T H E O L D E ST C O L L E G E DA I LY · FO U N D E D 1 8 7 8
NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · VOL. CXXXIV, NO. 84 · yaledailynews.com
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Popular date spot to reopen under new name this weekend
Undefeated Elis face crucial test against Harvard, Princeton
Kline preps for revamp
TEDx meets Yale
Get your condoms ready.
Sex Week 2012 starts today, with some dirty storytelling in Sudler Hall at 9 p.m. True Love Week starts Sunday, with a speech from Vicki Horn, the “Foundress of Project Rachel.”
Dolla bills. David Swensen, the
manager of Yale’s $19 billion endowment, spoke earlier this week at the John C. Bogle Legacy Forum in New York City. At the Bloomberg Linkhosted forum, Swensen said that only people with access to “incredibly highly qualified professionals” should be active in their investing. Otherwise, 100 percent passive investing is the best route, he said.
Though administrators had planned in 2008 to demolish Kline Chemistry Laboratory, they have since altered their plans and decided to renovate the building beginning this summer. Before the economic downturn in 2008, the University had intended to construct an Undergraduate Science Center, a “mega project” which would have housed all of Yale’s undergraduate teaching labs by expanding the Sterling Chemistry Laboratory, University President Richard Levin said. But the economic recession made the $500 million plan unfeasible, Levin said, so Yale officially opted in December for a $50 million renovation of KCL, which is set to be completed in 2014.
Abolition in New Haven.
Antonio DiBenedetto, the owner of Rocco’s Bakery in Fair Haven, was sentenced to three years’ probation after he admitted last week to knowingly employing undocumented immigrants. A forthcoming civil suit will address allegations that DiBenedetto abused the workers sexually, physically and verbally, the New Haven Register reported. Rape jokes? Really?
Controversy has come to the University of Connecticut after the campus TV station posted a video to its website that students say made light of rape. The video has since been removed from the website. Keep that neck warm. A
student-produced video starring kids from the Yale Record made its way around Facebook Thursday. In the clip, one student is stabbed after he refuses to give up his scarf to a scary New Havener, and the other students can’t help because the scarves are important to their look.
Racism? The U.S. Department
of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is investigating Harvard University and Princeton University for complaints it has received that both schools discriminate against AsianAmericans in undergraduate admissions, Bloomberg reported Thursday. The allegations involve the same Asian-American applicant, who claimed that Harvard and Princeton rejected him on the basis of his race and national origin.
Help the little ones. In a
Thursday press conference, Gov. Dannel Malloy outlined a $12 million plan to improve the state’s early childhood education programs, the Hartford Courant reported.
More for the little ones.
Listen up, juniors: freshman counselor applications for 2012-’13 are due today. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY
1947 An influx of veterans registering for spring term bring Yale College to a recordhigh enrollment of nearly 3,000, with the expectation that it will grow in the fall. Submit tips to Cross Campus
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[The Undergraduate Science Center] was a project that was almost as expensive as the [two new residential] college.
The TEDxYale conference this Saturday seeks to spark collaboration through an intensive day of sharing ideas.
s the semester wears on, Yalies may feel they are stuck in a grind. But organizers of TEDxYale believe Yale brainpower, channeled through the group’s debut conference this weekend, can shake them out of their own ruts. RAISA BRUNER reports.
On Saturday morning, the first ever TEDxYale conference will kick off in the auditorium of Sheffield Sterling Strathcona Hall, tying Yale to a brand famous for working to spark curious minds around the world. Yale is not the first university to host a TEDx event. Whereas the well-known Technology Entertainment and Design conferences have been invitation-only for both speakers and audience members since the group began in 1984, TEDx events are licensed by TEDx, not
TED, and organized by independent communities. Over the past three years, 3,100 distinct groups, ranging from students in Ghana to entrepreneurs in India, have hosted these spinoff forums intended to mimic the TED experience. This weekend, TEDxYale and 11 other TEDx programs in locations such as Portugal, Belgium and Kenya will add to that number. Organized by Yale students to bring new voices to campus and to showcase Yalies’ own ideas, Satur-
day’s all-day event aims to create an intensive day of sharing ideas and sparking collaborations that don’t otherwise happen at Yale. The educational gap that TEDxYale intends to fill is one of narrowed thinking. “We get very secluded in our little rat mazes of Yale,” TEDxYale organizer Naima Sakande ’14 said, referring to the “three-block radiuses” that lock students into routines of thought and action. “The idea is to promote an environment where students can get their minds blown.” For Miles Grimshaw ’13, Diana Enriquez ’13 and the other students, faculty and alumni involved in the conference, this Saturday’s debut is just one of many planned events that Enriquez said she hopes will help Yalies burst out of their daily “bubbles.”
“[The Undergraduate Science Center] was a project that was almost as expensive as the [two new residential] colleges,” Levin said last week. “That we’ve more or less abandoned, and instead will renovate the laboratory in Kline Chemistry, which is a much smaller scale of investment then we had already planned.” Deputy Provost for Science and Technology Tim O’Connor said the renovations of KCL will include improvements to laboratory spaces. O’Connor also cited “basic infrastructure” problems in both KCL and SCL, including a damaged roof and an antiquated air handling system. After the projects are completed, O’Connor said Sterling Chemistry Laboratory may also undergo renovations to add more teaching space, which it currently lacks. He added that several minor renovation projects in Sterling Chemistry Laboratory are ongoing.
Faculty meeting changes majors BY ANTONIA WOODFORD STAFF REPORTER Students who wish to major in ethnicity, race and migration will no longer have to pursue it along with a second major. Faculty voted at a Thursday Yale College faculty meeting to make ER&M a stand-alone major, as well as to split the biology major and modify the degree options in environmental engineering. Molecular, cellular and developmental biology and ecology and evolutionary biology will become separate majors, rather than tracks within one major, and environmental engineering has combined two different bachelor’s of science degrees. The change to the ER&M major leaves only one major, South Asian studies, that must be taken as a double major. Previously, Yale has offered such majors in international studies, organismal biology and studies in the environment, according to data from the Yale College Publications Office. “The faculty who propose new majors sometimes look upon this second-major-only status as a necessary phase to establish the major and ensure that there are enough courses and a sufficiently robust and
RICHARD LEVIN University President
well-structured curriculum to justify a student’s taking the program… as her or his only major,” Dean of Undergraduate Education Joseph Gordon said in a Tuesday email. Just as ER&M is now a stand-alone major, global affairs was approved as a stand-alone major in 2010 to replace international studies, and studies in the environment became the standalone environmental studies major in 2001.
As a stand-alone major, ER&M will require all juniors in the major to take a new junior seminar. Ezra Stiles College master and ER&M Director Stephen Pitti said the seminar
After the inaugural Yale Engineering and Science Weekend (YES-W) drew more than 100 students to campus last February, the program is set to continue later this month. YES-W, which will occur between Feb. 18 and Feb. 20, invites targeted applicants from Yale’s regular admissions pool to campus so that they can see the University’s science and engineering resources, Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Admissions Jeremiah Quinlan said. The admissions office is recruiting past YES-W attendees who matriculated to Yale to advise prospective students at this year’s event, Deputy Dean Vincent Wilczynski said, but otherwise only small changes have been made to the program. “We’re hoping to build and improve on last year’s event,” Quinlan said Monday. “We want to make students feel like [YES-W] is becoming part of the whole recruitment experience. Everyone has Bulldog Days memories — we want students to have YES-W memories too.” The 2011 program received largely positive feedback from attendees, Quinlan said, and the upcoming
The faculty who propose new majors sometimes look upon this second-major -only status as a necessary phase. JOSEPH GORDON Dean of Undergraduate Education, Yale College
Last year’s YES-W drew over 100 prospective students to campus.
YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2011 · yaledailynews.com
.COMMENT yaledailynews.com/opinion
“‘Bi-product?’ The gay ivy, indeed …”
Masters and Kill the language requirement role models G U E S T C O L U M N I S T G AV I N S C H I F F R E S
esterday morning, Pierson Master Harvey Goldblatt sent an email to the students of his college explaining his decision to host controversial Harvard Professor Harvey Mansfield for a master’s tea on “Manliness.” Last night, Branford College unveiled a new portrait of its long-serving former master Steven Smith and hosted a reception in his honor. Of course, these are two completely unrelated events, but I mention them together because it is worth paying tribute to these two iconic personalities and some of the joint values and ideas they represent. Goldblatt and Smith are two of the longest serving college masters, with over 30 years of mastership between the two. Smith ended his third term last spring, and Goldblatt will step down after the graduation of the class of 2013. But in addition to the many years of thoughtful mentorship and leadership they have provided to generations of students, these two masters have been fearless in using their positions to fulfill the highest purposes of the University. They, more than almost anyone else at Yale, understand that education is about challenging preconceptions and listening to smart, experienced and serious voices of disagreement. Too often in today’s political discourse, disagreements are harsh, shrill and lacking in substance. Presidential candidates debate in sound bites in gameshow-like formats. Speakers representing unpopular positions in reasonable and respectful tones are vilified as bigots and prohibited from sharing their ideas. At college campuses across the country, students increasingly think heckling and silencing opponents are acceptable (or even preferable) alternatives to thoughtful protest and civil disagreement. It is only natural that we surround ourselves with those who think similarly and share our worldviews. Profound or substantive intellectual difference makes us uncomfortable, so we silence those who disagree and immerse ourselves in choruses of affirmation. On a basic level, this homogeneity of experience is perfectly acceptable. I spend most of my time with – and most of my close friends are – people who share most of my fundamental values and beliefs. But a university education has different purposes than a friendship circle, and we abandon our core mission when we isolate ourselves within a bubble of political correctness and conventional wisdom. Our experiences here should be challenging. We should listen to voices of disagreement when they are offered respectfully and truthfully, and we should hope that we are changed — whether by strengthening our convictions or adjusting our perspectives — by the experience.
Ye s t e r day’s email from Goldblatt presented these high ideals in the most articulate and passionate form YISHAI have seen SCHWARTZ Isince coming to Yale. And The Gadfly more importantly, they clearly come from the soul of a man who genuinely believes in them. He is authentic; how many tenured professors send their students emails in blue font and use caps lock for emphasis? Master G. inspires love and respect among his students with a force and consistency unparalleled by any other college master I have seen here, and, as a result, his communications carry special significance. His nuanced plea emphasizing that we “do have an obligation to protest and oppose ideas and beliefs that are antithetical” to our own, while appealing to us to do so with “civility and an ability to hear somebody else’s views, no matter how distasteful” is a powerful reminder that professors can still be moral teachers. This email followed in the same tradition as Smith’s tea with controversial Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard two years ago. Facing security threats and a reprehensible public condemnation from some of his colleagues, Smith plowed ahead, exposing students to an important public figure and insisting that the subject of significant world events receive a civil hearing. Not many other Yale faculty members have that kind of courage and commitment to principle, and the entire community owes him a debt — as much for the ideals he champions as the individual programs or events he organized. His is a true legacy, and future generations of Branfordians are privileged to have his portrait hang above their heads. Too often, we allow our pet causes and interests to hijack our education. We forget that we are here to challenge and to be challenged and that both can be done intelligently and respectfully without sacrificing principles. There are only a few professors who manage to remind us of our purpose here; one has just left his mastership and another will soon follow. We have a responsibility to thank them. But even more, we have a duty to ensure that their commitment to free speech, respectful dialogue and actively listening to controversial voices continues — even as they fade into portraits on a dining hall wall. YISHAI SCHWARTZ is a junior in Branford College. In future weeks, his column will run on Tuesdays. Contact him at yishai.schwartz@yale.edu .
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two languages one can study to fulfill the language requirement — really “increasingly important” to succeed in the world? Ask yourself: Of all the successful people you know, how many of them speak those, or any foreign language, regularly? Either the administration actually believes what it says and only mainstream, “increasingly important” languages — such as Mandarin, Hindi or Arabic — should count toward the language requirement, or it tacitly admits not all students need to know another tongue in order to succeed. Now let me address the conflict of my American-centric attitude. English is the official language of more countries than any other in the world. This claim is not American in nature — it is a fact. This is not a claim that English is inherently superior to any other language. Nor is this a claim that language’s only value is for communication. But the only use Yale knows every student will have for language is communication, and the only language most students will need is English. So does this mean the philosopher shouldn’t study German or the classicist Latin? Of course not. It means Yale, before making a blanket mandate, ought to consider the biology major forced to spend three terms studying a language he will forget every word of by graduation. Many of us justify that seem-
ingly wasted time by focusing on our enjoyment of the class (read: Yalies like to learn). Moreover, we benefit from it — perhaps now we can read a foreign text or apply to an international internship.
