddell 86-7, 87, 112, 125–6 ‘Petworth Beauties’ 46, 46, 86 Rachael Russell, Duchess of Devonshire 46, 46 Sir James Wishart 47, 47 Dance, Nathaniel 152, 165, 166, 183 Virginia, The Unfortunate Roman Maid (mezzotint by Haid) 152, 153, 167 Danckerts, Hendrick 24–6 View of Greenwich and the Queen’s House from the Southeast 25–6, 25 David, Jacques-Louis 251, 252, 308 Dawkins, James 145, 145 Dayes, Edward 260, 264 de Loutherbourg, Philip James 183, 206–7, 206, 256-8 theatrical background and Eidophusikon 225–6 The Cataracts of the Nile 225 The Glorious First of June, 1794 256–8, 257 The Grand Attack on Valenciennes 256, 258 Lodore Waterfall, near Keswick 226–7, 226, 232 Devis, Arthur 112, 151, 195 John Orde, His Wife Anne, His Eldest Son William, and a Servant 113–14, 113 Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of 233, 234 dilettanti see Society of Dilettanti drapery painters 129, 131
This index is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
370 • index drawing commercial value 150, 260 as feminine accomplishment 300 Flaxman’s Iliad and Odyssey drawings 252–3 Fuseli and Mortimer 169, 170 as gentlemanly pursuit 115, 123, 218–19 life drawing 80, 83, 161–2 scientific appreciation 24, 123 and watercolour 23–4, 123, 260 see also academic tradition; amateur artists; art education dress and aristocracy after ‘Glorious Revolution’ 47 Byron in Albanian dress 296 Classical dress 133–4, 145–6 drapery painters 129, 131 French dress 139 Gainsborough’s skill 205, 207, 234–5 Garter robes 12, 200, 294 military portraits and Napoleonic Wars 295–6 painter’s dress 21, 46, 136–7 Restoration portraits 12, 15, 18 Reynolds and fashions 136, 202, 204 in royal portraits 12, 41 Van Dyck dress 131, 142 Van Loo’s skill 126 and women’s status 301 see also fashion ‘drolls’ 22, 31–2, 90, 92 Dryden, John 72, 106 DuBosc, Claude The Battle of Tanieres, near Mons (after Laguerre) 57–8, 58 Dughet, Gaspard 25, 66, 69–70, 115–116, 143, 211, 214 Earlom, Richard The Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Painting in the Year 1771 (after Brandoin) 163 Liber Veritatis (after Claude) 269 Plundering the King’s Cellar at Paris (after Zoffany) 249 education as theme in art 290–1 see also art education; knowledge and learning effeminacy 85, 90, 94, 98, 101, 146 see also luxury Empire 1, 146, 223–5, 241–7 Africa 34, 51, 244, 328 America 74, 175–7, 179, 182, 232, 243, 243, 293, 312 Canada 74, 148, 164 India 224–5, 224, 225, 245–7 see also slavery empirical, empiricist 21–2, 104, 214, 258 Engravers’ Copyright Act (Hogarth’s Act) 97 engraving, engravers 30, 74, 82, 82, 97, 105, 123, 227–8, 251, 256 Aliamet 151 Barlow 29 Baron 93 Bartolozzi 176, 237 Blake 254–6 and British landscapes 122, 214, 216, 227–8 Cooke, George and William Bernard 270
DuBosc 58 Earlom 165, 249, 269 Gribelin 61 Haughton 252 Heath 308 and Highmore’s Pamela 111 Hogarth 83, 94–8, 105 Kip 64 Muller 99 and Picturesque landscapes 227–8 John Smith 43 Taylor 182 and topographical landscapes 122, 214, 216 Charles Turner 269 and J.M.W. Turner 267, 269–70 Vandergucht 75 Van Somer 31 Van der Vaart 31 Vertue 93 Watson 199 Woollett 164, 210, 212, 218, 309 see also aquatint; etching, etchers; mezzotint; print culture; publishers; stipple erotic, eroticism 16, 49, 170 Chéron’s Vulcan Catches Venus and Mars in his Net 48–50, 50 Dahl’s ‘Petworth ‘Beauties’ 46, 46 Fuseli’s Titania and Bottom 184, 184 Gennari’s paintings for Charles II 36–7 Hayman’s Play at the See-Saw 100–1, 100 Hodges’ views of Tahiti 224 Hogarth’s Progresses 95–7, 90–6 Hoppner’s Mrs Jordan 207–8 Hoppner’s and Lawrence’s images of aristocratic women 302–3 Huysmans’ Catherine of Braganza 17–18, 18 Lely’s female portraits 16, 31, 42 Reynolds’ Venus Chiding Cupid for Learning to Cast Accounts 165, 165 Ricci’s Diana and her Nymphs Bathing 56, 57 Verrio’s Mars and Venus Discovered by Vulcan 48–9, 49 West 153 see also nudity etching, etchers 30 Blake 254–5 Gillray 248 Hollar 24 Piroli 253 Place 24 Rowlandson 234, 247 Paul Sandby 228 Thomas Smith of Derby 124 Thornhill 79–80 Turner 269 Evelyn, John 28, 30 everyday life see genre painting Exclusion Crisis (1678–81) 29–30 Exeter, Earl of see Cecil, John exhibitions 148–247 accessibility of works 148, 157–60, 181, 190, 223, Blake’s Exhibition of 1809 310–12 British Institution as rival to Royal Academy 267, 277, 307 Copley’s one-picture shows 176–7, 179, 251, 306, 310 Foundling Hospital 103, 118, 128–9
Old Masters 307 Painter-Stainers’ Hall 26–7 Society of Arts/Society of Artists of Great Britain 149–60 see also British Institution; commercial galleries, Royal Academy exoticism 74–5, 223–5 Faber, John, the Younger 98 The Choice (after Mercier) 98, 98 John Knight, His Wife Anna, and His Stepson Jacob Newsam (after Vanderbank) 87, 87 family and genre painting 105–6, 240–1, 281, 283–5, 287, 289–90 and history-painting 146–7, 156–7, 159–60, 166, 176–7, 211, 244, 249–51 and landscape 211, 228, 239–40, 245 and portraiture 16–18, 38, 44–6, 53–4, 87, 136–8, 194–5, 197–8, 200–4, 233–4, 297–8, 303–4 conversation-piece portraiture 88–92, 112–4, 195–6 marriage portraiture 147, 148–9, 152, 234–5, 305 see also children; marriage fancy pictures and Gainsborough 237–8, 240, 281 as Mercier’s invention 98–9 and Reynolds 164, 237 and Romney 237–8 and Wright of Derby 159–60 and sensibility 235–41 Farren, Elizabeth 209, 209 fashion and Frenchness 106–7, 191 and Gainsborough 206–7, 234–5 Hogarth’s satire on 84–5, 85 luxury and moral degeneration 85, 89–98, 95–7, 106, 174 and Reynolds 136, 202, 204, 234 and sensibility 232 Van Dyck dress 131, 142 see also dress femininity 160 and the Beautiful 158, 167, 170, 317 and history-painting 61, 152, 154, 167–8, 170 and portraiture 16, 21, 42, 44, 92, 112, 131, 191, 193, 299–305 and women artists 21, 166 see also effeminacy; gender; heroes and heroines; luxury; masculinity fêtes galantes 88, 90, 99, 112, 287 Fielding, Henry 105, 110 fiscal-military state 42, 47, 51 Fisher, Edward 188 Fisher, Kitty 191–2, 191 Flatman, Thomas 21 Flaxman, John 254, 305, 305, 307, 313 Fury of Athamas (sculpture) 253 Iliad and Odyssey drawings 252–3 Thetis Bringing the Armour to Achilles (etching) 253, 253 Nelson monument in St Paul’s 310 Flemish art see Netherlandish art Foundling Hospital, London 102–4, 126 General Court Room paintings 103–4, 118, 128–9 Fox, Charles James 234, 248, 256, 293, 294
France/Frenchness 18 British antipathy to 90,106–7, 248–51 British admiration of 90 British engagement with French art and fashionable tastes 101–2, 106, 111 Gravelot as intermediary 101, 131, 139–40 history-painting 148, 150, 154, 244 Hogarth’s Frenchness 106, 140 landscape 66, 70, 115–16, 120 portraiture 86–7, 125–6, 140 French artists in Britain Chéron 48–51, 55, 81, 83 de Loutherbourg 183, 206, 225–6, 256–8 Mercier 88–90, 98–9, 139 Van Loo 125–6, 140 Watteau 88 Revolution of 1789 248–58 Frederick, Prince of Wales 87–90, 88–9 Free Society of Artists 151, 197, 198 fresco 311 Fresnoy, Charles Alphonse du 44, 72 Fuller, Isaac, the Elder The Escape of Charles II after the Battle of Worcester series 5–6, 320n.4 Charles II on Humphry Penderel’s Mill Horse 5, 5, 16 Fuller, Isaac, the Younger 26 Fuseli, Henry (b. Johann Heinrich Füssli) 168–70, 183, 219, 254, 256, 307 and his circle in Rome 168–70, 230 Milton Gallery 251–2 prints after 182, 252 Royal Academy professorship 252 The Nightmare 181–2, 181 Titania and Bottom 184, 184 The Vision of the Lazar House 251–2, 252 The Witches Show Macbeth the Descendants of Banquo (engraving by Haughton) 169, 169 Gainsborough, Thomas 101, 112, 161, 179, 183, 192–4, 204–7, 208–9 exhibition strategies 186, 206, 207, 226 responses to Old Masters 116–18, 219, 220, 238, 240 fancy pictures and sensibility 237–8, 240, 281 as landscape artist 210, 218–20, 278, 279 and Van Dyck 140, 142, 193–4, 204–5, 219 Mr and Mrs Robert Andrews 114, 114, 116 Ann Ford 193–4, 193, 205 Mr and Mrs William Hallett (‘The Morning Walk’) 234–5, 234 Philip James de Loutherbourg 206–7, 206 Isabella, Viscountess Molyneux 204–6, 205 James Quin 192–3, 192 Mrs Siddons 207, 207 Captain William Wade, Master of Ceremonies at Bath 165, 205, 206 William Wollaston 140, 141 Cornard Wood, near Sudbury, Suffolk (‘Gainsborough’s Forest’) 116–18, 118 The Cottage Door series 238, 239, 240 Cottage Girl with Dog and Pitcher 238, 238
