333 Cedar Street
PO Box 208058
New Haven, CT 06520-8058
35 Park Street, 8th floor
New Haven, CT 06511
333 Cedar Street
PO Box 208058
New Haven, CT 06520-8058
35 Park Street, 8th floor
New Haven, CT 06511
David Schoenfeld, MD, PhD
Instructor of Medicine (Medical Oncology)
Email: david.schoenfeld@yale.edu
Location: Smilow Cancer Hospital
Skin and Kidney Cancer Program 35 Park Street, 8th floor New Haven, CT 06511
e Skin and Kidney Cancer Program at Smilow Cancer Hospital and Yale Cancer Center is pleased to welcome David Schoenfeld, MD, PhD. Dr. Schoenfeld is an Instructor of Medicine (Medical Oncology) and cares for patients with melanoma and advanced skin and kidney cancers at Smilow Cancer Hospital in New Haven. He received his medical degree and his PhD in Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Studies from Columbia University as part of the Medical Scientist Training Program. He then joined the Physician-Scientist Training Program at Yale where he completed his residency and fellowship training.
Dr. Schoenfeld conducts bench-to-bedside cancer immunology research and he is helping to develop novel cancer therapies. He is investigating the tumor immune microenvironment and testing new immunomodulatory drugs and combinations in preclinical models, with the goal of bringing new treatments to patients by conducting early phase clinical trials. His research has been supported by the T32 Yale Cancer Center-Advanced Training Program for PhysicianScientists.