GIVE US THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE FOR OURSELVES “It wasn’t the worst thing ever,” we tell ourselves. But was it the best? How many of us continue after three semesters? At Yale, we get only a handful of credits. Who knows what intellectual gems we sacrificed for those 4.5 for language — the secrets of the brain, music composition, Greek mythology? The question is not, “Was studying my language really that bad?” Rather, ask yourself, “Was that the best way I could have spent my time?” The legitimate counter to this question is, “Yes, the benefits of learning a particular language might be arbitrary, but a second cultural perspective on the nature of society and life is universally invaluable.” If this is true, if the language requirement is really to offer students a new lens through which to view
the world, then students should be able to fulfill it through culture classes taught in English. Surely reading Jean de La Bruyère’s “Caractères” offers students more insight into French culture than merely memorizing the meaning of the word “caractères.” To fully understand a culture one needs speak its language, but then again one also needs study it for more than three semesters. If Yale wants to instill a worldly perspective, it should expose students to a culture’s spirit, not its syntax. Like Yalies that came before us, we are adults paying money for an opportunity to educate ourselves as best we can. With the information explosion, though, there is no longer a finite sum of knowledge that defines an educated individual. We must sacrifice some classes — some education — for others we value more. As students, we have a duty to make the best tradeoffs we can; as customers, we have a right. So is language study a tradeoff that is in all our best interests? Even The Yale Herald knows the answer: “Listen long and hard. You simply won’t hear [a Yalie say] … ‘This language requirement is enriching.’” GAVIN SCHIFFRES is a freshman in Saybrook College. Contact him at gavin.schiffres@yale.edu .
Mugs, shot I
n September, Yale Dining Services introduced something truly beautiful: a new coffee mug. These mugs were vast improvements over their predecessors. More aesthetically pleasing and, more importantly, larger, these mugs could hold twice the amount of coffee as the old mugs and, in doing so, they revolutionized my mornings. I really, really love coffee. But slowly, these mugs started disappearing. Now, in January, if I find a mug at all at breakfast in the Berkeley dining hall, I consider myself lucky. Even the old, smaller, inferior mugs are nowhere to be found. Consequently, my fellow dining hall goers and I are routinely stuck between a rock and a hard place: paper or plastic? Should we use a paper cup for our coffee and kill some trees, or should we use a plastic cup and expose ourselves to the chemicals that leach out of all kinds of plastic when it is heated? (Of course, there is a third option: we could just not drink coffee. But come on. This is college. I’m not even going to explain why that’s not a viable option.) Temporary solutions to the lack of coffee cups aside, the fundamental problem remains:
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THIS ISSUE COPY STAFF: Victoria Chu, Stephanie Huang, Isaac Park, Robert Peck, Kate Pincus PRODUCTION STAFF: Celine Cuevas, Rebecca Levinsky, Rebecca Sylvers, Sharon Qian, Adeline Yeo PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS: Anthony Fumagalli, Michelle Korte, Daniel Yu EDITORIALS & ADS
hen Yale was founded, students were supposed to converse only in Latin — even in dorms. Nearly a century later, a member of the Yale Corporation moved “dead languages” be made elective in favor of courses “more meaningful and useful for contemporary life.” Requirements relaxed, but it wasn’t until 1945 that Yale, reassessing its graduation prerequisites, codified the precursor to today’s language requirement. Now, it is time for Yale to evolve once again: Get rid of the language requirement. Before arguing against a specific requirement, though, I should define my litmus test for a legitimate College mandate. Put simply, Yale should require students do something only if Yale knows that something will be the best use of each student’s time. Learning how to write well, for example, is a fair requirement. Beyond its importance to clear thinking, effective writing is one of the few skills every Yale student will use regularly throughout his or her life. The same cannot be said of speaking a foreign language. The conventional wisdom, stated on the Center for Language Study’s website, is that knowledge of a foreign language has become “increasingly important” in our increasingly globalized world. That sounds nice — like Yale values diversity — but is it actually true? Is knowledge of Zulu or Dutch —
Where have all of the mugs gone? I can only think of two explanations. The first is that these mugs are even more magical than I thought they were and somehow managed to escape oppressive dining hall life. If that is the case, then who am I to deny their hard-earned freedom?
JUST BECAUSE WE PAID FOR THEM DOESN’T MEAN THAT WE CAN TAKE THEM The other explanation is that students are taking them out of the dining hall and keeping them indefinitely in their rooms. As I have seen many of these mugs on dorm room and off-campus shelves, this explanation seems pretty likely. I understand why this would happen. The mugs are, after all, pretty awesome. Furthermore, money can be pretty tight for college students. Frugality is
Advocacy at Dwight Hall Yishai Schwartz (“Separating Service and Politics,” Jan. 27) leveled a serious accusation against Dwight Hall that I would like to address. While commenting that “Dwight Hall’s broad language of service and activism seems to be quite inclusive,” he also argued that “when one actually searches the list of member and affiliated organizations, there are jarring absences: Conservative groups are not currently part of Dwight Hall and its affiliated networks. Public Service? The Social Justice Network has the Liberal Party — but no Conservatives. Advocacy? There is a pro-choice group — but no pro-life.” On a technical level, the Liberal Party is not a member of Dwight Hall, nor could it be. It is a member of the Social Justice Network (SJN). The SJN has its own fund and co-coordinators. Some groups are members both of the SJN and of Dwight Hall. Many groups in the SJN, however, are strictly political and therefore are not eligible for Dwight Hall membership. Moreover, Schwartz’s allegation that Dwight Hall is home to pro-choice but not pro-life groups is simply false. In fact, Dwight Hall has neither a single-issue prolife nor a single-issue pro-choice group.
smart and often very necessary. But in the quest to save money, it is important not to lose sight of some important values. The fact is that these cups are not ours for the taking. Yale Dining Services bought these cups. They were bought, of course, so that we students could use them — but they were bought so that they could be used in the dining hall, washed and reused by other students. Taking them outside of the dining hall for private use — even with the intent of returning them at the end of the school year — is essentially stealing. We all like to think of Yale as a home. But being a member of a household comes with responsibilities. One of these responsibilities is respect for the possessions of others. As much as I might love my sister’s beautiful striped and sparkly cardigan, it would clearly be wrong for me to take it from her without her permission and wear it myself. Of course, in the grand scheme of things, taking a mug or even a sweater is a minor theft compared to robbing a bank or stealing a wallet. But the attitude that allows us to justify these minor thefts has greater implications.
In a much larger sense, the earth is our home, with limited resources such as clean water, energy sources and land that members of the global household all need. According to a Native American proverb, “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” The limited resources of the Earth are not ours for the taking. We owe it to the other members of our global community to be respectful of these limited, shared resources and try to live sustainably, with as little environmental impact as possible. As for the whole dining hall mug situation, for now, I bought a pretty great ceramic travel mug that I use both in the dining hall and in my room, guilt-free. But, as they say, you never forget your first love. My first coffee cup love was those aesthetically pleasing, perfectly sized dining hall mugs. And so I will wait patiently until these cups are returned to the dining hall and we are reunited once more.
However, it is important to note that this state of affairs was not a principled decision on behalf of Dwight Hall—which brings me to my second point. As New Membership Coordinator for Dwight Hall, I would like to issue an open invitation to any student or student group engaged in service or advocacy, including the conservativetilted: Apply to Dwight Hall. Our organization has a lot to offer you in terms of community and resources. Dwight Hall’s “broad language of service and activism” is purposefully broad. If your group or project pursues justice, equality and human rights, there might be a place for you in Dwight Hall. Our community could always benefit from increased diversity of opinion and approach. Dwight Hall’s doors are open to all who wish to engage in service and activism. Please, heed our invitation and step inside.
Enough about Witt
LEAH SARNA Jan. 29 The writer is a sophomore in Pierson College.
NINA BEIZER is a senior in Berkeley College. Contact her at nina.beizer@yale.edu .
Why are we devoting so much attention to Patrick Witt ’12? He has tarred the reputation of our University – promoting dishonesty and embarrassment in the face of Harvard. Last week, the New York Times published a three page article elaborating on every juicy detail of the Witt chronicle. Nothing about this trainwreck is beneficial to Witt or the University. In the wake of Title IX and the DKE incident, it adds insult to injury that one of Yale’s poster children – a young man who excels in academics and sport – is accused of sexual assault. It’s very difficult to wreck Yale’s prestige. Nonetheless, one might think that these days, sexual predators roam the campus – we know this is absurd. What more is there to say? We all know the story, and, quite frankly, it’s very sad. Here is a guy who had an incredible opportunity that ended horrifically. He doesn’t even go to Yale anymore. We must shift our focus away
YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · yaledailynews.com
HUNTER S. THOMPSON “I wouldn’t recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they’ve always worked for me.”
Asking the right questions
The Yale I know
have been gone from Yale for 18 months. For 18 months I’ve missed every part of it: weekend brunch, Nemerov’s lectures and even the rainy spring break I spent locked up with a jar of peanut butter and my senior essay. I think I could miss the post office if I tried. I haven’t had the perfect postgrad experience. I quit Teach For America after a year and wound up (surprise!) in consulting. In the real world I’ve encountered 13-year-old boys who think real men treat women like trash. I’ve uncovered American communities where homophobia rules the day. I’ve realized that inequality wins too often. In other words, I miss Yale for more than just the library. I miss it for its community and open values. I want to spend an hour surrounded by my former classmates — the smartest, most intimidating and most wonderful men and women I’ll ever meet — even if that hour is spent in econ section. I’m confident I’ll never find another place like Yale or ever love a place as much. Which is why I’m so angry at the way Yale’s image has changed recently. Our college has been painted as a school that tolerates rape. It has been colored with the shades of permissiveness
and licentiousness. I have followed these headlines with frustration, because the Yale I see on the front page does not match the Yale I know and love. Please don’t misunderstand me: I am not angry at the Yalies who publicly stood up for themselves after experiencing sexual harassment. I am angry at those who abused the privilege of admission to Yale’s community by committing sex crimes. If it’s the case that the Yale administration has systemically tried to dismiss or minimize such cases, I am angry about that also. But this is a big if, considering my admiration for the character and judgment of the administrators I know best. But my anger doesn’t end there. I can’t stop thinking of today’s high school girls holding their Yale acceptance letters and saying, “I don’t want to go to a place where everyone only has drunken hookups and guys think it’s okay to date-rape me because the University won’t punish them properly.” I am furious and want to scream at them, “Don’t believe those things! You will love Yale! And you are so much more likely to feel empowered as a woman at Yale than as a woman elsewhere on this planet!” Yes, there are rapists at Yale. They are at every college in Amer-
ica, and far too often they go unpunished. This issue does not belong to Yale alone. So why are we treating Yale like a hotbed of sexual harassment and misguided promiscuity? The amount of low-level harassment I endured as a female teacher — and which my administrators brushed aside — made me miss Yale desperately. The quality of discussion about gender equality at Yale is unparalleled in our national dialogue — have you heard a GOP presidential candidate talk about women lately? Most importantly, the good guys at Yale outnumber the jerks 30 times over. It’s at Yale that I started to believe that a confident woman can accomplish anything. It’s at Yale that I found nearly all of my female role models. It’s also at Yale that I first had too many drinks at a party and woke up wondering whether I had actually meant to go home with that boy, whether I had been in control of the situation and, if I wasn’t, did that mean he had taken advantage of me? But, right or wrong, I didn’t equate that moment with Yale. I didn’t wake up and think: “This never would have happened at a different school,” or “This is all because Yale refuses to close
Toad’s! Because if Yale taught me anything, it’s that I am smart enough to decide right from wrong, brave enough to act on it and strong enough to succeed in an imperfect world. As a freshman counselor, I saw a lot of students overdo it. Whether with sex, alcohol or freshman orgo, Yale had a support system in place. Maybe it wasn’t perfect, and maybe some of the events of the last two years will improve it. But Yale has always cared deeply about its students, and Yale students have always cared even more deeply about each other. Why, in an effort to fix the problems, have we all started to doubt that? I’m grateful to Yale. I’m proud of Yale. I trust in Yale. So by all means, let’s make Yale the best it can be. But in the process, let’s not turn one of the most enlightened, open-minded and morally courageous institutions in America into a target for unchecked criticism from within and without. Yale is a human creation, and it will have its flaws. But in my memories and the memories of many others, Yale will always be a force for good in this world. Let us please not lose sight of that fact. LAUREN HEFFERON is a 2010 graduate of Calhoun College.