This index is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
index • 371 The Harvest Wagon 219–20, 219 The Watering Place 220, 221, 232 Gamble, Ellis 83 gambling 97 Game Act of 1671 67, 113 gardens 62–4, 115, 259–60 Garrick, David 195, 198, 225 portraits 140, 140, 188, 189 and theatrical conversation-pieces 155–6, 155 Gascar, Henri 18, 30 James Duke of York as Lord High Admiral 9, 18, 19 Gaugain, Thomas Portraits Painted from Life, Representing Capt. Englefield &c. (after Northcote) 179 gender see femininity; masculinity genius 166–170, 252, 255 Cozens, John Robert 230 Girtin’s originality 263–4, 273 Turner’s critical reception 272 Gennari, Benedetto and Whitehall Palace chapel 36–7 The Annunciation 36–7, 37 genre painting ‘drolls’ 22, 31–2, 90, 92 Hayman’s Vauxhall Gardens supperboxes 100–2 and sensibility 235–41 Wilkie and his followers 281–91 see also comedy; fancy pictures; Hogarth; lowness; vulgarity George I, king of Great Britain 53–4, 58, 60 George II, king of Great Britain 86–7, 123 George III, king of Great Britain 150, 183, 189, 256, 292 and family portraits 194–5 and patronage 195, 258, 301 Cotes 195 Ramsay 186, 191, 195 Royal Academy 160–3, 294, 309–10 West 162–3, 180–1, 309 Zoffany 161–2, 195 George IV, king of Great Britain 9 as Prince of Wales 293, 294 George of Denmark, Prince 46, 53 Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire 233, 234 georgic 28, 116, 122, 171, 210, 269–70, 277, 279–80 Gibbons, Elizabeth 43, 43, 44 Gibbons, Grinling 43, 43, 44 Gibbs, James 93, 93 Gibson, Thomas Gilbert Coventry on Horseback (attrib. with Wootton) 68 Gillray, James 248–9, 258 Presages of the Millenium 256, 256 The Zenith of French Glory; – The Pinnacle of Liberty 248–9, 248 Gilpin, William 227, 260–1, 272, 278 Picturesque Tours 227 The New Weir, on the River Wye 227, 227 Giordano, Luca 9 Girtin, Thomas 260–7, 273–5 comparisons with Turner 261–2, 263 Eidometropolis 266–7 Rievaulx Abbey, Yorkshire 262–3, 262 A Selection of Twenty of the Most Picturesque Views in Paris and its Environs 266–7
View near Beddgelert, North Wales 263–4, 263, 265–6 The White House at Chelsea 266, 266 ‘Glorious Revolution’ 39–42, 47–8, 51 Gothic architecture 261 literature 181–2 gouache see bodycolour Goupy, Joseph 92–3, 93 Granby, John Manners, Marquess of 156–7, 156, 190, 190 Grand Style/Grand Manner 196–7, 258, 307–16 and art theory 61–2, 146–7, 150 and genre painting 284, 291 and history-painting 103, 146–7, 160–85, 252–6, 308–14 and landscape art 70–1, 115–16, 143–4, 211–14, 219–23, 314–18 and portraiture 135–9, 187–91, 197–204, 302 see also academic tradition; classicism; history-painting; Reynolds; Royal Academy Grand Tour, Tourists and Batoni 142 and Canaletto 119 collecting 48, 253 and Fuseli and his circle 169 and Gavin Hamilton 144–7 and Knapton 133–4 and landscape watercolourists 230 and Wilson 142–4, 212, 221 graphic satire, see satirical prints Gravelot, Hubert François (Bourguignon) 101, 106, 116, 131, 139–40 Building Houses with Cards (designed for Hayman; engraved by Truchy) 101–2, 101 Pamela illustrations 110–11, 110 Standing Man (engraved by Truchy) 131, 134 Great Queen Street Academy 80–1 Green, Rupert 256–8 Green, Valentine 256–8 Greenwich, London Queen’s House and King’s House 25–6, 25 see also Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich Greuze, Jean-Baptiste 250, 284 La Dame Bienfaisante 241 Young Girl Weeping over the Death of Her Pet Bird 237 Gribelin, Simon The Judgment of Hercules (after Matteis) 61, 62 Haid, Johann Gottfried Virginia, The Unfortunate Roman Maid (after Dance) 153 Hamilton, Emma see Hart, Emma Hamilton, Gavin 152, 166, 183 Iliad cycle 168, 253 Andromache Bewailing the Death of Hector (modello) 146–7, 146 Dawkins and Wood Discovering Palmyra 144–6, 145 Hamilton, Gawen A Conversation of Virtuosis at the Kings Armes 92–3, 93, 115 Hamilton, William The Happy Cottagers 281, 281
‘Hampton Court Beauties’ 41–2, 46 see also Kneller Hampton Court Palace 50–1, 51, 55 Hanoverian succession 53–4, 54 Harley, Edward (later 2nd Earl of Oxford) 69–71 Hart, Emma (later Lady Hamilton) 236, 237 Hastings, Warren 224–5, 245 Haughton, Moses 252 Haughton Hall, Notts 64–5, 64 Havell, William 276 Hawkins, Frances 303–4, 303 Haydon, Benjamin Robert 309 The Assassination of Dentatus 312–13, 312 Hayman, Francis 106, 116, 150–1, 164 John Conyers (?with Lambert) 116, 117 The Finding of Moses in the Bullrushes 103 Pamela illustrations 110–11 Samuel Richardson, with His Wife Elizabeth, Their Daughters, and Miss Midwinter 112–13, 112 Vauxhall Gardens paintings 100–2, 220 Building Houses with Cards (designed by Gravelot; engraved by Truchy) 101–2, 101 Lord Clive Receiving the Homage of the Nabob 148, 149, 156 The Play at See-Saw 100–1, 100 The Surrender of Montreal to General Amherst (modello) 148–50, 149, 154, 156, 231–2 The Play Scene from ‘Hamlet’ (modello) 102, 102 Hazlitt, William 296 Heaphy, Thomas 285–6, 290 Inattention 286, 286 Hearne, Thomas 261, 262 Heath, Charles Our Saviour Healing the Sick in the Temple (after West) 308 Heath, James 309 Heemskerck, Egbert van, the Elder 32, 88–9 Tavern Scene with Boors Carousing and Playing Cards 32 Henley-on-Thames 65–6, 65 heroes, heroines ancient Achilles 253 Albion 254–6, 255 Dentatus 312, 315–16, 315 Dido 317–18 Hannibal 315–16 Hercules 60, 61–2, 78, 81, 84, 94, 98, 108, 157 Oscar 168 Penelope 166 Regulus 162 Scipio 153–4, 154 Telemachus 166 Ulysses 60–1 Virginia 152–3 modern Amherst 148–50, 149, 154, 156, 231–2 Chatham, William Pitt the Elder, Earl of 171, 175–6, 175 Cook, Captain James 241–2, 242 Eliott (Lord Heathfield) 177–9, 202–3, 202 Englefield 179–80, 179
Granby 156–7, 156, 190, 190, 231–2 Howard, John 241, 241 Marlborough 44–6, 45, 57–60, 59, 200 Nelson 294–5, 309–12, 295, 309, 311 Peirson, Major 176–7, 177, 180, 203, 231–2 Pitt the younger 296–7, 296 Stewart, Charles William (Vane) 295–6, 295 Wolfe, General 163–5, 164, 168, 175–6, 231–2, 242, 309 hierarchy of genres 62, 80, 105, 149 Highmore, Joseph 129, 131, 134–5 Pamela series 111 Pamela II: Pamela and Mr B in the Summer House 110, 111 Mr Oldham and His Guests 111–12, 111 Hilliard, Nicholas 13 Historic Gallery see Bowyer history–painting 4–10, 48–62, 103–8, 146–85, 241–4, 248–56, 307–18 allegorical subjects 4, 7, 9, 51–4, 59–60 Barry’s Progress of Human Culture and Knowledge 171–4 Biblical subjects 37, 55–6, 103–4, 180–1, 307–12 British history 150–2, 182–3 classical subjects 48–50, 60–1, 146–7, 152–4, 162–3, 165–8, 312–14 comic history-painting 105–8 decorative history-painting 4, 7, 9, 48–61 historical landscapes 211–2, 220–2, 314–8 history-painting without heroes 157–60 literary subjects 167–8, 184–5, 236, 306–7 modern subjects 148, 156–7, 163–5, 174–80, 241–4, 249–56, see also academic tradition; allegory; Grand Style/Grand Manner; heroes and heroines; Royal Academy Hoare, Henry, II 115 Hoare, Sir Richard 139 Hobbema, Meindert 116, 279 Hodges, William 223–5, 331n.17 Benares with Aurangzeb’s Mosque 224–5, 225 Select Views in India 224 Travels in India 224, 225 A View Taken in the Bay of Otaheite Peha 224, 224 Hogarth, William 83–5, 90–2, 94–8, 105–10, 126–9, 285–6 apprenticeship as engraver 83 and British School 288 and Britishness 106–10, 126–8 as comic history-painter 105–10 conversation pieces 90–2, 96, 112 Gainsborough’s James Quin as tribute to 192–3, 192 genre constraints and reputation 110 as Governor of the Foundling Hospital 103 Hone’s Kitty Fisher as tribute to 191–2, 191 ‘Modern Moral Subjects’ 94–8, 105–6 ‘popular prints’ 109–10 portraits 90–2, 126–8,140 St Bartholomew’s Hospital murals 103, 104