Fallen idol
from Patrick Witt. I am sure he wants this ordeal to end, and so should we. Continuing to gossip about the situation won’t reveal anything new. Instead, it will only divert our time and rhetoric away from issues occurring on campus with Yale students. I will concede that the situation deserves some attention. After all, it is about a fellow Yalie whose actions have ramifications for the school. Nonetheless, let’s minimize the negative externalities this story creates. I want to continue to be proud to wear my Yale sweatshirt without having to wonder if people associate my school with Patrick Witt. If Mr. Witt is reading this, I would love to discuss how to be selected as a Rhodes Finalist sometime. DAVID LILIENFELD Jan. 30 The writer is a freshman in Ezra Stiles College.
Dissent protected at NUS Walker Vincoli’s comments (“No student freedom at NUS,” Jan. 26) are not representative of my experiences at the National University of Singapore (NUS). I was accepted to NUS despite my affiliations with the opposition Workers’ Party of Singapore. Since then, I have never been marked down for expressing anti-establishment views, and I am confident that I will continue to be graded based on academic rigor and the depth of my research. However, I agree with Vincoli that “the litmus test for academic freedom is the ability of students and faculty to engage their own country’s politics.” But I do not in any way “change [my] arguments, button [my] lips and absorb opinions from on high.” I continually stand up and express my own views freely in a rational, responsible and constructive manner, true to the academic requirements that NUS expects of its students. I appealed to be allowed to drop all my classes less than a week before finals to play an important role during an upcoming election, and the provost indicated that my
effort to contribute to the political process of my nation was to be applauded and encouraged. Despite the regrettable lack of a student activist culture, there is freedom to pursue one’s own interests at NUS. The presence of self-censorship does not connote a lack of student and academic freedom. I hope that my experiences can inspire and motivate my fellow peers to take the first step forward for themselves. BERNARD CHEN JIAXI Jan. 28 The writer is a student at NUS.
Singapore can teach Yale It is indeed unfortunate that NUS and the political landscape of Singapore did not meet Walker Vincoli’s expectations (“No academic freedom at NUS,” Jan. 26). Academic freedom is neither a prerequisite for nor a direct consequence of engaging in politics. While it may appear to Vincoli that NUS students do not engage in political debate in the classroom, there is no shortage of NUS
students who engage in political activities through NGOs. Last year’s parliamentary elections showcased many young political candidates in both opposition and majority parties who were educated at NUS. Classroom participation should never be used as a barometer to gauge youth interest in politics or democracy. Singapore’s strict laws and unique political landscape make it an interesting place to study political science. Vincoli is critical of NUS and Singapore’s political landscape, but he does not admit that his experience in Singapore has allowed him to engage in useful comparative study of Asian and American politics and write a critical piece on Singapore’s political and education landscape in the News. His experience in Singapore will certainly shape his political insight in the years to come. Unlike Vincoli, I support the Yale-NUS partnership. Having benefitted from programs organized between the schools in 2009, I believe the Yale-NUS College offers students an opportunity to learn by attracting viewpoints from two opposite corners of the globe. Whether these viewpoints
s I look at the recent headlines in national newspapers and in the News, two words come to mind: sex and responsibility. The two are, of course, profoundly connected, and each is devastating in its own way. The revelations last week that Patrick Witt’s ’12 Rhodes candidacy may have been in question even as the media and Yalies were celebrating his heroic, self-sacrificing gesture to play against Harvard have been a stunning display of the way in which different narratives can be spun depending on one’s perspective. The fight over dates and emails between the New York Times and Witt’s representatives seems, particularly now that the dust has settled somewhat, less relevant than the challenging questions of integrity that are raised by these differing claims and by the situation as a whole: questions of sex and responsibility and what different institutions and individuals owe to each other. There are many young men and women who have felt alone on this campus because of experiences of sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape. We as a community are more comfortable not talking about these experiences, and we sometimes seem invested in protecting the reputation of the institution that we love deeply instead of sharing these stories and helping people to feel safe again. As ever, Yale is afraid of publicity. Consider the tragic events we as a community have survived in only the last two and a half years, the deaths, the scandals. It is only right that we want to end our collective agonizing and public grieving for the people we have lost and the people we have failed. But we have, I hope, learned that the price of silence is often more pain and a greater sense of betrayal when the truth outs itself. After the New York Times published a story about Witt last week, attention turned to Witt and the coverage of his downfall in the News and the Times. His victim has now been violated twice: once by sexual assault, and a second time by the media storm that has made her story — which I’m sure is confusing and painful — about questions of journalistic integrity and personal character. The questions, of course, are valid. But Witt’s story is compelling for most people not because of the questions about journalistic integrity it raises, but because it is sexy: The story involves power, prestige and yes, sex — not to mention football. Instead of feeling betrayed by the News or wondering whether the New York Times should have published a story based on a handful of anonymous sources, the questions we should be asking ourselves are
clash or coincide, the synergy of the partnership makes students of both Yale and NUS better social scientists and international leaders through a healthy exchange of ideas. SHARMEEN ALAM Jan. 27 The writer is a senior at NUS.
Freedom at NUS The abuse of the rhetoric of freedom has now become a subject so trite that I was hardly impressed when I chanced upon Walker Vincoli’s column (“No academic freedom at NUS,” Jan. 26), which essentially sings the same song a certain breed of closed-minded Americans always sing about countries at the other end of the globe. For these people, America is the land of the free. Every other country is shackled, unfree and forlorn, beyond comparison. Freedom in America is understood mainly as freedom from state intervention, so it is completely fine and dandy if oil tycoons fund philosophy departments in your universities because, as we
why we, our college and our media can’t seem to handle the problems of sex and responsibility. We ZOE be MERCER- should wondering why the GOLDEN co nve rsa tion isn’t Paren about why thetically Witt felt entitled to pressure a woman in the first place, and why everyone — the New York Times included — seems bewildered by Yale’s complaint process. Recent articles and statements have tried to put some of the guilt on the woman in question, saying that everything that passed between the woman and Witt was consensual and that their relationship was on and off, as so many are at Yale. I’ll speak for myself and for the many friends that have struggled in the wake of sexual encounters that occurred in environments of low personal responsibility: Sex can be an emotional minefield, hard to navigate and hard to recover from.
IT’S TIME WE STOP TALKING AROUND THE BIG ISSUES Witt’s behavior is consistent with the behavior of many men and women who participate in low-responsibility sexual encounters, which can be as damaging as they can be fun. This is not a problem just with Witt: This is a widespread problem deeply ingrained in the college landscape. Yale owes it to its students to make its complaint processes easier to navigate and understand. Recent reports, emails and committees have made strides in the right direction. But I worry that the system still feels too hard to navigate and access. We shouldn’t feel betrayed because Witt appears to be less of a hero than he once seemed: We should feel betrayed because we live in a world in which we are afraid to talk about sex and responsibility and insist instead on making the conversation about other things — journalism, the Rhodes, football. ZOE MERCER-GOLDEN is a junior in Davenport College. Her column runs on alternate Fridays. Contact her at zoe.mercer-golden@yale.edu .
all know, only governments can interfere with freedom. Corporations are people in America and can never interfere with freedom of persons hence. Youth wing leaders of opposition parties – who are also NUS students – go about their activities on campus. Online student newspapers like the Campus Observer and Kent Ridge Common are brimming with political critiques. Criticisms of the ruling government, the People’s Action Party and other opposition parties abound on campus – what crowd was Vincoli hanging out with exactly? Articles like Vincoli’s do nothing to promote intercultural communication and mutual understanding. How ironic, then, that Vincoli should so doggedly lambast Yale-NUS College, which, as a collaborative educational venture between establishments from two vastly different cultures, aims to do precisely that. KOH CHOON HWEE Jan. 26 The writer is the former editor of Kent Ridge Common. .
YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · yaledailynews.com
“Ideas are the great warriors of the world.” JAMES A. GARFIELD 20TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES
TEDx conference debuts at Yale TEDXYALE FROM PAGE 1 All TEDx events are open to anyone willing to pay admission and sign up before space fills. Three hundred and fifty community members — the auditorium’s maximum capacity — are expected to attend this weekend. By Monday night, almost 200 of those registered were Yale undergraduates, 88 were Yale graduate students and 15 were Yale alumni. As the TEDx community takes root, the organizers hope to continue tapping into and sharing the resources of Yale. They believe the Yale community needs to learn in new ways, and Yalies themselves have the ideas to make that happen.
Last spring, Grimshaw and Enriquez realized that the Yale community was missing out on the TED experience. Tapping into a network of students and alumni willing to contribute, they launched their campaign to inspire the community through a TEDx on campus. In April 2011, the Yale World Fellows Program hosted TEDxYaleWorldFellows, showcasing talks by each of the term’s World Fellows. But ever since then, the TEDxYale movement has been solely student-organized and student-powered — setting Yale apart from many other universities that throw TEDx events. “This is a great example of two students who have an idea and creative determination with little to no University help,” said Robin Hogen, who helped organize TEDxYaleWorldFellows as the director of strategic communications at Yale’s Office of Public Affairs and Communications. Still, Hogen added, Yale was “a bit late to the party.” Lara Stein, the founder and director of TEDx, said that the push to host TEDx at universities can come from administrators, teachers or students, depending on the school. At CalTech, administrators pushed for a TEDx conference, she said. At the University of California, Berkeley, TEDx team member and student Kevin Gong said, “the group of organizers responsible for each year’s conference includes one to
two students; the rest are community volunteers.” At Yale, the process of organizing the conference has been entirely student-led since they began last April. TEDxYale is a registered undergraduate student organization and will be hosted on campus, but the conference is funded largely by corporate sponsorships and donations from alumni. For Enriquez, Grimshaw and members of the TEDxYale team, planning and organizing this one-day conference has been an “insane” time commitment, Grimshaw said.
We get very secluded in our little rat mazes of Yale. The idea is to promote an environment where students can get their minds blown. NAIMA SAKANDE ’14 Organizer, TEDxYale “To put on an event like this is a complicated thing,” Bostonarea resident and co-founder of TEDxNewEngland Stephen Baker said.
In 2009, Enriquez said, a group of students had formed a petition to put on a TEDx event at Yale, but the event never came to fruition. TEDxYale lay dormant until Grimshaw attended TEDxBeijing while studying abroad last fall. Inspired, he applied for a TEDx license and posted on his Facebook wall that he was interested in bringing TEDx to Yale. Enriquez, Grimshaw’s high school classmate and an attendee of the TEDGlobal 2009 conference, “liked” the post. Ever since, they have worked as a team to lead and organize the effort to produce this year’s TEDxYale. The digital experience is central to the TED brand and to TEDx: TED gained notoriety and cult status amongst technology and design junkies six years
BY THE NUMBERS TEDX YALE 350 49% 88 3 Total number of attendees
Attendees who are undergraduates Graduate students currently attending Attendees from the class of 2016
ago when it launched online resources. Videos of TED talks posted on its website and YouTube channel have garnered over 500 million hits in the past three years alone. The TEDxYale team will be streaming Saturday’s event live through their website. The videos of the talks will then be posted on the TEDx YouTube channel, joining the growing pool of educational videos. They hope that some of the talks will be picked up and featured on the TED website. “Philosophically, TEDx is an open-sourcing of the TED brand,” said Lara Stein, the founder and director of the TEDx program. “Anybody can apply to host [an event].” Of the 6,282 applications that have been submitted to TEDx over the past three years, though, only 3,100 TEDx events have been approved. Those chosen range from low-budget, oneroom events in Pakistani schools to citywide conferences in China. All use TED’s brand, image, and framework for their own conferences. The university events have served as the “backbone” of TEDx’s global presence, Stein said; in South Korea, which has been home to 90 TEDx events, she added, “an overwhelming percentage are at universities.” TEDxYale will bring its own distinct brand of ideas to the mix. Grimshaw said he and Enriquez approached Hogen in April 2011 about the prospect of putting on the event. “It’s going to project a very positive image,” Hogen said. “I think it just adds value to the Yale brand.” While many Yale events aim to bring high-profile speakers to campus, the TEDxYale organizers hope the event will draw from members of the Yale community and project their ideas onto the broader global canvas, Grimshaw said. “This is about bringing Yale to the world in a modern format,” Grimshaw said. The organizers have focused on including technology in their campaign, putting together a student-designed website, iPhone app and promotional video. Still, the online experience is not as interactive as the “intimate studio” provided by TEDx’s in-person format, which limits the number of audience members to facilitate a more active experience. TEDxYale organizers and speakers interviewed referred to their experiences with TED talks both online and in person as “life-changing,” influencing their everyday decisions and changing their ways of thinking. But they said Yalies could benefit from the format of an all-day conference, which TEDx supports.
Psychology major
And Yale can contribute to the conversation: as Grimshaw said, “TED doesn’t have a monopoly on the most interesting people.”
TEDxYale will feature 25 speakers, 20 of whom are Yaleaffiliated students, professors, lecturers and alumni. Following TED rules, none are being paid for their time. The student organizers chose each of them in an extensive selection process, which began in September, to talk on the theme of “A Twist of Fate.” Matthew Claudel ’13, an Architecture major and one of 10 students selected to speak, will open the conference with a talk on the challenges inherent in “creativity and the creative process,” he said. “There’s not really a good open forum for students to talk about things they care about, besides the Mellon forum,” he said, referring to the presentations that seniors give in each residential college about their thesis work. “Everyone here has things they
Sociology major
Biology major
Cognitive Science major
care about that would be worth sharing with people.” Another student speaker, Danijela Bule ’14, said she is going to give her “spiel on life,” which addresses taking risks in talking to people in order to improve confidence. She said she hopes that attendees will be able to implement her advice. “The point of TED is to introduce the idea to you; you will follow through,” Bule said. As Bule and the other student speakers have prepared to give their talks since the competition for their selection in Nov., they have attended training sessions led by Yale Debate Team members, a Yale School of Drama student and past TED speakers and psychology professors Paul Bloom and June Gruber. This training and the extensive support from the TEDxYale organizers have helped Bule achieve the goals she will present in her own talk: “Being a good speaker is not easy!” she said. Grimshaw said he sees TEDxYale as “filling a void” in the
Architecture major
Psychology major
liberal arts curriculum that students follow at Yale, as it introduces students to “things you don’t know you don’t know.” Tiffany Sommadossi, the co-head of TEDxUChicago, said she believes that TEDx events can help to shake up and reinvigorate the educational experience for students. “You don’t want to stop learning, you just want a different format,” she said, adding that TEDx talks are short and designed to be engaging. “Students know what they’re going to get in the classroom.” She emphasized that the important thing is the flexibility and independence that TEDx organizers are afforded, which allows them to tailor their event to the needs and interests of their local audiences. “Every TEDx event offers up something really relevant to the community,” TEDx director Stein said. Contact RAISA BRUNER at raisa.bruner@yale.edu .
r e c y c l e r e c y c l e r e c y c l e r e c y c l e
YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · yaledailynews.com
“I paid my way through Princeton by working the day shift at a graveyard and the graveyard shift at a Days Inn!” JACK DONAGHY “30 ROCK” CHARACTER
State dems push min. wage hike
9:00 AM TEDxYale 2012. A conference that fosters a global community of innovative thinking, this TED event will bring speakers ranging from a Yale student that is professional magician to a professor of Astronomy that does research on black hole physics. Obtain a ticket at www.tedxyale.com/#events/apply. Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall (1 Prospect st.) Room 114.
The article “Redefinition of autism sparks concerns” misquoted Harvard professor Nicholas Lange as saying that insurance companies “would no longer be able to discriminate against [high-function individuals with autism] relative to more [severely affected] patients.” In fact, Lange said when third-party payers see an opportunity to deny coverage to more severely affected individuals in any disabled population, they will likely take it. The article “New head for production office” stated that the Office of Undergraduate Production was formed in fall 2010. In fact, the OUP was formed in fall 2000. Also, the article and a caption that accompanied it referred to the OUP as the Office of Undergraduate Productions, but the office is now called the Office of Undergraduate Production.
YCBA chronicles British history
The YCBA’s new exhibit is an ambitious survey of British history. BY KAT HUANG CONTRIBUTING REPORTER In keeping with a tradition of chronicling Britain’s material past, the Yale Center for British Art opened a new exhibit called “Making History: Antiquaries in Britain” on Thursday. The exhibit features 100 works borrowed from the archives of the Society of Antiquaries of London, an academic institution founded in 1707 dedicated to the preservation of artifacts from Britain’s past, along with 50 selections owned by Yale organizations. The exhibit was based off a show put on by the Society of Antiquaries in 2007 at the Royal Academy of Arts in celebration of the organization’s 300th anniversary. Because Yale’s British Art Center is the largest study center and museum devoted to British art outside of the United Kingdom, it was a “natural partner” to host the society’s treasures stateside, said Maurice Howard, president of the Society of Antiquaries and a professor of art history at the University of Sussex. “[The show] forces you to look at the role of chronicle carefully,” said Elizabeth Fairman, the British Art Center’s senior curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts. “It’s not just [about] country, it’s all mankind.” Fairman worked with Nancy Netzer, the director of the McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College, to curate the show in collaboration with the Society of Antiquaries, of which Fairman and Netzer are fellows. Three years ago, Netzer approached the society about a possible U.S. exhibit, having seen the show at the Royal Academy, which Netzer said was meant to be the final stop on a three-year tour in Britain. Before coming to Yale, where it will remain on view through late
May, the exhibit was displayed at the museum at Boston College. Fairman said “Making History” is the British Art Center’s most complicated show to date, given the number of objects in the exhibit and a challenging two-week installation process. For instance, the mid-15th century “Roll Chronicle,” an illuminated ink-on-parchment work recording Henry II’s descent from Adam and Eve, required a case specially manufactured to accommodate its 40-foot length. Due to its age and size, Fairman said the “Roll Chronicle” has never been displayed before and will likely never go on display again. The exhibit is divided into eight thematic sections, showcasing works such as a manuscript copy of the Magna Carta, a Late Bronze Age shield, William Morris woodblocks, the first aerial photograph taken of Stonehenge and Turner watercolors. Fairman said she wanted to prevent viewers from becoming preoccupied with viewing the artifacts in any particular order, eschewing a setup that would organize the rooms in a linear fashion. Howard said his his greatest hope for the show is for American students and scholars to begin asking about the role of antiquaries in their home country. In addition to works lent by the Society of Antiquaries of London, the British Art Center drew on its own collection, as well as from those of the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, the Elizabethan Club of Yale University, Yale’s Lewis Walpole Library and the Yale University Art Gallery. The exhibit runs through May 27. Contact KAT HUANG at kat.huang@yale.edu .
Roland Lemar, pictured above during his time as Ward 9 alderman, now represents New Haven in Hartford, where he is supporting legislation to boost the state’s minimum wage by $1.50. The proposal will be introduced in the state legislature’s next session by Speaker of the House Chris Donovan. BY NICK DEFIESTA STAFF REPORTER This week, state Democrats introduced a proposal that would raise the minimum wage by $1.50 over the next two years. On Tuesday, Speaker of the House Chris Donovan of Meriden introduced legislation that would raise the minimum wage by $0.75 each year for the next two years, bringing it to $9.00 per hour this year and $9.75 per hour by the end of 2013. Other Democratic lawmakers signed on to Donovan’s plan, which also pegs future raises in the minimum wage to changes in the Consumer Price Index. State Rep. Roland Lemar, who represents New Haven, said that he is a “strong supporter” of the plan, which he called “responsible, rational, and good public policy.” “I know a lot of my constituents are forced to take whatever job they can get, and often times that’s a minimum-wage job,” said Lemar, who represented East Rock’s Ward 9 on the New Haven Board of Aldermen until fall 2010. “They deserve not to live in poverty when they’re working 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year.” Lemar added that the proposal would ensure that the state’s lowest wage earners can keep up with inflation.
Gov. Dannel Malloy, who in the past six months has signed legislation enacting a state-based earned income tax credit and paid sick leave — two proposals aimed at improving living conditions for middle- and low-income families — has been supportive of increases in the minimum wage in the past. But with the state still undergoing a protracted economic recovery, Malloy indicated he thought now might not be the best time to change the minimum wage. “While [Malloy] certainly supports the ideals behind this legislation, we must be mindful of the needs of businesses, especially given the current economic climate,” Malloy spokesman Andrew Doba said in a Tuesday statement. At its current minimum wage of $8.25, Connecticut is tied for the fourth-highest minimum wage, behind Washington, Oregon and Vermont. Opponents of the hike such as Andrew Markowski of the National Federation of Independent Business, an association representing small and independent businesses in the United States, have argued that raising Connecticut’s minimum wage while nearby states still have minimum wages much lower — the minimum wage is $7.25 in New York and New Jersey — would hurt job-seekers by pushing new businesses elsewhere and reducing the
incentive of employers to hire new workers. But Lemar said pegging changes in the minimum wage to inflation would actually help businesses by allowing for predictable changes in the minimum wage from year to year, instead of legislature-driven “jumps” every few years. While Lemar said he understood that many of the state’s businesses are struggling, he said he is confident that businesses can handle small increases in wage growth based on his observations over the past two years. Increasing the wages of lowerwage workers, Lemar said, would help the economy in its own way by injecting money into cities across the state. “People who make minimum wage spend those dollars in their communities at a greater rate than anyone else,” said Lemar. “It’s ultimately going to end up helping workers and businesses across the board.” While she said she did not know how an increase in the minimum wage might affect New Haven businesses, City Hall spokeswoman Elizabeth Benton ’04 said the change would not have any effect on city employees due to New Haven’s living wage ordinance, an expansion of which was sponsored by former Ward 1 Alderman Michael Jones ’11 and
passed last summer. The city’s living wage ordinance sets a higher standard than Connecticut’s minimum wage, establishing the minimum wage the city must pay its employees and the employees of major city contractors at $14.67 per hour. The living wage ordinance, Benton said, “affirms the city’s belief” that city workers should be paid above the poverty level. The proposed state minimum wage law, Lemar said, would help all of New Haven’s minimum wage workers who do not fall under the city’s living wage ordinance. “The minimum wage reaches far more workers citywide [than the living wage] — it’s a solid first step that we need to take,” Lemar said. “Ideally, we’d be in a position to create a living wage guarantee for all of our residents.” Lemar said supporters of the minimum wage plan have a “strong fight” ahead of them. But he also said he expects to see more and more advocates come out in support of the plan, which will be brought before the legislature during this year’s legislative session beginning on Feb. 8. The federal minimum wage has been set to $7.25 per hour since 2009 . Contact NICK DEFIESTA at nick.defiesta@yale.edu .