This index is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
372 • index St Martin’s Lane Academy 101, 125 in Zoffany’s Plundering the King’s Cellar 249 The Analysis of Beauty 109 The Artist with a Pug 108–9, 108 The Bad Taste of the Town (‘Masquerades and Operas’) 84–5, 85 Captain Coram 103, 126–8, 127, 192 Female Nude Seated 83, 83 David Garrick with His Wife, EvaMaria Veigel 140, 140 Garrick as Richard III 187 The Lottery 83–4, 84 The March to Finchley 107–8, 108, 249, 288 ‘Modern Moral Subjects’ Beer Street 109, 109, 110–12 The Four Stages of Cruelty 109 Gin Lane 109, 109, 110 A Harlot’s Progress 94–7, 95, 105, 192 Industry and Idleness 109 Marriage A-la-Mode 105–6, 105, 113 A Rake’s Progress 96–7, 97–8, 105, 219, 241 Moses Brought before Pharaoh’s Daughter 103–4, 104 O the Roast Beef of Old England (‘The Gate of Calais’) 106–7, 107, 249 Wollaston Family 90, 91, 92 Holbein, Hans 1 Henry VIII and the Barber Surgeons 38 Holland 10, 22, 30, 34, 83, 85, 110, 298 see also Anglo-Dutch Wars; Netherlandish art Hollar, Wenceslaus 23–4 Prospect of Tangier from the Land 23, 23, 123 Holt, Francis Ludlow 284–5 Homer 146–7, 146, 166, 168, 252–3 Hone, Nathaniel Kitty Fisher 191–2, 191 Pictorial Conjuror 192 Hooke, Robert 24 Micrographia 22 Hope, Thomas 313 Hoppner, John 179, 207–9, 293, 301 George IV when Prince of Wales 293, 294 Lady Charlotte Campbell in the Character of Aurora 302–3, 302 Mrs Jordan in the Character of the Comic Muse 207–8, 208 William Pitt the Younger 296–7, 296 horses 5, 66–7, 69, 113, 157–8, 197 hospitals Hogarth’s murals at St Bartholomew’s Hospital 103 see also Bedlam Hospital; Christ’s Hospital, London; Foundling Hospital; Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich Howard, Henry Anne Flaxman 305, 305 John Flaxman 305, 305 Sarah Trimmer 299–300, 300 Howard, John 241, 241 Hudson, Thomas 128–9, 135, 170, 200 Lady Frances Courtenay 130, 131 Theodore Jacobsen 128–9, 128 Clerke Willshaw, MD 130, 131
Hunt, John 317 Hunt, Leigh (James Henry) 317 Hunt, Robert 291, 312, 315 Hunt, William Henry 276 hunting 67–9, 68, 113–14, 218 Hutcheson, Francis 91–2 Huysmans, Jacob Catherine of Braganza as a Shepherdess 16–18, 18 Hysing, Hans 92–3, 93, 129 idealism see classicism; Grand Style/ Grand Manner immigrant artists in Britain display of work in Painter-Stainers’ Hall 26–7 drapery painters 129, 131 Hogarth’s satire on 85 Italian artists in Britain 8–10, 11, 36–7, 56, 88, 119–20, 139 market for Dutch art 22, 92 Netherlandish artists and impact 66–8 and eighteenth-century portraiture 138–42 in Restoration period 4, 8–11 improvement Hogarth and moral improvement 109 labour and progress 118, 120 of morality 76, 85, 99, 171, 210 national improvement 153 of nature 64–5, 66, 118, 238, 270, 274 of taste 151, 181, 283, 308, 313 urban improvement 119–22 Interregnum 3, 6, 12 Italy British artists in Italy 5, 60, 129, 131–3, 142–7, 152, 166–70, 195, 198, 230, 253, 299 British patrons in Italy 49, 60, 133–4, 142–4 views of Italy 142–4, 212, 222–3, 230 Italian artists in Britain 8–11, 36–7, 56, 88, 119–20, 133, 139 see also academic tradition; classicism; cosmopolitanism; Grand Tour, Tourists; ancient Rome Jacobites 53, 106–8, 122–3 Jacobsen, Theodore 103, 128–9, 128 James II, king of England abdication and exile in France 40–1 as Duke of York 9, 10, 18, 19, 25 and Lely’s ‘Flaggmen’ 15, 46–7 portraiture at court of 32–6 religious commissions 36–7 succession and reign 29–30 Verrio’s Christ’s Hospital mural 37–9, 38–9 Jervas, Charles 71, 86 Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk 72–3, 72 Johnson, Joseph 251–2, 254 Jones, Inigo 25, 60 Jones, Thomas 230 Jordan, Dorothy 207–8, 208 Kauffman, Angelica 161, 165–6, 183, 192 Maria of Moulines, from Sterne (stipple by Ryland ) 236–7, 236 The Return of Telemachus 165–6, 166, 231–2 Kensington Palace, London 60, 61 Kent, William 60–2, 69, 85, 92–3, 93
Kensington Palace commission 60–1, 61 Ulysses Listening to the Sirens 60–1, 61 Kéroualle, Louise de, Duchess of Portsmouth 18, 30, 31 Kettle, Tilly 245 Kip, Johannes Britannia Illustrata 64 Haughton in the County of Nottingham (after Knyff) 64–5, 64 Kit-Cat Club, London 76–7, 132 Knapton, George 129, 131, 139, 145–6 Charles Sackville, Earl of Middlesex 133–4, 133 Kneller, Godfrey 31, 33–6, 71–2, 126 and court of William and Mary 42 and Great Queen Street Academy 80 ‘Hampton Court’ beauties 41–2, 46 Kit-Cat Club portraits 77, 132, 134 legacy 86–7, 111, 125, 132 mezzotints 44 royal portraits 42 Self-portrait 35, 35 John Cecil, 5th Earl of Exeter 47, 47 Margaret Cecil, Countess of Ranelagh 41, 42 Michael Alphonsus Shen Fu-Tsung, the ‘Chinese Convert’ 35–6, 36 Grinling Gibbons 43–4 Mary II 41 Isaac Newton 42–3, 42 Mohammed Ohadu, the Moroccan Ambassador (with Jan Wyck) 34, 34, 67 Matthew Prior 43, 43, 71 Sir Richard Steele 77, 77, 86 William III 40, 41 Knight, Richard Payne 170, 229–30, 267, 272, 313 The Landscape (poem) 259 Knyff, Leonard Britannia Illustrata 64, 66 Haughton in the County of Nottingham (engraved by Kip) 64–5, 64 labour, representation of, in London views 122, 276, 277 in rural landscapes 116–18, 269–70, 272–3, 279, 280 cottage scenes 281, 286 poor in agrarian landscapes 64, 66–7, 114, 119, 215, 220 see also agriculture; poor in art Ladbrooke, Robert 273 Laguerre, Louis 37, 48 Marlborough House murals 57–8 The Battle of Tanieres, near Mons 57–8, 58 Lambert, George 115–16, 143, 210 Classical Landscape with Rustics: Morning 115–16, 116 John Conyers (landscape in?) (with Hayman) 117 View of Copped Hall, Essex, from across the Lake (with Hayman) 116, 117 landownership 63–73, 115–17, 277–80 and culture of politeness 113–14 mercantile classes and status 65–7, 113, 119 and public virtue 62, 64, 220–1 politics of the Picturesque 259–60 and sport 67–9, 113–14, 197, 218 see also country life, countryside; gentry
landscape art 22–8, 63–7, 70, 72–3, 75–6, 115–23, 210–30, 259–80, 314–18 amateur artists 24, 123, 227 and classicism 25–7, 70–1, 115–16, 143–4, 211–14, 219–23, 314–18 Augustanism 70 ideal landscapes 25, 26, 27, 70, 115, 116, 221 and cosmopolitanism 142–4 estate portraits 24, 27, 63–7, 116, 144, 214, 227 historical landscapes 211–12, 220–2, 314–18 and interior decoration 26, 27, 115–16, 213 middling classes as purchasers 227–8, 229 Netherlandish tradition 24–7, 66, 67–8 and reinforcement of Restoration 25–6 the Picturesque 227–9, 259–60, 261, 263, 272 plein air practice 143–4, 274–80 and panoramas 257, 265–7 and print culture 122, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218, 227–8 and Royal Academy exhibitions 165, 220–3, 274 and social hierarchy 66–7, 73, 119 and tourism 24, 122, 216, 227–9 watercolours 230, 260–72, 273 see also country life, countryside; labour, in rural landscapes; pastoral/ pastoralism; topographical landscapes; watercolour Langhorne, John The Country Justice 244 Laroon, Marcellus, the Elder Cryes of London print series 31 An Old Woman Feeding a Man Seated on a Close Stool (mezzotint) 31–2, 31 Lascelles, Edward 263–4 Lawrence, Thomas 1, 209, 293, 301 The Children of John Angerstein, Esq. 304–5, 304 Sir Francis Baring, John Baring and Charles Wall 297–8, 297 Lady Charlotte Campbell 302–3 Miss Elizabeth Farren 209, 209, 294 Frances Hawkins and Her Son, John James Hamilton 303–4, 303 Francis Osborne, 5th Duke of Leeds 293, 294 Queen Charlotte 294 Charles William (Vane-)Stewart 295–6, 295 Mrs Isabella Wolff 301–2, 301 Le Blanc, Abbé Jean-Bernard 125, 131 Le Brun, Charles 8–10, 49 Alexander before the Tent of Darius 148, 150, 154, 244 Lely, Peter 12–13, 16–8, 20–2, 32–3, 34, 80, 138 as art collector 13, 16 and mezzotint 30 and Van Dyck 16 Self-portrait 13, 13 Barbara Villiers, Countess of Castlemaine, and Her Son, Charles Fitzroy, as the Madonna and Child 16, 17, 193 ‘Flaggmen’ 15–16, 46–7 Admiral Sir John Harman (Lely and studio) 15, 15 Loiuse Dutchess [sic] of Portsmouth (mezzotint after) 30, 31