Bespoke to close, transform BY BEN PRAWDZIK STAFF REPORTER Bespoke Restaurant and Lounge, known for its popular French-inspired food and lengthy property dispute with Yale, will close its doors this Saturday as the venue’s owner begins renovations to open under a new name — ending the restaurant’s nearly six-year run in New Haven. In its wake will come a new, Moroccan-style venue called Gilt, which will employ Bespoke’s current chefs and staff members. Lauren Kendzierski, Bespoke’s owner, said that after having hosted several successful events with Yale students, she is looking to change the restaurant’s concept to better fit the nightlife model that she finds students are looking for. “After being open five years, we just want to change it up and do something different — less of the stark, dramatic modern that’s kind of drifting past in the architectural scene,” Kendzierski said. “It’s going to be a remarkable change.” Kendzierski has been the owner of Bespoke for just over two years, having taken control of the restaurant after the prior owners and original founders — Arturo Camacho and Suzette Franco-Camacho — left New Haven and their business in 2010. The two had been engaged in a lengthy and costly legal dispute with the University over a strip of walkway that connected the rear of the restaurant to a back lot. Yale purchased the back lot in 1999, but the Franco-Camachos had since tried to establish own-
ership of the walkway through “squatter’s rights.” In 2005, the University placed a metal gate in front of Bespoke’s back door along what the University said was its property border. The gate could only unlock from Yale’s side and was placed so close to the back door that the door could only open partially. Both parties entered into a settlement in 2007, agreeing to share the property. But shortly after a judge confirmed the settlement, the University backed out because the deal did not mention Yale’s property rights to the area and because the Yale lawyer who negotiated the agreement did not have the authority to do so in the first place, the University told the News in 2007. Yale later refused to renew the Franco-Camachos’ lease on their other restaurant, the popular Latin-fusion eatery Roomba, and effectively forced the eatery to shut down in June 2007. The settlement was upheld in New Haven Superior Court in 2009, and Yale lawyers appealed the decision. Even though an appellate court ruled in favor of the Franco-Camachos in 2010, the owners sold both the building and the restaurant to relocate and start two new restaurants in Branford. The couple told the News in 2010 that a combination of the loss of Roomba, legal expenses and the emotional toll of years of litigation led them to seek a new beginning outside the Elm City. While Bespoke’s closing marks the end of a restaurant that was marked through its history as having a tumultuous relationship with Yale, Kendzierski said she is
Bespoke will end a six-year history in New Haven when it reopens under a new name this weekend. on good terms with the University. She explained that the decision to close Bespoke and reopen as Gilt had nothing to do with Bespoke’s legal history and is solely about updating the concept of the restaurant. Kendzierski said the renovations that will convert Bespoke to Gilt include new furniture, decoration and menus. She added that she loves the aesthetic of Moroccan style and its French influence. Gilt’s new theme, she said, will include brown leather seating as well as gold-silver and tiletop tables to create a lounge area “unlike anything in New Haven.” Kendzierski said the restaurant is purchasing a wrought-iron door that will “add an Old World feel” along with several tables imported
from India. Some students said they are disappointed by Bespoke’s closing. Four undergraduates interviewed said that they enjoyed eating at Bespoke in the past and were sad to hear of the closing, yet interested in what Gilt will offer. “Bespoke’s decor is really nice and the vibe is great — it’s relaxing and cozy,” Emily Gray ’13 said. “The food is good too — I went for my birthday and I had the best salmon in my life.” Kendzierski said that the renovation process will not change the layout of the space, and Gilt will open next Friday. Contact BEN PRAWDZIK at benjamin.prawdzik@yale.edu .
YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · yaledailynews.com
“Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it.” ADAM SANDLER AMERICAN ACTOR AND COMEDIAN
Plan for new science labs revised KLINE FROM PAGE 1 “It’s recognized all across the faculty that science teaching facilities need significant improvement,” O’Connor said. Though administrators canceled plans for the Undergraduate Science Center, Levin said Yale may renovate SCL or build a new facility to add teaching space that the Undergraduate Science Center would have provided. He added that no specific plans have been discussed yet. The original plan for the Undergraduate Science Center, designed by Freelon Group Architects, would have added two floors to SCL and demolished KCL. The addition would have housed research labs and all of Yale’s teaching laboratories, which are currently spread out across several buildings, Levin said. Administrators hoped the Undergraduate Science Center would become a “new hub of activity” on Science Hill with its many amenities, including a dining hall, student lounge and fitness center,
chemistry professor Charles Schmuttenmaer said. Despite the downsized plans, Levin said he did not expect science recruiting to be affected.
It’s recognized all across the faculty that science teaching facilities need significant improvement. TIM O’CONNOR Deputy Provost for Science and Technology “We’re going to have stateof-the-art teaching labs one way or the other, it doesn’t matter whether they’re in Sterling or in a separate building,” Levin said, adding the University would have them “in reasonably due time.” Three of four students interviewed who use SCL said the lab needs of renovation and lacks
study space. “Especially with cell bio or orgo, it’s helpful to learn things with other students, and it would be a lot easier if you could do that with other students here, rather than having to go down Science Hill,” Andrew Briggs ’15 said. Ishan Kumar ’15 said that SCL is in poor shape compared to other science buildings at Yale, which he said may hurt scientific recruiting. “Compared to some of the other science buildings, this building isn’t something you’d want to show to prospective science students to lure them here,” Kumar said. The Undergraduate Science Center was one of several construction projects to be affected by the recession. Others included the new residential colleges, the Yale Biology Building and renovations to Hendrie Hall. Contact TAPLEY STEPHENSON at preston.stephenson@yale.edu and CLINTON WANG at clinton.wang@yale.edu .
TIMELINE SCIENCE HILL 2005-’08 Yale develops plans for an Undergraduate Science Center. 2008 The economic recession puts the Undergraduate Science Center on hold. FEB. 2011 Yale considers how to build the teaching labs the Center would have housed. DEC. 2011 The Yale Corporation approves the renovation of the Kline Chemistry Laboratories as an alternative.
JAN. 2014 Expected completion date of the Kline Chemistry Laboratories.
Kline Chemistry Laboratory will be renovated beginning this summer.
YES to continue unchanged ER&M becomes stand-alone major YES FROM PAGE 1 YES-W will operate similarly and invite a comparable number of attendees. He added that the program is running on a trial basis, and that administrators plan to expand YES-W if it generates positive feedback again.
Stronger students from [STEM] fields are coming in and we want to encourage them to attend Yale. JEREMIAH QUINLAN Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Admissions Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry professor Michael Koelle, who helped coordinate YES-W in 2011, said the weekend benefited both Yale applicants and enrolled students because it brought together a community of people interested in science and engineering. He added that Yale currently does not have enough undergraduates interested in these fields to use all of the University’s undergraduate resources. “There are more labs that we’d love for undergrads to use than there are undergrads to use them, which is really a rare situation among Yale’s peer institutions,” Koelle said. “This program is by far the biggest thing Yale has done to try to recruit science and engineering students. It’s a quantum
leap compared to anything done before.” As in 2011, this year’s weekend will include tours of Yale’s science facilities, a symposium of undergraduate student research, lunches and master classes with professors, and a forum on student research opportunities. Events last February also included a scienceoriented extracurricular bazaar and a game called “Yale Junk Wars” in which participants built machines out of random objects. Quinlan said the Admissions Office has tried to space out YES-W events this year, after students who participated in the 2011 program said they found it slightly overscheduled. While the prospective students invited to YES-W have not formally been admitted, Quinlan said those applicants later receive “likely letters” from Yale, indicating that they will likely be admitted if they remain in good academic standing. “In the past five years, both the size and strength of STEM [science, technology, engineering and mathematics] students has increased,” Quinlan said. “Stronger students from those fields are coming in and we want to encourage them to attend Yale. [YES-W] is part of that effort.” Osama Zayyad ’12, president of Yale’s Biomedical Engineering Society, said YES-W both showcases Yale’s science and engineering resources and combats the perception that the University is primarily focused on the humanities and social sciences. Regular decision applicants
to Yale College will be notified of their admissions decisions in April. Contact ANDREW GIAMBRONE at andrew.giambrone@yale.edu and CLINTON WANG at clinton.wang@yale.edu .
YES-W attendees toured Yale’s engineering and science facilities as well as the School of Medicine and Yale-New Haven Hospital, and could observe a range of undergraduate science classes. MASTER CLASSES
Science and engineering professors presented lectures in Kroon Hall about their research, as well as projects and research by Yale undergraduates EXTRACURRICULAR BAZAAR
More than 20 science and engineering student groups gathered in the Morse Common Room to expose prospective students to Yale’s extracurricular options.
ER&M FROM PAGE 1 will deepen students’ knowledge of the different methodologies used to study ethnicity, race and migration and also create a “cohort effect” so that students in the major get to know each other before senior year. In another change, students in the major will have the opportunity to fulfill their senior requirement through a senior seminar paper rather than a senior thesis, he added. When requirements of majors change, the next year’s freshmen will have to follow the new requirements, while sophomores can choose either the old or new set of requirements, Gordon said. Students could first major in ER&M major in 1997, but it remained on a trial basis that required regular review until until 2008, Pitti said. Since then, its faculty and monetary resources have grown: Several faculty members have been tenured, and the program moved into a new location at 35 Broadway this year. Pitti said these changes made faculty in ER&M “feel confident” that they could sustain the program as a standalone major. “We’ve been careful [in the past] about not promising a service that we were unsure we could actually provide,” Pitti said. Elizabeth Saldana ’14 said she was “thrilled” to learn of ER&M’s new stand-alone status and intends to pursue it as her
r e c y c l e r e c y c l e r e c y c l e r e c y c l e
only major. “[ER&M] was something I was interested in, but I wasn’t willing to continue it as a second major,” Saldana said, adding that she would have majored in American studies if she was unable to study ER&M on its own. Two other sophomores who are majoring in ER&M said they still plan to double major and will not be affected by the change. A fourth sophomore, Angelica Calabrese ’14, said she is considering double majoring in ER&M and anthropology but that having the option of doing ER&M by itself could be useful. Faculty at Thursday’s meeting also voted to officially separate molecular, cellular and developmental biology and ecology and evolutionary biology into two majors. The areas were made into two tracks within the biology major in 2001 but still operated independently, said Paul Turner, chair of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department. Turner said separating the two majors will simplify the process of changing requirements for degrees in biology. Currently, faculty in both the MCDB and E&EB departments must approve any changes to the biology major, he said. In addition, the new E&EB major is likely to increase the flexibility of its requirements, Turner said. Within the biology major for current juniors and seniors, the E&EB track requires more courses than the MCDB track, but the number of require-
ments in the new majors will be more similar, he said. Biology faculty are also discussing altering the introductory biology sequence and collaborating with the Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry Department on the course. In environmental engineering, which currently offers two B.S. degrees — a B.S. in environmental engineering and a B.S. in engineering sciences (environmental) — and a B.A. degree, the two B.S. degrees will be merged into one. Paul Van Tassel, chair of the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department, said having two rather than three degree options will “more closely match the career goals” of students in the major. The new version of the B.S. degree will also align more closely with internationally recognized ABETaccredited engineering degrees, which may allow the department to pursue accreditation for it in the future, Van Tassel added. Because there are less than four faculty members in environmental engineering, having fewer degree options also ensure that there will be faculty available to teach all the required classes, said Jordan Peccia, director of undergraduate studies for environmental engineering. The votes approved changes endorsed by the Committee on Majors earlier this year. Contact ANTONIA WOODORD at antonia.woodford@yale.edu .
YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · yaledailynews.com
“Weaker than men, women have to be indirect in getting what they want; they cannot simply insist” HARVEY MANSFIELD, “MANLINESS”
‘Manliness’ tea incites backlash BY HOON PYO JEON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Harvey Mansfield sparked controversy among students Thursday afternoon when he outlined his beliefs about “manliness.” Mansfield, a professor of political science at Harvard University, discussed the concept of manliness in front of roughly 30 people in the Pierson College master’s house. In the talk, which was hosted by the William F. Buckley Program at Yale, Mansfield described the various components of manliness, how these have evolved over time, and what the different stereotypes of men and women are today. Before Mansfield’s talk began, Pierson College Master Harvey Goldblatt asked audience members to respect the speaker, reminding them that the “hallmark of Yale has been free exchange of ideas and civil discourses.” Earlier that day, Goldblatt had also emailed members of his college asking them in allcapital lettering to “hear somebody else’s views, no matter how distasteful.” Mansfield published a book entitled “Manliness” with the Yale University Press in 2006. Previous drafts of his work had been rejected for their controversial content at Harvard University Press and the University of Chicago Press, among other publishers, Mansfield said. At the start of his talk, Mansfield described the “philosophical implications” of the term “manliness.” He argued that although traditional gender roles no longer exist in today’s society, the two main traits of manliness — confidence and command — are still considered attractive. He also praised the idea of “gentle-
men,” arguing that these men are not weak, but rather “gentle” by choice. In addition to advancing his concept of manliness, Mansfield also acknowledged its flaws. He cited Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer as an example of excessive manliness, which he said often leads to pettiness, arguments and boasting. When applied to politics and international relations, Mansfield said excessive manliness can even result in war.