This index is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
index • 373 Frances Teresa Stuart (later Duchess of Richmond and Lennox) 16, 17, 42 Horatio, Baron Townshend 13, 14, 15 ‘Windsor Beauties’ 16, 42 life drawing 80, 83, 161–2 limning tradition 12, 320n.2 Linnell, John 276–7 Kensington Gravel Pits 276, 277 Liotard, Jean-Étienne 195 Augusta, Princess of Wales 138–9, 138 literary culture authors Addison 72, 76–8, 78, 89–90, 99 Byron 296, 296 Chaucer 306–7 Cicero 220–1 Dryden 106 Fielding 105–6 Fuseli 180–1 Gay 96, 220 Gray 169, 214, 256 Homer 60–1, 87, 146–7, 116, 252–3 Hooke 312 Horace 70 Macpherson 168–9 Mackenzie 231 Mallet 265 Milton 166–7, 251–2 Ossian 168–9 Ovid 211 Pepys 20, 22, 25–6, 30, 37–9 Pope 69–73, 71, 87, 213 Ridley 317 Rousseau 232 Scott 298–9, 298 Shakespeare 84, 102, 102, 109, 169, 174, 184, 185, 186, 187, 193, 313 Steele 51, 53, 76–8, 77–8, 89–90 Sterne 187–9, 187 Virgil 28 Augustan poetry and prose 69–71, 73 Celtic Revival 214 guidebooks and the Picturesque 227 the Harley circle 69–71 and Hogarth’s The Bad Taste of the Town 84–5 Samuel Richardson’s Pamela 110–33 see also book illustration; georgic; Poets’ Gallery; sensibility; sister arts; theatre Lodge, William 24 London 1, 3, 30–1, 39, 44, 56–7, 62, 75, 79, 84, 107, 125, 174, 185 Barker’s panorama 257, 265 Canaletto’s views 119–20, 120, 121 Great Fire of 6, 25–6 Girtin’s Eidometropolis 266–7 Netherlandish artists in 21–22 Scott’s views 121–2, 121 urban improvements 119–22 see also City of London; Hogarth; Somerset House; Vauxhall Gardens Lorrain, Claude see Claude Gellée, called Claude Lorrain Louis XIV, king of France 6, 18 Louis XVI, king of France 248–9, 249–51 lowness in art 5, 30, 32, 82–4, 90, 92, 101–2, 105–6, 110, 113, 165, 219–20, 226, 238, 284, 287–91 of artists 21, 30, 79, 92
in society 64, 79, 87, 96, 98–100, 110, 179, 185–6, 197–8, 207, 241, 249, 291, 294 see also ‘drolls’; genre painting; poor in art; vulgarity luxury and Barry’s Commerce, or Triumph of the Thames 174 economic necessity 90–1, 96–7 and Hogarth’s ‘Modern Moral Subjects’ 94–8, 105–6, 192, 219, 241, 285 luxury goods 6, 71, 101, 193, 196, 236, 253 Mandeville and re-evaluation of luxury 90–2 positive effects of 91–2, 126 as threat to morality 74, 85, 89–92, 96, 98, 101, 197, 316 see also effeminacy Mackenzie, Henry The Man of Feeling 231 Macklin, Thomas 181, 253 Bible Gallery 251, 306 Poets’ Gallery 183, 251, 281, 306 Mandeville, Bernard 90–1, 96–7 Manners, John see Granby manners see morality; politeness Mansfield, David William Murray, 3rd Earl of 282 Marie Antoinette, queen of France 250 marine painting 10–11, 22, 123–4, 256–8, 273 and the van de Veldes 10–11, 124, 267–8, 272 see also de Loutherbourg, Scott, Turner, van de Velde market see art market; commerce Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of 44–6, 45, 57–8, 200 Marlborough, Sarah Churchill, Duchess of 44–6, 45, 57 Marlborough House, London 57 marriage 82, 90–2, 105–6, 109–13, 140, 195, 234–5, 300 see also family Martin, John 314 Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion 316, 317 Mary II, queen of Great Britain 40–1, 51, 52, 53 masculinity and history-painting 9, 146–7, 150, 152, 167–70, 181 and male artists 136, 166–70 and portraiture 15–6, 32, 47, 87, 92, 112, 294, 296, 299 and the Sublime 158, 301 see also gender; heroes and heroism Mason, William 214, 227 masquerades 84, 85, 132, 133–4 Matteis, Paolo de The Judgment of Hercules (engraving by Gribelin) 61–2, 61 Mead, Richard 129, 129 Mechel, Christian von 256–8 Mengs, Anton Raphael 139, 142, 147, 166 Mercier, Philip (Philippe) 88–90, 139 fancy pictures and mezzotints 98–9 The Choice (mezzotint by Faber) 98 Frederick, Prince of Wales and His Sisters 88–90, 89
mezzotints 182, 249 fancy pictures 98–9, 241 portrait reproduction 30–1, 33, 44, 86, 188, 191, 199 Turner’s Liber Studiorum 269–70, 269 Michelangelo Buonarroti 85, 169, 180, 198, 203, 301 military portraits 294–6 admirals 15, 46–7 Marlborough in battle scenes 57–8 Beechey’s Nelson 294–5 Dahl’s and Kneller’s admirals 46-7 Copley’s Floating Batteries at Gibraltar 178, 178 Lawrence’s Charles William (Vane-) Stewart 295–6, 295 Lely’s ‘Flaggmen’ 15-6 Reynolds Granby 190, 190 Heathfield 202, 203–4 Commodore Keppel 131–2, 132 Captain Keppel 135–6, 135, 139 Ligonier 190 and sensibility 243–4 military survey 123 millenarianism 256 Milton, John 251–2 Miniaturists see limning tradition modernity 22, 139, 142 arguments in favour of 85, 89, 92, 113, 119 crisis of confidence in 147 construction of Westminster Bridge 120 and landscape painting 73, 118–20, 221, 268–71, 273 Westminster Bridge 120 Wilkie’s modernity 283 and Wright of Derby’s candlelights 159–60 see also commerce; history-painting: modern subjects; Hogarth: ‘Modern Moral Subjects’ monarchy execution of Louis XVI 250 Exclusion Crisis 29–30 Hanoverian succession 53–4, 54 see also individual monarchs; ‘Glorious Revolution’; Restoration; Monro, Thomas 260–1, 275 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley 72 Montagu, Ralph, 1st Duke of 8, 48, 50 morality and early nineteenth-century genre painting 286–8, 289–90, 291 fancy pictures and politeness 98–9 Fuseli’s indifference to morality in art 169 Hogarth’s ‘Modern Moral Subjects’ 93, 94–8, 95–7, 105, 106 as an issue for female portraiture 190–1, 193, 203, 233–4, 302–4 and luxury 85, 89–92, 174, 316 Mortimer and the amoral Sublime 170 Pamela and the ‘middling orders’ 110–13 Shaftesbury’s Judgment of Hercules as moral exemplum 62, 63, 157, 167, 288, 316 Society for the Reformation of Manners 42
urban poor and Hogarth 109–10, 109, 286 Vauxhall Gardens paintings 100–2 voluntary associations 292 see also benevolence; sympathy; vice; virtue More, Jacob 230 Morland, George 240, 281 African Hospitality (mezzotint by John Raphael Smith) 244–5 Morning (The Benevolent Sportsman) 240–1, 241 Slave Trade (mezzotint by John Raphael Smith) 244–5, 245 Morland, Henry Robert 240 Mortimer, John Hamilton 331n.20 Banditti Returning 170, 170 Moser, John Michael 161 Moser, Mary 161 Mulgrave, Henry Phipps, 1st Earl of 282, 283, 296–7, 312 Muller, Johann Sebastian Vauxhall Gardens (after Wale) 99 Mulready, William 276, 277 Idle Boys 290–1, 290 mythology 4–5, 9–10, 16 and decorative history-painting 48, 49–50, 49–50, 56, 60–2 and landscape 211–12 see also allegory; classicism Napoleon, Napoleonic Wars 248, 252, 268, 280, 286, 289, 295, 306–18 National Gallery 265, 290, 307–8, 318 national school of British art 1, 11, 248–58, 314 and Blake’s exhibition of 1809 310–12 and Boydell as promoter 183–5 and British Institution 307, 308–9 genre painting 281–91 Hogarth’s support for 85, 288 and landscape painting during Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 259–80 historical landscapes 314–18 responses to French Revolution 248–58 see also British Institution; Royal Academy; history-painting; patriotism/nationalism/Britishness nationalism see patriotism/nationalism/ Britishness naturalism as marker of Britishness 258 and Heaphy’s watercolours 285–6 and landscape art 143–4, 267–8, 272, 273, 274–80 and portraiture 20–1, 136, 140, 195, 196, 234 naval battles in art 123–4, 256–8 Nelson, Viscount Horatio 294–6, 295 death of309–10, 309, 311–12, 311 Netherlandish art art market in Britain 22, 31–2, 92, 196–7 artists in Restoration court 10–11 ‘drolls’ 22, 31–2, 90, 92 genre painting 240, 282–5, 288–9, 291 history-painting 313 landscape painting 24–7, 63–8, 116–19, 265–6, 269, 272–4, 279 marine painting 11, 124, 267–8 portraiture 21, 68, 78, 111, 159 see also individual artists
This index is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
374 • index Newton, Isaac 42–3, 42, 71 Northcote, James 169, 183, 304 Marc Isambard Brunel 299, 299, 305 The Murder of the Princes in the Tower 183–4, 183, 231–2 Portraits Painted from Life, Representing Capt. Englefield 179–80, 179, 203 Norwich Society of Artists and ‘Norwich School’ 273 nudity 56, 166, 255–6 see also eroticism O’Brien, Nelly 190–1, 191 Old Masters and Angerstein’s collection 265 and British Institution 267, 307 copying of 81, 117, 265, 267, 269 Gainsborough’s emulation of 219, 220, 238, 240 exhibitions 307 and the Louvre 307 and Reynolds’s art theory 136, 150, 269 Turner’s responses to 265, 267–72, 317 see also individual artists; Netherlandish art Oldham, Nathaniel 111–12, 111 Oliver, Isaac 12 one-picture exhibitions 176–7, 179, 251, 306 Onslow, Denzil 28 Opie, John 179, 183, 307 Assassination of James I of Scotland 182 The Murder of David Rizzio (etching and engraving by Isaac Taylor) 182, 182 Orientalism 34, 225, 246, 296, 317–8 Orme, Daniel 241 Ossian (James Macpherson) 168–9 Ostade, Adriaen van 31, 240, 269, 282 Overton, Henry 24, 58, 123 Painter-Stainers’ Company 3, 26–7, 80 Palladianism 60, 72–3, 125, 213 panoramas 257, 265–7 Pars, William 230 Pasquin, Anthony (John Williams) 292–4, 301–2 pastels 138–40, 195 pastoral, pastoralism Cozens’s Italian watercolours 230 fêtes galantes 88, 90, 112, 287 and Gainsborough 220, 238 and Heaphy’s anti-pastoralism 286 and interior decoration 26, 27, 115, 116, 213 and Lely’s female portraits 31 philosophy and nature 70–1 and Turner 269, 272 and Wilson144, 214 patriotism/nationalism/Britishness and antiquarian views 75, 122, 261 and battle-paintings 58, 123–4, 256–8 and genre painting 149–50 and Hogarth 106–10, 126–8 and history-painting 51–3, 147–51, 156–7, 163–5, 174–80, 182–5, 242–4, 309–12 and landscape 75–6, 120–2, 258, 259–61, 268–74 and portraiture 106–12, 203, 294–7 nationalism and naturalism in the 1790s 251, 258, 259–60 see also Napoleon/Napoleonic Wars; national school of British art; Seven Years’ War
Pellegrini, Giovanni Antonio 55 The Adoration of the Trinity 56, 56 Penicuik, nr Edinburgh 167–8 Penny, Edward 156–7, 164, 240 The Death of General Wolfe 156 The Marquess of Granby Relieving a Sick Soldier 156–7, 156, 190, 231–2 Pepys, Samuel 20, 22, 25–6, 30, 37, 38, 39 Petworth, West Sussex 46 philanthropy and Foundling Hospital 102–3, 126, 308 visualisation and sensibility 240–1 voluntary associations 292 see also benevolence; morality; sympathy; virtue Philips, Thomas Lord Byron in Albanian Dress 296, 296 Phipps, Henry see Mulgrave Picart, Bernard 83–4 Picturesque the Picturesque in theory 227, 259–60, 282 the Picturesque in practice, 122, 227–9, 259–63, 278, 282 see also Gilpin; Knight; Price; tourism (domestic) Pindar, Peter (John Wolcot) 182 Pine, Robert Edge 170 Mrs Pritchard in the Character of Hermione (engraving by Aliamet) 186, 187 The Surrender of Calais to Edward III (engraving by Aliamet) 150–2, 151, 186–7 Piranesi, Giovanni Battista 142, 230 Piroli, Tomasso Iliad and Odyssey etchings (after Flaxman) 253, 253 Pitt, William, the Elder see Chatham Pitt, William, the Younger 248, 256, 293, 296–7, 296, 311 Place, Francis 24, 75, 123 Part of Tenby Castle in Pembrokeshire 24, 24 plein air landscapes 143–4, 274–80 Poets’ Gallery 183, 251, 281, 306 politeness art and culture of 76–80, 85 benevolence and public display of art 102–4 conversation and social commerce 76–9, 111–12, 114 fancy pictures 98–9, 165 opposition to politeness 62, 148, 170, 245–7 land ownership and sporting pursuits 113–14 and marine painting 124 and moral concerns 93, 94–9, 105–11, 112–13 and portraiture 86–93, 111–12, 113–14, 131, 134, 136 and professionalisation of art 79–80, 92–3, 115, 147 and Vauxhall Gardens 99–102 and sensibility 231 see also Addison; conversation pieces; Hutcheson; Shaftesbury, Steele Pond, Arthur 139 poor in art 238–42, 281–91 and Gainsborough 219–20, 238–40 and Hogarth’s ‘Modern Moral Subjects’ 109–10, 286
in Vauxhall Gardens paintings 101 as labourers in agrarian landscapes 64, 66–7, 114, 119, 215, 220 see also genre painting Pope, Alexander 69–73, 71, 213 ‘Popish Plot’ 29, 31 popular culture see press; print culture; public and viewers: mass audience portraiture 3, 12–21, 32–6, 40–7, 70–2, 86–93, 110–4, 125–42, 186–209, 231–5, 292–305 antique models for 86, 133–4, 145–6 celebrity portraits 71, 140, 186 actors and actresses 187, 190, 192–3, 202–3, 207–9, 293–4 Reynolds’s Royal Academy portraits 190–1, 202–3 codified poses and formats 72, 86–7, 111, 125, 128, 131 in Commonwealth and Interregnum 3 context of original settings 15–16 conversation pieces 88–93, 96, 111–14, 140, 154–7, 195–6 cosmopolitanism 125–42, 195 and court of James II 32–6 criticism of sitters 292–4, 304 cultural imperialism 146 curiosity and exotic subjects 74–5 demand for and artists’ reliance on 166 drapery painters 129, 131 and exhibitions 186–209, 234, 292–304 formats and pricing 86, 305, 323 n.1 and the Foundling Hospital 127–9 and gender 16, 44–6, 112–14, 196, 200, 234–5 and hierarchy of genres 72, 80, 152 Grand Style 135, 139, 190 Kneller’s legacy 86–7, 111, 125, 132 marriage portraits 140. 234–5 mezzotint reproductions 30–1, 33, 44, 86, 188, 191 military portraits 15, 46–7, 243–4 pastels 138–40, 195 and politeness 86–93, 111–12, 113–14, 131, 134, 136 and Restoration politics 12–21 Richardson on 71–2 Reynolds’s legacy and posthumous reputation 294, 300, 302 and sensibility 232–5 size and pricing 86, 305 Van Dyck’s legacy 3–4, 12, 13, 16, 33, 34, 47, 77, 136 dress 131, 142 Gainsborough 140, 142, 193–4, 204–5 Verrio’s borrowings from 9 see also individual artists; dress; family; femininity; Grand Style/Grand Manner; marriage; masculinity; naturalism; military portraits; patriotism/nationalism/Britishness; politeness; Royal Academy; workshop practice Portsmouth, Duchess of see Kéroualle Poussin, Nicolas 70, 103, 147, 153, 162 see also Hazlitt; Holt; Pasquin Price, Uvedale 259–60, 272, 282 primitivism 167, 170, 220, 224, 253 print culture 6, 29–32, 185, 191 and battle scenes 58, 123–4, 256–8 book illustration 81, 110–11, 183, 236, 306–7 and ‘curiosity’ 74–6
heterogeneity and broad appeal 29, 30, 32 and high and low art 6, 30, 32, 83 Hogarth’s satirical prints 84, 219 and history-painting 81–3, 164, 166, 182 commercial ventures 183–5 Copley 176–8 Hogarth’s A Harlot’s Progress 96–7, 105 and landscape art 210, 212, 216 British landscapes 122, 214, 218, 227–8 and politics 6, 29–31, 58 and status of watercolourists 260 and subscription battle scenes 58, 123–4 Buck, Samuel and Nathaniel 75, 122 Highmore’s Pamela series 111 Hogarth 95–7, 105–6, 109 Kip and Knyff’s Britannia Illustrata 64, 66 Stothard’s Pilgrimage to Canterbury 306 Turner’s Liber Studiorum 269 Verelst’s ‘Four Indian Kings’ 74–5 see also aquatint; engraving; etching; mezzotint; publishers; satirical prints; stipple Prior, Matthew 43, 43, 69, 71 Pritchard, Hannah 86–7, 87 professionalisation of art 79–80, 92–3, 115, 147, 198 and watercolourists 260 Protestantism and religious art 55, 56 public sphere and culture of politeness 76–9, 112 benevolence and public display of art 102–4 moral concerns and art 93, 94–9, 105–11, 112–13 public spaces and decoration 99–102 emergence in late Stuart period 39 societies and exhibitions 149–52 see also art criticism; exhibitions; politeness; print culture; Vauxhall Gardens publishers 30–1, 44, 71, 74, 80–1, 166, 175, 183, 216, 253, 306 Archibald Constable 298 Thomas Bowles and Henry Overton 58, 123 Thomas Bowyer 183, 251, 258, 306 John Boydell 164, 177–8, 182, 253 George and William Bernard Cooke 270 Joseph Johnson 251–2, 254 of magazines 228 and Turner 216, 267, 276 see also book illustration; commercial galleries; literary culture; print culture Pughe, William Owen 311 Pulteney, Sir William 132 Pyrford Manor, Surrey 28, 28 Quicke, Andrew 77–8, 78 Quin, James 192, 192 radicalism and French Revolution 248, 251–2, 254, 255–6 Wilkie’s Village Politicians 282, 283