He’s a buffoon, and he made a mockery of Pierson College and Yale University. ANDREAS KOLOMBOS ’14
“War is central to politics because manliness serves as the inspiration for both,” he said. “Without war, though, what is the future of patriarchy, the rule of males?” As he traced the historical development of manliness, Mansfield said the concept has traditionally carried an aristocratic connotation. But he highlighted Alexis de Tocqueville’s depiction of “democratic manliness,” which emphasizes equality and freedom of expression, as an example of how manliness has evolved to be compatible with both aristocratic and democratic societies. Today, Mansfield said he considers “modern manliness” to be the ability to show confidence when confronting risks. Mansfield also discussed stereotypical traits of men and women. Men are often considered rational, abstract and ide-
A Thursday Master’s Tea wth Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield sparked controversy over Mansfield’s ideas of gender roles. alistic, he said, while women are thought to be emotional, empirical and realistic. Students in the audience had strong reactions to Mansfield’s comments. Andreas Kolombos ’14 said he was frustrated by the talk and found it offensive. “He’s a buffoon, and he made
a mockery of Pierson College and Yale University,” Kolombos said. “His views are destructive, appalling and horrifying.” Emily Poirier ’15 said Mansfield’s claims were not academically rigorous or objective. Poirier said she thought Manfield’s comments were “misguided” and based on personal opinion rather
than scholarly work. But Harry Graver ’14 said he thought Mansfield’s talk opened up Yale to discussing genderrelated issues. “The issue of gender at Yale is not evaluated often,” Graver, also a staff columnist for the News, said. “He was able to provide an intellectual, thoughtful opinion
that is often not heard on campus.” In addition to his book on manliness, Mansfield has also published on Aristotle, Machiavelli and other political philosophers. Contact HOON PYO JEON at hoonpyo.jeon@yale.edu .
Gambling facility reopens in Long Wharf
New renovations to Winners Sports Haven include the addition of flat screen televisions and a restaurant. BY MONICA DISARE STAFF REPORTER
STUDENTS AND FRIENDS GATHER TO HONOR FORMER MASTER About 150 convened in the Branford College dining hall Thursday evening to witness the unveiling of artist Steven DiGiovanni’s portrait of Steven Smith, the college’s former master. Current Branford master Elizabeth Bradley made opening remarks, and Branford students shared their reflections of the 15-year master, “father figure and friend.”
With its grand reopening earlier this week, New Haven’s gambling epicenter now offers a more refined experience for greyhound and horse race betting. Sports Haven, now known as Winners Sports Haven, a gambling facility on Long Wharf Drive, has been newly renovated over the past year, and now offers a restaurant and VIP rooms. Sports Haven was purchased along with 14 other venues across Connecticut in late 2010 by Sportech, a U.K.-based gambling corporation. Sportech, which gave each of these venues the brand name “Winners,” invested $3.5 million in renovating these facilities, over $350,000 of which was spent on Sports Haven. “The reason we’ve invested all this money [is] it’s a great fun night out for a group of people,” said Phil Balderamos, Sportech’s vice president of consumer marketing. Although it does not offer in-house racing facilities, Winners Sports Haven provides a venue to view and place wagers on live televised horse racing, harness racing, greyhound racing and the Basque sport of jai alai. The 55,000-square-foot facility also includes the Shark Bar, a bar featuring a 2,000-gallon fish tank including tropical fish and “exotic” sharks, according to the facility’s website. Winners Sports Haven’s renovations included adding flat-screen televisions, new VIP rooms, and the complete refurbishing of the jai alai viewing room and horse racing room. The horse racing room now has “hundreds” of TVs where patrons can view horse racing tracks from North America and the world, Balderamos said. Another addition to the facility is Michael’s, an Italian restaurant. Nearby businesses are enthusiastic about the prospect of Winners Sports Haven drawing new customers to the Long Wharf district, which the city has struggled to
revitalize in recent years. “I think it’s a wonderful thing,” said Edward Varipapa, the executive chef and owner of Leon’s Restaurant, located on 501 Long Wharf Drive, who added that new businesses “bring more people into the area.” Val Capobianco, the general manager of Brazi’s Italian Restaurant, located at 201 Food Terminal Plaza in Long Wharf, agreed that the new development is good for his neighborhood. “I think it’s a growing area,” said Capobianco of the Long Wharf neighborhood, which includes the Yale Medical Building, Ikea, restaurants, hotels and the Long Wharf Theatre. Capobianco addded that he has seen members of the Yale community bring business to the Long Wharf area’s restaurants and theater. The Long Wharf Theatre, which has been based in along the New Haven Harbor since 1965, has not seen any increase in sales, said Steven Scarpa, its director for marketing and communications. Still, Scarpa said, with the help of members of the Yale community, the theater has maintained steady attendance and continues to thrive in the neighborhood. “It’s been a wonderful place for us to be, a unique place, Scarpa said. “Being at Long Wharf has become an intrinsic place of our identity.” It is difficult to tell whether Yale students often frequent Winners Sports Haven, said Balderamos, but “there has been a younger audience coming over.” He said he is looking forward to the upcoming horse racing season, which sees its biggest events in March. Only two of 12 undergraduates interviewed Thursday said they had heard of the Long Wharf neighborhood, but five more said they had visited it when given its description. Contact MONICA DISARE at monica.disare@yale.edu .
YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · yaledailynews.com
The maximum age undocumented students may be to gain DREAM act protection. Harvard continues to lobby Congress in favor of the law, which would grants contidional residency to students 16 or under as long as they fufill certain requirements.
Univ. reports lobbying funds
Seminar examines Occupy
BY HANA ROUSE AND JUSTIN WORLAND STAFF WRITERS Harvard’s Office of Federal Relations spent $510,000 on lobbying Congress in 2011, according to public records filed with the House of Representatives and the Senate. According to the forms, Harvard had an interest this year in legislation including the DREAM Act, Stop Online Piracy Act, and the PROTECT IP Act; the federal budget; and bills related to college tuition and university endowments. To help the University in its lobbying efforts, Harvard employed Washington law firm O’Neill, Athy & Casey at an additional cost of $120,000. During the fourth quarter of 2011, Harvard reported spending $120,000. In that time, the University listed the Stop Online Privacy Act and the PROTECT IP Act among the bills on its radar screen. Opponents of SOPA and PIPA argued last month that the bills represented an attack on personal freedoms and innovation, while supporters saw them as crucial to combatting online pirating. The bills were put on hold after considerable opposition from popular websites such as Google and Wikipedia and from the public. Though the University has not expressed a stance on those bills to members of Congress, Harvard lobbyists are keeping an eye on the legislation, according to a statement from Kevin Casey, Harvard’s senior director of federal and state relations.
“We generally list bills if we are moni to r i n g [them] and our comHARVARD munity is engaged,” Casey wrote about SOPA and PIPA. “So while no one on our Federal Relations team was in touch with any members to express a position on the bills, they did gather information and are continuing to monitor the bills.” The University continues to lobby members of Congress in support of the DREAM Act, which University President Drew G. Faust has publicly endorsed since 2009. If passed, the bill would grant conditional permanent residency to undocumented students who immigrated to the United States before the age of 16, under the condition that they graduate from high school and complete either two years of higher education or two years of military service. Harvard’s expenditure on lobbying was second-highest among Ivy League universities. At $610,000, Yale spent the most in 2011. Over the past decade, Harvard has spent millions on lobbying, with per annum expenditures fluctuating between $440,000 and $1.17 million. Harvard’s lobbying budget reached its peak in 2007, when the Higher Education Act—originally passed in 1965—was considered for reauthorization.
BY DAVID CHUNG NEWS EDITOR The Occupy movement returned to College Hill Monday afternoon, but neither protesters nor banners were in sight. Instead, about 20 students could be found in Wilson 101 discussing the social and economic grievances that sparked the movement last September. This semester, Derek Seidman AM’05 PhD’10 , visiting assistant professor of history, is teaching HIST1977O: “The Occupy Movement in Historical Context,” a seminar that will examine the Occupy movement’s place in the international community and American history and trace its roots as far back as the New Deal of the 1930s. In light of the social, economic and political developments of the past year — from
the Arab Spring to the economic crises in southern Europe to BROWN Occupy W a l l Street itself, all of which contributed to Time magazine deeming “the protester” the person of the year — Seidman called this a crucial moment in history, as the economic and political tensions that have built up over decades are taking visible form. It is unclear if and how the concerns will be addressed and the problems dealt with, he told The Herald. “What’s a liberal arts education for if not for trying to tackle the burning issues of your day?” he added. Occupy Wall Street and the movements it has spawned in cities across the globe are nota-
ble because they reflect a widespread dissatisfaction among the public, Seidman told The Herald. But due to its sheer size and spread, the Occupy movement as a whole is “very messy.” It has no singular set of demands, and the strategies Occupiers adopt in tackling issues vary by location. The seminar will provide students an opportunity to take a “sober look” at the movement from an academic perspective, he said, letting them “unpack it and analyze it.” The course will not only explore history but also draw from sociology, political economy and political and moral philosophy to foster a debate on “what kind of world we should live in,” Seidman said during the seminar’s first meeting Monday. Students will examine the tactics of 20th century social movements in the United States, including
Professor Derek Seidman brings sociology and philosophy to his class on the Occupy Movement.
the labor and civil rights movements and that of wealthy businessmen against the New Deal. The seminar will also focus on more recent developments such as the recession of 2008, searching for answers behind the growing debt, foreclosures and inequality in the U.S. Seidman and students will place the Occupy movement within this historical framework and then dive in further to explore its debates internally. Seidman’s expertise lies in the history of social and political movements. He is also currently teaching HIST1754: “Democracy and Inequality in the United States Since the New Deal,” and as a doctoral student at Brown, he wrote his dissertation on the history of active-duty protest during the war in Vietnam. Ovidia Stanoi ‘15, who is enrolled in the class, said that after meeting a homeless man with “very intellectual thoughts” as Occupy Providence was starting up last year, she became interested in learning more about the movement. Stanoi, who hails from Romania, an ex-communist country, told The Herald protests in her country had previously been rare. But with the spread of the movement across Europe, Occupy protests hit the country during winter break. “What led to the changes?” she asked. Jessica Papalia ‘13 is also interested in viewing the Occupy movement in an academic setting. Papalia attended Occupy Providence’s general assemblies and demonstrations and participated in workshops with students from local colleges to discuss the ways in which they could contribute.
YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · yaledailynews.com
TODAY’S FORECAST A slight chance of rain and snow showers before 9pm. High of 44, low of 28.
High of 43, low of 26.
High of 42, low of 28.
ON CAMPUS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4 9:00 AM TEDxYale 2012. Led by a dedicated team of avid TEDsters who strive to support a global community of innovation by showcasing students, faculty, alumni and community leaders who are pursuing revolutionary ideas. Apply for a ticket at www. tedxyale.com/#events/apply. Sheffield Sterling Strathcona Hall (1 Prospect St.), Room 114. 2:00 PM “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” Named one of Bravo’s “100 Funniest Movies,” this 1974 British comedy film parodies the legend of King Arthur’s quest to find the Holy Grail. Yale Center for British Art (1080 Chapel St.), lecture hall. 7:00 PM Yale Anime Society: Historical Showing. “Saiunkoku Monogatari” is about an emperor who is no longer interested in courtly matters. To solve this problem, a girl from an important but no longer wealthy family is invited to be an imperial concubine. The other anime that will be shown is about the story of a female bodyguard that saves the life of an imperial prince who happens to be harboring the spirit of a water demon. William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall St.), Room 119.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5 1:00 PM “Cape No. 7.” This 2008 film, the highest-grossing film ever produced in Taiwan, portrays the rise of a small-town rock band and the discovery of a cache of undelivered love letters from 1940s Japanese-occupied Taiwan that become the catalyst of another intercultural love affair, 70 years later. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), auditorium.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6 5:00 PM “Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.” Ezra Vogel will speak about how Deng was able to raise over 300 million people from the poverty line and the devastation of the Cultural Revolution. Luce Hall (34 Hillhouse Ave.), Room 203. 6:00 PM MultiFaith Council Meeting. A great way to distress from the hectic Yale schedule, the MultiFaith Council meets over dinner and discusses religion and spirituality. Bingham Hall (300 College St.), basement.
y SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS ONLINE yaledailynews.com/events/submit DOONESBURY BY GARRY TRUDEAU To reach us: Questions or comments about the fairness or accuracy of stories should be directed to Max de la Bruyère, Editor in Chief, at (203) 432-2418. Bulletin Board is a free service provided to groups of the Yale community for events. Listings should be submitted online at yaledailynews.com/events/ submit. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit listings.
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YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · yaledailynews.com
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Police blamed for Egypt stampede deaths BY MAGGIE MICHAEL AND SARAH EL DEEB ASSOCIATED PRESS CAIRO — Security forces clashed Thursday with stonethrowing protesters enraged by the failure of police to prevent a soccer riot that killed 74 people, as sports violence spiraled into a new political crisis for Egypt. The deaths Wednesday night in a post-match stadium riot in the Mediterranean city of Port Said fueled anger at Egypt’s ruling military and the already widely distrusted police forces. Many in the public and in the newly elected parliament blamed the leadership for letting it happen — whether from a lack of control or, as some alleged, on purpose. Survivors of the riot described a nightmarish scene in the stadium. Police stood by doing nothing, they said, as fans of the winning home team, Al-Masry, attacked supporters of the top Cairo club, Al-Ahly, stabbing them and throwing them off bleachers.
A narrow exit corridor turned into a death trap as crowds of fans fled into it, only to be crushed against a locked gate as their rivals attacked them from behind. A network of zealous Al-Ahly soccer fans known as Ultras vowed vengeance, accusing the police of intentionally letting rivals attack them because they have been among the most aggressive of Egypt’s revolutionaries. Ultras were at the forefront of the anti-government uprising — first against toppled leader Hosni Mubarak a year ago and now against the military that took his place in power. “Either they will die or we will die,” one Ultra said, referring to the police, as he joined a march by some 10,000 people on the Cairo headquarters of the Interior Ministry, which oversees the security forces. He would only give his first name, Islam, for fear of reprisal by police. The march turned into a call for the ruling military council of generals, led by Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, to surrender power.
“Say it out loud, the council must leave!” the marchers chanted, shouting to people in residential buildings along the way. “Get down from your balconies, Tantawi killed your children!” The military has faced protests for months led by secular and liberal youth groups demanding an end to its rule — and the soccer riot added to criticism that the generals have mismanaged the transition from Mubarak’s rule. Opponents accuse the generals of being as autocratic as the ousted president and of preserving much of his regime. They say elements in the police and former regime figures have been working behind the scenes to undermine the revolution and prevent real change. “We dreamed of change. They fooled us and brought us a field marshal instead,” protesters chanted Thursday as they reached the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square. Some called for the execution of the military rulers. Many raised flags of the Al-Ahly club and Zamalek, another top Cairo team with its
NYPD accused of profiling BY MATT APUZZO, ADAM GOLDMAN, EILEEN SULLIVAN AND CHRIS HAWLEY ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — The New York Police Department recommended increasing surveillance of thousands of Shiite Muslims and their mosques, based solely on their religion, as a way to sweep the Northeast for signs of Iranian terrorists, according to interviews and a newly obtained secret police document. The document offers a rare glimpse into the thinking of NYPD intelligence officers and how, when looking for potential threats, they focused their spying efforts on mosques and Muslims. Police analysts listed a dozen mosques from central Connecticut to the Philadelphia suburbs. None has been linked to terrorism, either in the document or publicly by federal agencies. The Associated Press has reported for months that the NYPD infiltrated mosques, eavesdropped in cafes and monitored Muslim neighborhoods with plainclothes officers. Its spying operations were begun after the 2001 terror attacks with help from the CIA in a highly unusual partnership. The May 2006 NYPD intelligence report, entitled “USIran Conflict: The Threat to New York City,” made a series of recommendations, including: “Expand and focus intelligence collections at Shi’a mosques.” The NYPD is prohibited under its own guidelines and city law from basing its investigations on religion. Under FBI guidelines, which the NYPD says it follows, many of the recommendations in the police document would be prohibited. The report, drawn largely from information available in newspapers or sites like Wikipedia, was prepared for
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly. It was written at a time of great tension between the U.S. and Iran. That tension over Iran’s nuclear ambition has increased again recently. Police estimated the New York area Shiite population to be about 35,000, with Iranians making up about 8,500. The document also calls for canvassing the Palestinian community because there might be terrorists there. “The Palestinian community, although not Shi’a, should also be assessed due to presence of Hamas members and sympathizers and the group’s relationship with the Iranian government,” analysts wrote. The secret document stands in contrast to statements by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who said the NYPD never considers religion in its policing. Kelly has said police go only where investigative leads take them, but the document described no leads to justify expanded surveillance at Shiite mosques. The document also renews debate over how the NYPD privately views Muslims. Kelly has faced calls for his resignation recently from some Muslim activists for participating in a video that says Muslims want to “infiltrate and dominate” the United States. The NYPD showed the video to nearly 1,500 officers during training. Documents previously obtained by the AP show widespread NYPD infiltration of mosques. It’s not clear, however, whether the May 2006 report prompted police to infiltrate the mosques on the list. One former police official who has seen the report said that, generally, the recommendations were followed but he could not say for sure whether these mosques were infiltrated.
A current law enforcement official, also familiar with the report, said that since it was issued the NYPD learned that Hezbollah was more political than religious and concluded that it’s not effective to monitor Shiites. Both insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the program. On Thursday, Kelly described the document as a “contingency plan,” though that is not mentioned in the document and there is nothing indicating what would trigger such a contingency. “This was a 2006 document that talked about what we would do if there were hostilities involving Iran,” he said. “It seems to me that it would be prudent for us to have plans in that regard.” Neither David Cohen, the NYPD’s top intelligence officer, nor department spokesman Paul Browne responded to emails or phone calls from The Associated Press this week. Iran is an overwhelmingly Shiite country, but Shiites are a small percentage of the U.S. Muslim population. By contrast, al-Qaida is a Sunni organization and many U.S. leaders consider Shiite clerics as allies in the fight against homegrown extremism. Shiites are often oppressed overseas and many have sought asylum in the West. The document is dated just weeks after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told Congress that, “We may face no greater challenge from a single country than from Iran.” Even now, the U.S. remains particularly concerned with Iran, not only because of its nuclear research but also because intelligence officials don’t believe they know how Iranian sympathizers inside the United States would respond if the two countries went to war.
own group of Ultras. The crowds approached the ministry from multiple sides. Some tried to dismantle walls of large concrete blocks that had been erected on streets leading to the ministry after November clashes. Others tore away barbed wire barriers. Protesters hurled stones at lines of riot police, who responded with heavy barrages of tear gas that sent the crowd scattering, some passing out and falling. Protesters set tires on fire, sending up black smoke as motorcyclists ferried away the injured. One young man who climbed atop a traffic light waving a flag was unmoved even as he was engulfed in a cloud of gas. “We are just across the street from the ministry,” said one protester, Taha Mahfouz, wearing a helmet and waving a club that he had taken from riot police. “They can’t protect their own stuff. How can they protect the country?” The Health Ministry said 388 protesters were injured, most overcome by gas.
An Egyptian protestor flashes the victory sign as he stands near a bonfire during clashes with the security forces in downtown Cairo, Egypt.
Trump endorses Romney BY BETH FOUHY AND KASIE HUNT ASSOCIATED PRESS LAS VEGAS — Donald Trump on Thursday announced his endorsement of Mitt Romney for president, saying the former Massachusetts governor is “not going to allow bad things to continue to happen to this country we all love.” The reality show host and real estate mogul appeared with Romney and his wife, Ann, at a packed news conference at the Las Vegas hotel that bears Trump’s name. Romney said he was honored to receive the endorsement, but hoped even more to win the endorsement of Nevada voters. The state holds presidential caucuses Saturday. The endorsement came after a topsy-turvy set of events that suggested Trump might endorse Newt Gingrich. Gingrich’s camp had been so confident of winning the real estate mogul’s backing that it had leaked word Trump would support the former House speaker. Speaking with reporters before the announcement, Trump said he had several meetings with Romney during the past several months and that those meet-
ings helped influence his decision about an endorsement. He also cited Romney’s debate performances and tough stance on China as reasons. Trump, who publicly had expressed less-than-enthusiastic support for Romney, said his past comments were a reflection of not knowing the former Massachusetts governor very well. “I never knew him. I knew of him and respected him, but I really got to know him over the past few months,” Trump said. “I’ve had numerous meetings with him.” Gingrich’s camp was so confident of Trump’s endorsement that those close to the former House speaker confirmed it Wednesday night for news organizations, including the AP. One of those officials said Trump had “sent signals” to Gingrich that he would support him. That individual declined Thursday to elaborate on what those signals were. On a tour of a Las Vegas manufacturing facility Thursday, Gingrich made clear he wasn’t getting Trump’s backing. “No,” the former House speaker replied when asked if he was expecting Trump’s endorsement. He added that he was amazed at the attention Trump was getting.
The real estate mogul and reality TV show host is known for being unpredictable, and the circus-like atmosphere surrounding the planned endorsement almost seemed designed to gin up interest in the event. Trump had mused as recently as last month about running for president as an independent and, in interviews, has suggested that he wasn’t enthusiastic about Romney’s candidacy. In an interview with CNN last April, Trump dismissed Romney as a “small business guy” and suggested Bain Capital, the venture capital firm where Romney made his millions, had bankrupted companies and destroyed jobs. “He’d buy companies, he’d close companies, he’d get rid of jobs,” Trump said of Romney. Romney has staked his candidacy on his credentials as a businessman and has pushed back at Gingrich and other rivals who have criticized Bain’s practices. Romney also turned down an invitation to participate in a presidential debate that Trump planned to moderate in Iowa in December. Trump canceled the debate after all the candidates except Gingrich and Santorum refused to participate.
Donald Trump speaks at a news conference in Las Vegas, Thursday, Feb. 2, 2012, to endorse Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, center, accompanied by Romney’s wife Ann.
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YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · yaledailynews.com
PEOPLE IN THE NEWS PEYTON MANNING The injured quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts was cleared to resume his NFL career by the doctor who performed the neck fusion surgery in September. The Colts’ new offensive coordinator Bruce Arians said the team would add a new quarterback to the roster in 2012.
Coach two wins from 500 W. BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12
Captain and forward Michelle Cashen ’12 averages 8.4 points per game and plays an average of 26.1 minutes per game.
Yale back on home turf
ington, Florida State and the University of Southern California before arriving at Yale. Gobrecht currently holds a 498–423 career coaching record, and recorded 73 of those wins as head coach of the Bulldogs (11–7, 3–1 Ivy). Vasquez has been a major part of Gobrecht’s success at Yale since her arrival two years ago. She started 14 of her 28 games as a freshman and averaged a team-high 11.5 points per game. Vasquez continued to lead the team in scoring last year and increased her average to 13.6 points per game while earning All-Ivy First Team Honors. This season she has reached a seasonhigh 23 points three different times, but she will have to eclipse that mark to take her career total from 953 to 1,000 points over the next two games. The Bulldogs are coming off of a strong showing last weekend when they beat Harvard for the third time in a row on Friday in Cambridge and followed up that
performance with a dominating 24-point victory at Dartmouth. But team captain Michelle Cashen ’12 said the team knows that the greater challenge lies ahead.
It’s always great to get a sweep on the road, but we have a tough weekend coming up for us. MICHELLE CASHEN ’12 Captain and forward, women’s basketball “It’s always great to get a sweep on the road,” Cashen said, “but we have a tough weekend coming up for us so we can’t let these games give us big heads.” The Bulldogs will face the Quakers tonight at Penn followed by a critical matchup at Princeton the next day. Penn is 1–2 in the Ivy League, with its only victory coming over winless Columbia,
and the Quakers (8–9, 1–2 Ivy) should not pose a serious threat to the Elis, but the real challenge will come on Saturday. The Bulldogs will face the first-place Tigers (13–4, 3–0 Ivy) tomorrow in a game that will have serious implications for both teams’ Ivy League title hopes. Yale currently sits in second place after having unseated Harvard last Friday, and if the team wins both of its games this weekend it will emerge no worse than tied for first place with a 4–1 conference record. Harvard and Princeton could also be 4–1 after this weekend, but the Bulldogs would hold the head-to-head tiebreaker against both teams and would be sitting in pole position in the Ivy League for the rest of the season. If they do not win, the Elis are likely to come out of the weekend in third place and will be forced to play catch-up the rest of the way. Tipoff tonight is scheduled for 7 p.m. Contact JOHN SULLIVAN at john.j.sullivan@yale.edu .