This index is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
index • 375 Raeburn, Henry Sir John and Lady Clerk 235, 235 Sir Walter Scott 298–9, 298 Ramberg, Johann Heinrich Death of Captain Cook 242, 242 Ramsay, Allan 129–31, 139, 191, 325n.6 royal patronage 186, 191, 195 Queen Charlotte with Her Two Eldest Sons 186, 194, 195 Lady Helen Dalrymple 138, 139 Jane Hale (later Mrs Madan) 130, 131 Norman, 22nd Chief of Macleod 134–6, 134 Dr Richard Mead 129, 129 Sir John Pole, 5th Baronet 130, 131 Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) 55–6, 60, 84–5, 102, 153 refinement see politeness religious art and biblical subjects Blake 254, 256 and Protestantism 55, 56 West 180–1, 314–15 Whitehall Palace chapel 36–7 see also Catholicism; history-painting; St Paul’s Cathedral Rembrandt van Rijn 34, 35, 43 Restoration 1, 3–11 allegories of 4–5, 7, 9–10 and landscape painting 25–6 portraiture and politics of 12–21 and print culture 6, 30 see also Charles II Reynolds, Sir Joshua 131–3, 135–9, 149–50, 179, 185, 196, 208, 267, 291, 298 as art theorist 136, 149–50, 163, 165, 182, 199, 221, 227, 269, 277–8, 291, 316 as history painter 165 and Boydell’s Shakespeare Gallery 183 competition and rivals 142, 191–5, 197–8, 202, 204–9 Continental journey and change in style 131–3, 135–8, 139, 187 criticisms of technique 206 Discourses 136, 163, 199, 269, 277–8 exhibition strategies 186–91, 198–204, 226, 234 fancy pictures 165, 237 and French Revolution 251 Grand Style 149–50, 160, 165, 185, 199, 202, 204, 269 and portraiture 135–8, 207, 209, 292, 300 legacy and posthumous reputation 294, 300, 302 on Liotard 139 prints after 188, 199 and Royal Academy 153, 160–2, 198–204 Self-portrait 198, 199 Giuseppe Baretti 200, 200 Mrs Billington 209 Jane, Lady Cathcart and Her Daughter 136–8, 137 Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, and Her Daughter, Lady Georgiana Cavendish 233, 234 Garrick between Comedy and Tragedy 188, 189, 192, 288 Maria Gideon and Her Brother William 203, 204
John Manners, Marquess of Granby 190, 190 Lord Heathfield 202, 203 Captain the Hon. Augustus Keppel (c. 1752) 135–6, 135, 139, 187, 294 Commodore the Hon. Augustus Keppel (1749) 131–2, 132 Commodore the Hon. Augustus Keppel (c. 1752) 135–6, 135, 139, 187, 294 Lady Elizabeth Keppel Adorning a Term of Hymen 189–90, 189 The Duchess of Manchester and Her Son Lord Mandeville (mezzotint by Watson) 198–9, 199 The Family of the 4th Duke of Marlborough 200–2, 201 Nelly O’Brien 190–1, 191 Mrs Siddons as the Tragic Muse 202–3, 202, 207, 301 Laurence Sterne 187–9, 187 Infant Hercules Strangling the Serpents in His Cradle 203–4 Lesbia (stipple by Bartolozzi) 237, 237 Venus Chiding Cupid for Learning to Cast Accounts 165, 165 Ricci, Sebastiano 55, 56 Diana and her Nymphs Bathing 56, 57 Richardson, Jonathan, the Elder 3, 55, 80, 86, 92, 128, 133 Essay on the Theory of Painting 71–2 Alexander Pope 71, 71, 72–3 George Vertue 86, 86 Richardson, Samuel Clarissa 231 Hayman’s conversation piece 112–13, 112 Pamela and art 110–13, 231 Ridley, James 317 Riley, John 32–3, 42, 44, 71 Bridget Holmes 32, 33 Robinson, Matthew 93, 93, 115 Rococo 88, 101, 111, 116, 126, 139, 147 reaction agains 147 Rome see ancient Rome; Italy Romney, George 170, 179, 183, 186, 207 fancy pictures and sensibility 236, 237 republican sympathies and French Revolution 251, 252 Willian Beckford 232, 233 Emma Hart (later Lady Hamilton) in a Cavern 236, 237 The Leigh Family 197–8, 198 Henrietta, Countess of Warwick and Her Children 204, 204 The Leigh Family 197–8, 198 William Beckford 232, 233 Rosa, Salvator 122, 170, 274, 317 Rose and Crown Club 80 Roubiliac, Louis François 99 Rouquet, Jean André 124 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 232 Rowlandson, Thomas 234, 247, 272 A Kick-Up at a Hazard Table! 247, 247 Royal Academy, London 160–6, 161, 176, 179 annual exhibitions and public reception 163–6, 163, 186 and art education 160–2, 179, 277 artists returned from Italy 166–70, 222 Barry as Professor of Painting 252, 254 British Institution as competition 267, 277, 307 and Committee of Taste 310
exhibitions and critical reception 163–6, 163, 186 foundation and aims 153, 160–3 and French Revolution 249, 251 Fuseli as Professor of Painting 252 and genre painting 281–5, 289–91 hanging procedure and rivalries 293–4, 312–13 and history-painting 160–74, 179–82, 306 and landscape 165, 220–6, 239–40, 259–65, 277–80, 314–18 ‘the line’ 179, 186, 202, 209, 294, 302, 312 and portraiture 198–209, 292–305 and promotion of British school 160–1, 179, 183 Reynolds as President 160–2, 198–204 Turner as Professor of Perspective 267 West as President 267, 306, 309 Wilkie’s success 281–5, 287 see also Somerset House Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich Thornhill’s murals 51–4, 52, 54 West’s Nelson pediment 310 Royal Society 6, 24, 30, 74, 129 and empiricist aesthetic 20–2 Rubens, Peter Paul 7, 20, 43, 51, 61, 129, 203–3, 218–19, 220, 240, 269, 287, 303, 315 Duke of Buckingham 34 Maria de’Medici cycle 82 Whitehall ceiling 7, 51 ‘Rubens’ wife’ 131 Ruisdael, Jacob van 116, 273 Wooded Landscape with a Flooded Road 117 Runciman, Alexander 167–8 Study for ‘The Death of Oscar’ 168, 168 Runciman, John 167 Rupert, Prince 30 Ryland, William Wynne 164 Maria of Moulines, from Sterne (after Kauffman) 236, 236 Rysbrack, John Michael 93, 93, 103 Sackville, Charles, Earl of Middlesex and 2nd Duke of Dorset 133–4, 133 St Martin’s Lane Academy 81, 83, 85, 101, 116, 125, 139, 160, 170 St Paul’s Cathedral 171 Thornhill’s decoration 55–6, 55, 80 Sandby, Paul 123, 215–17, 227–8, 230, 269 Hubberstone Priory, Pembrokeshire 228, 228 The Iron Forge between Dolgelli and Barmouth in Merioneth Shire (aquatint) 228, 228 Morning 259–60, 259 North West View of Wakefield Lodge in Whittlebury Forest, Northamptonshire 215–16, 216, 259 Plans and Views of Castle Tyrim 123, 123 Windsor Castle from Datchet Lane on a Rejoicing Night 216, 217 Sandby, Thomas 123, 216 satirical prints and Duchess of Devonshire 234 and Exclusion Crisis 29–30 Gillray 248–9, 248, 256, 256 Hogarth 83–5, 94–8, 109–10 Rowlandson 247
and Royal Academy 163, 163, 166 science and art 24, 123, 160, 276–7 empiricism 20–2, 258 Scott, Samuel 121–2 The Building of Westminster Bridge 121–2, 121 Vice Admiral Sir George Anson’s Victory off Cape Finisterre 124, 124 Scott, Sir Walter 298–9, 298 sensibility 147, 166, 229–30, 231–47, 258, 287 sentimental view of rural poor 238–41, 281, 286 see also sympathy and narrative art Seven Years’ War 147, 148–9, 157 Seymour, James The Stables belonging to the Duke of Bolton 113, 113 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of 61–2, 104 Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times 76 Judgment of Hercules (painted by Matteis, engraved by Gribelin) 61–2, 63, 76, 84, 98, 147, 157, 167, 189, 288, 316 and politeness 76 Shakespeare, William 71, 84, 102, 109, 169, 174, 193, 313 and Barry 174 and Fuseli 169, 169, 184, 184 Hayman’s Hamlet 102, 102 Pine’s A Winter’s Tale 187, 186 Smirke’s Much Ado About Nothing 185 Shakespeare Gallery 183–5, 183–5, 235, 251, 306, 331n.21 see also Boydell Shee, Sir Martin Archer 286, 288 Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford 6–7, 7 Shepperson, Matthew 267 Sherwin, William 30 Shipley, William 150, 170 Siberechts, Jan 27 View of Henley from the Wargrave Road 65–6, 65 View of Longleat House 27, 27, 63 Wollaton Hall and Park 63–4, 63 Siddons, Sarah 202–3, 202, 207, 207, 301 Siegen, Ludwig von 30 Simon, John Tee Yee Neen Ho Ga Row, Emperour of the Six Nations (after Verelst) 74–5, 74 sister arts 72–3 see also literary culture Sketching Society 273 slavery and sensibility 240, 244–5 Smirke, Robert 183, 185 ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ 185, 185 Smith, George (of Chichester) 210, 213 The First Premium Landscape of the Society of Arts (engraving by Woollett) 210, 210, 217 Smith, John Grinling and Elizabeth Gibbons (after Closterman) 43, 44 Smith, John (of Chichester) 210, 213 Smith, John Raphael Slave Trade (after Morland) 244, 245 Smith, John Thomas 272 Smith, John ‘Warwick’ 230 Smith, Thomas, of Derby 214 A Prospect of that Beautiful Cascade before Matlock Bath 122, 122 Smithson, Sir Hugh (later 1st Duke of Northumberland) 120