Elis to host Quakers, Tigers
Forward Kenny Agostino ’14 has scored eight goals for the Bulldogs so far this season. M. HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 ing to salvage a point in the ECAC standings. After Friday night’s matchup, the Elis will welcome Clarkson (12–11–5, 6–5–3) on Saturday. Clarkson is currently fourth in the ECAC but only two points ahead of the Bulldogs, who sit at sixth. On the stat sheet, the Golden Knights stick out in one area in particular — penalty minutes. Clarkson is fourth in the nation in penalty minutes, averaging exactly 18 minutes per game, almost seven minutes more than the Bulldogs average. O’Neill said Clarkson was
a physical team when the two teams last met. Against both teams this weekend, special teams will be a big factor. The last time they played St. Lawrence and Clarkson, the Bulldogs went just 2–13 on the power play and conceded three power play goals to Clarkson. The Elis appeared to rebound last weekend in this respect, going 1–3 on the power play and allowing only one power play goal in seven attempts. The Bulldogs, whose special team units have consistently been among the best in the nation this season, will have to continue last weekend’s rebound to find success this
weekend. “We’re definitely prepared for the challenge [on special teams],” Young said. “Special teams can always play a major role, but we feel that we have a strong enough power play and a strong enough penalty kill to win that battle.” The puck drops at 7 p.m. for both Friday night’s matchup against St. Lawrence and Saturday night’s game against Clarkson. Contact JIMIN HE at jimin.he@yale.edu and KEVIN KUCHARSKI at kevin.kucharski@yale.edu .
Big meet for Bulldogs SWIMMING FROM PAGE 12 This is not the case for Harvard or Princeton. Swimmer Molly Albrecht ’13 said the winner of this meet determines the in-season champions, a title both Harvard and Princeton are pursuing. Harvard and Princeton have enough swimmers to rest more of their teams for the meet, said Luu, and with the inseason championship on the line they “have a lot more to prove.” He added that he believes Harvard especially, has more pressure since it is hosting the meet. The Yale-Harvard-Princeton rivalry is not all that lends intensity to the meet. At most dual meets teams must designate three swimmers in each event who can score for the team. If an undesignated swimmer posts a time fast enough to score points, they are not eligible to contribute to the team’s points. At the YaleHarvard-Princeton tri-meet, all swimmers in the pool have the opportunity to contribute to the team score. Weaver said this means swimmers are “racing to their max.” Success at this meet would be a good sign for the rest of the season. Albrecht said most of the top swimmers in the league will be at this meet, so it is a chance for the
Michael Grace ’13 was held to just one point against Harvard but scored six points against Dartmouth.
The men’s team has not competed since facing Penn and Dartmouth on January 14. Bulldogs to show their strength in the league. The women’s team is especially interested in proving itself after its fifth place finish last year at Ivy League Championships, Weaver said. The men’s team also hopes this meet will propel it into the final part of its season. “It would be a huge stepping stone and a huge confidence booster heading into the meet
against Brown and going into the conference meet,” Luu said. The adrenaline created by the Harvard, Princeton rivalry may help swimmers post faster times, Luu added. The Harvard, Yale, Princeton tri-meet will take place today through Sunday at Harvard. Contact MONICA DISARE at monica.disare@yale.edu .
success this season. The Tigers in particular have won several big games, defeating Rutgers in New Jersey 59–57 on Dec. 7 and then traveled down to defeat Florida State 75–73 in triple overtime on Dec. 30. Both teams have plenty of talent on the court, and Jones said that limiting both teams’ stars would be key. “Both teams have one extremely good player,” Jones said. “Penn has two … We have to make sure we limit them.” Tiger forward Ian Hummer is averaging 17.5 points and 7.5 rebounds per game. Quaker point guard Zack Rosen is averaging 18.8 points and an Ancient Eight-high 6.2 assists per contest. Rosen — one of 10 finalists for the Lowe’s Senior Class Award — is aided on the court by his fellow senior and forward Tyler Bernardini ’12. Despite the challenges presented by the
Quakers and Tigers, the Bulldogs are looking forward to getting back on the court following a disappointing showing last weekend. The Elis fell to archrival Harvard 65–35 and only just scraped out a 62–52 win against lastplace Dartmouth the next night. Forward Greg Mangano ’12 said that the Bulldogs are ready for redemption. “They’re two of the top teams in the League,” Mangano said. “It’s a chance to prove that we just played bad last weekend.” Jones did find one positive in last weekend’s loss to the Cantabs — the fans. “We played a disappointing game,” Jones said. “But even at the last [basket] we made, [the fans] were still cheering.” The Bulldogs tip off against the Quakers tonight at the Lee Amphitheater at 7 p.m. Contact CHARLES CONDRO at charles.condro@yale.edu .
MBBALL Duke 75 Virginia Tech 60
MBBALL Murray State 81 Semo 73
NBA Grizzlies 96 Hawks 77
SPORTS BASKETBALL PLAYERS EARN ACADEMIC HONORS Reggie Willhite ’12 and Austin Morgan ’13, right, earned Academic All-District I honors, with the opportunity to advance to the Academic All-America Team ballot later this month. Willhite leads the Ivy League in steals, and Morgan in free throw percentage
NHL Jets 2 Lightning 1
TRACK AND FIELD INDOOR INVITE AT COX CAGE Women’s track and field will host the 8th Annual Giegangack Invitational this Friday and Saturday. It will be the last meet before the Harvard-Yale-Princeton trimeet. Last week Annelies Gamble ’13, Nihal Kayali ’13 and Emily Cable ’15 all ran season-best performances.
SOCCER Chievo 2 Novara 1
“Anyone who said it’s just another dual meet has never been there before. CHRISTOPHER LUU ’12 CAPTAIN, MEN’S SWIMMING
YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 · yaledailynews.com
North Country foes come to Ingalls BY JIMIN HE AND KEVIN KUCHARSKI STAFF REPORTERS January was a cruel month for the Yale men’s hockey team.
The Bulldogs are looking to carry the momentum of their come-from-behind 5-4 win against Dartmouth into this weekend.
Three times under head coach James Jones Yale has beaten Penn and Princeton back-toback at home. It would behoove the Bulldogs to make it four times this weekend.
M. BASKETBALL The Elis (13–5, 3–1 Ivy) will host Penn (11–9, 3–0 Ivy) tonight and then Princeton (10–9, 1–2 Ivy) tomorrow to kick off the final 10-game stretch of the season. Since the Ivy League champion and automatic bid to the NCAA tournament is determined based on the best record during the
14-game Ivy League schedule, players realize there is little room for error. “We don’t think Harvard’s going to drop that many [games],” guard Sam Martin ’13 said. “Anything less than 12–2 isn’t going to win the League.” He added that regardless of the records of the two teams, the Penn and Princeton weekend is traditionally a challenge. Historically the numbers back Martin up: the Bulldogs are a combined 149–288 against the Quakers and Tigers. Penn and Princeton, who have won at least a share of 46 of the 55 Ancient Eight basketball championships, have continued their SEE M. BASKETBALL PAGE 11
Yale preps for Princeton, Penn BY JOHN SULLIVAN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Two milestones are in sight as the women’s basketball team hits the road this weekend to take on Penn and Princeton. Head coach Chris Gobrecht is two wins away from her 500th career coaching victory, and guard Megan Vasquez ’13 needs only 47 more points to reach the 1,000-point mark for her career.
W. BASKETBALL Gobrecht began her Division I coaching
Swimmers head to H-Y-P
Top Ivy rivals await men’s basketball BY CHARLES CONDRO STAFF REPORTER
The Bulldogs notched just three victories in nine games, dropped to the bottom half of ECAC standings and lost their national ranking. But things may be looking up for the Elis. After a tough 4–3 loss to Harvard last Friday night, Yale rebounded in a big way against Dartmouth on Saturday. Despite going down 4–1 after one period of play, the Bulldogs (9–10–2, 6–7–1 ECAC) fought back to take a 5–4 victory. The Elis will need to take that momentum into this weekend’s action in order to break out of their slump. “We’ve been playing well for the last couple weekends but just haven’t gotten the results,” captain Brian O’Neill ’12 said. “The win against Dartmouth gives us some momentum, so its crucial that we take it into this weekend.” Leading the charge for the Bulldogs will be O’Neill. The forward was recently named ECAC Player of the Month for January after playing some of the best hockey of his Yale career. O’Neill notched eight goals and 14 points in the Elis’ January games and bumped his team-leading totals up to 13 goals and 25 points for the season. O’Neill’s eight goals were the most among all Division I players and helped him move up
to 12th in the nation in goals per game (.62). O’Neill said that when the team plays well, he plays well because he gets more scoring opportunities. The biggest question of the weekend for the Bulldogs is whom head coach Keith Allain ’80 will put between the pipes. The past two weekends, the Elis have had little continuity in net with Nick Maricic ’13 and Jeff Malcolm ’13 each starting one game each weekend. The Elis have allowed 13 goals over those 14 games with the two allowing seven and six goals, respectively. “No matter who is in net, everyone goes out and does their job,” defenseman Gus Young ’14 said. “Whoever is playing in net that night will go out and do the best they can to win, and that goes the same for our defensemen and forwards.” St. Lawrence (8–15–3, 4–9–1) has fared even worse than the Elis since the two sides last met. The Saints have dropped their past four games and been shut out in their past two. Over the course of the four games, the Saints have been outscored 18–4 including a 4–0 loss to ECAC bottom-feeder RPI (7-18-1, 4-9-1). The Bulldogs narrowly avoided defeat at the hands of the Saints three weeks ago. After falling behind 3–1 early in the game, the Bulldogs mounted a comeback and tied the game up with less than five minutes remain-
Last year in the Harvard-Yale-Princeton meet, the men’s and women’s teams both took third place. BY MONICA DISARE STAFF REPORTER
career over three decades ago when she took the helm of a struggling Cal State Fullerton program in 1979. She quickly turned the program around, compiling an 18–12 record in only her third season at the school. In her sixth and final season coaching the Titans, Gobrecht led them to a 19–11 record and their first-ever appearance in the Women’s National Invitational Tournament, earning her recognition as a finalist for national Coach of the Year honors. After Cal State Fullerton, Gobrecht coached at the University of WashSEE W. BASKETBALL PAGE 11
The undefeated record of the men’s swimming and diving team (5-0,4-0 Ivy) will be on the line this weekend when it takes on Harvard and Princeton in Cambridge, Mass.
SWIMMING The men’s teams at Harvard (4-1,4-0 Ivy) and Princeton (5-0,4-0 Ivy) are also undefeated in the Ivy League, and consistently beat Yale last season. Yale’s women’s team (3-1,3-1 Ivy) brings only one loss to the tri-meet, while both Harvard (5-2,5-0 Ivy) and Princeton
(4-0,4-0 Ivy) remain unbeaten in the conference competiton. The winners of both meets are expected to be in-season champions of the Ivy League. “Anyone who said it’s just another dual meet has never been [To H-Y-P] before,” Christopher Luu ’12, the men’s team captain said, “The atmosphere is pure electric.” It is this atmosphere that has both teams excited for the big meet. “Morale is great,” said Luu. “People are getting fired up for this weekend,” Swimmer Joan Weaver ’13 said the women’s team is similarly excited. She called this the “most energetic” dual meet of the year
because it has more tradition and more pressure than any other dual meet. Although anticipation for this meet is mounting, the team’s training has not changed. Both teams have their “eyes on Ivies” Weaver said. They are striving to race their fastest at Ivy League Championships in late February, which means neither the men’s nor women’s teams will be fully rested or tapered for this meet. Since this is primarily an opportunity for the Bulldogs to get in racing form for Ivies, the teams are unconcerned about their rankings in the meet, Weaver added. SEE SWIMMING PAGE 11
THE NUMBER OF POINTS MEN’S HOCKEY CAPTAIN BRIAN O’NEILL ’12 HAS EARNED IN HIS YALE CAREER, GOOD FOR FIFTH PLACE ALL TIME ON THE SCHOOL LIST. O’Neill was named the ECAC Hockey Player of the Month for January after scoring 14 points, including eight goals.