This index is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
376 • index Society of Antiquaries 75 Society of Artists of Great Britain first annual exhibitions 149–52 and British artists in Rome 152, 156–7 exhibition history-paintings 149–60 exhibition landscapes 210–20 exhibition portraits 186–98 and founding of Royal Academy 160 Society of Dilettanti 150 Knapton’s portraits 133–4, 139, 145–6 Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (SEAMC/Society of Arts) 149–60, 170, 190 and Barry’s Progress of Human Culture 171–4, 172–3, 254 and the Royal Academy 171 premium competitions 150, 152, 170–1, 174, 182, 210, 212, 312 Society of Painters in Water Colours (SPWC) 273, 285 Society for the Reformation of Manners 42 Society of the Virtuosi of St Luke 44, 60, 79–80 Soest, Gerard 21, 32 John Wallis 21, 21 Somerset House 176, 179–82, 198, 209, 283, 293, 299, 313 Spectator, The 76, 89, 99 sport 22, 27–8, 67–9, 113–14 see also hunting Spring Gardens exhibitions see Society of Artists Stafford, Marquess of 307, 308 Steele, Richard 51, 53, 76–8, 77–8, 89–90 Steen, Jan 291 Sterne, Lawrence 187–9, 187, 231 Sentimental Journey 236, 236 still lifes 22, 79, 79 stipple 166, 179, 182, 236, 236, 237, 256, 281, 292 Stothard, Thomas 183, 256, 315 The Pilgrimage to Canterbury 306–7, 306 Streeter, Robert Truth Descending on the Arts and Sciences 7, 7, 10 Stuart, Gilbert William Grant (‘The Skater’) 207, 208 Stubbs, George 157–9 Five Brood Mares at the Duke of Cumberland’s Stud Farm 197, 197 Horse Frightened by a Lion 157–9, 158, 160, 218 Lion Attacking a Horse 157 Two Gentlemen Going a Shooting 218, 218 studio practice see workshop practice Stukeley, William 75 Sublime, the 158–9, 160, 167, 170, 189 as popular entertainment 180, 182, 317 and Burke 158–60, 227, 229, 316 and John Robert Cozens 229 and Fuseli and circle 168–9 and genius 146, 168–70, 252 and Girtin’s watercolours 263–4 and Haydon 312 and landscape art 214, 217, 222, 226–9, 276 and Martin’s Sadak 317 and Mortimer’s banditti 170 and Northcote’s Captain Englefield 180 and Reynolds’s Mrs Siddons
and Stubbs’s Horse Frightened by a Lion 158–9 and Turner’s historical landscapes 269, 274, 315–7 and Wright of Derby 160, 222 as popular entertainment 180, 182, 317 surveying 123, 123 Sutherland, Elizabeth, Countess of 263 sympathy 90, 103, 149–50, 156–7, 159–60, 176–7, 236–8, 240–1, 244, 290 see also benevolence; sensibility Tassie, William 306 Tatler, The (periodical) 76, 89 Taverner, William Classical Landscape with Figures 115, 115 Taylor, Isaac The Murder of David Rizzio (etching and engraving after Opie) 182 Taylor, John (critic) 263, 265 Taylor, John (merchant patron) 66–7 Teniers, David, the Younger 282, 283, 284–5, 287, 288 Thames, river 10, 26, 53, 65–6, 73, 99, 102 and Barry 171, 174 and Canaletto 120–1, 120, 121 and Girtin 266 and Scott 121–2, 121 and Turner 268–9, 272 Twickenham 71–3, 213–14 and Wilson 213–14, 213 theatre actors as portrait subjects 186, 187, 190, 192–3, 202–3, 207–9, 293–4 conversation pieces 154–7 and de Loutherbourg 225–6 Hogarth’s satire on 84 see also Garrick, Jordan, Pritchard, Quin, Shakespeare, Siddons Thomas, William 93, 93 Thoresby, Ralph 75 Thornhill, James 51–7, 54, 62, 78, 85, 101, 125, 126 and Great Queen Street Academy 80–1 Kensington Palace commission 60, 61 and Raphael Cartoons 55–6 and Society of the Virtuosi of St Luke 79–80 The Duke of Marlborough Presenting Britannia with the Plan of the Battle of Blenheim 58, 59, 60 Invitation Card for the Feast of St Luke 79–80, 80 Quicke group portrait 77–9, 78 Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich 51–4 Allegory of the Hanoverian Succession 53–4, 54 Glorification of William and Mary 51, 52, 53 St Paul’s Cathedral 55–6, 55, 80 Paul Preaching at Athens 55, 56 Paul Preaching in the Aeropagus (after Raphael) 55 Thrale, Henry 200 Tillemans, Peter 73, 113 View of the Thames at Twickenham 73, 73, 213 Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) 12, 34, 56, 134, 136 Tompson, Richard 31 Tonson, Jacob 77, 81 Tonson, Richard 81
topographical landscapes 23–4, 75–6 Gainsborough’s attitude toward 218–19 military usage 123 and print trade 122, 216, 260 Paul Sandby’s pre-eminence 215–7, 259–60 and status of watercolourists 260 and Turner’s early work 261, 270–2 Tories 29, 53, 113, 248, 252 Tour, Quentin de la 139 tourism (domestic) 122, 216, 227–9, 261, 263, 272 see also Grand Tour, Tourists; Picturesque town houses and decoration 56–7 Trafalgar, Battle of 165, 271, 279, 294, 309–11 Tresham, Henry 169 Trimmer, Sarah 299–300, 300 trompe l’oeils 22, 79, 79 Truchy, Louis 111 Building Houses with Cards (after Gravelot and Hayman) 101, 102 Standing man (after Gravelot) 131 Trumbull, John 242–4 The Battle of Bunker’s Hill, June 17, 1775 243, 243 Turner, Joseph Mallord William 1, 260–1, 264–5, 267–72, 307, 314 comparisons with Girtin 260–7 etchings and mezzotints 269, 269 emulation of Old Masters 265, 269, 272, 317 Thames valley views 268–70 Caernarvon Castle 264, 265 Crossing the Brook 271–2, 271, 278, 317 Dido Building Carthage 272, 317–18, 318 Dolbadarn Castle 274 Dutch Boats in a Gale (The Bridgewater Sea-Piece) 267–8, (watercolour copy by Shepperson) 267, 307 Falmouth Harbour 270–1, 270 The Fifth Plague of Egypt 269 Liber Studiorum 269–70, 269 ‘M.S.P[oem?]. Fallacies of Hope’ 316 Pembury Mill, Kent (etching and mezzotint) 269–70, 269 Picturesque Views on the Southern Coast of England 270–2 Snow Storm: Hannibal and His Army Crossing the Alps 315–17, 315 Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire 261, 261 Walton Bridges 268–9, 268 Turner, William 276 Twickenham 71–3, 73, 213–14, 213 Tyers, Jonathan 99, 100, 101, 102, 148 Vaart, Jan van der 31 Anne, Princess of Denmark (with Wissing) 33, 33 Bifrons Park, Kent (attrib.) 66–7, 67, 119 Gilbert Coventry in the Hunting Field (with Wyck) 67, 68 Van Dyck, Anthony 3–5, 15, 17, 35, 80 legacy 3–4, 12, 13, 16, 33, 34, 47, 77, 136 and Gainsborough 140, 142, 193–4, 204–5 Van Dyck dress 131, 142 workshop practice 3–4, 13, 42, 131 Charles I 40, 41, 86
Charles I, Henrietta Maria, and Their Two Eldest Sons 138 Charles I on Horseback 5–6, 6, 67 Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of Pembroke and His Family 44 Van Loo, Jean-Baptiste 125–6, 129, 133, 139, 140 The Right Hon. Stephen Poyntz, of Midgeham, Berkshire 125–6, 126 Vanderbank, John 81, 87, 126 academic training and book-illustration 81 Cervantes as Hercules 81, 81 John Knight, His Wife Anna, and His Stepson Jacob Newsam (mezzotint by Faber) 87, 87 Vandergucht, Gerard The South Prospect of the Ancient City of York (after Samuel Buck) 75, 75 van de Velde, Willem the Elder 10, 22 van de Velde, Willem the Younger 10, 22, 47, 267, 268 importance for later marine painting 11, 124 The Royal Visit to the Fleet 10–11, 10 Vandrebanc, Peter The Restoration of the Monarchy (after Verrio) 9–10, 9, 31 Varley, Cornelius 275, 276–7 Waterfall near Capel Curig 275, 276 Varley, John 290 View in the Pass of Llanberis 275–6, 275 Vauxhall Gardens, London (Spring Gardens) 99–102, 99, 148–9 ‘Venetian Secret’ 315, 334 n.17 Verelst, John ‘Four Indian Kings’ portraits 74–5 Tee Yee Neen Ho Ga Row, Emperour of the Six Nations (mezzotint by John Simon) 74–5, 74 Verelst, Simon Pietersz. 74, 79 Still-life with Flowers and Butterfly 22, 22 Vernet, Claude-Joseph 143, 211 Verrio, Antonio 8–10, 35, 42, 62, 126 Burghley House 48, 49, 306 Mars and Venus Discovered by Vulcan 48, 49, 49 Hampton Court Palace 50–1 Apotheosis of Queen Anne and Britannia Receiving the Homage of the Four Continents 50–1, 51 James II Receiving the Mathematical Scholars of Christ’s Hospital 37–9, 38–9 The Sea Triumph of Charles II 8, 9, 11 Windsor Castle 9–10 The Restoration of the Monarchy ceiling 9–10, 9 Versailles 9, 10, 66 Vertue, George 44, 46, 70, 87, 93, 93, 98, 115, 125, 128, 129 on Hogarth 90, 94, 96, 103 portrait by Richardson 86, 86 vice and luxury 92, 96–8, 106, 174, 316 and the poor 109–10, 285–8, 286, 291 and Shaftesbury’s Judgment of Hercules 62, 288 voluntary associations and reform 292 see also morality Villiers, Barbara, Countess of Castlemaine (later Duchess of Cleveland) 16, 17
This index is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4
index • 377 Virgil 28, 116, 144 virtue and ancient models 146, 147, 162 and commerce 62, 75–7 and Hogarth’s A Harlot’s Progress 94, 96–7 and luxury 90–2 and Shaftesbury’s Judgment of Hercules 62, 63, 76, 157, 167, 288, 316 see also benevolence; morality; philanthropy; politeness virtuosi/virtuosity 24, 28, 75, 123, 129 artists as virtuosi 13, 43, 72, 92 Congregazione dei Virtuosi 4 John Robert Cozens’s watercolours for 229–30 and drawing 24, 93, 115, 123 Gawen Hamilton’s Conversation of Virtuosis 92–3, 115 and mezzotint techniques 30, 32 Society of the Virtuosi of St Luke 44, 60, 79–80 York Virtuosi 75, 122 see also collectors, collecting; connoisseurs, connoisseurship; Society of Dilettanti Virtuosi’s Museum, The (print series) 228–9 Vivares, Francis A Prospect of that Beautiful Cascade before Matlock, Bath (after Smith of Derby) 122 voluntary associations 292 vulgarity 90, 92 and culture of Restoration court 32 in genre painting 282, 283, 291 Gainsborough’s The Harvest Wagon 220 Hogarth’s Progresses 98, 105, 110 Vauxhall Gardens 99–100 see also ‘drolls’; genre painting; lowness; politeness Vyner, Sir Robert 19–20, 20 Wale, Samuel Vauxhall Gardens (engraving by Muller) 99, 99 Wales 24, 214–15, 228, 263–4, 273, 275–6 Walpole, Horace 136, 157–9 watercolour and amateur practice 23–4, 123, 260 British watercolourists in Rome 230 exhibition watercolours 215–7, 260–72, 285–6 Girtin v. Turner 260–7 Heaphy’s genre scenes 285–7, 286 Hollar’s topographical landscapes 23–4, 123 military usage 123 and patronage 215, 253–4, 260 plein air practice 274–7 and the print trade 23, 216, 227–8, 260, 266–7, 270–2 Paul Sandby’s uses of watercolour 215–6, 227–8 Westall’s historical watercolours 253–4, 260 see also individual artists Waterhouse, Sir Ellis 1 Waterloo, battle of 1, 249, 318 Watson, James The Duchess of Manchester and Her Son Lord Mandeville (after Reynolds) 199 Watteau, Antoine 88, 92, 99, 112, 128, 287
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of 1, 318 West, Benjamin 152–4, 166, 175, 183, 243, 250, 256 pre-eminence as history-painter 307–10, 312 President of Royal Academy 267, 306, 309 response to Titian and the ‘Venetian Secret’ 315 royal patronage and Windsor Castle commissions 180–1, 309 Alexander III of Scotland Saved from a Stag by Colin Fitzgerald 182 Christ Rejected 309 The Continence of Scipio 153–4, 154, 231–2 The Death of General Wolfe 163–5, 164, 168, 175–6, 231–2, 242, 309 Death of Nelson 309 Death on the Pale Horse 309 The Departure of Regulus from Rome 162–3, 162, 167 Historical Landscape: Saul before Samuel and the Prophets 314–15, 314 Moses Receiving the Law on Mount Sinai 180, 181, 203 The Oath of Hannibal 165 Our Saviour Healing the Sick in the Temple (engraving by Heath) 290, 307–9, 308 Sketch for a Monument to Lord Nelson 309–10, 309, 311 William Penn’s Treaty with the Indians 165 Westall, Richard 253–4, 260, 262, 313–14 solo exhibition (1814) 313 Hesiod Instructing the Greeks in the Arts of Peace 254, 254 Sappho in the Lesbian Shades 254 The Sword of Damocles 313–15, 313 Wheatley, Francis 183, 240, 281 John Howard Visiting and Relieving the Miseries of a Prison 241, 241 Whigs 29–30, 56–7, 76–8, 92, 170, 248, 293 Whitehall, Robert 7 Whitehall Palace, London 4–5, 4, 36–7, 37 Wijnants, Jan 67, 116 Wilkie, David 281–90, 312 The Blind Fiddler 283–5, 283, 289 Distraining for Rent 289–90, 289 The Letter of Introduction 288–9, 288 The Rent Day 285 The Village Holiday 287–8, 287 Village Politicians 281–3, 282, 285, 289, 298 William III, king of Great Britain 40–1, 48, 55, 76 in art 40, 41, 50, 51–4, 52 Williams, John see Pasquin, Anthony Willoughby, Sir Thomas 63, 66 Wilson, Benjamin 154–5 Wilson, Richard 118–19, 142–4, 153, 210–15, 217–18, 220–2, 224, 226, 228, 230, 264–6, 273, 275, 278, 315 and Grand Style 211–12, 214–15, 220–1 at the Royal Academy 220–2 at the Society ofArtists 211–15 Cicero and His Friends 220–1, 222
Cock Tavern, Cheam Common, Surrey 118–19, 119 The Destruction of the Children of Niobe 211–12, 211, 217 Landscape Capriccio on the Via Aemilia 143, 144, 212 Rome from the Villa Madama 212–13, 212 Snowdon from Llyn Nantlle 214, 214, 224 View from Moor Park, toward Cassiobury, Watford and St Albans 215, 215 View on the Thames near Twickenham 213–14, 213 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 146–7, 166, 167, 168, 197, 253 ‘Windsor Beauties’ 16, 42 see also Lely Windsor Castle Sandby’s views of 216–17, 216 Verrio’s decorative schemes 9–10, 48, 51, 180–1, 309 West’s Royal Chapel project 180–1, 307, 309 Wissing, Willem: Anne, Princess of Denmark (with van der Vaart) 33, 33 Wolcot, John (‘Peter Pindar’) 182 Woollett, William 164, 212, 218, 309 Smith’s First Premium Landscape (engraved by) 210, 210 Stubbs’s four Shooting scenes (engraved by) 218 West’s Death of Wolfe (engraved by) 164, 309 Wilson’s Destruction of the Children of Niobe (engraved by) 212 Wootton, John 67–71, 92–3, 93, 143, 210 The Duke of Hamilton’s Grey Racehorse ‘Victorious’, at Newmarket 69, 69 Gilbert Coventry on Horseback (with Gibson ?) 67–9, 68 A Philosophers’ Grove 70, 70, 72–3, 115 workshop practice drapery painters 129, 131 Kneller 42 Lely 13, 33 Reynolds 193 Van Dyck 3–4, 13, 42 Van Loo 126 Verrio 37 Wilson’s ‘good breeders’ 212 Wissing 33 Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers 3, 26–7, 80 Wren, Christopher 6–7 Wright, John Michael 4–5, 18–19 Astraea Returns to Earth 4–5, 4, 7, 10 Charles II Enthroned 19, 19, 38 The Family of Sir Robert Vyner 19–20, 20 Wright, Joseph (‘Wright of Derby’) 159–60, 183, 269 in Italy 222–3 Brooke Boothby 231, 232 The Dead Soldier 244, 244 An Eruption of Mount Vesuvius 222–3, 223 An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump 159, 160, 217, 231–2 A Philosopher Giving That Lecture on the Orrery 160
Wyatt, James 260, 261, 306 Wyck, Jan 58, 68 The Hon. Gilbert Coventry in the Hunting Field (with van der Vaart) 67, 68 Mohammed Ohadu, the Moroccan Ambassador (with Kneller) 34, 34 York 24, 75–6, 75 Zoffany, Johann 155 aristocratic and royal patronage 195–6 The Academicians of the Royal Academy 161–2, 161 Colonel Mordaunt’s Cock Match 245–7, 246 David Garrick and Mary Bradshaw in ‘The Farmer’s Return’ 155–6, 155 John, 14th Lord Willoughby de Broke and Family 195–6, 196 Plundering the King’s Cellar at Paris, August 10, 1792 249, 249 The Tribuna of the Uffizi 245
This index is published in David Solkin: Art in Britain 1660–1815 (Pelican History of Art) available from Yale University Press isbn 078-0300-21556-4